PZC Packet 062006Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda for June 20, 2006 AVON Meeting Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers C D L o R A D D Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road DOLA Planning & Zoning Commissioner 101 Meeting (12:00 pm -1:30 pm) Training course intended for new Planning and Zoning Commissioners with Andy Hill from the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA). This will take place in the Council Chambers. Open to the Public. Site Tour - 95 Avon Road (5:00 pm) Description: Meeting at the Confluence Site to Review the mockup for the Westin Hotel and Riverfront Lodge. Open to the Public. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - (ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATED) : I. Call to Order (5:30 pm) If. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda ' Approval of the June 6, 2006 Meeting Minutes VI. Stonebridge Streetscape Improvements (5:35 pm — 6:00 pm) - CONTINUED Property Location: Stonebridge Drive & Eaglebend Bridge, Eaglebend Subdivision Applicant., Town of Avon Description: Overview of the proposed streetscape improvement project on Eaglebend Drive and Stonebridge Road for construction this summer. This project consists of installing curb and "gutter, bus pullouts, streetscape fighting, and a separated pedestrian/bicycle path on the south side of Eaglebend Drive. Also included is the replacement of the rails on the Stonebridge Road bridge. VII. Minor Project - ERWSD Building (6:00 pm — 6:15 pm) - CONTINUED Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant/Owner.• Ronald Siebert, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Description: Design review for a new building at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation building fronting the Eagle River between the bike path and the rail.road tracks. The building is required for UV water treatment and would have a 28' x 44' footprint and is located on the south side of the main treatment facility. The building would have cedar sided walls and a metal roof. VIII. Minor Project - Commercial Design Modifications (6:15 pm — 6:45 pm) Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 63 Nottingham Rd Applicant. Rich Kaaren, Deer Creek Corp. /Owner: Suncor Energy Posted on June 16, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.oro / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions' Description: Design review for a new lighting plan, canopy fascia, and building stucco color change for the Phillips 66 gas station on Nottingham Road. This application was received in February and the application has updated the application with revised plans since that time. A sign application is being reviewed in conjunction with this Minor Design application. IX. Sign Designs (6:45 pm — 7:00 pm) A. Phillips 66 Gas Station Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/ 63 Nottingham Rd Applicant., Marti Powell, Aspen Sign Co /Owner. Suncor Energy. Description: Sign Design application for a new monument sign at the Phillips 66 gas station. This application is to replace the existing pole mounted sign. The existing building mounted sign would remain in place. B. Trees of Colorado Property Location: Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision/ 0095 Post Boulevard Applicant: Paul Doughty /Owner: Traer Creek, LLC Description: Sign Design application for a new freestanding sign at the Trees of Colorado location on post Boulevard. This business location was approved with a Special Review Use application and is limited to the 2006 calander year. The sign is unlit and constructed of painted plywood. X. Sketch Design Plans- Residential (7:00 pm - 7:30 pm) A. RAL Spec Duplex Property Location: Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2661 Beartrap Rd. Applicant: Bobby Ladd, RAL Architects / Owner. • Robert B. Thomas Description: Design review for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The building is comprised of stucco with wood and stone veneer siding. Asphalt and metal roofs are proposed with varying roof pitches. 1, B. Hubbard Single Family Property Location., Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510C Old Trail Road Applicant. Michael Sanner, Architect / Owner. Trent Hubbard Description: Sketch Design review for the third (upper most) single-family home in the newly created Dry Creek PUD. The building is comprised of stucco, wood and stone veneer siding, asphalt and cor- ten metal roofing. A building permit has been issued for Lot 1 of Dry Creek, and Final Design approval was recently granted to Lot 2 of this subdivision. XI. Sketch Design - Commercial (7:30 pm - 8:15 pm) - CONTINUED Property Location: Confluence / 95 Avon Road Applicant Zehren & Associates / Owner. East West Partners Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Riverfront Lodge. The proposed building is comprised of approximately 75 whole ownership units and has a maximum building height of approximately 95'. This item was first reviewed by the Commission at their May 16, 2006 meeting. i XII. Final Design - Commercial (8:15 pm - 9:00 pm) Property Location: Confluence / 95 Avon Road Applicant: East West Partners / Owner. East West Partners Description: The applicant, East West Partners Inc., is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. The proposed hotel building includes a hotel programmed as a Posted on June 16, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at hnp://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions condo -tel, a spa facility, meeting space, restaurant, retail, and professional offices. Several reviews of this application have taken place, with the most recent sketch review being at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on May 16, 2006. XIII. Other Business (9:00 pm - 9:15 pm) A. Update of Various Projects XIV. Adjourn (9:15 pm) Posted on June 16, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.oro / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission avou Meeting Minutes C 0 L 0 R A°° June 6, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Green and Commissioner Goulding. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Approval of Resolution 06-12, Property Location: Lot 45, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510 Old Trail, Applicant/ Owner Wildridge TLC, Jennifer Mach. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Item VI, Special Review Use Application, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivison/451 Metcalf Rd, Applicant/Owner. Quest Communications. "h VI. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the May 16, 2006 Meeting Minutes B. Approval of Resolution 06-12, Property Location: Lot 45, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2510 Old Trail Applicant/ Owner Wildridge TLC, Jennifer Mach Description: A Special Review Use Application was approved for a children's daycare at the Commission's July 5, 2005 meeting. A condition of approval was that the permit be re- reviewed in 12 months. Staff has received no complaints and is recommending a 3 -year extension of the permit. Commissioner Smith moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. VI. Special Review Use Application - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd Applicant/Owner. Qwest Communications Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) permit for outdoor storage. The property is located within the Industrial Commercial (IC) zone district, and accordingly 'outdoor storage' is enumerated as an allowable use only by approval of a Special Review Use permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report to the Commission. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING Dave Svabik, owner of property two doors to the south of this property, approached the podium and began with comments regarding truck turnaround issues for the site, and continued with the 5 employees and their parking needs with only 10 spaces on the property, the lack of snow storage on the site, the need for a nicer job of a landscaping plan, the area was for light industrial commercial, and has issue with traffic and trucks. 11, CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Andrew Mitchell approached the podium as employee of Reddy and Reddy Architects, architects for this project, and addressed landscaping. Commissioner Struve asked for clarification on the fence as it will be straighten and not replaced; was the fence high enough to screen cable spools and boxes. Mr. Mitchell replied that it storage was low level. Commissioner Struve asked what area client was servicing and Mr. Mitchell didn't know the response. Parking on site was one per employee; Commissioner Struve questioned trucks parking overnight and the number of technicians to service Eagle County. Clarification was required on the number of proposed technicians on site and how the parking would be allocated. Commissioner Struve queried if construction equipment is to be stored in the yard and Mr. Mitchell did not know answer. Commissioner Foster questioned truck turning radius and site storage and would storage need to be clear for trucks. Mr. Mitchell responded that it should not be a conflict. Commissioner Lane requested review of a landscaping plan and Mr. Mitchell responded that it was an existing site and that it didn't require additional landscaping per code. Commissioner Struve voiced that a SRU allowed for changes to the site. Eric Heidemann commented that the new Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan allowed for changes to an original SRU. Matt Pielsticker asked for clarification on truck movements on site was necessary. Mr. Mitchell revealed that trucks would pull up past intersection entry and would back into site. Commissioner Struve moved to table Item VI, Special Review Use Application, Property Location: Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/451 Metcalf Rd, Applicant / Owner. Qwest Communications, to seek answers to snow storage, landscaping, fencing, parking (are techs included in the five in terms of parking?), signage and storage of construction equipment. Commissioner Foster seconded the motion to table. The motion passed unanimously with all commissioners in favor. Mr. Svabik returned the podium to comment that the Eagle -Vail Qwest location was twice the size of the Avon location and suggested the Commission be careful with this application. VII. Minor Projects A. Wildridge Fence Property Location: Lot 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5129 Longsun Lane Applicant/Owner. Sam Ecker Description: A rounded wood rail fence located in the rear/side yard of this Longsun Lane property. The fence is 4' tall and would have a wire mesh to contain dogs. The Planning Commission must review all fences not meeting specific staff approval criteria. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Commissioner Evans asked staff to discuss the reasons why it does not comply with -the conditions for staff approval of a fence application. Mr. Pielsticker responded that it does delineate a property line, the fence area is more than 2,000 square feet, it is more than a two -rail design — it is a three -rail horizontal rail design. Mr. Pielsticker continued that the application meets the intent of the guidelines but not the literal. Commissioner Struve commented on the height and round rails versus split rails. Commissioner Evans was concerned with the area size by moving fence in by bringing into compliance Commissioner Smith pull in the fence to setback line. Commissioner Lane responded that size was an issue Commissioner Struve motioned to approve Item VII, Minor Projects — A, Wildridge Fence, Property Location: Lot 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5129 Longsun Lane, Applicant/Owner. Sam Ecker as submitted with the condition that the fence be moved from the southeastern side property line to the setback and that the area inside not be more than 2,000 square feet. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B. Eaglebend Fence Property Location: Lots 8 & 9, Filing 2, Eaglebend Subdivision / Eaglebend Drive Applicants/Owners: Amy & Bill Phillips and Joan Sorensen Description. A request for multiple lengths of 6' tall dog-eared cedar fencing on these Eaglebend Drive properties. Since the fencing does not meet the required staff approval criteria, it can only be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Pielsticker addressed the staff report to the Commission. Amy and Bill Phillips, owners, approached the podium to discuss the fence. They began that there are 6 or 7 properties in the neighborhood with similar picket fences. Ms. Phillips continued that the Eaglebend area was different from Wildridge for which the fence guidelines were created. An 8 -foot fence is situated to the north of the property by the railroad tracks. The fence is for privacy and their dogs. Kathleen Walsh, owner of Lot 7, approached the podium to address this application. Her one concern was the 8 foot fence in her rear, the fence on Lots 6 and 7 are different styles, and when she fences in the remainder of her property which style of fence does she follow and that her yard would exceed the 2,000 square foot guideline criteria. Commissioner Evans said the commission strove for consistency and the guidelines are written more towards Wildridge and Wildwood. Ms. Walsh was also concerned with the three pit bulls on the Phillips' property and the fence's ability to hold in the animals. Mr. Phillips continued that the dogs were chained and Thomas, Ms. Walsh's son, has played with the dogs. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve, Item VII, Minor Projects — B, Eaglebend Fence, Property Location: Lots 8 & 9, Filing 2, Eaglebend Subdivision / Eaglebend Drive. Commissioner Foster seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed unanimously. C. Christie Lodge Color Change Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge) Applicants/Owners: Charles Frey, Manager Description: A request to replace the existing canvas awnings from the current rust color to a forest green color. The applicant also requested to paint the standing seam metal roof along the first level of the building a matching forest green color. Eric Heidemann presented the staff report to the commission. Charles Frey, director of operations for the Christie Lodge, approached the podium for application review. Commissioner Evans questioned the durability of the product so that a high quality durable fade resistant was used. Mr. Frey quoted the manufacturer's spec sheet with 8 -year warranty against fading. Commissioner Struve asked about the change of color and Mr. Frey responded that the last color was for 25 years. Mr. Frey commented on the lighting that no changes were planned. Commissioner Evans was concerned with the color fastness of the product. Commissioner Evans voiced concern for the long-term durability of all the products proposed. Commissioner Lane would be more comfortable with a cut sheet of the product. Mr. Frey first came to a work session for input by the commission, and then tabled at the last meeting, Commissioner Evans would be fine to leave durability up to staff. Commissioner Struve moved to approve Item VII, Minor Projects — C, Christie Lodge Color Change, Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Christy Lodge), subject to the following conditions; Condition #1 - the applicant submit an updated lighting plan within 60 days, Condition #2 of the Staff Report, Staff review the products that are going to be applied and agree or disagree to their durability, and include the first choice color. Commissioner Smith seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VIII. Sign Design - U -Store -It Self Storage Facility Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 850 Nottingham Road Applicant: Corporate Identity Solutions /Owner. U -Store -It - Description: Sign Design application to replace the existing "Self Storage" pan channel sign with a new pan channel "U -Store -It" sign on Nottingham Road. Town Code requires that all signs not part of an approved Master Sign Program be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report to the Commissioners. Commissioner Struve questioned the large tree and if it would be damaged. Matt Pielsticker responded that he was not aware of any action towards the tree and that the sign would be °pretty bright". Commissioner Smith motioned to deny Item Vlll, Sign Design - U -Store -It Self Storage Facility, Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 850 Nottingham Road, with findings in staffs report. Commissioner Struve seconded and the motion for denial passed unanimously by the Commission. IX. Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex A. Property Location: Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5712 Wildridge Rd East Applicant/Owner. Jim Jose Description: Final Design review for an 8,400 square foot duplex residence proposed on Wildridge Road East property. The proposed materials include stone, vertical and horizontal siding, and timber detailing. The lot contains steep existing grades and limited access opportunities. A sketch design application for this project was reviewed at the Commission's February 21, 2006 meeting. Eric Heidemann provided the staff report. Jim Jose, representing Holy Cross Building and Design, spoke from the podium on commissioner concerns regarding height, driveway approach, square footage, and neighbor concerns. Commissioner Struve commented on the lot and its steepness. Commissioner Foster voiced concern with height. Commissioner Smith concerned with driveway, garage and parking situation. Commissioner Lane acknowledged that the site was a challenge and good job of architecture was done but parking and driveway design was an issue. Commissioner Evans had concern with the landscaping plan for buffering and softening the site. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve Item IX, Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex — A, Property Location: Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5712 Wildridge Rd East with the condition that lighting cut sheets and a revised landscape plan are provided for staff approval. Commissioner Foster seconded and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed unanimously. N B. Property Location: Lot 3, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Applicant/Owner. George ('Tripp") Plavec Description: Final Design review for a new duplex structure on Wildridge Road East in the Wildridge Subdivision. Proposed materials include stucco, bev lap siding, stone, and heavy timbers. The sketch design review for this duplex was reviewed at the Planning and Zoning Commission's May 16, 2006 meeting. Matt Pielsticker provided the Staff Report. Tripp Plavec showed a visual demonstration of his project to the commissioners to include the landscape design. Commissioner Struve questioned the trees on the adjacent lot line and asked for them to be protected and spruces to be moved as screening. Commissioner Foster motioned for approval of Item IX, Final Design Plans - Residential Duplex — B, Property Location: Lot 3, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Applicant/Owner. George ('Tripp") Plavec with following conditions to be resolved prior to the building permit submittal: 1 - positive drainage must be demonstrated; 2 — a revised landscape will be provided with the irrigated area not more than 20% of the landscaped area, sage plantings will blend with the lot to eliminate a harsh cut line, 3 — all technical corrections are addressed as identified by Staff; and 4 — Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Commissioner Smith seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. XII. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects a. Comcast Cable: Matt Pielsticker will be riding with technician to do locates b. Gates will be staging on the adjacent Folsom property c. Widening of Wildridge Road between Old Trail and Bear Trap d. Next meeting — Final Design of the Westin e. Lot 6 Block 4 Wildridge - check landscape plan f. 520 Nottingham Road - siding issues XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary Memo TO: Planning and Zoning Commission Thru: Norman Wood, Town Engineer From: Jeffrey Schneider, Engineer II Date: June 14, 2006 Re: Eaglebend Drive/Stonebridge Road Streetscape Project — Stonebridge Road Bridge Design/Lighting Summary: This summer, the Town of Avon is preparing to implement a streetscape improvement project on Eaglebend Drive and Stonebridge Road. The project generally consists of installing curb and gutter, bus pullouts, streetscape lighting, and a separated pedestrian/bicycle path along the south side of Eaglebend Drive. The project limits are roughly where the current bus stop/transition from Hurd Lane to Eaglebend on the west, to the intersection with Stonebridge Road to the east, and the Stonebridge Road bridge to the south. Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) enhancement grant funding has been awarded for construction of this streetscape project. A project location map is presented as Attachment A. The bridge rail on the Stonebridge Road bridge was installed decades ago prior to annexation into the Town of Avon. The bridge rail currently does not comply with CDOT M & S standards for bridge rails. Photos of the existing bridge rail conditions are included as Attachment B. For this project, we have proposed replacing the bridge rail with a compliant rail. Town Council, at various meetings, has directed staff to incorporate decorative architectural appurtenances and lighting to the bridge. Council directed that staff present the design to Planning and Zoning Commission for input and comments. Staff presented the preliminary design to the Commission at the April 18, 2006 meeting, and received the following comments (for example): • Metal halide lamps are to be used; • Fixtures should be copper; • Fagade should be river rock; • What is the color of the bridge rail? IAEnginecing\CIP aOeXnd Stratcclpe\33 Progn cs DwgN me 06 Bridge Arch. ConccptsT & Z Memo 6-14-06.Doc • Full elevations are required. Hopefully this presentation addresses the concerns raised at the previous presentation. The goal is to get a design completely determined and proceed with finalizing design and advertise for construction of the project in July 2006. Discussion: Council was presented with examples of several different bridge designs. A critical constraint to the project is that we must keep additional loading off of the bridge and to replace the railing with a rail of similar weight. This would avoid the need to perform a costly structural analysis of the bridge. At the October 25, 2005 Council Meeting, Council was presented with a standard, utilitarian rail which met current CDOT design standards and had no architectural enhancements whatsoever. Staff was subsequently directed to provide alternatives to the design to add ornamental items such as stonework and lighting. At the November 8, 2005 Council Meeting, staff presented photos of various other bridges, and a conceptual design was selected. The conceptual design consisted of installing a total of eight stone monuments, four at either bridge rail terminus and four on the comers of the bridge. The corner monuments were located above the wingwalls so as to not place loading onto the bridge deck. At the December 13, 2005 meeting, Council was presented with design options based on input from the previous meeting. Council then directed to make the outer monuments smaller and subordinate to the four corner monuments. Plans for the bridge monuments and rails are shown in Attachment C. Council was also shown various lights such as step lights and embedded LEDs in the bridge rail. Embedded LEDs were selected, along with lighting on the comer monuments that was to be "Lantem Style." Various lighting configurations were investigated, and installing lighting in the rails for pedestrians was the preferred approach. However, the bridge rail diameter would have to have increased to a much larger (and heavier) rail configuration. Staff was directed to locate "lantem-style" lights for the corner monuments. Ambient lighting at the site is believed to be adequate for pedestrian safety, and will be aided by the proposed corner lights and nearby streetscape fight installed in conjunction with the bus stop. A brief update to Council was presented at the February 28, 2006 meeting showing the selected lantern style fixtures. Council felt that it did not blend well with the stone monument and provided a sketch of a preferred concept to staff. At that point, Council directed staff to present the revised design to P & Z. The project was submitted at the April 18, 2006 P & Z meeting, and based on comments received at that meeting, staff' employed the services of an architectural subconsultant to prepare the requested materials enclosed herein. 1AEn&ccing\Ca'\Bigldrnd Sbe =pc\33 Prove Dwgs\l a 06 Bridge An;h. Cd=pts\P & Z Memo 6-14-06.Doc 2 Per direction of Town Staf% two concepts are being presented to P & Z. The first concept, referred to as Concept 1, is a refined version of the original concept presented at the April 18, 2006 meeting. Concept 1 incorporates a basic monument having four gently tapered river rock sides and a sandstone cap upon which sits the lantern fixture. Both the larger and smaller monuments have the same general shape. The larger monuments are sized to minimize concerns about adding weight to the bridge abutments and avoid having to structurally analyze the abutments. Each larger column sits entirely on the existing concrete bridge abutments and stands 8 feet, 3 inches tall inclusive of the light fixture. The stone finish of these larger monuments does not extend down over the face of the abutment to the ground. And in this concept, the guardrails terminate into the sides of both the large and the small monuments. The smaller monuments stand about 6 feet, 9 inches tall inclusive of the light fixture. Elevations and plans for Concept 1 are included as Attachment C. Concept 2 incorporates larger monuments that are T-shaped in plan. The intent is to increase the perceived width from all perspectives without creating an enlarged full square shape. We also gain shadow lines that will give the monuments some additional visual interest. The larger monuments have the same gently tapered river rock sides down to the top of the bridge and then transition to a vertical face down to the grade. These monuments also incorporate a sandstone cap but also a tapered sandstone collar at the top for additional textural and visual interest. Part of these columns would bear on the existing abutments but much of it would bear on a new foundation system off the side of the abutment. This offset from the abutments would minimize new weight bearing on the abutments and would also allow the guardrail to run continuous in front of the columns protecting the stone face from auto traffic and snowplow blades. The amount of column visually blocked by the guardrail would not be significant. The additional stonework extending to the grade on the outside face of the abutments is less important at the north end of the bridge where their exposure is minimal. But on the south end, the monuments will be visible from approaching Highway 6 traffic in both directions and will better serve as visually anchoring components of the bridge span. The smaller monuments in this concept stand about 7 feet, 6 inches tall inclusive of the light fixture. Elevations and plans for Concept 2 are included as Attachment D. All of the monuments on the comer of the bridge will contain the proposed light fixture, the Neosource Custom Column -Top Lantern. The lantern body will be copper, and contain a metal halide lamp per comments received at the April 18 meeting. A cut sheet for the fixture is attached as Attachment E. Concept 1 and Concept 2 carry a substantial cost differential of approximately $27,654. The budget for this project is already under strain from the significant additional design costs for the bridge rail. The improvements shown in Concept 2, while adding a substantial improvement to the bridge, are realistically only visible by very few people and staff feels that if any cost savings are to be realized on this project, implementing Concept 1 is one of the few places in which this can be accomplished. A copy of the preliminary cost estimate for the bridge rail is attached as Attachment F. 1AEnginaring UVl glebmd SoectscapcW Nopez DwgsVmc 06 Bridge Arch. ConceptsT& Z Mena 6.14-06.Doc 3 Attachments: Attachment A—Project Location Map Attachment B — Photos Showing Existing Conditions Attachment C — Concept 1 Elevations/Plans Attachment D — Concept 2 Elevations/Plans Attachment E — Light Fixture Cut Sheet Attachment F — Cost Estimate Reccomendation: Conditional approval (provided that comments are incorporated) for the design for the Stonebridge Road Bridge as presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 20, 2006. Town Manager Comments: 1:\Pn&eainX,P 9ICbcnd StreC=Nn 9J Pw= DwgV= 06 Bridg Arch Concepts\' & Z Mena 6-14-06.Doc 4 ATTACHMENT A J .'07 r .. c�. ' =viii a ♦ "+= �� t4 AT 0 ATTACHMENT B adig are a� 47 ATTACHMENT C PA W J W W - xv +n.-s..,cce. sna-a+«aon ao+uo wo1OJuo�oHOrwi"e�w� a.e oaawwew - aunuaarovv O yy S AMaI N PA W J W W - OOVHOIOJ 'NOAV OVO8 3901883NO1S S1N3W8nOadWl 39a188 g: V Z MIN aVOH 3!D(IIH93NOIS 1--flal S1N3AMOHM 3Jdla8 31H3NOiSlorl. _ UT g I z 31� i w Oz V Z) U V z z0 O LU o m lD O Q I ATTACHMENT D leY OVOU 3J4laa3NO1S b O I 3901883NOiS -IM- S1N3W3AO8dW1 3JOl88 o a OOMtlO-100 'NOAV OdOH 3901883NOiS '�"".