PZC Packet 081506Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda for August 15, 2006 AVON Meeting Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers o� o a � o o Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road Work Session (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm) Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda Items in Council Chambers. Open to the Public. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - (ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATED) I. Call to Order (5:30 pm) It. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the August 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes VI. Sign Designs (5:35 pm — 6:00 pm) A. Castaneda's Market Property Location: Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision / 51 Beaver Creek Place Applicant: Jose Castaneda /Owner: Bruce & Chuck Allen Description: Sign Design application for a new 12 1/2 square foot sandblasted redwood sign at the 51 Beaver Creek Place building across the street from City Market. Lighting would be external from existing floodlight. B. Westin Sales Center Property Location: Lot 5, Riverfront Subdivision 10330 Riverfront Lane Applicant/Owner. East West Partners Description: A monument sign, temporary in nature as is the building, at the entrance to the parking lot for the sales center. Same wood siding as on the actual sales center office building. There would be raised acrylic lettering and logo. No lighting is proposed forthis sign. VII. Sketch Design Plans - Wildridge Residential (6:00 pm - 6:45 pm) A. Beartrap and Old Trail Duplex Property Location: Lot 49, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 12510 Beartrap Road Applicant. Michael Pukas, MPP Design Shop / Owner. Phil Matsen Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is three stories and comprised a stone veneer base, wood and stucco siding, aluminum clad windows, asphalt shingles, rusted metal roofs. This is a corner lot with two 25' front setbacks and is further limited with a 100' easement which splits the lot in half. B. Burkard Single -Family Property Location: Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 14250 Wildridge Road West Posted on August 11, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions ApplicanUOwner. Sondra & Erich Burkard Description: Sketch design review for a single-family home (w/ lock off apartment) on a difficult Wildridge Road West property. The size of the residence measures approximately 4,300 square feet with a proposed maximum building height of 34' 5". The proposed materials include a combination of redwood vertical siding and stucco, aluminum clad window frames, and asphalt shingles. VIII. Minor Project - Commercial - Follow Up (6:45 pm — 7:00 pm) Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 63 Nottingham Rd Applicant. Rich Keeren, Deer Creek Corp. /Owner. • Suncor Energy Description: Design review for a new lighting plan, canopy fascia, and building stucco color change for the Phillips 66 gas station was conditionally approved in June. This review is to follow up with the conditions of approval from that review, including new landscaping and a new monument sign. IX. Other Business (7:00 pm - 7:15 pm) A. Update of Various Projects X. Adjourn (7:15 pm) Posted on August 11, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions l :J Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission avoN Meeting Minutes 0L 0 R A 0 0 August 1, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item V - B, Minor Project, Location: Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 1060 Beaver Creek Boulevard, has been removed from the Consent Agenda and Item VII, Sign Application Qwest Communications, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd., has been moved to the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict with Item VI, Special Review Use Application, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd, and Item VII, Sign Application Qwest Communications, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd. V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the July 18, 2006 Meeting Minutes. B. Item VII, Sign Application Qwest Communications, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd. Commissioner Green motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda with Commissioner Lane seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 6-0 with Commissioner Evans abstaining due to a conflict of interest. VI. B. Minor Project Location: Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 1060 Beaver Creek Boulevard Applicant: TAB Associates / Owner: Sharon Primmer Description: The applicant is requesting to change the base, trim, and accent colors for the existing Sunridge Building Phase II. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Color selections for the project were discussed along with comments that the Homeowners Association was in agreement with the colors and options presented. Tab Bonidy, Tab Associates, approached the podium to discuss the colors with the remarks that the colors were selected for their hues. Commissioner Foster had difficulty with the yellow color. Commissioner Struve remarked to cut the mustard color and the dark red/maroon, and preferred Option B. Commissioner Goulding preferred the top three colors and to eliminate the copper and the orange. Commissioner Smith preferred the concept of Option B: Commissioner Lane concurred with Commissioner Smith. Commissioner Green preferred Option B and would like to make sure that adjustments can be made once painted if the colors aren't identical to those colors presented. Commissioner Evans voiced his support for either option. Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item V - B. Minor Project, Location: Lot 2, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 1060 Beaver Creek Boulevard, Option B with the condition that if the accent color being added were inappropriate, it would be visited by staff for revision. Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. VII. Special Review Use Application - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd Applicant: Jeff Reddy, Architect /Owner. Qwest Communications Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) permit for outdoor storage. The property is located within the Industrial Commercial (IC) zone district, and accordingly 'outdoor storage' is enumerated as an allowable use only by approval of a Special Review Use permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. This is the second public hearing. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Commissioner Green commented on Item 3 of the Staff Report on the type of vehicle being identified. Commissioner Goulding mentioned that the diagram showed the truck going over the fence and Mr. Pielsticker clarified that a revised diagram was available and showed the turning to be appropriate. Jeff Reddy, Reddy and Reddy Architects, approached the podium and voiced appropriate. Commissioner Struve questioned the mobile sheds on the props that no mobile sheds would be stored on the property. Commissioner Struve a of technicians as presented in the report to be 6 and it was verified that at thi: correct. Commissioner Green remarked on the landscaping and the plants se native plants would be preferred and that lost plants would need to be rep Goulding questioned the location of the signage and had clarified that the sign � building and not at the entrance to the site. Commissioner Goulding contim lighting and asked if it were on motion detectors or lit 24/7. Commissioner Grei issues of repair versus replacement. Commissioner Goulding remarked that the fence was not sufficient. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING No members of the public presented comments. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Goulding moved to approve Item VI. Special Review Use / Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf to include the following conditions: (1) No WB -67 or WB -50 truck deliveries Road are permitted for this property. In the event the property receives one d WB -50 truck after October 1st. 2006 it shall be considered a violation of this immediate revocation proceedings. (2) The fence repair will be reviewed and r Additional asphalt will be installed where required for a 45' straight body tru6 completely on asphalt, as indicated by letter from Dave Ruble (dated July 1i deliveries taking place. (4) Outdoor storage is permitted exclusively on the a submitted site plan (date stamped July 12, 2006). This area may not be e: approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. (5) Lighting will be reviewe the Town of Avon Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. Building permit will not be clow lighting is in compliance. (6) A revised landscape plan with increased native lar in groupings will be presented and approved by staff. If any planted landscapi will be replaced. (7) Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all m hat snow storage was rty and Qwest replied ked about the number time this number was ected and voiced that aced.- Commissioner could be placed on the Bd by questioning the n discussed the fence he landscaping along pplication, Property Rd, Resolution 06-11, it staging on Metcalf :livery by a WB -67 or aermit and subject to pproved by staff. (3) to perform deliveries 1, 2006), prior to any eas indicated on the panded without prior I for compliance with d out until all outdoor dscaping and bushes rg does not survive it terial representations 'l made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Commissioner Struve seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 6-0. VIII. Sign Application - Qwest Communications Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd Applicant: Jeff Reddy, Architect/ Owner Qwest Communications Description: The applicant is requesting approval of a sign at the new- Qwest location on Metcalf Road. The sign would be south facing and is 18 square feet in size. Sign construction is with Black Poly Carbonate Plastic and no lighting is proposed. Moved to Consent Agenda. IX. Final Design - Single -Family Property Location: Lot 3,' Dry Creek PUD (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510C Old Trail Road Applicant: Michael Sanner/Owner. Trent Hubbard Description. Review of Final Design Plan for the third and final single-family home in the Dry Creek PUD. The home is approximately 4,500 square feet with cedar siding, stucco and stone veneer walls. Sketch Review for this application took place at the Commission's June 20th meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner discussion revolved around the fact that the applicant addressed many of the comments such as the driveway and chimney design made during Sketch Design. Commissioner Green commented that the landscaping would benefit from a more natural look than "looking like a haircut". Commissioner Smith motioned to approved Item Vlll, Final Design - Single -Family, Property Location: Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510C Old Trail Road, with the conditions as presented in the Staff Report. Commissioner Green seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed 7-0. X. Sketch Design Plans - Residential Duplex A. Property Location: Lot 91, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2470 Old Trail Road Applicant. Rick Dominick, Aker Architects /Owners: Tanavon Corporation Description. The applicant is proposing a duplex on Old Trail Road in Wildridge. The units are moderately sized: west unit is 2,810 square feet, and east is 2,730 square feet. The proposed building materials are wood siding, stucco, and stone chimneys. Matt Pielsticker presented to the Commission the Staff Report. Kirk Aker, Aker Architects, approached the podium to present the project. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Green commenting on the configuration of the driveway, agreed that the landscape plan was minimal and would be better served with substantial plantings, concerned with the steep walk to the patio, architecture needed greater articulation, rear of building needed to be more broken up, and concerned with the stucco on the west elevation. Commissioner Goulding agreed with Commissioner Green regarding the improvement of the landscaping, north elevation needed a great deal of work, and greater character was needed for the project. Commissioner Lane concurred with Commissioners Goulding and Green voiced it looked plain. Commissioner Struve questioned the parking space requirements, north elevation needed some sort of differentiation, and activity under the dormer needed to be review. Commissioner Smith commented the north side needed work and the parking hammerhead/tum might benefit by being for two cars. Commissioner Foster revealed that the north elevation needed work and the patio looked inside the setback. Y Commissioner Evans commented that the detailing and materials were plain and a more robust presentation would be beneficial. B. Property Location: Lot 48, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5151 Longsun Lane Applicant. Rick Dominick, Aker Architects /Owners: Tanavon Corporation Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for a 7,500 square foot duplex residence. The proposed building materials include vertical and horizontal wood siding. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Kirk Aker, Aker Architects, approached the podium for commissioner questions and requested feedback on the driveway design and presentation. Commissioner Evans began commissioner comments with the project having no street appeal, would benefit from architectural interest and detail. Commissioner Green commented that this project needed strength in its simplicity. Commissioner Foster revealed concern with driveway and parking issues. Commissioner Struve commented that the back bedroom had no window, a complimentary design was needed, the project could benefit from colors, remove the mirror imaging, south elevation long ridgeline was too extended, and the roof massing needed to be broken up. Commissioner Goulding was in agreement with previous commissioner comments and added that a turning radius study would be beneficial, and snow storage area needed to be designed. Applicant commented that snowmelt was being considered due to slopes of the site XI. Minor Project Amendment Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge) ApplicanWUwners: Charles Frey, Manager Description: The applicant is requesting to waive the condition of approval requiring an outdoor lighting plan associated with a prior request to replace the existing canvas awnings from the current rust color to a forest green color. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Charles Frey, Director of Operations for the Christie Lodge, approached the podium to discuss his request. He mentioned that he misunderstood the Commission request for alighting plan and. has not budgeted to comply with this request. Mr. Frey could provide the new lights. Commissioner Evans presented an option that verification of the lighting compliance and/or method/plan to bring into compliance. Mr. Heidemann remarked that field verification of compliance would be acceptable by staff. Commissioner Goulding suggested that photos of the site and its fixtures would be beneficial for the commission to identify compliance. Commissioner Evans commented that an architectural seal/stamp, which validated outdoor lighting compliance, would be appropriate. It would be up to the Applicant to prove compliance. Commissioner Goulding motioned to deny Item X, Minor Project Amendment, Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge). Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-1. XII. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects a. East Avon Charette maps were presented on the wall and posting on the website was forthcoming. b. August 8th, 2006 meeting in Wildridge with Town Council looking for feedback on trails and mapping prior to Forest Service scoping. c. Friday, August 4, 2006 is a Town Center West Workshop, 9 -Noon is the meeting and the TOA picnic follows. d. Tambi Katieb has resigned from his position with the Town of Avon. e. Lot C PUD Application. f. Avon Wall to Riverfront was coming down. g. PUC Hearing was discussed. h. Lot 61 will becoming back with anew PUD. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Smith motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary <% Staff Report SIGN DESIGN AVTON C O L O R A D O August 15, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date August 9, 2006 Sign type Building Mounted Sign Legal description Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Shopping Center (SC) Address 51 Beaver Creek Place Introduction The applicant, Jose R. Castaneda, is proposing a sign for his'Mexican market' business at the 51 Beaver Creek Place Building. This is the property across the street from City Market and in the same building as Venture Sports and Columbine Bakery. `The sign would be sandblasted redwood painted custom colors. The sign design is a 12.5 square foot building mounted sign to be centered above the business entrance on the south end of the building. Lighting would be with the existing flood light. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sign Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing this sign design application: 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The Sign Code encourages quality signs, and this sign should be appropriate in this application. There are a variety of sign types (i.e. box cabinet, acrylic individual lettering) on the building since there is no Master Sign Program for the property. 2. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement. The Sign Code encourages "quality sign materials, including anodized metal; routed or sandblasted wood, such as rough cedar or redwood; interior -lit, individual plexiglass -faced letters; or three dimensional individual letters with or without indirect lighting, are encouraged." The proposed material is sandblasted wood and should be appropriate for the project. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 a;. Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Castaneda's Sign Design August 15, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 3. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. The visual impact of this sign from adjacent and neighboring properties looks appropriate. The colors are vibrant to gain attention and the Commission must determine if these colors are appropriate. It would be visible from East Beaver Creek Boulevard and from Beaver Creek Place. There are large mature trees on the property which somewhat screen this sign. 4. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. There should not be any monetary or aesthetic values impaired with this sign. S. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the Sign Code, and are appropriate for the project. The sign would be approximately 12.5 square feet, or 6' wide by 2' tall. For an individual business property the Sign Code permits one (1) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of building front. The lineal frontage of this unit in the building is 20 square feet; therefore, this sign is in compliance with the Sign Code allowances. Staff recommends that the flood light sign lighting be down lit as opposed to the up lighting that is being proposed. This would help bring the property into compliance with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. 6. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. The primary orientation of the proposed signage is to automobile traffic which is appropriate given its proposed location and orientation. Recommendation Staff recommends conditional approval of the sign design application for Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Recommended Motion "I move to approve this sign design application for Castaneda's on Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Lighting will be changed to down lighting. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval" Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 llt t �l Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Castaneda's Sign Design August 15, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4030 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted Matt Pielsti er Planner I Attachments: o Sign Design o Aerial Photograph of Property Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Staff Report SIGN DESIGN , ,, AVO N C O L O R A D O August 15, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Sign type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction August 9, 2006 Freestanding Monument Lot 5, Riverfront Subdivision Planned Unit Development 330 Riverfront Lane The applicant, East West Partners, is proposing a freestanding monument sign for the temporary sales center building that was recently completed. The sign has two (2) eighteen square foot faces with different orientations. Sign construction includes stone veneer base and supports, wood panels, vinyl graphics, and 3/8" anodized bronze aluminum letters. The is temporary in nature as is the building, which must be removed no later than 1 year after issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the hotel building. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sion Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing this sign design application: 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The Sign Code is sensitive to sign materials, orientation, and the visual impact that sign's present. Although this sign is temporary in nature, it may be on the property for a few years and staff would treat this review similar to a permanent sign. The materials are of high quality and compatible with approved and existing building materials. The same stone and -wood is used on the sales building on site. 2. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement The Sign Code encourages quality sign materials. As stated the materials are quality and appear to be appropriate for this project. 3. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. Toxin of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 5, Riverfront Subdivision, Sales Center Sign Design The sign has organic materials, muted earth tone colors and no lighting is proposed for this sign. Staff feels that this sign would have a positive visual impact as seen from neighboring properties. 4. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. There should not be any monetary or aesthetic values impaired with this sign. 5. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the Sign Code, and are appropriate for the project. The sign would be approximately 36 square feet in total, which is in compliance with the Code allowances. The building has approximately 110 feet of frontage. Sign is of high quality and appropriate for the project. In order to be in compliance with the Sign Code it must be confirmed that the sign is located at least 10' from the property line. 6. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. The primary orientation of the proposed signage is to automobile traffic which is appropriate given its proposed location and multiple orientations. Recommendation Staff recommends conditional approval of the sign design application for Lot 5, Riverfront subdivision. Recommended Motion "I move to approve this sign design application for temporary sales center on Lot 5, Riverfront Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Sign will be placed at least 10' from the property line per Sign Code. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval" If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4030 or stop by the Community Development Department. i Matt i - -r Planner I Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 P z inF It, N 0 �N t T.T'd S9Sb 6b. S9Sb-sirs-OLs I 9£0T9bLM6T S83Nie '39 iSU3:UOJ.4 65:60 9992-52--nr u9isap up. -u2 -is Staff Report '�� AVON Sketch Design CD LDR A D0 August 15, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date August 9, 2006 Project type Duplex Legal description Lot 49, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning 2 Units (Duplex) Address 2610 Beartrap Road Introduction The applicant, Michael Pukas of MPP Design Shop, is proposing a duplex on this property at the corner of Beartrap Road and Old Trail Road in Wildridge. This lot is 1 acre and has relatively steep grades off both road ways. Once onto the buildable portion of the site, grades are more manageable between 20%-25%. The lot is obstructed with a 100' Colorado Ute Electrical Easement. This overhead utility line effectively splits the lot in half. In fact, there are two utility poles to support the electrical lines on the property. The proposed building is large, and in excess of 8,000 square feet with 3,500 and 4,500 square foot units. Proposed building materials are typical for this subdivision with mainly of stone, wood siding, and stucco. Each unit is three stories in height and feature two car garages. Site Design (Section A - Residential Development Guidelines) The Design Guidelines put emphasis on site layout design. Structures should blend in with natural settings and the need for extensive site grading and slope retention should be avoided. Additionally, buildings should be stepped in appearance where practical. Site access shall blend with the natural contours of the site. Access to the site is located in the only logical point for access, coming in at the highest elevation possible on Beartrap Rd to climb to the structure. Building location is limited due to the existing grades and the overhead utility line. This results in a driveway reaching all the way to the top portion of the lot to where the building would be located. The proposed driveway climbs up the site with the need for at Ieastl0 feet of retainage. There are two boulder wall indicated on the plans to hold back the slope, however, wall heights are not called out on the plans. At final design cross sections would be helpful to better understand the retaining walls. The driveway entrance appears to be compliant with the guidelines with a 4% initial grade, eventually ascending up to 9% to reach further up the site to the Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 t Lot 49, Block 2, Wildddg, jbdivision - MPP Design Duplex Sketch Desig, August 15, 2006 Planning b Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 building envelope. This allows for great views to the South towards the ski resort. Building D@sign (Section B - Residential Development Guidelines) The building foot print is linear, in part to work with the existing grades. The building foot print is also expansive sitting approximately 175' wide. There are three levels to each side of the duplex and the front and sides of the structure are wrapped with decks. The proposed building materials are of high quality and appropriate for the project. There is a considerable amount of stone veneer siding represented on the plan set elevations on all sides of the duplex. The Guidelines encourage fenestration and articulation on large exterior walls to break up massing. There are a variety of architectural features and breaks in material and mass. Staff has no objection to the building materials or amount of articulation presented. The building appears to be within the 35' height requirement, which will need to be confirmed at final design. The roof plan provides roof pitches at 7:12 for the primary ridgelines and 3:12 for the secondary roof forms. These roof pitches are in compliance with the Design Guidelines. All exterior lighting and a complete landscape plan would be reviewed with a final design submittal. Discussion At a final design submittal staff would ask the applicant to provide an updated survey absent the 2' of snow note, with all grades over 40% clearly shaded in some fashion. Aside from the new survey, cross sections from the road through the driveway and retaining walls will be required. A cross section through the entire property and structure will also be beneficial for staff and Commissioner review. The home is in general compliance with the Design Guidelines. There are similar duplex structures already built in the neighborhood. And while the design and footprint of this structure are similar to others in this PUD, the design has been improved with more architectural interest and roof height changes. The Commission must determine whether the design is too similar to others in the neighborhood. Design Review The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in the final design application. Town of Avon Community Dcvclopmcnl (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 49, Block 2, Wildridge subdivision - MPP Design Duplex Sketch Design August 15, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielstic c Planner I Aft: Reduced Plan Set Aerial Photograph Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 woo, doysu6isapddw p!aoyoiw L99 i-VZ9 (OL6) 1 q I£6V-06C(OL6) 0 ONL900'uony a LE9 LO 00 'wnsdAE) aBpupllM 'Z M0019 '6V 401 Goold auo}sMoll!M 96u $ 9 98Zxo9Od Hoji Plo M -out Nous u5isap ddw puce doll aoa9 jo xaldna '1 1 , L O n� �.L O m _0 4- C14 X N 0 n , U W mO � D o oQ ^L W O \W\ n/ W r) I L O 4- U 4- O U 75 nL W 4, w L- -1— U C) 0 N11 N V J00 UNc;N N, U"� � E o n. -� o��o� Q Q c •— m a)OMN O C � L ro ��wo y o CL '00 c l O� it 0E (N)- _^ N -))o O) N y m l�6 , �Uµ- Q- W _ o E G N C:O` LO DL E > N® o x _@ N u O p �• •— N a U W = a 3 E W Ow E Q 0 N11 N V C n. -� Q c m z � L ro ��wo y N j N O y O� it U- (� V N y VJ l�6 N �'CO)� o a� _ 0 7f , c. 