PZC Packet 061907Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission VON Meeting Agenda for June 19, 2007 Avon Town Council Chambers coloRA o o Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road - Work Session - Madison Partners PUD Review (5:00pm) Property Location: Highway 6 & 24 Applicant: Larry Vineyard, Premier Holdings LLC /Owner: Craig Folson Description: The applicant, Premier Property Holdings LLC, is proposing a revised plan for a 112 unit condominium project, including a restaurant, on the Folson Annexation Parcel. This application was reviewed with a Public Hearing at the Planning Commission's February 20, 2007 meeting. This is a revised proposal, and there is limited information being proposed. - Regular Meeting - Call to Order (5:45 pm) III. Roll Call IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda V. Conflicts of Interest VI. Consent Agenda • Approval of the June 5, 2007 Meeting Minutes. VII. PUD Amendment — PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 38 & 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5032 & 5040 WR Rd East Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 3087 WR Rd Applicant: Land Planning Collaborative /Owner: Frank Hamel Description: The applicant is proposing an amendment to the Wildridge PUD. The proposal is to rezone Lot 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision from the currently entitled 3 duplexes (or 1 duplex and 1 fourplex) to six single-family residences. The six newly platted lots are proposed with building envelopes and restricted to 5,000 square feet. Design and building standards would be tied to the new properties. VIII. Sketch Plans - Wildridge Subdivision A. Lot 3, Western Sage Single -Family Property Location: Lot 3, Western Sage PUD / 5205 Longsun Lane Applicant: John G. Martin / Owner. Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC Description: Sketch Design for a Single -Family residence in the Western Sage PUD. Lot is accessed from private drive off cul-de-sac on Longsun Lane. The Design features a 2 -car Posted on June 15, 2007 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at hfD://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Jr A. garage, European style design with wood siding, stucco/stone siding, and large simple roof form. B. Lot 12, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Property Location: Lot 12, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4080 Wildridge Road West Applicant: Michael Hazard /Owner: Advanced Home Technologies, LLC Description: Sketch Design for a duplex development accessed via a private entry court off of Little Point. The design is contemporary with multiple flat roof elements. The forms are clad in Stucco and wood to diminish scale. C. Lot 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Property Location: Lot 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4080 Wildridge Road West Applicant: Michael Hazard (Owner: Advanced Home Technologies, LLC Description: Sketch Design for a duplex development accessed via a private entry court off of Little Point. The design is contemporary with multiple flat roof elements. The forms are clad in Stucco and wood to diminish scale. IX. Minor Project - Shed Addition Property Location: Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision / 4330 Flat Point Road Applicant: James G. Downs, Tuff Shed, inc. l Owner: Tony Prior Description: Construct a shed in the side yard of the subject property. The shed exterior finish will match the existing residence. X. East Avon Draft Plan - PUBLIC HEARING Description: Detailed review of Chapter 1 (Introduction/Background), and the Land Use portion of Chapter 2 of the Town Center East District Plan. The draft plan is dated May 10, 2007. XI. Other Business XII. Adjourn Posted on June 15, 2007 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at hfD://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions To: Recording Secretary, Town of Avon (sent via email to Matt Pielsticker, mnielstickerWavon.orel From: Anne Clark and Doug Baird, homeowners 5021(E) Wildridge Road East annec lark(a).msn.com 748-4565 Re: Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting for June 19, 2007 PUD Amendments — Public Hearing Property Location: Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, 5032 & 5040 Wildridge Road East Date: June 17, 2007 The following is to voice our concerns about the proposed amendment to the Wildridge PUD. We have reviewed the Hamel PUD Amendment document of May 11, 2007 and are familiar with the proposal. While some of the benefits are appealing, there are a number of issues that are problematic: 1. The clustering of five single-family units at the west end of the property creates a massing of homes. This is inconsistent with the Town of Avon's goal to minimize the (visual) impact of development. 2. The homes proposed on the west end of the property are remarkably close to the existing homes on the west and north boundaries. 3. Clustering five homes at the west end of the site, close to existing development to the west, intrudes into—and most likely blocks—an important wildlife migration corridor that runs north -south at the west end of the property. 4. Lots 38 and 39 appear to be among the steepest in Wildridge. The builder would need to cut into the bedrock to construct the homes. We're concerned whether the site can sustain six -5,000 square foot homes. 5. In general, we are concerned about overall safety, the traffic impact, and the treatment of the rock face. We understand that six dwelling units are consistent with the original zoning and that development is inevitable. However, we question the original thinking to put so many units on such a steep site; we concerned about whether the site can support six single- family residences of (up to) 5,000 square feet each. We urge the Town Council to decline the proposed amendments requested by the Hamel development project. Thank you for your consideration. A rf ,u+ 4k, Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission AMeetingVON Minutes for June 5, 2007 Avon Town Council Chambers C U L 0 R A D o Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road - Work Session with Avon Town Council - VAG, Inc. / Orion East Avon Concept Review (5:OOpm) Description: Preliminary review of a redevelopment concept that encompasses four properties in the East Town Center District: Christy Sports (Lot 21), Avon Annex (Lot 65- B), Town of Avon parcel (Lot 65-A), and the Benchmark Shopping Center (Tract Q). Matt Gennett presented the Staff Memo to the Commission and members of Town Council. Pedro Campos, VAG, Inc., approached the podium to present the Orion East Avon Concept and requested feedback from the audience. Mr. Campos began by describing the goal of this project, square footages for retail, residential, office space, commercial space, open space and parking, above and underground. Mr. Campos commented that the land use mix had changed from the initial presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission and presented a slide of its detail that incorporated Lot 65 and another scenario without Lot 65. Ron Wolfe questioned compensation to the Town for Lot 65. Considerations for solar and snow issues were addressed in the design. Mr. Campos continued by demonstrating various design schemes. Commissioner Evans asked about root balls for large trees and where can they be planted with the underground parking. Additional slides were presented of easterly views, and overall project view showing currently existing structures. Brian Judge, Orion Development, approached the podium to further discuss the project and address utilities. Commissioner Evans commented on the consolidation of these parcels and the size, height and scale of the project as issues of immediate discussion with Town Council. Council concerns included height from the highway, what is the public benefit, height maximums for the Tract A of the Village at Avon, tunnel effect from the height of the buildings, and conference facilities as well as employee housing. Mr. Judge discussed the roads, pedestrian access, heights and widths. Commissioner Lane remarked that parcels are secondary to the massing and require a greater of style of architecture and what is being sold to the town. Commissioner Struve questioned the lot consolidation, the benefit at concept; commented that Avon has too many alleys and streets, good space for larger retailers, main street alignment and amenities are good, and the height as a precedent. Commissioner Smith was not as concerned with the consolidation as much as with height and massing, residential defined as year long residents, and tall buildings like Denver was not a goal. Commissioner Green complimented the streetscape, links between the two center plans was good, not concerned with density, height an issue, greater articulation needed on the north building, architecture will be very important, and was torn on the height/density issue. Commissioner Evans agreed A with the streetscape, consolidation not as difficult as building bulk, not as concerned with height but width in the sketch up models creates huge walls, bird's eye view not favored, not looking for an urban downtown, bulk was too much for the site and the entire East Avon plan. - Regular Meeting - II. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:55 pm. III. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Foster and Commissioner Goulding. IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Move Item IX, Site Tour Follow-up, Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision I 254 Riverfront Lane, Item X, A, Final Design Plans - Wildridge Subdivision, Lot 1, Western Sage Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage PUD / 5201 Longsun Lane, and Item X, B, Beowulf Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD, Block 4 / 5775 Wildridge Road East to the Consent Agenda. V. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Lane revealed a conflict with Item IX, Site Tour Follow-up, Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision / 254 Riverfront Lane. VI. Consent Agenda • Approval of the May 15, 2007 Meeting Minutes. • Item IX, Site Tour Follow-up, Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision / 254 Riverfront Lane • Item X, A, Final Design Plans - Wildridge Subdivision, Lot 1, Western Sage Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage PUD / 5201 Longsun Lane Item X, B, Beowulf Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD, Block 4 / 5775 Wildridge Road East Commissioner Green moved to approve the Consent Agenda with Commissioner Smith seconding the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Both Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Lane abstained from voting. VII. Executive Session —Town Attorney Meeting with the Town Attorney pursuant to CRS 24-6-402 (4)(b) conference with the Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions related to a future Zoning Code Text Amendment. Commissioner Green moved to come out of executive session. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VIII. PUD Amendment— PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 1 Chateau St. Claire Subdivision 138390 Highways 6 & 24 ApplicantlOwner CSC Land LLC c/o Tim Barton, Manager Description: An amendment to the approved Development Agreement between the applicant and the Town of Avon. John Dunn, Town of Avon Attorney, approached the podium to present an Amendment to the Development Agreement and its date requirements, and the history of the Gates project with its conditions as presented in his Memorandum of June 5, 2007. Commissioner Evans questioned why dates are again changed in the Development Agreement. Joel Rosenstein, attorney for the developer, approached the podium to answer questions and requested the removal of the timeshare amenity fee. Commissioner Struve commented that the Project Manager for the development came before the Commission two months ago and questioned why it wasn't mentioned at that time. Mr. Rosenstein responded that he was not aware of it at that time. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Mike Neary, Madison Partners, commenting they were under contract for the adjacent property known as the Folson Tract, approached the podium to ask about requirements of deadlines. John Dunn responded that Mr. Folson's attorney's had been contacted and that an easement needed to be dedicated by CFC Land. Mr. Neary stated that they could not enter to any agreement with the Gates without Development Rights being concluded and that they were willing to pay up to $25,000 as opposed to the 100% of the costs as desired by the Gates for the easement. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Green motioned to approve Item VIII, PUD Amendment, Property Location: Lot 1 Chateau St. Claire Subdivision / 38390 Highways 6 & 24. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion that included the deletion of timesharing as a Use by Right and to include all staff recommendations. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 5-0. IX. Site Tour Follow-up Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision / 254 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Zehren & Associates / Owner: East West Partners Description: Follow-up to Final Design approval condition for the Riverfront Lodge. The project is comprised of 75 whole ownership units with underground parking garage. This item was first reviewed by the Commission at their May 16, 2006 meeting, and later reviewed and approved at the October 3, 2006 Commission meeting. An on-site mockup review for this agenda item took place at that meeting, and the February 20, 2007 meeting, but was never formally approved. Moved to Consent Agenda X. Final Design Plans - Wildridge Subdivision A. Lot 1, Western Sage Single -Family Property Location: Lot 1, Western Sage PUD / 5201 Longsun Lane Applicant: John G. Martin /Owner: Ted Leach, Western Sage Partners, LLC Description: Final Design for a Single -Family residence in the Western Sage PUD. Lot is accessed from private drive off cul-de-sac on Longsun Lane. The design features a 2 -car garage, European style design with wood siding, stucco/stone siding, and large simple roof form. Moved to Consent Agenda. B. Beowulf Single -Family Property Location: Lot 6, Western Sage PUD, Block 4 / 5775 Wildridge Road East Applicant: Bobby Ladd & Buz Reynolds /Owner: Beowulf Lot 6 LLC Description: A single-family residence on a Western Sage PUD property, accessed off Wildridge Road East at the top of Wildridge. Sketch review took place at the May 1, 2007 meeting. Moved to Consent Agenda XI. Minor Projects A. Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Fence Property Location: Tract P, Block 2, BMBC / 870 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Applicant: Todd Fessenden, ERWSD / Owner: Town of Avon Description: Design application to replace 6' wood fence on southern border of property with Union Pacific railroad with 6' black chain link fence (w/ slats) for privacy and security. Also included is replacement of 4' chain link fence on east side of building with 6' black chain link to match others. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Todd Fessenden, ERWSD, approached the podium to discuss the fence and began by giving the history of the fence and details of breaches to the fence and attempts to break into the facility. Mr. Fessenden continued that the wood fence was easy to kick through and greater security would be with a chain link fence. Commissioner Green suggested a nasty thorny plant at the base of the fence to aid in the security of the location and Mr. Fessenden commented that those plants were present in another area of the facility for the same reason. Commissioner Lane commented that there are several chain link fences in the area and was fine with the slats. Commissioner Green motioned to approve the proposed fence for ERWSD at West Beaver Creek Boulevard with the specific findings that the concerns for safety overrides the design concerns raised for the proposed fence; the current wood was not as secure as the proposed 6' chain link fence; and the facility affects a considerable number of Valley residents outside of Avon. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion, all Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 5-0. Additionally and not part of the motion, the Commissioners strongly encouraged 'softening' the base of the fence with some sort of human resistant plant material. B. Reisinger Deck Modifications Property Location: Lot 42A - E, Block 4, WR / 5101 E Longsun Lane ApplicantfOwner. William Reisinger Description: Proposal to replace vertical wooden deck balusters with horizontal metal cables for east unit of duplex unit. This material change was partially completed prior to application. Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report. Gail Reisinger, Duplex Owner, approached the podium to discuss this project, • apologized for not getting a permit for the work, • presented a picture of their home to the Commission, • sample of the cable used, • discussed how her view was obstructed by vertical pickets, • commented on number 4 of the staff report that the existing color will remain the same as before, • Item 6 — road visibility of the home as one out of ten people for visual roadway driving impact, • the neighbor had visibility and no objection to this deck, • no intention to paint the cable to match the stucco, and Mrs. Reisinger continued by presenting snapshots of the visibility from the road, • from various angles along with neighbors decks and the varying designs in the area. Commissioner Lane commented that this was an aesthetic issue as the fence disappears. Commissioner Struve mentioned to obtain an approval letter from the duplex neighbor and make sure it was Building Code compliant, and the corners were safe. Commissioner Lane motioned to approve Item XI, B, Reisinger Deck Modifications, Property Location: Lot 42A - E, Block 4, WR / 5101 E Longsun Lane with the condition of a letter from the neighbor. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All Commissioner were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. XII. East Avon Draft Plan - PUBLIC HEARING Description: Second review of draft Town Center East District Plan. Commissioner Green voiced that an issue was if Avon Road was the line of demarcation, with big block massing or smaller individual buildings on smaller pieces of property - are the design guidelines strong enough to support the issues of this plan? Eric Heidemann mentioned that the Comp Plan Subcommittee was trying to strive to prevent more Sheraton type structures. Commissioner Smith commented that the buildings would have residential on. the top floors with local residents within. Commissioner conversation included what should the plan look like and how is it achieved; Orion deserved a clear signal to use the Plan, Plan generates a possibility to taper the building height and massing, and thinner building profile to enhance view corridors. Mr. Heidemann proposed to return at the next meeting to address pieces of the Plan which would be more manageable. Commissioner Evans commented that his goal was to make sure that the language was strong enough to preserve views and openness, and height, with a mixture of 4 to 6 stories, driven for the local community and not driven by monetary issues. Commissioner Green was concerned with large proposals and how much local housing was missing, liked the idea of varying heights, be clear on housing mixtures and move the tone to a local's town center. Commissioner Lane remarked that the Plan needed to be very specific and very clear as to what was expected via the draft plan. Commissioner Green mentioned that it be formula driven rather than a texture of the development. Commissioner Evans suggested vignettes ,to provide the theme without photos to predetermine. Mr. Heidemann stated that he would reinforce the message from the Commission to the Plan consultants, and that the next meeting will review the draft plan and Chapter 2 will be reviewed for the next meeting, XIII. Other Business • July 3rd meeting cancelled • Next Meeting: Hamel PUD, Madison Partners Revised PUD Work Session • Urban Renewal Authority is on the 6/12/07 Town Council meeting, said report will be distributed to the Commission. • Subcommittee meeting to discuss Duplex Guidelines will be scheduled for July date. • Housing discussion and the possibility of Guidelines versus Ordinances. • Walkin the Dog — deadline for erosion control and for Friday at 5pm, fencing is okay, engineer drawings are on the way and will be brought back to the Commission to review. Landowner has not responded. The SRU approval is up for review in November and can be called up at anytime if the conditions have been violated. Commissioner Evans suggested a restoration bond. X. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary Staff Report �'`i �l, PUD Amendment Avo N June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting C 0 ,. o R A D 0 Report Date June 12, 2007 Project Type Planned Unit Development Amendment Legal Description Lots 38 & 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Current Zoning Lot 38 & Lot 110: 2 Units (Duplex) Lot 39: 4 Units (2 Duplexes or 1 Fourplex) I. Introduction The applicant, Land Planning Collaborative, is proposing an amendment to the Wildridge PUD. The proposal is to rezone Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision from the currently entitled 3 duplexes (or 1 duplex and 1 fourplex) to six single-family residences. The six newly platted lots are proposed with building envelopes that are restricted to 5,000 square feet in size. Design and building standards would be tied to the new properties. Steep existing topography typifies the subject properties, with most of the street frontage and areas within Lot 39 containing slopes of over 40%. A shared driveway for the six single-family homes is being proposed. For reference, the approximate driveway location is staked in the field for review by the Commission. In addition to the reformatting of Lots 38 and 39, the applicant is proposing to construct a duplex and deed restrict one-half of it on Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision for a 'buyer qualification' unit. This unit is targeted to locals earning 200% of the Area Median Income (AMI). As proposed, the unit would be unlike other existing deed - restricted units in the Town by not carrying a price restriction. Rather, a 'buyer qualification' would be tied to the property requiring sales to be limited to locals - not second home owners. This staff report outlines all of the mandatory review criteria in Section III for the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council to consider when reviewing this application. Based on review of the criteria outlined in Section III of this report, staff recommends CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of this application. II. Public Notice Requirement Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Hamel PUD - PUBLIC HEARING June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 9 TV WIK This application is a noticed public hearing with written notice provided to all property owners within 300' of the subject property. To date staff has been in contact with the owner of Lot 5, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision. This property is across the street immediately south of subject properties. As of the date of this report there have been no written comments received by staff. III. PUD Design Criteria According to the Town of Avon Zonina Code, Section 17.20.110, the following criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating this application. According to Code, "It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following design criteria, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a particular development solution is consistent with the public interest. " Please refer to Pages 4 - 14 of Exhibit A for the applicant's responses to these principal review criteria. 1. Conformance with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Objectives. District 24 Wildridoe Residential District (Comp Plan Page 98-99) The subject properties are located in the "Wildridge Residential District." The Comprehensive Plan acknowledges the limited number of existing trees and the open character of the Subdivision. The Comprehensive Plan states that "special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings." One of the planning principles for this district is to "site buildings of varying sizes along the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, be compatible with existing surrounding development, and break up building bulk." This land use proposal appears to be compatible with existing surrounding development. The building bulk would be dispersed with the building envelopes, and the new properties maximize the south facing exposure. Future Land Use Plan (Comp Plan Page 27) The Future Land Use Plan envisions continued "Residential Low Density" development. Residential Low Density development is intended to provide sites for single-family, duplex, and multi -family dwellings at a density no greater than 7.5 dwelling units per acre. If the "non -developable" areas (areas exceeding 40% existing slope) are subtracted from the net acreage of Lots 38 and 39, the density would be 2.8 units per acre. Goals and Policies (Comp Plan Pages 37 - 63) The Comprehensive Plan contains several regional policy goals related to land use and development patterns that should be reviewed with respect to all proposed PUD plans in Town. Some of the Goals and Policies that pertain to this application as follows: Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Hamel PUD - PUBLIC HEARING June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 9 Policy B.2.3: Encourage cluster style development in areas of less density to promote creative and efficient site design that avoids impacts on environmental resources and augments open space. Staff Comment: This application proposes a cluster style development in a low- density neighborhood. While platted open space is a positive attribute, it is unlikely this development application would result in a net increase of open space. Policy C.1.1: Ensure that proposed development projects conform to the Future Land Use Plan's designations and are a scale and intensity appropriate for the planning district which they are located. Staff Comment: If density were calculated per Avon Zonino Code, Lots 38A-38F would be at a density of approximately 2.8 units per acre of "developable" land. This density is appropriate for the Wildridge Residential District. Policy C.2.2: Require new residential development to provide a variety of housing densities, styles, and types based upon the findings of a housing needs assessment study. Staff Comment: The housing needs assessment study was completed in November of 2006. This study finds a lack of most price ranges, particularly units below $450,000 value in Avon and Eagle County. As proposed, the 'move up' housing unit would be targeted to locals making 200% of the Area Median Income (AMI), or those who can afford a home priced at $570,000. The price of the 'move up' unit would not be restricted except for the initial sales price. While this specific type of housing unit does not exist in the community (i.e. buyer qualified — not price restricted and buyer qualified), in order to ensure that this unit remains affordable, staff recommends that the deed restriction agreement guarantee the following general criteria: initial sales price targeted for families making not more than 160% AMI, buyer qualified for full time Eagle County workers, and with a deed restricted tiered price appreciation cap structure. Policy F2.2: Require that workforce housing is integrated with, rather than separated from, the rest of the community. Staff Comment: The proposed deed restricted unit on Lot 110 would be connected to another free market unit, and integrated with the rest of the subdivision. Policy HAA: Require appropriate revegetation for all development that requires grading and excavating. Staff Comment: The applicant states that sagebrush and drought tolerant grasses would be planted in areas receiving over-lot grading. Further, these areas "shall require the use of temporary overhead irrigation systems until established." These provisions appear to be responsive to the site's existing vegetation. Policy H.2.1: Avoid development in environmental hazard areas such as floodplain, steep slopes, areas with geologic hazards, wildfire hazard areas, and areas with erosive soils. Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Hamel PUD - PUBLIC HEARING June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 9 """ Staff Comment: Development is proposed within areas of steep existing topography. The value of clustered homes and a deed restricted unit must be weighed against this policy. Policy H.4.3: Require the use of innovative and environmentally friendly building techniques including water conservation approaches for new development. Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing 'green standards' to be incorporated into this development. 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub -area design recommendations and Design Guidelines of the Town. There is a conceptual site plan drawing included in the plan set. There is also a sample elevation drawing on Page 7 of the applicant's submittal that demonstrates the general materials and colors that would be utilized in this enclave type development. While the elevation is not binding, it does represent a certain level of quality and architectural style. In Section III of the applicant's submittal there are PUD Design Standards which require the 6 structures to be limited to the same material palette and architectural style. All walls are to be constructed of stone, timber, and/or wood siding. Within each residence the applicant is proposing some fundamental "Green Footprint" standards for conservancy including: 'Energy Star appliances, in -floor radiant heat, 'Low -E' glass requirements, etc. Where the PUD is silent to architectural standards the Town's Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines would apply. The Town's Guidelines put emphasis on the overall design theme for the Town. According to the Guidelines, the theme for the Town shall be to establish an attractive appearance for visitors and residents, and yet be flexible enough to allow design innovation. The site design and corresponding development standards appear to be in general agreement with the existing topography of the site. There would be a significant amount of disturbance required to construct the proposed private access drive, and associated retaining walls. Aside from the disturbance required for access, each building would be limited to the building envelopes defined unless approved by P&Z. Staff has some concern with the building envelope language and the possibility of permitting disturbance outside of the envelopes. Specifically, "only minor grading, landscaping, and retaining shall be permitted in the areas immediately adjacent to building envelopes labeled 'no -build." Minor architectural encroachments (overhangs,' battered stone) may be permitted through the Town design review approval process only." In addition to this language, "over lot grading incidental and necessary for the preparation of and construction of home sites and landscaping shall be permitted in these areas." Unlike some other properties in Town that have platted 'non -developable' areas, or areas that must be left in their present state, this proposal would permit some disturbances. Staff would recommend that grading and disturbances be limited to Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Hamel PUD - PUBLIC HEARING June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 9 fl7 the building envelopes, except that which is required for utilities, drainage, and disturbances related to construction of the private driveway and infrastructure. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. This proposal would be compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character and orientation. Please refer to the zoning standards on Page 23 of 23 in the submittal. In terms of design compatibility, a clustered development with uniform building and architectural standards should be compatible with other development in the subdivision. 4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The single-family residential use and building envelope layouts provide an efficient, workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. There is a mix of single- family and duplex buildings in close proximity. 5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. There have no been no geologic hazards identified on the subject properties. Rock outcroppings are present, which is indicative of bedrock in the area. Preliminary investigations report that steep excavations would likely be possible on these hill sides. 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The existing topography is steep throughout. Most notably, the grades adjacent to Wildridge Road East, and the area in the middle of Lot 39 are exceptionally steep. This portion of Lot 39 would remain free from development as proposed. As proposed, a 1 acre "Tract 390" would be created in its place. There appears to be a high degree of alteration to the existing site required to enable this development to function. While the buildings would be linear in fashion to avoid the hillside as much as possible, the site layout and driveway do not appear to be particularly sensitive to the natural features of the site. The proposed driveway runs directly through areas that exceed 40% slope. Extensive site retention and mitigating measures would be essential for this development to function. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the Town Transportation Plan. There is a functional 20' wide driveway for the six proposed residential units. A hammerhead turnaround is also proposed between Lots 38C and 38E. This turnaround was designed with fire department vehicle maneuverability in mind. The Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Hamel PUD - PUBLIC HEARING June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 9 turnaround could also be used for trash removal vehicles. It appears that visibility is good in each direction entering and leaving the proposed curb cut location. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. As mentioned, the 1+ acre platted open space would remain non-developed except for the driveway and associated retaining walls and infrastructure installations. The applicant is proposing the minimum landscape area be increased from 25% to 30%. The platted building envelopes further define open space and help to preserve views. 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional, and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. The phasing plan shall clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional and efficient without relying upon completion of future project phases. The applicant has included a timeline for completion of the project on Page 10 of the submittal. Construction of the duplex on Lot 110 would be the first phase of the project. The driveway access and utilities would be constructed in the next phase of construction. After construction of the driveway, the phasing plan indicates the construction of approximately one house per year. 10.Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. Letters expressing the ability to serve have been included in the Appendices of the applicant's binder from: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, Xcel Energy, Holy Cross Energy, and Comcast. Adequate services can be provided for this proposal. 11.That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. Wildridge Road East is suitable to carry the anticipated traffic, and the visibility entering and leaving the driveway appears safe. 12. That the PUD or amendment to PUD requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions, as outlined in Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code: A. The application demonstrates a public purpose, which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. Staff Comment: It can be argued that a public benefit is demonstrated with respect to the overall quality of development, and the provision of a 'move up' housing opportunity on a separate parcel. Staff would recommend that the terms of this 'move up' unit be strengthened by introducing a price appreciation cap. Without control of price it is unlikely the unit would maintain it's affordability for households that earn the targeted 200% of the AMI. Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Hamel PUD - PUBLIC HEARING June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 7 of 9 rol According to the Housing Needs Assessment completed last year, the largest gap identified in Avon's housing stock is between 120% and 180% of the AMI. Staff would recommend -a price restricted unit priced at a point affordable to a household earning not more than 160% of the AMI. B. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. Staff Comment: Staff does not foresee any potential adverse economic impacts as a result of the zoning change proposed. C. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. Staff Comment: The shared access and clustered home sites provide an organized development. The platted building envelopes would guarantee some level of certainty with regard to the siting of development. IV. Preliminary Subdivision Plan Pursuant to Sections 16.20 and 16.40 of Avon Municipal Code, the application for Preliminary Plan has been reviewed by the Engineering Department for compliance with the appropriate design and improvement standards. The following comments pertaining to the applicant's Preliminary Plan (for subdivision) resulted from this review: • Due to the amount of cuts/grading required to construct the retaining walls and driveway, it appears that a soils report should be provided according to 16.20.150 (7). • The retaining walls required to build the driveway require that cross sections be provided according to 16.20.180(2). • It appears that a drainage study should be provided. It is unclear how drainage over the retaining walls and onto the driveway will be handled. V. Subdivision Variance The lot configurations presented in Preliminary Subdivision portion of this application require that a Variance to be granted from Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code: Subdivisions. Chapter 16.40.330 of the Avon Municipal Code requires that each lot have a frontage width on a dedicated street of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. As presented, four of the seven lots included in the Preliminary Subdivision require a Variance to be granted. Lots 38A, 38C, 38E, and 38F all have less than a twenty-five foot frontage onto Wildridge Road East. Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 74&4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Hamel PUD - PUBLIC HEARING ' June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 8 of 9 f W11 According to Chapter 16.12 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Town Council may, at its discretion, grant variances from some or any requirements of the subdivision regulations based up the following criteria: (1) Whether a strict, literal application of these subdivision regulations would result in an undue hardship to the subdivider due to the purpose, size, shape, location and character of the proposed subdivision; (2) Whether the provisions of the regulations from which relief is requested are not materially important, in a planning sense, to the orderly controlled development of the tract in question; (3) Whether the granting of the request might adversely affect the use of the land in the immediate area of the tract in question. It is important to note that the Town Council shall hold a noticed public hearing, prior to acting on this Variance request, and it is acceptable to run the notice and public hearing in concurrence with the public hearing required by the zoning amendment and Preliminary Subdivision portion of this application. The public notices that were sent to all owners within three hundred (300) feet of the properties in question indicated that a public hearing would be held considering a Planned Unit Development Amendment application, Preliminary Subdivision, and Subdivision Variance request. A. Findings Based on review of the mandatory review criteria outlined in Section III of this report, staff finds the following: 1. The application is in general conformance with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Objectives. 