-""." "• . ; O S1N3W3AOddVT 3Ja188 3J41H83NOlS w 014s w zit i� OOVHOIOO 'NOAV III, Mall 3901883NOiS S1N3W3AOHdWl 304189 O p w p O i Z8LL j ? Z ZULL LLry 6 WZW Q MZ WW� Q Wq� `�n' NLLJ qq� op�C3 X o VVmZW ��OL u�Op p QzW wQo ��z' J ~ LU LU --- z O p pN RIV-11, O z w I J z Wl Q r� JO �O �q J U i0 q Z�E Rzn J O p w p O i Z8LL j ? Z ZULL LLry 6 WZW Q MZ WW� Q Wq� `�n' NLLJ qq� op�C3 X o VVmZW ��OL u�Op p QzW wQo ��z' J ~ LU LU --- z O p pN RIV-11, O z w I J z Wl ATTACHMENT E NEOSOURCE CUSTOM COLUMN -TOP LANTERN SPEC. #: NEO -2006091 —Aluminum Fabrication — Powder Coat Finish, Standard Color 50w Metal Halide Bottom of for illumin 24" Square Base Ire Hood ig seams NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Shop drawings to be submitted Iw approval. Drawing Is lar dasign Intent Subject to change par design. UL requirements and parts availability. UL Listed Fixture Lamps by Others _� (+ '(n/+ '�.7ZE OU/ ce ser ar. D. W— wont" PROJECT: Eaglebend / Stonebridge Lighting STATE: CO CONTACT. Stave Prawdzlk. MH Lighting PHONE: 303.573.0222 FAX: 303.573.0922 EMAIL: stevep®mhgghting.com O"PROVED O�PPRO-.RNUB. ORensE"RO REsuewrt Oqo E%cEPilOna Truceu snwo..,nema m ° K °AK, it �i01 w+ar+awc orr. r , NE010 ®UdaeEm mak• raduwvarwaumoro"assrmuwwsuuvnanmarosw_ neaacwuewwmxwa:mvRoomrcvrcasouxz rmussauromrron�xscTMeaa.wmaurorareecariuxmnnaraxvwnw "armexrrnm ar06ouaz Puranuxxavraswr"mcaxeu>.xEowuace. ocmxr+mao.awmroarrtne sauarermrervwrcawwaum m.vnan wncserwaro"ma4ancnnnwr Ererartuarwwmews,aRuse onesarnsx romumuer•mwxRn....,,a srwmrPsornrrta ATTACHMENT F Cost Estimate for Stonebridee Drive Bridge Improvements 06/15/06 CONCEPT 1 1) Traffic control and signage @ $500/day at 45 days = $22,500 2) Demolition and removal of existing guardrail (contractor can salvage rail for scrap) $8000 3) Electrical site work and conduit for column lighting $6800 4) Concrete block cores for each of four large monuments @ $400 each = $1600 5) Concrete block cores for each of four small monuments @ $225 each = $900 6) River rock veneer for each of four large columns @ $1800 = $7200 7) River rock veneer for each of four small columns @ $600 = $2400 8) Sandstone caps for each of four large columns @ $40 = $120 9) Sandstone caps for each of four small columns @ $40 = $120 10) Light fixture for each of four large columns @ $1500 = $6000 11) New painted guardrail $75,863 12) Patch bridge concrete $3500 13) Painting of existing bridge abutments and beams @ $ 2.00/sf = $6,000 TOTAL CONCEPT 1 $141,003 + 10% contingency= $155,103.30 CONCEPT 2 1) Revised/additional wetlands investigation = $1,000 2) Additional admin/CDOT clearance coordination = $2,000 3) Traffic control and signage @ $500/day at 50 days = $25,000 4) Demolition and removal of existing guardrail (contractor can salvage rail for scrap) $8000 5) Helical piers and caps at each of four large column locations @ $2500 each = $10,000 with erosion control and re -vegetation 6) Helical piers and caps at each of four small column locations @ $1200 each = $4800 with erosion control and re -vegetation 7) Electrical site work and conduit for column lighting $6800 8) Concrete block cores for each of four large monuments @ $600 each = $2400 9) Concrete block cores for each of four small monuments @ $250 each = $1000 10) River rock veneer for each of four large columns @ $2400 = $9600 11) Sandstone collar for each of four large columns @ $225 = $900 12) River rock veneer for each of four small columns @ $700 = $2800 13) Sandstone caps for each of four large columns @ $80 = $320 14) Sandstone caps for each of four small columns @ $40 = $160 15) Light fixture for each of four large columns @ $1500 = $6000 16) New painted guardrail $75,863 17) Patch bridge concrete $3500 18) Painting of existing bridge abutments and beams @ $ 2.00/sf = $6,000 TOTAL CONCEPT 2 $166,143 + 10% contingency =182,757.30 ($27,654 more than Concept 1) Town of Avon Design Modifications Commercial Staff Report June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 13, 2006 Project type New Building & Fence Modifications - Minor Project Legal description Tracts O & N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (ERW&SD) Zoning GPEH (Government, Park, & Employee Housing) Address 945 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction Ron Siebert, project manager for the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, is proposing a stand alone building on their property between the railroad tracks and the Eagle River. The footprint of the proposed building measures 44'x 28' and is situated between the main plant building and the bike path. This building would match the "odor control building" which was approved and installed last year, with building materials including horizontal wood siding, green metal roofing, and metal doors. There would be skylights similar to the odor control building as well. This agenda item was reviewed twice by the Planning Commission, most recently on May 16, 2006 where the Commission tabled the application in order for the applicant to produce a landscape plan for the new building. In lieu of a landscape plan the applicant is proposing to install 'slats' for a total length of approximately 450' on the existing black chain link fence. The slats in effect help to screen the property as viewed from the bike path; however, the view,of the new building from Highway 6 & 24 would not be impeded. Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential, Commercial. and Industrial Design Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The proposal is in compliance with all of the requirements imposed by the Town of Avon Municipal Code. Total site coverage for the property, including Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 1` the new proposed building, would be approximately 28% with an allowed 50% coverage. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Pian, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The property is located in District 20: River Residential District, according to the Comprehensive Plan and is labeled as a Low Priority District. According to the Comprehensive Plan "the major design influences are U.S. Highway 6, the riparian environment along the Eagle River, and public access to the river." The Comprehensive Plan puts emphasis on residential development and redevelopment in this district and the need to be sensitive to the riparian environment. One of the planning principles that staff would like to highlight is: • Use Sensitive site planning, architectural detailing, articulation, and appropriate setbacks, color, and scale of structure to preserve the character of the river and its associated natural habitat. This building will be highly visible from US Highway 6 and therefore should blend in with the river environment. The Commission should determine if having the entire south fence line screened with the installation of slats is appropriate in place of a landscape plan to address the visual impact of a new building. Staff recommends a landscape plan be submitted for approval by the Commission before a building permit submittal. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed Improvements. Not applicable. No density is proposed on this property. 4. The Design plan Is In general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: A site plan is attached to this staff report to show the location of the building on the property in relation to other existing structures. Some grading is required for the piping to this new building and the pipes would ultimately be buried underground. A site plan showing the extent of the proposed fence screening and existing installed slats is attached for review, as well as some pictures showing the slat design. B. Building Design: The guidelines require that all colors shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Colors shall not exceed a light -reflective value (LRV) of 60 percent and this application appears to comply with the Guidelines. The Guidelines limit roof pitches to 6:12 - 12:12, except for limited roof areas for mechanical, etc. This application proposes a 4:12 roof and staff would recommend that a 6:12 roof be utilized in order to fully comply with the Guidelines. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 L' C. landscaping: The Commission tabled this request for a new UV building so the applicant could produce a landscaping plan to address the new building. There is some existing landscaping on this side (river side) of the property and a length of the fence already has slats installed. Please refer to the attached photographs to see the existing improvements. D. Miscellaneous Items: The Design Guidelines require accessory structures on the building site "to be compatible with the design and materials utilized for the main building structure." 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There is limited site grading required and the area where the foot print of this building is proposed is relatively flat. 6. The appearance of proposed Improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. As mentioned, this building would be highly visible from Highway 6 and could be viewed from the bike path adjacent to the Eagle River. As addressed in the Town Comprehensive Plan, the high visibility of this property should be acknowledged. The fence modifications, instead of tree plantings, could help mitigate some of the properties appearance concerns with the nearby river environment. Fence changes would help screen other non -desirable views of the property if installed as proposed. The colors and materials of the building appear to be appropriate and consistent with others on the property. The applicant originally proposed masonry walls instead of wood siding, and altered the proposal following staff's recommendation. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others In the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be Impaired. While this building would be extremely similar to the odor control building, no monetary or aesthetic values should be impaired. 8. The general conformance of the proposed Improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town. Additional landscaping would help the overall appearance of this addition and project in total. Recommendation Staff is recommending conditional approval of the proposed UV Building on Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Town of Avon community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Recommended Motion "I move to approve the UV Building for Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. A landscape plan will be approved by the Commission prior to issuance of a building permit for new UV Building. 2. A 6:12 roof pitch will be utilized with this building. 3. Except as otherwise modified by this approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives) in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Attachments: Plans and Photographs Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 0 cn 0 N O O T CD (D NO Pot �r.V+/11'..ti,�aOV�nvs�.dK,`tl ".'bw�r;f �":dFr1�lIR.'ia.•lr_ - . 'y1\'�� rMliif•W�' ry. {w\I}Y�•'Mc (�—y �r� p.I��L♦�T� � • hJ•'.\Yef i.`� • �M•I ,�C^':G/.'.e,tar. Y'�.'l h r, r:�� \• 4'+�111�11'�"v11�*'7'AlitliFlG�T� ` 1I�� � � LM 0 W LP L*4 R 6 U �D N'VrWn%WrrOWI M'Wd�4WD U � c a)a) N 2 6h jj µOI m 4- 0 0- 0 N A X N CL O 4 o U M M NV1 OD N N N (4- N N U O M OO � U) O N N t- U ' >1 C)ID lid ONO N O a) U U) C 65cn - X N 7 o cNLa mp 7 m v > Q a. m Q� X W > N O 5 LO �. cc cEcu0 m m o E- n3 •� � -a m cv �a=0(D o �- z � E- ani z 6 U �D N'VrWn%WrrOWI M'Wd�4WD U � c 2 6h jj µOI 10 a z h �gn , CHLORINE CONTACT $ BASINS L Ic ii I: g n- N w Rx 00cn Z rr� �O? t r 4>2 a� �C cm, m O \ �� \ !' r N G) g ( l 3 CHLORINE CONTACT $ BASINS L Ic ii I: g n- =n x 00cn rr� �O? t Z Z CDOM,,.. a� �C a O \ �� \ !' G) g ( l c -n00> y C m 60 W ym 03c O z �m m Mn =1 0 Gz,' �X� \ r t rT 1 1 L D 1 � Z k4s, 1 T. --1 >1 1 1 D � m a m W D 4p 1 1 gX 1 � � 1 z Z \C N y W $ m 1 1 D �D z m <o (Am r m ; m z 0 D �0 pJ � $ bCID N o < NZ CHLORINE CONTACT $ BASINS L Ic ii I: II.I�I I , I,II. it g z =n x 00cn cA t a� �C a O II.I�I I , I,II. it z =n x 00cn z o a O G) g ( o y C m 60 W ym 03c �m 0 r t II.I�I I , I,II. it z =n x 00cn z o 10 O G) g ( o y C m 60 W ym 03c �m 0 !W .0-.9 .0-.9 7 a Z . �-O_L w CC r �i� ci0 S 6 2 z O nU fV W CV tiN CD nU O a a wa w� wU. w0 ar �I w J �S w W N Z O a Z . �-O_L CC r wN ZZ O 6 2 z Z w _ O ~p Z wa m j w J �S w W N Z O Q Is MIR e Z . �-O_L CC r ZZ O Q G L H 1 z 6 crZ7 a O U � 1 e 03 Q z 6 MUIV M1-03010VXd Town of Avon Design Modifications Commercial Staff Report June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 8, 2006 Project type Design Changes: Canopy & Lighting Plan Legal description Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Address 63 Nottingham Road Introduction The Deer Creek Corp is proposing a new canopy fascia and all new canopy lighting at the Phillips 66 gas station on Nottingham Road. These improvements are part of a nation wide corporate identity change. Additionally, all gas pumps are going to be updated and replaced. The existing black canopy fascia and illuminated red bar would be removed, and replaced with a "pueblo tan" colored fascia. There is also a matching fascia on the east side of the building that the applicant is proposing to change the color to pueblo tan, but leaving the red stripe in the middle. The new fascia is composed of two pieces of aluminum laminated on either side of a composite material. A material sample will be available at the meeting. The only other change to the building would be painting the stucco to match the pueblo tan color chosen for the fascia. All existing lighting would be removed from underneath the canopy and replaced with new fixtures. Proposed lighting includes seventeen "ECTA Low Flat Lens" 175 watt Metal Halide Fixtures scattered throughout the canopy. In tandem with this Minor Design application a separate sign application is being reviewed to replace the existing freestanding pole mounted sign at the east end of the property. The existing building mounted sign would remain. Staff would recommend that the sign application review be opened at the time of review of this application. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 C Design Approval Criteria According to Section 7 from the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Guidelines, the Commission shall review all design plans utilizing specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The proposal appears to be in compliance with most of the requirements imposed by the Town of Avon Municipal Code. Since first staff review of this application, the applicant voluntarily removed eight (8) 100 watt fixtures form the canopy since they were not in compliance with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. A complete review of the lighting follows below. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The property is located in District 13: Nottingham Road Commercial District,. and is designated as a Medium Priority District. According to the Comprehensive Plan "this area's proximity to the 1-70/Avon Road Interchange establishes its importance to the Town's identity." Additionally, "redevelopment that occurs here should reflect the standards in the Town Center, but should not compete with the Town Center in terms of size of buildings or intensity of development." Given these strong statements concerning the image this property presents staff is recommending, that all property improvements be reviewed at this time. In particular, there has never been attention paid to the back (west) side of the building and the flat roof design of the canopy. Perhaps this would be the opportunity to review the proximity of this property to Avon's town entrance and the visual impression of the property. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. No changes in use or land use intensity are being proposed with this application. 4. The Design plan is in general conformance with Subsections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: No changes are proposed to the site layout. The canopy would remain the same size and there are no proposed access changes or grading required. As part of a separate application the monument sign design is being reviewed. , The applicant is proposing to rebuild the existing monument sign. B. Building Design: The guidelines require that all building colors be earth tone and shall blend in with the natural setting. Colors shall not exceed a light -reflective value (LRV) of 60 percent. At staffs request the applicant has proposed to update the building's current white stucco with that to match the Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 canopy. The LRV value of the submitted 'Pueblo Tan' canopy fascia color is unavailable, however, it appears to meet the Town's requirement. All red should be removed at this time to come into- full compliance with the Guidelines. The Guidelines'discourage flat roofs and limit roof pitches to 6:12 - 12:12, except for limited roof areas (i.e. for architectural effect or to conceal mechanical equipment). While snow shedding off the canopy should be a consideration, staff would suggest that the applicant and Commission explore updating not only the canopy fascia but adding a curved or pitched roof form to add architectural interest and to comply with the requirements of the Guidelines. C. Landscaping: There is adequate mature landscaping on the property, and the property is in general compliance with Town requirements. All commercial service areas and trash receptacles must be screened from public view. There is currently a wood fence in the rear of the property along with the one surrounding the trash. The white color of these fences should also be reviewed in conjunction with a new building stucco color as proposed. Staff would also like the Commission to review the lack of landscaping on the west (back) side of the building. While the majority of the property is adequately landscaped; staff would recommend subsequent review of a complete landscape plan for added landscaping in this area. D. Miscellaneous Items: As 'mentioned, a sign application has been submitted and should be reviewed in concert with this application. Staff is recommending conditional approval of the shorter monument sign. S. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. There is no site or grading changes proposed. The canopy would remain the same size, height, shape, etc. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The 'pueblo tan' color proposed could be an improvement over the current black with red stripe design being an earth tone color; however, the fascia material lacks texture and should be reviewed carefully since it appears to have a reflective quality that would conflict with the Commercial Design Guidelines. A'softer' material may benefit this canopy update. As addressed in the Town Comprehensive Plan, the high visibility of this property should be acknowledged. All sides of the building are visible from public ways and should be treated as such. The appearance of the property Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 r. CL 0 En would benefit greatly if the canopy had more architectural interest and there were attention paid to the west side of the property which lacks landscaping. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. Staff does not anticipate that any monetary values will be impaired with approval of this project. Aesthetic values could be lessened with a softer 'fascia material and some sort of roof form added to the canopy. The Comprehensive Plan puts priority to this area of Town since it provides an important first impression to guests and residents as they enter or leave by Interstate 70. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The Lighting Plan may not be in complete conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town. Please see lighting plan evaluation below. Lighting' Standards According to Section 15.30.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Commission shall review the Lighting Plan for the gas station canopy against the following lighting standards: 1. The style, color, and design of the fixtures shall be compatible with the overall design concept and use of materials for the building and site.area of the lighting plan. The recessed flat lense canopy lights are an appropriate type of fixture for their application. Other non-compliant fixtures from the property have been recently replaced to conform to the Ordinance. The owner recently removed 'wall pack' lights on the west elevation and fluorescent tube lights on the north and south elevations. 2. All lighting shall be shielded such that the source of illumination is not visible from the property line thereby reducing glare and interference with boundary streets and adjacent properties. Light fixtures near adjacent property may require special shielding devices to prevent light trespass. A lighting photometric is attached for Commissioner review. For comparison the existing and proposed Phillips 66 lighting has been compared to the lighting used on the neighboring property canopy. Please see the diagram below: Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Note. Staff conducted a site visit on 4/10 with Town's Light Meter for existing readings. 3. All lighting shall conform with the definition for full cut-off fixtures with the light source downcast and fully shielded. While the ECTA Low Flat Lenses are full cut-off by definition, staff recommends that fewer light fixtures could achieve the same goal of providing ample, attractive, and safe lighting. Discussion The abundance of lighting proposed may pose a conflict with the intent of the ordinance. Safety and security could be maintained with fewer fixtures. As can seen in the table above and experienced at night, the Conoco station across the street is a fine example of a canopy with adequate, safe lighting that is not excessive. Staff has trouble with the canopy design as it relates to the Commercial Design Review Guidelines. Flat roof are not acceptable unless used to add architectural interest or as utilized to hide rooftop mechanical equipment. Recommendation Staff is recommending a conditional approval of the proposed canopy and Lighting Plan for Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Recommended Motion " I move to approve the Canopy, Lighting Plan, and building fascia change for Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with following conditions that must be resolved prior to submittal of a building application: 1. New canopy roof option(s) will be presented for Commissioner review within 60 days in order to comply with the Design Review Guidelines. 2. There will be no more than fifteen (15) ECTA Flat Lense fixtures. 3. The red stripe on the building's fascia will be removed from the design of this fascia color change. Red, White, and Silver canopy poles are not approved. Canopy poles to match fascia color or other earth tone. Town of Avon community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Existing Proposed Conoco Phillips 66 Phillips 66 Canopy Size/ 3900 sq. ft. 3150 sq. ft. 3150 sq. ft. Pumps 6 pump stations 4 pump stations 4 pump stations Light Fixture Sixteen (16) 175 Sixteen (16) 400 Nineteen (19) 175 Type/Wattage Watt Metal Halide Watt Metal Halide Watt Metal Halide Full -Cutoff Foot Candle Average: 6 Average: 35+/- Average: 24 Readings Maximum:8 Maximum: 58 Maximum: 39 Note. Staff conducted a site visit on 4/10 with Town's Light Meter for existing readings. 3. All lighting shall conform with the definition for full cut-off fixtures with the light source downcast and fully shielded. While the ECTA Low Flat Lenses are full cut-off by definition, staff recommends that fewer light fixtures could achieve the same goal of providing ample, attractive, and safe lighting. Discussion The abundance of lighting proposed may pose a conflict with the intent of the ordinance. Safety and security could be maintained with fewer fixtures. As can seen in the table above and experienced at night, the Conoco station across the street is a fine example of a canopy with adequate, safe lighting that is not excessive. Staff has trouble with the canopy design as it relates to the Commercial Design Review Guidelines. Flat roof are not acceptable unless used to add architectural interest or as utilized to hide rooftop mechanical equipment. Recommendation Staff is recommending a conditional approval of the proposed canopy and Lighting Plan for Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Recommended Motion " I move to approve the Canopy, Lighting Plan, and building fascia change for Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with following conditions that must be resolved prior to submittal of a building application: 1. New canopy roof option(s) will be presented for Commissioner review within 60 days in order to comply with the Design Review Guidelines. 2. There will be no more than fifteen (15) ECTA Flat Lense fixtures. 3. The red stripe on the building's fascia will be removed from the design of this fascia color change. Red, White, and Silver canopy poles are not approved. Canopy poles to match fascia color or other earth tone. Town of Avon community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 4. A landscape plan will be submitted for Commissioner review within 60 days in order to provide landscaping on the west side of the property. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, WL Matt Pielsticker Planner I Attachments: A - Photographs of Existing Improvements B - Lighting Plan with Cut sheet & Photometric C - Vicinity Map prepared by staff Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 RECEIVED APR 0 6 2006 Community Development Ta: a k• RECEIVED APR 0 6 2006 Community Development 'aa,"m womm"NO&A M I I -me vomm"404 "*MCA woo I* TheDee<reelcCorp" 2ryro^ Group To: City of Avon From: Rich Keeran / The Deer Creek Corp Subject: Canopy Qa 46 Nottingham Rd Avon CO Matt Pielsticker, Per the city's request the changes to the existing canopy at 46 Nottingham Rd will not include any elevation changes. We are only doing a color change to the existing fascia. If you require any more info please call me. Rich Keeran Project Manager The Deer Creek Corp Office — 303-762-1925 Cell — 303-994-3186 Fax — 303-762-9543 VtECENED APR 0 g 2006 Community Qevelopment \ i 50G W Hampoen Ave., UM 3-D • cng�ea000. CC 801 :0 • office: 303 702. i 525 • FAX: --rJ- %2.9543 vvvm. deefcreekcorp.COm y CORE® TOP ACCESS - FLAT LENS HOUSING - Die-cast two-piece aluminum housing ensures a weather -tight, durable construction. Two threaded conduit openings allow use of ballast box as junction box for through wiring. LENS/GASKET - Choose either a flat clear tempered glass lens ora C73 diffused Oat tempered glass lens. A continuous one-piece extruded high temperature gasket ensures maximum sealing to the housing. LENS FRAME/DOOR FASTENER - Features an integral hinged, die-cast aluminum lens frame. Door frame closes and locks with stainless steel spring catch, allowing easy access for ground re -tamping. INSTALLATION - Designed for single deck canopies where access for installation and maintenance is available from above. The Encore Top Access insures a watertight seal without the need for additional sealants. The Encore Top Access can be installed by one person in either a 12' or 16' deck pan. REFLECTORSIDISTRIBUTION PATTERNS -The vertical bum optical system and symmetrical reflector provide uniform general lighting under the canopy. LIGHT SOURCES - Pulse -Start Metal Halide. Shipped with lamp installed. BALLASTS - High-power factor type ballasts. Pulse -Start Metal Halide features Super CWA ballasts. Ballasts are designed for -20 degree F operation. The ballast is mounted in a separate enclosure above the optical unit to provide the lowest operating temperatures available. FINISH - Standard colors are white or bronze powder coat finish. Each fixture is finished with LSI's DuraGrip'" polyester powder coat finish process. The DuraGdp finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling, and is guaranteed for five full years. WARRANTY - The Encore Top Access unit carries a comprehensive 5 -year warranty on all parts, finish, workmanship and electrical components (excluding lamp). PHOTOMETRICS - For detailed photometric data, contact LSI Petroleum Lighting Sales. C 0 u LISTED wet location Please consuft factory for UL Class 1 Division 2 LS: INDUSTS0 INC. Proiecl Name Catalall 1 B' Deck requires 9' diameter opening. r�i�tttlESNt AA t, cussr=110ffn. Protected by the following patents: 5,662,407 6,059,422 6,152.579 6,224,233 6,464,378 Patemado 199,294 CA2276077 CA2381049 and PaL Pend. DINfFhL51DN5 =, `,-•'"-- 1•_a�+:: �..as NDTE: Encore Tap Access can be mounted in a single skin -_ wnopY vnm 72 or Ed G:kpans. i �f } , RECEIVED APR 0 6 ZuuD LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION ECTA . I 5. Symmetrical 2 r F - Clear Flat 175I PSMV- Puls&smn Metal Halide Tempered Glass ?a 175, 200,?50.320 Watt C73 - DlNused Flat _ 720 Tempered Glass EXAMPLE OF ATYPICAL ORDER ECTA S 250 PSMV F MT WHT -w r o Is 1- AIT—Mufti Tag is shipped standard unless ciherwin speGOed. MuIU Tap cone= Of 120V, 208V, 240V, and 27N. MuIU Tap prexired to, 277V. Altamate voltages w01 require field rewldng. 2- Td -Tap Ls shipped standard for Canadian appgca0ons. Td -Tap Dom'sts of 120V, 27N, and 34N. Tri -Tap Is Prewired far 34N. _• Attemate wttapes will require field re-widnp. 3. Duick i iscannect Plug on socket leads and lamp leads from ballast for ease 0f lnstaltaUon. �wc�.+r• �•in�i .� r Order Number OesvlPUon Ground Lamp Changers : 132678A 250, 320 Watt 179101Z + grin Watt w9a97 lim NOTE Ground lamp changer not aVallable on Class 1, DIV. 2. � I Fiature Type MT -Muhl-Tacit WK, - White ii -Tri -lap= ORZ - Bronze 220V - 50Hz DD • Duick Disconnect Plu0a REUNIF.0 APR 6 :. Community Uevc,lul.:r1P1 V ® 2004 LSI INDUSTRIES INC. I Staff Report SIGN DESIGN AVON co tux A 0 June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 13, 2006 Sign type Freestanding Project Identification. Sign Legal description Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Address 63 Nottingham Road Background There have been several sign iterations that have taken place over the years on this Nottingham Road property. Although the history of past approvals is somewhat unclear, the Planning Commission did approve a revised Master Sign Program and sign variance for increased sign allowance (allowed 96 sq. ft. by Sign Code, 179 sq. ft. proposed) and a 30' freestanding in the winter of 1987. That approval was for the Pester Gas Station at the time and the current project signage appears to be updated logos utilizing the same approved sizes and locations. Introduction The applicant, Marti Powell of Aspen Sign Company, is proposing a freestanding sign to replace the existing freestanding monument sign at the Phillips 66 gas station. This is being reviewed in conjunction with a Minor Project application to update the gas canopy fascia, lighting, and building stucco color. There are two sign options being proposed, both of which would replace the existing 30' freestanding Phillips 66 sign: 1st option - 20' tall 48.5 sq. ft. dual -pole mounted design similar to current sign, 2nd option - 8' tali 37 sq. ft. monument sign set on brick base. The applicant's preference is for the 1st sign option as it would provide much more exposure to the property from Interstate traffic. Both proposed sign options are located in the same location as the existing freestanding sign on the property. Materials are consistent with existing signage with steel tubes, aluminum, and plexiglass faces. Lighting would be with internal fluorescents. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot I. Block 1, Benchmark Beaver Subdivision, Conoco -Phillips Sign Design June 20,20G6 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sion Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing this sign design application: 1. The suitability of the Improvement, Including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The materials are appropriate for the project and the location of the sign is consistent with the existing 30' pole mounted sign. There is some existing landscaping in the vicinity of this sign. 2. The quality -of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement. The proposed sign materials are of high quality and appropriate for the project. 3. The visual Impact of any proposed Improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. This sign location is possibly the most visible in the Town of Avon. With sensitivity to this high exposure, statements made in the Comprehensive Plan regarding Avon's 'front door' impression that this area presents, and unnecessary size of 'Option 1', staff is recommending approval of 'Option 2'. Both sign options would be visible from neighboring properties. 4. The objective that no Improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs In the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. It is Staffs opinion that there will be no monetary values impaired with either of the proposed signs. Aesthetic values would be impaired (as they are today) with a tall dual pole mounted sign. 5. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the Sign Code, and are appropriate for the project. Concerning monument type sign allowances, "sites shall be limited to one freestanding sign with an area of forty (40) square feet and a height of eight (8) feet." The Sign Code further states that "the Planning and Zoning Commission shall also have discretionary powers to approve a freestanding sign with a maximum total area of sixty-four (64) square feet and a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. Freestanding signs may not exceed the height of the tallest building on the site." While the Commission has discretionary powers to approve Option 1, staff would recommend approval of Option 2 in order to remain consistent with other recent sign approvals and given the sign would receive nearly the same exposure given the sign's prominent location. 6. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign Is appropriate for the determined orientation. The primary orientation of the proposed signage is to automobile traffic which is appropriate given the prominent location that can be seen from the off ramp of 1-70 entering Avon and travelers in both directions on 1-70. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.40311 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot I, Block I, Benchmark Beaver Subdivision, Conoco -Phillips Sign Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 Recommendation Staff recommends conditional approval of the sign design application for Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. See recommendation below. Recommended Motion "I move to approve this sign design application with Option 2 (8' tall 37 sq. ft.) for Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Existing sign will be completely removed. 2. Sign base will utilize stucco with color matching new fascia/building "pueblo tan" color. 3. No gas pricing is permitted on this sign. 4. Landscaping Plan will be approved by staff for this sign and landscaping will be installed at time of sign construction on site. 5. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Attachments Sign Design Options 1 & 2 Site Aerial provided by applicant Aerial Vicinity Map prepared by staff Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 2 W w J a J Q 1❑ LO x (D LL 0 0 v 5 ti. 'D 0 0 Q RECEIVED MAY 0 9 't006 Community Development I 61 � Ik v. O i CSA U Q � RECEIVED MAY 0 9 't006 Community Development Z 0 z z w z Z gLL d X � M R CY Q Z FQ- N L REC C MAY 0 9 2000 Community Development yy N C? L? I? 66'66G666S MCI ,n Wc o o C�C U W' RECEIVED N.' E MAY 0 9 2006 m _ - N m " - - Community Developmento � o CLW) i ti LL. T m l� M a _ U n = Cy2 x O �Xa � V vmN" _aa 6 �a yy N C? L? I? 66'66G666S MCI ,n Wc o o C�C U W' RECEIVED N.' E MAY 0 9 2006 m _ - N m " - - Community Developmento � o \ �|f/ RECEIVED �0 \ ) - !� f 0 2 x=CL A¥09200 $§xor e2 _m?§ �|f/ RECEIVED A¥09200 ' z \` � � Community v AAm �|f/ _<w \\� Bonn 2�oil :=11010 so § ■ | al|�Ek Ell F, �rm2 @ }} �k©/k) -- RECEIVED u s§e]p 0923 x MAY o ��\� U )f® CommunitYDevelopment Bonn 2�oil :=11010 so § ■ | al|�Ek Ell F, �rm2 1 -- RECEIVED 0923 MAY ��\� CommunitYDevelopment al|�Ek �rm2 ��\� N X W P' Wk 4b C Q Q O N E V) cc L CD C o n U CL Z c L CL a V Q N E z o� Ud a 0 o cr c `o Q� O M U ^ O r Z¢ � AWA v Gi r � 17 0 7 75 N V U M V BMBC - Blk 1, Lot 1 eMott n1UN FeQ, Property Boundaries lwtMi JFwfver. Pde OS+3y9 Staff Report SIGN DESIGN VON C O L 0 9 A 0 0 June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date June 8; 2006 Sign type Freestanding Project Identification Sign Legal description Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision Zoning Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Address 0095 Post Boulevard Introduction The applicant, Paul Doughty, is proposing a sign for the new tree sale business on this McGrady Acres property. This retail tree sale nursery was approved for the 2006 calander year by a Special Review Use (SRU) permit that was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 7, 2006. The proposed sign is constructed of painted plywood and would be 32 square feet in size. Attached to this report please find the sign design along with a site plan showing sign location and proposed landscaping associated with this sign. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sian Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing this sign design application: 1. The suitability of the Improvement, Including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The Sign Code encourages quality sign materials, including "anodized metal; routed or sandblasted wood, such as rough cedar or redwood; interior lit, individual plexiglass -faced letters; or three-dimensional individual letters with or without indirect lighting." The plywood sign would not be considered a quality sign material; however, the sign would be temporary in nature. 2. The quality of the materials to be utilized In any proposed Improvement. As stated, the sign would be temporary in nature. If the SRU approval to operate this business was renewed past the 2006 calander year staff would request at that time a permanent sign be installed. Tann of Avon Community Development (970)748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision, Trees of Colorado Sign Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting 2of2 3. The visual impact of any proposed Improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. This sign would be visible from Post Boulevard and no lighting is proposed with this sign. Landscaping is required for all freestanding signs, and should help the visual impact of the sign as viewed from adjacent properties. 4. The objective that no Improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be Impaired. It is Staff's opinion that there will be no monetary or aesthetic values impaired with this sign. 5. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the Sign Code, and are appropriate for the project. The proposed sign generally complies with the Sign Code in terms of height and size. The sign would be 6' x 4'(32 square feet) and would stand approximately 6 feet tall from grade. t 6. Whether the sign Is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign Is appropriate for the determined orientation. The primary orientation of the proposed signage is to automobile traffic which is appropriate given its proposed location and orientation facing the road. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the sign design application for Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision. See recommendation below. Recommended Motion "I move to approve this sign design application for Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. At such time the SRU permit to operate this business is renewed or extended past 2006, a new permanent sign will be submitted for review. 2. Landscaping will be installed at time of sign placement. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4030 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted Matt Pielstic er Planner I Attachments Sign Design, Site Plan w/ Landscaping Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 IUOWdOl9A80 Allunwwoo goo? p g AVIV C13AI303H lu - \ . � -_ � ,.% V 4,A J2 61 lu - \ . � -_ � ,.% V .6 6- J2 s. .6 6- e k 00 t i i Staff Report � �' Sketch Design AVO D0 C � L 0 R A D • June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date May 12, 2006 Project type Duplex Legal description Lot 34, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD - 2 Units Address 2661 Beartrap Road Introduction Bobby Ladd, from RAL Architects is proposing a Sketch Design application for a duplex on Beartrap Road. The. property is an uphill lot with relatively consistent 20% grades with steeper grades towards the road and the east end of the site. The proposed building is large measuring approximately 10,950 square feet (including garages) in size. Building materials are mainly stucco with cedar board on batten siding. There would be a combination of asphalt shingles and standing seam metal roofing as well as stone veneer siding and wrought iron railings with heavy timbers. The size and magnitude of site disturbance should be reviewed carefully with this submittal since the entire site would be disturbed with the proposed site plan configuration. The Design Guidelines speak to limiting excessive site disturbance if another design option exists. Site Design The Design Guidelines put emphasis on site layout design. Structures should blend in with natural settings and the need for extensive site grading and slope retention should be avoided. Additionally, buildings should be stepped in appearance where practical. Site access shall blend with the natural contours of the site. The proposed site design appears to conflict with these principal planning statements from the Guidelines. The driveway entrance has an approximate 5% initial grade, eventually ascending at a maximum of 10% grade to reach the building. There is the need for two separate retaining walls above the driveway for this site layout with what appears to be up to 6' per wall. The building footprint approaches all platted building setbacks. It is not advised to push development so close to any building setback resulting in little room for error during construction. Approximately 6/10 of an acre, or the entire property, would be disturbed during construction with this design application. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Lot 34. Black 2, Wikiridge . RAL Architects Sketch Design June 20.2000 Plannina A Znnkm rommtcek... ..e.,.. The Commission should consider some of the minimum site planning requirements from the Residential Desion Review Guidelines that this application appears to conflict with, such as: A2 - "The location of structures and access shall compliment the existing topography of the site. Excessive grading and/or the use of engineer -designed retaining walls Is discouraged when an alternate site layout would minimize such disturbances. A6 - Buildings on sloping lots shall be designed to step with the existing (natural) grades. Building Design As noted, the building is rather large with over 10,000 square feet of building area. Massing should be carefully reviewed with this design plan. From the Guidelines, "it is preferred that residential buildings are designed as a composition of mass elements rather than larger single 'blocks' that appear unrelated in form and context." While there is architectural interest to break up the massing of the elevations, the structure remains quite massive. The proposed building materials are of high quality and appropriate for the project, including: stone veneer siding, stucco, heavy Doug -Fir timbers, aluminum clad windows, asphalt shingles, and wrought iron railings. Staff has no objections to the proposed building materials. Building height appears to reach the allowed 35' maximum height requirement. In terms of architectural interest the project utilizes a combination of heavy timbers, and varied building materials to help break up the mass. All roof pitches equal 8:12 for the asphalt shingled portions and 4:12/8:12 for the standing seam metal portions of the roof design. The Guidelines require that all roofs have a 4:12 minimum pitch. This design submittal appears to conform to the 'duplex development guideline which requires an "integrated structure... that creates a unified structure with enough variety and architectural interest to distinguish a duplex from a single family home." All exterior lighting and actual building materials and colors would-be reviewed with a final design submittal. Earth tone colors are required by the Guidelines. Staff Comments This design application appears to be in general conformance with the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial and Industrial Desion Review Guidelines. Many of the site development guidelines involve siting improvements to complement the existing topography and limiting the extent of site disturbance. Staff would ask the applicant to be able to address the following areas of concern during the meeting: • 100% site disturbance • Building Height and Setback Maximization Town of Avon community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949.5749 G` ti Lot 34, Block 2, Wlldddge - RAL Architects Sketch Design June 20 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 • Abundant Massing Design Review Considerations The Commission shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Planning and Zoning Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to Incorporate in a final design application. A full size plan set will be available at the Work Session for review. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted Matt Pielsticker Planner) Aft: Reduced 11" x 17" Plan Set Aerial Vicinity Map, prepared by staff Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 9495749 W PWVrd'O[d-�ay1 Wi1�M'OY d W _ � � ♦ � S yyj rr � � r V '' ? D O H E 11,'777 i ,�Qy CD u♦ /� R E 7 C r t t JF S y E ll .d, O �/ / i R; e d V s ♦ � - BA C 1 0 co SL ; �s • ti *V �I -14 jllj9 --W LE911 � -1'0'4 d M g • O� ♦ "r1 V W W � �e C S.. C Q �• } � — .1..� nig, .1. �. 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I�� yl,l' 1 rtan. t .�� i_—II a �� IIIA ;_—I i.9c1! � • �L IN fil. Iva = = 11 — �IIII�Il�ilOI',II' _- O__ +�--HlEM up =P— �iON I" .1. avail — —_ eclmlliillll;n" ;�_i� IUD.r'; 9 .IL, it 1.Ii,, 5 of �r. _=.lam ;yr 1111 IIYy�i�de rN �' ::= ISI Irate9. O &"'9Z6'OL6 —W SwL IL CL Z o ME M all — 0 i a Z :8 c a I 0 Oull 'SP94! i ZC 0 M q U 14 m 16 I - VA P48 Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD, Wildridge - Hubbard Sketch Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 the site. Development avoids the limited 40% slopes on the northwest corner of Lot 3. Access to the site is accomplished by widening the bottom portion of the existing driveway on Lot 45 to 17' and entering the PUD immediately before an existing berm and planted trees. Access through Lots 1 and 2 of the Dry Creek PUD is achieved by a winding 14' asphalt driveway (with 1' gravel shoulders) located within a platted Access Easement. According to the Design Guidelines (Table 1.0), driveway grades should not exceed 10%, and no more than 4% entering the site and garages. The driveway appears to be located completely within the platted Access Easement and in compliance with the required grades. The Guidelines encourage the use of high quality, durable building materials. This proposal is consistent with the guidelines proposing high quality materials such as cedar and stone veneer siding. The materials are consistent with others used in this PUD and colors will be reviewed at final design submittal. Architectural interest has been added to this home with varying materials and areas of application, a tower feature, and varying roof pitches and materials. Items such as lighting, landscaping, and snow storage will be reviewed in detail with a final design application. All other zoning standards (i.e. lot coverage, landscaping) must also be clearly demonstrated at final design. The building does approach (and exceeds with chimney feature) the 35' maximum building height requirement. Compliance with this zoning requirement must be clearly defined at final design and the Commission must determine if the architectural encroachment is appropriate. Additionally, the front stairway encroaches the 10' building setback. No building encroachments will be permitted at final design submittal. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action . on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be ' given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in the final design application at the June 20th meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Re ully s fitt ed Matt Pielsticke lanner I Town of Avon Community Development 1 (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Staff Report Sketch Desi nC 0 L 0 R A D 0 June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction June 13, 2006 Single -Family Residence, Lot 3, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Single Family Residence (Not more than 4,500' Square Feet) 2510C Old Trail Road Michael L. Sanner is proposing a Sketch Design application for a 4,497 square foot single-family residence in the Dry Creek PUD. The subject property was created by approval of a PUD Amendment and subdivision application on August 9, .2005. The approval down zoned the property from a fourplex structure to three (3) single-family residences. Building standards for the property are as follows: Building Height: Landscaping: Building Lot Coverage: Parking: Building area: Setbacks: 35 feet maximum 35% of total lot area minimum 40% of total lot area minimum 4 spaces minimum (2 enclosed minimum) 4,500 square feet (Inc garage) maximum 25' front, 7.5' sides, 10' rear The home is three stories with two enclosed parking spaces and additional garage storage space. The design is 'craftsman style', with cedar board on board siding, stone veneer siding, stucco, asphalt shingles, and cor-ten steel roofing. Staff Comments This design application appears to be in conformance with the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. Many of the site development guidelines involve siting improvements to complement the existing topography and limiting the extent of site disturbance. The presented design appears to conform to the design guidelines and takes advantage of views towards Beaver Creek by pushing development as far east as possible on Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 �j SZLI-9Z6OL6xcd SZII.9Z6.OL6 �� a8 '0:) WAV Z£919 03:,PJtMPB '8641 xo©'O'd 00 V' P! PI.M . 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This Final Design application follows two prior Sketch Design applications; the initial meeting was on March 7t' and subsequent meeting May 16 . An on-site mock up will be available for review during the upcoming Commission work session. Additionally, the hotel project has been conceptually reviewed in design/massing throughout the PUD approval process, and the final design application represents a conclusion of many months of review of this concept. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. • Allowed use: The proposed uses include residential (timeshare and condo -tel units), commercial (standard and incidental) all of _which are in accordance with the Riverfront PUD. Density: The Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa is located on lot 2 of the Riverfront PUD Subdivision. The Riverfront PUD permits a total of 456 dwelling units and a minimum of 20,000 square feet of commercial space. The proposed final design is compliant with the density requirements of the PUD. As proposed, the Westin contains 129 Dwelling Units (210 keys) and approximately 20,552 square feet of standard commercial uses. These residential and commercial densities are consistent with the approved PUD plan. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 2, Riverfront PUD — Westin Hotel Final Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 7 • Lot Coverage: Maximum building lot coverage allowed under the Riverfront PUD is 25% of the entire 18.5 -acre site. The applicant is proposing 61% lot coverage for Lot 2, which is approximately 14% of the entire site. • Setbacks Lot 2 contains 0' side and front yard building setbacks form property lines and 10' building setbacks from right-of-way lines. • Easements: Lot 2 contains a "Public Pedestrian access and plaza easement" which preserves public access along the proposed plaza area. Lot 2 also contains a "View Corridor" easement, which also runs the length and width of the plaza area. In addition to the easements noted above, the lot also contains standard utility easement along the northern and southern property lines. • Building Height The maximum building height permitted for the hotel is 135'. Currently, the proposed building measures approximately 133' at the highest point. This maximum building height is located at the highest ridgeline of the primary "tower" and is carried at a distance of approximately 110 linear feet. The 100' feet at the maximum building height represents less than 1/3 of the total ridgeline of the building. From there it drops approximately 20' along the 4:12 pitched roof. Considerably lower building height for the two wings of the building. The eastern wing of the building measures 73' at the highest point, and the western wing of the building has a maximum building height of 79'. These heights are important to the scale and environment along the plaza and courtyard areas. • Parking. Based on the proposed residential and commercial unit mix provided by the applicant, staff has reconciled the parking plan with the minimum development standards adopted as part of the PUD amendment. The minimum standards, or ratios, are based on the land use categories outlines on the PUD Development Plan. The total required parking for the shared use structure is 330 stalls. Of the total required parking stalls, the building design features 10% compact spaces, 8 handicapped spaces, and 64 tandem stalls. In terms of compact spaces, the PUD permits a maximum of 10% compact spaces for the entire Riverfront PUD. Therefore, reconciliation of compact spaces will not occur until the final phases of the development. For the handicapped spaces, Section 1106 of the International Building Codes requires a minimum of 8 handicapped spaces, which is what is provided. The handicapped spaces are located in areas where accessibility to the elevators is relatively easy. The other area of parking is the tandem -spaces. These tandem spaces were permitted in concept, with the understanding that they would be Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 2, Riverfront PUD — Westin Hotel Final Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 7 managed through a valet parking program, all of which would be outlined as part of an overall parking management plan. • Snow Storage: The applicant has submitted a snow storage and snow melt plan (Sheet C-05), which adheres to the Town's minimum 20% impervious surface requirement. According to the plan, approximately 40,822 square feet of the site will be snow melted. These areas include the public plaza, courtyard outside of the restaurant, entrance and porte- cochere area, and the eastern portion of the building courtyard. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. Land Use Policy Development and redevelopment will be of A1.1 a scale and intensity appropriate for the X neighborhood in which it is:located. Policy Flexible zoning such as Planned Unit X A1.3 Developments (P.U.D.) should be encouraged where it results in more effective use of the land. However, such flexible zoning will only be allowed where it provides a benefit to the community and is compatible with surrounding development. Variations from standard'zoning must be clearly demonstrated, and will be permitted only as needed to achieve effective development. Policy Parcels of land to be annexed will be X A2.1 master planned, in conformance with the Land Use Plan and Design Standards, and clearly show physical, visual and functional connections with the existing Town. Policy The Town will, to the extent practicable, X A2.4 coordinate its land use policies and regulations with other local jurisdictions. Policy Encourage mixed-use development X A3.6 throughout the community, where compatible with existing neighborhoods, to more efficiently use land. Policy The Eagle River should be maintained as a X A3.8 riparian corridor. New development and redevelopment should be compatible with the riparian environment. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed Improvements. The proposed unit mix and commercial space is in accordance with the approved PUD plan. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 2, Riverfront PUD — Westin Hotel Final Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 7 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential Design Guidelines. The project is generally compliant with the overall design theme of the town, the sub -area design recommendations, and design guidelines. The project is generally responsive to the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale bulk, building height, buffer zones, character and orientation. The proposed PUD uses, activities, and density provides for a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activities in the Town core. The project respects the natural riparian and river environment that bounds it on the south, deeding this property to the Town as open space while at the same time creating a project of the type of density and land use pattern that is supported by the Town's master plan policies. A. Site Development: o Site Design: The site design has changed little since the initial PUD review and subsequent sketch design reviews. o Site Access: Access from Riverfront Lane has not changed. The parking garage entrance is still located near the front entrance to the hotel and appears functional. o Parking and Loading: Parking appears to be in accordance with the PUD requirements and final approval of a management plan must take place prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Please note the recommended conditions of approval. The loading bay and trash location on the north elevation is unchanged. This loading area appears functional and includes garage doors to screen this area from public view. B. Building Design: o Building Materials and Colors- The olorsThe two most notable changes to the building design are the . changes made to the easternmost wing of the hotel building and the added features to the northern facade. The applicant has added additional units (4, 2 -bedroom units) to the fifth floor of the east wing. This has caused a change in mass and roof form in a discrete area of the building. The shed roof, 'which had once terminated and stepped down, has been extended further south over the new units. These revisions appear relatively minor to the overall scale and mass of the building. The applicant has also added features to the north facade since the last meeting. A stone "tower" element has been added to further animate the north elevation. In addition to these two changes, the applicant has also reduced or eliminated several chimney elements and made changes to the gondola operations building. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 2, Riverfront PUD — Westin Hotel Final Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 7 The applicant has also made several changes to the color and material of the building. The overall color of the building is a darker rich color, which in staff's opinion is preferred because of its earth tone quality. The building includes two types of texture and color of stucco. Both colors of stucco are stated to have LRVs of less than 25%. The applicant has also estimated LRV standards for most materials and colors, the exception being the "Titus" recycled rubber roof and stone veneer. According to the Town of Avon Commercial Guidelines, all walls and roofs of buildings, retaining walls, and accessory structures shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Colors shall not exceed a light -reflective value (LRV) of 60%. Given the shade of green proposed and the earth tone colors of the stone veneer, the reflectivity value should be relatively low, and therefore the applicant appears to have satisfied this requirement. The proposed building materials have remained the same with the exception of the metal siding that wrapped around the top floor of the building. The metal panel siding has been removed from the top floor in place of a darker band of stucco. The details of the proposed materials and transition of material is shown in detail on the enlarged wall section elevations provided. Outdoor Lighting. Attached to this report is an Exterior Lighting Fixture schedule for landscape lighting. A lighting plan for building mounted lights must be submitted for review by the Planning Commission prior to building permit submittal. A photometric study and cut sheets must be included in this submittal. C. Landscaping: Design Character., The proposed landscaping contains a mix of native plant species of varying heights. All plant material appears to be tolerant of our climate and appropriate for the project. Special attention has been paid to the area at the base of the retaining wall leading down to the river and trees in this area must be at least 15' tall at time of planting. 