PZC Packet 091807M 4+ � Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda for September 18, 2007 V O Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public c o l o R A D o Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road WORK SESSION (5:00pm - 5:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Work session is open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the September 4, 2007 Meeting Minutes. VI. Sketch Design — Wildridge Addition Property Location: Lot 8, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / O'Neal Spur Applicant: Eric Johnson, Architect/ Owner. Description: Design review for an addition to a single family residence accessed off of O'Neal Spur. The proposed addition is 1,100 sq. ft. and measures approximately 27 feet in height. The overall height of the existing structure is 31 feet. The addition to the residence utilizes horizontal and vertical wood siding, stucco, and stone on the exterior walls with pitched roof forms that use metal roofing and synthetic shakes. VII. Minor Project Applications A. Modifications to Final Design -"Two Residences" Property Location: Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2160 Longspur Applicant/ Owner: Patrick Campbell Description: Design change application to review the .elimination of windows, addition of windows, and color changes for exterior stucco. B. Benchmark Plaza Modifications Property Location: Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 48 E. BC Blvd. Applicant. Mistral, LLC/Owner. Luc Meyer Description: V. Mark Donaldson is proposing exterior modifications to the existing Benchmark Plaza Building (aka "The Boat Building"). The proposed changes include the addition of an entry with an anodized metal roof, a window wall system to replace existing windows, and the replacement of doors. Posted on September 14, 2007 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at httD://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions C. Avon Mini Storage Site/Building Modifications Property Location: Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 431 Metcalf Applicant: Mark Donaldson / Owner. Daniel F. Sunday Description: Exterior building modifications proposed include: new windows and balcony on south elevation, new door on west (back) elevation, new sliding door and balcony on east (front) elevation, conversion of 14' tall bay doors to 12' tall doors on east elevation, and new stucco color throughout. VIII. Sign Application - Avon Mini Storage Property Location: Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 431 Metcalf Applicant: Mark Donaldson / Owner. • Daniel F. Sunday Description: Design application for one additional sign at 431 Metcalf Road. The new proposed sign would match the existing tenant sign on the building in design and materials. IX. Other Business X. Adjourn Posted on September 14, 2007 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions i Lot 8, Block 2, wildddge Subdivision, Hecht Addition Sketch Design September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of AN "All roofs, except the flat portion thereof, shall have a rise of not less than 4 -inches in 12 -inches of distance. Primary roofs shall have a 4:12 minimum, and a 12:12 maximum. Secondary roofs shall have a 4:12 minimum, and metal roofs shall have a 3:12 minimum." A majority of the addition proposes a metal roof with a 3:12 pitch, with the exception of a small portion over the northern portion. Since the roof of the addition is a major portion of the proposed building, the roofs should be considered primary, therefore, requiring a minimum pitch of 4:12 -and a non metal roofing material. Another discrepancy between the Guidelines and the proposal is the size of a retaining wall adjacent to the entry of the addition. The retaining wall has a height of 6 feet and that should be revised to a maximum of 4 feet as required by the definition of non-structural retaining wall in the Guidelines or be designed by a Colorado Licensed Structural Engineer. At the time of Final Design Submittal staff suggests that the applicant either use hard line plans or cleaner and easier to understand hand drawn plans. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code; and B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial; and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on this sketch plan application. At the meeting, the applicant will receive guidance from the Commission and Staff to incorporate into a Final Design application. A full size (24" x 36") plan set will be available for the Commission's review at the September 18, 2007 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me directly at 748-4023, or stop by the office of Community Development. Respectfully submitted, Jared Ba es Planner I Attachments: Exhibit A: Aerial Vicinity Map Exhibit B: Plan Sets Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-0030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Wildridge - Block 2, Lot 8 Exhibit A Alp" O � r 4 T'! syr -_+ IL 440 s ° � • * ,.�►-�� � s . #+� � # • �• 7 t � date ''°s �► * • Y� 6 �. �M t� A-e,h o E*ac ex z~oaa ® Property Boundary IV OWN °w —Residential Streets � r C OD'UOAV uoTsTAipqnSo2p!lpjjm z )1001EI 8 lo'l JOJ UOlWPPV / IOPOI-U?X v ;tj ItIODH OT end lia CL N140 0682 u I +Q i pD'uony uotstntpgnSabppp1iM Z)[30M'81011 o 4 aouapisag IuoaH QIP JOJ uoMppy / iapoutag y AU 4� .end to S I N60 0682 \ I : Fm—. ------ .____. t- I i J + t j—... - .._...._ ...... I Lu .: J oo o ° ' � o S i � r 1 0. M O : Fm—. ------ .____. t- I i J + t j—... - .._...._ ...... I Lu .: J oo o ° ' � o S i � r 1 0. M i a l cony vols?ntPQnS aaP?TPl?M Z 31301EI T lo'I S s 3 aouapisag TuoaH 019 JOJ uo14ippy iapouzag V a �." . jndS 11,0N.O. 0682 XF a jiv \awl US1 a I g 77 w Ji, i i ji f 00 -UOAV UOISIAlpqnS 22pilpft z 310018 8 lol OOMPISald llqOQH Qql JOJ UORIPPV / IOPO'UQ.0 V indS llaN6o 0682 - RA 11 1,A I U r Ilk' ,n irk 00 -UOAV UOISIAlpqnS 22pilpft z 310018 8 lol OOMPISald llqOQH Qql JOJ UORIPPV / IOPO'UQ.0 V indS llaN6o 0682 - RA 11 1,A I U r m Ilk' ,n m z. x dct: 1� a • a r , W 4 f • .y l goo 'IN fa646 1js `\ +� ' 7" 4 rt ` '•,e,� V � y� .�1J4 a O ,4 r of vi �a s •, 1` `((y( 1 O w Y J 'b 1 a O C V U 4 a ~ ] L Y y V! T T •J > 9 o a T v a 9 > ]Y C rt� •c a aa�e y.',>ppY V O O u O C 2-0 V O 'Op ?3 L S 7 AyY H u rCi w.7 ... O u � G G ; W • ••i -I rt •ui o u u 4 V • u �f � hw Y a d•OA C Tu G.Z N Y .-e N ■ V t LF 'O C � L 11 .moi > n q v u i• Town of Avon Design Modifications Avul Residential Staff Report September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date September 11, 2007 Project type Colors and Window Changes Legal description Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD).— 2 Units Address 2160 Longspur Introduction Pat Campbell, the applicant, owner and contractor of this Wildridge property, is proposing changes to the approved final design plans for a duplex that is currently under construction. The final design plan was approved at the August 2, 2005 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A building permit for construction was issued on August 2, 2006. The applicant is proposing the elimination of two windows and the addition of two windows in different locations. Also being proposed is a color change for all three approved stucco colors. The proposed stucco colors include: Almond Beige (#2101-40), Terra (#32321-41), and Coral (#33120-25). The existing approved colors are Coastal Fog, Waterbury Creme, and Copper Mountain. A color board and colored elevations will be available for review at your meeting. One of the conditions of final design approval was that a revised landscape plan will come back for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval with additional landscaping. A new exterior light fixture must also be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Also attached for your review is the new proposed landscape plan and light fixture. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Desiqn Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. Not applicable. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 0 Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision — Campbell Duplex Design Changes September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 .. - 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The subject property is located in District 24: Wildridge Residential District. There are limited planning principles included in the Comprehensive Plan regarding this district. The Comprehensive Plan states: "Due to the limited amount of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care', should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings (Page 98)." 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Not applicable. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desian Guidelines. A. Site Development: There are no changes to the site layout proposed with this application. B. Building Design: The Design Guidelines provide guidance with respect to approvable materials and colors. The Guidelines state that "Indigenous natural or earth tones" are required for all residential buildings. The new proposed stucco colors (Almond Beige, Terra, and Coral) all appear to be earth tone in nature. The proposed window changes appear to be acceptable. There are two windows deleted from one bedroom, and additional windows are added elsewhere for ventilation and natural light in other areas of the residence. C. Landscaping: The existing Landscape Plan (Non -Approved) from Final Design review is attached for your review, as well as the new proposed plan. The plan from original design review included: lilacs, sod, natural grasses, Spruce, Aspen, and crabapple trees. The new proposed plan (Sheet L1- Fieldscape) includes several 8' and 10' blue spruce trees, 2 — 3" caliper crabapple trees, 23 aspen trees of varied size, various water conserving shrubs, mixed perennials, 1,500 square feet of sod area, and the remaining areas would receive native grass/wildflower mix. The condition of approval from Final Design stated "Landscape Plan is not approved and a new improved plan must come back for approval with additional landscaping." Staff finds the revised Landscape Plan, submitted September 5, 2007, in compliance with the design guidelines and the Planning and Zoning Commission's condition of approval. D. Miscellaneous Items: The new proposed light fixture is compatible with the design of the structure. The fixture is constructed with die-cast aluminum and would be bronze in color. Staff recommends that the applicant confirm that this fixture will be "full cut-off' in design, with no upward casting light. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 I Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision — Campbell Duplex Design Changes AW September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There are no alterations proposed to the existing topography. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. There should be no negative visual impacts as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary or aesthetic values should be impaired or otherwise lowered with the planned improvements. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted, Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted Goals and Policies. Recommendation Staff recommends CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the design application, new landscape plan, and new proposed light fixture for Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge' Subdivision — Two Residences." Recommended Motion "I move to approve the building and landscaping modifications proposed for Lot 30, Block 1; Wildridge Subdivision, Two Residences, subject to the following conditions: 1. Light fixture will be "full cut-off" by definition, with no upward casting light. 2. Landscape irrigation will include a rain sensor for water conservation. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." Respectfully submitted, aft Pie ti er Planner II Attachments: Vicinity Map, New colors, Elevations, Light fixture Plans Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Wildridge - Block 1, Lot 30 Property Bounda — Residential Streets RIU11 Change Exterior Colors: Stucco form #1 : Almond Beige Benjamin Moore 2101-40 Stucco form #2: Terra STO 32321-41 Stucco form #3 : Coral STO 33120-25 Window Changes: Delete windows #66 southeast elevation sheet A2.1 & #64 (mislabeled #46) northeast elevation sheet A2.2. Five windows in one small bedroom seem excessive. Add window 12x (72" x 29") southeast elevation sheet A2.1 to allow natural light and ventilation in family room E104. Add window 1x (24" x 53") northwest elevation sheet A2.1 to improve natural light and ventilation in bedroom W102 C 01RRtu, Te RRA ALMO.vp ualc►C NN (.� ��GI" 1� t r"•r-ei # r'j'.^" � •.,i. oarro.oa NP.v i N 14'. N �(1 �t N H 11111 4 N,11I } rNi N � N N _ _� Cl C! N� i �� N I � �• I 4 f ,$r ALN vp f N t i I•I V,4- !At � .: '."`._' �� .::£, _ -� . } fl � � fit• ice ,� ;• - _i ®-.. ;, ''� .,� . , _.s � - � I .� ' i � i ! �� �-... �;��tll � "r-- 3k'�' .•tY' � .._ .� SE:;�j,' .:.. �' ��..':� - J f - � { Post Office Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81 620 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 fax 970-845-7708 77Y August 4, 2005 Gerald Meremonte PO Box 5820 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Final Design — Approved by the Planning Commission Lot 30, Block 9, Wildridge Subdivision 2960 Long Spur Road Gerald: At their August 2, 2005 meeting, the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission approved your Final Design application (4-2 vote) for a duplex on the above-mentioned property subject to the following conditions to be addressed/fulfilled prior to submittal of a building permit application: 1. An irrigation table in compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines must be submitted and approved by staff. 