PZC Minutes 10-02-2012 (2);_ z AVON col O k\ 0 O Call to Order (5:00pm) Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for October 2"d, 2012 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street The meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm. It. Roll Call All commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Losa III. Sign Design Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 850 Nottingham Road Applicant: Chuck Boncordo, YESCO / Owner. Winner Storage Description: A sign design application to replace the existing building mounted sign with a building mounted blade sign in the same location. The blade sign will consist of individually mounted pan channel letters with internal illumination. In addition, a freestanding cabinet box sign is being proposed. The cabinet sign will be internally illuminated and will consist of a stucco base. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the staff report and the application. Commissioner Struve questioned the approved color for the repainting of the buildings and how that corresponded with the proposed sign colors. Commissioner Prince further asked about the colors of the signage. Rick Bellefeuille, YESCO, presented photos and discussed the application. Commissioner Green asked about the location of the building mounted signage. Dialogue ensued regarding the width of the signage. Rick Bellefeuille responded that moving away from cabinet signage is understandable due to the lack of attractiveness. He discussed options for improving the signage to make it appear more "professional" and less bright. Commissioner Green had concern with the light drift and the type of signage being proposed. He stated that he is not aware of "pole signage" as typically the base is the same width as the sign. He stated that it is the least expensive type of sign that can be proposed. He had no issues with the type of sign and felt the reverse cut metal as discussed would be a benefit to the sign. Commissioner Minervini suggested alternative locations for building mounted signs in -lieu of the freestanding sign. K - .Z IV. Commissioner Prince stated that there is not conformance with review criteria #2 and 5 for the freestanding sign. He feels the blade sign is generally acceptable. He stated that the red should match or be complementary to the approved red color for the repaint. Commissioner Clancy suggested external illumination and the color scheme needs to gel with the approved color scheme. He agreed with most of Commissioner Prince's comments. Commissioner Anderson had no further comments. Commissioner Struve stated that the IC zone district area is upgrading their respective looks. Commissioner Minervini echoed the comments from the other commissioners. Commissioner Green asked about landscaping at the base of the sign. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the blade sign and table the monument sign. Commissioner Clancy seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. Master Sign Program Property Location: Lot 72, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 110 Beaver Creek Blvd Applicant. Monte Park, Sign Design and Graphics / Owner. Buck Creek Plaza Condominium Association Description: A new Master Sign Program (MSP) for the Buck Creek Plaza building. The MSP consists of 6 sign locations, 4 facing west and 2 facing south, for tenant identification. The MSP sets forth standards for sign frames, sign locations, and lighting, but allows individual designs for tenant panels. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the Master Sign Program for the Buck Creek Plaza. He highlighted the types of the signs and the locations. He discussed the "broken borders" request as well as the sign lighting. Commissioner Minervini asked if there were photographs of the existing signage. He also questioned what remedy the PZC and Town have for offensive sign language. Staff did not respond. Commissioner Minervini asked if existing signage would be removed from the site. Jared Barnes responded that it would, but adding that as a condition of approval would be beneficial. Commissioner Struve asked if a monument sign was proposed. Jared Barnes responded that it was not because the property couldn't meet the setback requirements of the code. Commissioner Anderson questioned if the lighting proposed was Dark Sky compliant. Staff responded affirmatively. Commissioner Green asked about the length of the mounting arm for the light fixture. Commissioner Minervini requested that the applicant be present at the meeting and suggested a tabling. He requested additional information on the sign lighting, and questioned the need for a 21% increase in allowable sign area. Commissioner Struve agreed with Commissioner Minervini and also requested a representative of the building owner be present. a - Commissioner Prince commented that the increase in sign area isn't a concern to him, but he did suggest that the building should have trash and boxes stored out front be cleaned up. Commissioner Clancy echoed the comments on lighting previously made. He also commented that the lighting is opted for at the tenant's discretion and could create a scenario that only half of the sign is light. Commissioner Anderson supported the increased sign area. He also commented that the lighting should be clarified. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to table the application. Commissioner Prince seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. V. Code Text Amendments Staff has prepared a list of potential Code Text amendments to the Avon Development Code ("ADC") sections that have been earmarked for possible amendments. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker discussed the various sections of the Avon Development Code that both Staff and the PZC have identified as potential amendments. Commissioner Struve asked about the noticing distance and wondered if that could be increased. Commissioner Green suggested that amendments to similar sections of the code should be bundled and reviewed in one code text amendment process. Matt Pielsticker suggested that the Historic Preservation code amendment be moved forward first and then get Town Council input on the remainder of these Code Text Amendments. Commissioner Green suggested the 35 day review period for PUD be added to the list as well. VI. Approval of Meeting Minutes • September 4, 2012 Draft Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Commissioner Prince seconded the motion and it passed 5-0, with Commissioner Green abstaining due to his absence at the previous meeting. VII. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. APPROVED on this 14nd Day of November, 2012 SIGNED: CS) . 1 P44-8btime, Chair G'iIA5 CaeB-A--p ATTEST: Scott Prince, Secretary