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Staff Report Sketch Desi V0� nC O L O R A D O August 15, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date August 10, 2006 Project type Single-family Legal description Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning 2 Units — Residential Duplex Address 4250 Wildridge Road West Introduction The applicant is proposing is single-family residence with a first floor caretaker's unit on this duplex -zoned lot. The size of the residence measures approximately 4,300 square feet with a proposed maximum building height of 34' 5". The proposed materials include a combination of redwood vertical siding and stucco, aluminum clad window frames, and asphalt shingles. There have been several prior design applications for the subject property, one included a final design plan that was conditionally approved by the Commission and subsequently withdrawn by the applicant. The most recent design review occurred in January 2005, whereby the applicant presented a design similar to this current application. Staff has included the prior design plans, meeting minutes, as well as the follow-up letter to the applicant outlining the Commission comments. The Commission comments have been summarized below: 1. All roofs shall have at least an 18" overhang. 2. It's hard to understand the left side of the east elevation and the right side of the west elevation — need clarification on what the beam and columns are for. 3. Stone veneer is actually textured colored concrete. This material will only be permitted with specific approval of the Commission as stated in Section B of the Guidelines. 4. The west elevation appears large compared to the other elevations. 5. The plan'set was difficult to understand. 6. The entrance for the caretaker unit appears difficult to access. 7. There is no garage space for the caretaker unit. 8. The north elevation roof appears massive. Staff Comments The design of the proposed single-family residence appears to generally conform to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. This sketch application addresses some of staffs prior comments relative to the driveway curb cut, access grades, and detailed spot elevation for the proposed retaining walls. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 21, Block 3, W ildridge ,,..,gle-family Sketch Design t August 15, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 However, some of the prior Commission concerns still remain (i.e. west elevation appears large, and stone veneer is textured colored concrete). The property is a steep up hill lot that is accessed off Wildridge Road. The driveway depicted varies in grade from 4% to 8%, with the first 20' of the driveway entrance not exceeding 4%; the previous application had a maximum grade of 10%. The curb cut has also been reduced to 18', which is a substantial reduction from the prior application. The residential guidelines state that a minimum of 2 parking spaces shall be provided for structures fewer than 2,500 square feet. An additional 1.5 parking spaces are required for the caretaker unit. A total of 3.5 parking spaces will be required. According to the site plan, a total of 5 have been provided. Although the minimum parking appears to have been adhered too, staff would request the applicant address whether there is sufficient turning movement in the auto courtyard. Staff raises this issue because the entry to the courtyard is tight, especially when cars are stacked side by side. The site plan indicates the use of retaining walls along a portion of the driveway as well as a series of "stone terraces" to stabilized the uphill side of the driveway. Staff would request the applicant clarify and provide details of the stone and a cross section of how the stone would be laid back. Staff would also request the applicant clarify the use of what appear to be rip -rap below the proposed culvert, which is located off the subject property and with the Town right-of-way. The proposed building height and massing of the structure are generally consistent with the residential design guidelines. The maximum building height of the structure measures 34' 5", which is less than the maximum allowable of 35 feet. However, because of the linear nature of the structure, the west elevation still appears quite large. This was also an issue that was raised during the prior design review discussion. Its important to note if this property were ever be subdivide in the future, the party wall from the first floor to the upper two floors would have to meet building code for firewall separation as this would be considered two separate dwelling units. The sketch plan as presented generally conforms to the Town's residential design guidelines. However, staff has identified several issues that need further clarification prior to submittal of the final design plan. These issues include: 1) clarify the proposed stone terraces and provide a cross section; and 2) turning movements in auto courtyard. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential Commercial. and Industrial Desiqn Review Guidelines. Staff will prepare a memo to the Commission highlighting anticipated areas of discussion for the submittal materials. The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in the final design application. Town of Avon Community Development . (970) 74814030 Fax (970) 949-5749 L Lot 21, Block 3, wildrid6_ dingle -family Sketch 1 Aueust 15.2006 Plannina & Zoning Commission 3 of 3 Staff will provide full plan sets for you to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your August 18, 2006 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respec su mitted, ann cting Director of Community Development Att: January 18'h, 2005 Meeting minutes Letter dated January 19th, 2005 Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission January 18, 2005 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. U. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Savage. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Karow disclosed a conflict with Item VII, Chateau St. Claire (The Gates on Beaver Creek), Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision/38390 Hwy 6 & 24, Applicant: Parkhill-Ivins, P.C., Owner: CSC Land, LLC and Commissioner Didier disclosed a conflict with Item VI, Sketch Design — Single-family Residence, Property Location: Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/4250 Wildridge Road West, Applicant/Owner: Erich Burkhard. V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Karow motioned for the approval of the Minutes from the January 4th, 2005, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting; Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0 with Commissioner Smith abstaining due to absence at the meeting. VI. Sketch Design — Single-family Residence Property Location: Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision/4250 Wildridge Road West Applicant/ Owner: Erich Burkhard Description: The applicant, Erich Burkhard, is proposing is single-family residence with a first floor caretakers unit on this duplex -zoned lot. The size of the residence is 4,227 square feet, which includes garage space and a proposed maximum height of 32'. Proposed materials include western red cedar, colored concrete to match existing stones on-site, aluminum window frames, and asphalt shingles. Ken Kovalchik presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Laddy Clark, friend of the applicant, approached the podium as Mr. Burkhard's representative. Mr. Burkhard communicated to Mr. Clark specific responses to FAPIanning & Toning CommissionWinutes\2005\011805.DOC Page I of 5 s issues in the Staff Report. Those issues included the following: (1)`Entrance - Mr. Burkhard will conform to whatever it is you would like him to do; (2) Drainage — there is an 18" pipe under the driveway as shown by page 2.S.B.1 Driveway Entrance Detail; and (3) he will have a Colorado Registered Engineer handle the retaining wall issues to satisfy the requirements. Commissioner Evans questioned the overhangs on the west elevation. Mr. Clark was not prepared to answer and assumed Mr. Burkhard's drawings would have addressed Commissioner Evans' concerns. Commissioner Evans continued by explaining to the Commission that his confusion stems from looking at the west elevation and where it turns on the right hand side and starts the south elevation, one can see the dash lines at the roof line where it depicts an overhang. However, on the north elevation, on the last page, and look at the right side, west ,elevation, it appears that the edge of the roof Is right in line with the wall plane. Commissioner Evans continued that he may be mis-reading it or it might be stepping back, it is hard to tell from the drawings provided. Ken Kovalchik remarked that he had difficulty interpreting the drawings, as stated In his Staff Report, he was unsure if the west property line was a foundation line or a roof overhang located within a setback. Overhangs and setbacks could not be deciphered from the drawings. Commissioner Struve also had difficulty interpreting the drawings and visualizing what the house would look like. He felt the caretaker unit was difficult to access and concerned that the unit had no garage space. Commissioner Struve continued that the north elevation had a massive roof and the west elevation side of the house Is hard to tell if it is all the same surface and needs more detail. Commissioner Smith agreed with Commissioner Struve's comments that the set of plans were difficult to read and felt clarification was warranted. Commissioner Karow commented that the bulk and mass met Design Guidelines; the north, south and east elevations were compliant with the Design Review Guidelines; the west elevation sticks out and looked rather large and could benefit to look like the other elevations. Commissioner Karow continued with agreeing with Staffs report that the primary concerns are get the building out of the setback, curb cuts need to comply with the 18' maximum length, and the 18" overhang/eaves as required. Commissioner Trueblood commented that parking, driveway and garage did not have a separate identity with the caretaker unit in the event the project would be subdivided. Commissioner Evans expressed that the overhangs could help to break up the massing especially on the west elevation. He also asked for some clarification on the left side of the east elevation and the right side of the west elevation, as there seems to be a column stuck up in mid air. Commissioner Evans continued RAPIanning & Zoning CommissionVMinutes120051011905.DOC Page 2 of 5 that the stone veneer on the base of the house is not stone veneer but it is colored concrete with an Ashler stone patterned concrete form liner. It was Commissioner Evans' interpretation of the Design Review Guidelines that this product does not meet the requirements. Mr. Clark asked for clarity on the points Mr. Burkhard needed to address: (1) overhang and potential encroachment on the west elevation; (2) west elevation's need to more closely adhere to architectural standards; (3) two living spaces and not enough parking to accommodate appropriately; (4) the stone veneer made of concrete meets Building Code but not Design Guidelines unless it receives specific approval by, the Commission; and (5) the column(s) needs clarification. VII Old Business - Chateau St. Claire (The Gates on Beaver Creek) Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision/38390 Hwy 6 Applicant: Parkhill-Ivins, P.C. Owner. CSC Land, LLC Description: Michael Stornello of Parkhill-Ivins, P.C. has submitted a color rendering of the Chateau St. Claire (The Gates on Beaver Creek) per a.condition of the Minor Modification approval heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 7t', 2004. Eric Heidemann presented an update memo to the Commission. Mike, Stornello, Parkhill-lvans representative on behalf of the owner for the project, provided to the Commission the current plan rendering as requested by the Commission in the December 7t', 2004, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Mr. Stornello also provided the summer of 2003 rendering in order to present the changes in the project. Mr. Stornello continued with discussing the elevation modifications that included changing some of the stucco colors, the deletion of planter boxes, canvas awning at the north side of the building deletion, roof tiles were changed from a composite material to*a concrete tile, the stained window head and sills were replaced with cement stuccos detailing, and the turret at the round element in plan changed from a Baroque piece to a more outlined type of detailing. Commissioner Evans voiced that this presentation was not in lieu of a mock up. Mr. Stornello agreed. Eric Heidemann mentioned that the mock up was due to the commission on April 30"', 2005. Mr. Stornello requested to meet with the Commission prior to the construction of the mock up In order to make sure it will be designed according to the Commission's concerns and guidelines. VIII Other Business Commissioner Trueblood inquired regarding the policy of leaving the room when a Commissioner had a conflict of interest with an agenda item. John Dunn, Town Attorney, had requested that commissioners leave the room. ' FAPIanning & Zoning CommissionWinutes\2005\011805.DOC Page 3 of 5 Commissioner Trueblood questioned the Eagle County's