PZC Minutes 06-25-2012 (2)AVON C O L O R A D O I. Call to Order Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for June 25, 2012 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm IL Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda Remove June 11 and move 1-70 as Item VII and Pedestrian Mall will be item VIII. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioners Anderson and Losa disclosed conflicts with Item VII, Avon Pedestrian Mall Improvements. V. Consent Agenda June 5, 2012 Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Prince moved to continue the July 5, 2012 Meeting Minutes with the noted corrections. There was a second to the motion by Commissioner Anderson. Tamara Underwood addressed the PZC. She expressed concern with the Town Council and how they had lost their way. Ms. Underwood said that PZC and the public have not been afforded the opportunity, and asked the PZC to demand from Council the due process rights. She again urged the PZC to demand as much time as needed for a thorough review of the PUD application that was not on the agenda for the evening. VI. Minor Design & Development Plan - Continued Northside Coffee and Kitchen Property Location: Lot 4, Buck Creek PUD / 14 Nottingham Road Applicant. Dominic Mauriello, MPG / Owner. • Millmore, LLC Description: Installation of a parking area for 7 additional parking spaces. Other improvements include extension of a retaining wall to the north side of the property, moving of the existing trash enclosure for the Northside Coffee and Kitchen, removal of existing landscaping and installation of new landscaping. Discussion: Jared Barnes highlighted Staffs report and attachments. Reviewed at the June 5, 2012 meeting and PZC comments made at that meeting. He went through the landscaping changes since the last meeting which includes relocating nine (9) aspen trees onto Lot 4. Staff still was concerned with a future use of Lot 4 and requested the 9 aspens be addressed in the License Agreement. Jared Barnes explained the AEC request for the reduced perimeter lot landscaping requirements. He also stated the code violations (i.e. I jPage parking on non -hardened space(s), lighting, and signage) have been addressed since the last meeting. Commissioner Struve asked if there was a difference between temporary and permanent parking requirements. Jared Barnes responded that the code does not differentiate. Chris Green asked what kind of shrubs are in the plan. Jared Barnes responded that the exact species was not specified but that they would be native and drought tolerant. Dominic Mauriello, representing the owner, gave a presentation and highlighted the proposal. Dominic Mauriello clarified that there would be larger evergreens in addition to moving nine aspen tree clumps. Additionally, when parking goes away in the future the landscaping would be replanted and/or rehabilitated. Dominic Mauriello clarified per the comments that the shrubs would be native and likely no taller than 36" at maturity. Commissioner Anderson asked why the applicant did not choose larger trees where the row of shrubs were indicated at the head of the parking spaces. Dominic Mauriello explained how the shrubs were the only landscaping improvements located in the Town ROW and not within Lot 4; therefore they decided that shrubs would be less impactful to snow and other road maintenance operations. Commissioner Prince asked the applicant if they could actually physically meet the required parking lot perimeter landscaping requirement or if it was impossible. Dominic suggested varying requirements for landscaping for different situations given that each site is different. Commissioner Green clarified that there are 2 issues at hand: 1) Alternative Equivalent Compliance, and 2) Minor Design and Development Plan. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the applications with the conditions listed in the staff report. There was a second to the motion by Commissioner Anderson. Commissioner Prince asked if staff could work the applicant to ensure that there would be no fruit -bearing shrubs on the final landscape plan. Commissioner Clancy mentioned that the parking lot perimeter landscaping requirement should be looked at in the future for clarity. Commissioner Losa explained why he would vote against the application. In his opinion there appeared to be too much crammed onto a small lot, and it was not realistic. He did mention that he was all for commercial business promotion in Town but that this did not appear to meet the criteria. Commissioner Minervini echoed Commissioner's Anderson and Clancy's comments. He did not think the code worked and wanted to support commercial business success, but should not throw out the code to achieve this. Commissioner Clancy asked the applicant if the spaces were for employees only. Dominic Mauriello stated that it would be signed for compact spaces and encouraged for employees but that it could not be limited to employees only. Commissioner Prince stated that the applicant had adequately addressed the landscape requirement to provide screening for parking spaces. Commissioner Green added that the shrubs should not be limited to 3' at maturity, and to make sure that the shrubs be reviewed with staff. The motion to approve passed with a 5-2 vote. VII. Avon Pedestrian Mall Improvements — Continued Description: A Development Plan application to approve locations of pedestrian paths, removal of the bus turnaround, installation of hardscape material, and creation of an events lawn. 2 1 P a g e Discussion: Jim Horsely, Project Engineer, opened up with a recap of the background on the project and introduced Pedro Campos, the designer hired by the Town to complete all design plans for the project. Pedro Campos presented the changes to the project since May. The Commission requested clarification with respect to what is on the table and what was being requested for approval. Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, stated that Council directed staff to get the job completed in 2012 during CIP discussions and so this update would lead to construction drawings. Commissioner Clancy asked if there was still more work to be done. Justin Hildreth responded that the Town still needed to cut loose on construction drawings and pricing before bidding could take place. Commissioner Clancy asked if the drawings provided an accurate representative of the two deck patios — Ticinios and China Garden. Pedro Campos stated that the B&W drawing sheet, LS1.01, is the accurate representation of the patios; however, the paths indicated on the drawings were not accurate. Dominic Mauriello, representing Wyndam and Lot 61, expressed his support for the plan as presented and that Wyndam would possibly enhance the streetscape improvements. He explained that the Lot 61 project is active with a complete new team, including OZ architecture, and that any/all issues that came up during previous meetings have been addressed. Commissioner Minervini asked Pedro Campos if Sheet G1 was the preferred plan. Pedro Campos explained that the final was with less hardscape but an iteration of C-1. Action: Commissioner Clancy moved to approve the mall improvements on LS1.01 as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Struve and the vote passed 5-0. VIII. 1-70 Regional Transportation Center Minor Amendments - Continued Property Location: Lot 1A & Tract AA Swift Gulch Subdivision / 500 Swift Gulch Road Applicant/Owner.- Town of Avon Description: A Minor Amendment application to review design modifications to the bus bam. The modifications are a result of the project design being over budget. Changes include modifications to materials and colors. Discussion: Justin Hildreth highlighted the changes to the design plan for Swift Gulch. Commissioner Green requested clarification for the color that was to be used on the south side of the building. It was clarified that the columns that support the roof overhangs would be same as steel same color on the adjacent garage doors. Also, the stone base would be 3' tall. The final modification involved modifications to the size and shape of the windows above the garage doors on two building elevations. Commissioner Green asked what the design detail would be for the columns. Justin Hildreth stated that the columns would be design build and likely wrapped in steel. It was stated that all of the LRV levels were compliance with the Municipal Code. Commissioner Minervini liked the changes to the white stucco columns as recommended in a previous meeting. Commissioner Losa questioned what color the snow guards were. Justin Hildreth responded that the guards would match the adjacent roof structure colors. Commissioner Prince wanted to see the elevation from the highway. The engineers showed the relevant elevation as expected from Interstate 70. Commissioner Clancy stated that, with exception of columns, he liked the original approved design plan the most. He said that the stone helps the overall project. 3 1 P a g e Commissioner Anderson was in support of columns, stone, and the color meets the intent of the regulations. However, he was not in support of the removal of the arched windows or stone, and that the stone added to the architectural style and quality of the project. Commissioner Green agreed with comments on the windows. He wanted to see the South elevation to understand where green color would go. Commissioner Green also reiterated that removing stone from the base of the building takes away from architecture we have, but can't comment on that piece since it was already approved. Action: Commissioner Anderson moved to approve the additional design modifications with the exception that the windows above bay doors remain arched. He clarified that the stone and columns would be approved as proposed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Struve. Commissioner Clancy asked if we approved stone at the prior meeting. Jared Barnes clarified that the materials and colors were not approved. Commissioner Losa added that the stone would get beat up around the base if it were built as originally proposed. Commissioner Prince was not supportive of the change to the application, specifically with its minimized materials and less than 2 materials on each elevation. The motion to approve passed with a 4-3 vote. IX. Other Business • Pedro Campos commented on the landscaping unit requirements as discussed during Item VI, and felt that they should be revisited. • Commissioner Clancy out in August all meetings • Commissioner Prince stated that he would be out for the August 7"' meeting. • Commissioner Minervini would be absent for the July 170' • VAA meeting scheduled is scheduled with Council and special meetings with PZC would be forthcoming. • Commissioner Prince asked that the landscaping requirements be revisited once we get through the Village PUD and there is time X. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:17pm. APPROVED on this 13th Day of August, 2012 SIGNED: Chris Green, Chair ATTEST: Scott Prince, Secretary 41Page