PZC Packet 082107Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda for August 21, 2007 VON Avon Town Council Chambers AMeetings are open to the public C o r o R A D o Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road REGULAR WORK SESSION (5:00pm — 5:30pm) Description: Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. Work session is open to the public. WORK SESSION WITH AVON TOWN COUNCIL (5:30pm — 6:00pm) VAG, Inc. / Orion East Avon Concept Review Description: Preliminary review of a redevelopment concept that encompasses four properties in the East Town Center District: Christy Sports (Lot 21), Avon Annex (Lot 65-B), Town of Avon parcel (Lot 65-A), and the Benchmark Shopping Center (Tract Q). This is a follow up to the June 5, 2007 Work Session. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (6:00pm) II. Call to Order III. Roll Call IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda V. Conflicts of Interest VI. Consent Agenda • Approval of the August 7, 2007 Meeting Minutes. VII. Duplex Final Design — CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /540 Nottingham Applicant/Owner. Jerald Wuhrman Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via an access easement from Lot 70 off of Nottingham Road. The design uses stucco, stone and wood siding as well as a mansard and gabled roof forms. This application was tabled from the August 7, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. VIII. Walkin' the Dog Special Review Use Review —CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision / 281 Metcalf Road Applicant/ Owner Marisa Lahman Description: Re -review of the Special Review Use Permit (approved by Resolution 06-14), issued at the Planning and Zoning Commission's October 3, 2006 meeting. The permit was approved for one year, subject to re -review no later than October 3, 2007. Posted on August 17, 2007 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Intemet at httD://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions IX. PUD Amendment — NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Village at Avon PUD Applicant. Dominic Mauriello, MPG/ Owner Traer Creek Description: Amendment request to reconfigure the planning area boundaries of Planning Areas H, Neighborhood Center, I, Neighborhood Center, E, Village Residential; and F, Village Residential, in order to create a larger buffer between commercial uses and the adjacent existing Eaglebend drive residential neighborhood. Also part of the request is a text amendment to the PUD guide that will result in a modification to the current percentages and ratios of commercial -to -residential uses in order to permit more residential density in areas that are presently planned for more commercial square footage. X. Final Design Plan —Western Sage PUDIWildridge Property Location: Lot 3, Western Sage PUD 15205 Longsun Lane Applicant. John G. Martin /Owner Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC Description: Final Design for a Single -Family residence in the Western Sage PUD. Lot is accessed from private drive off cul-de-sac on Longsun Lane. The Design features a 2 -car garage, European style design with wood siding, stucco/stone siding, and large roof forms. Currently under construction in this PUD are lots 1, 2, and 6. XI. Minor Projects A. Shed Addition Property Location: Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 14330 Flat Point Road Applicant: James G. Downs, Tuff Shed, inc. l Owner. Tony Prior Description: Construct a shed in the side yard of the subject property. The shed exterior finish will match the existing residence. B. Color Change Property Location: Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 12643 Bear Trap Applicant/Owner. Patrick McKenny Description: Change materials and colors on one half of an existing duplex. Siding, Stucco, and Deck railings will be modified by this application. C. Deck and Pavilion Addition Property Location: Lot 12B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision 12190 Saddleridge Loop Applicant/ Owner. Chadd Ziegler Description: Proposal to construct a 37' x 20' deck addition. Within the perimeter of the proposed deck addition would be a 10' tall "pavilion" structure. XII. Other Business • , Duplex Guidelines Revision - CONTINUED • Snow Run Town homes (update only) XIII. Adjourn Posted on August 17, 2007 at the following public places within.the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • Avon Public Library • On the Internet at hfo://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions d �Y • Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for August 7, 2007 AVO N Avon Town Council Chambers C 0 L 0 B A D 0 Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. IL Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Evans. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item VI, Urban Renewal Plan, Description: Review of the Town Center Urban Renewal Plan, moved to Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest No conflicts of interest were revealed. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the July 17, 2007 Meeting Minutes. • Approval of the July 31, 2007 Meeting Minutes. • Approval of Item VI, Urban Renewal Plan, Description: Review of the Town Center Urban Renewal Plan, with Staff recommended findings. Commissioner Green moved for approval of the Consent Agenda and Agenda as amended. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. VI. Urban Renewal Plan - Continued Description: Review of the Town Center Urban Renewal Plan. A public hearing before the Town Council to adopt the Plan is scheduled for August 14"' 2007. The pur�ose of this meeting is for the Commission to provide comments prior to the August 14 public hearing and formal adoption of the Plan. k Moved to Consent Agenda. VII. Minor Projects - Continued Lot 75, Block 4, Wildridge: Fence Staff Approval Review Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Commissioner Goulding questioned the punishment for noncompliance. Commissioner Green queried the method of fence calculation. Commissioner Struve questioned if a retaining wall and patio required permit. Ryan Sutter, applicant, approached the podium and began by responding to comments made by his neighbors and recapping his method and motives for the process regarding the fence. Mr. Sutter continued by addressing the guidelines, has agreed that it was bigger than permitted, voiced that the guidelines are not specific as to product to be used, does not address wire mesh, and could not validate his square footage calculations. Commissioner Goulding asked how long the mesh would take to rust; Mr. Sutter responded that other chicken wire he has used had tarnished well in two years. Commissioner Foster commented that perhaps the guidelines need to be revisited as to the footage requirements for fences and voiced concern for the precedent it would set. Jerry Bergman, 3135 Wildridge Road, spoke from the podium about the fence as he can not see it from his home, stated that another fence in the neighborhood was similar and was objecting to the fence as Mr. Sutter did not follow procedure for the fence and sets a dangerous precedent. Laura Lee Verlinde, 5651 Wildridge Road, voiced that the fence was a disruption to the neighborhood, it is not an eyesore, color of the fence matches the home, and it was hidden from her view by the natural grasses. Commissioner Goulding began review with the seven criteria of the guidelines and one in particular needed to be addressed is the size of the fence, and was concerned with the mesh. Commissioner Struve voiced that the word needed to get out about the fencing process and the Commission had never approved a fence of this nature. Commissioner Foster commented regarding the size and felt the fence issue needed to be resolved within the Commission and the Guidelines. Commissioner Lane voiced a problem with the size, it should conform to the guidelines and that it needed to be shorter. Commissioner Green questioned the intent of fences, mentioned that a fence over 2,000 sq ft has never been approved by the Commission and to do so would set the precedent, and suggested a survey be done regarding fence square footage. Commissioner Smith mentioned that fences were discouraged, needed to be split rail and 2,000 sq footage by legal covenant. Commissioner Goulding commented that the size and height of the wire were the issues. Commissioner Goulding moved to approve Item VII, Minor Projects, Lot 75, Block 4, Wildridge: Fence Staff Approval Review, with two conditions; that it be no bigger than 2,000 sq ft, methodology to be agreed by Staff, and the wire mesh be reduced to the first rail and not the full height. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it unanimously passed with a 6 — 0 vote. VIII. Final Designs - Wildridge Subdivision " A. Lot 112, Single -Family Property Location: Lot 112, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / Beaver Creek Point Applicant. Bill Nutkins/Owner. BBG Investments Description: Final Design for a Single -Family residence in the Wildridge Subdivision. The Lot is accessed off of Beaver Creek Point. The design features a 5,600 square foot residence with a 3 -car garage, and wood, stucco, and stone siding. Jared Barnes offered Staffs report to the Commission and its conditional approval. Bill Nutkins, TAB and Associates, approached the podium to answer staffs concerns. Commissioner Goulding asked for clarification on the landscaping cluster of the trees and Mr. Nutkins responded that it had to do with views, surrounded meters for blockage, watershed flows and gave a warm feeling. Commissioner Goulding was concerned with haphazard locations of landscaping on the south of the project. Commissioner Struve questioned the east/west elevation's heights. Commissioner comments began with Commissioner Green commenting on the site landscaping and the need for a harder look at it. Commissioner Struve suggested meaningful siting of the landscaping. Greater detail to landscaping was requested by Commissioner Goulding. Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item VIII, Final Designs - Wildridge Subdivision A. Lot 112, Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 112, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision I Beaver Creek Point with following four conditions in the Staff Report: 1. The landscaping plan be revised to meet a maximum of 20% of the landscaped area that is irrigated; 2. A rain sensor note be added as required in the Design Review Guidelines; 3. The retaining wall needs to be designed and stamped by a Colorado licensed Professional Structural Engineer; and, 4. The title block should be revised to include "Block 1" after Lot 112. 5. Plus, revised landscape plan to be submitted to staff that is a more developed landscaping plan. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in agreement and the motion passed unanimously. B. Courtyard Villas of Wildridge Property Location: Lot 12, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4080 Wildridge Road West Applicant/ Owner Michael Hazard /Advanced Home Technologies, LLC Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via a private entry court off of Little Point. The design is contemporary with multiple flat roof elements. The forms are clad in Stucco and wood to diminish scale. Applicant has requested the tabling of this application. Chuck Bunting, 4015 Wildridge Road, approached the podium to comment that it was not appropriate design for the neighborhood and this project exceeded the scale of the area; roof should be in line with the roofs of the neighbors, and exceed . the neighborhood. Ron Breatherhour, 4221 Wildridge Road, voiced that a letter by the Neigels presented his opinions on the project and voiced displease with the design. Jerry Herman expressed that a couple of homes stick out like a sore thumb and that this project was contrary to the homes in Wildridge: Peter Warren, 4181 Wildridge Road, stated from the podium that he had been to previous meetings, mentioned that he had heard that the applicant had been negotiating for an adjacent lot purchase, and voiced that the project does not compliment the area. Sherrie Bunting, 4015 Wildridge Road, voiced concern that comments would not be available. Commissioner Green moved to table Item VIII, Final Designs - Wildridge Subdivision, B. Courtyard Villas of Wildridge, Property Location: Lot 12 and 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4080 Wildridge Road West, Applicant / Owner. Michael Hazard / Advanced Home Technologies, LLC, with Commissioner Struve seconding the motion to table. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. C. Courtyard Villas of Wildridge Property Location: Lot 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4090 Wildridge Road West Applicant/ Owner Michael Hazard / Advanced Home Technologies, LLC Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via a private entry court off of Little Point. The design is contemporary with multiple flat roof elements. The forms are clad in Stucco and wood to diminish scale. Applicant has requested to table, see motion above. D. Wuhrman Duplex Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 540 Nottingham Road Applicant/Owner. Jerald Wuhrman Description: Final Design for a duplex development accessed via an access easement from Lot 70 off of Nottingham Road. The design uses stucco, stone, and wood siding as well as a mansard and gabled roof forms. Jared Bames presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Green voiced concern of the note on the plans regarding 600 psf on the foundation at the draw. Jerald Wuhrman, applicant, approached the podium and began his presentation with comments on the drainage issues of his site, he had approval from the Bristol Pine Association and was awaiting an approval letter from Beacon Hill. Commissioner Green questioned the materials to be used and a cut sheet was provided by Mr. Barnes. Mr. Wuhrmann continued that he used a local landscape architect from Eagle. Commissioner Goulding began the review by commenting that more architectural interested was needed, massing and exterior details do not have architectural appeal, and that river rock not appropriate for this project. Commissioner Struve mentioned that movement of drainage to the west was a good idea and would like greater detailing. Commissioner Foster voiced that it was a massive looking project. Commissioner Lane voiced that the rear elevation was a big flat wall, long side walls and the front looked like a shoe box; has appendages that seem stuckitacked on; and more articulation was needed. Commissioner Green mentioned that the applicant did a good job on the site; project reflected the most economical method, and needed to bring it to the 'flavor of the structures in the neighborhood. Mr. Wuhrman voiced that the beauty was in the eye of the beholder, he used a landscaping architect as suggested by the Commission, consulted three architects who refused to work on it, and he would use it as his residence, needed an elevator for physical reasons, and requested suggestions from the Commission. Commissioner Green commented that it was not the job of the Commission to create the project for him, obvious strides were made and the architecture needed to be worked on. Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item VIII, Final Designs - Wildridge Subdivision, D. Wuhrman Duplex, Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 540 Nottingham Road, with Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion to table passed unanimously. IX. Minor Projects A. Rella Deck Railing Property Location: Lot 37A, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5024 Wildridge Road East Applicant/ Owner Scott Rella Description: Proposal to replace vertical wooden deck balusters with horizontal metal cables for east unit of duplex unit. This material change was completed prior to application. Jared Barnes gave the presentation of this project to the Commission. Scott Rella, applicant, approached the podium to discuss the railing. Commissioner Struve voiced that Mr. Rella did a nice job but projects needed to be reviewed. Commissioner Green agreed with the rational presented by staff, there was precedent, good craftsmanship, and detailing was nice. Commissioner Foster motioned to approve Item IX, Minor Projects, A, Rella Decking, Property Location: Lot 37A, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision/5024 Wildridge Road East. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. The motion passed with all Commissioners in favor of approval. X. Other Business • Duplex Guidelines Revision — Matt Gennett opened Commissioner discussion. Staff to wordsmith and return to the Commission. • Walkin' the Dog (update) — Ms. Lahman requested to table to August 21, 2007. Commissioner Green has requested what options are available, from the Town Attorney and staff, regarding that the applicant has not meet the terms of the last meeting and what are the options; 2. Staff to come back to the Commission with what can be anticipated regarding the SRU and what can be done. Can the SRU be pulled until the issues are resolved was questioned by Commissioner Goulding. XI. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Terry Smith Vice Chairman Phil Struve Secretary X01 D O August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting t. U L U R A TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development Department REGARDING: Orion Development PUD Conceptual Proposal Introduction The applicant, Orion Development, has requested a conceptual review by the Commission and staff of a new PUD to be developed on a development site comprised of a combination of four separately subdivided parcels (Lots 21, 65A, 658, and Tract Q). The underlying zoning currently in place for the proposed development site is Town Center (TC). The total area of the proposed development site is approximately 5.39 acres (234,700 sq ft) and is comprised of the four lots listed above. The proposed project is detailed, on a conceptual level, in the applicant's submittal memorandum. Staff Comments As were the previous hearings for the subject property held on May 15, 2007 and June 5, 2007, this is a preliminary conceptual review, so staff will not be making a formal recommendation at this time. However, considering the importance of this proposed project in terms of both size and the prominence of the proposed development's location, there are several topics of discussion that merit the Commission's focused attention at this time. Town Center (TC) zoning allows for a maximum building height of eighty feet and the applicant is proposing, via the PUD process, a maximum building height of approximately one hundred and twenty feet (120'). For the sake of discussion, the current draft. of the East Town Center District Plan calls for approximately five to six floor plates above grade, and the applicant's proposal contemplates ten floor plates above grade and three below. Also, the draft District Plan calls for a maximum residential density of approximately 310,000 sq ft, and the applicant's proposal envisions approximately 397,000 sq ft of residential space. The underlying zoning allows for thirty (30) dwelling units per acre. In this regard, it is important to note that the applicant will present at the hearing the total unit counts and how the proposal compares with existing entitlements and the draft District Plan using the same quantitative units for the sake of a comparable analysis. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Orion Development Preliminary Sketch Design August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 of 2 Discussion Items The following topics merit special consideration by the Commission at this time: Land Use — are the land uses proposed by the applicant are appropriate for the site given the existing zoning and pertinent comprehensive planning documents? 2. Bulk & Mass — the bulk and mass of the proposed structure must be carefully scrutinized in terms of the Town's goals for the area and the scale of neighboring structures, present and future. 3. Architectural Character — does the conceptual -level character of the building depicted in the applicant's renderings fit into the desired character of structures anticipated in the Town's vision for the East Town Center District Plan? The Commission will take no formal action at this time. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate into a formal zoning application. If you have any questions regarding this project or any other planning matter, please feel free to contact me directly at 748-4002. Respectfully Submitted, Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Senior Planner Attachments: Exhibit A: Reduced Conceptual Sketch Plan Sets Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 9 Staff Report';�`� FINAL DESIGN PLAN AVON C O L O R A D O August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date August 16, 2007 Project type Duplex Residence Legal description Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning 2 Dwelling Unit — Residential Duplex Address 540 Nottingham Road Introduction The applicant, Jerald Wuhrman, is proposing a duplex on Nottingham Road. The units would be stacked one on top of the other, and would each be accessed from the ground floor through a central corridor between two single car garages. Each unit is proposed to contain three bedrooms and three full bathrooms. The floor area of the proposed building would total approximately 8,000 square feet. Included with this report are a vicinity map (Exhibit A) and reduced plan sets with a site plan, floor plans, and elevations (Exhibit C). The drawings clearly show all existing and proposed improvements on the property. Review History On six prior occasions, Design Review applications have been submitted for Lot 70A. In February 2002, a Final Design Application was officially withdrawn, and in February 2003, a Sketch Design Application was withdrawn. In reviewing both applications, staff stated technical issues that should be addressed, such as concerns with positive drainage and retaining wails, driveway grades, encroachment into the side lot setbacks, and inadequate drainage to carry storm water runoff/debris flows that occur from the slope located to the north of the property. The most recent applications were three Sketch Design Applications reviewed in November of 2004, June 2005, and March 2006. The 2004 and 2005 submittals proposed the same general floor plan and massing as previous submittals. The 2004 application was accompanied by a Variance Application seeking relief from the platted side yard setback and easement for building encroachments. That Variance Application was denied by the Planning Commission and the accompanying design could not be pursued. The architecture of the 2006 submittal and the current application is a slight departure from the 2005 submittal; therefore the applicant submitted a new Sketch Design Application (2006) and is proceeding with this Final Design application. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 I Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Wuhrman Duplex Final Design II ��rr August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 7 fl11A During Sketch Design review last year, both staff and the Commission stated serious concerns with the following items: drainage, architectural style and colors, compatibility with the neighborhood, and access to the site. At the August 7, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, concerns were raised about the lack of architectural interest on a majority of the elevations, the use of river rock as a building material, lack of variation in the massing, and how the drainage has been addressed since the last time the project was reviewed. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. • Allowed use: The proposed residential use is permitted given the two dwelling units and the Residential Duplex (RD) zoning. • Density: Zoning allows for two dwelling units per lot plus one accessory caretaker apartment per dwelling unit. The proposed project is in compliance since it has only two dwelling units. • Site Coverage: The RD zoning allows for 50% site coverage and the proposed site coverage is 32%. Setbacks: The setbacks for the property are: Front — 25 feet Side — 7.5 feet Rear -10 feet The proposed development is contained within all setbacks, but does abut the setbacks on the east and west sides of the property. The building's location on the site would need to be verified by planning staff with an ILC at the time of construction. • Building Height The maximum allowable building height for this property is 35'. This design is in compliance with the applicable zoning regarding all ridge heights, as proposed, the maximum height of the structure is 30.25 feet. Again, this requirement would need to be verified by planning staff with an ILC at the time of ridge construction. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project is within the Nottingham Road Residential District (#22) which is labeled as a low priority district. The proposed project appears to comply with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Town of Avon community Development (970) 746-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Wuhrman Duplex Final Design II FR August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 7 Alli Adequate development rights exist on the property for up to two dwelling units. 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. A. Site Development Guidelines: o Site Design: The Design Guidelines put an emphasis on buildings blending in with natural settings and minimizing the amount of grading necessary. The proposed design currently places the building in the rear of the lot near the steepest grades. This will require more grading than if the building were to be placed in the front of the lot. o Site Access: On the subdivision plat for Beacon Hill, an access easement was platted for Lot 70A (subject property). The centerline of this access easement intersected with the subject property 77.5 feet north along the property line from the southwestern comer of the property. The applicant has proposed to move this platted access easement centerline 29 feet to the south along the western property line (31 feet north from the southwest comer of the property). In order to approve this site plan, approval from the neighboring property (Beacon Hill and Bristol Pines) to the west must be obtained. Subsequently, a resubdivision needs to be approved and recorded to change the access easement (vacate the old easement and record the new easement). Currently staff has received a letter of agreement between the applicant, Beacon Hills HOA, and Bristol Pines HOA (Exhibit B). The proposed access to the site is provided with a 15 foot wide driveway which has maximum grades of eight percent. The first twenty feet adjacent to the garages have varying slopes. The eastern garage has a two percent grade and the western garage has a four percent grade. This design does appear to be in compliance with the access requirements. o Parking and Loading: The units are required to have, at minimum, three parking spaces each. The proposed plan provides six parking spaces (two interior and four exterior) and is in compliance with zoning. The current proposal has a hammerhead portion of the drive that extends into the eastern utility and drainage easement. The guidelines state that disturbance in this area is discouraged and staff feels that the drive design is revised to remove this portion in the easement. o Easement's: The property has a 7.5 foot wide Drainage and Utility Easement located along the western property line. The Design Guidelines state that disturbance in the drainage and utility easements should be avoided. The proposed project has extensive grading and paving within the easement located on the subject property, as well as with the neighboring property to the west (Beacon Hill and Bristol Pines). o Site Grading: The project proposes to have extensive grading within the easements and onto the neighboring property to the west. Approval from the neighboring property to the west (Beacon Hill and Bristol Pines) has Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Wuhrman Duplex Final Design II ,�, August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 7 AIIN been received for work done on their site, therefore the site plan does function. o Drainage: The site plan has drainage issues that need to be resolved prior to the drainage being acceptable. The Swale located on the north side of the proposed structure is not sufficient enough to contain debris and water flow from the existing slope. The engineering department would like to see grading work done on the north side of the boulder retaining wall to help address this drainage. Staff suggests that drainage north of the retaining wall be filtered to the east while the drainage south of the retaining wall be filtered to the west. , o Snow Removal and Storage: The applicant has proposed 519 square feet of snow storage, which is 20% of the total paved surfaces and meets the minimum required by the Design Guidelines. B. Building Design Guidelines: o Building Materials and Color. The building is designed with stucco, decorative rock, and wood siding as the main materials. The decorative rock is used on the garage level and is seen on the south (front), east (right), and west (left) elevations. The stucco has two colors: the main portion of the stucco is a "Stony Mountain" color (light tan color) and the accent color is a "Fairy Wren" color (tan hue). This building material is used as the base material on the middle and upper level. The wood siding is a "Rushing River" color (green hue) and used as a vertical element on each elevation. The trim around windows, garage doors, and deck railings is a "Crosby" color (brown hue). The colors are natural or earth tones but do not appear to integrate well with the other colors on the neighboring buildings. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest•. The architecture has had a few changes from the most recent Final Design Review. The mansard portion of the roof has bee removed and replaced with a flat roof. To keep some of the mansard elements on the building, the applicant is proposing copper "awnings" (architectural elements that extend beyond the roof). The proposed building has the most architectural interest on the south (front) elevation, noticeably less interest on the west (left) and east (right) elevations, and appears to be lacking interest on the north (rear) elevation. The south (front) elevation uses a mixture of materials, windows, decks, and nine foot wide (wood siding) entry element to create fenestration and architectural interest. This elevation also has copper awning elements that wrap around both of the comers of this elevation and one that is freestanding above the middle window column. These three elements are used as a way to frame the window columns. The west (left) elevation has a two-story bay window element, two visible roof forms (flat to the south and gable to the north), deck railings, and a portion of the entry element that create a enough variation to add some interest to this elevation. The two-story bay window element uses wood Town of Avon Community Development (970) 749-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 i Lot 70A, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Wuhrman Duplex Final Design II �vr� August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 7 Allll siding and is framed by the accent stucco color ("Fairy Wren"). The windows to the south side of this elevation have a copper awning element above them. The east (right) elevation uses two six and one-half foot wide strips of wood siding, color variation, and windows to create some architectural interest. The wood siding vertical strips are recessed one foot into the building wall. This elevation uses both colors of stucco to break up the mass of the wall. Above the second vertical window column from the south is another copper awning element. The north (rear) elevation has the least amount of architectural interest of all the elevations. Besides the use of windows and a single eight and one- half foot wide wood siding strip that protrudes from the wall one foot, the entire flat wall is stucco. Staff feels that the building uses a variety of architectural styles and the applicant should focus on creating one architectural style throughout the entire building. Staff feels that the copper awning elements are out of place and appear to detract from the architectural interest of the building instead of adding to it. Staff would like to see more meaningful variation in the materials, wall planes, and architectural elements used on the building. o Outdoor Lighting: The applicant has proposed exterior lighting on the south (front) elevation. The applicant has also provided staff with the proposed light fixture that uses sixty watt bulbs and seeded glass panes. The bulb appears to be visible through the panes and staff recommends that the fixtures be replaced with ones that use frosted panes or full cut-off housing. o Duplex Development. The duplex connection is quite substantial as one unit is placed one floor above the other unit. The design certainly is unified and has compatible materials. This design does meet this requirement of the Design Guidelines. C. Landscaping Guidelines: o Design: The design appears to generally comply with the intent of the Residential Landscaping Guidelines. In terms of plantings, there are a total 2 Colorado Blue Spruce trees, 20 Quaking Aspen trees, 6 Serviceberry shrubs, 17 Native Yellow Potentilla shrubs, 13 Snowberry shrubs, and 7 Vanhoutte Spirea shrubs. All of the plant species proposed are contained in the Appendix 1: Recommended Plant List, from the Town's Design Guidelines. According to the applicant, all trees would meet the minimum size requirements as prescribed by the Design Guidelines: 6' minimum height for evergreens, 2" minimum caliper for deciduous trees, and 5 gallon minimum for shrubs. The proposed landscaped area does extend on to the neighboring property to the west and the calculations include that area. Without approval form the neighboring property to the west (Beacon Town of Avon community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Wuhrman Duplex Final Design II � August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 7 p11A Hill and Bristol Pines), the landscaping plan does not function. The applicant is proposing 45.28% of the lot to be landscaped, and only 5.2% of the landscaped area to be irrigated. o Irrigation and Watering: The irrigation and watering requirements of the Design Guidelines appear to have been met. o Retaining Walls: The applicant is proposing two separate retaining walls. The retaining wall to the north of the proposed building has a maximum height of six feet and is designed by a CO licensed Professional Engineer. The retaining wall on the east side of the property is denoted with, "Retaining wall designed by others". Both of these retaining walls will need to be designed by a CO licensed Professional Structural Engineer prior to building permit. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The design and building appear to be compatible with the site topography. The structure would be dug into the hillside with a portion of the lower levels buried on the north, south and east elevations. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The applicant has proposed high quality materials and earthtone colors that should make this project visually compatible with the surrounding environment. The massing and appearance of this project do not appear dominating as viewed from the neighboring properties and public ways. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired with the proposed improvements. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted goals and policies. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending Tabling this Final Design Plan for a duplex residence on Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Recommended Motion "I move to table the Final Design Plan for a duplex residence on Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, based on the inconsistencies between Criteria A -D of the Design Review Guidelines. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4023, or stop by the Community Development Department. ' Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 .If Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Wuhrman Duplex Final Design II ,qw August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 7 of 7 Ane Respectfully submitted, Jare aures Planner I Exhibits: A. Aerial Map B. Approval Letters from Bristol Pines and Beacon Hills HOAs C. Reduced Plan Set Town of Avon community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 I ERSTkTE70 Plug 03 07 0820p Gary S'levens August3,2007 Mr. Jerry Wuhrrnan 154 Commodore Drive Jupiter, R 33477 Dear Mr. Wuhrman, 9704761846 �1 The board of directors of Bristol Pines Homeowners Association approves your proposal to relocate the access easement to Lot 70A under the k1lowing terms and condillons: 1. The grading and paving from Lot 70A to the e)Mng driveway will be In accordance with the engineering drawing of LKP Engineering, Ina Project No. 04127 for duplex after approval of the site plan by the Town of Awn. 2. Install new trough drain at lower end of proposed drive to collect surface drainage. To coordinate e)dsting and new trough drains may require exisfinng trough drain to be relocated. 3. A yield sign must be placed where the drive from Lot 70A joins the main driveway. 4. The developer of Lot 70A andlor subsequent owners will maintain the ditch from the south end of the trough drain to the road as necessary to prevent water from the drive spilling onto the access easement 5. Owners of Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Beek to share the maintenance costs of shared driveway with existing homeowners associations. 6. The parking spaces of the east end of the original access easement will remain unchanged 7. You agree to substitute a low growing shrub for the Cottonwood tree at the southwest comer of your duplex. 