2. The application is in conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub -area design recommendations and Design Guidelines of the Town. 3. The design is compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, "and orientation. 4. The uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. 5. The site plan, building design, and location and open space provisions are designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. 6. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space is provided in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. 7. The provided phasing plan and subdivision plan maintain a workable, functional, and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. By Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Hamel PUD - PUBLIC HEARING June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 9 of 9 """ constructing the driveway and utilities in the first phase, each property can be workable, functional and efficient without relying upon completion of future project phases.- 8. hases.8. The application provides evidence of substantial compliance with the public purpose provisions, as outlined in Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code. VII. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the Hamel PUD application for Lots 38 & 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision and Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. A deed restriction agreement will be executed for a 'move up' housing unit on Lot 110, with price appreciation cap, targeting households earning between 120% and 160% of the AMI prior to Final Design approval. 2. Grading outside of the building envelopes will be expressly limited to that required for utilities, drainage, and disturbance related to construction of the private driveway. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. • If you have any questions at 748-4413, or stop by Complex. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner II regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me the Community Development Department in the Municipal VIII. Report Attachments EXHIBIT A: Applicant's Proposal EXHIBIT B: Vicinity Map EXHIBIT C: Comprehensive Plan Excerpts Town of Avon Community Development Phone (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 EXHIBIT B F— BMBC - BLK 1, Lot 110; BLK 4, Lots 38 and 39 p Mots 38/39, 110 1 RIUR - Property Boundaries^ .....: _ EXHIBIT C Town District Planning Principles However, the gateway approach needs to be redesigned to enhance the overall image of the community including but not limited to lighting, road and right of way materials, enhanced view corridors, and signage. The emphasis should be on the creation of a positive entry experience that extends the character of the Town Center to Avon's front door. Planning Principles: • Enhance the intersections at the on/off ramps on Avon Road to include streetscape improvements and special landscape features. • Maintain the cottonwood trees that contribute to the gateway experience. • Improve the I-70 interchange for pedestrians and bikers. District 24: Wildridge Residential District This area consists of a residential subdivision containing varying densities, located on the sunny, south -facing slopes north of the main valley floor. The character for the developed landscape should reflect the area's dry climate and typically steep terrain with low water -requiring plant materials and natural landscaping. Due to the limited amount of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings. Planning Principles: • Redesign the intersection of Metcalf and Nottingham Roads, and implement the other recommendations for District 4 to enhance the entry to Wildridge and provide more direct access from the Town Center to Wildridge. • Construct bicycle lanes along Metcalf and Wildridge Roads. Promote a trail system through open space areas in Wildridge to provide alternatives to the roadways for pedestrian circulation and greater connection to the surrounding open space. Preserve and enhance the existing open space trails and explore the possibility of developing additional parcels into pocket parks. 7a; Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Page 98 Town District Planning Principles • Acquire and maintain as public open space the U.S. Forest Service -owned parcel adjacent to Wildridge that includes Beaver Creek Point. • Add an alternative or second access route to Wildridge (perhaps forest service road during the spring and summer). • Identify and delineate all open space parcels and public trails. • Site buildings of varying sizes along the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, be compatible with existing surrounding development, and break up building bulk. District 25: Mountain Star Residential District This area is a planned unit development established in 1992, of large -lot, single-family homes, located east of Wildridge on the south -facing slopes north of the main valley floor. This covenant -controlled, gated community has its own design review committee. Planning Principles: • Prohibit significant alteration of natural environment and minimize stress on wildlife and loss of habitat. Consider the development of a trailhead to access the surrounding public lands. District 26: Swift Gulch District The Town of Avon's Public Works and Transportation Departments are located in the Swift Gulch District. In response to the area's high visibility from I-70, efforts have been made to screen the existing buildings and facilities and ensure that they blend into the surrounding environment. Planning Principles: • Encourage building at a scale that minimizes visibility from I-70. • Screen accessory uses with landforms and landscaping. • Encourage sidewalks and pedestrian connections. Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan AW Page 991�� z a a W z LU2 W cc O V z O LLa O z 0 r A vo 9Eaa A E 3 B o: Staff Report Sketch Design �AVOo t. N June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction June 15, 2007 Single -Family Residence Lot 3, Western Sage Subdivision PUD — 1 Dwelling Unit 5205 Longsun Lane The applicant, Jeffrey Manley, has submitted a Sketch Design application for a single-family residence on Lot 3 of the Western Sage PUD. The proposed residence measures approximately 34 feet -11 inches in height and would be accessed off of the private road easement that serves Lots 1-5. The total gross floor area of the proposed residence is 4,786 square feet (includes 590 square foot garage). The residence is designed in an 'old world" European architectural style and utilizes wood siding and stucco on the exterior walls. Included in the attached reduced plan set are a site plan, floor plans, and elevations (Exhibit D). The drawings clearly show all existing and new proposed improvements on the property. History The Western Sage PUD was approved by Ordinance 04-15 and effectively down - zoned Lots 54, 55, 89, and 90, Block 4 Wildridge from an allowed density of 11 dwelling units to 8 single-family lots (Lots 1-8 Western Sage PUD). The lots contain platted building envelopes as well as defined non -buildable areas. Lots 1-5 are accessed from a platted access easement extending from the Longsun Lane cul-de-sac; and Lots 6-8 will be accessed from Wildridge Road East. When the PUD was adopted, additional design guidelines titled the Western Saoe PUD Architectural Site Development and Landscape Desion Guidelines., were created to regulate the development of single-family residences on Lots 1- 5. Lot 2, Western Sage PUD Final Design was approved on May 1, 2007 and the building permit was approved on May 25, 2007. Lot 1, Western Sage PUD Final Design was approved on June 5, 2007 and the building permit will be issued shortly. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, Western Sage PUD, Wildridge Subdivision, Manley Single -Family Sketch Design June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 Staff Comments The design of the proposed building appears to be in conformance with the intent of the Western Saoe PUD Architectural Site Development and Landscape Design Guidelines in terms of architectural style and use of quality building materials. Many of the site development guidelines involve siting improvements to complement the existing topography and limiting the extent of site disturbance. The presented design is oriented to take advantage of views to the south toward Beaver Creek. The Western Sage PUD Guidelines encourage the use of high quality, durable building materials. This proposal is consistent with the guidelines since it proposes quality materials such as wood siding and stucco. The materials are consistent with others used in this PUD and colors will be reviewed at final design submittal. The proposed floor plan, identical to that of Lot 1, brings forth concerns for Staff about the similarities between the proposed design for Lots 1 and 3. Although Lots 1 and 3 are separated by a differing design on Lot 2, Staff feels that these two designs are too similar. Some of the major differences between the structures proposed on Lots 1 and 3 are: 1. The South Elevation has one large gabled roof form instead of the large gabled form with a secondary gabled form on the western side of the elevation; 2. The decks on the South Elevation are longer than the ones approved on Lot 1 by about eight feet on the upper floor and nine feet on the main floor; 3. The upper floor of the South Elevation protrudes beyond the middle floor throughout the entire face where as the protrusion on Lot 1 only extended as far as the secondary roof element; 4. The chimney top appears to have a different detailing on Lot 3; and 5. The East, West, and North Elevations appear to be identical to that proposed on Lot 1 Staff has provided approved elevations for Lots 1 and 2, Western Sage PUD for comparison to Lot 3. Staff has additional concern with the extensive use of boulder retaining walls within the utility and drainage easements on the north and south sides of the lot. Architectural interest has been added to this home with varying materials and areas of application, and varying roof pitches but they are still too similar to the proposed design for Lot 1. Items such as lighting, landscaping, and snow storage were not addressed in this application and will be reviewed in detail with a Final Design application. All other zoning standards (i.e. lot coverage, landscaping) must also be clearly demonstrated at Final Design. The Engineering department also has concerns about Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 • 0 0 Lot 3, Western Sage PUD, Wildridge Subdivision, Manley Single -Family Sketch Design June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 1. The physical location of the erosion control measures that are noted on Sheet Al need to be shown at Final Design; 2. The physical location of the drainage piping that is noted on sheet Al needs to be shown at Final Design; and 3. It appears that the retaining wall on the north of the structure is six feet tall. All retaining walls greater than four feet shall be designed by a registered professional engineer. It should be noted that staff has concerns that the approval of this design will set forth a pattern where an acceptable design for Lot 4, Western Sage PUD will be extremely similar to Lot 2, Western Sage PUD. Staff feels that there should be more.differences between the designs on Lots 1 and 3 than what is proposed. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code; B. General conformance with Western Saoe PUD Architectural Site DeveloDment & LandscaDe Desion Guidelines; and C. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on this sketch plan application. At the meeting the applicant will receive guidance from the Commission and Staff to incorporate into a final design application. A full size (24" x 36") plan set will be available for the Commission's review at the June 19, 2007 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me directly at 748-4023, or stop by the office of Community Development. Respectfully submitted, Jar arnes Planner) Attachments: (_1 Exhibit A: Aerial Vicinity Map Exhibit B: Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines Exhibit C: Approved Elevations for Lots 1 and 2 Exhibit D: Plan Sets Town of Avon Community Development (970)749-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 r WESTERN SAGE PUD ARCHITECTURAL SITE DEVELOPMENT LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES !.9 AVON,COLORADO December 31, 2004 go EXHIBIT B fm CEIVE® ��q�ny DaValop� ; IN CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Review Process III. Site Development Guidelines • Purpose • Building Siting • Preservation of Existing Vegetation • Drainage • Grading • Vehicular Access/Driveways • Fencing/Privacy Screening • Outdoor Lighting IV. Architectural Design Guidelines • Purpose • Single Family Residences • Building Height • Foundations • Exterior Wall Materials • Fenestration • Colors • Roof Design • Chimneys • Utility Meters, Satellite Dishes, Trash Containers V. Landscape Design Guidelines • Purpose • Design Philosophy • Recommended Landscape Plant Material • Retaining Walls • Irrigation Western Sage PUD ` Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines INTRODUCTION The purpose and intent of this document is to establish site development, architectural, and landscape design guidelines for individual property owners of Lots 1 thru 5, Western Sage PUD. These guidelines should be used by property owners, architects, designers, and builders, along with the "Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial dggp Review Guidelines", adopted November 6, 2001, when making decisions regarding single-family residential development of Lots I thru 5, Western Sage PUD. These guidelines are intended to ensure residential development of the highest quality while preserving the unique natural character of the existing landscape. In addition, these $►�delines are established to preserve and protect property values by ensuring that future development on Lots 1 thea 5 is compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and the unique built and natural environment of the Wildridge neighborhood. Compatibility of future development can be achieved through proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping; and exterior building materials and colors. Whenever possible, natural slopes and vegetation should be preserved and/or replaced. The objective of future development on Lots 1 thru 5 is to "fit" buildings into the topography and to pay particular attention to preserving existing vegetation on the site. in order to achieve the goal of high quality residential development which remains sensitive to the natural character of the existing landscape, the developer and/or each individual property owner should make all reasonable efforts to design and adhere to the site development and landscape design recommendations set forth herein. Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines REVIEW PROCESS Individual.property owners wishing to construct single-family residences on Lots 1 thru 5, Western Sage PUD are encouraged to adhere to the site development and landscape design guidelines contained herein. Adherence is encouraged in the design phase of the residences as well as during the actual construction process. The Western Sage PUD, being located within the Wildridge Subdivision and the Town of Avon municipal boundaries, shall be governed by all laws and ordinances duly adopted by the Avon Town Council. This shall include, but not be limited to, compliance with the Town's established zoning, land development regulations, design review guidelines and development review processes. Design review of future development on Lots 1 thru 5 shall comply with the processes and procedures prescribed in the Town of Avon Municipal Code. Where conflicts between this document and the Town's duly adopted laws and ordinances, exist, the Town's laws and ordinances shall take precedence and control. Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines SITE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES • Purpose The site development guidelines are intended to protect the natural characteristics of the site and to preserve the inherent qualities that exist within the Wildridge neighborhood. To that end, the goal of the site development guidelines is to minimize and direct any negative physical and visual impacts of single-family development within the Western Sage PUD. For example, site grading, building location, vehicular access, slope retention, drainage, etc. should be responsive to the topography and vegetation existing on site. Buildings should blend in with the natural setting, be stepped with the natural topography, and fit into their surroundings rather than appearing to have been forced onto the site. • Building Siting All future development shall be constructed entirely within the platted building envelopes witli e`x'ceptions as noted on the Western Sage PUD Final Plat. The purpose of the building envelope is 'to ensure the preservation of certain areas of the site, to help ensure that future development responds favorably to the topography of the site, and to provide the Town, neighbors and individual property owner's with assurances as to the future location ofeach-of the single-family residences. Limits of disturbance fences shall be . illustrated on the proposed site plan and demarcated on the property throughout the duration of the construction process: Building siting should be responsive to existing terrain features, established drainage courses, existing vegetation, views, and passive solar exposure. • Preservation of Existing Vegetation The goal of the proposed landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance any natural vegetation on the site. To that end, special attention shall be given to ensuring that existing vegetation located within non -developable areas and areas not proposed to be impacted by development is protected. To ensure that existing vegetation is minimally impacted, limits of disturbance fencing is required, erosion control measures shall be taken, and approved site grading shall be strictly adhered to throughout the construction process. Whenever possible, existing vegetation should be maintained as an asset to the site rather than regarded as a nuisance which can be removed to ease the construction process- * Drainage To the extent possible, all existing drainage patterns on the site should remain unaltered. Once established, all drainage ways and easements shall remain free of obstructions. Areas of concentrated runoff should he treated (ie. rip -rap) to minimise soil erosion. Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines Gutters should be installed to direct roof drainage away from areas such as garage entrances, entrances frnd doorways, and patios or decks. • Grading Responsive grading can have long-lasting positive impacts to the site and surrounding areas. All on-site improvements should be sensitively designed to minimize any unnecessary disruption to the site. The presences of excessive retaining walls and substantial loss of existing vegetation may be an indicator of excessive or inappropriate grading. Built structures should be located to minimize the amount of grading and placed in such a manner as to act as slope retainage for the site. The maximum grade of all disturbed slopes shall not exceed 2:1. All grading should be sculpted to blend back into the surrounding landform to help maintain a natural appearance. • Vehicular Access/Driveways Whenever possible, all access drives should follow the natural contours and topography of the site, respecting landforms and existing vegetation. Maximum driveway grades shall conform to the Town's adopted standardsfor driveway access. Parking areas should be screened with earthen berms and vegetation whenever possible. The length and width of future driveways should be minimized to reduce the amount of impervious surfaces on.the site. Adequate areas for snow storage shall be provided on each individual site to prevent the accumulation of plowed snow along common access areas. All driveway and parking surfaces shall be asphalt, concrete pavers, stone cobbles,, or a combination thereof. Driveways surfaces should be sited to take advantage of passive solar exposure to prevent icing and the accumulation of snow. Fencing/Privacy Screening Fencing around yards is prohibited. Privacy walls are discouraged. Privacy walls which do not exceed six feet in height as measured from finish grade to the top of the wall may be constructed around decks and hot tub areas. "Living" privacy walls (ie. trees, shrubs and bushes) are the preferred alternative for providing screening and privacy within a site. • Outdoor Lighting Outdoor lighting is necessary to provide security, safety, and aesthetic illumination of a site. To prevent light pollution and intrusion of light onto adjoining properties, outdoor light fixtures shall be directed only where light is needed and should be low level light sources which are fully out -off or shielded. The use of flood light fixtures and lights with exposed bulbs is prohibited. Uplighting of landscaping and landscape features is discouraged. The use of an automatic timer on outdoor landscape lighting is encouraged: Western Sage PUB Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES The architectural design guidelines are intended to preserve the aesthetic quality of the built environment within the site and to enhance the visual aesthetic of the surrounding residential neighborhood. To that end, the goal of the architectural design guidelines is to provide architectural controls to ensure that the architectural design of structures and their exterior materials and colors are visually harmonious with the town's overall appearance, with surrounding development, and with natural and existing topography. For example, building materials and colors, building scale and form, and building orientation should be responsive to their surroundings. These guidelines are intended to promote residential development of the highest quality. • Building Height Maximum building height shall not exceed 35 fecL Building height shall be determined by utilizing the town's adopted methodology for calculating building height. Building foundations shall be covered in stone, plaster stucco, or wood to prevent the presence of exposed concrete foundation walls. Whenever possible, finish grade should be brought up to minimize the amount of potentially exposed foundation wall area. Minimum building code standards for distances between the ground and wood siding shall be met. • Exterior Wali Materials Exterior pall materials should be an assemblage of materials that add architectural variety, visual interest, and texture to the building. The use of highly durable, high quality materials which weather well in a high altitude, mountainous environment is encouraged. Exterior walls shall be designed with a clear definition of base, middle, and top which should relate to the proposed building formes. Primary wall materials shall include stone and brood siding. Plaster stucco may be acceptable when used in limited amounts as a secondary wall material. Changes in wall materials should only occur at inside comers ofthe building and along horizontal breaks in the elevations. No one wall material should dominate an elevation of a structure. Generally speaking, stone veneer should be used to establish a base for the building. Lighter materials such as .wood siding or plaster stucco should sit atop the stone and form the middle portion of the building. . Large, uninterrupted building wall segments should be avoided. Changes in wall materials or wall materialapplication along with window fenestration should be incorporated into the design. Architectural details such as trim, shutters, corbels, bracing, exposed rafters snd beams, etc, should be included to add visual interest into the overall design. A well-proportioned pitched roof shall be constructed to finish off the building. Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines • Fenestration All windows should be appropriately sized to match their surrounding wall surfaces and materials. Fenestration within field materials (plaster stucco and wood) should be designed with decorative trim and sills, or heavy structural frames so that they do not appear as "punch outs" in the wall. The shapes of windows should be selected to complement the architecture of the building. All windows should strive to add visual interest through the incorporation .of mullions, muntins, and divided lites. + Colors Building colors for structures within the Western Sage PUD, should be chosen to blend with the surrounding mountain environment. Earth tones in various shades of browns, beiges, and grays are encouraged. Colors and hues found in natural stones and naturally - weathering woods are most desirable. Complementary darker colors of similar hues should be used to accent decks, fascia, door and window trim, garage doors, etc. . • Roof Design A well-designed roof is proportionate to the structure it sits atop. In the case of the Western Sage PUD, primary roofs forms should be predominately gable roofs with a pitch of at least 5/12. More steeply pitching roofs are encouraged. Roofs should be designed with environmental and climatic considerations such as snow shedding, drainage, solar exposure; wind direction, etc. in mind. Secondary roofforms such as shed roofs are encouraged when used to cover exterior decks, entry ways, and dormers. Roof surfacing shall be primarily asphalt shingles that are no less than 350 pounds per roofing square. Metal materials such as corten and copper are encouraged on secondary roof forms. In no instance, however, will metal roofs be permitted that reflect direct sunlight onto adjacent properties. Roofs should contain deep eaves and overhangs that provide protection from the' elements and cast shadows upon the facade of the building. • Chimneys All flues 6" in diameter or greater which penetrate roofs shall be designed with chimneys. The size of the chimney should be in scale with the architecture of the building. Chimneys shall be covered in stone veneer, wood siding, or plaster stucco. Chimneys shall terminate with a decorative cap made of metal or stone. Special attention should be given to the chimney cap design to avoid the appearance of being too bulky or top-heavy. • Utility Meters, Satellite TV Dishes, Trash Containers Utility meters, satellite tv dishes and outdoor trash storage areas shall be screened from view from neighboring properties. Screening may be accomplished through placement on the building, physical screening with landscaping, or painted a color to blend with the Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES : Purpose The landscape design guidelines are intended to preserve the aesthetic quality of the natural environment of the site and to enhance the visual aesthetic of the site and the surrounding residential neighborhood. To that end, the goal of the landscape design guidelines is to provide landscape design controls to ensure that the landscape design of site is visually harmonious with surrounding development and with the natural and existing vegetation. • Design Philosophy The intended philosophy of the landscape design is to harmonize the building sites with the natural topography and existing vegetation. Extra care should be taken to disturb as little of the site as possible during the construction process. When areas are disturbed, revegetation utilizing existing and native plants and grasses should be utilized. The use of non-native plant materials shall be limited to providing accent and color to the site and structures. Whenever possible, plants indigenous to the area should be utilized. The landscape planting design should be such that it de- emphasizes the location of property lines between the sites. Xersiscape practices are highly encouraged to.reduce water consumption and maintenance requirements. Large turf areas are discouraged. • Recommended Landscape Plant Material A recommended list of landscape plant materials can be found in Appendix 1, "Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desien Review Guidelines", adopted November 6, 2001. Additional plants that should be considered for use include serviceberry, buckthorn, cotoneaster, sage, rabbitbrush, snowberry, and mountain mahogany. , • Retaining Walls Retaining walls design shall comply with the standards outlined in the, "Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines". adopted November 6, 2001. Retaining wall materials shall be limited to concrete wails with a stone veneer and dry stacked boulders. • Irrigation , An automatic irrigation system is required for all turf, shrub, and tree areas to reduce water loss and for ease of maintenance. The irrigation system shall be indicated on the approved landscaping site plan. Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines site and structure. In Ro instance shall satellite tv dishes be permitted on roof tops, reflect sunlight, or contain advertising of any kind. Trash storage shall be located within the main structure and fully enclosed from view from adjacent properties. Western Sage PUD Architectural Site Development & Landscape Design Guidelines i I 40-a0-vo:n13v3a-- LO-LO-£O:uold 4-104SI LO-9D-£D;M31A3S SS3NQWL jj Iva 00421 I :SOOI9IA� gA u i b A ull I on4 il rI :stDeirosw� u: h. I W1116 .79 I(4w49 i6=lu WN iV>MToa DTI Ip2l galy Iupw'D ugof I LU I. .K -N1 I � 1 � II Fa{ ,o I t II ' I I EMS Qi919WWdJmeY'�Iolldovl !09^S �9PWA.M Md �S�M'fi'CZ'I1dI LV �„J mumsag anus uia>sal (� V Z JA'I�103i�i'II�S3�I.L'IIN'Y3�701�[S nganNia�9S n• I IG I ��� � z a Q LU II 3 1 I. 1. 1� t .1 111 !1 .1. i'ry:ibyl: �1 I t 1 M'1 1 17. 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I€GI §�� a 75 l H r �00 D o � LC) 00 00 Qco J z a w CL Q 0 zd Q I I y� .J r, 0— A Staff Report � O Sketch Design COLORADO June 19, 2007 Planning f& Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 15, 2007 Project type Two Duplex Residences Legal description Lots 12 & 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD — 2 Units per lot Address 4080 & 4090 Wildridge Road West Introduction The applicant, Michael Hazard, has submitted a Sketch Design application for two duplex residences on Lots 12 and 13 of the Wildridge Subdivision. The lots would be accessed off of a private drive from Little Point that will serve Lots 12 & 13. There will be four residences on the lots, A and B are on lot 13 while C and D are on lot 12. Residence A is 2,934 sq. ft., residence B is 3,442 sq. ft., residence C is 3,475 sq. ft., residence D is 3,004 sq. ft. The residences are designed in a Contemporary architectural style with flat roofs and utilize wood siding and stucco on the exterior walls. It should be noted that in order for this design plan to function, a subdivision would first need to be approved to adjust the lot line between lots 12 and 13. Included in the attached reduced plan set are a site plan, floor plans, and elevations (Exhibit B). Staff Comments It appears that the application generally conforms to the Residential site development guidelines. There are a few inconsistencies between the guidelines and the proposal. First, access to the site is from a private drive off of Little Point. The road currently is placed on the same portion of the site where a ten foot utility and drainage easement is located. The guidelines state that disturbance in drainage and utility easements should be avoided. Staff would prefer that access to the site be changed to limit the disturbance of the easement. Second, staff has concerns about snow removal and storage because there is limited area. The proposal also is in general conformance with the building design guidelines although there are once again some inconsistencies. It appears that the Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lots 12 & 13, Wildridge Subdivision, Hazard Duplex Sketch Design June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 chimneys extend beyond the 35 foot height limit, but the usable square footage falls just under the 35 foot height limit. More detailed drawings with existing and proposed grades will be needed at Final Design submittal to verify that the overall height is acceptable. The proposed design utilizes flat roofs throughout the buildings. The Design Guidelines don't address contemporary designs as much as either pueblo or typical mountain architecture with pitched roof designs. The Duplex Design criteria should be reviewed carefully with these proposed designs. The connections between the two halves of each duplex are not the typical Wildridge duplex connection. On Lot 13 (the northern duplex) the connection is a substantial second story connection. The space is used by a master suite on both halves of the duplex and is 23 feet in width. The duplex on Lot 12 (the southern duplex) is much less noticeable as the connection is on the lower level and can only be seen from Wildridge road on the west elevation not from the driveway and east elevation. This connection space is a second bedroom, but still a functional area, and is 15 feet in width. Staff also has concerns with site coverage and site disturbance. According to the applicant, the site coverage for each duplex is about 48% which is close to the maximum allowed under zoning, 50%. Also, the design maximizes the buildable area with structures that abut up to all of the setbacks. Although there is a courtyard/guest parking area in between both halves of each duplex, the orientation of the buildings around the courtyard creates the appearance that the structures are larger and contain more mass than the building footprints represent. The Engineering department also has concerns about 1. The driveway is contained, over its full length, within the 10' wide utility/drainage easement. This could present issues considering the possibility of future maintenance. Furthermore, a 10' wide drive does not meet TOA design guidelines for a residential driveway. 2. The driveway does boarder the property line and at the time of Final Design submittal the applicant will need to show that the extent of disturbance due to construction is either completely contained on their property or an agreement between the neighboring property owner is obtained. 3. Considering the narrow driveway, its length and the number of units it will service, the ERFPD must review the layout and provide a letter of approval. 4. The applicant intends to resubdivide the two existing lots into two equal lots. In addition the two lots will need to be resubdivided into four lots utilizing party wall agreements and access easements. 5. An erosion control plan will be required for Preliminary and Final submittals. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lots 12 & 13, Wildridge Subdivision, Hazard Duplex Sketch Design June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 It should be noted that the applicant will have to submit a resubdivision of the lot if the proposal is to go forward, and will need to be completed concurrently or prior to the final design approval. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code; and B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on this sketch plan application. At the meeting the applicant will receive guidance from the Commission and Staff to incorporate into a final design application. A full size (24" x 36") plan set will be available for the Commission's review at the June 19, 2007 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me directly at 748-4023, or stop by the office of Community Development. • Respectfully submitted, A Jdb6A Barnes Planner I Attachments: Exhibit A: Aerial Vicinity Map Exhibit B: Plan Sets I Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 WidHdge -k|k 3 LO 12 EXHIBITA Ot -'N - � # \� ;7"t, �44 i s 5 2 �y ''"�•ffff4f' t E +i; r 1 K Ll •i, � a N 6 / y ww..YY. 1e n r 13 I A8 N01SN3N 3LY0 'ON OiLYF°l[0p1A4 t[ID90J'N613LL4'11010,L1p15'4004WU'1YL13NLIN0J 4O 'I Yquww [LffiNbtP4I:N.d•9L•iN�04'N6�M1Y�9�4X�4I0�QQ3tSlti4AMSif(if0WY iw M OM°p 1W{ iiW �(1 'Iw�V et.I .w p. a.t we W.St� gun W % OOY80100 'A1NnOO 31OV3 'NOAV JO NMOI I I �•`Y Mf•tV� ! IN11M �1W �uY 4N>.AbVI w'NWAW^IN 1W l�nw AWiy�j wsL�Mw 1 �q l I I • • � j ww .w ip: vw s�.."a � `w'r+w °.. 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A gni Ee N rn a W m N C A� w ... w � U N t/] � C ti d n.5 o:>mmrn E 0 ��A zz° a E -O O S a°'3¢' gni Ee JI s� N rn a W m � m A� voq a o ... U N t/] � C Q W d n.5 o:>mmrn E x w w co JI s� I 1 , i I � pm - 110 LL; "I LL; c w Q; 16 ". IP In TO UO U co laza Lq pis ^11114 -f ; ` Staff Report AVON Sketch Designc o June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 15, 2007 Project type Two Duplex Residences Legal description Lots 12 & 13, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD — 2 Units per lot Address 4080 & 4090 Wildridge Road West Introduction The applicant, Michael Hazard, has submitted a Sketch Design application for two duplex residences on Lots 12 and 13 of the Wildridge Subdivision. The lots would be accessed off of a private drive from Little Point that will serve Lots 12 & 13. There will be four residences on the lots, A and B are on lot 13 while C and D are on lot 12. Residence A is 2,934 sq. ft., residence B is 3,442 sq. ft., residence C is 3,475 sq. ft., residence D is 3,004 sq. ft. The residences are designed in a Contemporary architectural style with flat roofs and utilize wood siding and stucco on the exterior walls. It should be noted that in order for this design plan to function, a subdivision would first need to be approved to adjust the lot line between lots 12 and 13. Included in the attached reduced plan set are a site plan, floor plans, and elevations (Exhibit B). Staff Comments It appears that the application generally conforms to the Residential site development guidelines. There are a few inconsistencies between the guidelines and the proposal. First, access to the site is from a private drive off of Little Point. The road currently is placed on the same portion of the site where a ten foot utility and drainage easement is located. The guidelines state that disturbance in drainage and utility easements should be avoided. Staff would prefer that access to the site be changed to limit the disturbance of the easement. Second, staff has concerns about snow removal and storage because there is limited area. The proposal also is in general conformance with the building design guidelines although there are once again some inconsistencies. It appears that the Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lots 12 & 13, Wildridge Subdivision, Hazard Duplex Sketch Design June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 chimneys extend beyond the 35 foot height limit, but the usable square footage falls just under the 35 foot height limit. More detailed drawings with existing and proposed grades will be needed at Final Design submittal to verify that the overall height is acceptable. The proposed design utilizes flat roofs throughout the buildings. The Design Guidelines don't address contemporary designs as much as either pueblo or typical mountain architecture with pitched roof designs. The Duplex Design criteria should be reviewed carefully with these proposed designs. The connections between the two halves of each duplex are not the typical Wildridge duplex connection. On Lot 13 (the northern duplex) the connection is a substantial second story connection. The space is used by a master suite on both halves of the duplex and is 23 feet in width. The duplex on Lot 12 (the southern duplex) is much less noticeable as the connection is on the lower level and can only be seen from Wildridge road on the west elevation not from the driveway and east elevation. This connection space is a second bedroom, but still a functional area, and is 15 feet in width. Staff also has concerns with site coverage and site disturbance. According to the applicant, the site coverage for each duplex is about 48% which is close to the maximum allowed under zoning, 50%. Also, the design maximizes the buildable area with structures that abut up to all of the setbacks. Although there is a courtyard/guest parking area in between both halves of each duplex, the orientation of the buildings around the courtyard creates the appearance that the structures are larger and contain more mass than the building footprints represent. The Engineering department also has concerns about: 1. The driveway is contained, over its full length, within the 10' wide utility/drainage easement. This could present issues considering the possibility of future maintenance. Furthermore, a 10' wide drive does not meet TOA design guidelines for a residential driveway. 