2. Details for the underground drainpipe including size and material must be provided for review. ' 3. A new exterior light fixture must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 4. Landscape plan is not approved and a new (improved) plan must come back for approval to the Planning and Zoning Commission with additional landscaping. Thank you for your application and attendance at the meeting Gerald. Should you have any questions or would like additional information please don't hesitate to contact me directly at 970.748.4413. Kind Regards, 0 Matt Pielsticker Planner I RECEIVED SEP 0 5 2007 Cc: File (D-FR2005-11) Community Development F:Wlanning & Zoning CommissionlMeeting Letters120051080205130 B1 VVR Meremonte Duplex FD Approved.doc Aluminum Squares 'leavy duty aluminum construction with die �S cast aluminum wall bracket. Finished with powder coat paint for superior resistance to chipping and fading. UL listed for wet locations. 3 6" Squares Product No. Finish Description Size Lamp(s) P5643-31 r P5643-20 Bronze One-light 6" square 6" W., 12" ht. 1 250w PAR-38 a _ P5643-30 White Extends 8-7/8". or 150w BR40 P5643-31 Black H/CTR 4-1/2". "` 1.5 J' P5644-20 Bronze Two-light 6" up/down 6" W., 18" ht. 2 250w PAR-38 P5644-30 White square* Extends 8-7/8". or 150w BR-40 tt' P5644-31 Black H/CTR 8". t *For use in wet locations, speck P8797-31 top cover. ( t P5644-20 P5643-30 Accessories for Squares and Cylinders �----- . .... Deep Groove Step Baffles Mack anodized aluminum to minimize glare. 7 roduct No. Finish Description - Size P8710-31 Black Deep groove step baffle 6" dia., 4" ht. for P5641, P5642 and P5741 6" cylinders. J P8711-31 Black Deep groove step baffle for 6" sq., 4" ht. P5643 and P5644 6" squares. P8710-31 P8711-31 Top Cover Lens P8792-31 P8798-31 Adapts up/down fixtures for wet location use. Heat and P8799-31 shatter-resistant clear tempered lens and black trim. E Product No. Finish Description Size ' P8797-31 Black Top cover lens for P5644 6" sq. 6" squares P8798-31 Black Top cover lens for P5642 6" dia. 6" cylinders . RECEIVED 75 5" dia. 7 & P8799-30 = White Top cover lenses for P56 -, P8799-31 Black' P5713 5" cylinders SEP. 0.5 2007, Pendant Kit w . P8741-30 ; " Community Development Pendant kit adapts P594i ceilingfixture to 6", 12 or 18 stem mounting. lncludes canopy, hang-straight swivel,. 6" and 12 sections with coupling.. PAR-38 : BR-4o Wedg e Product No. Finish Description_ base 1741-20 Bronze . Pendant kit for P5741a s $741-30 White uF Low voltage H/CTR a Height from i P8741-31 Black Z I center of J-box to top of fixture 456 progresslighting.com ZIZti 8Z£(O16) Xud 9004 8Z£ (OC6)'aOGd I A opEzojoD 94unoa 2T3L `uonV j:o LTAl01, `02pi.Ipjjrn `I 00IS 'OE 10'I OZ9I8 opEJ0100 u0ny `IG8I X0H'0'd - g� g SOMOPISOW orn.J ueia ad-easpm o n � E � R A j z/ J _ _ U z £ I z iEEj a O 0000' 6 eIOU sJanoapunoJD a saajj sgnJgS PUB sas s 13 10 .7 v � - r3 - n � E � R A j z/ J _ _ U z £ I z iEEj a O 0000' 6 eIOU /0 I G CD Cl W r_CL O p ` O CD ./ N � W Lo CDo W c ccnn E E u� .7 /0 I G CD Cl W r_CL O p ` O CD ./ N � W Lo CDo W c ccnn E E u� I v 4k Staff Report IVON Minor Project J COLORADO September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Report Date September 14, 2007 Project Type Minor Project — Exterior Modification Legal Description Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Address 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction V. Mark Donaldson, representing the applicant, Minstral LLC, is proposing an exterior modification to the existing Benchmark Plaza Building (aka "The Boat Building"). The proposed changes to the building are depicted in the reduced set of drawings attached to this report (Attachment B) and include the addition of an entry with an anodized metal roof, a window wall system to replace existing windows, and the replacement of doors. Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the proposed modifications. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoninq Code. The proposed improvements are in conformance with setbacks, massing, access and land use. However, the applicant has included with this application a request to utilize the Shared Parking Provisions section of the Avon Municipal Code {17.24.020(x)(5)), which is attached to this report (Attachment C). The applicant wishes to utilize these provisions in the same manner as was previously applied to the Vista Restaurant, in terms of the mix of uses not having the same hours of operation. Staff will allow the applicant to explain the details of their request as it pertains to a related proposal for an interior modification to the existing building. Town of Avon Community Development (970)748-4030 Fax(970)949-5749 Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Benchmark Plaza Building September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 f 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. Given there will be no change of use in the subject location and the exterior modification to the building are very minor, staff believes this criterion has been properly adhered to and compliance has been demonstrated. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist; for the proposed improvements. Adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Desiqn Guidelines,. A. Site Development: The proposed design plan is in conformance with the Design Guidelines. B. Building Design: The proposed changes to the building design are in conformance with the Design Guidelines. C. Landscaping: No landscaping is being proposed with this application. D. Miscellaneous Items: Please refer to Attachment C.- 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There are no alterations proposed to the existing topography. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and • public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The proposed improvements would be visible from ,the south side of the building looking north and adhere to the applicable elements of this criterion. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary or aesthetic values would be impaired or ,otherwise lowered with the planned improvements. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted Goals and Policies. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Benchmark Plaza Building September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3. ' Staff Recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of the a Minor Modification application for Lot 2, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as it is consistent with the Design Review Guidelines for commercial buildings. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please do not hesitate to call me at 748.4002, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Gennett, AICP Senior Planner Attachments: A. Aerial Vicinity Map B. Reduced Plan Sets C. Request to utilize the Shared Parking Provisions Town of Avon Community Development (970)748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 ,...xi.nmlaC...vu. M-G.uQ /i'u..