Revised Comprehensive Plan and the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and the concept of putting both plans in the same room for discussion. Tambi Katleb responded that Eagle County's draft is in our possession and under review by staff. Eric Heidemann mentioned to the Commission that Bill Van Curen appealed the Commission's decision on the fence and was remanded back to the Commission. An application and a°landscape plan are expected to be submitted in the near future. Tambi Katieb stated that Town Council had commented during the last Council Meeting that motions made by the Planning and Zoning Commission on any file need to be based on the criteria of the Design Review Guidelines. Commissioner Evans responded that there is a need to reference the Guidelines In the motions. Commissioner Trueblood opened the discussion on the recent Town Council handout regarding the 10 -point checklist for a commission position. Commissioner Karow mentioned that greater communication and dialogue between the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council would be useful. Commissioner Didier commented on the checklist presented in that meeting. Commissioner Karow mentioned that a prepared agenda would be beneficial along with a round table format. Commissioner Struve commented that any meeting with an agenda and objective was a more productive use of time. Commissioner Evans voiced that a meeting later than 3:30 pm might be better timing. Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Trueblood discussed the Metcalf Road parking/traffic/truck issue. Commissioner Evans mentioned the difficulty in locating commercial/industrial-zoned property in this and of the valley and its need. VIII. Adjourn Commissioner Trueblood made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Smith seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary FAPIanning & Zoning CommissionNinuics1200510I 1805.DOC Page 4 of 5 APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Terry Smith Secretary F:\Planning & Zoning CammissionWinutcs\2005\011805.DOC Pap 5of5 VON __c 6 I. O R A D o January 19'h, 2005 Erich Burkhard 2110 Goodwin Lane N. Wales, PA 19454 Sent via facsimile: 610.667.9553 RE: Sketch Design — Review by the Planning and Zoning Commission Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Post Office no.r 975 400 Benchmark Road Aron. Colorado 3/620 970-7.15-4000 970.949.91.19 Fat 970-3.15-7703 7TY Erich: At their January 18'h, 2005 meeting, the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed your Sketch Design application for the above-mentioned property with the following issues to be resolved prior to Final Design submittal: 1. The length of the driveway curb cut shall be a minimum of 14' and maximum of 18' as stated in Table 1.0: Residential Access, Parking, and Engineering Standards of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. 2. Bottom of Wall elevations shall be provided for all retaining walls. 3. A Colorado Registered Professional Engineer shall design all structural retaining walls. 4. All drainage shall flow into the driveway entrance culvert. 5. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. The Planning and Zoning Commission had additional comments on the Sketch Design application. The Commissioner discussion included: I. All roofs shall have at least an 18" overhang. 2. It's hard to understand the left side of the east elevation and the right side of the west elevation — need clarification on what the beam and columns are for. 3. Stone veneer is actually textured colored concrete. This material will only be permitted with specific approval of the Commission as stated in Section B of the Guidelines. 4. The west elevation appears large compared to the other elevations. 5. The plan set was difficult to understand. 6. The entrance for the caretaker unit appears difficult to access. 7. There is no garage space for the caretaker unit. 8. The north elevation roof appears massive. .x The Commission takes no formal action on the sketch plan applications. Rather, direction on the design is given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in the final design application. Thank you for your application. Should you have any questions or would like additional information please don't hesitate to contact me directly at 970.748.4017. Kind Regards, Kenneth Kovalchik Planner I Cc: File (S-DR2004-23) F.• Planning Q Zoning C'nnmuasion:Alunmg Lruers'2005L'I BJ IVR Burkhnrd Skrrch Design &o•lere dx 'o) ��'yyN��o�IndA o 4S46L 'Vd 'S3-IVM H1NON UTAI.i IYYI z 3NVI NIM0009 OLLZ u S� '.add �� ��01 I'�.I•ily\ ,1, � z \ 2JIINN`dld --8 lOIllHO�Jb' I)M61I51111MI5 Nd1d 1115 Q z a HO LS N3 a?�dH�l2� I�I� `��0'I�1 IZ 101 U aQ rz N lO3f'ONd TULL ONIMVNO V) 0 - \ ` ---------- "N ``\�\ `` `\`x `\, I lk �I (n p Q 1 1 % \ CV i mi 1 Ij', _ - -- -- 1 ,O , „' ; „ Q Z , 1 1 , } ,J 1 zj 1, i ` �1 J W(nCY D� N 1 1 ; !; U QLog N rncOOoJZ OZ o I 1 ; i I j i 1 i 1 ; ' I I'; 1 `, ', { LO O 00 JQIJ ; 1 1 < 1 it i ,` I I I I i 1 I � I I � I� � '•.• I. ,I I `' ''n 11 I Q 0^ 2E i cl _- I I I 1 I `� I 1 • I ' Iii i i • f 1 -r I I ` , �' I / 1 3 '•$ I H a ��// .o a ;' i I 1 I � ;,.•. Y / l t I 1 1 / .• % � i/ ��•!\ � i � l / �' a. it '• ;: A13 % � •�• 'may I ' / / •,i••• ,, I / .. e %� i 1 '� i ��•{� I I I l I' OLI % 1 �•\ I moi\ x•14! 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UCH V7 U� Wa.U-. pQ Ky QQgY ZOO'W 4ygp d'Mv d' ,Z„y~ Q~ --i pZ t- Li WQ�-' L7 ~3..D W C4 NgKW q NA 2.W. X3.¢1 /-NT LL, �+J W2' qL) Li M8WQ (~/11W.7Q� Icy• 21W-� 00 ZyjJ G OpaXHU ppZW OZW aH0 NZ � Q WQa ��M AR¢' W.~.UOSOW O 25 IZ7 3P}9 a y.Z.Wi d' yZ pN FJp y27: p ►- iL q W d%N NK WA '4.WZU m... Xa d' ZZ X.17.. W d �F-r� OJ W K''.~,.W Z q WI.W Q.� ¢ Wa. x�p WSU KW q Q C' F J 1--C tLl-QZ �'O' pZ K� KW L1� F— I -\Z X Q ��Q XQF JZ J �7 Z Fla Q �. �„�,J rnQ JQ7 WY Y -Q WQU h -W Up WU21- Zp !E YZ!z Wv2 WNN Q2 3«.¢� w14 Q: U QIJiQ Wlti W�PWq UU;��0 0 O O O O O O O O O Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner Dasa August 4, 2006 Re: Minor Project - Follow up to Conditional Approval Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Summary: C O L O R A D O At the June 20, 2006 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a sign design and minor project application for the Phillips 66 gas station. The Commission approved the (monument) sign application with the following conditions: 1. Existing sign to be completely removed 2. Sign base will utilize stucco with color to match new 'pueblo tan' as used for building and canopy. 3. Gas pricing will be displayed on this sign as proposed. 4. Landscape Plan will be approved for this sign and landscaping will be installed at time of sign construction on site. Existing and new proposed landscaping must be clearly indicated and drawing to scale. In addition to this approval, the minor project application for new canopy, lighting, and building stucco was approved with the following conditions: 1. There will be no more than twelve (12) ECTA Flat Lens Light Fixtures. 2. The red stripe on the building's fascia will be removed from the design of this fascia color change - a different color option can be proposed to staff. 