5. The compatibility of proposed Improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The building steps down to the river with different terraces and building elements. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 2, Riverfront PUD — Westin Hotel Final Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 7 The project is well developed and attention has been paid to all elevation perspectives. This building and associated improvements will be visible from various locations in the Town Core. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others In the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The proposed improvements to lot 2 will not impair the monetary or aesthetic values of properties in the vicinity. The proposed improvements appear to add value to the area. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This proposal is in general conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending approval of this final design plan for Lot 2, Riverfront PUD subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant and the Town shall reconcile water SFE calculation prior to issuance of building permit. 2. An ILC (Improvements Location Certificate) is required at foundation and framing in order to verify compliance with height requirements. 3. Temporary real estate sales office will be removed by time of Certificate of Occupancy per PUD. 4. A lighting plan in accordance with AMC 15.30.050 will be submitted for review by the Planning Commission prior to building permit submittal for building lighting. A photometric study and cut sheets will be included. 5. Final approval of materials, colors and details subject to review and approval of the site mockup panel. 6. A Master Sign Program is to be submitted for all project signage on building the building, including tenant spaces. 7. Color of retaining wall/stairwell concrete to be reviewed and approved at time of mockup review. Joint dimensions of concrete panels will be specified for used in retaining wall at mockup review. 8. Clarify Level 06 roof plan at Unit 624 to match East Elevation. 9. Compliance with PUD requirement for parking management plan, to be submitted by issuance of final Certificate of Occupancy. 10. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives Town of Avon Community Development (970) 74&4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 2, Riverfront PUD — Westin Hotel Final Design June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 7 of 7 in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann Senior Planner Attachments: Reduced Plan Set PUD Development Plan — May 16, 2006 Sketch Design Report 3/7/06 & 5/16/06 Meeting Minutes Exterior Lighting Schedule Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Staff Report Sketch Desi HF11 It on 911, 7 VON inCOLORADO May 16, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address May 10, 2006 Mixed Use - HotellCommercial The Confluence PUD PUD 0095 Avon Road Introduction The applicant, East West Partners Inc., is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. This is the second hearing of their Sketch Design application; the initial hearing took place at your March 7"', 2006 meeting. During first hearing, both the Commission and staff had requested the applicant clarify or provide additional information on specific areas of their design proposal. The applicant has provided the information requested and the extents of the proposed revisions are outlined in their attached memo (Exhibit A). Understanding this will be the first review for the recently appointed Commissioners, staff has also attached the prior staff report and meeting minutes (Exhibit B) for your review. Staff would also request the applicant briefly summarize their overall design process, beginning with their initial design of the hotel during the PUD amendment process, during the Commission review. The items staff requested the applicant address at this meeting are: the residential and commercial unit mix and square footage, clarification of materials and colors including compliance with the Light Reflectivity Value (LRV) standards, proposed outdoor lighting, snow shedding and snow storage analysis, and more details of the first two levels of the building.along the plaza level and courtyard. In addition to the items noted by staff, the Commission requested clarification on the texture or facing of the structural retaining walls for the plaza and hotel, and the need for more interest added to the northern fagade. Included in your packet are revised colored elevations (11 x 17), and full size plan sets as requested by the Commission. The plan sets contain floor plans, elevations, building sections, roof plan, and a parking and land use summary. Staff will also have a copy of the previously submitted material at the meeting if the Commission is interested in seeing the changes made relative to the first submittal. The massing model submitted as part of the PUD amendment approval will also be available during Commission review. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Hotel Sketch Design May 16, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 4 Background The Riverfront PUD is located on an 18.9 -acre parcel that is bounded to the south by the Eagle River, to the east by Avon Road, to the north by the railroad right-of-way, and to the west by the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. The PUD includes seven lots with multiple buildings and land uses proposed. The Riverfront PUD was approved by the Town Council on March 141', 2006 through the adoption of Ordinance 06-03. Included in the ordinance were several condition of approval, one of which was the adherence to site specific design guidelines. Those guidelines are intended to serve as the guiding design document for all the structures on the site, with the exception of the hotel. Because the design of the hotel was developed prior to or during the PUD amendment process, the hotel was excluded from the guidelines applicability. Therefore, the hotel design will be evaluated against the Town's Commercial Design Guidelines. The scope of this Sketch Design review is the hotel, building, which is programmed as a condo -tel and includes a spa facility, meeting space, restaurant, retail, and professional offices: Staff Comments The design of the proposed mixed-use hotel building generally conforms to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Desian Review Guidelines. The architectural style is contemporary, with pitched roofs, stepped facades, and recessed windows. One of the dominant characteristics of the project is the orientation of the hotel, which provides important, scenic value as well as efficient use of solar exposure. According to the Design Review Guidelines, the main components of commercial site design that should be considered throughout the design development process include: • Building, walls, roofs, ridgelines, eaves, and other architectural features • Service, loading, refuse collection areas and storage areas • Special user amenities (i.e. pedestrian plazas) • Outdoor dining areas • Linkage and coordination elements with surrounding uses These areas were reviewed in detail during the first Sketch Design review. The focus of this report is on the supplemental information provided by -the applicant as well as ea changes made since that initial hring: --'�—-- Building Design changes. The two most notable changes to the building design are the changes made to the easternmost wing of the hotel building and the added features to the northern facade. The applicant has added additional units (4, 2 -bedroom units) to the fifth floor of the east wing. This has caused a change in mass and roof form in a discrete area of the building. The shed roof, which had once terminated and stepped down, has been extended further south over the new units. These revisions appear relatively minor to the overall scale and mass of the building. The applicant has also added features to the north facade since the last meeting. A stone "tower' element has been added to further animate the north elevation. In addition to these two changes, the applicant has also reduced or eliminated several chimney elements and made changes to the gondola operations building. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Hotel Sketch Design May 16, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 4 Material Changes/ LRV: The applicant has also made several changes to the color and material of the building. The overall color of the building is a darker rich color, which in staffs opinion is preferred because of its earth tone quality. The building includes two types of texture and color of stucco. Both colors of stucco are stated to have LRVs of less than 25%. The applicant has also estimated LRV standards for most materials and colors, the exception being the "Titus" recycled rubber roof and stone veneer. According to the Town of Avon Commercial Guidelines, all walls and roofs of buildings, retaining walls, and accessory structures shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Colors shall not exceed a light -reflective value (LRV) of 60%. Given the shade of green proposed and the earth tone colors of the stone veneer, the reflectivity value should be relatively low, and therefore the applicant appears to have satisfied this requirement. The proposed building materials have remained the same with the exception of the metal siding that wrapped around the top floor of the building. The metal panel siding has been removed from the top floor in place of a darker band of stucco. The details of the proposed materials and transition of material is shown in detail on the enlarged wall section elevations provided. Building Height The maximum building height permitted for the hotel is 135'. As submitted, the proposed building measures approximately 133' at the highest point. This maximum building height is located at the highest ridgeline of the primary "tower" and is carried at a distance of approximately 110 linear feet. The 100' feet at the maximum building height represents less than 1/3 of the total ridgeline of the building. From there it drops approximately 20' along the 4:12 pitched roof. Maximum building height was a topic that was discussed at length during the PUD approval. Much of the discussion revolved around the notion of stepping the structure down as it approached the river. The applicants willingness to minimizing the extent of the highest ridgelines resulted in considerably lower building height for the two wings of the building. The eastern wing of the building measures 73' at the highest point, and the western wing of the building has a maximum building height of 79'. These heights are important to the scale and environment along the plaza and courtyard areas. Unit Summary The residential and commercial unit mix has been included in the revised plans. Staff has reconciled the residential and commercial density based on the PUD entitlements and associated development standards. The proposed design complies with all minimum development standards (building height, parking ratios, commercial and residential density). Parking Based on the proposed residential and commercial unit mix provided by the applicant, staff has reconciled the parking plan with the minimum development standards adopted as part of the PUD amendment. The minimum standards, or ratios, are based on the land use categories outlines on the PUD Development Plan (Exhibit D). The total required parking for the shared use structure is 330 stalls. Of the total required parking stalls, the building design features 10% compact spaces, 8 handicapped spaces, and 64 tandem stalls. In terms of compact spaces, the PUD Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Hotel Sketch Design May 16, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 4 permits a maximum of 10% compact spaces for the entire Riverfront PUD. Therefore, reconciliation of compact spaces will not occur until the final phases of the development. For the handicapped spaces, Section 1106 of the International Building Codes requires a minimum of 8 handicapped spaces, which is what is provided. The handicapped spaces are located in areas where accessibility to the elevators is relatively easy. The other area of parking is the tandem spaces. These tandem spaces were permitted in concept, with the understanding that they would be managed through a valet parking program, all of which would be outlined as part of an overall parking management plan. Remaining issues After discussions with the applicant, it is expected that (1) the snow shedding and snow analysis would be addressed by the applicant during Final Design Review, and (2) a sample of the precast concrete will be available at the meeting. The applicant will also be required to provide cut sheets for any proposed lighting on the exterior of the building. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in the final design application. Staff will provide full plan sets for you to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your May 16, 2006 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann, AICP Senior Planner Attachments Exhibit A: Memo from East West Partners dated May 8"', 2006; Exhibit B: Sketch Design staff report dated March 2nd, 2006; Exhibit C: March 7d', Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes; Exhibit D: Riverfront PUD Development Plan Exhibit E: Colored elevations Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting ids AVON Minutes CU L 0 R T U March 7, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner D'Agostino and Commissioner Evans. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest were report. V. Consent Agenda: Approval of the February 21, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Struve motioned for the approval of the Minutes from the February 21, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings; Commissioner Green seconded and the motion passed unanimously. VI. PUD Amendment / Wildridge - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - REMANDED FROM TOWN COUNCIL Property Location., Lots 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane Applicant: Sam Ecker/Owners: Sam Ecker, Bruce & Susan Baca Description: A request for an amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for three (detached) single-family residences in place of two duplex structures. This amendment would permanently reduce the density for the properties by one dwelling unit. A new lot would be created for the third single-family residence and the vehicular access to the new lot would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. Also being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application. Avon Town Council, at their January 24, 2006 meeting, remanded this application back to the Commission for reconsideration. This item was tabled from the February 21st meeting at the applicant's request. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report and history. of this project. Sam Ecker, applicant, approached the podium to present this project to the Commission and began by stating the restriction of the residence to 5,000 sq ft, dedicating 50%of the current land to Open Space, and public benefits were discussed. Commissioner Green questioned the applicant's comment that this project reduces the area's usage by 25% and Mr. Ecker responded that it eliminates one home from two duplex -zoned lots. Commissioner Green questioned Staff of the existence of similar projects in the Wildridge Subdivision and Staff responded that it had not been done in this fashion with two adjacent property owners. Staff continued that developers, having two adjacent lots, had subdivided prior to construction to create three single-family lots. Commissioner concerns revolved around setting a precedent for single-family erected structures coming in and forcing adjacent owners to comply. A discussion regarding the deeding of Open Space ensued. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING There was no public input provided. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner review began discussing that a 5,000 sq ft home to include garage as appropriate. Commissioner Struve mentioned that the Dry Creek Subdivision was restricted to 4,000 sq ft. homes. Commissioner Green was concerned with setting precedent, reviewing a restriction,to 4,000 sq ft home, and building envelope along with a need for research into similar situation. Commissioner Smith requested more documentation on development rights, concerned with setting precedent, and limiting square footage. Commissioner Struve discussed precedent and how dedication of substantial open space to Town of Avon might work. Commissioner Green asked staff for additional information regarding other areas in Wildridge Subdivision that may be affected. Commissioner Green motioned to table this application in order to provide the applicant the opportunity to structure an appropriate easement or conveyance of Open Space that can be quantified, drawn and shown on a final proposal and that the language of that conveyance be reviewed by the Town Attorney prior to the meeting to be sure it is appropriate for what we are asking for in this meeting and to also allow staff to come back to us and show us, in Wildridge, any areas that might be applicable for a precedence to be set by this. And, that we restrict the building envelope that the size of the building on the site, should it be approved, that it not exceed 4,500 square feet GFA plus the garage and the giving up of the development rights. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VII. Special Review Use Application - Tree Sates - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision / 95 Post Boulevard Applicant: Paul Doughty/ Owners. Traer Creek, LLC Description: A request for a Special Review Use Permit, pursuant to Section 17.48.020B of the Avon Municipal Code, to establish a landscaping nursery for retail sales in the McGrady Acres Subdivision off Post Boulevard. This item was tabled from the February 7, 2006 meeting pending additional information. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner questions revolved on the number of trees bordering residential properties, impact to the neighbors, driveway configuration, POS location and structure to be used, mitigation of dust, and the positioning of the Port -O -Potties. Lighting was discussed along with planting trees and providing drip system irrigation in a corner of the park. The adjacent property owner, Guy Erickson, was present and gave his approval of this application. This Special Review Use would be for 2006 only. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING No member of the public made comment CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Savage motioned to approve Resolution 06-06, approving a Special Review Use Permit To Establish a Retail Tree and Shrub Nursery on Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision, with the seven conditions provided by staff. Commissioner Struve seconded and the motion passed unanimously VIII. Sign Applications A. Master Sign Program Amendment - Petro Hut - CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 67/68, Block 1, BMBC Subdivision / 0008 Nottingham Road Applicant/Owner. George Roberts Description: A request to amend the Petro -Hut Master Sign Program for the monument sign design as well as the addition of a sign to the east elevation of the building. The dimensions and size of the monument sign would be altered and a new 2' x 8' tenant sign (identical to the existing signs that face the round -a -bout) is proposed for the east side of the building facing the off ramp to 1-70 westbound. The mockup of the monument sign, as requested by the Commission, is available for review before the meeting. This item was discussed and tabled from the February 21, 2006 meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Struve questioned if the sign would be lit 24 hours and the response was affirmative. Commissioner Green motioned to approve with the 5 conditions as presented in the staff report. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed unanimously. B. Valley Automotive_ Property - CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/140 Metcalf Road Applicant: Monte Park - Sign Design /Owner. Alan Wigod Description: The applicant, Monte Park from Sign Design,• is proposing six foot six inch freestanding sign -on this Metcalf -Road property. The. sign is unlit and would allow for up to five individual tenant sign panels attached to a wooden background and support posts. This application was reviewed at the December 6, 2005 Commission meeting where it was tabled to a future meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Report to the Commission. Commissioner review discussed the lit timing of the sign; it's landscaping, and a sign mock up. Commissioner Savage motioned to approve Item VII, B, Valley Automotive Property, Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/140 Metcalf Road with the two conditions as provided by staff. Commissioner Buckner seconded the motion and the motioned passed 3-2. C. Confluence PUD — Sign Variance Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: East West Resorts / Owner: Vail Associates Description: The applicant is requesting a Variance from the Sign Code in order to display two 'development' signs, each measuring 40 (5' x 8') square feet. The Sign Code permits only one (1) sign per parcel, lot or group of contiguous lots under one ownership, not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet of display area. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Struve questioned if the sign was [it -and staff stated that it was not. Since the property and situation were unique, the Commissioners were in agreement for two signs. Commissioner Struve motioned to approve with staff's two conditions. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. The motion passed unanimously. IX. Sketch Design Plans A. Confluence - Riverfront Subdivision Hotel Building Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: East West Resorts / Owner. Vail Associates Description: The applicant, East West Partners Inc., is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. Theiproposed hotel building includes a hotel programmed as a condo -tel, a spa facility, meeting space, restaurant, retail, and professional offices. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Chuck Madison approached the podium to begin the presentation and discuss materials to be used on the project. He also presented a Building Area Summary, which was not included in the packet but requested by staff. This summary revealed total building area at 482,865 square feet with 139,602 square feet dedicated to parking. Mr. Madison continued that staff had requested a unit count and it totaled 206 units made up of 121 hotel rooms with 5 one bedroom, 51 studios, 62 2 -bedrooms and 18 3 -bedroom units. Commissioner Green requested detail materials transition in a full size plan set for Final Design examination purposes as well as building sections in order to understand articulation of facades. The plaza and public spaces and master -landscaping plan will be presented in separate __applications. "Commissioner Savage commented that the view of the front of the building from the Avon Center needed more of a "wow" factor. Commissioner Buckner mentioned that this area was substantial in size and lighting and landscaping could be enhanced for effect. Commissioner Buckner continued with comments on the pedestrian wall to the river and its impact, suggesting a ribbed texture with landscaping. Mock up presentation was to be submitted to the Commission sooner than later. A snow management consultant will be presenting snow solutions. The refuse and recycling area were discussed and its impact. Mentioned was the great importance that the Plaza has to the town. Mr. Madison mentioned that they would attempt to provide as much material as a possible for the next meeting. Tambi Katieb voiced concern for the gondola termination points and Mr. Madison remarked that it was presented to Town Council at their last meeting and would provide it to staff. Mr. Katieb mentioned the Arts Council and appropriate places for its future placement in conjunction with the Town Center Plan. B. Wuhrman Duplex Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 540 Nottingham Road ApplicandOwner. Gerald Wuhrman Description: A sketch review for a duplex located on Nottingham Road immediately east of Bristol Pines and Beacon Hill Condos. A similar design plan has been presented to the Planning Commission at previous meetings. The structure is constructed mainly with wood siding and features stackable condo design with two separate garages on the entry/ground level. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. - Commissioner Struve questioned the optional floor plan, if it were for either floor and the response was positive. Gerald Wuhrmann approached the podium for Commissioner questions and discussed the drainage and roof issues. Mr. Wuhrmann would like to trade off the stucco with masonry and use stucco instead of lapboard. Commissioner Savage suggested that the chimney and the siding should be different materials. Commissioner Struve commented on the other elevations to break up all the stucco. Commissioner Savage questioned the driveway with Mr. Wuhrmann trying to get approval from the adjacent property for access. Commissioner Green expressed that the garage was too short, the height restriction on the building was according to Code and could not be varied, and disagreed with the applicant's interpretation for a boring look to the rear elevations with a suggestion of a hardy plank stained for interest, perhaps making the roof a deck was a better solution than mere access to the roof for maintenance issues, and told Mr. Wuhrmann the project needed a better design. Commissioner Struve questioned the game room on the ground floor, the applicant responded that it was to be a common amenity. Commissioner Struve remarked that the colors have to be earth tone, siding was okay, mansard roof was okay, and landscaping would,be critical at final approval. Commissioner Buckner commented that something was missing from this project and suggested to speak with a local design and concept professional, suggested a flat gabled roof with forms to move the flatness, a mansard roof was not a consideration, needed to see a mock up of the materials being considered, and commented that the basement was an opportunity to sell with window wells and natural light to enhance the project. Commissioner Smith concurred with the other commissioner comments, commented that elevations needed help, and the sides of building needed reconsideration. XII. Other Business A. Comcast and cable issues are being worked on with Scott Wright and Town --- —`Attorney, to address issue.---" B. An amendment to Title 8, Nuisance Code, would be scheduled before the Commission within the next month. C. East Avon redevelopment plan to be presented within the next month or so. D. Housing needs assessment study will begin soon. E. The status of the Gates performance bond issue and revised mock up for the Gates should be available at the next meeting. F. Lot C will be presented to the Commission at the next meeting. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Terry Smith Vice Chairman Phil Struve Secretary Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission A\Mqv�z V O N Meeting Minutes COLORADO May 16, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. If. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. Ill. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item VIII, Mockup Design - Gates on Beaver Creek -Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision / 38374 Highways 6 & 24, and Item XI, Final Design Plan — Residential, A, Property Location: Lot 2, Dry Creek Subdivision (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision) / 2510B Old Trail Road be moved to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Goulding, Commissioner Struve, Commissioner Foster and Commissioner Lane were present along with the applicant for the site tour at the Confluence. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Lane And Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Item XII, Sketch Designs — Commercial, A, Confluence - Riverfront Subdivision Hotel Building, Property Location. Confluence/95 Avon Road and Item B. Confluence - Riverfront Lodge Building, Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road, Applicant. Zehren & Associates / Owner: East West Partners. V. Swearing in and Appointment of new Commissioners: Phil Struve and Chris Evans. Appointment of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Commission representative to Village at Avon DRB. Debbie Padilla, Assistant Town Clerk, swore in Phil Struve and Chris Evans as Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Commissioner Chris Evans was nominated and Commissioner Smith seconded the motion for -- the position of Chairperson and all Commissioners were in favor. Commissioner Smith was nominated for the position of Vice Chair. Commissioner Green seconded the nomination and all Commissioners were in favor. Commissioner Struve was nominated for the position of secretary with Commissioner Smith seconding the nomination. Commissioner Struve accepted the nomination and all Commissioners were in favor. Commissioner Smith was nominated to be the Commission representative to Village at Avon DRB. Commissioner Smith accepted the nomination and Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VI. Consent Agenda • Approval of the April 18, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. • Approval of the May 02, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes with the correction that Commissioner Smith was swom in at this meeting. • Approval of Item VIII, Mockup Design - Gates on Beaver Creek -Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision / 38374 Highways 6 & 24, with the darker color selection. • Approval of Item Item XI, Final Design Plan — Residential, A, Property Location: Lot 2, Dry Creek Subdivision (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision) / 25108 Old Trail Road. Commissioner Green moved to approve the Consent Agenda with corrections as noted and Commissioner Smith seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. VII. Special Review Use Application - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 4, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/147 Nottingham Rd Applicant., Dennis Pappas /Owner. Randy Massey Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) application for an automotive repair land -use on Nottingham Road. The property is located within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zone district, and accordingly "automobile service and repair' is allowed only with a SRU permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the commission. Commissioner Green questioned the uses that were incompatible and was referenced to the Comprehensive Plan, page 25 under Neighborhood Commercial definition, by Eric Heidemann. Commissioner Evans referenced the parking summary as it pertains to the designation of 5 spaces for the Dollar Rental Company. Mr. Heidemann voiced that code requires 3 spaces per 1000 sq ft of gross floor area and proceeded to elaborate on the spaces and their locations. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Dennis Pappas, Chief Operations Officer for L & H, approached the podium to address this application and continued to explain the proposed usage of the space as light maintenance and do estimates with extensive work shipped out for repair. He continued that he was in disagreement with the staff report. He stated that the building on the property was designed for automotive. Randy Massey, owner, explained the company's use of the facility. Mr. Pappas responded that 8 employees would be on site with a car wash in answer to Commissioner Foster's prior question. Commissioner Evans asked if either would be on site to handle operations. Mr. Massey would be in daily per Mr. Pappas and Mr. Pappas would be in three times a week. Commissioner Evans stated that no damaged cars would be housed outside and asked who will be enforcing it. Mr. Massey responded that a local resident has been hired to maintain the facility and its contents. Commissioner Evans questioned the comment that 'their place is a showplace" with the response that it would be kept clean and maintained, pleasant to look at. Commissioner Struve asked for this item to be tabled for commissioner input. No members of public addressed the issue. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Evans voiced that the applicant needs to define and commit to the building's use, and commented that the building was very use specific and the commission may make suggestions but the applicant was responsible for presenting the commission with their ideas of the project. Commissioner Struve commented to the applicant that the building would be used for the highest use possible for the Town of Avon with no large trucks on site, no for sale vehicles, signage, landscaping and screening. Commissioner Goulding commented on the aesthetics of building, landscaping for = softness and drainage, policing of activities proposed by applicant, and $4000 damage or over would need transport truck and how was that truck used? Commissioner Foster commented on exterior aesthetics, cedar fence indicated a junk shop, and a visual of how it would be a showcase. Commissioner Smith commented that it has been a junkyard for a long time and queried how would the screening look. Commissioner Lane agreed with Commissioner Smith on the screening and was concerned with the look in the community. Commissioner Green agreed with, his fellow commissioners comments, how was the environmental situation of fluids and such being dealt with, and the site was the entry to Avon and the architectural was important to the commission. Commissioner Evans remarked that the site could embellish the building. Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item VI, Special Review Use Application - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 4, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/147 Nottingham Rd, with Commissioner Foster seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion to table was approved unanimously. VIII. Mockup Design -Gates on Beaver Creek- CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision / 38374 Highways 6 & 24 Applicant: Steven Heinen, Ivins Design Group Description: This is to discuss the on-site mockup. Action is required on the mockup design panel, and approval of this mockup must take place prior to May 31, 2006 in order for the property to remain in compliance with its current Development Agreement. This item was moved to the Consent Agenda. IX. Minor Project - ERWSD Building - CONTINUED Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant/Owner. Ronald Siebert, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Description: Design review for a new building at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation building fronting the Eagle River between the bike path and the railroad tracks. The building is required for UV water treatment and would have a 28'x 44' footprint and is located on the south side of the main treatment facility. The building would have cedar sided walls and a metal roof. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Tim Reitz, ERWSD, approached the podium to address commissioner concerns of this application. He presented some photos to the commission to show the trees and berms proposed to hide the site. Commissioner Struve voiced concern regarding the bike path, lack of trim on the roof, which makes it look industrial, and would prefer more bushes and trees. Commissioner Goulding was concerned with light from the top of the building's skylights. Mr. Reitz responded that the facility typically functions only during the day. Commissioner Foster remarked that landscaping would make it visually appealing. Commissioner Smith agreed with the landscaping. Commissioner Lane agreed Commissioner Green that architectural continuity would be ideal but landscaping plan would be appropriate. Commissioner Evans agreed with his fellow commissioners. Commissioner Green moved to table Item IX, Minor Project - ERWSD Building, Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, until a landscape plan was back from the applicant. Commissioner Goulding seconded the tabling and all commissioners were in favor. X. Sketch Design Pians - Residential A. Property Location: Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge / 5141 Longsun Lane - CONTINUED Applicant: Rick Dominick, Aker Architects /Owner: Tanavon Corporation Description: Sketch design review for duplex on the downhill side of Longsun Lane. The building would be comprised mainly of stucco and wood and is situated on a steep lot. This lot was tabled from the Commission's April 4, 2006 meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented to the commission the staff report. Kirk Aker and Rick Dominic, Aker Architects, approached the podium for review of the application. Mr. Aker began with the steepness of the slope and the driveway reconfiguration. Commissioner Struve requested discussion of the roof materials. Mr. Aker responded that shingles could now be used instead of metal since the roff pitch has been modified. Commissioner Foster discussed the landscaping in the driveway and snowmelt. Commissioner Goulding addressed parking maneuverability and backing out not into the roadway, north elevation garage and entry elements continued to look mirrored. Commissioner Smith suggested a model. Commissioner Evans commented on the north elevation with some covered roof form over the stairs, perhaps cross bracing, anchored visually. Commissioner Struve mentioned the metal was fine as accents pieces and landscaping was key, mirrored images need to be changed and the two front doors shouldn't look so similar. B. Property Location: Lot 3, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Applicant/Owner. George ("Tripp") Plavec Description: Design review for a new duplex structure on Wildridge Road East in the Wildridge Subdivision. Proposed materials include stucco, bev lap siding, stone, and heavy timbers. The structure would total approximately 8,300 square feet, with each unit measuring approximately 4,100 square feet. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. George ("Tripp") Plavec, owner, approached the podium to discuss the project, showed the commissioners a rendering with greater space on the front elevation, discussed the setbacks and the spacing away, driveway maneuverability has 29 feet, discussed the size of the garage, back slope was pretty buried and was concerned with future maintenance, two stucco colors are being proposed and siding could bean option if required. Commissioner review discussed view from each side, appearance of the mirrored image, driveway maneuverability, landscaping was important; tandem parking was a concern, and a change of dormer from one side to another. C. Property Location: Lot 24, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Coyote Ridge Applicant. Andrew Abraham /Owner. Mike Farr Description: Andrew Abraham is proposing a single-family home on this Coyote Ridge property in Block 4 of the Wildridge PUD. The home is large with approximately 9,000 square feet of livable space with 7 indoor garage parking spaces. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commissioners. Andrew Abraham, architect, approached the podium to discuss the application and began that he lowered the project to accommodate neighboring view corridors. Mr. John Sweedem, neighboring property owner, was concerned with the 18 foot above grade that blocks his view corridor and would appreciate 6 feet lower. Jim Wiley, 5586 Coyote Ridge, commented on the interesting design and was concerned with the substantial sprawl of the project. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Evans asking of the ridge height with the response of 35 feet. Commissioner Green questioned the materials being proposed, stucco may not be appropriate for this project and a 35 -foot garage structure may not be necessary and could be mitigated. Commissioner Struve remarked on this the architecture was interesting, with the free standing garage, there were too many buildings on site. Commissioners concurred that landscaping would be an important aspect, to review eliminating the bridge element and create a single structure, perhaps by pulling the house closer to the barn. XI. Final Design Plan - Residential A. Property Location: Lot 2, Dry Creek Subdivision (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision) / 2510B Old Trail Road Applicant: Michael Sanner, Architect /Owner: Trent Hubbard Description: The applicant is submitting a final design plan for a single-family residence in the Dry Creek PUD on Old Trail Road. The sketch design review for this property took place at the Commission's April 18th, 2006 meeting. A.final design plan was approved for a single-family home on Lot 1 of the Dry Creek PUD at the April 41h, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Moved to Consent Agenda. XII. Sketch Designs - Commercial - CONTINUED A. Confluence - Riverfront Subdivision Hotel Building Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant East West Partners / Owner., East West Partners Description: The applicant, East West Partners Inc., is, proposing a Sketch Design application for the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. The proposed hotel building includes a hotel programmed as a condo -tel, a spa facility, meeting space, restaurant, retail, and professional offices. This item is continued from the Commission's March 7, 2006 meeting. Commissioners Evans and Lane have reclused themselves from this agenda item due to conflict of interest. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report and discussed the material and structural changes to the project. Commissioner Struve questioned the shading and the December 2181 presentation and Staff addressed the applicant to respond. The response was that their architectural firm would review it. Andy Gunion, East West Partners, began his presentation with historical data of the project in order to bring the newly appointed commissioners up to date. Andy White took over the presentation and discussed the new elevations, the darkening of the exterior colors, less glass by moving the showers in the units, and changing the window design, the upper most floors were no longer iron clad but changed to stucco. The south elevation had changed by color, extension of the shed dormer by 20 feet and the change to the top story material. Conversation arose regarding the changes to the exterior color and what had prompted said changes. Mr. White continued by presenting each floor plate of the structure and voiced that parking was appropriately adjusted to the changes in unit numbers.,--- B. umbers. -- B. Confluence - Riverfront Lodge Building Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: Zehren & Associates / Owner: East West Partners Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for -the Riverfront Lodge. The proposed building is comprised of approximately 75 whole ownership units and has a maximum building height of approximately 95'. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Jim 7, East West Partners, presented the project and began that there are 75 whole ownership condominiums for sale with two and three bedroom units primarily and larger units on the top floor. There would be a small check-in and lobby area, 2 or 3 hot tubs and the amenities at the Westin would be a the owner's disposal. Exterior materials would include duplication materials from the Westin with attention to consistency but not duplication. This building was phased to be erected after hotel completion. Tim Losa, Zehren and Associates, approached the podium to continue the discussion of the project and present preliminary details. Commissioner Green began comments that the intent of the guidelines was not being met, a color rendering would be beneficial, articulation of the fagade was necessary, needed more interest in the structure, would like repetitiveness eliminated, entry seemed disproportionate and needed attention, and the hot tub area could use landscape element. Commissioner Foster commented that dormers don't solve issue of a long plane, needed image of retaining walls to determine if trees should be saved, and the hot tub needed to be addressed. Commissioner Struve voiced that the challenge was to be complimentary but not the same, walls between the bike path and retaining walls cannot be an unwelcome look in the project, save the tree, use pavers and not stamped concrete. Commissioner Goulding stated that the trees and spa area are codependent on what the best look for the tubs location can be; elevations show no soft comers as desired in the guidelines, stone along the decks and patios needs balance, east exterior elevation stone foundation stops at the window bottom, and to consider rich colors and texture. Commissioner Smith voiced that the entryway was blah, and a better illustration would be encouraged XII. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects Tambi Katieb, Director of Community Development, updated the commission on the Town Center Study looking at new development and infill development, what was possible and what were the goals, and this final portion was financial and would be presented to council on Tuesday, June le, at 2:30 pm. for two hours. Color renderings should be provided to the commissioners in the packets and a conceptual landscaping plan provided at sketch design review. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, - - Ruth Weiss - - -- - — --- --- -- - - Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary WESTIN RIVERFRONT RESORT & SPA Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule Integrated Lighting Design: 2609 Issue: April 14th 06 FIXT FIXTUR�r4 %fAD�ILizfacs rl rw�EERENCED REMARKS' s TYPE :1 GR' =IONi Ut1I s A DESCRTPTIOI� 7 N ANI7Ii EXTERIOR FIXTURE TYPES All exterior fixtures need to be listed for outdoor use.For all low voltage fixtures, fixture manufacturer to provide transformers as required. Electrical engineer to locate transformer out of sight in an accessible well ventilated location close to the fixture to avoid voltage drop. For all tree -mounted fixtures, paint conduit to match finish of the -trunk. Lowyoltage beam Lightolier- C4MRD-CCD• recessed 1 50 G.E 50 MR -16/10 C4LV. 4" dia tu aperre EC re docessedt deg SP/ 12 volt opening, 5-1/4" recessing depth. Decorative Allow watts As specified by the ED pendant 1 each Architect RECEIVED MAY 1 9 ZUU6 Community Development / Hydrel #7000-35CMT6- Metal halide ] 35 Philips 35CDM 120-TSP2-YM-FJ84-IHL- To be surface mount to signlight T6/ 3000 K LPI -DDB yoke mount signlight Lumiere # Cambria 203- CRS-50MR16-12-BZ with Low voltage stake G.E 50 MR -16/24 remote transformer EB mount adjustable 1 50 degree beam NFL/ mounted to GSOI Ground uptight 12 volt mount spike. Provide the fixture with internal black hexcell louver Lowyoltage beam Lightolier- C4MRD-CCD• recessed 1 50 G.E 50 MR -16/10 C4LV. 4" dia tu aperre EC re docessedt deg SP/ 12 volt opening, 5-1/4" recessing depth. Decorative Allow watts As specified by the ED pendant 1 each Architect RECEIVED MAY 1 9 ZUU6 Community Development / WESTIN RIVERFRONT RESORT & SPA Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule Integrated Lighting Design: 2609 Issue: April 14th 06 FDfT REMARKS Q150W RSC T3/ Bega 8406 surface mount o the beam highlighting be surface mounted EE Halogen uplight 1 150 Frosted uplight. Finish black to t the ceiling Lightolier - C4MRD-CCD- Low voltageG.E 50 MR -16/24 C4LV. 4" dia aperture EF recessed 1 50 deg NFL / 12 volt opening, 5-1/4" recessing downlight lr th Metal halide 39 watt G12 T6 Bega 8714ME ground EG walkway lights 1 39 MH recessed walkway light. y g Finish black Metal halide 39 watt G12 T6 Bega 8729MH ground EH bollard 1 39 MH recessed bollard. Finish black I RECEIVED MAY 1 9 2006 Community Development WESTIN RIVERFRONT RESORT & SPA Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule Integrated Lighting Design: 2609 Issue: April 14th 06 F=..,- FIXTM- 3 SMP "u lk t `Y y REFERENCED ' REMA$KS, TYPE DETSGRIP II110AYt Q%YAZ]iV�tl'�xinFDSGRIl TC�Nat 't1y1AZFir di ' ..4' ' EXTERIOR FIXTURE TYPES All exterior fixtures need to be listed for outdoor use.For all low voltage fixtures, -fixture manufacturer to provide. transformers as required. Electrical engineer to locate transformer out of sight in an accessible well ventilated location close to the fixture to avoid voltage drop. For all tree -mounted fixtures, paint conduit to match finish of the trunk. Hydrel #7000-35CMT6- To be surface mount on Metal halide Philips 35CDM 120-TSP2-YM-FJB4 IFIL. EA 1 35 a stake and recessed signlight T6/ 3000 K LPI -DDB yoke mount junction box. signlight Low voltage stake EB mount adjustable uptight Low voltage beam EC recessed downfight ED Decorative pendant Lumiere # Cambria 203- CRS-50MRI6-12-BZ with G.E 50 MR -16124 remote transformer 50 degree beam NFU mounted to GSOI Ground 12 volt mount spike. Provide the 50 G.E 50 MR -16/10 f deg SP/ 12 volt fixture with internal black hexcelllouver Lightolier - C4MRD-CCD- C4LV. 4" dia aperture opening, 5-1/4" recessing As specified by the 1000 Allow 10011 Architect. Allow a budget watts each of $3000.00 for the cost of the fixture. RECEIVED MAY 1 9 1ULJ Community Developmant WESTIN RIVERFRONT RESORT & SPA Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule Integrated Lighting Design: 2609 Issue: April 14th 06 acs +'REF�RENi2ED� , .,r .REMARKS mamas TTt+lln Tli�fl1T�/\RI�Ai11L�shil�ftZiitTiC'[�/ZnTtYT'!Y_�l:i t .\�.AA. T1TC!!{ at,:i�_ff �:��t1.1+� t.. -'f'. .� _. Q150W RSC T3/ Bega 8406 surface mount To be surface mounted EE Halogen uplight 1 150 Frosted uptight. Finish black to the side of the beam highlighting the ceiling Low voltage Lightolier - C4MRD-CCD• EF recessed 1 50 GX 50 MR -16/24 C4LV. 4" dia aperture downlight deg NFL / 12 volt opening, 5-1/4" recessing depth. Bega 8714MH ground Metal halide 1 EG 39 39 watt G12 T6 recessed walkway light walkway ugh MH with integral ballast. Finish black Bega 8482MH Bollard with shielded light source Metal halide 1 39 39 watt GI2 T6 with #894A Anchorage EH bollard MH baseplate 5 1/2" Diameter and 31 1/2 " high. Finish black RECEIVED MAY , -I. _ Communny L)evelopr..snt WESTIN RIVERFRONT RESORT & SPA Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule Integrated Lighting Design: 2609 Issue: April 14th 06 EI Not Used Bega 3043P wall recessed F -J Recessed step 1 26 26 wattPLG 3000 step light. 9 7/8"x9 7/8" light K face plate with integral louvers. Finish black. Step light EK integrated within 1 the handrail 35 35W GY6.35/ 12 volt Bega 2212 with guard. Stainless steel face plate, tempered prismatic glass lens. The fixture will be integrated in between the handrail posts. Ornegalume 60 -117T8 -S - Fluorescent 17 watt T-8 W -A -N fluorescent light EL lightstrip mounted 1 17 fluorescent/ 3000 strip. Provide with under bench K intergral ballast G.E 50 MR -16/24 RSA MicroGem # Mlv Low voltage EM 1 50 degree beam NFU 3052 with SH -2A shallow To be recessed in the adjustable accent 12 volt remodel Housing and canopy frame remote transformer EN Pathway lights 1 50 Clear, ED -17 base EO Not Used Low voltage 300 PAR 56/ MFU EP swimming pool 1 300 12 volt lights Architectural Area Lighting # BACRD-50 MH- DBZ, 42" higb with 14.75 " diameter lamp shade Bollard Hydrel #4425-13- P563001 LV -12 -NSP -CLS - NM -IB -CSL -SWM -LPI - SS underwater pool fixture. Electrical engineer to provide remote transformer per all applicable codes. Locate center of fixture 18" below the water RECEIVED MAY 1 9 2006 Hydrel #4800 -RD -B -M75- uommu I 8M 12 -CLS -NM -SWM -LP Low voltage G.E 50 MR -16/24 underwater fixture. Locate center of fixtuie EQ under water 1 50 degree beam NFU Electrical engineer to 12" below the water fixture Q Jacc=i 12 volt provide remote level. transformer per all applicable codes. WESTIN RIVERFRONT RESORT & SPA Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule Integrated Lighting Design: 2609 Issue: April 14th 06 ►®0 Low voltage in - ER ground uplight 1 ES Decorative Sconce 1 Lumascape LS333/ brushed stainless steel face G.E 50 MR -16/24 plate finish with a hexcell Please make sure that the 50 degree beam NFU louver. Provide with fixture will handle 50 12 volt toughened glass. Electrical watts engineer to provide remote transformer per all applicable codes. To be selected by the 75 Allow 75 watts. Architect Allow a budget of $400.00 per fixture. Low voltage G.E 50 MR -16/24 Lumiere # Westwood 404• ET uplight/ Downlight 2 50 degree beam NFU column mounted to the um cylinder 12 volt columFinish Floor at Flo above or 70 watt Metal Bega # 2855MH Recessed EU Ramp Light 1 70 Halide, Clear, ED- Ramp Light. Please mount 17 base -3000 the center of the fixture at Degrees Kelvin 18" AFF RECEIVED MAY 1 9 2006 Community Development F12 7000 SERIES This compact fixture fulfills numerous architectural and landscape applications. The 70DO Series provides equivalent spot and fluorescent Flood performance in a housing only half the size of larger fixtures. intelligent Design Hydrel attends to details to assure the designer that a quality product is placed on the job. Owners can expect excellence and long product life from the leader in the design of sealed fixtures. The 7000 Family delivers protected performance. Protected Performance Protection: • Rugged die cast housings and doors • Tough mountings Stainless steel fasteners Self-sealing silicone door gaskets Tempered glass lenses Textured powder coat finishes Performance: - High efficiency reflectors • Variety of standard NEMA patterns internal 6 external glare control Lockable aiming • Wide dynamic range - 26 Watt Fluorescent to 70 Watt HID • Low energy. efficient Fluorescent to high intensity HID. • High power factor magnetic and electronic ballasts Ease of installation and maintenance Nt101n(9L M Mounting Versatility A wide vaiery or 7000 Seies motmov options are evadable. Staxhim Tee Mant shown above. Yoke Mount on Mhitectral .kmction Bax shown to right. Performance New efficient lamps and resect= avow desoms to downsne to this small one gmvarter a bro root flood fight. Construction Crrrical searng to prevent water intrusm is aaco npssned wim Hyakers proven Toatng d=1 design, n wtwh the szcone gasketedkms and door asswrmby fasten to internal tvadmrry emaam even see&g presmr 7000 on ?cFMamb urKtbntBac C�'f iJ MAY 1 ;1 , _, , Community unro,,niH NOTE": T1lISF1ATCRECI•'TISFORINFORALdTIONONLY. REFER TOSPECIFICATIONSFORALLCl.•lTALOGNBENS.IAMP&FIXISHPS.F((� Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa ProjectOr 2609 Date: April 14'b,1006 Tlpe: Lighting Fixture Cut SheetLnmp: L� �1 I 'r6 ' G'— rI re =r vdren r rcurrnla nccraer rare d»7 M........ ......... c..:,. Inn "-.r_- d. A;_. r•d CA7e1 r-, xuY mr xsn ren xnr 7nrxn "S Mounting Versatility A wide vaiery or 7000 Seies motmov options are evadable. Staxhim Tee Mant shown above. Yoke Mount on Mhitectral .kmction Bax shown to right. Performance New efficient lamps and resect= avow desoms to downsne to this small one gmvarter a bro root flood fight. Construction Crrrical searng to prevent water intrusm is aaco npssned wim Hyakers proven Toatng d=1 design, n wtwh the szcone gasketedkms and door asswrmby fasten to internal tvadmrry emaam even see&g presmr 7000 on ?cFMamb urKtbntBac C�'f iJ MAY 1 ;1 , _, , Community unro,,niH NOTE": T1lISF1ATCRECI•'TISFORINFORALdTIONONLY. REFER TOSPECIFICATIONSFORALLCl.•lTALOGNBENS.IAMP&FIXISHPS.F((� Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa ProjectOr 2609 Date: April 14'b,1006 Tlpe: Lighting Fixture Cut SheetLnmp: L� �1 I 'r6 ' G'— rI re =r vdren r rcurrnla nccraer rare d»7 M........ ......... c..:,. Inn "-.r_- d. A;_. r•d CA7e1 r-, xuY mr xsn ren xnr 7nrxn BEAM CONTROL- 7000 SERIES Five Floodlight Optical Systems TSP Tight Spot For appliadom requiring a pattern with a dghc concentric beam Opdorul htemal Glare Carmol Source Sh1eW 16SI 110131 TSP 70W MH T6 50% Beam 13•x11' Max Candel 48,042 n 21r� Beam shown: 70Watt Metal Hat lamp with opdmai ntemal source shiaW OSS). Future 6 feet fan test wail, gVOROL NHSP Narrow Horizontal Spot For applications requiring a horizontal beam. Standard Intemal linear Spread Filter (LSF) ,ty�Jt NHSP 70W MH T6 60% Beam 56'x15' Max Candel 4,157 nr_ 2P � Beam shown: 70 Warr Metal HaCde lamp with standardmean saread itter(LS9. FUture 6Met from test wail, MFL Medium Flood For appBodom requiring a pattern wim a widm concentric beam MFL 70W MH T6 50% Beam 18'x13' Max Candel 27,191 r 27r r_ Beam sham: 70 Wdtl Metal Haide lamp. Future 6 lest from test wail, SAME AS ORIGINAL FL Flood For appicadom requiring a wide horizontal pattern. MM FL 70W MH E17 50% Beam 73'x99' Max Candel 1,440 , 2(rn Beard Showy: 70 Wan Metal Haide lamp. Fafxe 6 fiat fan test wail, t --'A 4 FL Fluorescent Flood For appkadons requiring a wide horizontal pattern. FL 42W Ru".TRT 50% Beam 76'x111• Max Candel 571 r_ err_ Beare shown: 42 Hatt Ruorascent letup. Fable 6 feet learn test waI RECEIVED MAY 1 9 2006 9'OTE: Tl11SFlATC'RF.Ct,TlSFORIA'FORM:ITIONOA'L): REFERTOSpEC1FlG4TlONSFORALLCAT.•rLP@�rmyR eyN ,19"k4S1lES L•7C Westin Riverfront Resort &Spa Project l!: 2609 Date: April l4 , 20061.{+ 'Tl -pe: Lighting FLvmre Cut Sheer .. ^ Lamp: 1 � ' �'G9R� �ii7N1 . .. __._..... ........... "I'll ------ 7nh M,,rinn del_ Rn. CA 00292 /ar310.30lj1S60 310.301.7060 7000 SERIES - MOUNTING Mounting options KM YM Knuckle Mount Yoke Mount Mounting Accessories s. o -L J r,ARM PSSA PMSA Pole Mount Knuckle/Yoke (Shown on pole) -) Imbp 1w ww FJB Ruth MountJurtctort Box KnutlUe/Yake SMSA Stanchlon Mount Ktdckle/Yoke SMT Sunchlon Mount Tee Knuckle/Yoke ,1 1 M PAR /PAS Pole Ann Round Pok Ann Square Knudde/Yoke 7000 SERIES -DIMENSIONS rn Gxhes ff kndea) o Yx a B t� _ D =71GS Bata u i o GWe t Doors 1— Shield ]4tlOR®L Mounting Accessories ee= l I0 Mounting Options ss e Clewed wall Mown is _ —�rI — Y Iti] Im k PILT :`rVl KM m e tv Knuckle Mount YM Yoke Mount OAccessories 6 d Stanchion SMSAIB Mount Stanchion Mount o Yx a B t� _ D =71GS Bata u i o GWe t Doors 1— Shield ]4tlOR®L Mounting Accessories ee= l I0 Elm y ss e Clewed wall Mown W y �hIIf l u Iti] Im e tv fs ar PSSA Pedestal 6 d Stanchion SMSAIB Mount Stanchion Mount I y diie 41® 1Y)TF: TI/1SFIATi:RFC(.TISrOR1A'FORA1.4TIO.NO.NLI:RFFF_R Resort 2609 Lighting, Fbaure Cut Skeet Lrinlp:.. y IARCCDATFn IlCRTINC 11FClCN 1Nf 4222C1in.n..A WMSA TWO WM Mount Tree Mount WMSA WM Mount- Kntxkle/Yoke .EwM Extended waa Mown Knudde/Yoke I Two t"t 11e d ;: D1.W•q PAR4/PAS4 Pole Arm Round Pole Arm Squire d PATR / PATS Pole Arm TWin RowW PoleArtn Twin Square Knuckle/Yoke aWx q ]1 n•1e•L PATR4/PATS4 . • W •q Pole Ann Turin Round Pole Arm Twin Squall t u ®I3. ]M 6 c SMT tv Stanchion Tee Mount ]W ]O ]M ® ma ®lo RMN IN Im 'ml® ®Iw to PMIA Pole Maunt RCtl41D&irg1E=jteCunw Junction Box Junction Box MAY 19 [Uua rOSTFC1FICdTIOA'SrORALLC.. •1LOG.KUIIB 4A4AII'Sen A'LSIIFSFTC. mmunt♦iav�opm E 22��•.,, , Date. April! 14", 2�006I � �T:11-Pe: cnu. 200 Mnn rlel Rep. CA 90192 far.3101301.1560 310.301.7060 k a � 'SPECIFICATIONS Description 2 / ORDERING GUIDE — 7000 SERIES The 7000 Series Flood Ught is a compact, high performance outdoor fixture accommodating lamps to 70 Watt HIO. This unit b designed to provide consistent styling within HydrNt floodlighting systems.Wlsh a varlety of distributions and mounting options, the 7000 greatly extends the uniform lighting capabilities of lower level floodlights.This fixture is fully sealed and suitable for wet locations. Features & Specifications MATERIAL- Die can aluminum housing and door. . LENS: Fat tempered glass. L.MF- Intandescent T4, Mird-can to 100 Watts. Fluorescent TRT Triple Tbbe lamps to 42 Watts. HID: F6, G12 to 70 Wash, E-17 medium base to 70Watss; Elliptical, E-27 to BO Watts. SOCKET: Incandescent MWtan screw, base. Fluorescent 4 -Pin. GX240 base. HID: G-12, medium, or E27 base pulse -rated 4KV. VOLTAGE: See ordering guide below UGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: See ordering guide below. REFLECTORS: High purity anodized specular• semF specular, or patterned lighting sheet In "dour configurations designed to provide maximum performance and uniformity. LENS: flat tempered glass. MOUNTING: See ordering guide below, Mounting Options and Accessories on page 46, and Mounting Option chart on page 64 for comprehensive list of mounting capabilities. Knuckle Mount Die last aluminum with 1/r NPr galvanized nipple. Yoke Mount Aluminum wish 101 of 18.3 STW flexible cord for US standard. 3m of 30(1.0mm H07RN-F cable for European standard. Polymer yoke mount caps are back finish. GLARE CONTROL- Internal Slam control elements. External, adjustable barn doors or fixed Slam shields available. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS: Integrally mounted ballasts rated for low temperatures. Fixtures am 1010% factory tested. FINISH: See ordering guide for colors. FASTENERS: Stainless Steel. LISTING: U.L, GU.L, CE. NEMKO. WEIGHI: 20 lbs. EPA: 0.64 NOTE: AN lamps most be rated for 'Universal Burning Position because fixtum de changes lamp orientation. VOTE: Community Development THIS FLITFRF. C'1 TIS FOR INFO RAI.4TION ONLY. RFFF,R 70 SPFC'IFICdT1ONS FOR r1 LL C 4T. -I LOG RU:IIRFRS 1_4.NPS. FIS ISHIS. I.7r. B Lighting Fixture Cut Sheet Project #: 2609 Lomp:4�u l Vote. to, 3,U..i01.1560 310.301.7060 weed w.e.9.6Lam waw. oimierkn weafey w.a6.9 xee. Jtcemariea lr(p RdA lbup tr to one"sx RL ttvauN W. tgrsrs�aram uu• amser raYY ser too Is m xtsmr •lstwwr tar n Na M s s»� EWelltat s ma r�us> i• K�9ig .�[ r oIn Wall, m nasals n.rot mo=rn= vur+m�w.Nea`4 SNA Mr.rx nor coos mai as v"N� tma. oma+ rmrrm as r+r am m(oa 60(04 In era swa.sr vm+ oaw.m 11116e W~ vo Srm Qlxl mW mIW an �r Oi'r Qb rrbA E8s1Y ere to, TWO Lvwa,(Na n.rrsr n 1eIIe norY br/� w e O,a, r mn..a M Evuo" ''Y°•sYmEYrr Iwr' Mia ltr o "a9.el n m rr rangy ESP to anns" 4v n an aerr nawrr wrwrurslaria.y Ettr�. Ea"rasa mom" 4o Is an'sN.a..rewoaraware ruw—r Mr Merr •rYYFfr,s.rre Qrf. r01 80ESP Ce M(w—E pyblrn4rr r� 14NIrRrOV WS IIT' to a61n •N/,Y � Mb�r4 tlland CU.LLwted tw Let En tae to x4 u1 eee Ere w +NTP a msW -E MwNse r, •I..b.Mamaa" rPrw—w Ma.x.�w.trr wet beatbnx. r raarnr.rr( Mete—✓ Mw.w.�wuasr NEMKO CE® an °w�rarNa MnV--✓ M.wxw MLLrm IP85 L4Eklg $111 En last "rgs.ra.rerr. Msrw—er Mw+t+sr..ra M Err ora e,. rYeawrw it9—er ftle" aat•a °to.�a++r.r.° Mutu—✓ Hydrel is an IS09on r M vP m r,lilml worn, Certified Kanutacturer, in SA`�EAS RECEIVED ORIGINAL MAY 1 g 2000 NtlORODL a. F VOTE: Community Development THIS FLITFRF. C'1 TIS FOR INFO RAI.4TION ONLY. RFFF,R 70 SPFC'IFICdT1ONS FOR r1 LL C 4T. -I LOG RU:IIRFRS 1_4.NPS. FIS ISHIS. I.7r. B Lighting Fixture Cut Sheet Project #: 2609 Lomp:4�u l Vote. to, 3,U..i01.1560 310.301.7060 El CAMBRIA 203 liwl i0 IOGp mIY\� >BIr SPECIFICATION 0 DESCRIPTION The u ltro-compoct. MR16 industry standard. Available with My odpntable side swivel stem 1203. 203 -FL). center rear swivel (P03.CRS) or rear Iksh mount 12034M). Lenses, louvers and color or dichroic filers ca be combined - up to thea at once - to create multiple fighting effdcts. Lum(6re's exclusive Siphon Protection System (S.PS.) prevents water from siphoning into the future through Its own lead wires. MATERIAL Precision -machined from corrosion -resistant 6061-76 aluminum or solid brass, bronze. copy ar stainless steel. FINISH 6061-76 aluminum is double protected by a chromate conversion umdercmil ng and polyester powdencoot point finish. llass, bronze, copper and stainless steel is unpainted to reveal the natural beauty of the material. Brass. bmrze and copper will polho naturally over time. ELECTRICAL Remote 12v step down transformer required (not Included). See Accessories & Technical Data section far ordering Intamalion. LABELS & APPROVALS UL and CUL fisted, standard wet label. Manufactured to ISO PWI-2000 Quality Systems Standard. IBEW union node. Approved by New York City Dept. of Buildings. Bureau of Bectrical Control far use In New York City. NY. 1i Accent / Flood — Low Voltage SAMPLENUMBER 4 )1203 2150MR16 31 12 4INBR I MODEL FINISH 203 1 /T NPS side swivel stem 2D3 -CRS 1 /T NPS center rear swivel stem 2nFM 1/T NPS rear push mount 203FL 1 /T NPS side swivel stem / push less 21 SOURCE Halogen SWR I6 SOW / MRI6 / G115.3 (imp not kxkdcdl 31 VOLTS 12 IrirWIM eomtanerMuLked (clot FGdedl 4 FINISH Pointed BK black BZ blame CS city silver VE WH verde white rT, �f NahrolMetal NBRBR brass Md� - NBZ "` brdruu3-- --- � o NCP copper NSS stainless steel WARRANTY Materials and workmanship are warranted for three (3) yews. AUXMM equlpment such as transformers. ballasts and lomps NOTE See Accessories & lecMicd Data section for oddliond carry the original manufacturer's warranty. optical. dectricd and mounting accessories. L, ttl/LAA,.f�hl�i �Hrt-,o,,�QNt� RECEIVED Mbtiature low vnhage refiamr lamp dmw• lights provide a narrow sharpedged distrib- ution with a high intensity punch of fight. Low brightness reflectors assure minimum source identification. Marches appearance of other Evolution 412' dowrilots. Features Reflector 16 ga. Spewlar Al7aka aluminum. 50e cut- off to lamp and lamp image. Iampholder assembly snaps into reflector from below at a pre-lecused position insuring correct opti- cal alignment. Trim Self -flanged reflector available with a white painted or polished Barge. optics Interchangeable optics allow lamp and dis• tribution changes after installation Non -IC Mounting Frames Compact frames designed for commercial applications. For installation in plaster or drywall ceirugs up or 11/4' thick Removable top provides access from above. LL Listed. suitable for damp loan as. Non -IC Missal Mounting Frames Energy efficient frames designed for non - insulated residential applications. For installation in plaster a drywall ceilings up to 1 1/4'thicln Futures care complete with swivel locking mounting bars for easy installation UL Listed, suitable for damp locations. AirSeal IC Mounting Frames Energy efficient frames designed for resi- dential applications, UL Listed for direct contact with insulation, suitable for damp locations. For installation in plaster or dry- wall ceilings up to 1' Nick Futures come complete with swivel locking mounting bars for easy installation. 41Qe Aperture — Non -IC Mfli6.42W-75111 s Vr I yr sur ----J I lsvr�—�—Jl Howto Specify Croat-5Inv neEma frena UIVIRD © C4W COALY hFramhGtNanrnion and dnes1 see Dela SZ 41/1" Aperture — IC Mfl16-50W Mas Naw to Specify Cunni -5 air RN hand CSMBB 0 CHICLY h Frar•Y.ra Inf mmadon yd dveaicra sm cow 4.. SAMEAS ORIGINAL Candlepower Carve ceefgdeameludlmtim 73W Mai6R Reflector Finishes Be 120% Fund ©clear Ime ® Diffuse m 50 to ®Gold r ® White B A R BQ Black I flange Options I®VvNte Flange r W-1 Polished Rage ell Accessories '9• Uses AF2 series cola and specialty filters. 0 see page 53. 41Qe Aperture — Non -IC Mfli6.42W-75111 s Vr I yr sur ----J I lsvr�—�—Jl Howto Specify Croat-5Inv neEma frena UIVIRD © C4W COALY hFramhGtNanrnion and dnes1 see Dela SZ 41/1" Aperture — IC Mfl16-50W Mas Naw to Specify Cunni -5 air RN hand CSMBB 0 CHICLY h Frar•Y.ra Inf mmadon yd dveaicra sm cow 4.. SAMEAS ORIGINAL Candlepower Carve ceefgdeameludlmtim 73W Mai6R %rdilq Be 120% Fund 13M Initial Lemma Ime . %was m 50 to Ow spade nickel I- B A R mrnaa F a' 151 a SI .79 .77 s is 3z .g 7 A .76 Ja 34 6 ]7 is a .75 .A ]I r a n z5 6 .n]aR .71 R B r 00 55 7 SOBA Bamdm Wxff W61L B R A SI MISYMnesuna O SI A R aap109IFB IO A B S7 ei3ecy-Ila% Single Unit %snip %WA Multiple Units Height In Yids) Ime sPoaeoee Udaes Fact • Ow spade nickel nye pace inner mrnaa F a' 151 Zr C 7a s is 3z s e v 67 34 6 ]7 r a as r a F a 52 r H r 00 55 r to 35., ,rap Bamdm Wxff W61L To50%aQ MISYMnesuna Candlepewer Cana Cuficimmial Wliatim 50WMniBR am Yiml Linin %snip %WA W ta7%Red 50 A 10 "foam iridw IIS 9d A Lotions Feet • a MMis nor Cad, g8 3 2 a A16 S/ BA So r in •�E 5 A ]9 .77 n 25' SB " .I5 r 9 7 .JB A .77 r a B 35 .71 A r a 9 70 R "enact QUIER Elmncy-Ba3% to . .73 .71 R B Single Unit Multiple Units "foam iridw ami SrniaBr U Lotions Feet • Bb SM" If" nor Cad, man mrwaa Ramada r in Ica r a T N 25' S 91 ._ r 9 3z r 91 r a dS T is Ir a 40 r u Or I% aS r 10 79'leamard BaMm6ea60'rpntPlA.II TOW%W OVA211%M®m RECEIVED MAY 1 91006 Community Development -TOTE: TlllS!•%%7t/RECt:7/SFORINFORA1.4TIONONL)'.REFER TOSPECIFICATIONSFORALLCATALOG A-144IHERS.L-IMPSFINISHES4,1M_::: Westin Riverfront Resort Lighting FLrlureCwShee/ INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN. INC. Project #: 2610, 9r�Y�- �Date: Apriil 144"', 2106 TFpe: LnmP: ! fop CCiM 4222GIrnear Aeentre..0 Fte200 Mnrinn iel Rn•. LkA1911292 far3111.401.1.560 .310.301.7060 � Surface mot4tted floodlight for - Ili deecllindirect i6uminalcn with i - rnour ling canopy and stainless ` steel outriggn aim with nein stainless steel swivels. B Full optical asyttmeVical reflector. Clear tempered glass. Color: Black ar write. A. C. Lamp Lumen A B C 7614 wf enn 1 015OWRSCT3 2400 Slaw 19"A4 3w 7615 Wean 1 0350WRSCT3 10000 10% 27Yu 4% 1 Walkmfg tn nwuna floodlightfloodlightfor tluect(uWuact AkYninalian. A c Full optical asymnstdcal rellecter. Clear tempered glass. Stairleu steel swivel. Color: 8lach=w lte. SAME AS OR11GINAL BEGA RECEIVED MAY 1 9 2006 WeStln K1YerlrOnt Ke50rt im 3pa rrq/ecr a: tpaY uare: April rw-yr ,x Tu r.rycr Lighting Firrure Cut Sheet Lump:Q 4 `I 7'i t'^R� INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. 4222 GlencoeAvenue., Suite 200 Marina rlel Rei•, CAr 90191 jar310.301.1560 310.301.7060 147 or Lang Lumen A B C 7460!536 1 0150WT3RSC 2400 5Wr 3% 11 7465 1 035OWT3RSC 10000 10Y. 41A 13% wf A'nlppie 1 0150WRSC73 2400 3A 9SL unn wr u•��.,w I nvcnv ocr ry imm n, .nv. eu .vu RECEIVED MAY 1 9 2006 WeStln K1YerlrOnt Ke50rt im 3pa rrq/ecr a: tpaY uare: April rw-yr ,x Tu r.rycr Lighting Firrure Cut Sheet Lump:Q 4 `I 7'i t'^R� INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. 4222 GlencoeAvenue., Suite 200 Marina rlel Rei•, CAr 90191 jar310.301.1560 310.301.7060 147 Miniature low voltage reflector tamp dowry lights provide a narrow sharp•edged dstrib• 41/2" Aperture — Non -IC MRl6 - 4ZW -75W `�o 7 ;,,qq i I .mss Rowfespeclfy on0e1.51116' amem France C4MIIU © M Cala Farnesk A'I tionero Ioo smpavea SAW, As OW(7INAL 41/2" Aperture — IC MRl6-SOW Max Newa Specify 00100-51/117 Avaer Fear C/MRO FC—LW1 CUJCLV FQ Famhrn Naeeom and damave run pal sic Candlepower Cam CoetiticaUeludla,tlas 73WIMISFL ution with a high intensity path of fight 6a as%Real Low brightness rellectorsassae miniman gen sauna identification. Matches appearance w ao 10 of other Evolution 4 W do wdights. SmDm Litid Features 25 .W m Reflector Ir III 16 ga. Specular Abe alanimalt 50° cut- Jul 29 .n off to lamp and lamp image. lampholder N assembly snaps into reflector from below at 36 .75 .74 a pre-fatused position iftanitg cafect opti- It 51 al alignment. .75 .a n Trim Ir a Self -ganged reflector available with a white .73 .70 m .71 is .E6 painted or polished flange. sr Optic 13 15 O Interchangeable optics allow lamp and ds• eeadm6auctuaapl0l.it tribution changes after imiallation. .fib A At Non -IC Mounting Frames 9 - la Compact foam deified for aoaiercial applications. Fw installation in plaster or drywall ceilings cep to 11/4• thick. Removable top provides access from above. IA l -sited• suitable tordamp locations. Non -IC AbSeal Mounting Frames Energy efficient frames designed for non - insulated residential applications. For installation in plaster or drywall ceilings up to 11/4* thick From cane complete with swivel lading mounting bars for easy installation. LR.listed. suitable for damp locations AirSeal IC Mounting Framm Energy efficient from designed for rest• dential appliratons• UL Listed for direct contact with inulatiaq suitable for damp locations. For installation in plaster or dry- wall ceilings up to 1• thick Fixtures come complete with swivel locking mounting bars for easy imtallation. Reflect" Knishes © Clear ® oiffm ® Gold r ® Wma fasted 2 Flange Options 'I 0 ®WNanage ffe'-1Plkshed Rage Gi Accessories 70, Uses AF2 series color and specialty filters. 0 see page 41 41/2" Aperture — Non -IC MRl6 - 4ZW -75W `�o 7 ;,,qq i I .mss Rowfespeclfy on0e1.51116' amem France C4MIIU © M Cala Farnesk A'I tionero Ioo smpavea SAW, As OW(7INAL 41/2" Aperture — IC MRl6-SOW Max Newa Specify 00100-51/117 Avaer Fear C/MRO FC—LW1 CUJCLV FQ Famhrn Naeeom and damave run pal sic Candlepower Cam CoetiticaUeludla,tlas 73WIMISFL %car" 6a as%Real 1aID MW tarda gen . %Was w ao 10 DW SmDm Litid 1 25 .W m mane, from Ir III t Jul 29 .n S a6 N g 7 36 .75 .74 34 It 51 a e .75 .a n r a Ir a 5 6 .73 .70 m .71 is .E6 S a sr 7 13 15 O Id eeadm6auctuaapl0l.it B .fib A At a R.panomm Ufc.a7.7aa% 9 - la be bl .59 R SO A Slagle Unit %Gree %Win Multiple Unhs xeiyaa riou gen Sadpeatleefi Weed Fac- DW SmDm Litid pale allo aeon mane, from Ir III u r n S a6 N S a 6 i7 34 It 51 r a es r a Ir a 57 It u S a sr 9 71 eat Id eeadm6auctuaapl0l.it 10506 to 5a%ap 6grFaaR%reeaarcm Candlepower Cam Coef&lannellhllirwdon 55VFAISFL Ion W"lmau %Gree %Win W 0% Rod 50 30 10 r u1 1 .96 ge s7 S N 7 32 so 1D F at M a MP6& r .0 3a s9Lac m a n -- 8 5 in is .77 e 5 6 M .77 .75 2rbwauaod 7 .78 as .n 1050%mp e .75 .77 .70 r e 9 .n .70 n Ragan 0331re Id .71 .® 166 Siegle Unh Multiple Uolts Wigaainitial Bona U"aaaas Ugaed Feu• 04• Spare Met! Ree ode neo m cea a FanMe r u1 zo It a ' S N 7S S 31 F at la a 71 r .0 35 r Is a n -- ,ea• It 17 or a as a it 2rbwauaod fuRdm W s W reanprA.n 1050%mp 101504M relaDunces RECEIVED MAY 1 9 Nud Commti iiw M NOTE. THISFIATURECL.TISFORINFORMATIONONLY.REFER7OSPECIFICAT/ONSFOR.ILL('ATALOGNU,i1QERSL•1AIPSFINISHES•ETC. Westin Riverrront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Dare: April 14'1 a 2006 1 p iTc Lighting FEru/re Cut Sheet Lanlp: G�r,JD 1 Ir , I(-,), + r— L" i .....-.... ..•.-....r..ru.n nr. rrru eav i7+7 r:-�-..- w..-�..- r..:.- 7M Y...:.... .LI D.... Pd ima7: r .- am tnF FCRn 4Fa 1 F i/16171 I 4 t Drive over buried luminaires for special applications Yr icatbns include delineation of ramps, walkways and entrances or Ibrtdnation of pathways. er housing: Constructed of high tensile strength, copper Tree dfe cast aluminum alloy. Inner housing: constructed of copper Irce die cast aluminum alloy, with two piece die cast aluminum clamping ring/coverfguanl, removable for relampklg, secured together with four (4) heavy stainless steel bolts which provide a pressure seat to gasket and glass. Two (2) captive r socket head stainless steel scram secure Inner housing cover to outer housing. Enclosure: One piece heavy d:e cast aluminum cover Win clear borosilicate focusing Ions or IN thick molded glass (molded polycarbanate an 87821211) with cast aluminum guard. Molded, one piece. high temperature silicone rubber gasket. eectrical: (8707110124139) G4, bi-pin with ceramic insulator and high temperature leads. Integral electronic 12OV111.6V transformer. SOW GY6.35 tungsten halogen lamps supplied with luminaire pre4amped at factory. (8714117129149) G12 porcelain bl-pin lampholder with stainless steel contacts. Magnetic HPF ballast available 12DV or 277V - specify. (8782P/1) Compact fluorescent lampholder: GX23-2 (13VQ, rated 75W. 600V, Ballast: Magnetic, HPF. Available in 120V or 277V - specify. Inner housing pre -wired with three (3) feet of 1813 waterproof cable . cable clamp. and waterproof cable gland entry into housing. A separate waterproof wiring box for power supply must be provided (by contractor). Finish: Standard finish Is an eight step process consisting of two coals of black or white high solids• UV Stabilized polyurethane, one with light texture over a phosphate base. Custom colors are not available. U.L listed, suitable for wet locations and vehicle drive over. Luminaires are designed to withstand bads of up to 131300 lbs. at speeds up 1012 mph when Installed on a proper foundation. Proper drainage must be provided as these luminaires are not rated submersible. 138 BEGA A flush to paving luminaire strong enough to allow vehicles to drive over . r • Mi io r rr a� A flush to paving luminaire strong enough to allow vehicles to drive over 0 3 �••r.r. Gmurnd IlluninatorsAlundnated 'speed blmmps' utiift higNy e ® e0iciel Iigta smKoes. Internal optical system spreads light ,--� across a grand paving surface • A A In one a far d'veaio s. 8710. 8707. 8724 and 8739 have integral 12Y ransfamer lar 120V . •.i suppty. SOW GY 636 BI -pin larop supplied. Color. Black. Custom calors not available. Lamp Lumen A B C 8710 Single 60• 1 SOW GY6.3512V 1000 10 7Y. 3 V B714MH Single 60' 1 39WG12T6MH 3300 10 714 314w 8724 Single 180- 1 SOW GY6.35 12V 1000 10 76: 3%, .�8729MH Single 180' 1 39WG12T6MH 3300 10 7i4 3 Y 8739 Twin 60' 1 SOW GY6.3512V 1000 10 734 3%, �i 8749MM Twin 60' 1 39WG1ZT6MH 3300 10 7Y. 355, 8707 Four 60' 1 SON GY6.3512V 1000 10 7Y. 3%, 8717MH Four 67 1 39W G1ZT6 MH 3300' 10 7�Y. 3Y, Lighting Fecrure Cru Sheel INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. BEGA SAME AS ORIGi SAL E RECEIVED MAY 1 9 Gua Community Development Project #: 2609 Dare: April 14'", 200�6� \` 7:lpe: Lan/p: ,Q-qUO�yv OC2 -T& 4222 Glencoe A Venue., Suile100 6lnrina rlelRn•, CA 90291 jae3i0_?oLis60 3iO.30I.7060 139 Indicator Mdnaire. Inner housing removable for clearing and - relamping. Cast aluminum B guard with heavy pressed glass diBusar. Optimal one inch deep guard with poWae=mte diffuser -8782P/I below. • A Color. Black. Custom colas not available. Lamp Lumen A B C 6782P 1 13WPLC 060 10 7Y 2YM 8782P/1 - 1 13WPLC 860 10 7Y 1 �••r.r. Gmurnd IlluninatorsAlundnated 'speed blmmps' utiift higNy e ® e0iciel Iigta smKoes. Internal optical system spreads light ,--� across a grand paving surface • A A In one a far d'veaio s. 8710. 8707. 8724 and 8739 have integral 12Y ransfamer lar 120V . •.i suppty. SOW GY 636 BI -pin larop supplied. Color. Black. Custom calors not available. Lamp Lumen A B C 8710 Single 60• 1 SOW GY6.3512V 1000 10 7Y. 3 V B714MH Single 60' 1 39WG12T6MH 3300 10 714 314w 8724 Single 180- 1 SOW GY6.35 12V 1000 10 76: 3%, .�8729MH Single 180' 1 39WG12T6MH 3300 10 7i4 3 Y 8739 Twin 60' 1 SOW GY6.3512V 1000 10 734 3%, �i 8749MM Twin 60' 1 39WG1ZT6MH 3300 10 7Y. 355, 8707 Four 60' 1 SON GY6.3512V 1000 10 7Y. 3%, 8717MH Four 67 1 39W G1ZT6 MH 3300' 10 7�Y. 3Y, Lighting Fecrure Cru Sheel INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. BEGA SAME AS ORIGi SAL E RECEIVED MAY 1 9 Gua Community Development Project #: 2609 Dare: April 14'", 200�6� \` 7:lpe: Lan/p: ,Q-qUO�yv OC2 -T& 4222 Glencoe A Venue., Suile100 6lnrina rlelRn•, CA 90291 jae3i0_?oLis60 3iO.30I.7060 139 Untitled Document annapolis features > NEW Smart bollard with solar light > marks pathways, directs pedestrian traffic > provides a safety banter to vehicle traffic > structural steel body: cast aluminum top > securely embeds in 18" of concrete > removable version locks in place > more details 6' diameter 12' diameter removable style optional lighting low voltage or solar protective outer sleeve selection of colors More Details :: SAME AS 01:Ir' IN.AL Page 1 of 2 eexigt»U er91m1wr7rm,W .r. Offered In 6' and 12' diameters with or without low -voltage lighting. .w NEW Annapolis Smart Ballard features solar lighting for 6" embedded or removable styles. ■ All bollard styles are constructed of a structural steel tube body with a cast aluminum top and spun aluminum base ring ■ 6' and 12' embedded bollards securely embed in 18" of concrete ■ Removable style is offered in 6" diameter and secured in embedded steel socket: Includes keyed lock for security and cover plate, which stores within the base when the bollard is fixed in place. Upon removal, the cover plate fits flush with the surface and is secured with a chain. Embedded socket and cover plate are constructed of hot dip galvanized steel. Removable style is only offered in 6' diameter and without lighting. ■ Low Voltage lighting is available for the 6" and 12" embedded styles. Lighting is designed to mark a path and provide a level of security. ■ New Smart Bollard is the first bollard with integrated solar powered lighting provided by advanced light -emitting diode (LED) technology. Smart Bollard is offered for the 6' diameter bollard in embedded or removable styles. Lighting Is designed to mark a path and provides level of security. - -- ,m Annapolis Smart Bollard is solar powered. The absence of wiring saves on Installation, maintenance and energy costs.11 is off the grid. In case of power emergencies it just glows on. ■ Smart Bollard is intelligent Microprocessor technology automatically turns lights on at dusk and off at dawn. An 'Intelligent energy management system' calibrates light output to the amount of energy in storage to ensure uninterrupte function. ■ Smart Bollard Is efficient. LED light is generated by tiny silicon chips which require a much smaller electrical charge than incandescent bulbs and waste almost no energy through heat dissipation. As a result, they are 100 times as efficient at producing light as incandescent bulbs and last about 20 times longer. ■ Smart Bollard Is state of the art and durable. The completely unitized light, has no internal moving parts and no wiring, is environmentally sealed in a clear, patented polymer dome that traps sunlight and protects the solar panel from damage and dirt. Its crystalline solar panel has been tested under extreme environmental conditions. ■ Smart Bollard Solar light may be added to Annapolis bollards already installed on a project Call for our Annapolis Smart Bollard Retrofit Kit . ■ For technical specification Information regarding Annapolis Smart Bollard, download the Annapolis brochure from the Literature and Images fink above. ■ All metal (other than stated above) is finished with Landscape Forms' proprietary Pangard II® polyester powdercoat, a hard yet flexible finish that resists rusting, chipping, peeling and fading. See materials link for standard colors. Optional colors also offered. ■ Protective polyethylene sleeve with bead -blasted finish is available for both diameters in two standard colors - black or silver. Custom colors available on orders of 50 or more for an upcharge. - RECEIVED Sustainability and LEED MAY 1 9 2006 Eli Community Development cm 4r,)nnc Untitled Document Page 2 of 2 ■ Landscape Forms Panguard II (R)Powdercoat rinish contains no heavy metals, is HAPS-free and has extremely low VOCs. ■ For more information about Landscape Forms sustainable products and policies, please refer to our Environmental Statement Dimensions ' ■ 6' dia. x 33' h ■ 12'diax33'h To Specify. Select Annapolis So7ard Choose ■ 6' or 12' diameter embedded style, or 6' removable style With sleeve (choose black or silver) or without sleeve ■ With or without fight For 6' dia. may be solar or low voltage. For 12' dia. only low voltage offered. Low voltage light not offered with 6' removable style. .z If low voltage lighting chosen, choose transformer if desired .r. Powdercoat color ® Landscape Forms copyright, 2006 RECEIVED MAY 1 9 cuuo Community Developmell15: 0 httn•//www lnnrlsrann.fnrmc rnm/nrnAnrte/nrrrccnrv/nnnnnnlis nrint htm ';/I 70W BEGA • SAME AS Die cast alumimcn faceplate. _... _ Rush machined clear tempered glass with translucent white B ceramic coating Maida. Rush stainless steel fasteners. -- Color. Black or while. A C Lamp Limen A B C 'r,.•. 2092 Recessed OD 1 f01V G4,12V 136 3% 3% 314 3116P Recessed CD 1 13W PLC 800 71h 7% 4 t S. 3041P Recessed OD 1 2600 PLC 1800 954 9'6 515 -. � . �?�. � . • ti :+ 3941MH Recessed CO 1 3900 G12T6 MH 3300 9'A 9'b 5% . •v.:. 1;� j 522 C.P.C., Concrete Protection cover for 3116P ,1.`- `�• r`. :r 524 C.P.C.. Cmcrele Protection cover for 3041P, 3941MH _ '�• ,. 7-.,, 1 Die cast aluminlrm faceplate with • � e integralowtempered glass with NOitt etch. Flush stalnlm steel fasteners. Color: Black or wfvte. • .+... A_.....• C Lamp Llrnen A B C 2993 Recessed GD 1 toW G4,12V 130 3% 3% 3% 3117P Recessed aD • 1 13W PLC 660 7% 7% 4 3043P Recessed GO 1 26W PLC 1890 931 9% 511, 3043MH Recessed OD 1 39W G12T6MH 3300 9'r. 9h SIA 522 C.P.C., Concrete Protectim cover far 3117P 524 C.P.C•, Concrete Pmtec9m cover for 3043P. 3043MH MAY 1 9 2006 Community Development Ilub"II mv1 .' IS U111 ROVI I . JP. rrujcv, MI CUV> LUIG ryPro IY ,LVVU I yr Lighting FUlure Cul Sheet Lamp: r2e� .9-- ca INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. 1 4222 Glencoe ArenuG, Suite 200 Marina del do-, CA 90292 fill 310..101.1560 310.301.7060 21 Machined. Cast ellmmurfl.wa..y. Brushed stainless steel hill with A awithout guard. Tempered d gLlss spread tare with N14 linear prisms per inch and B . translucent while ceramic mask. Asymmetrical reflector. - w ') Integral 120V -11.6V electronic Tu transformer. Lamp supplied with kAninalre. Housing odor. Black. white or EuioCWI-. I1 i.T A ..,I.•. ( .{; .r Machined. cast aluminum housing. Brushed stainless steel trim with ar wlthock guard. Tempered glass diffuser, etched Lamp Lumen A B 2111®' ton 1 20W G4.12V 350 4Y, 20/4 2112 YGuard (W 1 20W G4.12V 350 431 39. 2211 M) 1 35W GY6.35.12V 650 61'. 311 2212 -/Guard LW 1 35WGY6.35.12V 650 631 3Ww I1 i.T A ..,I.•. ( .{; .r Machined. cast aluminum housing. Brushed stainless steel trim with ar wlthock guard. Tempered glass diffuser, etched r Lumen (law voltage) or with Internal white B Ceramic coating (fluorescent). Symmetrical fight dstriibudm. ton Low voltage l ninaires have 350 integral 12OV-11.6V electronic 2% transformer and lamp supplied. '/Guard CO1 Housing color: Stack. white or 350 EuroCoalm. r BEGA 844.r RECEIVE-) MAY 1 9 Lute Community Deveiopm®nt Westin Riverrront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Dale: April 14"', 2006 T9pe: , Lighting F&wre Ott Street Lamp: 35 Llclx y Ce�Yco -S5-- lav - 14- rNTFe:RATFn f lrnT1Nr: nF_C1r:N. lNr: 4222 rYrnrne Avenue_. SuA fan Marino del Rer. CA 90292 far310.301.1560 310.301.7060 41 Lamp Lumen A B 2113 ton 1 20WG4.12V 350 431 2% 2114 '/Guard CO1 20W G4.12V 350 431 39. 2214 m 1 35WGY6.35. 1ZV 650 631 3% 2217 %Guard LSD 1 35W GY6.35,12V 650 BY, 3W) 2208P CO 1 9W PLC 575 631 3% 2209P VGuard Q0 1 9WPLC 575 fits 3Ww r BEGA 844.r RECEIVE-) MAY 1 9 Lute Community Deveiopm®nt Westin Riverrront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Dale: April 14"', 2006 T9pe: , Lighting F&wre Ott Street Lamp: 35 Llclx y Ce�Yco -S5-- lav - 14- rNTFe:RATFn f lrnT1Nr: nF_C1r:N. lNr: 4222 rYrnrne Avenue_. SuA fan Marino del Rer. CA 90292 far310.301.1560 310.301.7060 41 Ion Shatter nil Balasts as tgldng 6/03 SAME AS ORIGINAL 0 () . --Q6—. Okeg.alu.me_6.0.00 Watheash / Fluorescent - Caine Compact Fluorescent - Inteorai Ballast Wass latah Sockff"Mn 11051clor _:SWAVICs _ Modal Na_ 26W lout G24a3. Aspra ac Canted %12WE_-&V'" 3M 1010 G24W 6mmietrr ceteral 60•132rKS-%L H_� 42W 101¢ G24o3 AWtrvreeb centered 66142TT&VJL" 36W 13• 2G1t4PML•L Acmeneo-tc Centered .... 60.1368X•6•W.1M4 40W 24110 2G1l4FvK-L Mmuebi Centered _ --.- 60.160GX.SW-A•N__,__ saw 200 2G114ROuha Aamrreeic Centered 6D150BX_S.WA•14 Compact Fluorescent- Integral Ballast (Lapps In Cross 2d96W 26M 24 114' 2G11.4ROLl x AWmwkt Centered_ ___6p250BX•s•W4,N •— WSW 24114' 2G1l4PixWia Asmmatrta Cemend .M255BX•sWAN _ Long Compact Fluorescent - Integral Ballast ______ �•_ 26ow 48114' 2G11.4vnGwa• Asymneaic 24• 60250BX•S•w_kN____ 2x55W 461147 2G11.4PK)Axt Asymmetric 24' 602MBX.SWA-N _ 4>50W 96114' 20114PWAU Awffmxtc 6C 6045081FSW" • 42M 9611e 2G114R Oulux Asmaretrc 64• r 60455BX MV4-N ®Ca • {fYl 2sw 36114' 9tPtn19 atmamhc za• _ 6o-1z5ra,&WA-N ivs 32W 48114' SWOTO /u+)_r•neatc 32 �_ 6gt3zr9sWAi1 _•„_. tow 601w MftT9 Asmvrwbc 4ir 6g140T68WM7 'V Bracket 2X32W 961w Bt7nT9 Asymmetric 6C ___6D23MS-W_A-N MM, 821,:1 TB HO - Integral Ballast 48W 491le KO. Asymmeae 32 _ 60'I4&i0-S4N-71___ 96W 96114' H.O. Asyn"bc 64• _ 661900&VA" 2d96W 192 KO. Asyarne5tc 12T 662961i05•Wr1N Ordering Information: am 0 mon" Calor vettage Reactor ON" S Saha L411etaae k120v RFbod L•tmrdLa L•Tw.de WWnee SZM WWareaN XBL• GmrW Badu taws C(>,rsm Gs. Gbn shwa ILU• n'am MA10-10-auaeeann CL- Cdaedtens MM, 821,:1 C«mia tacmrylorarsssndaaets,langtq.and«times S.B9' • L H .3 .89 _ ORGATECH OMEGALUX 511 N. Virginia Ave. Azusa Ca. 91702 tat: 626.969.6820 Toll free: 877.841.6589 fax: 626.969.6830 Internal: orgalechomagalua.com RECEIVED 27 MAY 1 9 cuuo 6/03 .VOTE: T}IISFLTURECfTISFOR INFORd1AT10.ROM.S.REFER TOSPECIFICATIONSFORALLCAT4L0t&jijfMyMM) ?"F EIC. Westin River(ront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Date: April 1.0', 2006 Ttpe:� I P Lighting Fixture Cut Street Lamp: Vi LoKyy T lA•rFrRATFn tICHTING DF_CIGN. INC. 4222 GlencoeArenrra. Szra 00 Mann lie/ Rep. CA 90191 ax3/0.301.1560 310 101.7060 M 0 /et Location Glass Lens : Location vn) ME HU SAME � ��.,�� micro O GEM. MicroGem.Trims Die Cast Trim w/ Cross Blade Louver Halogen MR1612 volts 75 watts max. Item Description MLV3046 White Trim w/Specular Silver CrossbladeLouver -Can accaptw u um m M&W xcassmea •aabaplamenb.taa Die Cast Trim w/ Regressed Baffle - 35a Adjustability Halogen MR1612 volts 75 watts max. Rem I Description MLV3049 White Trim w/Black Baffle (shown) MLV3052 Black Trim w/ Black Baffle �— MLV3053 White Trim w/White Baffle - V acInntsbrm • G. xnpt w m two m.p&d accessaes Die fast Trim w/ Regressed Reflector -35aAdjustability Halogen MR1612 votes 75 watts max Item/ Descriotion MLV3055 White Trim w/Clear Reflector (shown) MLV3057 White Trim w/Black Reflector MLV3061 Chrome Trim w/Clear Reflector •Sadrymba.r -Can xcap.pa"m w" accun es Die Cast Slot Aperture Trim - SM Adjustability Halogen MR1612 volts 75 watts max Item Descriotion MLV3064 White Trim MLV3066 Black Trim MLV3067 Industrial Silver Trim (shown) .V.*Mbin •Can seeapt.p ma mGWW acnsaaes Die Cast Adjustable Pinhole Trim - 2' Aperture - lA Adjustability Halogen MR1612 votes 75 watts max Item I Descriotion MLV3D68 White Trim w/Black Baffle MLV3069 Industrial Silver Trim w/ Bla ck Baffle MLV3090 White Trim w/ Black Reflector iats4oubw MLV3091 Industrial Silver Trim w/ Black Reflectorl.a.cnwatl MLV3092 White Trim w/Clear Reflectorinmara=ai MLV3D93 Industrial Silver Trim w/ Clear Reflector (pt avpuaa.) •Gnaeiapl Yp bbN m.Dtlpl xeaif011af a MAY 1 9 zu6i :COTE. 71/1SF/.tTL'RECLTISFORIA'FORA••lATIOA'OA'LJ: REFER TOSPECIF1G4T10.KSFORALLC.4TdLOGA*(,.4�4MPSF/ lFS.LTC. Commutt evGloplll Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Date: April 14", 2006 7tpe: �' p U.lrtinE F&tureCtrtSheel Lamp: so M[L'�t�+l L^ i INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. 4222 GlencoeAvenue.. Sr ire 200 Murine del Ret•, CA 90292 fav 310.301.1560 310..±01.7060 SA EAS ®�IN� micro GEM. MicroGem Low Voltage Housings la@CVr{tpwima igmnmiai .IM rsnrtl amr. w ronfnel 113vft dome is mN IV =,,ah11AWGSRI uredmbmklAirt- m 5 r29Tt aaaA' aM d ms Atte r) � Shallow Remodel Housing -for Remote Transformer hem Description SH -2A Shallow Remodel Housing for Remote -35 Watts Max Mechadml---'Datial Fmddedria hva Dlt¢mbW wbgmd So"IsIlAWGSF-IWada rwWhF ass that aeyrrt is- vmdcaly a accmaripdauvmim ceinpaicLmsa This housing _ is NOT N_FateA Coanetor mwctfolaw N.EC- code for Dass2vMno RECEIVED See page 31-32 for remote transformers MAY 1 9 2006 Community Development NOTE: THISFIXTURECGTISFOR1XFORAJ.4T1OA'ONL):REFERToSPECIFIGaTIOASFORALLCaTALOGNUMBERS.L•7d1PS.FVVISHFS.L•TC. Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Drlle: Arll I4A,, 2006 G Type: LigliingF&lureCal Sheet Lnn2p: —�6 •� L— M ! ' jru 310.301.1Sdd 4/0.30!7!/60 INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN. INC. 4222 GlencoeArenue.. Serine 200 Marina de/ Rey CA 90292 Insula ted Ceilingp.C.IHousing Item Description Item/ Description r Max �•:: C-700 I.C. Housing - 50 Watts Max :.Max �`,. ---� Mechadcd onukd Max. ' N aharimn crosWemn PmLm Ah vvWed tgt magM& evakmmar Ms baaW ;Max. / rwa ma*t Wd IS an. Heel hanpa bars d*Md Ramcdan Ow paams mm nodal 115 tepee t5- vark* h pmmr hams Is W am K Smkd h pr.wiN Is fbpawith 11 .ft nmykad'm IA r"6 can be amrWad Is N-. Nmmbq vrAa PiwaWNhlIDrakaTrmslmim's mN as Kso"i.pw adyam IS- wrrkay In porta frM, m 117 Has K Saks Is aa-wbed Is Fbawbh l6 M,W rrmcdm and eakowviq. m®CspplywvnmreMdrm Aeemaban ecce mn dsve raim ce q dickmsea AWD SM Wada Jwa:dmbmi It UL bad hr s PiroyhadhlD vid d vaMOF h agw mnnedc vvnfmma accnsaie aaamNi lrVrliwvkq bS/I2 rDCagpywan ImHSaeMrapn• d+wphednpnpaii. rmepq/lywin hr arldrueAttmaban b6a3rerm6m@ Hem! Description cpWa mtraprel9amdWashigmn ab aFm G-800 Shallow Remodel Housing -35 Watts Max approrea arc MxOen2kr 91C Vmprr rwai4 r ;.. - ratre@iad r=kk4 ctm amt sow l5- vadesy Is Mamalmm¢dmard epames end roffkW 115 d r.mdis teed la@CVr{tpwima igmnmiai .IM rsnrtl amr. w ronfnel 113vft dome is mN IV =,,ah11AWGSRI uredmbmklAirt- m 5 r29Tt aaaA' aM d ms Atte r) � Shallow Remodel Housing -for Remote Transformer hem Description SH -2A Shallow Remodel Housing for Remote -35 Watts Max Mechadml---'Datial Fmddedria hva Dlt¢mbW wbgmd So"IsIlAWGSF-IWada rwWhF ass that aeyrrt is- vmdcaly a accmaripdauvmim ceinpaicLmsa This housing _ is NOT N_FateA Coanetor mwctfolaw N.EC- code for Dass2vMno RECEIVED See page 31-32 for remote transformers MAY 1 9 2006 Community Development NOTE: THISFIXTURECGTISFOR1XFORAJ.4T1OA'ONL):REFERToSPECIFIGaTIOASFORALLCaTALOGNUMBERS.L•7d1PS.FVVISHFS.L•TC. Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Drlle: Arll I4A,, 2006 G Type: LigliingF&lureCal Sheet Lnn2p: —�6 •� L— M ! ' jru 310.301.1Sdd 4/0.30!7!/60 INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN. INC. 4222 GlencoeArenue.. Serine 200 Marina de/ Rey CA 90292 Shallow Insulated Ceiling (I.C.) Housing Item Description 35 Watts Max r 0-900 Shallow I.C. Housing -50 Watts Max -35 Watts Max Mechadcal a.pvkal N skm*m cc; wrrcam. P u W wo lav v9" m mask M shcmer heed mt pm-hu ro D) a4ustable 169a met hmer bemd Mutt naua adromiVt 113 tr wNch can be eaanded Is 2a'. Nambq voRPrkveyWWh tIDwlmTr=0el 1smW eswRpemppam tepee t5- vark* h pmmr hams Is W am K Smkd h pr.wiN Is fbpawith 11 .ft nmykad'm IA accmmm IIs ndme cearq dkknean AWG SFI hada I i 6m W UL Feed lar as Kso"i.pw k gW magmdc nnsiomar mosatW daar.ph Wombwking rm5n297C arWlrw4n I hada It and eakowviq. m®CspplywvnmreMdrm Aeemaban X Fsted br aamyi camp mt reamed.Sw N W.9kigmn ab W vid d vaMOF t ShallowHemodelHousingw/Electronic Transformer Hem! Description G-800 Shallow Remodel Housing -35 Watts Max Madmnkel Decnkel ;.. PmNadwihmo0.4—ble wrkgmel t sopa tlemrade nMIW rkat sM W whniurW der• r=kk4 ctm amt sow l5- vadesy Is Mamalmm¢dmard epames end roffkW 115 d r.mdis teed rr odhlID vadmaeainawb,= es.W rohlass I arner h rsM I97 I" knWW*&ccdm It ,b*sd w"a wb11 kmprel elaNardc trardarnmrwT amrrml 167 Class N. Socket h pro-WrM m {� edm II dmmWprarecmc AWG SM Wads. la Fa MW)acin baa =Wkh I1AWGSF1 Ihrhv*tramh • FOR 271 VOLTTRANSFORMER,ADO--277 TOTHE END OFTHE REM NUMBER la@CVr{tpwima igmnmiai .IM rsnrtl amr. w ronfnel 113vft dome is mN IV =,,ah11AWGSRI uredmbmklAirt- m 5 r29Tt aaaA' aM d ms Atte r) � Shallow Remodel Housing -for Remote Transformer hem Description SH -2A Shallow Remodel Housing for Remote -35 Watts Max Mechadml---'Datial Fmddedria hva Dlt¢mbW wbgmd So"IsIlAWGSF-IWada rwWhF ass that aeyrrt is- vmdcaly a accmaripdauvmim ceinpaicLmsa This housing _ is NOT N_FateA Coanetor mwctfolaw N.EC- code for Dass2vMno RECEIVED See page 31-32 for remote transformers MAY 1 9 2006 Community Development NOTE: THISFIXTURECGTISFOR1XFORAJ.4T1OA'ONL):REFERToSPECIFIGaTIOASFORALLCaTALOGNUMBERS.L•7d1PS.FVVISHFS.L•TC. Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Drlle: Arll I4A,, 2006 G Type: LigliingF&lureCal Sheet Lnn2p: —�6 •� L— M ! ' jru 310.301.1Sdd 4/0.30!7!/60 INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN. INC. 4222 GlencoeArenue.. Serine 200 Marina de/ Rey CA 90292 Bysted Design: Peter Bysted O Q 11.0" 12.0" Bysted provides downward illumination. The louver shades are painted whim on the Inside. to optimize the reflected light and creates a distinct circular pattern of light on the grouts. Bysted has a ruggedness that makes It suitable for use in public areas. The Cor -Ten steel and cast kon will oxidize with a thin coyer of uniform rust Finish Cor -Ten steel. raw. Material Housing: Die cast iron. Post Cor -Ten steel Base plate: Cor -Ten steel. Mounting Base plate: Mounted to a concrete base with 4 anchor bolts. Base plate dimension: 12.0' dia. Weight Max. 94 its. Label ciIL. Wet location. IBEW. www.louispoulsen.com S p e c i f i c a t i o n 1 Product code Spedfl®Um notes I SYS e. W 2 Light source 1/100W/A-21/CL medium 1 /10OW/NPs/FD-17 medium 1/10OW/WM/ED-17 medium 3 Voltage 120/2774 1204 4 I Finish COR -TEN veWxs ae pro ball with ora 120/Z774 i-tdl style OBIIan. 0. kxarid5caa vitiate b only avaaade N12o4. kdo rptas I. Car-Tm steel Corxdrrs Copper and a U carbon steel. Atte va3etlalrg ift steatite toyer of not aDPeas aril eas m sea-praeR me nrfxa tram Kamer the need f aamsbn tlxld elimnakrg a future meMmnanxe. ileo prouna of amoadon ceases me suf vt xo to bleed. Care must be taken to knrall the bystod 'Oiaae N a drainage pit or In grass to prevent surface staking. a. The camparabie E)J Version has the 1d "Swiardom kgnm Raatlon Code: IPM. RECEIVED MAY 1 8 ZUUo Community Development 7-2005 IPJ NVDR(@ A.%UWo9rn*G. ,xV 4425 WET NICHE MOUNT LOW AND UNE VOLTAGE SWIMMING POOL FIXTURE DESCRIPTION These heavy duty can bronze fonures, recessed in a rtaialen swel taming niche, Is designed for lvet niche type instalatlons and accammodates both 12V and I2OV, PAR56, up to 500 Welts. A can tame safety 'Electro-Eirid' is located foramen the face of the lamp and the lana FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS FIXTURE HOUSING. DOOR B ELECTRO GRID: HaMorall cast brome constnrctior. Natural l mwe finish Stafntan steel trim available. NICHE: Stakdan steel With cast brown mounting ring which has provisions Ion locking the fomrre Into poshiom and low an to tie to forms or steel structural mds. Pressure grounding lug on interior and warier surfaces. Conduit entrance is 314' with 3H's 1? NPT reducer oohing suppried. LAMP. I2N, PA166, 5DOW Mas.12V, PAR56, 30nW Mac SOCKET: Ring terminal conncrom for 12V, Mogul End Prong socket for 170V. 20VC knulated kadc LENS: Haat resistant tempered glass with a 30- spread and a lS downward deflection. Amber, Blue, Green and Red lenses also anRable. GASKET: SinglWpiecemaloed Vshandsilimcc CORD: Mleummn of 35 M f103 ST or US standard, i0m HWUN•Fb i hr European standard submersible card for IN fseturoc Minimum or 3S s1 it&= for US standard submersible rated mrd for 120V frau es Cord entrance is brase. watertight seal and eposy encapsulated. Card kngsb nesss be speciGaL N07E Sufficient cord should be coded in the Inalta rcche to slow for ma rsmo al at fume ro sieve water level or relamplag. FACTORY LEAK TESTED: Rmuea am tested rt lO PSI M70kycmh haemal pressure while totally submerged In water. LOW WATER CUT-OFF: Temperature noting low water mtroH standard. FASTENERS: StalNess MOL LISTING: UL C.S.A. CE CO. NEMKO NOTE HYDREL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MODIFY SPECIFICATION WITHOUT NOTICE Any dimension an this sheet is to be assured as a reference dimensiom'Used for information purposes only. K does nm govem manufacturing w inspection requirements.' (ANSI Y145 -IM OHy" is an ISO gDol C"fied Ma ulacnaer •2004 HydN OGM5103 REV 1 SAMFt AS ORI(A TAL IP68 M ® J I TYPE JOB NAME PART NUMBER YNtl YaY,YI law ileo Yaaaw pYa,aww leu Ywe.a [asY CYV a,IrYaata law l 1� (330) ) t / 10 7/g' / (276) 7 WIG` ♦ Se (105) (16) APPIDVAIS ' RECEIVED MAY 19 2006 NOTE: THIS F1.tT(IRF('LTLSFOR INFORAIAT1ONONU:REFER TOSPECIFIC. Ilaal&a4ky An Sykear.CASIM M®caldsaT.smS Faa:81e-M-154e —*r&w— FINISHES. ETC Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa Project #. 1609 Date. April lie, 2006fTtpe: Lighting FLvurreCutSlreel Lamp: e I/VTF(:RATF.D LIGHTING DESIGN. INC. 4222 Glencoe Avenue, Suite 200 Mariha del Rn'. & 90191 f2Y310.301.I.S60 310.301.7060 SAME AS Y S E IP68 M ® A A 4425 ORDERING INFORMATION 60 Hz Application Choose Me b".ce catdog nanrentl.on wl eea "Is 1-1 needs. PART NB. EXAMPLE+ dd79;; n P565001 120 NSP CLS NM 34B CSL25 SWM LPI SS Model O am Lamp Type O PSSX01 PAR55 Me Distribution" Mounting O NM Niche N Cord Set Longth Lamp O CIS'Comes O MR. Mod. flood OCSL_' 07-120 of O LPI Lamp lens Dau O P5610H FARM MC O NSP Nar. Spot cord available in S Nue- Included emus O 1`565001' PAR56 C OPsomnr O Wn. Wide Need mems/ " \Y O 111 1'll"on PAR56 SwumBottom OCLS9 Comet �' Serve. Ter. Lens Brome Mateddd Voltage Lens I Condult Entries I OB Bronze O 120 O CIS'Comes IL1219 OSWB Salt O '24— lens Dau 0 319 V NPT en Weser Swim ecamn emus OCLSA Cornu 12 Yoh We Low Amber O 111 1'll"on SwumBottom OCLS9 Comet �' Lens Brome swim OCLSG Comas Lops Green swim OCLSRCones Lens Red swim Noses I P5550N wig be used U no Wry is chosen and voltage Is 126 P5£1001LV w9 be used i no lamp is chosen and whage Is 12. ' Distributes a* nequued U IPI is chm m ' Nm al deaibudow are milable with all letups. Check lamp manufactures speclRcatiom. ' CLS will be used U Re Ian option is chosen. ' CSL50 is the maximum cord length for 12 Vah. 02004 Hydro! 0&05104 REV 1 I Application I Options I O SwVI Swimming anl2ll Pool Fnmrre O SS Stainless de jr S SUN liatlne ❑CSA Canadian Standard Association OHydral is an ISO 9001 Cordfied Manufaetunr IMI Bndley Are. S*u,. CA 913Q RECEIVED „ 1;; MAY 1 9 [006 Community Development .V07 F: IIiIS FL\TGRF. Cf.T 1S f•OR I kFOItA1.ITIOM ONL ): REFER TO SPEC1F1G17/ONSFOR,ILL C.•1T.•I LOG AZIAIRERS. 1-4A1PS. FINISHFS ETC. Westin Riverrront Resort & Spa Project #: 1609 Dpte: April 14', 2006 Tvpe. Lighting FLLTureCut Sheet LRRrp:�-��p 'dfi$�-f'.��``i- �L — �.. 2NTFGRATFD LIGHTING DESIGN. INC. 4222 Glencoe Avenua; Suite 200 Mnmr (let Rey. CA 90792 qj rx 110.301.1560 310.301.7060 NUKDD aC L MV1pgr9ars;c p 4800swm LINE OR LOW VOLTAGE SWIMMING. POOL FIXTURE DESCRIPTION SAMEAS AS OR11-GINAL The 4600 Sodas wet niche swimming pool light is smaller in size than other conventional units. They are available with round or square bezel and uses =,15t11V Max,T-4m1nFconor12V,75W Maa.MRl6 quartz halogen lamp. The lamp housing is stainless steel with a cast bronze or stainless steal door. The stainless steel niche includes a banding lug and a 3t4'a PGI6 conduhhub.A clearfrmnel tempered borosilicate lens is standard. FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS FIXTURE HOUSING & DOOR: Stainless steel housing with cast bronze or stairdess steel door. NICHE: Stainless steel with cast bronze mounting assembly, which has provision for posidve locking of the future In position. The unit includes a grounding lug and a 3/4' conduit hub with W reducer or PG 16 conduit hub. LAMP: taw Voltage: IZV, MR -16 quartz halogen to 75W Max Incandescent: 11OV, T4 quota halogen to 15M Mu lamp Included SOCKET: 17OV, mini-cah screw baso; l2V• bi-pin mount G= LENS: 3116' (BOmm) diameter tempered boromTicate, clear fresnel standard. pear, amber, blue, green or red lenses also available. (Colored lenses are not Fresnell NOTE; Blue "green lens available to 100WMax GASKET: Single piece U-shaped molded silicone. CORD: Minimum of 37 of 115.3STfor US standard, 10m of H07RN-F2x4 for European standard, submersible rated cord with ground wire positively grounded inside the forme. Cord length must he specified. NOTE Sufficient cord should be cooed in rho rumre niche to allowhlr Me removal of rawre to above water level for ns ramping. LOW WATER CUT-OFF. Temperature sensing low water cut- oestandard. FASTENERS: Stainless steel USTING: U.L, CSA CE, CB, NEMKO NOTE HYMREL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MODIFY SPECIFICATION W IIHOUT NOTICE Any di muion on this sheet is to be assumed as a reference dimensimc'Used fu inhumation purposes only. It does no govern manufacturing or Inspection requbemens.• (ANSI Y1454973) OHydraliaanlS09001 c.rdnad Manufaauar 7129104 Spedrertlong=tW Mervnted48W_NM_SWM-REVD 1P68 AVM 4 TYPE Jeb NAME PARTHUMBEB urea u.iela tmorm. lagv iwT..� aw Aiaerp ramur W Arowm. t+n os.a Square Bezel Round Bezel e of S IV (1440)0) 61W (1�) B (137) CC 30 11 S tit' 3/y (140) (1a) 6 68) Se r- 64 (168) WARNINru The use of a Ozone generators, Chlorine generators, CopperlSgrer lon penmamrs as certain chmicals fu water purification may cause damage b the fixture If nor properly used When such water pudfintim mmheds are used, be sure to market "a conditions. Subjecting the fumes to 'extreme conditialm7 'harsh envfromern• may cause corrosion and premature failure of components. APPROVALS 1=1 grate" An Slhuar,CA1130 RECEIVED Pa—F=: ; Baa anae•Aya.Lwa MAY 19 '1006 Community Development NOTE: 771LS 1•%1Tl:REGI.T IS1••OR IA'FORMdTIOA' OA'L ): REFER TOSPECIFIC.•1TIONSFOR All C.47:I LOG 9'Ud1SERS l_ -I ifl'S FI.VISIIIS. F_TC. Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Date: April 1¢ , 2006 Tine: Lighting FLWureCut Sheet Lamp:''w ' A ' — INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. 4222 Glencoe Avenue, Surfe_00 Jfadna del d y CAi 90292 jar31/1301.1.560 3/0301.7060 4800 ORDERING INFORMATION W RzApplication 3me botdu P 041Ca „MMMiIY(e eYl EW MXn Wltt ,INW. PART N0. EXAMPLE, 4WD RD I� Door Typa ❑ 48M ❑ RD Round ❑ Sa Square B ❑ B Bronze ❑ SS, $taw= Steel 15 OD 120 CLS VoNAga ❑ 1N ❑ In Distribution ❑ FL' Flood LOW VDLTAGE ❑ MTA MR16 GXS.3 tNCANDESCENT ❑t00a 74 MC ❑ 150a T4 MC Holm SS material available with RD door type only. r Other wtOeges available by request r Transformer not Included, sold separately. 4 Oismbudon oldy regldred on Lav voltage MR -16 fmcras. Other distributions available upon request ' CLS wA be used B no lens B chman ' CLB and CLO not available with 1500. CSLSO is the me , cord length for IN fomees. Carom Hydrel 7129104 SpmrratianShoacuder 14000J1M-SW JWV0 1P68 S ® j I NM 3445B CSL35 SWM _ Conduit Entries Appilcafron ❑ 3445B 3r4' NPT ❑ SWM Swimming at 45' Pool Fixture Moud'a1g Cord Set Length ❑ NM Mln Mt ❑CSL—r 37-12J1 cord available M 5 Increments LP !!Iliac ❑CSA Canadian Standard Associa. tion ❑ CLS` Convex Lens ❑ LP Lamp Swim Insta6ed ❑ CLA Convex Lou Amber ❑ CLB' Convex Lena Blue ❑ CLG' Comex Lens Green 13 CLB Coma Lens Bed O CLC Comex Lens Char sAlqrq, As 0R IstINA1, OHydrNhen ISO9001 Cenifiad ALndamurer 1ta11 &e®nAvc Sy1mr,Gtnn r1a�11a0@•9165 RECEIVED MAY 1 9 200b Community Development .VOTE. TIIISFIATGRECI.TISFORIA'FORAIATIOA'ONLI: REFER TOSPECIFICATIONSFORALLCATALOG.V AIRERS.UAIPSFINISHFS.EW Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa Project #. 2609 Date: AAHI ben, 2006 TPpe: Lighting FLTture Cut Shieet INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC 4222 Glencoe Avenue. Suite 200 Hurina del Rn CA 90292 jovjj0301.1 S60 310.301.7060 LS333A wo.acr. I o e 000 eOe o' s M33A s^, bPe..l fm RIW am RtW aye y_ n>sk� LS333AN1.1cob :yr.. � moeN.rs au: LS333ANI.2 0 0 r.-ti.^•a bqw .fthkombm ': .[i s�prsE�mdoa Ne sA.w fm Mrlwil� ' riro.nm.M otl. bFeruo. 13s WW IIw RW by arYn Okx nrlo McAul LS333AN-1 •fib •A ,,ti ienc.'aea CRaNC...voJa � , l l 6�Nat Coma L LS:33 STAINLESS STEEL Source tza.wmtmn®l Features SUWmwe•.1i.rt.e,310 TagheeOop•..Wi ubm SV IveCip Qvd ORai IrOAtmpem.o d,. dW&merry W*W Falamo®(Rnmpd V�Vd bma ] rc/.duwm. 1y^��H�111 n0.. am, - bv.tl buradtaarrr ,^ 'e monist. V` o mR fill mtmbrr r bn.:nsnr Acr_ssnrfcs rm.. taro mt w vo.t Im W moo som w olm s �massleumY lSm3SS11lfWbl 'J YRYmikl.e.l s tsm<ow.:fwr . aeoawpn r a:mesar.ura ' Y lSmimlmlW.1 lrmL mlmMml ' a tsmc[eornre,o� IOwy kYYr.,1rY�Y�r1YY. i n g r o u a d I w a I I m o u n t I u n d e r w a t e r Ia1YwYrr�.��r W� �rY��.rYr•nr•wYprYrr��`.411�r�+rimer+�•r'wRe/Y��rriukrYlrM,r�YsiO�M1.YLn rw,J��Y �YIw1�Y.tT I.Y.L Y �rlLwYrwwy,rn YYT.F F Y��YYr�,r�,1� 1YY�YYYY YY.Y IJYI Y^,YYI �, T.YYYI�� rY1Yr Yn �r/,Yrlwo,lrY. ►r��.Yr1.�rtYe.YY •rr. � emr IeO.e Wtv.lt uw�r..eo tmia teou. MAY 19 iftg 'UTE: THISFIATURECt.TISFORINFORMATIONOA'LI.REFERTOSPE.CIFICATIOA'SFORALLFINISHES. ETC. Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa Project #: 2609 Date: Aril W, 2006 Tt,pe:_ Lighting FLemre Cut Sheet Lamy t�oWPV�' M2-- 10 i. INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. 4111 GlencoeAvenu&, uite 100 Marina Nel Rei, CA 90292 fru310. 101./560 310.301.7060 TYPE: CATALOG#: `BLU m ie' re DESCRIPTION An architectural grade, low voltage wall mounted fixture for use with 12V MR75 lamps. Completely sealed to promote long fixture life and lamp per- formance, its Solid construction and contemporary design make It ideal for commercial or residential wag applications. Up/dam configuration provides attractive design opportunities and highly functional dawnlighting, uplighting and wall washing opportunities. SPECIFICATION FEATURES A... Finish Double protected by a chro- mate conversion undercoating and a thermoplastic polyester powder coat for mar -resistance and amended weatherability. A variety of colors is available. B ---Lena Tempered glass, secured with a high temperature adhesive. C ... Gaaket Housing and hood are mated with high temperature '0' ring gaskets. D ---Reusing Machined corrosion -resistant silicone aluminum alloy. Stainless steel hardware. E...B... I Machined corrosion-resistam silicone aluminum alloy. F... Lamp. Illy others. See sheet back.) G ---Socket Ceramic socket with 250• C Teflon- coated lead wires. H ---Mounting Corrasion -resistant silicone aluminum alloy wall plate mounts directly to standard 1 -boxes and wall boxes with supplied straws. Elemrical Remote transformer required Irwt Included). Labels UL listed, standard wet label. C -UL certified. 1-1 ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: 504.2 BK Fixture Finish Accessories 904-2 ION# sew atvMl IT -2 BK .Bleck • Sea Sheet Berk for BZ •Brent# AveilalNe NxesaarMs VE .Verde Wf.White CS .Cty SiHar WWW.COOPERLIGHnNQ.COM a cont ranrua Yewrgp __ _ro..e6rkwl WESTWOOD 904-2 sow MR16 WALL MOUNT SLllCgla Akt4 ORIGTINALL MAY 19 2006 NOTE THIS FATURECfTIS FOR IA'FORAIATIONONLI:REM TOSPECIFICATIONS FORALLC.AT-ArBbng P !q-I;UMF$47S1/FS.L•TC Resort 2609 Lighting FLaureCut Sheel Lantpl AI> DI.rTSI rwTFGlrATFn r rr:HTINr: DOUGH. Mr. 4222 Glencoe Arenue. Suite Date., April 4'k, 2006 Tine: ,� �`71� eb . A *9 V2v� Marina rte! Rel•. CA ``90191 jaY 3103 I S60 31 U30 .7060 WESTWOOD 004.2 PHOTOMETRIC DATA 7 124 Westwood 9042 Cone of Light Westwood 9042 Can. of Light Lamp.50MR16INSP Dktaa.x YmhW N+ar e.an Lamp.50MR16INFL Dhlalaa 1. In1lW neem aam. CBCP.10,200 akmilaw Mar Fa.ta..Ma Danner CBCP.2900 ah.alaa4aanw F..Ix.a.. D'. _ 4 a4 a4 eoTV lm 1 R 14 N ]Sa0 0'6 lamp Watap atmlgipDa 11 ]flw.0a2 �f 1517' 1] vv R s s4 0e' t ra 44 11 7T 74 125 74 tamp Waft" Woda rr 42W.%T2 Westwood 9042 Cans of Light Westwood 904-2 Can. of Light Lamp.50MR16/FL uhaeve" NWtnear came Lamp.50MR16ANFL d.tavx - kid.. war 9.0 CBCP-1725 mmekan.atam F.anatlu olein CUCP.1075 oank.alWe Fxuamau 1ltxmarm 154 7 124 104 12 FO are, 71 7fe •Mom dimaln9x nta al mxMlxmn kOKi11a0. MmndaC 101M mafxllWelW1. SprdPxll.N and Dim r YEIxr I. dh m mlelavl rlPfx. b S' AV IN 30• M or t4 tarry w.ltale madoae mw.as 25W .0.51 1S4 s T letl' tl 1 fa' 11 f4 f0 14 44 61 20471, Other lamps may be evaflagla. Including lamps with Mod Ilia up to 10.000 hours. Gtar• Shlelda. Leuven, Loran FH263-Mgled giant shield F142O4.Straight glare shield LVR.Hea can louver LSL-Uneer spread lens OSL.Ovorall spread lens DIF.DiHused lens for use with NOTES AND FORMULAS MR16 futures F22.Red filter F33 -Blue filter F44 -Green filter F55.Yellcw filter F66.Marcury vapor color Eger F71.Peach Dichroic F72 -Amber Dichroic F73 -Green Dichroic F74 -Med. Blue Dichroic F75.Yeliow Dichroic F76 -Red Dichroic F77.Ok. Blue Dichroic F78 -LL Blue Dfehrole eaaeN u'O .airy miOmmrearC •Lamp..mlaga mWpn: Adiml k ler afarsm YmP.anNar •Lamp klpmutl.n laW pew40n arOradmala taraP bLL flux wmeWl Nna k. EdNria k a tamW Wanag. ghhk(ar Ymp mamWateutn m aaWn MYaaa apdaxdO.a b amok lamn(IA •Mom dimaln9x nta al mxMlxmn kOKi11a0. MmndaC 101M mafxllWelW1. SprdPxll.N and Dim r YEIxr I. dh m mlelavl rlPfx. •FWparlaa wives are lnit LAWN x mP0laS FOM lea° pa MMxMMrarl'. 00 COOPER Lighting um+1.• D.9,,& A, .. n ft-2sTe, aaneRa.e.wmka w.o., a Fuel•maaaakiEGEUEDADtWaas, MAY 1 a Ouo \'(1TF_• THISFI.M,RE(717'ISFORINFORAI.4710A'ONL).REFERTOSPEC1F1C4T•IOASFORALLCAT.4LOGfiU?,1BRF@M11'?WgpllE&FTC. Resort & Lighting Future Cur Sheet INTEGRATED LIGHTING DESIGN, INC. Project 0: 2609 ]�Date. April 14°,1006 Ttpe: Lan. 5p1p�lS`(• 1�CK+ �fjl�` .+• �`4 e 4222 GlencnYeAvenna, Suite 100 M1fnrinn rid Rn'. & 90191 jav,3 .3UIJ. 31U j71.7060 ■ ' 6 Recessed luminaires w181 fully Lumen shielded light source. _ 6 e,. Suitable for wet s ® ar pered glass behind Claw temQLas be D4 the cast alum6xxn louver/guard. l • ,.:tm Color: Black a white. Recessed cperrg: rwa A C 2855: 9' x BY.' x 4' 4000 2866: 1 H1• x 13Y.' x 5W Recessed lurninatres with white • "* safety glass diffuser. 6 ED Suitable rwetkxstkxs. k BBrightalureflector.inurelle. Color: Black or white. ps Recessed operft: 2811:9'x8y.'x4' • A C 2822: 11'5• x 13Y.' x 594' ----. n . 2832: 11'5' x 13Y.' x S9W a Lamp Lumen A B C 2811P Recessed 6ID 1 18WPLC 1250 9 9A 4 _•_ nmx 2811MH Recessed an 1' 70W ED -17 MH 5500 9 91h 6% Mai 28115 Recessed (M 1 SOty E-17 HPS 4600 9 9'h 695 - -- - 2822P Recessed CO 1 26W PLC 1800 11'A 13''Y, 59n 28325 Recessed OD 1 SOW E-17 HPS 4000 1165 1395 59L 2832MH Recessed CO 1 70W ED -17 MH 5500 1165 13Y. 5i'a Resort O�Ift Rjr4r, A ` it 10 RECEIVED , 3000 MAY 19Nw Community Development Lighting FEclure Ca! Sheel Lonr �W��iy��+y{� P� � \ ,v Fr RaTcn I rrJJTINr nF..MN Mr. 4222 171,nr�venire..Cdire 200 Aftllnrna del Ret'. CA 90292 BEGA Trn fav 310.301.1560 310 301.7060 0 Lamp Lumen A B C 2855P Recessed 1 18W PLC 1250 9 9'A 4 2555MH Recessed 1 70W ED -17 MH 5500 9 99. 6% 2855S Recessed CO 1 SOWE-17FPS 4000 9 9A 6% 2666S Recessed OD 1 SOW E-17 HPS 4000 11'h 1395 5V. 2866MH Recessed aD 1 70W ED -17 MH 5500 11% 139'. 5'/• Recessed lurninatres with white • "* safety glass diffuser. 6 ED Suitable rwetkxstkxs. k BBrightalureflector.inurelle. Color: Black or white. ps Recessed operft: 2811:9'x8y.'x4' • A C 2822: 11'5• x 13Y.' x 594' ----. n . 2832: 11'5' x 13Y.' x S9W a Lamp Lumen A B C 2811P Recessed 6ID 1 18WPLC 1250 9 9A 4 _•_ nmx 2811MH Recessed an 1' 70W ED -17 MH 5500 9 91h 6% Mai 28115 Recessed (M 1 SOty E-17 HPS 4600 9 9'h 695 - -- - 2822P Recessed CO 1 26W PLC 1800 11'A 13''Y, 59n 28325 Recessed OD 1 SOW E-17 HPS 4000 1165 1395 59L 2832MH Recessed CO 1 70W ED -17 MH 5500 1165 13Y. 5i'a Resort O�Ift Rjr4r, A ` it 10 RECEIVED , 3000 MAY 19Nw Community Development Lighting FEclure Ca! Sheel Lonr �W��iy��+y{� P� � \ ,v Fr RaTcn I rrJJTINr nF..MN Mr. 4222 171,nr�venire..Cdire 200 Aftllnrna del Ret'. CA 90292 BEGA Trn fav 310.301.1560 310 301.7060 0 :I Staff Report Sketch Desi F5� AVON nCO LOItA n6 June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction June 12, 2006 Residential Condominium The Riverfront PUD PUD 0095 Avon Road The applicant, Zehren and Associates Inc., have submitted a Sketch Design application for the Riverfront Lodge. Riverfront Lodge is a 75 -unit whole ownership condominium building located on Lot 4 of the Riverfront Subdivision, formerly know as the Confluence. The Riverfront Lodge is governed by a set of site-specific design review standards that were adopted as part of the Riverfront PUD amendment. The expressed intent of the standards is to create high quality architectural design through the use of varied roof forms, wall plane articulation and quality building materials. IVs important to note that the Town of Avon Residential and Commercial Design Guidelines may augment these standards where necessary through the final design approval. Attached are copies of the guidelines, which are also referenced in the application material submitted. On May 16th, 2006, the Commission reviewed the initial Sketch Design application for the Lodge. At that meeting specific comments included: Exterior materials would include duplication materials from the Westin with attention to consistency but not duplication. • This building was phased to be erected after hotel completion. Commissioner Green began comments that the intent of the guidelines was not being met, a color rendering would be beneficial, articulation of the fagade was necessary, needed more interest in the structure, would like repetitiveness eliminated, entry seemed disproportionate and needed attention, and the hot tub area could use landscape element. Town of Avon Community Development (970)748.4030 Fax(970)949-5749 V Riverfront Lodge Sketch Design - 2nd Review June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 5 • Commissioner Foster commented that dormers don't solve issue of a long plane, needed image of retaining walls to determine if trees should be saved, and the hot tub needed to be addressed. • Commissioner Struve voiced that the challenge was to be complimentary but not the same, walls between the bike path and retaining walls cannot be an unwelcome look in the project, save the tree, use pavers and not stamped concrete. • Commissioner Goulding stated that the trees and spa area are codependent on what the best look for the tubs location can be; elevations show no soft comers as desired in the guidelines, stone along the decks and patios needs balance, east exterior elevation stone foundation stops at the window bottom, and to consider rich colors and texture. Commissioner Smith voiced that the entryway was blah, and a better illustration would be encouraged Attached to this report Is a letter from the applicant dated May 30, 2006. This narrative outlines the changes to the plans since first review and also highlights the new sheets added to the plan set. Further information on the landscaping and grading near the bike path (with and without the trees) has been studied by the applicant and is provided in the new plans. At the meeting the applicant will have perspective vignettes showing both options as well as the entrance canopy. Staff Comments The design of the proposed building generally conforms to the intent of the Riverfront Design Standards. As the applicant has stated in their application, the architectural style does appear to blend or balance between an urban architectural style found in the Town and the mountain architecture found at Beaver Creek. The proposed building also blends well in terms of style and material with the proposed Westin Hotel (similar roof material, pitched roofs, stepped facades, and recessed windows). Site design Lot 4 of the Riverfront Subdivision is bounded to the north by Riverfront Lane and to the south by the Eagle River, which has a 75' building setback (measure from the mean annual high water mark). In addition, the site is further constrained by steep topography that steps down towards the river along the western property line. Therefore, the proposed east -west orientation of the building responds well to both the natural and manmade constraints on site as well as takes advantage of solar exposure. The site grading and drainage appears to be well developed. All drainage appears to drain away from the structure and the use of retaining walls has been minimized. There is one area on the site where a retaining wall is required and another area where retaining walls may be utilized to save existing trees. There Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Riverfront Lodge Sketch Design - 2nd Review June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 5 is an area located around the bend of the bike path and another near the access point to the parking structure. The area of retaining walls immediately north of the recreation path along the river would be constructed with boulders in two 4' tiers. The bottom two walls will have a 4' planter bench to, screen the upper wall. For clarification, the applicant has provided two sections, one saving the tree near the bike path (with retaining walls), and the other with removal of the trees and 3:1 grading in place of walls. Also included in the site design is a recreation path along the eastern end of the building. The recreation path would traverse the site from