�xuxp v'�rnw� auu awa+�iwmv as rvau ne_cnn w..nn. wn.e..aw ua ll I slaails leiluaplsaa tiepuno8 lljadad N A � a t vjygrgxa OZ 107 `Z X10019 - �E)Wo aanea8 Ie jaeWgOUa8 Zoning — Off -Street Park, _ kLoading (11) Design and maintenance. a. Plan. Except for single-family and two-family residential uses, the design of parking lots or areas shall meet standard Town specifications. b. Character. Accessory parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building. c. Surfacing. All open, off-street park- ing areas shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete, concrete or other approved hard surface, which shall be constructed and maintained in accord with specifications of the Engineering Department. d. Drainage. All open off-street parking areas shall be graded and drained to dispose of surface water accumulation in accord with standard Engineering Department practices. e. Landscaping. All open vehicle park- ing areas containing more than six (6) park- ing spaces shall contain at least five percent (5%) of the area in landscaping that blends in compatibly with adjacent existing or pro- posed developments. Such landscaping shall he in keeping with the character of the Town. Large lots containing more than thirty (30) parking spaces shall be periodi- cally broken with islands containing landscaping similar in character to that found throughout the Town. Said landscaping shall be evenly spread throughout the parking area. The area located outside the actual perimeter of the parking lot shall not be counted in the five percent (5%) landscaping area. £ Lighting. Any lighting used to illumi- nate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residential properties and public streets in such a way as not to create a nui- sance. All lighting shall be a sodium vapor type light. I7-33 Supp. 8 Section 17.24.020 g. Wheel guards. All perimeter parking spaces, except for single-family and duplex family use, shall be provided with wheel guards or bumper guards so located that no part of parked vehicles will extend beyond the property line. h. Vehicle repair and service restrictions. No vehicular repair, service or maintenance activities done anywhere upon a residential district lot shall be done for remuneration; additionally, no such activities whether or not for remuneration shall be permitted on any vehicle with either a gross weight or a gross carrying weight of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or more. (b) Specific requirements. (1) All off-street parking spaces required by this Chapter, except those required for single- family and two-family dwellings, shall be designed in accordance with the standard Town specifications. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the specified parking requirements as hereinafter set forth in the Off -Street Parking Table. (2) Parking spaces for major accessory uses which are specifically enumerated within the Off -Street Parking Table shall be provided in addition to those required by the principal use. Parking spaces for accessory uses not specifically enumerated within the Off -Street Parking Table shall be assumed to be included in the principal use requirement. (3) If for any reason the classification of any use for the purpose of determining the amount of off-street parking, or the number of spaces to be provided by such use is not readily determinable hereunder, the parking require- ments of such use or the number of spaces to be provided shall be determined by the zoning administrator, after recommendation by appropriate Town departments, based upon the most similar uses for which specific require- ments are provided. r� zoning—Off-Street Parking Loading Provided, said minimum requirement may be reduced by a factor of fifteen percent (151/o) upon determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission (as part of plan approval and not as a special review use) that the following criteria are met: a. No parking spaces are reserved for use (except by handicapped persons); b. The mixed-use project will be served by the Town's bus system; c. The mixed-use project is located within a TC, SC, R13DC or PUD zone dis- trict; d. Adequate snow storage on site will be provided; jo. At Ieast seventy-five (75) parking spaces are provided; if application of the reduction formula results in the requirement of less than seventy-five (75) spaces, the minimum requirement hereinabove provided shall govern and reduction will not be permitted. Reductions in the number of required parking spaces for mixed-use projects shall not be made in combination with a reduction made on a large single -use basis. (7) Parking space size reduction for com- pact cars. Up to thirty percent (30%) of the total number of parking spaces provided in covered or underground structures on lots containing twenty-five (25) or more parking spaces may be reduced in size down to a minimum of eight (8) feet in width by sixteen (16) feet in length for use by compact cars. Such spaces shall be clearly signed for compact cars only and marked with double yellow striping. (8) Reduction in parking requirements for large single -use projects. Minimum require- ments for large single -use projects shall be determined in accordance with Subsection (c) hereof. The minimum parking requirements for 17-32 Supp.3 „ ., , , section 17.24.020 commercial uses established by Subsection (e) hereof may be reduced by a factor of fifteen per- cent (15%) in the case of large single -use pro- jects upon determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission (as part of its review of any plan for development but not as a special review use) that the following criteria are met: a. No parking spaces are reserved for use (except by handicapped persons); b. The large single -use project will be served by the Town's bus system; c. The large single -use project is located within a TC, SC, RUDC or PUD zone dis- trict; d. Adequate snow storage on site will be "provided; e. At least seventy-five (75) parking spaces are provided; if application of the reduction formula results in the requirement of less than seventy-five (75) spaces, the minimum requirement hereinabove provided shall govern and reduction will not be permitted. Reduction in the number of required parking spaces for large single -use projects shall not be made in combination with a reduction made on a mixed-use basis. (9) Computation. When determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this Chapter results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction shall be counted as one (1) parking space. Parking spaces required on an employee basis shall be based on the maximum number of employees on duty and/or residing on the premises at any one (1) time. (10) Utilization. Except as may addition- ally be provided for the parking of trucks and other large vehicles, accessory off -strut