3. Landscape Plan to be submitted for Commissioner review within 60 days (no later than 8120) in order to provide landscaping on the west side of the property. Attached to this Memo is a site plan showing a different monument sign location and associated landscaping. In addition, this site plan shows proposed 'cobble' landscaping on the west side of the property in response to the condition of approval for the minor project. August 15, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page 1 of 2 Lot 1, Block 1, BMBC - Phillips 66 Follow Up to Conditions of Approval The applicant is requesting approval of this new landscaping/site plan in order to proceed with construction and submit for a building permit. Discussion: The property is located in District 13: Nottingham Road Commercial District. According to the Comprehensive Plan "this area's proximity to the I-70/Avon Road Interchange establishes its importance to the Town's identity." While the majority of the property is adequately landscaped, there has long been a lack of attention paid to the rear (west) side of the property. The condition of approval states that the new plan will provide "landscaping on the west side of the property". The Commission must determine if adding cobbles is adequate satisfy this condition of design approval. According to the applicant, the reasoning for using cobbles in the new plan instead of trees or shrubs is that there is no sprinkler system on that side of the building and any plantings would require hand -watering. Additionally, there are vacant properties to the west. The goal of the landscaping in this area is to help the visual impression of the property as viewed from neighboring properties and the public way and 'cobble' does not appear to achieve this goal. The applicant also stated that a privacy fence may be appropriate in place of landscaping to screen the "back side" of the property. The monument sign was approved in the same location as the current pole mounted sign, which is in an area of the site where abundant mature landscaping exists today. In order to not disturb this landscaping, the applicant is proposing the new monument sign location, closer to round -a -bout #1, to bring more visibility and to avoid removal of existing vegetation. Please find the attached site plan with detailed view of the new monument sign and required landscaping for this sign. An on-site mockup is available for Commission review showing the location and size of this new sign. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the new monument sign location and associated landscaping, and denial of the proposed 'cobble' landscaping on the west side of the property since it does not accomplish the objective of that condition of approval. Exhibits: A - Site Plan, dated 7.06.06 B - Aerial Photograph August 15, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 Lot 1, Block 1, BMBC - Phillips 66 Follow Up to Conditions of Approval I Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda for August 15, 2006 AVO N Meeting Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers C 0 L 0 R A P 0 Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building 1400 Benchmark Road Work Session (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm) Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda Items in Council Chambers. Open to the Public. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - (ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATED) Call to Order (5:30 pm) II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda .;� • Approval of the August 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes VI. Sign Designs (5:35 pm — 6:00 pm) A. Castaneda's Market Property Location: Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision 151 Beaver Creek Place Applicant: Jose Castaneda / Owner. Bruce & Chuck Allen Description: Sign Design application for a new 12 1/2 square foot sandblasted redwood sign at the 51 Beaver Creek Place building across the street from City Market. Lighting would be external from existing floodlight. B. Westin Sales Center Property Location: Lot 5, Riverfront Subdivision 10330 Riverfront Lane Applicant/Owner.East West Partners Description: A monument sign, temporary in nature as is the building, at the entrance to the parking lot for the sales center. Same wood siding as on the actual sales center office building. There would be raised acrylic lettering and logo. No lighting is proposed for this sign. VII. Sketch Design Plans - Wildridge Residential (6:00 pm - 6:45 pm) A. Beartrap and Old Trail Duplex Property Location: Lot 49, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision /2510 Beartrap Road Applicant. Michael Pukas, MPP Design Shop / Owner: Phil Matsen Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is three stories and comprised a stone veneer base, wood and stucco siding, aluminum clad windows, asphalt shingles, rusted metal roofs. This is a comer lot with two 25' front setbacks and is further limited with a 100' easement which splits the lot in half. B. Burkard Single -Family Property Location: Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 14250 Wildridge Road West Posted on August 11, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.oro / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Applicant/Owner. Sondra & Erich Burkard Description: Sketch design review for a single-family home (w/ lock off apartment) on a difficult Wildridge Road West property. The size of the residence measures approximately 4,300 square feet with a proposed maximum building height of 34'5". The proposed materials include a combination of redwood vertical siding and stucco, aluminum clad window frames, and asphalt shingles. VIII. Minor Project - Commercial - Follow Up (6:45 pm — 7:00 pm) Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 63 Nottingham Rd Applicant. Rich Keeren, Deer Creek Corp. / Owner: Suncor Energy Description: Design review for a new lighting plan, canopy fascia, and building stucco color change for the Phillips 66 gas station was conditionally approved in June. This review is to follow up with the conditions of approval from that review, including new landscaping and a new monument sign. IX. Other Business (7:00 pm - 7:15 pm) A. Update of Various Projects X. Adjourn (7:15 pm) Posted on August 11, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions RUTH O. BORNE ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 7833 AVON, CO 61620 (970) 748-1187 FAX (970) 748-11 S9 i ,, :a.r-r�. August 14, 2006 Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 RE: PUD Applicadon for Sheraton Mountain Vista Admitted to practice M Florida and Colorado Dear Chairman and Members ofPlanning & Zoning Commission: In response to your request, we are asking for some additional time to review our revised application. Our hope is to have a revised application for your review in the following months. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and look forward to continuing the progress we have made with staff and the Commission on this revised PUD application for Sheraton Mountain Vista. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Kind regards, Ruth 0. Ane T'd XUd 13CN3SUI dH WUEb=OT SOOz ST %nU