the north to the south and tie into the existing recreation path along the river with Riverfront Lane. It is staffs understanding that the construction of the recreation path is part of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) between the Town and the property owners, and will likely be in place prior to the construction of the Riverfront Lodge. Circulation Plan The proposed parking and circulation plan includes two levels of below ground parking which would be accessed from Riverfront Lane by way of a circular drive. The entry grades range from approximately 4% to 9%. The proposed grade and access conditions are reasonable given the proposed snowmelt system for the access drive and the demonstrated snow storage area (see sheet C005 or C006) along the circular drive at the entrance of the building. The minimum parking required for the whole ownership condominium, units is 1.2 spaces per unit. The applicant is proposing 1.28 spaces per unit for a total of 96 spaces (75 units @ 1.28). All proposed parking stalls appear to be standard dimensions; however, staff would request the applicant confirm the number of compact spaces (if any) and recalculate the minimum required handicapped spaces. The minimum number of handicapped spaces appears to be deficient. Building design The proposed building is 5 floors (including penthouse) with a maximum building height of approximately 94% The maximum allowed building height is 95', which is measured from existing grade. The range in building height for the top ridgeline is between 84' and 94'. Staff's concern with the building height is that although no point on the building meets or exceeds the maximum allowable height, the ridgeline elevation (7502') is carried across the roof with only minor interruption in elevation. According to the Riverfront Design Standards "to ensure the rooflines are interesting and contribute to the overall success of the building massing, roof ridgelines are limited to 150' before they change in height". The two ends of the building step down approximately 20', which meets this intent. There have been modifications to the roof design in the middle portion of the building since last Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-0030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Riverfront Lodge Sketch Design - 2nd Review `' June 20.2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 5 review including hip dormers and gable roof forms to help further articulate the main east -west ridgeline. There is a range of roof pitches including 3:12, 4:12, 6:12, and 8:12. The facades of the building include skewed balconies and deck to further break up the mass and add interest. The standard described in the guidelines include "on any given elevation, 80% of the vertical wall plane can be on the same plane, with a minimum of 2' offset for plane change." The exterior -walls of the building are articulated through the use of different materials, patterns, textures, color, and angled porches. There is one area where the building encroaches into the minimum 75' setback. The area is located on the south east corner of the building where a deck/balcony lies a couple of feet with that boundary. However, according to note 9.a on the approved PUD Development plan, minor encroachments for decks and balconies are permitted subject top design review. Snow shedding is a concern that must be carefully considered during Commission review. Building entries must be located out of the path of shedding snow. Because there appears to be areas where snow and ice may accumulate, staff would ask that the applicant address these areas during Commission review. A snow shedding plan will be a requirement at final design. The guidelines also suggest the use of roofing materials that are durable, weather resistant and suitable for environmental conditions encountered in this area. The applicant is proposing the use of "Titus" recycled rubber roof as the primary roof treatment as well as areas of standing seam metal. Recycle rubber roofing, along with the concrete composite siding, wood trim, and stone base help tie together this project with the overall Village design. This product can be reviewed on the Westin Hotel mockup panel. Solar Access Study As required by the guidelines, a solar access study has been provided for Commission review. The study shows the conceptual shade analysis for the entire property at two times of the day, 10am and 2pm; at four times of the year: March 21st, June 21st, September 21st, and December 21st. While it appears that there is minimal effect on adjacent properties to the north, during the shortest days of the year shadows would cast on some buildings on the other side of the railroad tracks. The orientation of the hotel building appears to take advantage of the solar exposure and views to the south and is in compliance with the Design Guidelines. Landscaping With the exception of the Master Landscape Plan (right-of-way, and linear river park), the landscaping requirements for the entire Riverfront PUD will be reviewed by staff and the Commission in a lot -by -lot basis. The applicant has Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 J Riverfront Lodge Sketch Design - 2nd Review June 20, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 5 provided a landscape plan for Lot 4 (sheet L-1). Staff has made a cursory review of the plan, but more detailed comments will be provided during Final Design review. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. Riverfront Design Standards C. General conformance with Commercial Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in a final design application. Staff will provide full plan sets for you to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your June 20, 2006 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann, AICP Senior Planner Attachments: Exhibit A: 1/z size plan sets Exhibit B: Narrative Letter form the applicant, dated May 30, 2006 Exhibit C: May le, 2006 Planning Commission meeting minutes Exhibit D: Riverfront PUD Development Plan (w/ Design Standards) Exhibit E: Perspective Drawing from South Exhibit F: Aerial Photograph of Riverfront Subdivision Town of Avon Community Developmcnt (970) 74&4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 RIVERFRONT LODGE 2 N DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTAL DESIGN REVISIONS NARRATIVE May 30, 2006 As part of the 2"d Design Review Board Sketch Plan Submittal, Riverfront Lodge has been redesigned to accommodate some of the major concerns addressed by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the I" Sketch Plan Meeting on May 16. The attached sets of drawings include many minor changes made to the building during the course of Design Development, but the following major changes have also been made: Sheet C005, Option 1 Site Plan P&Z asked that we study two options for the existing trees near the recreation path: one option to save the trees, and another option to remove them. Option 1 shows how site grading would work without the trees (and therefore without the retaining walls). Sheet C001L Option 2 Site Plan Option 2 shows how landscaping would work with the trees (and therefore with the retaining walls). This was the original design presented to P&Z. • Site Sections P&Z asked that we study two options for the existing trees near the recreation path. The site sections show the two options and how grading would work with each. • Sheet L-2, Option 1 Landscape Plan P&Z asked that we study two options for the existing trees near the recreation path: one option to save the trees, and another option to remove them. Option I shows how landscaping would work without the trees (and therefore without the retaining walls). • Sheet L-2, Option 2 Landscape Plan Option 2 shows how landscaping would work with the trees (and therefore with the retaining walls). This was the original design presented to P&Z. • Sheet A1.12 Roof Plan Redesigned to address the continuous ridgeline concern. In some key areas (especially at the northwest corner) the ridgeline of the building is very close to the maximum allowable height—that's why we have focused on redesigning the central portion of the ridge, and not the two ends. Large gable and hip dormers have been added running transverse to the primary building ridge, to help break up the ridgeline in a more visually significant way. • Sheets A2.01, A2.02, A2.03 Exterior Elevations Redesigned to address the continuous ridgeline concern (see Roof Plan comments). Sheet A2.02 also illustrates how the new gable dormer helps to break up the eave line of the building, and relates to the entry canopy in a way that presents a more formal "front" to the building and a stronger visual presence to the canopy. The following additional information will be presented to P&Z during the meeting on June 20: • Perspective Sketch of overall building (from recreation path, in color) — by Jun 3 • Updated Sketch -Up 3-D Computer Model • Perspective Vignette of entry canopy • Perspective Vignettes of existing trees in question, showing both options • Rendered (in color) exterior elevations • Photos of existing trees in question , Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission ( Aq .X7VON Meeting Minutes CO L 0 R A D May 16,2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. it. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item VIII, Mockup Design - Gates on Beaver Creek -Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision / 38374 Highways 6 & 24, and Item XI, Final Design Plan — Residential, A, Property Location., Lot 2, Dry Creek Subdivision (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision) 12510B Old Trail Road be moved to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Goulding, Commissioner Struve, Commissioner Foster and Commissioner Lane were present along with the applicant for the site tour at the Confluence. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Lane And Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Item XII, Sketch Designs — Commercial, A, Confluence - Riverfront Subdivision Hotel Building, Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road and Item B. Confluence - Riverfront Lodge Building, Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road, Applicant: Zehren & Associates / Owner. • East West Partners. V. Swearing in and Appointment of new Commissioners: Phil Struve and Chris Evans. Appointment of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Commission representative to Village at Avon DRB. Debbie Padilla, Assistant Town Clerk, swore in Phil Struve and Chris Evans as Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Commissioner Chris Evans was nominated and Commissioner Smith seconded the motion for the position of Chairperson and all Commissioners were in favor. Commissioner Smith was nominated for the position of Vice Chair. Commissioner Green seconded the nomination and all Commissioners were in favor. Commissioner Struve was nominated for the position of secretary with Commissioner Smith seconding the nomination. Commissioner Struve accepted the nomination and all Commissioners were in favor. Commissioner Smith was nominated to be the Commission representative to Village at Avon DRB. Commissioner Smith accepted the nomination and Commissioner Goulding seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VI. Consent Agenda • Approval of the April 18, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. • Approval of the May 02, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes with the correction that Commissioner Smith was swom in at this meeting. • Approval of Item VIII, Mockup Design - Gates on Beaver Creek -Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision /;38374 Highways 6 & 24, with the darker color selection. • Approval of Item Item XI, Final Design Plan — Residential, A, Property Location: Lot 2, Dry Creek Subdivision (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision) / 2510B Old Trail Road. Commissioner Green moved to approve the Consent Agenda with corrections as noted and Commissioner Smith seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. VII. Special Review Use Application - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 4, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/147 Nottingham Rd Applicant. Dennis Pappas / Owner. • Randy Massey Description: The applicant is seeking a Special Review Use (SRU) application for an automotive repair land -use on Nottingham Road. The property is located within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zone district, and accordingly "automobile service and repair is allowed only with a SRU permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report to the commission. Commissioner Green questioned the uses that were incompatible and was referenced to the Comprehensive Plan, page 25 under Neighborhood Commercial definition, by Eric Heidemann. Commissioner Evans referenced the parking summary as it pertains to the designation of 5 spaces for the Dollar Rental Company. Mr. Heidemann voiced that code requires 3 spaces per 1000 sq it of gross floor area and proceeded to elaborate on the spaces and their locations. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Dennis Pappas, Chief Operations Officer for L & H, approached the podium to address this application and continued to explain the proposed usage of the space as light maintenance and do estimates with extensive work shipped out for repair. He continued that he was in disagreement with the staff report. He stated that the building on the property was designed for automotive. Randy Massey, owner, explained the company's use of the facility. Mr. Pappas responded that 8 employees would be on site with a car wash in answer to Commissioner Foster's prior question. Commissioner Evans asked if either would be on site to handle operations. Mr. Massey would be in daily per Mr. Pappas and Mr. Pappas would be in three times a week. Commissioner Evans stated that no damaged cars would be housed outside and asked who will be enforcing it. Mr. Massey responded that a local resident has been hired to maintain the facility and its contents. Commissioner Evans questioned the comment that "their place is a showplace" with the response that it would be kept clean and maintained, pleasant to look at. Commissioner Struve asked for this item to be tabled for commissioner input. No members of public addressed the issue. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Evans voiced that the applicant needs to define and commit to the building's use, and commented that the building was very use specific and the commission may make suggestions but the applicant was responsible for presenting the commission with their ideas of the project. Commissioner Struve commented to the applicant that the building would be used for the highest use possible for the Town of Avon with no large trucks on site, no for sale vehicles, signage, landscaping and screening. Commissioner Goulding commented on the aesthetics of building, landscaping for softness and drainage, policing of activities proposed by applicant, and $4000 damage or over would need transport truck and how was that truck used? Commissioner Foster commented on exterior aesthetics, cedar fence indicated a junk shop, and a visual of how it would be a showcase. Commissioner Smith commented that it has been a junkyard for a long time and queried how would the screening Igok. Commissioner Lane agreed with Commissioner Smith on the screening and was concerned with the look in the community. Commissioner Green agreed with his fellow commissioners comments, how was the environmental situation of fluids and such being dealt with, and the site was the entry to Avon and the architectural was important to the commission. Commissioner Evans remarked that the site could embellish the building. Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item VI, Special Review Use Application - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 4, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. Subdivision/147 Nottingham Rd, with Commissioner Foster seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion to table was approved unanimously. VIII. Mockup Design - Gates on Beaver Creek - CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision / 38374 Highways 6 & 24 Applicant: Steven Heinen, Ivins Design Group Description: This is to discuss the on-site mockup. Action is required on the mockup design panel, and approval of this mockup must take place prior to May 31, 2006 in order for the property to remain in compliance with its current Development Agreement. This item was moved to the Consent Agenda. IX. Minor Project - ERWSD Building - CONTINUED Property Location: Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant/Owner. Ronald Siebert, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Description: Design review for a new building at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation building fronting the Eagle River between the bike path and the railroad tracks. The building is required for UV water treatment and would have a 28' x 44' footprint and is located on the south side of the main treatment facility. The building would have cedar sided walls and a metal roof. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Tim Reitz, ERWSD, approached the podium to address commissioner concerns of this application. He presented some photos to the commission to show the trees and berms proposed to hide the site. Commissioner Struve voiced concern regarding the bike path, lack of trim on the roof, which makes it look industrial, and would prefer more bushes and trees. Commissioner Goulding was concerned with light from the top of the building's skylights. Mr. Reitz responded that the facility typically functions only during the day. Commissioner Foster remarked that landscaping would make it visually appealing. Commissioner Smith agreed with the landscaping. Commissioner Lane agreed Commissioner Green that architectural continuity would be ideal but landscaping plan would be appropriate. Commissioner Evans agreed with his fellow commissioners. Commissioner Green moved to table Item IX, Minor Project - ERWSD Building, Property Location: Tract N. Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, until a landscape plan was back from the applicant. Commissioner Goulding seconded the tabling and all commissioners were in favor. X. Sketch Design Plans - Residential A. Property Location: Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge / 5141 Longsun Lane - CONTINUED. Applicant: Rick Dominick, Aker Architects / Owner. • Tanavon Corporation Description: Sketch design review for duplex on the downhill side of Longsun Lane. The building would be comprised mainly of stucco and wood and is situated on a steep lot. This lot was tabled from the Commission's April 4, 2006 meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented to the commission the staff report. Kirk Aker and Rick Dominic, Aker Architects, approached the podium for review of the application. Mr. Aker began with the steepness of the slope and the driveway reconfiguration. Commissioner Struve requested discussion of the roof materials. Mr. Aker responded that shingles could now be used instead of metal since the roff pitch has been modified. Commissioner Foster discussed the landscaping in the driveway and snowmelt. Commissioner Goulding addressed parking maneuverability and backing out not into the roadway, north elevation garage and entry elements continued to look mirrored. Commissioner Smith suggested a model. Commissioner Evans commented on the north elevation with some covered roof form over the stairs, perhaps cross bracing, anchored visually. Commissioner Struve mentioned the metal was fine as accents pieces and landscaping was key, mirrored images need to be changed and the two front doors shouldn't look so similar. B. Property Location: Lot 3, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Applicant/Owner. George ("Tripp") Plavec Description: Design review for a new duplex structure on Wildridge Road East in the Wildridge Subdivision. Proposed materials include stucco, bev lap siding, stone, and heavy timbers. The structure would total approximately 8,300 square feet, with each unit measuring approximately 4,100 square feet. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. George ("Tripp") Plavec, owner, approached the podium to discuss the project, showed the commissioners a rendering with greater space on the front elevation, discussed the setbacks and the spacing away, driveway maneuverability has 29 feet, discussed the size of the garage, back slope was pretty buried and was concerned with future maintenance, two stucco colors are being proposed and siding could be an option if required. Commissioner review discussed view from each side, appearance of the mirrored image, driveway maneuverability, landscaping was important; tandem parking was a concern, and a change of dormer from one side to another. C. Property Location: Lot 24, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Coyote Ridge Applicant: Andrew Abraham /Owner. Mike Farr Description; Andrew Abraham is proposing a single-family home on this Coyote Ridge property in Block 4 of the Wildridge PUD. The home is large with approximately 9,000 square feet of livable space with 7 indoor garage parking spaces. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commissioners. Andrew Abraham, architect, approached the podium to discuss the application and began that he lowered the project to accommodate neighboring view corridors. Mr. John Sweedem, neighboring property owner, was concerned with the 18 foot above grade that blocks his view corridor and would appreciate 6 feet lower. Jim Wiley, 5586 Coyote Ridge, commented on the interesting design and was concerned with the substantial sprawl of the project. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Evans asking of the ridge height with the response of 35 feet. Commissioner Green questioned the materials being proposed, stucco may not be appropriate for this project and a 35 -foot garage structure may not be necessary and could be mitigated. Commissioner Struve remarked on this the architecture was interesting, with the free standing garage, there were too many buildings on site. Commissioners concurred that landscaping would be an important aspect, to review eliminating the bridge element and create a single structure, perhaps by pulling the house closer to the bam. XI. Final Design Plan - Residential A. Property Location: Lot 2, Dry Creek Subdivision (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision) / 2510B Old Trail Road Applicant: Michael Sanner, Architect / Owner. Trent Hubbard ' Description: The applicant Is submitting a final design plan for a single-family residence in the Dry Creek PUD on Old Trail Road. The sketch design review for this property took place at the Commission's April 18th, 2006 meeting. A final design plan was approved for a single-family home on Lot 1 of the Dry Creek PUD at the April 4th, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Moved to Consent Agenda. XII. Sketch Designs - Commercial - CONTINUED A. Confluence - Riverfront Subdivision Hotel Building Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: East West Partners / Owner. East West Partners Description: The applicant, East West Partners Inc., is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. The proposed hotel building includes a hotel programmed as a condo -tel, a. spa facility, meeting space, restaurant, retail, and professional offices. This item is continued from the Commission's March 7, 2006 meeting. Commissioners Evans and Lane have reclused themselves from this agenda item due to conflict of interest. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report and discussed the material and structural changes to the project. Commissioner Struve questioned the shading and the December 21" presentation and Staff addressed the applicant to respond. The response was that their architectural firm would review it. Andy Gunton, East West Partners, began his presentation with historical data of the project in order to bring the newly appointed commissioners up to date. Andy White took over the presentation and discussed the new elevations, the darkening of the exterior colors, less glass by moving the showers in the units, and changing the window design, the upper most floors were no longer iron clad but changed to stucco. The south elevation had changed by color, extension of the shed dormer by 20 feet and the change to the top story material. Conversation arose regarding the changes to the exterior color and what had prompted said changes. Mr. White continued by presenting each floor plate of the structure and voiced that parking was appropriately adjusted to the changes in unit numbers. B. Confluence - Riverfront Lodge Building Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: Zehren t£ Associates / Owner. • East West Partners Description: The applicant is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Riverfront Lodge. The proposed building is comprised of approximately 75 whole ownership units and has a maximum building height of approximately 95'. Eric Hetdemann presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Jim 7, East West Partners, presented the project and began that there are 75 whole ownership condominiums for sale with two and. three bedroom units primarily and larger units on the top floor. There would be a small check-in and lobby area, 2 or 3 hot tubs and the amenities at the Westin would be a the owner's disposal. Exterior materials would include duplication materials from the Westin with attention to consistency but not duplication. This building was phased to be erected after hotel completion. Tim Losa, Zehren and Associates, approached the podium to continue the discussion of the project and present preliminary details. Commissioner Green began comments that the intent of the guidelines was not being met, a color rendering would be beneficial, articulation of the fagade was necessary, needed more interest in the structure, would like repetitiveness eliminated, entry seemed disproportionate " and needed attention, and the hot tub area could use landscape element. Commissioner Foster commented that dormers don't solve issue of a long plane, needed image of retaining walls to determine if trees should be saved, and the hot tub needed to be addressed. Commissioner Struve voiced that the challenge was to be complimentary but not the same, walls between the bike path and retaining walls cannot be an unwelcome look in the project, save the tree, use pavers and not stamped concrete. Commissioner Goulding stated that the trees and spa area are codependent on what the best look for the tubs location can be; elevations show no soft comers as desired in the guidelines, stone along the decks and patios needs balance, east exterior elevation stone foundation stops at the window bottom, and to consider rich colors and texture. Commissioner Smith voiced that the entryway was blah, and a better illustration would be encouraged XII. Other Business A. Update of Various Projects Tambi Katieb, Director of Community Development, updated the commission on the Town Center Study looking at new development and infill development, what was possible and what were the goals, and this final portion was financial and would be presented to council on Tuesday, June 13'h, at 2:30 pm. for two hours. Color renderings should be provided to the commissioners in the packets and a conceptual landscaping plan provided at sketch design review. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. adjourned at approximately 9:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was Addendum Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending approval of this Final Design plan for Lot 2, Riverfront PUD subject to the following conditions: 1. An ILC (Improvements Location Certificate) is required at foundation and framing in order to verify compliance with height requirements. 2. The temporary real estate sales office shall be removed within one year of the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the hotel in accordance with the Riverfront PUD. 3. A lighting plan in accordance with AMC 15.30.050 shall be submitted for review and approval by staff prior to the issuance of building permit. A photometric study and cut sheets will be included. 4. Final approval of materials, colors and details subject to review and approval of the site mockup panel. 5. A Master Sign Program shall be submitted for all project signage on the building, including tenant spaces prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 6. The color of concrete retaining wall/stairwell to be reviewed and approved at time of mockup review. Joint dimensions of concrete panels will be specified for used in retaining wall at mockup review. 7. A parking management plan shall be submitted for review by staff prior to issuance of final Certificate of Occupancy. 8. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representatives in this application and in public hearings shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. 4 4 4 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 4 4 I I i I I I . _:_:_:-:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_ _ _:_:_:_ = _:- - < ._....._._._._._._._.-.-._._._.-.-.-. --------------------------------------------- ._._.-. ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... _._._._ . wW�n='sem �DNr W�I�+-�Y�ilrT ' T ' ' 'NORTH (STREET SIDE) EXTERIOR ELEVATION _._._.—._._._._..._._.—._.___.—.—.—._._.—._. —._.—.—._ ...... ...... --- .----- _--------------- ._,--- .—._._._—� ..._._._..._._._._...—.—._.—.—._ ___.—.—. ---w- P- a wsr� a-lawa --- ._.--- .--- ._._._._._._.-._.-.-.-.--- .-._._._._._.-._._._._—, q. aSOUTN CRIVERSIDEJ EXTERIOR ELEVATION Q= U :Rai CA $ D m Pa w w Z WW s � Q m LU Rm@ Leri o a e P W N Tia gds � O eeu LLJ O O O O w U I� Z LU Q rle. Dale ccntrrr P M !et e wMw qmw KI r¢r c�au EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1696.00 03/01/OG ORNIM BY c4Eoa Er DK GIE Ei W. A2.02