parking facilities provided in accord with the require- ments, of this Chapter shall be solely for the parking of passenger motor vehicles of patrons, occupants, visitors or employees of such uses. Zoning — Off -Street Park _ and Loading vertical clearance of at least seven and one-half (7.5) feet, a minimum width of nine (9) feet and a depth of eighteen (18) feet for ninety, degree (90°) parking. All spaces exposed to the weather shall be marked with yellow striping at least once a year. (4) Access. Except on lots accommodat- ing single-family or duplex dwellings, each off- street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of a width of twenty-four (24) feet for ninety -degree parking and design meet- ing standard Town specifications. All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street of alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movement, and all such points of access must be approved by the Town Engineer. (5) Shared parking provisions. a. Private facilities. Off-street parking facilities for separate uses may be provided collectively if the total number of spaces so provided is not less than the sum of the sepa- rate requirements governing location of accessory parking spaces in relation to the use served and adhered to. Further, no park- ing space or portion thereof shall serve as a required space for more than one (1) use unless otherwise authorized by the Planning and Zoning Commission. b. Public facilities. WJ 1. Where the Town has constructed or proposes to construct public off-street parking facilities, the Town Council may, by resolution, establish a shared parking district within the boundaries of an area set forth by the resolution. When such a shared parking district has been estab- lished, all, or a part, of the private off- street parking spaces required within the parking district may be provided by a public off-street parking facility located within said district. is 17-31 Supp. 3 • .'I' "-' •'�-'"• Section 17.24.020 Prior to property owners within the estab- lished parking district being allowed to so reduce the number of private off-street parking spaces, such owners shall submit, and the Town Council must approve, a parking and site development plan for the affected properties within the parking dis- trict. Such plan shall show proposed development of the area and how the total number of required off-street parking spaces will be provided by the use of public and private facilities. In addition to an approved parking and site develop- ment plan, the Town Council may, as it deems necessary and appropriate, require formal agreements with the property owners concerning land dedications and easements, participation in construction and maintenance costs of the public facilities and other related matters. Subsequent to formal execution of agree- ments and availability of the parking facilities, property owners may reduce the number of private off-street spaces required in accord with the approved parking and site development plan. 2. The total number of off-street parking spaces provided by the combined public and private facilities within the shared parking district shall not be at any time less than the number required by this Section. (6) Reduction in parking requirements for mixed-use projects. Notwithstanding the provi- sions of Subsection (c) hereof, the minimum parking requirement for a mixed-use project shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission as part of its review of any plan for development and shall be calculated as follows: Main level – 5.5 spaces/1,000 square feet; Additional levels, including basements – 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet; Residential – in accordance with Section 17.24.020(c)(1); i Zoning—Off-Street Parking Loading � t Submission of site plan. Any applicatio fora ing permit, or for a certifica cu- pancy where wilding pe equired, shall include therewith a '1 , drawn to scale and fully dimension owin - treet parking or loading . es and points of acres pro- ora. 91,-10 &1Lu3C11 • 17.24.020 Off-street parking. (a) General requirements. (1) Location. a. All parking spaces required to serve buildings or uses erected, established, altered or enlarged after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter shall be located on the same lot as the building or use served, except that up to forty percent (40%) of the parking spaces required to serve industrial buildings or uses may be located within five hundred (500) feet of the build- ing or use served, or to serve commercial and residential buildings or uses may be located within three hundred (300) feet of such building or use served, but only if such parking is developed in accord with all the applicable district regulations. Off-site park- ing shall not be located in such a location so as to require the user to cross a major barrier such as a street, river, ditch, etc., in order to reach the use requiring the parking. Establishment of off-site parking shall be a special review use. b. Buildings or uses existing on the effective date of this. Chapter which are subsequently altered or enlarged so as to require the provision of parking spaces under this Chapter may be served by parking facili- ties located on land other than the lot on which the building or use served is located, provided such facilities are within five hun- dred (500) feet walking distance of a main entrance to the use served for industrial uses and three hundred (300) feet for commercial uses. 17-30 Supp.3 .li .Section 17.24.010 c. Owners of property nonconforming as to parking requirements who elect to provide additional parking may locate such parking on land other than the lot on which the build- ing is located, subject to the provisions listed immediately above. , , , d. Off-street parking spaces, including the adjacent area used for turning move- ments necessary to enter or leave the parking spaces when open to the sky, may be located in any yard except the front ten (10) feet of the required front yards, and unless other- wise specifically restricted by this Chapter. Enclosed buildings and carports containing off-street parking shall be subject to the applicable district yard requirements. (2) Control of off-site parking facilities. a. In cases where parking facilities are permitted on land other than the lot on which the building or use served is located, such facilities shalt be in the same possession as the lot occupied by the building or use to which the parking facilities are accessory. Such possession shall be by deed or lease, and such deed or lease shall be filed with the recorder of deeds of Eagle County. b. If possession is by lease, the term of the lease shall be perpetual in nature running for the duration of the use requiring the park- ing. Should the lease be terminated prior to the termination of the use, the person operat- ing the use shall provide evidence that all off-street parking requirements are