8. Should it be necessary to relocate the Bristol Pines sign and the electrical power thereto you will pay the cost of doing so. 9. You will pay the cost of having the legal documents prepared relocating the easement and the cost of any attorney of our choice reviewing k 10. You will deposit twice the estimated cost of landscaping and paving with a local title company to be held in escrow to ensure the work is completed. Evidence of such will be provided. 11. You must have stamped engineer plan. Assuming you agree to the above and the Town of Avon approves your plans subject to the above, we look forward to your project complimenting ours. _O Sincerely. �7P Bristol Pi es Homeowners Association A�v e e � o�"� :�- bV Todd Goulding, Vice President RECa ED Leaqc�p iffff� CoM4 �fo�l I� AUG I'S 2001 br 1��1' 1 VUI ��QQ l I T Community Development EXHIBIT B A9 Hou.0hL1530 31Y0 9N 6e00-916 '•4d7l (/6.3, .v0.1 onuo+e.i0] 1ON7Y]lRre0[L3.,.oNoxtls 9(0O--[Izr--ZLr Z'1 I xPl H6 -9Z0 NI OO ANOJMY-7Lf919 0 3 '-P—P3 CfBL •08 'O'd YRA3i0 Mat'OVOU RYDNLUN OK D9] agi✓.790 =LkYffNwB 11 >0079 Vol l0'1 •�uI °�urraaur�>z,� cDIT M/7d HDYA ya—DAWFUO 'm�1Nx�awa�/vnt� ti 0 G b Wtp S B e� Yid . §s @�yqjH '�pyb��p�ty4y y�yy� i N11 i�NCi C 3 0055.10 N wdx]� will, v 1911> I 01 / yC O"� .CB Y P� i O R a � 3 _d M9 C [D � MA - nOCP M 3 Q waLr) :T II J O 11 d F co G b Wtp S B e� Yid . §s @�yqjH '�pyb��p�ty4y y�yy� i N11 i�NCi C 3 0055.10 N wdx]� will, v 1911> I 01 / yC O"� .CB Y P� i O U n Cn N U _d M9 C [D 2 MA - nOCP M 3 cf waLr) :T II J O 11 d F co N II S i U VQlUO-W 'ONnos asoH GOIHcIV)J!D HO:-]iC]VO OCYV'60100'NOAV x��ncjml NVNHHnm co ., /--[= le I ICY ; Pat > j In §:.Sail IV 'i Au Z9 19 06800000"0`n- G') I do L j In §:.Sail IV 'i Au Z9 19 06800000"0`n- G') §:.Sail IV 'i Au Z9 19 06800000"0`n- G') vaao-d 'aNnos 380+4 oavao-oo 'None SOIRdVHO HODladO XD-idfl4 NVAUHnm o q N RE —L----- a a tz, .. .� .. .. .u�.-.. .N .. an .[I .rn.. 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N m m PM w wtaK"V* a amu wwaa m•v ra�wo•a aWlAt-dau 1.1 opV=oloJ 'uony 1peoU umggug4ON 0" xaldnQ upuz zunA/I aura ueId ade:)spue7 ,ummwaa-ma.o-.os s� N V .... .. . . . . ... 31 Ila JJ ,•,, 1, . , }} ► i { L}}t:itifl,! 1I„ }l,i,�I, �111z1a, zif, paonoapunoap eaaj.L s9.jnay4S�j pup sasspa•J j GI .J li li U li �` Y b j� a tt $$ opV=oloJ 'uony 1peoU umggug4ON 0" xaldnQ upuz zunA/I aura ueId ade:)spue7 ,ummwaa-ma.o-.os s� N V .... .. . . . . ... 31 Ila JJ ,•,, 1, . , }} ► i { L}}t:itifl,! 1I„ }l,i,�I, �111z1a, zif, *Memo_= To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners AVON C O L O R A D O From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner Date: August 21, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Re: "Walkin' the Dog" Special Review Use (SRU) Review Introduction: On March 20, 2007, after observing significant grading activity on the subject properties without having received the required engineered drawings, erosion control and storm water runoff plans for such work, the Chief Building Official issued the applicant a "red tag", otherwise known as a Stop Work Order. Since that time, the Commission has made repeated inquiries of staff concerning the status of the application and whether the engineered drawings for the site work were ever submitted, which was a condition of approval under Resolution 06-14 (Exhibit A). The applicant submitted engineered drawings of the subject properties on July 3, 2007 which are attached for your reference (Exhibit B). At the Commission's June 19, 2007 meeting, a re -review of the permit was requested by the Commission in order to review the conditions of approval and progress to date. At the July 17, 2007 Commission meeting the application was reviewed with the applicant. That review was focused on the conditions of approval and the excessive grading that had took place on Lots 20 and 21. The engineered drawings that were required as part of approval of Resolution 06-14 (Exhibit A) were reviewed for compliance with one of the Town Engineers. Conversation continued with the need for a detailed landscaping plan to determine what types of vegetation were to be provided, and where each species would be planted. The non -approved grading has created visible scars to the existing landscape of the adjacent properties. The Commission determined that it would be acceptable to continue with re -seeding work immediately; and a landscape plan would be provided to staff. Commissioner Goulding motioned to accept that Condition #4 (Engineered Access Condition) from Resolution No. 06-14 had been adequately satisfied with some additional detail required. As an additional condition, any hillside cut is to be at a maximum 1:5 to 1 grade, and all disturbed areas are to have mats and seed mix. The applicant agreed to hand water as recommended by the landscaper. As mentioned, work was to start immediately with a plan in to the Commission for review at the next scheduled meeting. There was a unanimous approval of these conditions. A faxed letter from Johnnie's Gardens was received by staff and was included in the August 7, 2007 Commission packets. After a brief discussion at the August 7, 2007 meeting, the Commission re -iterated the need to review a formal Landscape Plan. The Commissioners also requested a legal opinion from the Town Attorney, as to what legal means are at hand. As of August 15, 2007 no Landscape Plan has been submitted to the Town. At this time, staff would like to open up the formal one year re -review that was placed as a condition on the approved Resolution 06-14, which is to take place no.later than October. The Commission's available actions are highlighted below. Background: The applicant, Marisa Lahman, has been operating a "doggy day care" facility in Unit 201 of the Metcalf Commercial Building since receiving a Special Review Use (SRU) permit (Resolution No. 02-03) on May 7, 2002. That approval was for up to 25 dogs in the facility at any time; and the approval was limited to one year time subject to re -review. This permit was limited to interior use only, with' no outside dog walking permitted. The SRU approval was reviewed again by the Planning and Zoning Commission in May of 2003 and extended for an additional three years (Resolution No. 03-13). The subsequent review and approval (Resolution No. 06-14, Exhibit A) on October 3`d, 2006, was not only for a permit extension, but for an outdoor expansion onto the adjacent Lots 20 & 21 to the south. At the time, the applicant sought and received approval for an increased capacity to accommodate up to 50 dogs. In addition to the increased canine capacity, the applicant requested approval for a new fenced "exercise" area to be located on the properties immediately to the south for use between the hours of 9am and 4pm. The outdoor dog walking area was to be accessed from a new proposed landing off the applicant's unit via a new exit door, as well as a paved driveway access off of Metcalf Road. The fence itself was proposed to be a 6' high game style fence with wooden posts placed every 50'. Pertinent Zoning Code Sections: Section 2.16.010 (3) AMC, Purposes of the Planning and Zoning Commission: To preserve the natural beauty of the Town's site and setting, to prevent indiscriminate clearing of property, removal of trees and earthmoving, and to attain the objectives set out in this Chapter through design review of RVI/annkg & Zoning CwYWs*nWe=s120071WaMDogSRUReWew 021.07.doc property development to all existing structures and property development. Section 2.16.120 AMC: If the Commission determines such action is necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town, prior to issuing approval of any application, the Commission may require permittee to submit, prior to obtaining a building permit, a letter of credit, surety bond or other adequate security, in a form and an amount acceptable to the Town, guaranteeing to the Town the compliance with all requirements of the Commission, or regulations or ordinances of the Town. Section 17.48.020(C) AMC: A special review use permit is valid as long as conditions of approval are maintained by the applicant, unless a specific time limit for the use is set forth as part of the approval." Section 17.48.020(C) AMC: If the conditions of approval are not maintained, it shall be considered a violation of this code and subject to revocation - proceedings. Section 17.28.050 AMC: No approved special review use may be modified, structurally enlarged or expanded in ground area, unless such modification, enlargement or expansion receives the prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission, which shall be obtained by repetition of the granting procedures provided in this Chapter. Section 17.12.020(4) AMC: No use ... or lot coverage... shall be altered without first having the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission Section 17.12.040 of the AMC: Any building permit authorized by this zoning code, issued in reliance upon any materially false statement in the application therefore or in supporting documents or oral statements, is absolutely void ab initio and shall be revoked. FAP&Wng & Zwft comrnrsslonuvremosi2oo7lwaWnDogSRURS*w o6.21.o7.doc Available Actions: The Planning and Zoning Commission has the following available actions regarding the Special Review Use permit that was approved by Resolution 06-14: 1) Revocation. 2) Approval of permit extension. 3) Approval of permit extension, with conditions. Staff Recommendation: Due to the history of this approval, and the disturbance resulting from non -approved grading work which was not represented in the application, staff recommends that additional measures be exercised in this case to ensure the health, safety, and welfare -of the residents of the Town. Staff recommends that the application extension be approved for one additional year, subject to re -review, with the following conditions: 1) Applicant will supply the Town of Avon with adequate cash surety to cover the expense to complete all reseeding and irrigation work necessesary to revegetate and stabilize the results of clearing portions of Lot 20 and 21, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. At the time of surety submittal, the applicant will supply the Landscape Plan. 2) The applicant will complete all work indicated on the engineered drawings and Landscape Plan, including revetation and stabilization, in not more than 30 days — or no later than September 13, 2007. In the event the work is not completed to the satisfaction of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Town will execute all work with the supplied surety. 3) Application will be re -reviewed in one year. 4) Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Exhibits: A. Resolution No. 06-14 B. Engineered Drawings Submitted on July 3, 2007 F.Rarv*v & Zw ft ComnissbnWe=sl2W71Wa&!n'DogSRURovkN M21.07.doc Exhibit A TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 06-14 . A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERMIT FOR FENCED OUTDOOR DOG EXERCISE YARD AND INCREASE IN DOG LIMIT FOR UP TO 50 DOGS AT DAYCARE SERVICE IN UNIT 201, LOT 18/19 AND LOTS 20/21, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWT% OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Marissa Lahman has applied for a special review use permit for dog daycare, outdoor fenced exercise area, and increase in dog limit for up to 50 dogs at any one time, as described in the application dated July 31, 2006, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon on September 5th & October 3rd, 2006, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regardigg the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission o+ the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; C. Whether the proposed use is compptible with adjacent uses; and D. That the granting of the special review use requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions: The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. 2. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. 3. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby approves a Special Review Use permit for increased dog capacity to 50 dogs and fenced outdoor exercise area, as described in the application originally dated July 31, 2006, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code for Unit 201, Lot 18/19, and Lots 20 & 21, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, based upon the following findings: 1. The proposed use otherwise complies with all other requirements imposed by the Zoning Code; and 2. The proposed use is compatible with existing planned and approved adjacent uses. 3. The proposed use is in conformance with the Town of Avon Comorehensive Plan. 4. The special review use requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the public purpose provisions in the Zoning Code. Approved with the following conditions: 1. Approved for one (1) year time subject to Planning Commission re -review. 2. 50 dogs maximum, and Town must be notified within 5 days of going over limit. 3. Documentation must be provided to the Town for sanitation chemicals used. ®Engineered drawings must be submitted to staff "or new access and parking area on Lots 20 and 2l. The Driveway must be graded (not paved) adequateiv for access. 6. Feces to be removed within 24 hours. Adopted t/lis 3rd day of October, 2006 Signed: Chair Allesl: Secretary Date: Date: FAPianning & Zoning Commiuion4Raolwionsi2OOAPu 06-14 t{'alkin Dog Expansion SRUdoc u r1 1 r r h Rr u ° t ooN N i ~• I r r r r ar r d r d $l t/ ti nt{i( tt/�.tii i1 ' ; yllt,tt ytI il�y' ir, !iitt,irr mill',FtM1�t,`Ijf/I�;y�'.yltyt�'tiIIt iti y Ittll` I711!Iij / J iI lttyttl l t,itlll, it ,l y WTv ti t. r t!, tyt'ISlj�i(',. 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The proposed amendments to the PUD include a request to reconfigure the planning area boundaries of Planning Areas H, Neighborhood Center, I, Neighborhood Center, E, Village Residential; and F, Village Residential, for the stated purpose of creating more of a buffer between commercial uses and the adjacent residential neighborhood that currently exists along Eaglebend Drive. The applicant is also proposing a text amendment to the PUD guide that will result in a modification to the current percentages and ratios of commercial -to -residential uses in order to permit more residential density in areas that are presently planned for more commercial square footage. The proposed and revised PUD Development Plan is included as Attachment A. Planning Area E is currently approved to be 5.5 acres and the applicant is proposing to reduce it down to 1 acre. Planning Area F is approved to be 9.5 acres in size and the applicant is proposing to increase it to 14 acres. Planning Area H is presently approved to be 3.2 acres in size and the applicant is proposing to increase it to 7.7 acres. Planning Area I is currently approved at 5.7 acres in size and the applicant is proposing to decrease it down to 1.2 acres. In both the current and proposed versions of these planning areas, the total acreage adds up to 23.9 acres (see tables depicted below). Planning Approved Proposed Area E 5.5 acres 1 acre 9.5 acres 14 acres H 3.2 acres 7.7 acres 5.7 acres 1.2 acres Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of I1 I Planninq Area Residential Comnercial Minimum Maximum % % Minimum % Maximum % Villaqe Center (A) 30 80 20 70 I Village Residential (D, E) 90 100 0 10 I Village Residential (F) 9070 100 0 4-030 Neighborhood Commercial (H, 1) 0 2050 8950 100 I Reqional Commercial (K, L) 0 20 80 100 Repional Commercial (J) 0 2050 9950 100 (Existing % to be amended shown in strikergreugh, proposed in bold) Staff Recommendation Staff recommends to the Avon Town Council approval of Ordinance 07-10 approving the request to amend the Village at Avon PUD, as proposed, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. Planning Areas E, F, H, I, and J shall be limited to a 5 -year vesting period, pursuant to Ordinance No. 06-09, the Town's vested rights regulations; 2. Section 1(12)(d) of the Village at Avon PUD Guide shall be amended to include Planning Areas B, C, D, E, F, G, H, 1, and J; 3. The applicant shall quantify the proposed traffic impacts with respect to trip generation, impact to existing travel times, and stacking for all modes to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer through submittal of a Traffic Study prepared by a qualified licensed Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit within Planning Areas E, F, H, 1, and J; 4. At such time as formal approval by Town Council is granted for this amendment, the applicant will have provided sufficient language to be incorporated within the PUD development plan and annexation agreement which guarantees a portion of the remaining attainable housing requirement be realized in Planning Areas E, F, and H; and 5. The applicant shall initiate and properly maintain mass transit service connecting West Avon to the easternmost commercial parcels and Buffalo Ridge of the District, at a level of service no less frequent than is provided within the Town, from time -to -time, and pursuant to Section 4.10 of the Village at Avon Annexation and Development Agreement, prior to the issuance of a building permit within Planning Areas E, F, H, I, and J. It is important to note that the approval -of a PUD Amendment does not mean anything definite will occur within the context of an approved PUD development plan. According to Section 3.5 of the Village at Avon Annexation and Development Agreement, there is "No Obligation to Develop". Without an accompanying subdivision, or re -subdivision, application, there is no trigger for mandatory, previous conditions of approval, and nothing is formalized to guarantee a certain action will occur. A PUD Amendment alone may never reach fruition or be realized at any point in the future because, in the end, the developer may choose to do something different, than what is contemplated with the amendment, or nothing at all. Within the context of this particular PUD, the only applications, which cause a condition of approval to go into'effect, are an application for subdivision, or a building permit application. However, the reason that full scrutiny of such PUD amendments is so critical is they can result in an expanded range of Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of I 1 flexibility for the developer, the effects of which may result in unintended consequences for the PUD in question, or the Town as a whole Vested Property Rights The applicant is requesting that, in accordance with Section H.1.(c) of the PUD Guide for The Village (at Avon), the amendment and associated modifications to the PUD Master Plan create vested property rights for the duration of the term set forth in Section 1.3 of the Annexation and Development Agreement (35 years from 1998, of which 26 years remain). Section H.1(c) of the PUD Guide requires that any amendment to it create vested rights for the duration of the term set forth in Section 1.3 of the Annexation and Development. However, by Ordinance No. 06-09, the Town's vested rights regulations were amended to provide that any property right vested after June 1, 2006, remain vested for a period not to exceed five years. Accordingly, approval of the application will need to be conditioned (Condition #1) upon an amendment to Section 1.3 of the Annexation and Development Agreement, adding the proviso that any amendment to the PUD Guide and/or the Sketch/PUD Development Plan shall be limited to a term of five years from the date of approval. Public Benefits Staff is recommending (Condition #2) that all Regional and Neighborhood Commercial Planning Areas (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J) located on the "Valley Floor" of the PUD Master Plan be subject to the public benefit language located in section I(12)(d) of the Village at Avon PUD Guide. Currently, the provision for an Ice Skating/Events Center that is proposed for Planning Area C is to be initiated by to the development of 200,000"' square foot of commercial space within Planning Area A. Staffs concern is that the balance of current commercial entitlements (approximately 400,000 square feet) may be exhausted prior to triggering this public benefit. By including Planning Areas B, C, D, E. F, G, H, I, and J (Neighborhood/Regional Commercial Plan Designations), the Town has a greater opportunity to realize these benefits. Transportation Staff has also included a condition (Condition #3) requiring the provision of mass transit service. To date, the traffic and mass transit demand created by the existing commercial development within the VAA (e.g., Home Depot and Wal-Mart) has not been properly mitigated. Demonstration of the mass transit demand has been' -recorded when Avon Transit provided mass transit service (without reimbursement from the District) from June 2006 and April 2007; ridership was substantial (12,850 service hours and 350,000 passenger -trips) and continued to increase throughout this time. Any subsequent development will only increase traffic and transit demand and exacerbate this problem. Immediate initiation of mass transit service connecting West Avon to the east -most commercial parcels of the District, and the Buffalo Ridge Affordable Housing Project, should be required in conjunction with any amendment or further project action by the District. Staff has also requested a provision of a Traffic Study — The amendment refers to compliance with the Town's "Transportation Plan", however, it does not reference any specific document. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 1 I The proposed amendment has not demonstrated consistency with Avon's current transportation planning, traffic engineering, transit planning, or multi -modal initiatives (see Policy G.1.10). The applicant should quantify its proposed impact with respect to trip generation, impact to existing travel times, and stacking for these modes, to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer through submittal of a Traffic Study prepared by a qualified, licensed Traffic Engineer. Housing The application states that one of the driving principles of the amendment request is to improve the "diversity" of housing and increase the mix of uses based on input from the community. Of equal importance is the balance and mix of attainable housing. One of the shortcomings of the existing Village at Avon PUD is the lack of integration regarding the attainable housing at Buffalo Ridge since it is isolated from the rest of the uses within the Village at Avon as a whole. The current application is an opportunity for the applicant to offer a tangible public benefit that meets one of the Comprehensive Plan's goals, which is to provide a wide spectrum of housing options integrated into the community. Background Prior Amendments to Annexation and Development Aareement The original Annexation and Development Agreement was entered between EMD LLC, PVRT NOTT I LLC, PVRT NOTT II LLC, PVRT NOTT III LLC, and the Town of Avon on October 13, 1998 and later recorded with Eagle County on November 25, 1998. This agreement provided vesting and property rights for the Village (at Avon) annexation property. Amendment #1 Approved by Ordinance No. 01-16 on November 13, 2001 & recorded'December 10, 2001 with Eagle County. Amends portions of the original agreement including: responsible parties and ownership are clarified, Administrative Amendment No. 1 to the Development Plan is correctly referenced, 1-70 Improvements and related bonding for construction, East Beaver Creek Boulevard Improvements, Swift Gulch Road Improvements, Public Works Site, one acre Fire Station dedication, Retail - Real Estate Transfer Fee - Accommodation Lodging Fees, Use tax / fee establishment, lost sales tax revenues for Wal-Mart and City Market. Amendment #2 Approved by Ordinance No. 03-08 dated May 27, 2003 & recorded July 30, 2003 with Eagle County. This amendment changed the Highway 6 Exaction requirement and replaces it with a Highway 6 Trail Exaction requirement. The trail exaction was for the design and construction costs for sections of the pedestrian trail system along Highway 6. Trail exaction was a result of public concerns expressed by Eagle -Vail residents through their Metro District and the County Commissioners. It includes a cost sharing agreement outlining funding for the project. Amendment #3 Approved by Ordinance No. 04-17 on October 26, 2004 & recorded December 22, 2004 with Eagle County. This amendment addresses two issues: 1) Correcting the method of computing the cost of police services and agrees to a new formula that reflects that the Village pay for the actual cost of police services provided to it; and 2) Deferment of the construction of the improvements on East Beaver Creek Boulevard from 2005 to completion in 2009. This is a result of the development pattern so far primarily taking place on the east side of the Village property. PUD Amendment History Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7464030 Fax (970) 949-5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of I 1 Administrative PUD Amendment #1 Request: Amendment to the PUD Development Plan map showing planning area locations, and general street alignments. This amendment also moved the location of the school tract to the north side of the Interstate. Action: Approved administratively with signature of the Community Development Director on May 14, 2001. Administrative PUD Amendment #2 Request: PUD Guide Amendment to permit building setback encroachment for Lot 3, Filing 1 (Planning Area K), from Fawcett Road Right -of -Way for Southwest corner of Wal-Mart and associated outdoor nursery sales center. Action: Approved administratively and recorded February 19, 2002 with Eagle County via 'Certificate of Landowner Request' Administrative PUD Amendment #3 Request: PUD Guide amendment that prioritizes the sale and rental of the requirement employee housing units first to people employed in the Village (at Avon) property, second to people employed in the Town, and third to people employed in Eagle County. Action: Approved by Community Development director and recorded May 15, 2002 via 'Certificate of Landowner Request.' Administrative PUD Amendment #4 Request: Amendment to PUD Guide, specifically adding language concerning swift gulch road allowing -for 11' travel lanes with 2' shoulders in sections that include a 10' wide paved separated pedestrian trail. Language added to supplemental Regulations, Section 1.5 Design and Improvement s Standards as a new subsection (b) (vi). Action: Approved by Community Development director administratively and recorded May 15, 2002 via 'Certificate of Landowner Request.' Formal PUD Amendment #1 (Denied) Request: Submitted on May 30, 2003 and included the following points: • Creating an additional 19.2 acres of Regional Commercial (Planning Area Q) immediately adjacent to the new interstate exchange. This commercial area is divided by Post Blvd. into separate parcels. The east parcel is approximately 7.8 acres and the west side consists of two parcels: 7.8 acres and an additional 3.6 acres. As a frame of reference: Christy Lodge is 6.35 acres and Original Wal- Mart 6.33 acres. • Planning Area Q also includes 1.0 acre for the Fire District Regional Facility as required by the Annexation and Development Agreement. • Relocating the school site to Planning Area M and increasing the planning area for the school site by almost 2.0 acres. • Reducing the Community Park from 29.0 acres to 17.4 acres. The loss of useable acreage for the community park is limited to 3.4 acres. The existing topography and steep slopes were not considered in the original planning area designation for the Community Park. Traer Creek LLC has agreed to replace the park area when RMF -1 and RMF -4 are developed. The Village (at Avon) still retains approximately 500 acres of open space. • Increasing Planning Area RMF -1 from 146 residential dwelling units (24.2 acres - 6.Odu/acre) to 307 residential dwelling units (30.7acres-10.Odu/acre). • Providing a mix of 310 dwelling units on RMF -4, which surrounds the new school site. Planning Area M is specifically excluded in the Village at Avon PUD Guide from the total development rights currently approved. Therefore, this amendment includes the addition of 310 dwelling units (8.Odu/acre) to the previously Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 11 approved 2,400 dwelling units for the Village (at Avon). Since the additional density is above what has been previously approved, Staff has recommended transit services be required for this development area combined with the school to mitigate the impacts and isolation from the rest of the Town of Avon. Action: The Planning Commission approved Resolution 03-14 after four public hearings, recommending approval to Council. The Town Council approved Resolution 03-41 which denied the amendment. Formal PUD Amendment # 2 (Approved) Request submitted on October 3, 2006, and included the following points: • Relocation of Planning Area G on the PUD Development Plan, which will remain designated for a school to be operated by the Eagle County School District; • Planning Area D has been adjusted to allow the school to be located within its previous boundaries; and • Planning Area N, which is, by way of this text amendment to the PUD Guide, the site upon which two separate facilities for the Eagle County Health Services District and the Eagle River Fire Protection District will be located. Action: The Planning and Zoning Commission approved, with conditions, Resolutions 06-16 and 06-17. The Town Council approved Ordinance 06-17, thereby allowing the amendments outlined above. Surrounding Land Uses: The existing land use and zoning for the surrounding properties are as follows: • North: Interstate 70 • South: Medium -High Density Residential / Village at Avon PUD • West: Mixed Use/ Village at Avon PUD • East: Mixed Use / Village at Avon PUD This application is a noticed public hearing with written notice provided to property owners within 300' of the subject property. To date staff has received no public comments regarding the applicant's requests. In addition to the required public notice, staff has transmitted the application material to the following agencies, with their comments summarized below: Eaqle County School District Comments To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Eaqle River Water and Sanitation District To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Colorado Denartment of Transoortation To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Eagle County Plannina Denartment To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Eaqle Countv Fire Protection District Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 . Fax (970) 949.5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 7 of I 1 To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Colorado Department of Wildlife To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Eagle County Health Services District To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. ECO Trails To date, staff has not received a response to our request for comments. Proposed Amendments Attached to this report is a summary of the requested amendments (Attachment A) to the current PUD Guide map and the Development Plan, as prepared by the applicant. The proposed amendments are detailed in the introduction section of this report PUD Design Criteria According to the Town of Avon Zonina Cade, Section 17.20.110, the following criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating a PUD. It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following design criteria, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a particular development solution is consistent with the public interest. 1. Conformance with the Town of Avon Comorehensive Plan's Goals and Objectives. The sections within the Comprehensive Plan that offer policy direction relative to the proposed land uses are the Future Land Use Plan, the District 7 (Village at Avon West District) special area policies, and the General Goals and Policies of the Plan. The Future Land Use Plan designates the planning areas proposed to be amended by this application as Residential -High Density and Neighborhood Commercial. The general area upon which the applicant has proposed amendments is identified on the District Priorities Map as a Medium Priority District. The subject properties are also located within District 7: Village at Avon West District, which designates the area as a "pedestrian -oriented urban village". The Comprehensive Plan also identifies several regional policy goals related to land use and development patterns that should be reviewed with respect to the proposed Village at Avon PUD amendment. The goals and policies that pertain are as follows, each with a review comment regarding this application's compliance: Goal CA: Provide a balance of land uses that offers a range of housing options, diverse commercial and employment opportunities, inviting guest accommodations, and high quality civic and recreational facilities, working in concert to strengthen Avon's identity as both a year-round residential community and as a commercial, tourism and economic center. Review Comments: The changes proposed involve shifting the location and type of proposed development, including the reallocation of commercial and residential uses within Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax, (970) 949-5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 8 of I I Planning Areas F, H, I, and J; in addition to modifying the approved physical size of Planning Areas E, F, H; and I. In consideration of the broad scope of Goal C.1, the impacts of this text amendment upon the remainder of the Village at Avon PUD as a whole must be given careful consideration. Staff is concerned about the impacts of enlarging Planning Area H and increasing its maximum residential percentage from 20% to 50% of the total square footage; while concurrently lowering the minimum commercial percentage on Planning Area H from 80% to 50% of the total square footage. Likewise, increasing the maximum residential percentage from 20% to 50% of the total square footage on Planning Area J; while concurrently lowering its minimum commercial percentage from 80% to 50% of the total square footage is of concern as well. The pattern of development that has occurred thus far in the Village at Avon PUD has resulted in infrastructure inefficiencies, particularly with respect to transit, and this proposed amendment will likely only serve to exacerbate those inefficiencies. Similarly, because the proposed amendment will likely result in an increased residential density in the subject planning areas, there should be a formal consideration given to achieving a diverse range of housing with this application. The application mentions, in passing, the policy objective of creating or contributing to an overall diversity of housing options, but no commitment has been made on behalf of the applicant to inject some attainable housing options into this amendment proposal. Staff suggests this is an appropriate time to request that some of the residential capacity involved with this proposal be formally dedicated and restricted to attainable housing units. Also, with regard to transit, since this amendment will produce an increased level of inefficiency based on the development pattern from east to west, a commitment to contributing toward a transit system to serve this increased residential population located well outside the Town's core is appropriate at this time. Additionally, under the broad scope of Goal CA is the topic of high quality civic and recreational facilities working in concert to strengthen Avon's identity. Given the amount of commercial square footage contemplated (approximately 185,000) within the subject area, staff is concerned about the impacts on the build -out of Planning Areas A, B and C. There is a threshold of commercial development that must be reached in Planning Area A in order for the Ice Skating/Events Center planned for on Planning Area C to be realized, and staff is concerned that this application may preclude the development of these highly beneficial civic uses. In this regard, staff has recommended a condition of approval related to a tangible public benefit, such as the uses approved for Planning Area C, to be achieved prior to the approval of further amendments, such as this one. Goal 17.1: Achieve a diverse range of quality housing options to serve diverse segments of the population. Review Comments: As stated above, this is an opportunity to make a formal commitment toward achieving a diverse range of housing within the core area of the Village at Avon PUD. At present, the applicant has not proposed anything specific with respect to injecting an amount of attainable housing into the planning areas proposed to be modified with this application. 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub -area design recommendations and design guidelines of the Town. No specific or detailed designs have been submitted with this proposal. The Village (at Avon) Design Review Board governs design review for the entire PUD. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 9 of I I 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. No specific or detailed designs have been submitted with this proposal; however, schematic renderings depicting possible cross sections of buildings with vague bulk and mass studies have been submitted with this application. 4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. As outlined in the first criterion under this section, the uses, activity, and density that will result from this PUD amendment may not provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. However, staff has recommended conditions centered on the phasing sequence, transit, and attainable housing, which will result in this criterion could being met. 5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. There do not appear to be any natural or geologic hazards on the area of property upon which this PUD amendment is proposed. 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The proposed PUD amendment, as submitted, does not appear to impact this criterion. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the Town Transportation Plan. As detailed above, there is no change proposed to the circulation system designed for the PUD, however, the Town's existing transit system is not designed for residential and commercial densities located well beyond the village core of Avon. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. Landscaping and open space associated with the proposed amendment have not been planned beyond a conceptual level. Additionally, the Village at Avon Design Review Board governs design review for the entire PUD. 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional, and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. The phasing plan shall clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional and efficient without relying upon completion of future project phases. No phasing plan has been submitted, and phasing of public improvements will be coordinated through the subdivision review process. 10. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. Transportation systems have not been given consideration with this PUD amendment proposal; however, staff has recommended a condition to address how this application will further exacerbate the inefficient conditions of development which are observable thus far in the existing state of the Village at Avon PUD. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484D30 Fax (970) 949.5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 10 of 11 11. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. The road and street improvements will be reviewed through the subdivision process. It should be noted however that the developer is required to complete the final construction of the roads in this area, complete with streetscape, with the subdivision process. 12. That the PUD or amendment to PUD requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions, as outlined in Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code: A. The application demonstrates a public purpose, which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. No demonstrable public purpose is contained within the PUD amendment requested with this application beyond what the applicant claims could result in more of a buffer between the existing residences on Eaglebend Drive and new commercial uses in the subject Planning Areas. The approval of this PUD amendment application alone will not guarantee that any buffer is achieved between residential and commercial uses. B. Approval of the zoning application provides long term, economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. The potential adverse impacts of the proposed zoning application will outweigh any potential long term economic, cultural or social community benefits unless such elements as an ice skating rink or events center are specifically tied dawn with conditions of approval for an application such as this. C. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. There exists no guarantee within the contents of the subject application, as submitted, that the approval of this proposal will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. However, with a few well worded conditions of approval to which the applicant would be willing to adhere, this criterion could be met with a tangible link to the elements contemplated herein. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748- 4002, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Senior Planner Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 The Village at Avon, PUD Amendment August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page I 1 of 1 I Resort Attachments Attachment A: PUD Amendment Application Binder Attachment B: Vicinity Map Attachment C: Approved Annexation and Development Agreement Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Town may withdraw its offer to enter into this Agreement. If Owner withdraws the Annexation Petition, either party withdraws its offer to enter into this Agreement, or if Final Approval does not occur, then this Agreement shall be deemed void and of no force or effect, the Property shall be deemed not atmexed to the Town, and the vested property rights described in this Agreement shall be deemed not established. ARTICLE 3 on' 2 and Vested Rit=bt3 3.1 PUD Zonine. Upon annexation of the Property, the entire Property shall be zoned as a PUD as provided in this Agreement and in the Development Plan. 3.2 Permitted Uses/Desian Standards. The permitted uses of the Property, the density and intensity of use (including, without limitation, 650,000 square feet of Commercial Space and 2,400 Dwelling Units, including 500 affordable housing units, all as more specifically described in the PUB Guide), the maximum height, bulk and size of proposed buildings, Project design standards, provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, the general location of roads and trails, the ability of Owner to relocate roads, traits and improvements, and other terms and conditions of development applicable to the Property and the Project shall be those set forth in this Agreement and the Development Pian, as amended from time to time in accordance with Section 1.4. 3.3 Vestine of Property Riehts. Owner and the Town agree that (a) this Agreement, the Development Plan and the Sketch Plan constitute an approved "site-specific development plan" as defined in the Vested Property Rights Statute and Section 17.14.100 of the Municipal Code, and (b) that the owners of the Property shall have vested property rights to undertake and complete development and use of the Property and the Project as provided in this Agreement, the Development Plan and the Sketch Plan. Pursuant to Section 17.14.450 of the Municipal Code: Approval of this plan constitutes a vested property right pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as amended. 3.4 Property Riehts Vested The rights identified below shall constitute the vested property rights tinder this Agreement: (a) The right to develop, plan and engage in land uses within the Property and the Project in the manner and to the extent set forth in and pursuant to this Agreement, the Development Plan and the Sketch Plan, (b) The right to develop, plan and engage in land uses within the Property and the Project in accordance with the densities, physical development standards and other physical parameters set forth in the Development Plan. (e) The right to develop the Project in the order, at the rate and at the time as market conditions dictate, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Development Plan. r� 111N1 i1111111iiI111111 H11 IN 1118111111111111 IN •77143 11/25/1"S W=OW 27 Sora Fisher 0 of 39 R 1111.00 0 0.00 N 0.00 Eaale 00 (d) The right to develop and complete the development of the Project (including, without limitation, the right to receive all Town approvals necessary for the development of the Project) with conditions, standards and dedications which are no more onerous than those imposed by the Town upon other developers in the Town on a uniform, non- discriminatory and consistent basis, and subject only to the exactions and requirements set forth in this Agreement and the PUD Guide; provided that such conditions, standards and dedications shall not directly or indirectly have the effect of materially and adversely altering, impairing, preventing, diminishing, imposing a moratorium on development, delaying or otherwise adversely affecting any of the Owner's rights set forth in this Agreement or the Development Plan. (e) The Town shall not initiate any zoning, land use or other legal or administrative action that would directly or indirectly have the effect of materially and adversely altering, impairing, preventing, diminishing, imposing a moratorium on development delaying or otherwise adversely affecting any of the Owner's rights set forth in this Agreement or the Development Plan. 3.5 Ob1i ation to Develon. Owner shall have no obligation to develop all or any portion of the Project and shall have no liability to the Town or any other party for its failure to develop all or any part of the Project. Owner and the Town contemplate that the Project will be developed in phases. Owner shall have no obligation to develop all or any portion of any such. phase, notwithstanding the development or non -development of any other phase, and Owner shall have no liability to the Town or any other party for its failure to develop all or any portion of any such phase of the project 3.6 Compliance with General Regulations. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or the Development Plan, the establishment of vested property rights under this Agreement shall not preclude the application on a uniform and non-discriminatory basis of Town regulations of general applicability (including, but not limited to, building, fire, plumbing, electrical and mechanical codes, the Municipal Code, and other Town rules and regulations) or the application of state or federal regulations, as all of such regulations exist on the date of this Agreement or may be enacted or amended after the date of this Agreement, provided that such newly enacted or amended Town regulations shall not directly or indirectly have the effect of materially and adversely altering, impairing, preventing, diminishing, imposing a moratorium on development, delaying or otherwise adversely affecting any of Owner's rights set forth in this Agreement or the Development Plan. Owner does not waive its right to oppose the enactment or amendment of any such regulations. ARTICLE4 Public Facilities, Revenue Sharing 4.1 Access: Roads Access, ingress and egress to, from and within the Project shall be provided as generally described in the Development Plan. Owner contemplates that one or more of the Districts shall construct the roads within the Project in accordance with standards set forth in the PUD Guide and dedicate such roads to the Town, whereupon the Town shall accept 1111111111111111111 MINI H11 NII HIM M 11!1119 111 077747 11/29/1000 01:O5P 27 Suv Fishar 0 of 30 R 161.00 0 0.00 N 0.00 ElOi; CO (ii) An annual price appreciation cap of 3'/0, or such higher percentage as the Town Council may approve from time to time, will be established. (iii) If and when an owner moves out of his or her unit, he or she will be required to sell his or her unit to Owner or a Qualified Buyer. (iv) The rental units. will be targeted to households earning between 50% - 80% of the ECU FI. Rents shall not exceed UP% of the tenant's monthly income, adjusted for household size, including utilities, 'for which allowances are determined annually by the Colorado Housing Finance Agegcy. (v) Capital improvements to a for -'sale unit may be made up to ten percent of the original purchase! price of the unit every ten years. No restrictions on capital improvements shall be placed on rental units. (vi) In addition to the annual price appreciation, real estate X commissions not to exceed three percent (3%) and closing costs shall be allowed for re -sales of for -sale units after the initial sales of such for -sale units by the Owner. (vii) First time home buyers shall be exempt from Real Estate Transfer Fees as set forth in the Annexation and Development Agreement (c) Subject to receiving all required permits and approvals therefor, Owner . r will assure that a minimum of 100 affordable housing units will be constructed in conjunction with the initial phase of commercial and/or ti residential construction within the Project (but not in connection with the construction of infrastructure in preparation for such initial phase of commercial and/or residential construction). 12. provision of Certain Amenities. (a) Community Park (Planning Area N): (i} Construction of the initial fifty percent (50%.) of the community park shall be commenced prior to the date that the Town's obligation arises :to issue a certificate of occupancy for the Dwelling Unit constituting the 601° Dwelling unit within the Property that otherwise is eligible to receive a certificate of occupancy. Construction of the second fifty percent (50%) of the community park shall be commenced prior to the date that the Town's „MM,,. WAVEX 1Mill 1111111111111111111111oil 1111111111111It 111 IN GM44 11/25/1998 010711 304 Sara Flahar 51 of 91 R 456,00 0 0.00 N 0.00 Easle CO e I 1"114 W.AY obligation arises to issue a certificate of occupancy for the Dwelling Unit constituting the 1200° Dwelling Unit within the Property that otherwise is eligible to receive a certificate of occupancy. (iii) Once commenced, construction of the improvements contemplated in (i) and (ii) above shall be prosecuted with due diligence in accordance with sound construction practices. (b) Pocket Parks (Planning Areas P l - P6) and Bike Trails: Pocket parks and bike trail improvements shall be commenced and prosecuted with due diligence in accordance with sound construction practices concurrently with development of immediately adjacent parcels. (c) Community Center (Planning Area B): (i) Construction of the initial phase of the community center shall•be commenced prior to the date that the Town's obligation arises to issue a certificate of occupancy for the Dwelling Unit constituting the 601' Dwelling Unit within the Property that otherwise, is eligible to receive a certificate of occupancy. (ii) Construction of the second (final) phase of the community center shall be commenced prior to the date that the Town's obligation arises to issue a certificate of occupancy for the Dwelling Unit .y constituting the 1200° Dwelling Unit within the Property that otherwise is eligible to receive a certificate of occupancy. .11 (iii) Once commenced, construction of the improvements contemplated in (i) and (ii) above shall be prosecuted with due diligence: in accordance with sound construction practices. (d) ' Ice Skating/Events Center (Planning Area C): Construction of the ice skating/events center shall be commenced prior to the date that the Town's obligation arises to issue a certificate of occupancy for the Commercial Space including the 200,000° square foot of floor area for which the Town has issued a dertificate of occupancy for Commercial Space within Planning Area A. Once commenced, construction of the ice skating/events center shall be prosecuted with due diligence in accordance with sound construction practices. 1111111 IIIII 111111111111,111111111111111111111111111 IIII Staff Report��� FINAL DESIGN PLAN AVON C O L O R A D O August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning. Address Introduction August 16, 2007 Single -Family Residence Lot 3, Western'Sage Subdivision PUD — 1 Dwelling Unit 5205 Longsun Lane The applicant, Jeffrey Manley, has submitted a Final Design application for a single- family residence on Lot 3 of the Western Sage Subdivision and Planned Unit Development. The proposed residence measures approximately 34'-11" in height and would be accessed off of the private road easement that serves Lots 1-5 of the Western Sage Subdivision. The total gross floor area of the proposed residence is 4,783 square feet (including a 597 square foot garage). The residence is designed in an "old world" European architectural style and utilizes wood siding and stucco on the exterior walls, and asphalt shingles on the roof. The site slopes toward the west and has steep grades across the buildable area. Primary views are to the south of Beaver Creek and further down valley to the New York range and Bellyache Ridge. Included in the attached reduced plan set are a site plan, floor plans, and elevations (Exhibit E). The drawings clearly show all existing and new proposed improvements on the property. Review History At the Commission's most recent review, June 19, 2007, (Lot 3, Western Sage Subdivision), there was discussion about the overall design, but concern centered around the lack of variation between the designs on lots 1, 2, and 3. The Commissioners expressed support of the material use and colors but thought that the massing needed more work. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: Town of Avon community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 3, Western Sage Subdivision — Single -Family Final Design August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 6 ' ' 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoninq Code. • Allowed use: The proposed residential use is permitted given the PUD — single- family zoning. • Density: The lot is zoned for a single-family residence and the density is appropriate. • . Lot Coverage: The Western Sage PUD allows for development only within the platted building envelopes. The project is in compliance with the PUD and the building is within the platted envelope. • Setbacks: The setbacks for the property are set by the building envelope with a typical 10' setback for the front and side yards. The proposal has a hammerhead driveway portion that extends into the setbacks. All other building setbacks have been adhered to with this submittal. Compliance with the platted building envelope would need to be documented with an Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) at the time of foundation approval. • Easements: On.the east side of the building envelope, a ten foot wide Utility Easement borders the thirty foot access easement (private drive). On the north side of the building envelope, a ten foot wide Utility and Drainage Easement borders the property line to Lot 4. The west side of the building envelope has a 30 foot wide Utility and Drainage Easement, while the south side of the building envelope is bordered by a ten foot wide Utility and Drainage Easement. The applicant has proposed to place a hammerhead driveway area in the easement to the north of the building envelope. It is not advised to disturb platted easements; however, it is the owner's responsibility to replace damaged landscaping and driveways if future work is required. • Building Height The maximum allowable building height for this property is 35'. This design is in compliance with the applicable zoning with the building height at a maximum of 34'-11", as proposed. Compliance with the building height will need to be documented with an Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) at the time of framing inspection. • Grading/Drainage: All existing and proposed grades are indicated on the site plan. • Parking: This project would require three spaces for the dwelling unit (two per unit under 2,500 sq. ft. / three per unit over 2,500 sq. ft). A total of three parking spaces, two interior and one exterior, have been provided. The minimum parking standards have been met. • Snow Storage: Three separate areas are called out on the Site Plan designated for snow storage, while the Construction Staging Plan has two areas designated. The Site Plan indicates that a total of 709 square feet have been provided for snow storage, which is 28% of the paved surfaces. This represents compliance with the pertinent sections of the zoning code. Town of Avon community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Western Sage Subdivision — Single -Family Final Design August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting M Page 3 of 6 ' ' 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project complies with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Adequate development rights exist on the property for up to one dwelling unit. 