PZC Minutes 03-04-2008 (2)l,1 Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for March 4, 2008 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road WORK SESSION (5:OOpm - 5:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Work session is open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) Call to Order 5:30 pm H. Roll Call Chairman Evans absent, all other Commissioners present III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the February 19, 2008 Meeting Minutes Motion to Approve as written: Green; Second: Struve Vote: 5-0 (Commissioner Foster abstained) VI. Sketch Design Reviews A. Taylor Remodel Property Location: Lot 17, Block 4, Wildridge / 5617 Wildridge Road East Applicant. Aker Architects / Owner. Robert & Beth Taylor Description: Interior and exterior modifications to change an existing duplex into a single family home. Exterior modifications include changes to the north and south elevations as well as the west unit entryway. Jared Barnes gave a verbal presentation pursuant to the Staff Report for the subject proposal. Commissioner Goulding asked about the number of required parking spaces, Jared responded with three uncovered spaces. Commissioner Smith asked how large the single-family home would be, Jared replied with "approximately 7,400 sq ft". Kirk Aker provided a brief presentation based upon the proposal on behalf of the owner, with specific emphasis on Staffs suggestion to eliminate one of the entrances to make the structure appear more as a single-family residence. Commissioner Struve asked whether the applicant would be willing to screen the secondary, front entrance with landscaping, Mr. Aker responded with an affirmative. Commissioner Green asked whether the applicant felt the proposed changes do enough to make the existing, approved duplex appear as a single-family home on the exterior. Commissioner Lane agreed with Staffs comments and concerns as articulated in the Staff Report. Commissioner Foster stated it goes beyond just the second entry; it also involves the garage and the architectural stepping back between the two units. Commissioner Struve agreed with most of the other comments of the Commissioners and wondered whether the existing utility boxes could be addressed with this proposal. Commissioner Goulding said his concern relates to the unlikelihood of this design being approved if it were coming in as a new structure. There are three elevations that are presently fine, but the one elevation's design still reads as a duplex. Commissioner Smith agreed with the comments of Commissioner Goulding. B. Sutter Residence Property Location: Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge / 5712 Wildridge Road East Applicant/Owner. Ryan Sutter Description: A new single-family residence of approximately 3,800 square feet. The design utilizes mountain architecture with stone, wood, and stucco as the primary building materials. Jared Barnes gave a verbal presentation pursuant to the Staff Report for the subject proposal. Commissioner Goulding asked what some of the "unknowns" cited in the staff report might be. Staff answered with issues related to grades, retaining walls and other site planning issues. Commissioner Green asked whether, & what type, of metal roofs are allowed — staff answered by reading the pertinent section of the design guidelines into the record. Commissioner Goulding commented that healthy landscaping associated with the retaining walls that is well thought out and applied on the site. His other comment related to the vertical presence and appearance as viewed from the road. The applicant offered an answer to that comment. Commissioner Goulding went on to say the applicant has done a great job working with a tough lot. Commissioner Goulding summarized his comments by saying this is the type of high-quality home he likes to see in Wildridge. The applicant asked about landscaping and irrigation related to how to establish large trees in front of the retaining walls. Commissioner Struve echoed the comments related to retaining walls and said the applicant might want to consider moving the kitchen more to the front of the building due to the views. Commissioner Foster likewise echoed the concerns related to site work and retaining walls. Commissioner Lane expressed concerns over the use of stucco sills on the windows and inquired of the appearance of he arch. He also asked whether the header beam over the garage would be wood; the answer was yes. Commissioner Green expressed concern over the appearance of the arch and whether it might seem contrived. He also addressed the retaining walls, especially the ones in the back, and stated it might be good to step those walls back and out to the wings. Breaking up the large wall in the rear, while expensive, would be great for the design. The applicant replied by describing how difficult it will be to chase and catch the grade, but they will explore the possibilities for accomplishing this feat of breaking up and minimizing the verticality of the wall. Commissioner Green also expressed concern over the straight line, linearity of the tree plantings and the need for more natural appearing planting techniques. Commissioner Smith stated it is a tough lot and she agreed with all the other commentary. VII. Additions and Amendments to Title 17 of the Avon Municipal Code: Zoning Historic Preservation — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Description: The proposed Ordinance includes additions to Section 17.08 of the Avon Municipal Code (AMC), by including definitions for "Historic Preservation Committee" and "Historic Landmark." The amendment request would also create a new chapter, Chapter 17.50, "Historic Preservation Designation." The new chapter outlines eligibility for Historic Landmark designations within the Town of Avon, and includes procedures and incentives for Historic Landmarks. This application was reviewed and tabled from the February 19th, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, after receiving input from the Commission. Matt Pielsticker gave a verbal presentation pursuant to the Staff Memorandum. John Dunn gave clarification related to the Council having final say over this type of amendment and the procedural necessity of following the codified process for such an amendment to Title 17. Commissioner Smith opened the PUBLIC HEARING portion of the review, and upon acknowledging that no members of the public wished to speak on this item, the PUBLIC HEARING was closed. Commissioner Green expressed concern over the possibility of this Ordinance resulting in a "taking" and the owner's opportunity to speak. This ordinance could create a scenario where a third party wants to designate a location historic and without the owner's consent. The addition of the Planning and Zoning Commission approval adds and extra layer of review and public input. Commissioner Goulding stated a review and recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission is necessary. Commissioner Green clarified that Commissioner Goulding's statements correctly stated his intent. Commissioner Goulding clarified that this regulation is a standard in many locations. There are three bodies that will ultimately review the historical designation. Commissioner Struve stated that on a regular basis he has seen these types of regulation used as a move to stall development not as a tool to designate historical documents. Commissioner Goulding stated a public review process needs to be clarified as being an integral component of the Planning and Zoning Commission review and approval process. Also the "Shall" portion of the incentives should be changed to "may". The Commissioners want criteria language to be revised to state "to be 50 years or include following criteria:" Commissioner Goulding made a motion to approve Resolution 08-02 to approve Ordinance 08-02 with the comments that were stated during the review and summarized as follows: 17.50.020 - strike "and/or" and replace with "or"; Add procedural language to enable review by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and 17.50.040 - use "may" instead of "shall", and strike "if". Commissioner Foster seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. VIII. Other Business • Matt Gannett presented the proposed changes to the Master Sign Program for the Benchmark Plaza Building. The Commission directed Staff to approve the application, with the proposed changes, upon re -submittal. IX. Adjourn (at 6:50) APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairperson Phil Struve Secretary Q o