being met. Failure to do so shall classify the use as . an illegal nonconforming use and appropri- ate action shall be taken by the zoning administrator to terminate the use or bring it into compliance with the requirements of this Chapter. (3) Size and vertical clearance. All mini- mum requirements as to size, shape and design of spaces, aisles and drives shall meet standard Town specifications. Such space shall have a ILI Matt Gennett, Senior Planner September 11, 2007 Page 2 Mixed Use Parkina Assessment for Gross Leasable Floor Area First Level at 5.5/1,000 SF GFA & Second/Third Levels at 4.0/1,000 SF GLFA per 17.24.020 (a) (5) Restaurant/ Mixed Use Buildina Level Office Uses GLFA Retail Uses GFA Parkina Spaces Garage None None None First Level None 6,816 SF 37.488 spaces Second Level 5,423 SF 578 SF 24.004 spaces Third Level 7,425 SF None 29.7 spaces TOTALS BY USE 12,848 SF 7,394 SF 91.192 spaces = 92 required' 'The above calculatlons for Mixed -Use will now be used to illustrate the resulting parking effect for the requested Shared Parking being considered for approval. Shared Parkina Reauest for Mixed Use Parkina Assessment for Gross Leasable Floor Area Based on Mixed -Use but removed 'daytime" parking load on Vin 48 Restaurant & Wine Bar Norayan's/ Daytime Utilized Buildina Level Office Uses SF Retail Uses SF Parkina Reauired Garage None None None First Level None 2,987 SF 16.4835 spaces Second Level 5,423 SF None 20.012 spaces Third Level 7,425 SF None 29.7 spaces TOTALS BY USE 12,848 SF 2,987 SF 66.1955 spaces = 67 required We further note that the parking load of 17 for Narayan's and the new retail store plus the parking load of 24 for the Vin 48 Restaurant & Wine Bar is 41 spaces for all parking needs of the ground level, during the evening hours. The building operates with 37 spaces fully available on the surface. Considering the staff parking is Included in the overall parking requirements, we propose (and have the building owner and management support) to require all employee parking to be situated within the garage spaces below, thereby leaving all 37 available for retail and restaurant patrons. Matt, it is our request that the Planning Staff and the Planning &Zoning Commission consider and approve this restaurant for Shared Parking, which we believe will alleviate any notion of this project being under -parked, by virtually taking nearly 22% of the GLFA 'off-line' during normal office business hours, while bringing an exciting new restaurant experience of fine dining to Avon. We believe this request is consistent with the notion of shared parking and will allow the building to provide alternative uses that actually alleviate perceived daytime parking shortages. We truly appreciate your consideration of our questions or need any further submittal data. Enc: 3 Sets (3 sheets each) GLFA Floor Plans Title 17 excerpts re: Shared Parking please let us know if you have any Principal Matt Gennett, Senior Planner Community Development Town of Avon Avon, CO 81620 latt, EXHIBIT C September 11, 2007 RE: Updated Parking Assessment for Benchmark Plaza Office & Retail Condominiums 48 East Beaver Creek Blvd - Avon, CO 0048 E BEAVER CREEK BLVD SUITE 207 .O 1W . _ i 4 AVON, CO 81620 970/9495200 FAX 9495205 W W W.VMDA.COM Thank you for your call yesterday regarding staff review of our Minor Modification Application for this building and the Shared Parking request for the new Vln 48 restaurant and wine bar proposed for the building. We therefore submit this revised and updated letter to address our Shared Parking request in more detail. We have also attached the requisite Title 17 language, which is the basis for our request. Our current building square foot calculations for GFA/GLFA are noted on the three attached drawing sheets (revised 9/11/07). The summary of our 'Mixed -Use" calculations for the Vin 48 Restaurant & Wlne Bar Is noted below in order to demonstrate the logic of our Shared Parking request. Please accept these updates as a portion of our "Minor Project and/or Minor Modification Application" for Planning & Zoning Commission review and for consideration of the Shared Parking request. We believe that this request is consistent with the Intent of the Shared Parking provision, the previous shared parking approval and function for The Vista as well as the vision for expanding night time activities in our core areas. Further, the calculations and reality of these circumstances Illustrate the validity of such well defined, dual use of parking spaces in our Town Center District. Existina Parkina Available Plus 1 New Underaround S4ace The building currently functions with a total of 67 spaces: 32 surface spaces in the main surface arking lot, 5 (diagonal) surface spaces on the East side of the property and 30 underground spaces. As a part of this Application, we propose to provide one new space (see Basement Pian), for a new total of 68 spaces. L _4 p O O r-. x era c o ' �+ cc Lu d "' -o W �hIIlllllli� 0 918 OC'"0103 'NO4,V QnlB 1i33a0 2,3/ V38 '3 opoo vzvld x8mHON38 sol 1N3WSS3SSv 9nowd 4 (D j o a Cr CU CR >i > U r•.r ,, � � E i E p E .� Il�jllilll��ll J7pON C1O1 N c'7 to N v N Y W cr; ae7 am] '= x o � �oc..") C" =.-� q z r-- eo .Q c::o cy� �- w ym Q `� ��Illlillll�� 0 0 e E419 OZM 00"0' 00 `NOAV 'GAi8 N33UO U3AX38 '3 8troo VZVld NSVWHON38 NUJ IN3WSS3SSV 9NIASVd �n.o0 o E ata IIIIIIIIIIIIII Lai an ao C i= x 0 v E •a - O Uo oa �. a �snm z C=cc QD o C= W ! E Op Q ? 0 IIIIIIIIIIII� W e OM9 OGVUOIO3 'NOAV '(IAlB )133HO a3AV38 '3 9ti00 VZV14 MSVWHON39 SOA lN3WSS3SSd NAM o i to I Z . 4 . �+ 0 0 o E .n IIIIIIIIIIIIII J O O N O H O m N C.'i tD N V N Lu ca •ra O rn v Qa O X O v E v �Nmzo�x w � E m Q � o ��IIIIIIII��I 0 MW OOV?JOl00 'NOAV OAl9 >133a0 a3AV39 3 91, VZdld ASVWHON39 MOS SNOLLVOIJIOOW ANIN3 ONb 'NOOO 'MOONIM IL- - _ - -] � I I I f - I I I �I —V '�f1r I I i II' OL LL LU > b w_ J: ts) - tx � LL2 U o C=b CIA C1.4 C-3, =0 cz. C, CNA LuI" ;; acs A 01-1 _11,1 JI -11 C>U� C> C> CA> ccC=; ;= r— .0 C>Q ��IIIIiIIIiII - A 4p OMIR OOVEO103'NOAV CIA I9 M33W U3AV39 3 ot, VZV1d ASVWHON39 NOA SNOLLVOIJIGOW AM.LN3aNv,uooa'MOCINIM 11 it'jiltJ'jd* JTji:1 I; U J JU it A 01-1 _11,1 JI -11 IL -1 1 i Town of Avon D'esign Mo . difications.1voi C O L O R A D O Industrial/Commercial Staff Report September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date September 12, 2007 Project type Exterior Modifications Legal description Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Zoning Industrial Commercial (IC) Address 431 Metcalf Rd Introduction Mark Donaldson is proposing exterior modifications to a building on Metcalf Road. This property was formerly occupied by the D'Agnostino Mechanical Contractor business, and the property was recently purchased by a new owner. The exterior building modifications being proposed include: new windows and balcony on south elevation, new door on west (back) elevation, new sliding door and balcony on east (front) elevation, conversion of 14' tall bay doors to 12' tall doors on east elevation, additional landscaping, new tenant sign on east elevation, and new stucco color throughout. New land -uses are being proposed with this application. The basement level would remain as miscellaneous mechanical and equipment parts space. The main level would be a mix of office space and warehouse space. The northern bay of the first level would be separated internally for a separate tenant. The upper level would be split between employee housing and self -storage space. . Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desian Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. The improvements would be in conformance with all provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. According to the Zoning District Regulations, whenever the use or intensity of such use of a building is converted to a new use, parking facilities shall be provided as required for such new use. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 i �! Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Avon Mini Storage AIUA September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 4 -- The applicant has provided a parking summary on Sheet A1.0 of the submittal, and the summary reflects a parking demand of 19 spaces based on the new land uses (Office, Self -Storage, Warehouse, and Residential). According to staff's calculations, the new proposed floor plans and uses the property would require 24 parking spaces. This is based upon using Gross Floor Areas, including the basement level and miscellaneous interior space. According to the Town of Avon Zoninq Code, parking demand is based on Gross Floor Area, and not Gross Leasable Floor Area as the applicant has proposed. In either case, there is sufficient parking provided on the site to serve the proposed land uses, inclusive of the new residential land -uses proposed. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The subject property is located in District 11: Metcalf Road District. This district is recognized as the Town's sole industrial center, and the general poor aesthetic characteristics of the district could be seen as negatively affecting the image of the Wildridge and Wildwood developments. The Comprehensive Plan also realizes the opportunities to develop live/work developments in this part of Town. One of the planning principles from the Comprehensive Plan for this district is to "require development and encourage existing development to add architectural or landscape screening of storage areas, HVAC equipment, loading docks, and trash containers." Staff fully supports the live/work opportunities that exist in this district. Staff would recommend additional landscaping in order to help screen parking and loading areas on the site. The area between the parking lot and Metcalf road presents an opportunity for additional landscaping, even though this land is mostly within the Town's right-of-way. If line of site can be maintained, staff would recommend additional landscaping above what is being proposed. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. This criterion does not apply to this design application; however, a Special Review Use application is currently being processed to provide two employee housing units on the second floor of the building. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: There are no changes to the site development plan. The provided Site Plan is based upon an Improvement Location Certificate and designates parking spaces, landscape islands, and the building location.' It is important to note that the access point for this building is shared with the two adjacent properties: Lot 11 — Qwest, and Lot 13 — Beaver Creek Automotive. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Avon Mini Storage AIWA September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 4 •. B. Building Design: The applicant is proposing to repaint all stucco on the building and all exposed concrete with a new color. The proposed color is "Svelte Sage", and has a light reflective value of 42%. The color is earth tone and in compliance with the Design Guidelines. The proposed window, balcony, and door modifications appear to be acceptable for the building. C. Landscaping: The applicant is proposing to add five (5) — 3" caliper Utah Juniper Trees, two (2) — 3" caliper flowering crabapple trees, and revegetate some areas of the property where there is exposed dirt. In light of the Comprehensive Plan's sensitivity to the areas changing image, and the desire to improve upon the appearance of the industrial properties, staff would recommend additional landscaping to help screen the building and associated parking. D. Miscellaneous Items: A separate application has been submitted for additional signage on the building, and a separate application is being processed to allow for two on- site employee housing units. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There are no alterations proposed to the existing topography. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The improvements would be highly visible from Metcalf Road. The increased landscaping should improve the appearance of the property. Also, the new stucco color and painted exposed concrete (same as stucco color) should improve the visual appearance as viewed from neighboring properties and the public right-of-way. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary or aesthetic values should be impaired or otherwise lowered with the planned improvements. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted Goals and Policies. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision --Avon Mini Storage 19W September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting ! Page 4 of 4 Recommendation Staff is recommending CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the design application for Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Avon Mini Storage." Recommended Motion "I move to approve the building modifications proposed for Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Avon Mini Storage, subject to the following conditions: 1. A Special Review Use permit must be obtained prior to any work related to the proposed employee housing units. 1 In the event the Special Review Use permit is not received, revised plans will be provided to the Town demonstrating a different allowed land use, and parking will be demonstrated. 2. The landscape plan is not approved. A revised landscape plan will be submitted to staff for approval demonstrating additional landscaping, in addition to what is being proposed, between the parking lot and Metcalf Road. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pi r Planner II Exhibits: • Vicinity Map • Letters from Applicant and Owner • Photographs • Plan Set Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision f'. i ` • pa e`. 