PZC Minutes 03-03-2009 (2)HLART or lbe VALLEY I I WORK SESSION (S:OOpm — 5:30pm) Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2009 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:35 pm Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Evans III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no amendments IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Lane stated that he had a Conflict of Interest on Item VII., PUD Amendment, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Wildwood Resort V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the February 17, 2009 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Roubos seconded the motion. It was approved 5-0 with Commissioner Lane abstaining. VI. Minor Project Property Location: Lot 64, Block 3, Wildridge / 4271 Wildridge Road West Applicant: /Owner. Kyla Marsh Description: The applicant is proposing to modify an existing structure by adding livable space above the existing garage. The addition will utilize similar windows to the existing structure as well as stucco as an exterior building material. The stucco will match the existing home's color. The addition will have a pitched roof with asphalt shingles. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented Staffs report. Kyla Marsh, owner, gave a brief overview of her proposal. Commissioner Struve asked the applicant what the materials under the gable on the north and south elevations are proposed to be. Kyla responded that the wood siding would match the existing residence. Commissioner Lane commented that some key use of siding would enhance the architecture. He agrees with staff. Commissioner Prince agreed with Staff and commented that the asphalt shingles should match the tiled roofs. 1, Commissioner Roubos commented that three roofing materials are not acceptable and she would prefer that the tile roofing be replaced with shingles. Commissioner Struve agreed with the comments made about the roofing materials and the greater architectural interest. Commissioner Goulding commented that the gabled addition does not appear to match the design of the home. Commissioner Struve asked about the height calculations for an addition versus a new home. Jared Barnes responded that the calculation would be done in the same manner for both using the original plan sets. Commissioner Green stated that the gabled roof does not appearjo be compatible with the architecture. He also had comments on the windows and how they appeared to match the existing structure. Action: Commissioner Goulding moved to table the application. Commissioner Prince seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. VII. PUD Amendment — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Wildwood Resort / Buck Creek Road Applicant: Brian Sipes, Zehren & Associations /Owner. Oscar Tang Description: The applicant is proposing to amend the existing Wildwood Resort PUD Plan and Guide documents; and to further subdivide the existing Wildwood Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, and 3, into a total of six (6) lots and two tracts. The proposed is planned to allow for new land uses, including but not limited to: fire station hub with separate administration building, 42 townhome units, Montessori school with office space, and natural science school campus with employee housing. There is a corresponding Preliminary Subdivision application that is tracking concurrently with this zoning application. Discussion: Matt Gennett presented Staffs Report. He highlighted the site layout, the proposed uses on each new lot, and the similarities between the proposed development standards and certain Town Zoning districts. Commissioner Roubos questioned the need for setbacks and what the ramifications are for encroachments. Matt Gennett stated that the stream setback is a town standard and its intent is to avoid degradation of live streams and other such natural waterways. Commissioner Green also questioned the potential disagreement with the Planning and Zoning Commission approving an encroachment that is not acceptable to the Department of Wildlife. Matt Gennett stated that are not any foreseeable legal issues with the results of a Planning and Zoning Commission's decision. Commissioner Green asked why there was no development agreement presented with this application. Eric Heidemann responded that no development agreement has been drafted yet because the application has not received any formal recommendation from the Commission and a development agreement may not be required. Dave Kaslek, Zehren Associates, presented the public benefits of the project. He highlighted the vast reduction of development rights from those currently in place, the new location for the fire station, a school location, reducing the affordable housing requirements, capping the gross home size to 2,700 square feet, and providing the extra water rights for the Town of Avon's future use. Dave Kaslek commented on the future round -a -bout and restated that this proposal does not create the need for a round -a -bout. He also stated that the project intended to house 50% of the generated housing demand by providing, attainable housing on Lot 3 and employee housing for the teachers working at both schools. rt Dave Kaslek stated that all of the building heights were lowered by at least 2 feet and in some cases 5 feet. Commissioner Roubos questioned the potential round -a -bout at Buck Creek Road. Justin Hildreth stated that there was a planned round -a -bout, but due to the lower development on this site there is no longer a need for a round -a -bout there. He did state that there will be a round -a -bout at Swift Gulch Road. Dave Kaslek presented the details on the two proposed encroachments into the stream setback. Commissioner Roubos asked why the Science School would want to encroach into the setback. Markian Feduschak, on behalf of the Gore Range Natural Science School (GRNSS) responded that the setback is a political setback not an ecological setback. He stated that the buildings would have an impact, but the encroachment would have no greater impact than the general buildings placement. The Public Hearing was opened. Brian Woodall, representing the owners of the Golden Eagle site, questioned the impact of the round -a -bout on the property to the south of this proposed PUD site. Justin Hildreth confirmed there would likely be an impact, but that any future, potential impacts are not directly related this application. The public hearing was closed Commissioner Roubos questioned the phasing for the PUD. Dave Kaslek stated that the project would start on either the north sidel or the south side of the proposed site. He said that there are fundraising efforts for both the Fire Station site and the GRNSS. Commissioner Roubos asked when the townhomes would be constructed. Dave responded that there is no set date for the townhouse construction. Markian Feduschak stated that the Gore Range Natural Science School planned to have minimimal construction necessary for a successful campus. Chief Moore stated that the Fire Station is working on the financing for the building. He stated that the two buildings would most likely be built at the same time due to finances. Commissioner Roubos stated she thinks the application is great and much better than what is presently allowed under the current (Wildwood Resort SPA) zoning. Commissioner Prince agreed with Commissioner Roubos and appreciated the new proposal and how the encroachments were explained. Commissioner Struve stated that the application is well done and likewise appreciated the addressing of the comments made by the Commission at the previous meeting. Commissioner Goulding revisited his concerns from the previous meeting and commented on the changes made to address his concerns. He feels that the height was successfully addressed, but has concerns with the housing. He stated the attainable housing generated was planned to be mitigated with market rate housing and the attainable housing. Dave Kaslek responded that the applicant was not able to propose anything to ensure that the housing was available for locals. Commissioner Goulding stated that there is a need for a high level of landscaping to help mitigate the hard-scaped areas and development. He also questioned the traffic study and the agreement of the Town. Justin Hildreth stated that he did agree with the results of the study and it was reviewed by a third party analyst who is also in agreement. Commissioner Goulding also commented on the phasing and the future construction appears to be designed as independent modules. He also commented on the setback encroachments. He stated that any other use would not even be up for debate, so essentially the use is driving 4 the variance. He stated that he wants the PUD to limit the site disturbance so that the town can ensure future development will not negatively affect the stream. Commissioner Goulding also stated that the PUD does not dictate the future architecture, but he wanted to comment that he expects a high level of architecture. He also wanted to know what the vesting on the property would be. Commissioner Green also commented on the construction of the buildings in the setbacks. He felt that it could be achieved with mature landscaping. He also questioned the AMI target range for the proposed townhouses. He commented that he was unsure how the PUD connected to the ECO trails system. He also wanted to ensure that the renderings provided are the minimum architectural standards for future development. He stated that he wants the sustainable design and construction on the Science School site carried through the entire PUD. Commissioner Goulding questioned the possible future vacancy of the buildings that encroach into the stream setback and how this might be handled. Commissioner Green stated that he felt a tabling would be beneficial to help button up the remaining stated issues with the PUD proposal. Commissioner Struve agreed that the proposal is not quite there yet. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to table the application and Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. The motion passed with a 5-0-1 (Lane recused) vote. VIII. Other Business • Future Training • Lot 61 Sale IX. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40. Approved on March 17, Chairperson Phil Struve Secretary