2. The driveway does boarder the property line and at the time of Final Design submittal the applicant will need to show that the extent of disturbance due to construction is either completely contained on their property or an agreement between the neighboring property owner is obtained. 3. Considering the narrow driveway, its length and the number of units it will service, the ERFPD must review the layout and provide a letter of approval. 4. The applicant intends to resubdivide the two existing lots into two equal lots. In addition the two lots will need to be resubdivided into four lots utilizing party wall agreements and access easements. 5. An erosion control plan will be required for Preliminary and Final submittals. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lots 12 & 13, Wildridge Subdivision, Hazard Duplex Sketch Design June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 • It should be noted that the applicant will have to submit a resubdivision of the lot if the proposal is to go forward, and will need to be completed concurrently or prior to the final design approval. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code; and B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on this sketch plan application. At the meeting the applicant will receive guidance from the Commission and Staff to incorporate into a final design application. A full size (24" x 36") plan set will be available for the Commission's review at the June 19, 2007 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me directly at 748-4023, or stop by the office of Community Development. • Respectfully submitted, Erl�- J496 Barnes Planner I 0 Attachments: Exhibit A: Aerial Vicinity Map Exhibit B: Plan Sets Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Wildridge - Blk 3, Lot 12 EXHIBIT e OLot 12H Fr Property Boundaries a .s u I'll 1111 . Town of Avon Desi -n Modifications AVON 9 C 0 L 0 R A D 0 Residential' Staff Report June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 15, 2007 Project type Tuff Shed Addition - Minor Project Legal description Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD — Duplex Address 4530 Flat Point Road Introduction Jim Downs, representing the owner of the property, is proposing a detached shed addition to the northwest side yard of the existing building. The shed measures 16 feet by 20 feet and eight feet in height. The colors and siding of the shed will be finished to match the exterior of the main residence. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desiqn Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zonina Code. The shed falls within the setbacks for the property. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comorehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. This criteria is not applicable. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. There are no planned improvements that impact the development rights. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desisan Guidelines. A. Site Development: The shed will be located on the northeast side of the existing residence in the sideyard. B. Building Design: The shed conforms with all the requirements of this section. Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision — Shed Addition ISN June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of C. Landscaping: There is no landscaping being proposed with this application. D. Miscellaneous Items: The Guidelines states that: "Accessory Structures must be shown on the final design site plan, and should generally be attached to the main building. The method of attachment should be generally compatible with the overall architectural design. Non-attached accessory structures are discouraged from placement on the front and sides of the building. " The shed is not attached to the existing structure and placed on the side of the building, which is discouraged by the Design Guidelines. When looking at the site plan there is limited area to place the shed in the rear yard since the property line cuts that area off. Additionally, steep grades drop off behind the structure. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There is no site grading required. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. Since the roofing and siding of the accessory structure are to match the existing structure, the appearance should be minimal from the neighboring' properties and public ways. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. No monetary values should be impaired or otherwise lowered with the planned improvements. Aesthetic values could be impaired. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. Recommendation Staff is recommending DENIAL of the accessory shed structure on Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, pursuant to criteria 4D from the Residential Design Guidelines. Recommended Motion "I move to deny the accessory shed structure on Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, subject to the Design Approval Criteria. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 41-B, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision —Shed Addition June 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3p"A • If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4023 or stop by the Community Development Department. U Respectfully submitted, Jared Barnes Planner I Attachments: A. Vicinity Map B. Data and Dimension Sheet C. Site Plan with location of improvements Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 r� K y ,,�j � ` �' ` '.� �'� �� `,+k' t �'�- ,�� t ;. � ��. ,- ��� rr • `. y5 t r air �'.' 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Sales Consultant Revised: By: in, COLOR )=T— STYLE SIZE ) 0' OPENER YES(' ENTRY DOOR/COLOR4� STYLE/SWING WINDOWS /v L SKYLIGHTS v� VENTS Axwc- GUTTER COLOR CONCRETE APRON DRIVEWAY I SIDEWALK ADITIONAL OPTIONS/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 6l L /C -v 7 Date ' Date EXHIBIT C SAE AS M ORIGINAL Yt .19 cs 0 t e5l CO cr 1. �C i. ©T 4.t —A ,?157.7 S4• rR 0. 495 acres I -or 41-8 198,62 sq. f t - 0. 451 acre!,, 10 inage *Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner Date June 12, 2007 Re: Draft Town Center East District Plan Introduction AFVO N C O L O R A D O At your last meeting we reviewed the draft Town Center East District. Instead of reviewing the draft in its entirety, staff recommended coming back to your next regular meeting to review a portion of the draft. At the June 19th meeting, Staff would ask the Commission to be prepared to provide detailed feedback on the following portions of the plan: • Chapter 1: Introduction. (Pages 1-8) • Chapter 2: Physical Plan & Land Use. (Pages 9-24) Before moving forward with the Circulation, Views, and ultimately the Implementation sections, Staff would like the Commission to first become comfortable with the above portions of the Plan. Written comments are highly encouraged in addition to verbal feedback at the hearing. Background This draft District Plan is a reflection of feedback received from a week long design charrette last summer, individual stakeholder meetings, and more recently a meeting this past February where the Commission reviewed the "preferred alternative." The feedback from the Planning and Zoning Commission at the February meeting was to move forward with the alternative presented, build flexibility into the plan to accommodate obstacles to the implementation of road realignments, and to put together a sketch up model that includes the West Town Center plan, East Town Center plan, and the Riverfront Village. All input has been considered in the draft of the District Plan. June 19, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 1 of 1 TAB Associates, Inc. The Architectural Balance P.O. Box 7431 Avon, CO 81620-7431 (970)748-1470 (970)748-1471 fax www.tabassociates.com tab@vail.net Project: Madison Partners PUD Date: May 21, 2007 Revised June 13, 2007 RE: Submittal Status FROM Greg Macik, NCARB, Project Manager Memo Project No: 0627 TO: VIA: Town of Avon, P&Z Commission Members Remarks: We have been asked by staff to provide the Commission with an update to the Madison Partners PUD submittal. We are currently working with Madison Partners (MP) to develop a plan which will provide a viable response to the comments we heard during our planning review. Madison Partners has met with neighboring property Owners to listen to their concerns and offer suggested changes which might provide a workable solution to all. We have been given a date of June 1" by MP to provide the Town of Avon with a revised plan to review with Staff and the Commission. (This plan will be made available to staff by this date.) In addition, Madison Partners is planning to present the changes to the plan in a public meeting/ joint session presented by MP and advertised by MP in appropriate venues. We would welcome and strongly encourage a representative of the Commission, Staff and Council to attend this meeting. It is the intent of MP to get a comfortable and presentable direction through this public meeting. This meeting should provide us additional direction to revise our submittal and present to the Commission in the near future. Items we are currently considering: ' 1. Move building farther east from The Gates. 2. Remove Phase 3 from east end of building. 3. Reduce length of Phase 1 while adding slightly to length of Phase 2. 4. Review floor to floor heights in garage to help reduce overall height of building and help lower first garage level. 5. Provide reduced saleable square footage from 240,000 Sq.Ft. to approximately 175,000 Sq.Ft. (Unit number is still 112 units.) 6. Parking numbers will be increased due to smaller unit sizes, some will remain in structured parking, but we will add some on grade parking spaces at east end of building.. 7. Dramatically increase landscaping at base of building. 8. Provide hardy creeping vine at stone base of building to soften base of building. 9. Propose to provide additional landscaping on TOA open space property and within State ROW on north side of Highway 6 between Eagle River and Pavement. We also propose to add additional landscaping on the Canyon Run property if requested. 10. Provide TOA new East Entrance "Welcome to Avon Sign". We are currently showing sign at east end of property. We would be willing to provide sign in alternate location on Highway 6 approved by TOA. 11. Decrease height of building to be at or below the 80'-0" offset from existing or new grade from 115'-0" presented in the previous models. 12. We are not proposing to subdivide the lot. We will provide a Conservation Easement to the south portion of the lot. Approximately 15 acres. We look forward to moving this project forward and working with the Commission in the near future. 0 n.�V� 07 S�peW a sW edea . 9� 9 070 �c0 CD � 0 O G N T i9ri O t4 Ti O`co SO1 Tt + N O 9 o yOr o o Qui 0 y� 4. N N O O O ti- N V� N 400 O O d �' �✓ ° c o 0 0v o� o o cv 9 'in o 0 Y L N o 0 0 � 4-3) !O p N G N c4 U- 7 O 0 ? jo Ci, N 9 O O N 9 N ' N d� ,� N N cts �O G -d sy G is 7 N O G CO ,. GCO Lo O O co f � N, j � t� 0 O NO 4' LCA O i S.' 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AA e 1/ " t •. a�UY!' ti a - U c 9 h i C 5 w mr.,mois+.rs.imn«sa,00u+ow. Q 8 p z w °a C7 oax�goFm aac (� D¢Oaxvwiw C C c4 c m ^ O C7 4,¢ Q FFpw-�yti UOZUX 2 V C07 O ra a rol as � a ° Iria Q 8 p z w °a C7 oax�goFm aac (� D¢Oaxvwiw C C c4 c m ^ O C7 4,¢ Q FFpw-�yti UOZUX 2 V C07 O ra a rol r �. H A a C �, di A 9 O b N q 0 z o aa" � O® a H u— O �z+ r �. H C �, di N q 0 w �z+ r �. s �F0 8Do}�mg p ZL U ZK N y a a 0 a 7 c s A w Q N�N Z � W rya N �dO A� r♦ H ��U �e0n mo mm" o a �n m C p.°. CC'^• �aoo o o �N N � .��1 � i� V � (L�\1J JEZ w 42 _O G. 04 N s �F0 8Do}�mg p ZL U ZK N y a a 0 a 7 m o o n W w ^ A ; e ems A7 mU x"z° a FU�Os .9a Q O rT.. rl 0 R • � o II �I i I o I z W I w 4 � a ►�qC"� w �� m�v o SSS a U u m T?> 4 N N UNi� SCC k0 mVmmm® Qq R • � o II �I i I o I z W I � � f � �C � C7r C: E- Y"j H ti /^� ��y1 a o a•o o r r '� �. �•+ r ' z - CO —' ao" v. W F�•--� � IbF�•tl�{4 F-� .-i b a z a E- u a° ¢ cn y H � E- m f /^� ��y1 a o a•o o r r '� �. �•+ r ' ao" Q O Oi Oi G O N CJ o Q •H L'�J L � F � Z m d U ca G C Z> N F F U� in to L G Z U Y. M: U; It If 11 if If 0 it NCENCI -Wi Uo Ji 'i DOCTORS ON CALL PO Box 2819 Avon, CO 81620 970-949-5434 970-949-0376 FAX 6/5/2007 Avon Town Council VIA FACSIMILE RE: 142 Beaver Creek Place To Whom It May Concern 1 would like to request information and an open discussion regarding the current and/or prospective plans for the redevelopment of 142 Beaver Creek Place at the next available meeting of the Avon Town Council. This letter is also a request for direct notice of all filings, all hearings or presentations before this Council affecting, including or concerning the building located at 142 Beaver Creek Place. Without such notice we are unable to adequately plan for meaningful and reasonable participation in the process. As business owners it is difficult to meaningfully participate without adequate notice or attempting to do so by being a "watch -dog" over the Council's agenda. Further, it is evident that the redevelopment process is underway as the property is being surveyed today as this letter is being written. We understand that this building and those adjacent or in close proximity are the focus of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan (hereinafter the "Town Plan") that calls for the redevelopment of Avon's business core. It would be extremely unfortunate, if in implementing this plan, we failed to protect and serve the businesses that have existed for almost two decades in the Town of Avon. Doctors On Call, PC has been located in this building for 17 plus years. The current lease term for our business expires in three years (April 2010). We understand that this building is the subject of District 2 a High Priority area for redevelopment before the Town Council. We do know we have been refused an extension on our lease and no further options to renew are available. We also have been told that our lease is the longest lease period remaining in the building and most tenants are operating currently on a month to month basis or a short term (six month) lease. Further, we have been advised that early termination of a lease in order to relocate is neither acceptable nor available. We have received little or no communication from the owner, landlord or its agents or the prospective developer, despite asking, regarding the potential and eventual relocation of multiple businesses that occupy this building and the Christie Sports building. We have contacted Kravetz Realty and were advised only that any redevelopment plan is far from being executed. This is not an adequate answer. Rather, the Town Plan policies request a planning process that generates citizen and developer involvement and finds consensus (p9) and encourages broad participation of citizens in the planning efforts and decision making. To do so we must have early and open communication regarding proposed redevelopment of District 2. As the owner (Guy J. Kovacevich, MD) and manager (Jill E. Kovacevich) of Doctors On Call, PC it is imperative that we obtain information regarding the building in which this business is located. We will need every bit of the three years to plan for this business to relocate. We understand it is the risk of the business owner to occupy a leasehold as opposed to having an owner occupied location. However, we have not had a plethora of ownership opportunities in the Town of Avon that have been available commensurate with our lease periods. We have chosen to stay in Avon for over 17 years despite the migration of many businesses to our surrounding communities. We hope that this Council will protect and serve the businesses that have shaped and supported this community for the last two decades and have resisted the urge to leave the Town of Avon. These are the businesses that stayed in Avon in the 1990's when the surrounding business community said " any worthwhile business is located in Vail". These are the businesses that stayed in Avon after 2000, when multiple surrounding businesses moved to Edwards and Eagle. These are the existing businesses upon which this Town has been built. These are the same businesses that pay sales tax and license fees that Support this Council's budget. These are the businesses of Avon that deserve your respect and protection to remain businesses in the Town of Avon. We support the continued goals of this Council to build a strong residential and business community. We urge this Council that in doing so, it can protect the current businesses that have long existed as the core of this community. This Council can do so by allowing the immediate participation of these business owners in open forum to discuss any redevelopment of these properties, whether material plans are on the table or the discussion is merely a think-tank session. No matter what stage of its current process this is an issue in which your current business owners must be completely and immediately involved. We can all remember the redevelopment of Avon Station that actually began over ten years ago. Whether that was an agreeable process or not, it allowed our resident's to be heard at the very beginning stages and the Town Council took great concern about their relocation. The concern of the existing business owners' is the ability to plan. The concern is whether these businesses can remain in the Town of Avon. This Council has been very vocal about issues affecting this community caused by development and redevelopment. Employee housing and adequate infrastructure are tantamount to every proposal. Preservatibn of existing businesses should be of equal concern. Particularly, the preservation of existing small businesses. The big boxes may elicit greater tax revenues but the small businesses are the core and backbone to making Avon a business community and not just a stop or exit off the highway where Wal-Mart is located. Further, the Town Plan calls for the elimination of Beaver Creek Place and replacing the road with an extension of Main Street. This further complicates planning for relocation if we had hoped to be part of the new buildings or development. For instance, if the existing businesses are able to negotiate early with the current developer for an option to lease or own newly developed office space on this site, the demolition of the current building to erect a new building necessarily causes business interruption. To avoid business interruption the only alternative is to relocate to a different building entirely. We do not know what other location choices are or will be available. A simple solution would be to require this developer or any developer who proposes the uprooting or termination of current businesses to include a specific plan to address this issue, to show early and clear communication with these businesses to allow for meaningful participation in the process and to make this a requirement of the planning process not just the plan approval. We need more than the assurances of the developers to agree to agree when the time comes, with existing local businesses. We need the respect and protection of this Council in order to remain existing local businesses in the Town of Avon for the next decade to come. I look forward to your notice as to an adequate date that these issues can be openly discussed and addressed. Very truly yours, Guy J. Kovacevich, MD Jill E. Kovacevich Ev Hamel PUD Amendment Amendment to Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision _,j Land Planning Collaborative May 11, 2007 Table of Contents Hamel PUD Amendment Amendment to Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Section Area Paaes Section I Introduction & Project Framework 1 to 3 Section II PUD & Preliminary Subdivision Review Criteria 4 to 16 Section III Hamel PUD Design Standards Housing Plan & Zoning Analysis 17 to 23 Section IV Hamel PUD/Subdivision Plans ■ Cover Sheet & Land Use Table ■ Topographical Survey ■ Topographical Survey ■ Preliminary Plat ■ Road Plan and Profile • Road Plan and Profile ■ Utility Plan ■ Architectural Site Plan Section V Appendices ■ Applications ■ Project Contact List ■ Public Notices ■ Utility Letters ■ Site Photo Analysis Section I: Introduction & Project Framework Introduction The applicant, Frank J. Hamel, is proposing this amendment to the existing Wildridge Subdivision Planned Unit Development ("PUD") for two residential properties located at 5032 and 5040 Wildridge Road East, Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge respectively. According to the Wildridge PUD, the lots are currently zoned as follows: Lot 38, Block 4, Wildridge: Two Units (Duplex) Lot 39, Block 4, Wildridge: Two Duplexes or One Fourplex Combined Total all Dwelling Units: Six Dwelling Units Additionally, Lot 39 is the only property zoned for such a duplex/fourplex designation in all of Block 4 of the Wildridge Subdivision. Figure 1: General Vicinity Map: Lots 38 & 39, Block 4, Wildridge The proposed PUD amendment to reformat the existing zoning and build an enclave of six single family units will have a positive impact on the neighborhood and community over the existing zoning designations through: • Creating a single point of access instead of up to three points of access along Wildridge Road East. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 1 of 23 • Preserving a large extent of open space through the use of building envelopes and the flexibility inherent in siting single family rather than duplex or fourplex structures. • Eliminating the fourplex zoning designation, the only lot so zoned in Block 4, the construction of which would require extensive cut and fill conditions and be inconsistent with the character of the existing neighborhood. • Creating a single family clustered enclave with consistent high quality design standards, which in turn enhances property values and the existing residential quality and character of the neighborhood. ■ Employing the promotion and requirement of simple and cost- effective green building techniques and design philosophies in order to reduce overall energy consumption and waste. ■ Creating a public benefit to the community in the form of a move - up deed restricted local housing unit on Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge, consistent with the findings of the recent Housing Needs Assessment, built as the first phase of this project. Approval of this PUD amendment (as reviewed in more detail in Section II) is consistent with the goals and policy objectives of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, including the Wildridge District sub -area recommendations. Approval of the PUD is also consistent with the requirements of both the Town of Avon Zoning and Subdivision codes and is seeking no variation from these regulations in terms of height, square footage, or setbacks. The enclave of single family residences will be developed drawing from a similar pallet of materials and architectural style to express design features of the early American West. Materials and outdoor lighting will be regulated by the Design Standards included in this application, and supplemented by the Town of Avon Design Review Guidelines. Colors will be natural and earth tone and will not exceed Light Reflective Values specified by the Town. Green footprint standards are also recognized and certain efficiencies required in the PUD guide. Finally, the homes and decks are limited to specified building envelopes on each lot in order to ensure proper siting and maintain sufficient view corridors through each lot to the benefit of properties above the project site. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 2 of 23 The key project framework elements of the proposed amendment include: ■ A permanent reformat of existing zoning that is more consistent with the character of the neighborhood without up -zoning or down - zoning, but simply reformatting the existing densities and property lines. • Compliance with the goals and policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. ■ Preservation of the existing residential scale through the limitation of building square footage to 5,000 square feet of building area per unit. • Protection of existing views through the site as a result of clustering development through the use of building envelopes and platting of open space. ■ Creating a single point of shared access for the development instead of three separate points accessing three separate duplex projects. • Creation of a more restrictive architectural design standard that will preserve and enhance the property value of the project and neighborhood. ■ Permanent protection of open space areas on the properties through the use of building envelopes. ■ Creation of a permanent deed restricted local housing unit, the first of its kind in Avon, on Lot 110, Block 1 as a result of increased value to the owner through the reformat of existing density on these two properties. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 3 of 23 Section II: PUD & Subdivision Application Review Criteria The applicant is requesting a final review of an amendment to the Wildridge PUD, pursuant to Section 17.20.110K, Amendment Procedures, Avon Municipal Code, to permanently change the zoning designation of the PUD by permitting six single family homes on Lots 38 A -F known as the Hamel PUD in lieu of the existing designations of one duplex (Lot 38) and two duplexes or one fourplex (Lot 39). According to Section 17.20.110H, Design Criteria, Avon Municipal Code, the following criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluation a PUD amendment: Conformity with the Avon Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives; The Hamel PUD is consistent with applicable goals, policies and District objectives of the most recent Avon Comprehensive Plan, including the following: District 24: Wildridae Residential District (Planning Principles) Site building of varying sizes along the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, be compatible with existing surrounding development, and break up building bulk. Applicant Response: The Hamel PUD provides for a more efficient use of two difficult building sites through the use of clustering and shared access. Further, the orientation of building envelopes maximizes sun exposure and views, is compatible with existing surrounding development and provides a significant advantage in breaking up bulk over the construction of three linear duplex structures on the same properties. Policv B.2.2 Encourage cluster style development in areas of less density to promote creative and efficient site design that avoids impacts on environmental resources and augments open space. Applicant Response: The development of six single family units over three individual duplex structures allows for a clustered style development concept to be applied to five of the six units. Under the existing zoning format of three duplexes on these two lots, three individual duplexes would be constructed that would have a more linear design form. The design concept of the PUD promotes creativity through shared access and creates a permanently protected open space tract along Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 4 of 23 with significantly greater buffers between the structures proposed and existing development through the deliberate placement and restriction of all building to platted building envelopes. Finally, the use of simple and cost effective green building standards avoids unnecessary impacts on environmental resources. Policv C.1.5 Flexible zoning such as Planned Unit Development should be considered an alternative to straight zoning if it would allow a more effective development pattern... where it provides a benefit to the community and is compatible with surrounding development. Applicant Response: The flexibility afforded the Hamel PUD results in a more effective development pattern for the properties over existing zoning without requesting a change in overall density. The benefit of a clustered development, shared access, the use of platted building envelopes, stringent design, material and lighting standards creates a project that is not only compatible with surrounding development but enhances and protects property values in the neighborhood. Policy F.1 Achieve a diverse range of quality housing options to serve diverse segments of the population. Applicant Response: In addition to the stated design benefits of reformatting existing density to create a higher value and architecturally controlled enclave project, the Hamel PUD will create a deed restricted unit which serves a need identified in the most recent Housing Needs Assessment and further discussed through public meetings of Town Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff. The creation of a 'move -up' housing opportunity on Lot 110, Block 1 of the Wildridge subdivision will be constructed as Phase 1 of this project. No such other directed housing opportunity exists or is being proposed in Avon today. The housing dedication is discussed in more detail in Section III (Housing Plan). Policv F.1.2 Encourage private development to include a diversity of housing types, sizes, architectural styles and prices. Applicant Response: The Hamel PUD is proposing a reformat of existing duplex zoning to a clustered single family project with consistent high quality architectural standards. Each home is limited in size to 5,000 square feet and materials, Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 5 of 23 style and lighting are controlled through design standards in the PUD guide. 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the Town, the subarea design recommendations and design guidelines adopted by the Town; Applicant Response: The Hamel PUD will achieve a higher degree of compliance with the design recommendations of the Town policy documents, such as the Avon Comprehensive Plan (as noted above), as well as the Town design guidelines. The PUD as proposed will restrict the construction of six (6) single family residential dwelling units to identified building envelopes. A large portion of the project is proposed as platted open space. Additionally, all building envelopes are sited so as to be consistent with or more restrictive than the existing front yard setback of 25' from Wildridge Road East, the side and rear setbacks of 10' and 10' respectively from all adjacent properties. The project has been designed to preserve existing views from lots above the PUD as well as layout building envelopes to create views and maximize the orientation of the structures to the contours of the property. This design will minimize the amount of grading and retaining required to the greatest extent possible, though these are difficult sites in Wildridge and will require a certain amount of retaining. The use of a shared access driveway will also reduce the amount of grading and retaining necessary to serve six (6) single family residential dwelling units over the three potential access points necessary to serve six (6) duplex residential dwelling units in three duplex structures. The PUD creates strict design standards since it is creating a clustered enclave project and the intent of the PUD is to create and enhance property value in the project and neighborhood. Please reference the Design Standards located in Section III for specific design criteria proposed. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 is Page 6 of 23 Figure 2: Example Elevation showing fenestration, colors and material palette consistent with design standards of PUD. Not to be interpreted for massing. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character and orientation; Applicant Response: Future development of each single family home will be compatible with the immediate environment, the neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character and orientation. Each home will be individually reviewed and approved by the Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission for compliance with the design standards required by the PUD and those required by the Town. The exterior of each residence will be a mixture of indigenous materials such as wood, timbers and stone. All residential development in the PUD is limited to construction within the platted building envelopes. Each single family home is limited to 5,000 square feet of building area. Additionally, the design standards of the PUD require attention to the use of passive solar gain and stepping the homes into the hill. The design standards ensure that homes constructed are compatible with the character being created in the enclave and the surrounding neighborhood. Further, no variation in the existing building height Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 7 of 23 maximum of thirty-five (35') feet in height is being proposed and none shall be permitted. 4. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity; Applicant Response: The uses and activities proposed with the PUD will provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. No dimensional variations from existing zoning are being requested (i.e. setbacks, site coverage, height), and the PUD proposed will have the net result of having a more restricted use and activity on the property. Additionally, no deviations from the permitted and allowed uses of the Wildridge PUD or applicable Residential Single -Family zone district are being proposed. Only one single family residential unit and accessory buildings and uses shall be permitted within the PUD without consideration of a special review use permit. According to the official Town of Avon Zoning Map, the areas adjacent to the PUD are zoned as follows: North: PUD- Residential South: Right of Way / PUD - Residential East: PUD- Tract O (Utility and Drainage/Water Tank) West: PUD- Residential 5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD Is proposed, Applicant Response: No natural and/or geologic hazards affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. The area which contains the most significant steep slopes is proposed as Open Space, and the only permitted use in this area is the construction of the access driveway and appurtenant retaining and utility installations. Preliminary geotechnical findings indicate that grading of this area of hillside for the proposed driveway and buildings should be feasible based on all geotechnical considerations. Additionally, the bedding of the formation rock is relatively flat lying and favorable to steep excavations. The intent is to design the uphill cuts for access through the steepest terrain for a 1 to 1 vertical grade in this formation rock. This will eliminate the need for less aesthetic retaining system where appropriate and recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 8 of 23 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community; Applicant Response: All future residential development on the site shall be required to comply with the design standards prescribed herein as well as the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines. The design of the six single family lots and building envelopes has been done in accordance to the general design principles of the guidelines. The building lots are running with the topographic contours to avoid excessive cut and fill. A parallel orientation of building envelopes and the access road ensures that the resulting homes are built to blend to the existing topography to the greatest extent possible and not seen as struggling against the slope. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the Town transportation plan; Applicant Response: The circulation system is designed for both vehicles and pedestrians and is compatible with the Town's transportation plan. There is sufficient room to accommodate the planned future pedestrian path and realignment of this road as indicated by the Town Engineer in pre -application meeting with the project team. The private driveway is constructed to comply with minimum standards of the Town for road construction, and the elimination of two potential additional access cuts on Wildridge Road through the consolidation of access is a net public benefit for both on and off site traffic circulation as a result of the approval and build -out of this project. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function; Applicant Response: Landscaping and open space are provided in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. The PUD will provide over 50% of the property as open space and will restrict construction of all building to platted building envelopes. Views are optimized through the break in building forms and orientation of each building envelope proposed. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 9 of 23 Individual landscape plans will be submitted to the Town Planning & Zoning Commission for review and approval as part of the design review process for each single family residence. The landscape plans shall be prepared to comply with Section 4C, Town of Avon Residential, Commercial and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The design intent of the PUD is create landscaping that is appropriate to the natural topography and vegetation on the site. Plant materials such as sagebrush and drought tolerant grasses are proposed in areas receiving over -lot grading, and more structured landscaping using quaking aspens and xeriscape plant materials as recommend by the Town of Avon Design Guidelines. The application is not requesting deviation from the approved planting list of the Town or any landscaping area requirements. 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. The phasing plan shall clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional and efficient without relying upon completion of future project phases; Applicant Response: The phasing plan for the subdivision will maintain a workable and functional relationship within the PUD. Pending approval of the PUD, the phasing plan is anticipated as follows: Phase Start Date End Date Phase 1: Lot 110, Block 1 2007/2008 2008 Phase 2: Driveway & Utility Installations Lot 38, Block 4 2008 2009 Lot38A 2009 2010 Lot38B 2010 2010 Lot 38C 2011 2011 Lot 39D 2012 2012 Lot 39E 2012 2012 The phasing plan demonstrates that each lot and single family residence can be constructed independently and efficiently without relying upon completion of future project phases. Access and infrastructure shall be constructed for the entire project as the initial phase. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 10 of 23 The dedicated housing unit on Lot 110 shall also be constructed in the initial phase. Depending on market conditions, several single family residential units may be constructed or begin construction simultaneously, however each unit shall be required to submit and receive design review approval by the Town of Avon prior to application for building permit. 10. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks and police and fire protection; Applicant Response: Adequate facilities are available to serve the six (6) single family residential lots. Wildridge Road East provides vehicular access to the development, and a new private driveway provides access to the lots from Wildridge Road East. Wildridge Road East is a platted public right of way maintained by the Town of Avon, and the proposal to reformat density is not creating any additional burden on the street infrastructure as it exists today. Adequate water and sanitary infrastructure exists to serve the project development site, and necessary utility easements are proposed for platting on the project to provide for necessary water, sanitary and utility service extensions to each lot being created. The access drive provides for access and utility services to the project, and each lot is provided separate utility easements to provide for utility extension to Wildridge Road East. The impacts created by the existing zoning designation of six (6) residential dwelling units on these two properties on all public facilities and services, including fire, police, water, sanitation, parks, roadways, schools and transit are not proposed to be increased through the reformat of zoning proposed herein. The existing or proposed development of these units will have no negative impacts on the above described services. 11. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD; Applicant Response: The existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and the vicinity of the proposed PUD. Wildridge Road East is designated as a local -street and has been designed to accommodate the average daily trips (ADT) generated by residential development. According to the Institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 4th Edition, one (1) single family residential dwelling unit generates approximately six (6) average daily trips. An average daily trip is defined Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 11 of 23 as the average number of vehicle trips generated leaving form and returning to a designated land use for the purpose of transportation planning. This trip generation estimate is the same for the construction of either a duplex or single family unit, and therefore, no negative impact is anticipated through the reformat of existing zoning on the project site. 12. That the PUD or amendment to PUD requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the public purpose provisions of the Zoning Code as specified in Section 17.28.085. According to Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Town shall consider the following public benefit criteria when evaluating zoning applications: 1. The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve; 2. Approval of the zoning application provides long-term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights; 3. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources and increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents; Applicant Response: The proposed reformat of existing zoning on Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision provide many benefits that existing zoning does not. The reformat of existing zoning for three (3) duplexes to six (6) single family units does not require a 'up zoning' or 'down zoning' in order to achieve the following public benefits: More responsive site planning. The Hamel PUD allows for more responsive site planning than existing zoning can achieve. The access and construction of three duplex structures is constrained by existing setbacks, property lines, and individual points of access. The proposed reformat of the same number of dwelling units into six single family residential structures permits orientation of structures to the topography and the ability to limit construction and disturbance to defined building envelopes and platting open space. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 12 of 23 Shared access from Wildridge Road East. The Hamel PUD proposes to consolidate access from the existing three individual duplex sites to one point of access through a reformat of existing property lines and easements. The fewer points of access along a local street the better pedestrian experience and the less potential for conflict between automobile and pedestrian/cyclist. Further, the creatior of a shared access allows sites to be clustered along a driveway that follows topography instead of fights it. The extensive cost of this shared access driveway is made practical from the reformat of the existing zoning into six single family residential units. Limitations on size and scale of development. The Hamel PUD proposes limitations on size and scale of development to a degree that is more restrictive and responsive to the site than existing zoning can achieve, while at the same time creating platted open space. Defined architectural and green footprint standards. The Hamel PUD proposes additional architectural standards that existing zoning cannot achieve. The project is proposed as a clustered single family enclave of high quality architectural design instead of three disparate duplex structures. Additionally, simple and cost effective green standards are built into the design standards of the PUD to promote efficiency. Additional platted open space. The Hamel PUD proposed platted open space that will remain as a visual buffer against development, consistent with the original Wildridge subdivision open space concept, whereas the existing zoning does not afford or provide for any additional platted open space. Higher real estate values, Higher transfer tax returns. The Hamel PUD proposes to construct six (6) single family residential lots instead of three (3) duplex residential lots for the same total of residential dwelling units. The net result is a higher standard of building, higher real estate value for each dwelling unit, and a higher transfer tax return to the Town of Avon. A higher transfer tax results in a greater contribution to the capital infrastructure funding necessary for the Town to build and maintain all public facilities, both to the benefit of Wildridge residents and visitors to the Town. Deed restricted housing opportunity. The Hamel PUD proposes to return a significant public benefit to the Town in return for reformatting of existing zoning entitlements in the form of a Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 13 of 23 deed restricted 'move up' locals housing opportunity on Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge. This dwelling unit is located in the same subdivision, is restricted to qualified local buyers, and will target a move up unit category of approximately 200% AMI. Currently, there are no directed housing opportunities in the entire Town of Avon. The Housing Needs Assessment identified the goal of constructed at least 92 of these units in the next eight years. Since Wildridge is largely built out (over 85% built out), and the neighborhood is generally transitioning to a second -homeowner community (estimates over 50% of the homes are second -homes), there are fewer viable opportunities to provide a directed local housing opportunity for families that desire to live in Avon permanently. Through this public-private partnership, the Hamel PUD proposes to contribute just such an opportunity and provide the Town with an opportunity that does not exist under current zoning in return for enhanced real value to the owner of the single family lots being created. Subdivision Preliminary Plan Review 16.20.040 Accompanying the requested PUD amendment is a preliminary subdivision plan, as required by Section 17.20.11 0(l) of the Avon Municipal Code for all PUD applications. The subdivision plan will permanently create the lot and tract boundaries and establish all necessary road and utility easements. The preliminary subdivision forms the basis, with minor variation permitted, for the final subdivision plat and is submitted for review by Town Council. The review standard is as follows: The Town Council shall review the Preliminary Plan to determine whether the proposed subdivision conforms to applicable zoning and these subdivision regulations and whether it takes into consideration: 1. The Comprehensive Plan 2. For Planned Unit Developments, the relevant Planned Unit Development Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan, as reflected in the approval of that Planned Unit Development; 3. Physical suftabifity of lots proposed for subdivision; and 4. Compatibility wflh surrounding land uses. Applicant Response: As already demonstrated in the PUD review criteria, the Hamel PUD is consistent with the policy and district objectives as stated in the Town Comprehensive Plan. The property is physically suitable for the proposed Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 14 of 23 subdivision, and the subdivision is consistent with surrounding land uses which are primarily single family and duplex residential structures. Subdivision Variation The access is being constructed as a private driveway to serve two lots. It is not a public way, nor will it require or place future burden on the Town for maintenance and upkeep. All access repair and maintenance will be assigned to the Hamel PUD Homeowners Association, and both covenants and plat restrictions assigning this responsibility shall be recorded at the time of final plat. The Hamel PUD is requesting variation from the standard subdivision code for the requirement of each lot containing a minimum of twenty-five feet of frontage to a public street. Application for this variance is required according to Chapter 16.12.020 of the Avon Municipal Code. The review standard is as follows: Upon application by a Subdivider, Town Council may, at its discretion, grant variances, as provided in Chapter 16.44, from some or any requirements of these regulations based upon the following criteria: 1. Whether a strict, literal application of these subdivision regulations would result in an undue hardship to the subdivider due to the purpose, size, shape, location and character of the proposed subdivision; 2. Whether the provisions of the regulations from which relief is requested are not materially important, in a planning sense, to the orderly controlled development of the tract in question; 3. Whether the granting of the request might adversely affect the use of the land in the immediate area of the tract in question. Applicant Response: The request for variance is consistent with that granted to similar PUD amendments to the Wildridge subdivision. The strict and literal interpretation will result in undue hardship to the subdivider due to the purpose of the subdivision and the size, shape and location of the proposed residential single family lots. The relief being requested is not materially important, and the applicant has worked with the Town Engineer and the Community Development staff on ensuring that the resultant subdivision meets all materially important requirements (i.e. access, utility and safety considerations). Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 15 of 23 The subdivision proposed will not negatively affect the use of land in the immediate area as a result of approval of the variance requested. v v y HbMt:L PUb 6h Me NbM El -1-i' X90 Y��f1 �. pL W6 Figure 3: Architectural PUD Site Plan Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 16 of 23 Section III: Hamel PUD Design Standards, Housing Plan, and Zoning Analysis 1. Intent & Purpose of PUD and Desian Guidelines The intent of the Hamel PUD is to create a six dwelling unit single family residential enclave consistent with the design standards of the PUD and the Town of Avon. The project will create a single family project that will utilize one point of access, design standards, platted no build and open space areas and platted building envelopes to achieve a uniform quality of design harmonious with the natural constraints of the site. Where the PUD is silent to land use, the Town of Avon Zoning Code Chapter 17.20 "Residential Single Family" zone district standards shall apply. Where the PUD is silent to architectural development standards, the Town of Avon Design Guidelines shall apply. 2. General PUD Information The PUD contains a maximum of 6 residential single family dwelling units on six residential lots, an access and utility easement, an open space tract and platted building envelopes as defined on the subdivision plan. The Hamel PUD Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping, driveways, retaining, drainage and trail features of the project. Land Use Acres a of Site Total Area 3.483 100% Building Envelopes 1.19 34% Total Residential" .69 17% Open Space 1.09 31% Access Drive .37 11% *Based on maximum achievable floor area coverage of six 5,000 SF residences. 3. PUD Desian Standards Design Character Statement Buildings and site improvements will be integrated with the existing landscape to preserve and enhance the natural characteristics of each home site while incorporating the spectacular mountain views into all six of the residences. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 17 of 23 The design of these residences will be limited to the same pallet of materials and architectural styles to express the design features found in buildings of the early American West, referred to sometimes as the Colorado Territorial style. Rather than to imitate this style, the intent is to draw inspiration from its design features to be reinterpreted into today's environment. Green Footprint Standards The recognition of simple and cost-effective practices promoting the efficient use of energy in design and construction of each home is promoted in this project. Residences will be oriented to make use of passive solar design and strategies such as direct gain, indirect gain, and thermal mass as a result of the steep topography and south facing aspect of each lot. Where steep grades permit on the uphill lots, residences will be designed to be partially buried in the hillside to substantially reduce heat transfer and loss and provide for natural cooling in summer. Additionally, the use of heat pumps in line with hot water heat is encouraged. All homes shall be built utilizing the following green footprint standards: ■ Foundation walls shall be insulated. ■ Furnaces with 90% and higher efficiency ratings are required. • Windows with "Low -E" glass are required. ■ All appliances installed by builder shall carry an "Energy Star" efficiency rating, which reflects a 10% to 5017. reduction in energy and/or water consumption. • All homes shall use in -floor radiant heat and programmable thermostats. • All light fixtures installed by the builder shall use compact fluorescent bulbs when possible. Building Envelopes Homes shall be sited entirely within the platted building envelope. Only minor grading, landscaping and retaining shall be permitted in the areas immediately adjacent to building envelopes labeled as 'no -build'. Minor architectural encroachments (overhangs, battered stone) may be permitted through the Town design review Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 18 of 23 approval process only. Building envelopes are on each residential lot and labeled and dimensioned on the subdivision plan. Driveways Driveways are to be constructed of asphalt. Colored asphalt, pavers, washed or colored concrete is encouraged. All driveways to be a minimum distance of 20' deep from inside edge of street to allow for off street parking. Roofs Major roof forms shall be limited to gable, hip or shed in the range of 4:12 to 6:12. Secondary or connecting roof forms may be of a lower pitch or flat. Roof material shall be at a 50 -year asphalt shingle at a minimum. Metal roofs are not allowed, except for secondary pitched forms. Acceptable metal roofs to be used are corten steel, terne metal or copper. All fascias to be wood, built up with a minimum of a 2x6 on a 2x10. All soffits to be wood 1x4 to 1x6 in dimension. All gutters shall be copper. Grading and retaining All grading and retaining for individual homes shall be minimized to the most practical extent. Where retaining is required, the use of boulders is encouraged. Retaining necessary over the access drive shall remain in a natural condition of bedrock and finished grading where approved by the Geotechnical engineer. Where a structural wall cannot be constructed of boulders, it shall receive treatment architecturally with the use of rock facing or colored concrete. Walls All walls to be constructed of stone, timber and/or wood siding. Continuous stone will be required at the base of all residences where they meet grade. Materials and Color The intent of the Hamel PUD is to create an enclave of consistent high quality design that allows variation in built form without diverse variation in material palette. Homes shall be primarily constructed of wood siding, heavy timbers, stone base and architectural shingles. All windows shall be metal clad only. Colors shall be earth tone and meet the Town requirements for Light Reflective Value (LRV) in order to blend into their surroundings. The use of stucco is not permitted. Outdoor Lighting All outdoor lighting shall be permanently affixed to the homes and be full cutoff 'dark sky' compliant. All exterior lighting to be Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 19 of 23 permitted only at the following locations: entries, porches, decks, balconies, path lighting and address signage. Additionally, no up lighting of any landscaping or landscaping features shall be permitted. Landscaping Minimum landscape area shall comprise 30% of each residential single family lot. Drought tolerant Xeriscaping material is recommended, and sod areas are to be limited in use. All residences are required to install in ground irrigation for all permanent vegetation. All native seed and sage revegetation of grading shall require the use of temporary overhead irrigation systems until established. Open Space and No -Build Areas Around each residential building envelope is a 'no -build' area in which no portion of the habitable structure can encroach (unless a minor architectural projection is specifically approved by the Town) and only utility, drainage and access may occur. However, over lot grading incidental and necessary for the preparation and construction of home sites and landscaping shall be permitted in these areas. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 20 of 23 Housing Plan The Hamel PUD, though not required through existing Town regulations, seeks to return a public benefit to the Town in exchange for enhanced values created through the approval of the PUD amendment proposed. This is an opportunity to innovate a solution that is rendered possible as a result of reformatting existing entitlements and provide a significant benefit over not building to those existing entitlements. The Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan adopted several broad strategies for local housing based on an understanding that there is no single solution for workforce housing, but instead a need for a variety of approaches to provide local resident housing solutions. The Hamel PUD Local Resident Housing Plan is premised on the idea that the same owner, Frank Hamel, is offering to construct Yz of a duplex on Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge as a deed restricted housing solution targeting a family earning approximately 200% of the Area Median Income as a condition of approval of the Hamel PUD. This is seen as one of many community benefits possible through reformatting the existing zoning on Lots 38 and 39 of Block 4 to create six (6) single family residential dwelling units. On Lot 110, the deed restriction is proposed as a strict 'buyer qualification' which requires that initial sale and re -sales be limited to a qualified local buyer, and not a second home owner. The restriction is not proposed as being a 'price appreciated' restriction, typical to what Avon has accomplished in its existing housing program. This is the first deed restriction of its type in the Wildridge subdivision outside of Block 5 (Wildwood), and will permanently provide a directed move -up housing opportunity for professionals seeking to raise a family Avon. Deed restricting a dwelling unit to buyer qualification only is not a new concept, and has been successfully used in other local resident housing programs throughout Colorado, including Crested Butte and Steamboat Springs. The concept of restricting buyer and not price appreciation in a market like Wildridge will have the effect of allowing only a local resident to purchase this dwelling unit, while allowing the existing resident the right to reasonably build equity at the point of resale to another qualified buyer. Consequently, a local resident with higher equity will have a better Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 21 of 23 opportunity to continue to remain in the community than one who is limited to remaining in an extremely limited price appreciated market. Wildridge is undergoing a transformation into a largely second home owner community, and fewer 'move up' housing opportunities exist in the subdivision and in Avon as a whole. Lot 110, while equally challenging in terms of design and construction under a free-market scenario, provides the owner with an opportunity to introduce a new form of deed restricted housing into the inventory of Avon that can provide a unique opportunity to a local resident that desires more than a small condominium or deed restricted town -home opportunity. While the size and design of the home are yet to be determined, it has been suggested to the project team through meetings with staff that a unit of no greater than 1,800-2,000 square feet with a 2 car garage is the appropriate type of move up housing meeting the needs of the Town. The deed restriction has been prepared and submitted with the applications to staff for review, and the duplex on Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge will be constructed as the first phase of the project as a condition of approval (as specified in the phasing plan) prior to or in conjunction with any of the free market enclave units. The final version of the deed restriction, pending approval of the PUD application, will be recorded at the time of final plat of the Hamel PUD. The applicant welcomes the opportunity to partner with the Town on creating a move up local housing opportunity in Avon. Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 22 of 23 Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 23 of 23 Hamel PUD Amendment Zoning Analysis Existina Conditions Proposed Amendment (Residential Duplex/Fourplex) (Residential Single Family) Maximum Density: 6 Dwelling Units 6 Dwelling Units Square Footage: N/A 5,000 square feet per lot Parking: 2 per unit + guest 2 per unit + guest Minimum Lot Size: N/A .25 acres Maximum Building Height: 35 Feet 35 Feet Building Setbacks: Front: 25 Feet 25' Wildridge Road Side: 10 Feet 10' & Building Envelopes Rear: 10 Feet 10' & Building Envelopes Building Envelopes: None Yes Maximum Site Coverage: 50% Less than 20% Minimum Landscape Area: 25% 30% Site Specific Design Standards: None Yes Green Standards: None Yes Local Housing: None Yes Hamel PUD May 11, 2007 Page 23 of 23 As NDGvaw iLVQ ' vo WHiOU iM tilp mlgtYWfl ul LL6lf'lYOmnp'IY1KWUtlm I�Q -poi f J iY.gl1 R11M1NY W 1q tOi YliliAAM11p11Ci1 i3'r: i+�r� am 04Yt10'100 `�L1Ht100 31'JV3 wY�r+w w I�w.�. rr vri ■.i M w i� � w i w w aw ii.:�Y..�".w' HGf►Y �G lW1Ql is � �nw.. w..�. w. r■.w •. w 43D0{Yj N 1M3nQN3 V 'CYPai'13RVH ww•�.rr�r.wlrw.:'1`rw>Ir�—tw4" E g r 1 IN 9 � U z pp a° a W M WO O a :2j Q�a o U] M°0�0 Z o a Q o�� —i S Z cr. 81 z a"'ui w Arc' W d ?Q W a 3, "7 6 t, r. � � � � �a+�i+r+lrw�.t•Jr.�ulL Yilil•�-. 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M-1 Y '.. fill lop- 0 ,w �^ ter» .R.* ;. • � ...� Volk —06 P �/ fN r \� \i ♦ './w , � der. 4 2�:iiv k r' .--- .uo,00v3 r r. H oqog=.4 jo to� 0 Frank Hamel 2147 Ingelhart Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 May 14, 2007 Eric Heidemann, AICP Town of Avon Community Development P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Hamel PUD Application Dear Eric: Please accept this representative authorization submitted with my application for amendment to the Wildridge PUD ("Hamel PUD Amendmenf') on Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision to permit Tambi Katieb of Land Planning Collaborative to act on my behalf throughout this process. His contact information is specified in the application form and I request that all correspondence and questions related to the application be addressed to Tambi Katieb on this matter. Tambi will coordinate all issues with the engineer, architect, and me on this application. Thanks in advance for your guidance in this application process. Bes�ards, Frank Hame Owner of Lots 38 & 39, B ck 4, Wildridge Wy ' it j Fees: 1-4 000 '-/ ` PLANNED UNIT 5.50 DUiResidential Onlling Unit (DU) y Residential Only: $2,000 AVO N DEVELOPMENT 50+ aU Reskientaa Only: $2,x00 Baseper DU Mired Use to 50 OU: $2,000 c o L o a A D o Mixed Use over 50 OU: $2,000 Base Fee + $15 per OU Alreadp,ApprovedExisdng PUB -s" fee schedule CONTACT•• • Nama 1G^0�1 i e!. 3 "TA -4A,63 t (Last) (Fast) Address P. Z7. &T—ati/% (Sheer) (CRY) (State) (rip Code) Telephone Z 4 6 4 Fax 3 2* . 43>; Ceti •WNER'S CONTACT INFORMATION Nama kAAt�iil.' (Last) (FTrsr) Addres< 047+ T7AP(,��AIiJE! ST- PAUL— 5,5(04 (Sheet) (City) (Stare) (ZTp Code) Telephona Fax Cell 6S j 3 3S ,Z26 Lot Block-_ Subdivision Ort -04515; Street Address go— 40AVJ Id wri t ` Current Zoning 1; i 1 t.er 38 . P"fLW ,U 3 Project Name j.(..A-AA L.. P"o *Please attach the'Metes and Bounds' legal Description I (we) represent that all information provided to the Town of Avon in connection with this application as true and correct, that I (we) understand the Town of Avon regulations applicable to this project, and u erstand that Incomplete submittals will delay application review. Owner designates 'Appiic :nr as indicated4asowpeesre esentative i I application submittals related to this project. Applicant Owner (Print Name) � (PrintNamel Data .57-. 1 . C::�-T'— Data 4-/— L7 — `-7 7 Community Development, PO Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 - Phone (970)748.4430 Fax (970)949.5749 (Iasi revised 112006) Page 3 of 6 Four (4) complete copies of the following information shall be submitted with ,Lt! applications: ❑ Application and associated fees ❑ Written statement describing the nature of project. ❑ Survey - less than 3 years old, stamped by RLS ❑ Zoning Analysis of existing and proposed development ❑ Vicinity map showing proposed improvements with scale not smaller than one Inch equals one hundred feet. ❑ Evidence of available utilities ❑ Site Plan showing approximate locations and dimensions of improvements Additional materials may be requested by the Planning Commission or by staff, Including: ❑ Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor pians in sufficient detail ❑ Photo overlays and/or other techniques to demonstrate visual analysis in relationship to existing development. ❑ Massing model depicting development in relationship to existing development. ❑ Environmental Impact Statement ❑ Preliminary drainage analysis and grading plans ❑ Economic model of proposed uses and densities, when Town services may be impacted. ❑ Any additional information as deemed necessary for proper review of tha proposed PUD or PUD amendment. Notes It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and proposed development plan comply with each of the design criteria listed in Section 17.20.1101-1 of the Avon Municipal Code, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a particular development solution consistent with the public Interest has been achieved. "PUD Amendments that propose substantial changes to land use in connection to existing development agreements and development plans, as outlined In Chapter 17.14 of the Avon Municipal Code, may require additional information and/or development agreements and amendment to development plans. 'Where subdivision approval will be required to implement development in a proposed PUD, a Preliminary Subdivision Pian must be filed concurrently and In conjunction with the PUD application. 'No development may be implemented in a PUD prior to approval and recording of a corresponding Final Subdivision Plat. IReviewed by: ❑ complete ❑ Incomplete Date: Community Development, PO Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 • Phone {970}748.4030 fax {970}949.5749 (last revised 1/2006) Page 4 of 6 AVON C O_L O R A D O JYPILICANT'S CONTACT INFORMATION Nam= �4A- a-t(Artiti-( (Last) (First) Address P'a - Q✓- )5 c (street) Telephone a -YD -r-, 7-W 124 t:-�- (Ont') (Fee: k 1 (slate) (Zp code) 43„ 64 Fax {1"fia-li-V&• 43'*h Celt 01AV . 4,a ( . 3'8 C 1 !1WNER'S CONTACT INFORMATION Nam* 4A*kE--1" f i {1F$2A 1 V-- Arldroclast,2t� sr3G ii/ ., 1r'1 Vl�t l 55104 (street) (Chy) TelephonA Fax Subdivision v31�iJtZtG7F'E (stare) (Zp Code) Cell 651. 3555. 22 b \ Street Address '50 4 O t.Ai LQ7106C- M. EAS Type of Subdivision:[:) Duplex []Minor Subdivision t5,,Land Subdivision []Condominium ❑ Timeshare Type of Plat Requested:[] Sketch Plan Akreliminary Plan ❑ Amended Final Plat ❑ Final Plat Notes: ' if the parcel has not previously been platted, please attach on a separate sheet a Meets & Bounds description. • All Subdivisions other than Minor and Duplex Subdivisions are required to receive Preliminary Plan approval prior to Final Plat. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I (we) represent that all information provided to the Town of Avon in connection with this application as true and correct, that i (we) understand the Town of Avon regulations applicable to this project, and u (stand that incomplete submittals will delay application review. Owner designates 'Applicant as indicated act as owner's representative in all application submittals relatedtathis project. _ Applicant �G \— ... Owner (Print Name)V-04Meg DatA (Print Nam/Y`' ` Name) 151P � Date 7`h -e7 7 Community Development, PO Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 - Phone (970)748.4030 Fax (970)949.5749 (last revised 6/2006) Page Iof 4 U13DIVISION - MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AlLopiffications must submit the following: YJ F (4) 24" x 36" pian sets 13—C/Three (3) copies of a completed subdivision application form - submit separate applications for preliminary & final plats Fees Condominiums and Duplex Subdivisions: ❑ Three (3) copies of any applicable Master Declarations, Condo Declarations or Party Wall Agreements Recording Requirements: ❑ Two (2) sets of mylars and Master Declarations, Condo Declarations or Party Wali Agreements which are fully executed and signed, including recording fees. ❑ Electronic Version of Plat to be submitted at time of Mylar submittal (accepted file types: SHP, DXF, DWG) Additional Requirements: Preliminary Plat Applications - 4 Units or More: Sa"Mastar List of all property owners within 300 feet, with adequate legal descriptions provided by title company. 6�irUriginal copy of Public Hearing Notice ER"Stamped and addressed envelopes for all property owners within 300 feet - no metered mail accepted. This checidist is used to review the subdivision applications for general completeness. We strongly recommend that you contact the Community Development Department prior to submittal to discuss specific submittal requirements for your project. Due to time constraints we can only accept complete applications. Please help us avoid delays by giving us clear, complete plans and applications. If you have any questions, please call us at (970) 748.4030. Reviewed by: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete Date: Community Development, PO Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 • Phone (970)746.4030 Fax (970)949.5749 (last revised 612006) Page 2 of 4 Hamel PUD Amendment Project Contact List: Owner/Developer: Frank Hamel 2147 Iglehart Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 Tel: 651.335.2261 Civil Enaineerina: Sandra E. Mendonca, P.E. Mike Monroe Intermountain Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 978 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.949.5072 Fax: 970.949.9339 Land Plannina: Tambi Katieb, AICP Land Planning Collaborative P.O. Drawer 3722 Eagle, Co 81631 Tel /Fax: 970.328.4364 Architecture: Gerald Miramonti Miramonti Architect, P.C. P.O. Box 5820 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970.949.1 138 Fax: 970.949.0117 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: Whom it May Concern You are hereby notified pursuant to provisions of Section 17.20. 100 and 16.20.070 of the Avon Municipal Code, that a Public Hearing on a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment, and Preliminary Subdivision for the following Planning Areas will be held and considered at the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, on at 5:30 PM in the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to be present and be heard. PROPERTY OWNER: APPLICANT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: DESCRIPTION OF PUD AMENDMENT: DEADLINE: PUBLIC REVIEW: Frank Hamel c/o Land Planning Collaborative Tambi Katieb P.O. Box 3722 Eagle, CO 81631 Lots 38 & 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Avon, Colorado (5032 & 5040 Wildridge Road East) A request for amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for six (6) residential single family lots in place of three (3) duplex structures or one (1) duplex and I (fourplex) structure under current zoning. The amendment would permanently reformat the zoning for these two properties without increasing or decreasing density. The new property will create defined building envelopes and design standards, limit home sizes, platted open space, and a single point of access from Wildridge Road East for all properties served. It will also create a deed restricted local housing unit on Lot I10, Block 1, Wildridge. Also being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application. If you wish to be heard on this matter, you may appear personally or by designated agent at the public hearing on 1 OR you may file a written statement with the Recording Secretary, Town of Avon, P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620. In order to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission, such written statement must be received in the Town offices no later than 4:00 PM, Tuesday, A copy of the application is available for review by the public in the Community Development Office during regular business hours. For further information, call (970) 748.4413. POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON: • MAIN LOBBY, AVON MUNICIPAL COMPLEX • MAIN LOBBY, AVON RECREATION CENTER • AVON CITY MARKET, MAIN LOBBY • ALPINE BANK, MAIN LOBBY Mailed and posted on by 0 0 Wildridge - BLK 4, Lots 38 & 39 MN Fejt QLots 38 & 39 E3 300 Ft. Buffer Property Boundaries �e Hca O O O�_ O W MW O O (D M O W O h 0 0 0 0 O M n O N W O O O0 O W V O 0 0 0 V O 0 0 N N O N O O O N N W N N IN O N N N N N N O N N O O N N N .. O ON N N N O N N N W W OmWW W W m(DN CO A CD U) (D U)(OCO CO (O(0 O U)O (D (D CD W _ (D CO U) W W W CO CO U) O O O O r I r M O C) I M O I L M I I I I (D W W W W W W W W W W O W M W W W m W W W V (O W W O W W W W W W W W W m W W W W a N 0 Boo> OOOOOOawOJ00000OOM�' O0000000> -0000F-000 -O—� U O O O D U U z U U U U U 0 0 0 N C a) L � m am) C7 m cu 0 C p O 29O O CD c m y N O ca= m O Om O N G G O c� G C C C m C E C C C C C C a) V y C a « C G G C C C C C C C p C C C >> N L 0===00 a) a) a) co E O O .m O O O O O L C> a) m>>> O O .m m O>>> p O>> ¢>¢> a s ¢>Q¢¢¢ ¢> >� Q Q Q a m Q¢¢ W O N w V O M � 0 C > N J y Q C cu 0cli U 0 U) O 1.�N W W >(%%M a) N Oa O- d0cp Nd O t` dM r pW 300 MCD 100 .0 V OOD co 0) 0)) r- 0¢ C OD O' i0 Gp M 0 1n Lo L O c W m Y O n n LO n V Vl 7 1- O N m N W N r -M MOOOn ANN 0) n D10 V O E L Or U—� OO NO'7 Y1� NO) N 0 V �- CO ry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o (0 0 - LL o 0 0 0 o U ~ O Z ° o o o o o o J 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 M m to Z m m m m m m 10 W m (D m U m m m m m V O m O U m m m m m m N m MIM m m m m m i00 000000m(ooOm0000000N raO 0000000(no00000000 QaaMOaaaaaa�. alra a a a a 0. Ln WaOaaaaaar-aaaalnaa(L c 0 2 p c F c c f(�pJ m � C a) ' d 3 C d U �' N J N O O > C a v m _ c '° __ aTi to m c > J a7 O O) p N p N ' w N t+6 V U c($ m N lO `2 O6 H N W C UU N> E M 2.6 lO O�L C W = cw O) N� 2 muO06 U' a 'mU2' vr� fn aQ .0 N�a6 N N N F >� 3 c6 c 1n a(S V v m O N of 2 ca Z. a(j ❑ a) `N Z' CL CD g�'a)r �mGO o��nmxm`m�`m`�°— m p�,OocC(OE2 «� O c> K C c Z m O c (mn v .(L3 v 2 a) m E °> > > `m Li Q ❑ w��-°iO��w~ �v °��av�� tiO��aw ���ww�a c �� EL Ti/�ppLa c v ddoEm U) m >� c� 00 00� 'L�� Ol N (D - V WE a) G c N 0 a1 r L G E E y (6 N C Y C yl C E d d> m N G c LD c C _� 0.0 yj 'O p -0 O( N O V V O =n C N O m cT0 0 L O(D O N M m m l0 O U O O N O c—° Q U— E .m .� ° ami a F Cu U> w Y a� m� 2 m w m A Y 2 U J W F F J F -� m O m 3 m m� J 0 z r m O V OD W r N M CON M r- CO N M`Q CD I'- M V OO CD 3 V MN 1�- r.- 00 Lo O W W IT 0W UY C O I I 0010 V OO 0)OOONWW nr(OO n "NOON NW n W OD r� r - I, NN 7 N 0 0 N 1- r- M O ON N W W N O O N N O O N M O � O O V M M N N O O O co MI I CO W nM r- O N N MMI,- P- MI, M M M M M M N MM W W CO �001�nM Cl) O N NMM V V N V V NN V V ONN U)U)N V V NN U)U)N NN NN? V g10Lf) v C 10 U) V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V M V M O O W r W N O (O N M 1 N O O r O W O W N O OIT M N U) r O O W O N M N N M N N N N N N O Cl) M Cl) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M M M V V V V V V V O V V V V N N N N M M M M V M M M M M Cl) Cl) M Cl) Cl) M M O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N V N N N ... N N N N N N N O O O U) O O O O O O U) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O V O O O O O O O V O O O O O O 0 M M M (M M M CO M M M M M M M M M M M M co M (M ff) M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M OV)OV)OV) W W m-ITmv vOV)g gl�ry �Vm W OV) W W F mOV)v 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �goss ea o{ �� t .c � 2 o O d A Y- �'2 ssoto March 28, 2007 Land Planning Collaborative Mr. Tambi Katieb, AICP PO Drawer 3722 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Hamel PUD, Lots 36/39, Block 4, Wldridge, Avon Dear Mr. Katieb: 3799 HIGHWAY 82-P.0. BOX 2150 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81802 (970) 9455491 -FAX (970) 9-054081 The above mentioned development is within the certified service area of Holy Cross Energy. Holy Cross Energy has adequate power supply to provide electric power to the development, subject to tariffs, rules and regulations on file. Arry power One enlargements, relocations, and new extensions necessary to deliver adequate power to and within the development will be undertaken by Holy Cross Energy upon completion of appropriate contractual agreements and subject to necessary governmental approvals. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ENERGY Jeffrey P. Vroom Senior Engineering Technician (970) 947-5425 direct line ivroorn0holvcross. com JPV: Electronic 49-38:Hamel PUD, Witdridge:3-28-07 A Touchstone Energy® CooperativAIT) �& Xcet Energy& April 6, 2007 Land Planning Collaborative Attn: Tambi Katieb Post Office Drawer 3722 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Subject: Service Availability Dear Mr. Katieb: B 0. Box 1819 Silverthorne, Colorado 80498-1819 In accordance with our tariffs filed with and approved by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, gas and/or electric facilities can be made available to serve your project at Lot 38 (5032 Wildridge Road East) and Lot 39 (5040 Wildridge Road East), Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Avon, Colorado. Currently our lead time for design is 8 - 10 weeks. Lead time for construction, once the design has been approved, applicable costs have been paid and applicable contracts have been signed and returned, is 8 — l0 weeks. Due to workload, material availability and design complexity, design and construction lead times are approximate and subject to change. Please submit your plans at the earliest opportunity to better assure meeting your proposed schedule for receiving service. ® Gas costs will be calculated in conformance with our filed SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION AND DISTRIBUTION MAIN EXTENSION POLICY. ❑ Electric Costs for the project will be calculated in conformance with our filed SERVICE CONNECTION AND DISTRIBUTION LINE EX'T'ENSION POLICY. If you have any questions or comments, or if I can be of further assistance, please call me at the number listed below. My normal work hours are 6:30 a.m, to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Sinc7e Y, Kathryn Bog lanner Design Department Mountain Division Comcast. To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to confirm that Comeast has the ability to serve the following addresses: 5032 & 5040 Wildridge Road East in Eagle County, Colorado. All technicalities and costs will be worked out between Comcast and the owner/builder. Sincerely, -/G 'l David Eva s j/7 Comcast Construction Supervisor Eagle/Summit Counties David EvansCa?,cable.comeast.com 970-418-8248 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 646 Forest Road . Vail, Colorado 61657 !970) 476-7480. FAX (9701 416-4089 April 2, 2007 Mr. Tambi Katieb Land Planning Collaborative P.O. Drawer 3722 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: 5032 Wildridge Road East Unit 5040 Wildridge Road West Unit Hamel PUD, Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Avon, Colorado Dear Tambi: This letter is to inform you that the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District and Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority can provide water and sewer services to the above - referenced lots as long as water usage demands do not increase from the original PUD. We understand that you intend to sub -divide from two to six lots. Because square footage on this project may exceed originally estimated square footage, inclusion into the District/Authority does not necessarily mean that all water rights, treated water storage, water and sewer tap fees associated with the project have been paid. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions. Sincerely, T,,� % - 4w a t�_ Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator Cc Roby Forsyth Customer Service File No. 1610300 and 1610400 FSHJmep AVF:115WSDt8RegslLetlfs�2007flalffbift# dtit& M414AcFrneNT SERVICES A Hamel PUD Amendment: Photo Analysis Figure 4: Property Boundary between Lots 38 & 39, Block 4, Wildridge U ,. :.,.,. e a w