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with the Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Desiqn Guidelines (Exhibit B). A. Site Development Guidelines: o Building Siting: The Design Guidelines put emphasis on site layout design and state that structures must be built within the platted building envelope in a way that blends in with the natural settings, thereby limiting the need for extensive site grading and slope retention. The applicant has placed the building within the envelope and minimized the extent of site disturbance to a reasonable degree. The limits of disturbance fencing extend outside of the building envelope to provide a sewer line extending into the western Utility and Drainage Easement. o Preservation of Existing Vegetation: The Guidelines state that the proposed landscape plan should preserve and enhance any natural vegetation, while special attention needs to be given to existing vegetation located within non -developable areas. The applicant shows a limits of disturbance fence, straw bales, and straw cover at all seeded areas to ensure that there is minimal impact to the non -developable areas. o Drainage: The applicant is leaving the drainage ways free of obstructions as called for in the.Design Guidelines. The Guidelines also state that gutters should be installed to direct roof drainage away from garage entrances, doorways, and patios or decks. It appears that this design addresses these issues. o Grading: The grading plan is in compliance with the required 2:1 maximum slope as stated in the Guidelines. o Vehicular Access/Driveways: Access to the site is provided with a twelve foot wide driveway which has grades varying from two percent to ten percent. The Design Guidelines require compliance with the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines which call for no more than a four percent grade for the first twenty feet of the driveway entering a site and leaving a garage door. This design appears to be in compliance with the access requirements. o Outdoor Lighting: The applicant has submitted a single style wall mounted light fixture which complies with the guidelines. Attached to this report is a cut sheet of the fixture (Exhibit C). It is a wall sconce light fixture with metal finish. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 3, Western Sage Subdivision — Single -Family Final Design August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 6 ' B. Architectural Design Guidelines: o Exterior Wall Materials: The walls are primarily finished with cement stucco and 10" horizontal ship -lapped cedar siding, and in some places, a stone veneer is used. The building generally conforms to the Design Guidelines, especially in architectural details where the design utilizes many exposed rafter tails and beams as well as bracing and trim. o Fenestration: The building conforms with the Design Guidelines by using trim and sills around the windows and mullions to separate windows that are configured in a group. o Colors: The siding, timbers, fascia, and railings are an Olymipic 707 color while the stucco is a "Glacier White". All of the proposed colors are earthtone and should blend well with the site as required in the Guidelines. o Roof Design: The primary roof form is a gabled roof with a 6:12 pitch. There are three dormers, each of which are gabled and have a 6:12 pitch. The building utilizes 40 -year asphalt shingles throughout the roof and this design is in compliance with the Design Guidelines. o Chimneys and Utility Meters: The chimney has a stone veneer on it and the meters are in a room adjacent to the front entrance. C. Landscaping: o Design Philosophy. The provided Landscape Plan appears to comply with the intent of the Landscaping Guidelines. In terms of plantings, there are a total of three (3) Colorado Blue Spruce Trees, one (1) Ponderosa Pine Tree, four (4) Rocky Mountain Juniper Trees, eight (8) Quaking Aspen Trees, three (3) European Mountain Ash Trees, nine (9) Creeping Juniper Shrubs, one (1) Serviceberry Shrub, nine (9) Vanhoutte Spirea Shrubs, four (4) Potentilla (Cinquefoil) Shrubs, 1,100 square feet of Kinnikinick, Snow -In -Summer, and White Clover groundcover, and 1,300 square feet of Buffalo grass. The Design Guidelines defer to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines to regulate the recommended plant list. All of the plant species proposed are contained in Appendix 1: Recommended Plant List, from the Town's Design Guidelines. According to the applicant, all trees would meet.the minimum size requirements as prescribed by the Design Guidelines: six foot minimum height for evergreens (with the exception of the Rocky Mountain Juniper that has a minimum size of four feet in height), two inch minimum caliper for deciduous trees, and five gallon minimum for shrubs. All of the trees will also receive drip irrigation. Staff recommends that the landscaping plan be revised to have a minimum size of 6 feet in height for the Rocky Mountain Juniper tree. o Retaining Walls: There are seven areas on the site where retaining walls are used. The applicant has submitted a detail of the retaining walls shown at a height of four feet from the ground to the top of the highest Town of Avon community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 3, Western Sage Subdivision — Single -Family Final Design�, August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 6 ' " ' boulder. The applicant has proposed the use of two six foot tall retaining walls. These retaining walls will need to be designed by a Registered Professional Structural Engineer. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The design and building appear to be compatible with the site topography. The structure would be dug into the hillside with a portion of the lower levels buried on the north, south and east elevations. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The applicant has proposed high quality materials and earth tone colors that should make this project visually compatible with the surrounding environment. The massing and appearance of this project do not appear dominating as viewed from the neighboring properties and public ways. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. Staff does not feel that any monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired with the proposed improvements. Lots 14 should be designed with enough variation from each other so that Lot 5 does not wholly stand out from the rest of the development. This design is different enough from the approved designs on Lots 1 and 2, Western Sage PUD, and begins to blend with the building on Lot 5, Western Sage PUD. Staff feels this requirement has been met. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted goals and policies and is a use by right per the Western Sage Subdivision and PUD documents. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending conditional approval of this final design plan for a single-family residence on Lot 3, Western Sage Subdivision. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the final design plan for a single-family residence on Lot 3, Western Sage Subdivision, with the following conditions to be resolved by building permit submittal: 1. Approval of Final Design for Lot 1 does not constitute approval for any other lot layout or design as shown on Sheet Al -1; 2. The site plan on Sheet Al -2 be revised to remove the hammerhead parking area from the northern Utility and Drainage Easement; Town of Avon Community Development . (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Westem Sage Subdivision— Single -Family Final Design , August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 6 3. The six (6) foot tall Boulder Retaining Walls on Sheet Al -2 be revised to reflect a non-structural wall or a detail be added so that the design receives a stamped approval -from a Colorado Licensed Professional Structural Engineer, and 4. All trees and shrubs will exceed the minimum size requirements prescribed in Appendix 1 of the Town of Avon Design Review Guidelines." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4023, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully sppmifted, J aures Planner I Exhibits: A. Aerial Map B. Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines C. Light Fixture Cut Sheet D. Colored Elevations E. Reduced Plan Set Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 \\ �»«\� . < � %� ,, . �� / /,\\ t � /� \ z ~ � /\ : � � \ � /� � . . � . \ . ^~ « � � � ` . \ � \� � \\ �»«\� . < � %� ,, . �� \��������� :�ƒy \�\ . : <� :�\ � j � \ <� :�\ WESTERN SAGE PUD ARCHITECTURAL SITE DEVELOPMENT LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES AVON, COLORADO December 31, 2004 r fi cZ,vF �nunity pevelopmelr� , CONTENTS 1. Introduction U. Review Process •III. Site Development Guidelines • Purpose • Building Siting • Preservation of Existing Vegetation • Drainage ' • Grading • Vehicular Access/Driveways • Fencing/Privacy Screening • Outdoor Lighting IV. Architectural Design Guidelines • Purpose • Single Family Residences • Building Height • Foundations • Exterior Wall Materials • Fenestration • Colors • Roof Design • Chimneys • Utility Meters, Satellite Dishes, Trash Containers V. Landscape Design Guidelines • Purpose • Design Philosophy • Recommended Landscape Plant Material • Retaining Walls • Irrigation Western Sage PUD t Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines INTRODUCTION The purpose and intent of this document is to establish site development, architectural, and landscape design guidelines for individual property owners of Lots 1 thru 5, Western Sage PUD. These guidelines should be used by property owners, architects, designers, and builders, along with the "Town of Avon ResIdentiaL Commercial. and Industrial, desien Review Guidelines"- adopted November 6, 2001, when making decisions regarding single-family residential development of Lots 1 thm 5, Western Sage PUD. These guidelines are intended*to ensure residential development of the highest quality while preserving the unique natural character of the existing landscape. In addition, these guidelines are established to preserve and protect -property values by ensuring that future development on Lots 1 thru 5 is compatible with existing structures; their surroundings, and the unique built and natural environment of the Wildridge neighborhood. Compatibility of future development can be achieved through proper consideration of scale,' proportions, site planning, landscaping, and exterior building materials and colors. Whenever possible, natural slopes and vegetation should be preserved and/or replaced. The objective of future development on Lots 1 thru 5 is to 'fit" buildings into the topography and to pay particular attention to preserving existing vegetation on the site. In order to achieve the goal of high quality residential development which remains sensitive to the natural character of the existing landscape, the developer and/or each individual property owner should make all reasonable efforts to design and adhere to the site development and landscape design recommendations set forth herein. Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines REVIEW PROCESS Individual.PmPerty owners wishing to construct single-family residences on Lots l thio 5, Western Sage PUD are encouraged to adhere to the site development and landscape design guidelines contained herein. Adherence is encouraged in the design phase of the residences as well as during the actual construction process. The Western Sage PUD, being located within the Wildridge Subdivision and the Town of Avon municipal boundaries, shall be governed by all laws and ordinances duly adopted by the Avon Town Council. This shall include, but not be limited to, compliance with the Town's established zoning, land development regulations, design review guidelines and development review processes. Design review of fixture development on Lots 1 thru 5 shall comply with the processes and procedures prescribed in the Town of Avon Municipal Code. Where conflicts between this document and the Town's duly adopted laws and ordinances, exist, the Town's laws and ordinances shall take precedence and control. ., Western Sage PUD z. Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines SITE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELRM The site development -guidelines are intended to protect the natural characteristics of the site and to preserve the inherent qualities that exist within the Wildridge neighborhood. To that end, the goal of the site development guidelines is to minimize and direct any negative physical and visual impacts of single-family development within the Western Sage PUD. For example, site grading, building location, vehicular access, slope retention, drainage, etc. should be responsive to the topography and vegetation existing on site. Buildings should blend in with the natural setting, be stepped with the natural topography, and fit into their surroundings rather than appearing to have been forced onto the site. • Building Siting . . .All future development shall be constructed entirely within the platted building envelopes with exceptions as noted on the Western Saga PUD Final Plat. The purpose of the building envelope is to ensure the preservation of certain areas of the site, to help ensure that future development responds favorably to the topography of the site, and to provide the Town, neighbors and individual property owner's with assurances as to the future location of each of the single-family residences. Limits of disturbance fences shall be illusirated on the proposed site plan and demarcated on the property throughout the duration of the construction process. Building siting should be responsive to existing terrain features, established drainage courses, existing vegetation, views, and passive solar exposure. The goal of the proposed landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance any natural vegetation on the site. To that end, special attention shall be given to ensuring that existing vegetation located within non -developable areas and areas not proposed to be impacted by development is protected. To ensure that existing vegetation is minimally impacted, limits of disturbance fencing is required, erosion control measures shall be taken, and approved site grading shall be strictly adhered to throughout the construction process. Whenever possible, existing vegetation should be maintained as an asset to the site rather than regarded as a nuisance which can be removed to ease the construction process. • Drainage TO the extent possible, all existing drainage patterns on the site should remain unaltered. Once established, all drainage ways and easements shall remain free of obstructions. Areas of concentrated runoff should be treated (ie. rip -rap) to minimize soil erosion Westem Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines Gutters should be installed to direct roof drainage away from areas such as garage entrances, entrances find doorways, and patios or decks. Grading Responsive grading can have long-lasting positive impacts to the site and surrounding areas. All on-site improvements should be sensitively designed to minimize any unnecessary disruption to the site. The presences of excessive retaining walls and . substantial loss of existing vegetation may be an indicator of excessive or inappropriate grading. Built structures should be located to min9mithe amount of grading and placed in such a manner as to act as slope retainage for the site. The maximum grade of all disturbed slopes shall not exceed 2:1. All grading should be sculpted to blend back into the surrounding landforms to help maintain a natural appearance. • Vehicular Access/Driveways Whenever possible, all access drives should follow the natural contours and topography of the site, respecting landform and existing vegetation: Maximum driveway grades shall conform to the Town's adopted standards for driveway access. Padang areas should be screened with earthen beans and vegetation whenever possible. The length and width of future driveways should be minimized to reduce the amount of impervious surfaces on.the site. Adequate areas for snow storage shall be provided on each individual site to prevent the accumulation of plowed snow along common access areas. All driveway and parking"iurfitces shall be asphalt, concrete pavers, stone cobbles, or a combination thereof. Driveways surfaces should be sited to take advantage of passive solar exposure to prevent icing and the accumulation of snow. : Fencing/Privacy Screening Fencing around yards is prohibited. Privacy walls are discouraged Privacy walls which do not exceed six feet in height as measured from finish grade to the top of the wall may be constructed around decks and hot tub areas. "Living' privacy walls (ie. trees, shrubs and bushes) are the preferred alternative for providing screening and privacy within a site. Outdoor Lighting Outdoor lighting is necessary to provide security, safety, and aesthetic illumination of a site. To prevent light pollution and intrusion of light onto adjoining properties, outdoor light fixtures shall be directed only where light is needed and should be low level light sources which are fully cut-off or shielded. The use of flood light fixtures and lights with exposed bulbs is prohibited Uplighting of landscaping and landscape features is discouraged. The use of an automatic timer on outdoor landscape lighting is encouraged Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES ,, . The architectural design guidelines are intended to preserve the aesthetic quality of the built environment within the site and to enhance the visual aesthetic of the surrounding residential neighborhood. To that end, the goal of the architectural design guidelines is to provide arcbitectural controls to ensure that the architectural design of structures and their exterior materials and colors are visually harmonious with the town's overall appearance, with surrounding development; and with natural and existing topography. For example, building materials and colors, building scale and form, and building orientation should be responsive to their surroundings. These guidelines are intended to promote residential development of the highest quality. Building Height Maximum building height shall not exceed 35 feet. Building height shall be determined by utilizing the town's adopted methodology for calculating building height. • Foun#ations Building foundations shall be covered in stone, plastef stucco, or wood to prevent the presence of exposed concrete foundation walls. Whenever possible, finish grade should ' be brought up to minimize the amount of potentially exposed foundation wall area. Minimum building code standards for distances between the ground and wood siding shall be met. • Exterior Wall Materials Exterior wall materials should be an assemblage of materials that add architectural variety, visual interest, and texture to the building. The use of highly durable, high quality materials which weather well in a high altitude, mountainous environment is encouraged. Exterior walls shall be" designed with a clear definition of base, middle, and top which should relate to the proposed building forms. Primary wall materials shall include stone and wood siding. Plaster stucco may be acceptable when used in limited amounts as a decondary wall material. Changes in wall materials should only occur at inside corners ofthe building and along horizontal breaks in the elevations. No one wall material should dominate an elevation of a structure. Generally speaking, stone veneer should be used to establish a base for the building. Lighter materials such as wood siding or plaster stucco should sit atop the stone and form the middle portion of the building. Large, uninterrupted building wall segments should be avoided. Changes in wall materials or wall material. application along with window fenestration should be incorporated into the design. Architectural details such as trim, shutters, corbels, bracing, exposed rafters and beams, etc, should he included to add visual interest into the overall design. A well-proportioned pitched roof shall be constructed to finish off the building. Western Sage PUB Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines Fenestration All windows should be appropriately sized to match their surrounding wall surfaces and materials. Fenestration within field materials (plaster stucco and wood) should be designed with decorative trim and sills, or heavy structural frames -so that they do not appear as `Munch outs" in the wall. The shapes of windows should be selected to complement the architecture of the building. All windows should strive to add visual interest through the incorporation of mullions, muntins, and divided lites. . • Colors Building colors for structures within the Western Sage PUD should be chosen to blend with the surrounding mountain environment. Earth tones to various shades of browns, beiges, and grays are encouraged. Colors and hues found in natural stones and naturally - weathering woods are most desirable. Complementary darker colors of similar hues should be used to accent decks, fascia, door and window trim, garage doors, etc. * Roof Design A well-designed roof is proportionate to the structure it sits atop. In the case of the Western Sage PUD, primary roofs forms should be predominately gable roofs with a ; pitch of at least 5/12. More steeply pitching roofs are encouraged. Roofs; should be designed with environmental and climatic considerations such as snow shedding, drainage, solar exposure, wind direction, etc. in mind. Secondary roofforms such as shed roofs are encouraged when used to cover exterior decks, entry ways, and dormers. Roof surfacing shall be primarily asphalt shingles that are no less than 350 pounds per roofing square. Metal materials such as corten and copper are encouraged on secondary ivof forms. In no instance, however, will metal roofs be permitted that reflect direct•sunlight onto adjacent properties. Roofs should contain deep eaves and overhangs that provide protection from the elements and cast shadows upon the facade of the building. • Chimneys All flues 5" in dihmeter or greater which penetrate roofs shall be designed with chimneys. The size of the chimney should be in scale with the architecture of the building. Chimneys shall be covered in stone veneer, wood siding, or plaster stucco. Chimneys shall terminate with a decorative cap made of metal or stone. Special attention should be given to the chimney cap design to avoid the appearance of being too bulky or top-heavy. Utility Meters, Satellite TV Dishes, Trash Containers Utility meters, satellite tv dishes and outdoor trash storage areas shall be screened from view from neighboring properties. Screening may be accomplished through placement on the building, physical screening with landscaping, or painted a color to blend with the V-TMM7gHT Mt- Mt Do :�.• :, �� a, S LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES 4i The landscape design guidelines are intended to preserve the aesthetic quality of the natural environment of the site and to enhance the visual aesthetic of the site and the surrounding residential neighborhood. To that end, the goal of the landscape design guidelines is to provide landscape design controls to ensure that the landscape design of site is visually harmonious with surrounding development and with the natural and existing vegetation. • Design Philosophy The intended philosophy of the landscape design is to harmonize the building sites with the natural topography'and existing vegetation. Extra care should be taken to disturb as little of the site as possible during the construction process. When areas are disturbed, revegetation utilizing existing and native plants and grasses should be utilized. The use of non-native plant materials shall be limited to providing accent and color to the site and structures. Whenever possible, plants indigenous to the area should be utilized. The landscape planting design should be such that it de- emphasizes the location of property lines between the sites. Xersiscape practices are highly encouraged to.reduce water consumption and maintenance requirements. Large turf areas are discouraged. • Recommended Landscape Plant Material A recommended list of landscape plant materials can be found in Appendix 1, "Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and industrial Design Review Guidelines". adopted November 6, 2001. Additional plants that should be considered for use include serviceberry, buckthorn, cotoneaster, sage, rabbitbrush, snowberry, and mountain mahogany. • Retaining Walls Retaining walls design shall comply with the standards outlined in the, "Town of Avon Residential, Commercial. and industrial Design Review Guidelines", adopted November 6, 2001. Retaining wall materials shall be limited to concrete walls with a stone veneer and dry stacked boulders. • Irrigation An automatic irrigation system is required for all turf; shrub, and tree areas to reduce water loss and for ease of maintenance. The irrigation system shall be indicated on the approved landscaping site plan. Western Sage PUD 17. Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines I site and structure.. Intro instance shall satellite tv dishes be permitted on roof tops, reflect sunlight, or contain advertising of any kind. Trash storage shall be located within the main structure and fully enclosed from view from adjacent properties. S 0 Y Western Sage PUD r Architec turd. Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines 111L:41G1 1\J VY'i OL L1Sl1LLLa�ja/LL W L No Payfnents for Months! On Pwrhams cf 3500or4fore with the lmprovemerlt DirectPrefwed Accwnr Hcros I Custorrer Service I Rlv Pxcpunt I Help I Vlsw Cart Y s I'ME SHIPPIR0 f i l f1�lfl_� L!s 1g all orders As + Your Orme Source Fu UOM 1'atxes Chdchere Shop By Type Shop By Brand Home > K9044 > K9044 Klchler EXHIBIT C Call Toll Free: (SOO) 3 Shop By Room Shop By Theme AUTHORIZED Outdoor Wall Sconces DEALER Manufacturer Model: K9044 0-10 KICHLER ► site Sear ;Search entire s Enter search term Finish: Please Choose LOW . Chosen Finish: JOIde Brick J 1W/o Pg EEC CHECK Our Price: $70.20 WIN zaou IN :cca cut «y J NE6_iQty: t— i+ Add to Cart 8K Pictured In Olde Bride Image Displayed may differ fiom actuml product appearance, especially In finish I****illi Be the first to write a review. i -J E-mail a friend about this product Ask our staff a question about this kV product RECEIVED AUG 0 12007 Commuray Development 8/1/2007 No Payments for 6 Months On purchases of $500 or more with your Improvement Direct Preferred Account Click here for Important disclosures Buy Fast. Feel Secure.® Pay Later with Bili Me Later0l Click here for details. e Grenoble Collection: Wall Sconce e 1-Ilght e Contemporary / Modem Themed e Dimensions: 0 11 Inches Wide 0 8 Inches High 0 11 Inches Extended from Wall e Required: 15OW Bulb . Fixture May Be Installed with Shade Up or Down e Height from Center of Wall Opening with Shade Down 2.50 Inches . U.L. Listed for Wet Location with Shade/Bulb in Downward Direction Only e Can Be Indoors as a Wall Sconce Similar Grenob K2 Kic $38 Grenob K2 Kic $10 urenob K2 Kic $13 R w d $ p l An 1; W U�j6g �G Yy tYLSaT1u� W� <ct@ _51 t i Sgt _$5 o A N 1i`r��D Sp w iy:� :'ys♦ iWim s+ 'mow �ppb}1���r 'viii N f4� b@p CMS'" s��y30 1,4\06 �j2S3 4 Town of Avon Design Modifications Residential Staff Report August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date August 15, 2007 Project type Deck and Structure Addition Legal description Lot 12B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD — Duplex Address 2190 Saddleridge Loop Introduction Chadd Ziegler is the applicant and owner of this application to construct a 37' x 20' wide deck addition. Within the perimeter of the proposed deck addition would be a "pavilion" structure, referred to in this report as an accessory structure. There are several existing deck structures that extend from the back of the unit, stepping down the hill with grade. The new deck would step down from the existing decks approximately two feet. The accessory structure would be 10' tall with a flat roof and roof overhangs consistent with portions of the existing duplex. There are several french doors and windows surrounding the structure. Stone wrapped piers would finish the exterior appearance. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Desicin Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoninq Code. This application would be in conformance with all provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The structure is contained within the required 10' setbacks. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. This criterion does not appear to be applicable to this application. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Lot 12B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision — Ziegler Deck/Pavilion Addition - The improvements would not be considered a dwelling unit since there is no kitchen. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Desian Guidelines. A. Site Development: The improvements will be located on the southeast corner of the existing residence in the rear yard. B. Building Design: The deck and accessory structure appear to be compatible with the materials and colors of the existing improvements, with the exception of the stone wrapped piers. C. Landscaping: There is no landscaping being proposed with this application. Landscaping would be appropriate to help break up the appearance of these. improvements. D. Miscellaneous Items: The Guidelines states that: `Accessory Structures must be shown on the final design site plan, and should generally be attached to the main building. The method of attachment should be generally compatible with the overall architectural design. Non-attached accessory structures are discouraged from placement on the front and sides of the building." The accessory structure is not attached to the existing structure and would be placed in the rear portion of the property. The steep existing topography where this deck is being proposed should be a design consideration. The. proposed elevation drawings and topography indicate the need to use several tall beam supports. The exact height of the supports is unknown; however, some of the deck supports appear to be upwards of 20' tall. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. Grading and . excavation would be required for the accessory structure* foundation and deck piers. This review criterion should be reviewed carefully since the improvements do not appear to step with the slope. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height,_ orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The improvements would be visible traveling north on Metcalf Road. The improvements would also be highly visible traveling up the last switchback of Wildridge Road, immediately before the first structures in Wildridge. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic. values will be impaired. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 12B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision — Ziegler Deck/Pavilion Addition • 1H August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 No monetary values should be impaired or otherwise lowered with the planned improvements. Aesthetic values could be impaired. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted Goals_ and Policies.. The Residential Design Review Guidelines would be the primary review document and there are limited criteria for reviewing accessory structures. Recommendation Staff is recommends approval of the accessory structure on Lot 12B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision. While there appear to be some minor conflicts with the 8 mandatory review criteria, the variations do not appear to be significant enough to warrant a recommendation for denial. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the accessory structure and deck addition on Lot 12B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision subject to the following conditions: 1. Colors and materials to match existing. 2. A landscape plan will be submitted to staff for approval. Landscaping will meet the Town's minimum size requirements. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or'applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4023 or stop by the Community Development Department. Re ull submitted, r Matt Pielstick Planner II Exhibits: A. Architectural B. Vicinity Map C. Photographs D. Site Plan Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 ,Vgv,olV leo- To. -I 16t" Gls tt Kms J Z44 �z rz j w ) 57, iz, NO 7, Al 1! -w U, TI SAMEAS same as original &r xvCO LCI 01T Q ACRES OOP �,,z 'T77 0 0 "Or LCI 01T Q ACRES OOP �,,z 'T77 0 0 a f P r. ACRES E Rio (;C j O()p. 7 MALMOU 1 am SM413 M Opa"faxii L431 tAMC 4� 1 1 a f P r. ACRES E Rio (;C j O()p. 7 MALMOU 1 am SM413 M Opa"faxii tAMC 4� 1 1 A si i� i •' � its. • .. -._ .. � � t ♦ ♦ t �f eek �, _ �` y lWI&WK Ery l3 ^"wr' 1!r ivif WA:: ,I+'. v" ' AM 4 0 400ildolenea AIlunuIU,00 LOOZ U ti '7flf C3&3;D3d ;uMdolenea ,U?Unw" LOO? 0 9 1nF (7343C)3a Town of Avon Design Modifications AVON C O L O R A D O Residential Staff Report August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date August 16, 2007 Project type Exterior Modifications - Minor Project Legal description Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD — Duplex Address 2643 Bear Trap Introduction Patrick McKenny is proposing to change materials and colors on the exterior of his half of an existing duplex. The changes include: replacing the eaves; replacing 1' by 6' siding with 2' by 12' siding to match existing colors; repainting the stucco; and replacing the vertical wooden pickets with vertical black painted steel pickets. Staff reviewed this application and gave the applicant a verbal approval to order materials for the proposed changes. Staff called up the applicant and informed him that a letter from the owner of the other half of the duplex was needed for final approval of the material and color changes. The joint property owner (other half of the duplex) heard that work was approved to change colors and materials. He went on to state that he would not support the proposed changes because they did not compliment what was currently on his half of the duplex. He specifically stated that black steel pickets would not match the wooden pickets on his half and the 2' by 12' shiplapped siding would not compliment his 1' by 6' horizontal siding. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoninq Code. Since there are no changes to the building footprint this criterion is not applicable. Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — Color and Material Change August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 oF3 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan; and any sub -area plan which pertains. This criterion is not applicable. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. There are no planned improvements that impact the development rights. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: The proposed changes do not effect this section of the design guidelines. B. Building Design: The proposed changes do use high quality materials and colors that are an earth tone with the exception of the black steel pickets for the deck. The Guidelines also state: "Duplex developments must be designed in a manner that creates an integrated structure on the site. Two single-family residences 'bridged' by a breezeway or other non-structural and non -habitable connection does not meet the intent of a duplex design. Unified design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, massing, detail, roof forms, and landscaping. While 'mirror image' duplexes are not supported, the design intent should be one that creates a unified structure with enough variety and architectural interest to distinguish a duplex from a single family home." The proposed changes do not support the unified design as described above in the Duplex Development portion of the Design Guidelines. The change in deck railing material and color will look drastically different from the other side of the duplex. The change of -stucco color, which is the most abundant building material, will not compliment the current off-white color used on the building. C. Landscaping: There is no landscaping being proposed with this application. D. Miscellaneous Items: There is nothing proposed that is regulated by this section of the Guidelines. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There is no site grading required. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — Color and Material Change August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting qqw AVIA Page 3 OTT_ The change in siding material, the non-matching stucco colors, and the deck material change would create enough differentiation between the two halves of the duplex that it would not appear as a unified design. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary values should be impaired or otherwise lowered with the planned improvements, but aesthetic values could be impaired. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. Recommendation Staff is recommending DENIAL of the color and material change on Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, pursuant to criteria 4B from the Residential Design Guidelines. Recommended Motion "I move to deny the color and material change on Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, subject to the Design Approval Criteria." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4023 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Jare ames Planner I Attachments: A. Material and Color sheet B. Building elevations with locations of proposed changes Town of Avon Community Development (970)746-4030 Fax(970)949-5749 Wildridge - Blk 2, Lot 32W Exhibit w, 'ate .,n .-a Auk ' er . e Q3 Lot 32W ft�0n Property Boundaries spa �, ✓n r n E .n iso. The McKenny Residence 2643 Bear Trap Road W Avon, CO 81620-2550 Proposed colors for residence: Area Medium Eaves Water Repellent Oil Stain Siding WoodScapes Exterior To become 2x12 House Stains by Shiplap Installed Sherwin-Williams Horizontally with 3 by material as trim around windows and comers. Area that meets the other side of duplex to stay the same. Stucco Exterior Color To stay the same color To stay the same color Mocha (SW 6067) Sample Deck Change out pickets to steel painted black with 8x8 comer post and 3 by material as top and bottom supports to be painted Oxford Brown. • RECEIVED JUL 18 2007 Community Dsvetopmerrt ' S A M E MS' Gi ECC LOW jr oily �Grnm.0 11 E • • SAME AS OIUGINAL 2007 'r ')TIelopmen, ,omm,pily, u 7 Town of Avon "K 11 'A ny Design Modifications AVON C O L O R A D O Residential Staff Report August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date August 16, 2007 Project type Tuff Shed Addition - Minor Project Legal description Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD — Duplex Address 4530 Flat Point Road . Introduction Jim Downs, representing the owner of the property, is proposing an attached shed addition on the northwest side of the existing building. The shed measures 16 feet by 20 feet and 8 feet in height. The colors and siding of the shed will be finished to match the exterior of the main residence. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The shed falls within the setbacks for the property. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comorehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. This criterion is not applicable. 3. Whether adequate development rights, exist for the proposed improvements. There are no planned improvements that impact the development rights. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Guidelines. A. Site Development: The shed will be attached to the northeast side of the existing residence. B. Building Design: •The shed conforms with all the requirements of this section. Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision— Shed Addition August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting �r�A Page 2 o'f'3 C. Landscaping: There is no landscaping being proposed with this application. D. Miscellaneous Items: The Guidelines states that: "Accessory Structures must be shown on the final design site plan, and should generally be attached to the main building. The method of attachment should be generally compatible with the 'overall architectural design. Non-attached accessory structures are discouraged from placement on the front and sides of the building." The shed is attached to the existing structure and placed on the side of the building, which is encouraged by the Design Guidelines. When looking at the site plan there is limited area to place the 'shed in the rear yard since the property line cuts that area off. Additionally, steep grades drop off behind the structure. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There is no site grading required. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. Since the roofing and siding of the accessory structure are to match the existing structure, the appearance should be minimal from the neighboring properties and public ways. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary values should be impaired or otherwise lowered with the planned improvements, but aesthetic values could be impaired. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. Recommendation Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the attached accessory shed structure on Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, pursuant to criteria 4D from the Residential Design Guidelines. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the accessory shed structure on Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, subject to the Design Approval Criteria. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 A S Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision — Shed Addition August 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 OF if you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4023 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, '7 I & 2 Jar ames Planner I Attachments: A. Data and Dimension Sheet B. Approval Letter from adjacent duplex owner Town of Avon Community Development (970)748-4030 Fax(970)949-5749 ,ll if •.� • Na..,..r. • _ -Mti _....o r ry .. .. ; - Exhibit A rs Ile 2a t� talfi�.!s a - i.=�` r'1:;:e�' , � _I. f_... y -N .. r .r 1 Nr,_ti- } t • �.0 • i - �fr,•}= MAI 1`wi�iat'.A�;.• .. �rll Xi.i`F �•�., ` -..J .r= ity,i�ik'.�' 1 •� .. , •.t�,+�Y{a,��•` 6�, .r" i ' r ,. � . i.3 ,•a ,. ,. , ,, . , • r �� ; ;}� AI r}'..,1_ .� T••. � .f��u� r^♦ ` � it -T [fit tii .';Cn.�f ' " �•',t. ; Il al •,t �- 3 t•� d' cG�u 4 N-• • • Wind YYJJfp • :�j• s1d'nd1: ni• '""!Y'...,"L`.n:..:�. w--.rl: r,. r:4 �F, 'r•.' �. .S.t vA'w, t••.yyi.. K»'+`Y;�•,• , i - - a� �. r i r i' ..t�f- . �� r ,t, . i ;�:.Lv '{�f>'L •':'�:;; .. t .'ty' . ' ...* •' y�.�.�. • ` , JfF«.a^t�. KHF n /{.!��'-� / ' � • • �! r C.1�1''��..S�iS� j: � `7•ff'at3t " .i S t `�If"k�' +7'�i�?�"�ii:'_.( �"'y '">r.� . i' r .1 a� ��(Y• ���.: . r.Ha t�'i' ,l�`•'�: .v. i is i• -.}.,:rye, .'�.^.li•�::. •• fl�''e• �;w.YY;4`E'. :7. [� ;. a• 111%e..•:s.F " Aug 07 07 10:39a P.3 h "FROM a Castletan Masmrq,Inc FHME M. : 97WOWi6 Aug. 07 August3,2007 The Town of Avon Avon, Colorado To Whom It May Concem: Ilt L",11TT; A This Mw Is Io verify Oral I, Ch is"har CcoK who nes at4630 Flat Point Road in Avon, Colorado, am not In opposTion to my neliltW Anscog r I.I.C, bUWing a garage on the properly so WR as On calor makhm the exM&r of Ore home. since". Othut% )wCaek 4'S3�I-'� ••�reaorret i AVO C O L O R A D O NamaCKpSI n (Last) Address 2Loq 3 (street) Telephonp q`70 MINOR PROJECT andlor Fees: MINOR MODIFICATION I Mixed Use/Other: $250 4 Qwe,iCk I O (may) (State) (EV fie) 74 9 8 b 6� Fax Cell Namp MC ,nth fes' iC t (Last) (First) Address Zio {3 er�v-�ci LZ . (street} , r (may) (stare) (Z$t Code) Telephone I L4 R13 9 to Q Fax Celt ROJECT INFORMATION i^ C� Lotti Block x- Subdivision �1�� ` Street Address �Y3 1Re4Y- <(-dP . Type of Design Change requested: ❑ Fence ❑ Window(s) ❑ Addition ❑ Deck ❑ Modification to Final Design Approval VColor Change ❑ Material Change ❑ Landscaping ❑ Other: Project Description materials, colors, height, unique features, arch. style, etc) G(t1 P Submit the following items with application: ❑ Site Pian - 2 Sets ❑ Elevations - 2 Sets Eg Colors & Materials ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I (we) represent that all information provided to the Town of Avon in connection with this application as true and correct, that i (we) understand the Town of Avon regulations applicable to this project, and understand that incomplete submittals will delay application review. Owner designates 'Applicant' as indicated to act as owner's representative in all application submittals related to this project. r Applicant ft#I Owner e. (Print Name) 4i +xt (Print Name) �� "'1 1 41 a -D Datil Date 113a 161 � . The McKenny Residence 2643 Bear Trap Road W Avon, CO 81620-2550 Proposed colors for residence: Area Medium Eaves Water Repellent Oil Stain Siding WoodScapes Exterior To become 2x12 House Stains by Shiplap Installed Sherwin-Williams Horizontally with 3 by material as trim around windows and corners. Area that meets the other side of duplex to stay the same. Stucco Exterior Color To stay the same color To stay the same color Mocha (SW 6067) Sample SAM E AS ORIGINAL Deck Change out pickets to steel painted black with 8x8 corner post and 3 by material as top and bottom supports to be painted Oxford Brown. ro t t c - s Lilt - O O z7 'N- �D�d � uNQ.p m�000 �yda t y A A a � ; 0 m 1 � N ' U1 o:, 0" O'. MCKENNY RESIDENCE 2643 BEAR TRAP ROAD WEST AvoN, CO 81620 ATTACHMENTS: 2643 BEAR TRAP ROAD IN CURRENT STATE. I� i�� _ ,, `- Ll' 1 �� P � �ii4 `� r ��� ."l �.� i v ` .�r� r ] �_ s �; �J , � ` ^i - _ � 9 S � �e� i � � �� s r _ � _ � ,_ r� �. ,-X � � -nT `: � '� `�- -..` x` '�" FtV;� ;: ,L.q ,i ��,� , � , . ,`,. s �� �` ��� � I_ '� j `_ r L � ' ' '� ;,: �■ __� � �4 �� - __ ,�� � �� a , 5 t� . t�Y � ` t .. �. �� � � S i� �S ."t. i � , s� ;�� ,� MCKENmy RESIDENCE 2643 BEAR TRAP ROAD WEST AvoN, CO 81620 ATTACHMENTS: DECK MATERIALS USED FOR WILDRIDGE HOMES WHICH SHOW SOME VARIATION e 4 " 1% s i U ` ML .1 f fi • �C� ' ��,ar ti Alp- e 4 " 1% Y ��,ar MCKENNY RESIDENCE 2643 BEAR TRAP ROAD WEST AVON, CO 81620 ATTACHMENTS: EXTERIOR MATERIALS USED FOR WILDRIDGE HOMES WHICH SHOW COMPATIBLE MATERIALS THAT ALLOW FOR VARIATION. ,g a ,; �� st ,� ;;� t �: ,. .:� F t, ���, _' . '.. T' :'' SJ : �n 7 'A ,$: L-a � - - �- . Y zea E1 z + V O $g 4 4 A t, .e r i V A t, .e y r I �Y A t, MCKENNY RESIDENCE 2643 BEAR TRAP ROAD WEST Avon, CO 81620 ATTACHMENTS: RENDERING OF 2643 BEAR TRAP ROAD USING PROPOSED MATERIALS: STUCCO: MOCHA COLOR SIDING: 2 X 12 SHIPLAP HORIZONTAL SIDING RAILING: BLACK STEEL SPINDLES WITH S X S CORNER POSTS shall be borne equally by the parties; irrespective of which Parcel, or which side of the party wall, the actual point of damage of failure necessitating the repair is located. (b) Each Owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the interior of his Unit including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment located herein and serving such Unit only; window glass and frames shall be deemed interior maintenance. In performing such maintenance and repair, or in improving or altering this Unit, no Owner shall do any act or work which impairs the structural soundness of either Unit or the Party Wall or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. (c) Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment and property located in, on or upon either of the Units or Lots, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one Unit shall be owned by the Owner of the Unit using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be borne solely by the Owner of such Unit, which shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other Lot or Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair or inspection. (d) No Owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including a color scheme change), either permanent or temporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his Unit, or construct any additional building or structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his Lot without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto f — d `er 'v . er and any applicable governmental body, Owner's association, or design and review committee. However, either Owner qap— may, without the prior written consent of the other, add or enlarge their windows or doors 4014 as approved by the design and review committee. The parties have agreed that the Owners of the west Unit may enlarge and pave one additional parking space to their currently existing parking area. The additional paved parking space will be adjacent to the west Unit's existing paved parking area and is located exclusively on the west Unit Owner's property. The additional paving will not interfere with the Common Access Facility. =ro GNU LL. Y IV IM �N 1 m �mm a�Nm i-M—Mn.z �: m -..a a . �mm Amo —m ANO a�mn =m �mw a�To —r- (0 8. ALLOCATIONOFEAPEN.SES Unless stated otherwise herein, costs and liabilities which pursuant to paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 are to be shared between the Owners shall be allocated in the following proportions: Lot 32W 50.0% Lot 32E 50.0% 9. MECHANIC .S LIENS. INDEMNIFICATION (a) Except for item(s) incurred as a common expense as provided for CAMarAD0CVMEN'RMcK=ypu"113.dw 6 I 4 fr 1t": I gar � IIII ollw �..� d ii q d•d d d 1� II•d Rte. ®J tl�I,�U e f d I !th•Il 4 h 4wr '1; I ofi.►����i 1 ill;'! 4 4 III d•� d d -� �I �� 1j II. I Il Ihldh h 11 r 1; �j 1 J 11111111 1 :j i andel llyl ,l, _._ IWl'4;4•le h MHI I, i. ,Il, +i i� lullry; •1•'.1,•'l.l'llyl 111!il,ldlj�lllll!ilqq I';blill leaawii:i'ii:ii:i'i -� ------------ f I I I i I 1 I I 1 I I —a % '- . Aill WSP/ — , ", . —[liveI— I 11110l— g9 111� ill441 Rod, Ak � OD➢ISaPmPJ'�tl=�I�'I LO -10-80: Md'1dN1! �� �P!WL�M'QM�$�M4aP'EiI�'I ov co-cz-co: n�in3a asSoouomsova 03's co-az-soy •iiwens ►+oDHs Zb�if�lb MN 1014mA'0'd 1J� A& :M MMR.OIV VWf ams �nqmjpms oil LO -10-e0• ZVd IMA LO -LZ -LO: M3IA3S 00 LO—Zz-90: *mviem HO13>Is :*a mq :sootstnag mom M, p °°Fey' I P*W@q �V � 1918Soxoppox(TI Ohs Ma�So)w t6 Baa 10"aaa *I'1'I `m� `uW'J X40f ams pqs , 1 1 1 1 s 1 S 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S -W J % C o % % ; •% % % % o ♦ ♦ �. e 9, LO -[0-20: Z2Rd IVNIJ LO -LZ -LO: M31A38 CIG LO—ZZ-90: 'iivqenS HOANS :211!(] OnSSI :SUOISIAMd z z �o X W Q w w ID EL Id p p za uj 'o� _u o gQQ��Q��Q�QQQQ�� co 0 :sjuu1jnsuOD I -- t �O - L� � 0 W03.upm2qOf.mm jwjOvjmua3&jRw.uqOf E60 -SU -00 MA 119 Is 03,31k ZOTM6 :3uOqd IOLV XOTO'd J11 (100RON (U11RW "D ROf dumS OZ9 18 OPVJOIOD'UOAV'auvl unshol UOTSIAlpqnS ;)2pu ppM -(Ind ohS wals;M It ig '£`Z` I jol SOMORSOX 32ES MISOAk 101 Nod RDNgcffsgx ATmd 91DNIS LLI z .J 0 Ln L' j Oil AINIM, Lu Cn >. 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AV M gvwg fall all 91 101.11 OZ ui j Oil AINIM, F- 0 Z D 0 co 0 ru z 0 0 ,,a L 0 �g F 16' a ILI Ego x Ir d 8 9 r flodGS a 3O 99 P1 Mw l E� JR 82, In p 5! 01 W -U, 0*9*10 Uw � h �? CLg 0 0 v U, dt; :1 N txg° oY 41 Iffli 99 1:05 O -C !a wo; I e 10 0 (a gp-9 air w � Sffl ZW cc ce 9 IL 14 I I 1�� , 1 I PU rL � i I fi a .,0 a CL Luxg rL O rL. w 2 0 1— p 104 510H ig �iij§ ijj It 0 go! g H 2H 191 1 wil Ow lq� 5 a ru 6 z Oh x 5w lit tF 0 0 16 P1 Eli > J 614" LU ifld! N R. 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I I I 'W— r I *r _..._ _..._— ... _ __ —...— — ......... ZZA a II i ' I I I I I I I I I 4y�SZ t I 1 1 IIrrk� I I I I 1 _ I I� I I t '� �� I I I •�, � U U U I U U U 1 I I I I I 'I I _ L—— I 1 I I ri---_ r IW4 pr "CID L — I U0.A U0.9 I I z,, 194 irI AM I—MIR *in II I II� .r 0 r -.— rr .iLz----_---_ !iir t t I I .6-,0l ,8-101 5d i z 4�CL LL LO -[0-20: ZVd IdNl3 LO -LZ -LO: M31n38 00 LO -ZZ -SO: iinenS HOiDS :oivQ onssI :suoisinag :sjulnjnsuoD oL— za— � w �W OCA �� C, gip•O CLamz (] alCl ly a Q 2 z J wa'u!wdugof.mm Iauljajbmuaa n@upRw-ugof 't6S0-sZM6 .Xzd I oI s 03,209 Z6S0-8ZI;-OL6 :a OU 100 XOB'0'd 311'tOtNTIV'PW'D UIof LL g z o O 00 z x X j immm \Q III .� ,' ""3 ,• ''% '' I i:: I I � 111 �' 3 • _`� ^ i I �. J V 1 I I 1 - i l 4 II ad I I N v i � I I a -r j I I ! t I 4 t' s . P. 1 r' N . 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I FA I- - 10 F_ -1 LO -1 LO- l0-90: ZVd WNU Lo -a --Lo: m3in38 aa Lo-zz-so: •ijwenS How>Is :WQ mI i :so maag a°°v�eq°F"ms MMUm Immoly V. m 00 0Z9ISowoJ%mtlwImfti VOW *MIA MdM"6VE"CIm'I muoppma8�$Uqs% ,,...._ , co i coO 1 LO t o 0 rt 1 ao so 0Ov .-►"f'rrrr rrr •�� I r� Jill �'� '�rrr✓rr � �,r ' r�-��,rr� r•' r� rte" r r✓ •' .rr'rr .'�' s --r z z Q Co H U C) 0 *memo `� To: Planning 9 and Zoning Commissioners VON C O L O R A D O From: Matt Gennett, AICP, Senior Planner Date August 15, 2007 Re: Design Guidelines Revisions Introduction: At the April 24"', 2007 meeting the Town Council reviewed the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval of a duplex design for Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision. After a lengthy discussion the Council re -affirmed the Planning and Zoning Commission's decision. The Council directed staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission to revisit the 'Duplex Development' Guideline contained on page 19 of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines and update them if deemed necessary. The Community Development Subcommittee met on July 20, 2007 in order review the Duplex Development Guidelines. Attached to this Memorandum are the Community Development Subcommittee's recommended revisions to the Design Guidelines in a strikethrough format. The definition has been expanded to include Multi -Family developments, and some of the problematic language has been deleted to further simplify future duplex, single-family to duplex conversions, and mufti -family development proposals. At the Planning and Zoning Commission's August 7, 2007 meeting the strikethrough revised guidelines were presented to the Commission. Following discussion and several comments from the Commission, staff was directed to make further revisions to the Guideline. The attached strikethrough is the result of several reviews by the Community development subcommittee, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and staff. Requested Action: Staff is requesting the Commission review the attached, amended Guidelines and provide the Town Council with a recommendation for approval. Attachment: Strikethrough Guidelines August 21, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 1 Duplex & Multi -Family Developments Duplex and Multi-Familv developments must be designed in a manner that creates aR a single unified iategmted structure ea -the and site plan. -TvE --ieo :Esiaanees X1...:.7.., -pica'' by a b a e-nFef er stH nen SAMIOUFBI d non habitable eeti....does ....t .he intest o f a duple., design.Unified design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, massing, detail, roof forms, and landscaping. While `mirror image' duplexes structures are not supported, the design intent should be one that creates a unified structure with enough variety and architectural interest to distinguish a duplex or multi -family structure from a single family home. Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines Page 1 Adopted November 6, 2001 / Last Revised daFiuwj 't0-2006 Auoust 28. 2007 440 I Iwun MLYUlaW %ii'AN 1J%POIId I AAA apas a PK -Twill wqs JOA03 o :'='=aNwvxa IO CIPBJOI0Z)'ROA`7 ldaaao:);uamdoTaeapag aaauaa umol jes rg w �1d IAt � r J 4 v � m m i m m m r m m ! m m m m m m CD ti yI WLUO O ] V Lu m D a W �1cc l E v � m m i m m m r m m ! m m m m m m " _ I r I LWUN yrxra2asst eros+ need QoquaoZ �siaQa� O :21ju �t�nvaa O opel0103'aond idaaaoj;aamdoianapag la;aaa UMOJL Issa 9w MN I_xuow :a11VlG.LYdfpld 0 E a 40 ditu S • �Y � 1 7 mss' fi r m � � m m w 4A L"Va ;AIVUAnssI &I" crrvis b as #g $ (Iua uno IoN) Idaauoj 19laua!) - (,p£bL+ lan37) Co Iuauwseg - ueld uoold O !9 Y opgi0103'uoey H F 1• Idaauo3 IuaEudolaeapag aa;uaD umo;L Isglg Q 9052 �[1N 1J31Y)Nd .3N"V N lJ3ro/I,I 0 U � 0u 04 y �F,Y�ii P7 N W Pi M M N N UV+ .UTQ•i V rn rA 5 � O LWII/WI �a.LVU A17Ssi IIa.un .PQ9 ..l ;a WJs Q I !t (; ;off ;daauo� leiaua� - COW+ Iana�l) ZO;uamaseg - ueid .zooH40 ry ;daaao3;uamdolanapag.[a;ua:) a,boZ;sub ¢¢ 9ca :ow.c�aroxa xwvw i�aroxa i !�I�IIIKI X111,`; � I I j I I I I � I I I I II I II unrm uvawg® _ °aun daauo 61aua a .o -ss .i • IdOL4 �• , p � i � � � 1 � (3 ,� loN) 3 � I � - �OSbL+ l eay I0 3°amaseg - °g=�� • y 4 � Is It I ap�a'aa .aea � ;daauo� luaiudoianapag as;uaJ °,eoy;s8a sus ox ,M••,,•, _ — - :�avxaastora -•-.-•-.-. z t v m w Oy - lu pp} 9 w H � Fq PC H F -•-.-•-.-. z t v mmmmmm mm m mm = mm Mom mm w - lu pp} 9 mmmmmm mm m mm = mm Mom mm 44 .51; 1° �:plt •\ I Lwvu Zd vaaam =able IX awagaS - (109hL+ lanae 10 8;9[d osid aool,l r+7 �aruc �Nltivxa O opluoloa'uoeV N doauoa;uauidolmapau Ja;u33 u,eos;seg Q 9fR �ON 1J8fOUd :ffiCYN i'�vr^iS: 0 a pp , UC + + + O �..""- ��W ■❑❑❑�I❑■®M b I I i\ ('4 \ /� �� \ / ,ter ,� A 1X MWS - (19LVL+ laAa'l) ZO 0481d u$Id .10o13 IV :a DNMVXG Q opuioloa'ooey N ;daauoj;uamdolaeapa-d ja;uaj u,bos;sug mr :ON ijarow :Kwmj-77fou 1 fi rt -- I 2- C m / ;4 � r r � 1• m m � 4ci1;101 i� op>i B I• wruw �uvaxae® .o -99=.c game IX amagaS - GLOtL+ laAa'I) CO aisld old looms �y "ZTM DNMVua O opamIoD'UOAV F N ;daauoj;uamdolaeapagJa;uOJ uAAoZ;s93 g Q+ 9=:Omlaafow ;�.yy iy3T�y 7 0 a W {iy O C,+4 Mi M + + t N \ m m m m m m m m m m i r m � m m m m m LMUYO =iuva 3a6& &A!=.I :37Y'J9 �• , M Ix amagOS - LOW+ Iaea'U VO a;Rld aa[d -IOOLj i o Q: op"oa °uoeg H N ;daanoj;uamdolanapag is;aaj aao,L;sud sax ou,�- :uwu.namaa f a o x 0u 1 a N Hf Cl V � h d + N N (..� WW ZZ ZZ y �y' F 04 O P4 c� 0U x . 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