11 kh ° r ll WIT If 47, f� c `r G SAME` y' ORIGIN �s C YY �' Awlo. EaVB COwN. Ltlu6a PCPI e QP rty Boundary R�oI Residential Streets 9 in 40 �_ ARCHITECTS Matt Pielsticker, Planner Community Development Town of Avon Avon, CO 81620 Matt, August 29, 2007 (revised September 11, 2007) RE: Minor Modification Application & Sign in connection with 431 Metcalf Road, Avon, CO 0048 E BEAVER CREEK BLVD SUITE 207 AVON, CO 81620 970/949-5200 FAX 949-5205 W W W.VMDA.COM Thank you for your updated submittal requests. Please accept this revised letter and revised attachments for the regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting of September 18th. Enclosed herein you will find copies of our responses to your request and including the sign application for one additional tenant sign for this multiple tenancy building. As illustrated within the attached submittals, we are requesting approval for the addition and modification of windows and doors, the addition of two small upper floor balconies and a color change for the existing stucco surfaces as well as for painting the exposed concrete foundation and retaining walls that are currently unfinished. It is the intention of this application to expedite commencement of such renovation work (upon gaining DRB approval and receipt of building permit) In advance of the Public Hearing for the SRU, noted above. Of course we will appreciate being informed of any supplemental information or clarifications in order to do so. Thank you again for this consideration as well, DONALDSON ARCHITECTS Principal Enc. See transmittal attached hereto + f RECEIVED VMDA Commentary on {"5. Commercial and Industrial Development Guidelir)1'0 2007 CC: Daniel F. Sunday/Avon Mini Storage LLC Community Developmem September 7, 2007 Town of Avon Attn: Matt Pielsticker, Planner PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 RE: 431 Metcalf Rd. Dear Matt: It has come to my attention that in order to have an outside dumpster at this address, the Town of Avon requires a Dumpster Enclosure to be constructed. As soon as the pending re -model of the building is complete, my current business, Alpine Vending & Video, Inc. will be moving in. Because of the low amounts of trash we generate, we use Town of Avon bear -proof trash cans for our trash, supplied by Honeywagon, and these are kept inside the building until trash pick-up day. Furthermore, any tenants of the building in the future will be required by me to do the same. Other reasons why I don't want a dumpster include that the former of the building told me that the residents of Wildridge felt free to fill his dumpster rather than paying for their own trash removal, and I think enclosures and dumpsters are unsightly and unnecessary in my business. I understand that in the future, if an outside dumpster is necessary, that the town may require me to build an enclosure for it Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Daniel Sunday Avon Mini Storage, LLC PO Box 5160Avon, CO 81620 cc: Mark Donaldson RECEIVED Po BOX 5160 SEP 1'0 2007 AVON, CO 81620 Community Development Y � th ry1.YCr$+Ra g� drys ',fv/t 1! �T� Yk a.: Y i RECEIVED ':• SEP 1 10 2007 cbe Community Development j fRd ;r 4& yg 5 • fi 1 1 ') .j i 'Tat.N l t a r4.fw~T `PL 4t .S .[R 1 �ir WrS:RRfg�s, 1 PA�n. 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GZKO OGVUOIOO'NOAV OVOUTIVO.On Let 311 3OVSOIS INIW NOAV TOWN OF AVON . �Ivo I SIGN DESIGN C O L O R A D O September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction September 13, 2007 Additional Building Sign Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Industrial/Commercial (IC) 431 Metcalf Road Mark Donaldson, representing the new owner of this property on Metcalf Road, is proposing one additional building mounted sign. The sign would measure 2' x 10' and is proposed for the east (front) elevation of the building. The sign would match the 2' x 12' sign that exists on the building with respect to materials, lighting, and placement on the building. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sion Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning. Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing this application: 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The materials for the proposed sign are appropriate and suitable for this project. Aluminum and acrylic are typical materials for this type of sign, and the size is appropriate. Please refer to the attached elevation drawing for exact sign location and height above grade. Each sign is 20' above the finished grade in front of the garage doors. 2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements. This property is located between Lot 11 — Qwest, and Lot 13 — the Svabik Lawrence building. Signage is limited in immediate vicinity to a building mounted acrylic sign for Quest, and a small freestanding sign for Beaver Creek Automotive. 3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement. The Sign Code encourages "quality sign materials, including anodized metal; routed or sandblasted wood, such as rough cedar or redwood; interior -lit, individual plexiglass -faced letters; or three dimensional individual letters with or without indirect Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Avon Mini -Storage September 18, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 A foo lighting, are encouraged." The quality of the proposed materials is consistent with the Sign Code and existing signs in the area. 4.' The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. The visual impact of the proposed sign should be minimal as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties. 5. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. There should be no monetary or aesthetic' values impaired with the proposed signage. 6. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies. with the Sign Code, and are appropriate for the project. The type, height, quality, and size of this sign comply with the Sign Code. The building is permitted approximately 108 square feet of building mounted signage based on the lineal frontage of the building. The existing and proposed signs would total 44 square feet. 7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. The primary orientation of the proposed signage is to automobile traffic, which is appropriate given the location on Metcalf Road. Recommendation Staff recommends CONDTIONAL APPROVAL of the Sign Design application for Avon Mini -Storage on Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the Sign Design application for Avon Mini -Storage on Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, subject to the following conditions: 1. Background for plastic portion of sign will have a LRV of 60% or less. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted Matt icker " Planner II Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 II - ---1- 1 I I I I I Ta = I I " 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i I I sA IE As ORIGINt,kL ERROR: timeout OFFENDING COMMAND: tiMeOUt STACK: