PZC Packet 041806Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission 'Ji, Meeting Agenda for April 18, 2006 AVON Meetings Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers C O L O R A D O Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm) Work Session Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda Items in Council Chambers. Open to the Public. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - Call to Order (5:30 pm) It. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda Approval of the April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. VI. Stonebridge Streetscape Improvements (5:35 pm — 6:00 pm) Property Location: Stonebridge Drive & Eaglebend Bridge, Eaglebend Subdivision Applicant: Town of Avon Description: Overview of the proposed streetscape improvement project on Eaglebend Drive and Stonebridge, Road for construction this summer. This project consists of installing curb and gutter, bus pullouts, streetscape lighting, and a separated pedestrian/bicycle path on the south side of Eaglebend Drive. Also included is the replacement of the rails on the Stonebridge Road bridge. VII. Sketch Design Plan - Single-family (6:00 pm — 6:30 pm) Property Location: Lot 2, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2510 Old Trail Road Applicant: Michael Sanner, Architect Description: A sketch design for the second of three single-family homes in the newly created Dry Creek Subdivision on Old Trial Road. A final design application for the first lot was approved at the Commission's April 4th meeting. Materials include cedar siding, asphalt and metal roofing, stucco, and stone exterior. VIII. Transit Station Design Plan (6:30 pm — 7:30 pm) - CONTINUED Applicant / Owner.- Town of Avon Description: Design review for the proposed Transit Center Design including: shelter, pavement and sidewalk materials, landscaping, and lighting. This item was first review by the Planning Commission at their April 4, 2006 meeting. IX. Other Business (7:30pm - 7:45pm) A. East Avon Work session with Council - April 25th X. Adjourn (7:45pm) Posted on April 14, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at htt�:/hvww.avon.org /Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission VON Meeting Minutes COLORADO April 4, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. It. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Savage and Commissioner Buckner. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item VIII, Sign Design - Sports Authority (formerly Gart Sports), Property Location: Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/220 Chapel Place and Item IX, Final Design Plan, Property Location: Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2510A Old Trail Road placed on the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the March 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. B. Approval of Item VIII, Sign Design - Sports Authority (formerly Gart Sports), Property Location: Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/220 Chapel Place C. Approval of Item IX, Final Design Plan, Property Location: Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2510A Old Trail Road Commissioner Green brought to the Commission's attention an error on Page two, 4`" paragraph from the bottom regarding the vote on the motion. The vote should have been 4-3 for denial. Executed March 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes reflect correction. Commissioner Green moved to approve the Consent Agenda with necessary corrections to the Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VI. Transit Station Design Plan Applicant/ Owner., Town of Avon Description: Design review for the proposed Transit Center Design including: shelter, pavement and sidewalk materials, landscaping, and lighting. Tambi Katieb discussed the review of the project and introduced Steven Spears, Landscape Architect for Design Workshop. Mr. Spears presented the Town Center West Plan and Transit Center Plan. He began with explaining a Development Concept Diagram. Mr. Spears discussed the potential of Light Rail in the future and its connection to the project and the Confluence along with the connection of the Main Street project with the Confluence and the West Plan. He continued by discussing historical uses and structures. Mr. Spears discussed how the concept of the Transit Building was intentionally imaged after Lettuce sheds and its use of the sun for warm. Mr. Spears continued with Way finding and Signage items along with the railroad connection, the materials to be used for the road's construction and the bollards. 4 Commissioner Evans questioned the bus circulation in a pedestrian mall and Commissioner Struve questioned the number of buses that is anticipated. Mr. Spears responded that it would require additional land purchase to move the bus system away from the mall and the numbers of buses were dependent on time of year. The use of pavers with snow plowing was discussed. Mr. Norman Wood, Town Engineer, voiced that snowmelt and maintenance was being reviewed. Mr. Spears next presented the suggested benches, trashcans, bollards and the material for the guardrail. He continued with the streetlights and banners. Commissioner Green questioned the design of the bus movement. Commissioner Evans questioned why it is so spread out, he liked the shelter design and the passive solar, discussed the materials to be used, mentioned that snowmelt would be required, questioned the bus drop-off situation, suggested using the shelter location with more buses for pick up and staging. Commissioners questioned moving the bus movement, agreed that snowmelt was mandatory, and mentioned that the landscaping was well done. Commissioner Smith commented on the interaction of pedestrians crossing the roadway with cars and buses in motion as a problem. Commissioner D'Agostino voiced that transit center idea to be open was a great idea however the garage doors are not the way.to do it. She suggested that the garage doors would feel cluttered when opened, and the east and west elevations were not correct, as well as the detail of the eave was not correct. Additional commissioner suggestions included the use of barn doors on a track for the shelter, the use of gutters on the shelter for the drip line, fascia details are needed, and what is controlling the doors. Other comments included query to use part of the easement and allow the buses to cross the easement, pedestrian was paramount and not subservient to buses and cars. Commissioner Green moved to table this project with Commissioner Smith seconded. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed with a 5 — 0 vote. VII. Riverfront Subdivision - Landscape Plan and Public Plaza Design Property Location: Confluence PUD / 95 Avon Road Applicant East West Resorts /Owner: Vail Associates Description: East West Partners Inc. has submitted a master landscape plan for the Riverfront Subdivision. The applicant has also submitted the Public Plaza Design plan for the Riverfront Subdivision. Both of these items are required to be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission per conditions of the Confluence PUD Amendment. Tambi Katieb presented the staff report. Andy Gunion, East West Partners, approached the podium to reveal that the Sketch Design for the hotel had cost issues that were being worked on and the landscape plan and public plaza design were up for discussion tonight. Mr. Gunion detailed the full-scale plans provided to the Commission. Mr. Katieb questioned the fencing and Mr. Gunion voiced that the fence would be eliminated and replaced with landscaping to fence the area. Commissioner Struve asked about when the bike path would be installed and Mr. Gunion responded that it would be built with the infrastructure. Discussion continued with Mr. Gunion agreeing with the use of the same street lighting and bollards as suggested for the Transit Plan. He continued that outdoor seating would be dependent on the retail space design, which has not yet been qualified. Commissioner Evans questioned the snowmelt and Mr. Gunion responded with Mr. Katieb showing a snowmelt plan that was provided. Commissioner Green questioned why the steps were not snow melted and was responded that it would dissuade people to get to the river in the winter. Commissioner Green commented that access should be allowed. It was mentioned that the pavers would continue in the design fashion begun for the Transit Plan. Plaza paving, the gondola terminal and public restrooms were discussed next. Commissioner Green suggested that the gondola building be seen, by the commission, in its true context. Commissioner review included asking about the elevation drops to the plaza space from the transit center, suggestions for another material from wood and concrete for bollards, gondola building should reflect the entire view of the hotel, a landscaping fence instead of a true fence, not to overdo the trees, look to snowmelt the stairs, and the impact of the plantings and landscaping leeching to the river, and encouraged bank edging. Mr. Katieb mentioned that the listed issues to be part of the approval for this project: • All lighting submitted is only conceptually approved, and will require submittal of a site lighting plan in conformance with Chapter 15.30 ("Outdoor Lighting Standards") prior to final approval. Street lighting fixtures will match those selected for use in the Town Center project. The Tract A bollard option shall be resubmitted (both concrete and wood are not approved as submitted). Lighted bollards shall be used at the pedestrian crossing of Riverfront Lane. ■ Bollard alignment between Riverfront Lane and railroad to be curved to match the auto lane curve on the western side of this intersection. ■ Concrete pan extending from Riverfront ROW to western edge of auto lane shall be deleted. Concrete shall be flush with material at this area. • Stamped or scored concrete to be utilized at crosswalk with no greater than a 2' score to create a material difference of the crosswalk. The crosswalk will be elevated at least 2 inches in 2 feet at the transition from both approaches. ■ Traffic calming devices such as a flower box shall be introduced in the Riverfront ROW at the crosswalk. The approach to this pedestrian crosswalk shall be designated as a 15 MPH speed limit at locations noted in this report. • Concrete from terminus of public plaza to river path shall be stained or colored to compliment retaining wall and plaza color and material palette. • The restroom/gondola operations building will be resubmitted in context with the hotel design review. Snow shedding will be incorporated and reviewed as part of the snow management plan for this building. • Minimum quantities for landscape plan shall be increased to 6-8 trees for each 650 square feet of landscape plan to conform to submitted plans shown for public areas (Riverfront Lane & Entrance and below retaining of plaza). One tree and three shrubs per 650 square feet (ten shrubs may be substituted for one tree) is approved as the minimum for each individual lot, and shall be reviewed separately during design review for each submittal. ■ Fencing along Railroad ROW will be specified and approved separately. ■ Additional evergreen trees shall be introduced at the base of the retaining wall below the public plaza and the minimum height of these trees shall be 15' tall at time of installation. • The crosswalk at Riverfront Lane shall be installed by the opening day of the gondola. • Snowmelt down the stairs of the public plaza to the river access trail shall be reviewed with the hotel design review. ■ Use of Spruce trees behind the Avon Transit Directional Sign shall be slightly tapered and pulled to the east to avoid obstruction of view. Commissioner Struve motioned to approve Item VII, Riverfront Subdivision - Landscape Plan and Public Plaza Design, Property Location: Confluence PUD / 95 Avon Road with the conditions as modified by Tambi Katieb. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. VIII. Sign Design - Sports Authority (formerly Gari Sports) Property Location: Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/220 Chapel Place Applicant: Pete Whalen - Sports Authority / Owner: Traer Creek, LLC Description: The applicant is proposing a new sign to replace the existing Gart Sports sign in the Chapel Square PUD. The sign is 12 square feet smaller than the existing sign and utilizes Pan - Channel letters, extremely similar to the Office Depot Sign. This sign is required as part of a corporate identity change. Moved to Consent Agenda IX. Final Design Plan Property Location: Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2510A Old Trail Road Applicant., Michael Sanner /Owner: Trent Hubbard Description: Final review for a single-family home approximately 4,000 square feet in size for the first (southern) lot in the Dry Creek PUD. The design is 'craftsman style' with the following materials: lap cedar siding, board on board cedar siding, dry stacked Telluride Gold stone, cor-ten steel roof accents, 40 -year elk prestige composite shingles for main roofing material, and stucco. Moved to Consent Agenda. X. Sketch Design Plan Property Location: Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge / 5141 Longsun Lane Applicant Rick Dominick, Aker Architects /Owner.•Tanavon Corporation Description: Sketch design review for duplex on the downhill side of Longsun Lane. The building would be comprised mainly of stucco and wood and is situated on a steep lot. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Kirk Aker, Aker Architects, approached the podium to address the project for the Commission. He began with the difficulty of the driveway due to the steepness of the slope and the methodology to bring the house up to retain the slope with a single access driveway. Commissioner Evans commented that the house was somewhat mirror imaged, suggested a variance application for a dual access as something that might make more sense for the site. Commissioner Smith voiced that the project has the perception of an apartment and doesn't fit the neighborhood. Commissioners agreed that hardship should be reviewed for this site. Staff would like to review if a variance is required for this project. Commissioner Green commented that in order to get relief from the setback, it would require a variance and suggested examining architectural shape and materials. Rick Dominic approached the podium to discuss the challenges of the site. The issue of height variances was discussed and mentioned that it has never previously been presented to the Commission. XI. Future Agenda Items A. April 11, 2006 Planning Commission invited to Housing Needs Work session with Town Council. Eric Heidemann addressed this session and that the Commission is being invited to attend. It would be a work session item. B. April 25, 2006 - East Avon Area Plan Community Work session at Town Council XII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:58 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Vice Chairman Phil Struve Secretary _f C1�L� To: Planning and Zoning Commission Thru: Norman Wood, Town Engineer From: Jeffrey Schneider, Engineer II Date: April 13, 2006 Re: Eaglebend Drive/Stonebridge Road Streetscape Project — Stonebridge Road Bridge Design/Lighting Summary: This summer, the Town of Avon is preparing to implement a streetscape improvement project on Eaglebend Drive and Stonebridge Road. The project generally consists of installing curb and gutter, bus pullouts, streetscape lighting, and a separated pedestrian/bicycle path along the south side of Eaglebend Drive. The project limits are roughly where the current bus stop/transition from Hurd Lane to Eaglebend on the west, to the intersection with Stonebridge Road to the east, and the Stonebridge Road bridge to the south. Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) enhancement grant funding has been awarded for construction of this streetscape project. A project location map is presented as Attachment A. The bridge rail on the Stonebridge Road bridge was installed decades ago prior to annexation into the Town of Avon. The bridge rail currently does not comply with CDOT M & S standards for bridge rails. Photos of the existing bridge rail conditions are included as Attachment B. For this project, we have proposed replacing the bridge rail with a compliant rail. Town Council, at various meetings, has directed staff to incorporate decorative architectural appurtenances and lighting to the bridge. Council directed that staff present the design to Planning and Zoning Commission for input and comments. Discussion: Council was presented with examples of several different bridge designs. A critical constraint to the project is that we must keep additional loading off of the bridge and to replace the railing with a rail of similar weight. This would avoid the need to perform a costly structural analysis of the bridge. At the October 25, 2005 Council Meeting, Council was presented with a standard, utilitarian rail which met current COOT design standards and had no architectural C %Da is And Seainpftielstickca oval SWIngsUmTorary lntmwt F AOLK58T Z Memo 4-10-06.Dm 1 it enhancements whatsoever. Staff was subsequently directed to provide alternatives to the design to add ornamental items such as stonework and lighting. At the November 8, 2005 Council Meeting, staff presented photos of various other bridges, and a conceptual design was selected. The conceptual design consisted of installing a total of eight stone monuments, four at either bridge rail terminus and four on the corners of the bridge. The corner monuments were located above the wingwalls so as to not place loading onto the bridge deck. At the December 13, 2005 meeting, Council was presented with design options based on input from the previous meeting. Council then directed to make the outer monuments smaller and subordinate to the four comer monuments. Plans for the bridge monuments and rails are shown in Attachment C. Council was also shown various lights such as step lights and embedded LEDs in the bridge rail. Embedded LEDs were selected, along with lighting on the comer monuments that was to be "Lantem Style." Various lighting configurations were investigated, and installing lighting in the rails for pedestrians was the preferred approach. However, the bridge rail diameter would have to have increased to a much larger (and heavier) rail configuration. Staff was directed to locate "lantem-style" lights for the comer monuments. Ambient lighting at the site is believed to be adequate for pedestrian safety, and will be aided by the proposed comer lights and nearby streetscape light installed in conjunction with the bus stop. A brief update to Council was presented at the February 28, 2006 meeting showing the selected lantern style fixtures. Council felt that it did not blend well with the stone monument and provided a sketch of a preferred concept to staff. At that point, Council directed staff to present the revised design to P & Z. A light fixture in adherence with the council input was located and selected for presentation to P & Z. The four taller monuments on the corner of the bridge will contain the proposed light fixture, the Neosource Custom Column -Top Lantern. A high-pressure sodium lamp is proposed rather than the metal halide shown on the cut sheet to produce a more warm, yellow light tone. The powdercoat finish color of the fixtures is also to be determined. A cut sheet for the fixture is attached as Attachment D. Attachments: Attachment A — Project Location Map Attachment B — Photos Showing Existing Conditions Attachment C — Bridge Monument/Rail Plans Attachment D — Cut Sheet for Lighting Fixture Proposed Motion: C:\Dmc is And SeWngsWpielstickaM"al Senmgffempormy Intmtet RIes10LIC581P Z Memo 410-06.Doc I move to approve the design for the Stonebridge Road Bridge as presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 18, 2006. C:IDOCmnt9ts And Set ings\MpielslickeALoral Settingff mporary Intemet Film\OLK5W Z Memo 410-06.Doc 3 C � 0-0 ATTACHMENT B Wt -I I\�� moi ��en-xm'.H.wx IZSR'RtL-OL6 { OZSR-BbL9L6 W�%+1 OQVHOlOJ `A.LNf1008'10VH `NOAV 30 NMOL =.3 0297R'WvoloJ vont/ tt olS't2 W4•fmH SI110HM'lRtR •ofl Ud lM9WaAO'dW ll 9d Y JSJ L99� s < F V " «»luay B+uQ I^aw.»I'd 8 tk'R L•*IIV sluetinsuo02uuaaai8�3imixun{ary n 7. T AVON 3JQRI89NOZS. ? K L ..a cn w °" C �t V aAI2IQ QNHgTIDd9 Y s f wcri W! NEOSOURCE CUSTOM COLUMN -TOP LANTERN SPEC. #: NEO -2006091 Aluminum Fabrication Powder Coat Finish,, Standard Color 50w Metal Halide 32" Square Hood r s w/standing seams 'I' V k . 4 Bottom of hood open t for illumination Oct ._F Square Tube Corners M A: Ok 24" Square Base NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Shop drawings to be submitted for approval. Drawing is for design intent. Subject to change per design, UL requirements and parts availability. UL Listed Fixture Lamps by Others EMPLOYEES OF YOUR COMPANY, OR USE OF THIS DESIGN TO CONSTRUCT SIMILAR ELEMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. SAME AS ORIGINAL Q APPROVED DATE: 3!31/08 PROJECT: STATE: Eaglebend /Stonebridge Lighting CO O APPROVED AS NOTED 9CALE:N79 REVISION: NE01 O Q REVISE AND RESUBMIT CONTACT: Steve Prawdzik, MH Lighting O REJECTED DATE: 91;,,4:, 3env Blake PHONE: 303.573.0222 Q NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN .source 8Street 0205 Denver, CO eozo5 FAX: 303.573.0922 Shop Drawings toxo or: e WOnINNt6%� ® I.Amto&s r, v 303.820.2022 EMAIL: stevep@mhiighting.com submitted for approval, to 1303.820.2237 prior production. EMPLOYEES OF YOUR COMPANY, OR USE OF THIS DESIGN TO CONSTRUCT SIMILAR ELEMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. SAME AS ORIGINAL OaNU0100 '1 N1100 MV3 'NOAV 30 MWMU., Nawa+oadm aaw�sia+tus avoe 3DOINMWAS V 3A180 aN3B3TJV3NaAV d0 1401 $ IM j�iiM yLd Wi��oo �W t= o !6Z, no Q sid a oM aq q 22 LL.. q Q W Ply a hn m I 0 .9 HE 9. I u I O 1 N O I w�w J K t I a J 4o rn � a S.M.. mO�OO 0... wo wo zz�- z mv.. _ � < O Fv U a � � a mfa. 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The subject property was recently created through a PUD Amendment to the Wildridge Subdivision. The approval down zoned the property from a fourplex structure to three (3) single-family residences. This application is the second design review application; the first was approved earlier this year for lot 1. In addition to the Town's existing Design Guidelines and development standards, the Dry Creek lots (1-3) are subject to several more restrictive development standards that were conditions of the PUD approval. These development standards are listed below: Landscaping: 35% of total lot area minimum Building Lot Coverage: 40% of total lot area minimum Parking: 4 spaces minimum (2 enclosed minimum) Building area: 4,000 square feet (inc garage) maximum Setbacks: 25' front, 7.5' sides, 10' rear Staff Comments This design application appears to be in general conformance with the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Desiqn Review Guidelines. However, staff has identified few areas where the proposed development is inconsistent with either the Town guidelines and/or Dry Creek development standards. Those areas include the proposed drainage, the maximum square footage allowed for the single-family residence, and the architectural design relative to the prior design approval on Lot 1. All of the Dry Creek PUD development standards have been adhered to with the exception of the landscaping requirement that will be demonstrated during Final Design Review, and the maximum square footage for the structure. Although the site plan summary table indicates the maximum square footage for the home is Town or Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 2, Dry Creek PUD, Wildridge - Sketch Design April 18, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 3,985 square feet, the calculated floor area for each level when added together exceeds the maximum of 4,000 square feet. Staff would ask the applicant to address this inconsistency prior to Final Design submittal. In addition, the drainage plan that was submitted as part of the PUD and platting process included a culvert below the driveway entrance, which has not been depicted on the site plan. Understanding the driveway location has been changed; the culvert is still required in order for the drainage to function properly. The applicant should address this as well as the drainage situation along the western property line. Staff has some concern with potential drainage being directed towards the adjacent property to the west. The limits of site disturbance is also an area where staff would prefer to be further minimized. According to the site plan, the limits of disturbance appear to run the extent of the property. However, those limits have not been defined on the site plan. This should be clearly delineated for Final Design review. In terms of material and architectural design, the guidelines encourage the use of high quality, durable building materials which this proposal contains. The proposed materials include cedar lap siding, board on board cedar siding, cor-ten steel roofing, composite shingle roofing, and stucco siding. The architecture is also well done with a variety of elements and features that add interest to the project. Staffs only concern is that this structure and the structure approved for Lot 1 are nearly identical in terms of material, architectural style, floor plans, and size. Although the guidelines suggest variation in style for duplex structure, staff would suggest that the Commission discuss the similarity of this structure and the structure approved for lot 1 as well as the other areas of concerns discussed in the report. Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in the final design application. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 • Lot 2, Dry Creek PUD, Wildridge - Sketch Design April 19, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 Respectfully submitted, Eric idemann Senior Planner Att: Reduced Plan Set Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Clot 2 SATME AS &N=VM 0 014LILGINAL Property Boundaries 0 as 170 • 0 • Wildridge: • 44; Dry Creek PUD ; :; SAME A5 rw Lot 2 ORIGINAL Property Boundaries f e .!auam aa�ma cmm^moo cconm wrv.��� ��n�v ^v o es Sao Wildridge - Blk 2, Lot 44; Dry Creek PUD Lot 2 0 N Lot 2 Property Boundaries AIUA 5ZLI-9Z6-OL6 XadSZII-9Z6-OL6 Z£918 00'"-M '8641 XOS'O'd oo!moaw0 is-t-Jad V loalil;oiV `tauueS 'Z toila!W •00'—V'aspu A 'a'n'd 4-0 ba'Z w7 IL '00lu-v W"!& 'a•n•d VWa A+a'I w'l /lox ":% 4t+e# 114'x116410 0� C 0 c CD LU j Q � > > _o v Q) j m a Q0 LU Cl= CL y 2 x M SS 4 F 8a �+ � QQ (wa� g j$1 S9gp 5gr �' Y H a.i 6 14.1 'i — 14 4 n ea ❑ IC J� a l ; K---- �✓�� ,' IL '00lu-v W"!& 'a•n•d VWa A+a'I w'l /lox ":% 4t+e# 114'x116410 9 N 3 0� ec ip 0 wi 9 N 3 7Is8M 6[b(o[6)xy.gLS9%94(oLvOQ QO lO�.J L1.LNnO�.J 3 1✓V9 �'ON,,; L591B 0)9�eA901 ilio$s:".�T A t..7�T AA T pe4 4881=1 y1no5 E56 DIOL , V r4. 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N W i • e kr)0. b U cd v� pa o 3 3 • o C/I > o E 0 0 •�, o M UE- w a W Q� C7H E3 TOWN CENTER WEST 6 main street public Improvements AVON TRANSIT CENTER Planning and Zoning Commission Update April 18, 2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission . From: Tambi Katieb, Community Development Directooll Steven Spears of Design Workshop will be presenting an update of the Avon Transit Center to further discuss outstanding issues identified in the previous Planning and Zoning Commission hearing. Specifically, Steven will be discussing the following: 1. Circulation in the Town Center West Redevelopment 2. Transportation study that led to the decision to create 6 bus bays 3. Auto tum analysis (required minimum turning radii for 40' long buses) 4. The four original transit center alternatives 5. The preferred alternative 6. Context of the transit center to Lot 61 and Westin Hotel 7. Architectural and material design updates Your packet includes updated architectural drawings which include the following changes: 1. Ventilating the gables 2. Modification in the stone entrance to match batter of stone light base 3. Architectural bracing to match historic lettuce sheds 4. Change of material in gables to cedar The Design Workshop team discussed the garage door idea with the barn door notion brought up in the last Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. After additional research and discussion, it was decided to not change the doors for the following reasons: 1. Maintenance of four tracks —jamming with ice/snow —falling off track 2. Less flexibility in opening all or some of the individual bays 3. Additional construction costs Staff and Design Workshop request that Planning and Zoning Commission give approval of the project. It is the intent to take the design back to Council at the end of April for final review before going out to construction bids. Staff Report Town Transit Center Desi, April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting n Report date March 28, 2006 Project type Public- Transit Center (Phase 1 of Town Center) Legal description Town Transit Center Parcel Zoning Town Center Address 0080 Benchmark Road Introduction The applicant, the Town of Avon, has submitted a design review application for the Avon Transit Center. The Transit Center represents a critical first step of the Town Center Implementation Plan, as it sets the tone in materials, lighting, signage and overall streetscape theme for the District. This plan review was required by Town Council at their last work session review of Design Development drawings prepared by Design Workshop. Both Council, staff and the consultant are looking for input and feedback on the following areas: - The design of the transit shelter - The sign and lighting program - Site fixtures (benches, trashcans, guardrail, bicycle/ski racks) - Overall site materials and landscaping - Connection across railroad corridor to Riverfr`ont Lane ("the carpet concept") Steven Spears of Design Workshop will provide the Commission with a presentation on the Design Development drawings, comments received by Council, and answer any questions, comments or recommendations suggested by the Commission as a part of this design review process. Staff Review Comments Transit Center Plan Staff's primary goal is to coordinate the streetscape and public way finding both in material palette and fixtures (lights) that is contemplated for the Town Center project across the railroad corridor to the public plaza in a seamless manner from the Transit Center. The Commission should have Sheet L4.01 of the Overall Materials Plan (a site plan for the transit shelter) prepared by Design Workshop and Sheet 3 of the railroad crossing plan prepared by Alpine Engineering open during this plan Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 N Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 6 review to understand the relationship of both streetscape projects. Both attached. It would be helpful to also have the Riverfront Village plaza master plan (Sheet L.01) open as a reference for this review of the Transit Center plan. The material and patterns used from the edge of Riverfront Lane across the railroad tracks to the transit depot and along the side of Lot 61 create a uniform pedestrian streetscape intended to guide both visitors and residents with strong visual cues from Main Street down Benchmark Road and across the railroad corridor and into the Confluence property. The Transit Center Plan is the keystone of this concept and this will be discussed in detail in the presentation. Sheet L-04 of the Confluence public plan set prepared by Terrasan illustrates the repetitive patterns of the pavestone pavers that matches the transit center concept across the railroad crossing. The section 'in between' the Transit Center and the public plaza (the railroad crossing itself) will also carry this pattern across the tracks; however, the use of bollards will differentiate the pedestrian crossing (eastern from the automobile crossing. This railroad crossing plan is attached for reference and will require amendment prior to final approval should the Transit material pattern design review be approved by the Commission and Council. The automobile lane of this crossing is expected to be limited to service and Town vehicles only. Additionally, the plans prepared by Alpine Engineering will need to match the Riverfront Lane pattern and the Transit Center pattern. While the pedestrian material and pattern concept for both the transit center and the Confluence are well developed, there are several areas that require clarification in order to finally coordinate the streetscape project. Following are staffs comments on specific areas of Town Transit Center Plan: Transit Shelter The shelter itself has undergone several iterations from concept through design development plans before you. The current design evolved as a discussion between staff and the consultant team refined the idea of the shelter having a contemporary theme while at the same time respecting the location and heritage of the Town and historical imagery of Avon's first building and shelters, particularly the Lettuce sheds that lined the Avon station railroad at one time. The structure itself is wood with stone entries and a standing seam metal roof. The doors are able to open in the summer time to allow maximum circulation of air, and close in winter to retain some heat. The placement of the shelter receives maximum passive solar heating and a sun/shade study done by Design Workshop shows that the front side of the shelter (the passenger landing) receives full sun on the shortest day of the year. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 6 Council supported the shelter with some minor requests on architectural treatment to the wood posts and glass panes of the doors. No lighting is proposed to the shelter other than a downcast lighting at each of the entries. Lighting This street fixture will be different in the Town Center District than the broccoli green fixture currently utilized by the Town and will help create the distinct streetscape branding and 'theme' of this district. The street and pedestrian areas will also be defined by the use of a contemporary bollard. Cut sheets of both lights proposed are included in the packet, and the bollard will match those across the railroad corridor and at the intersection of Riverfront lane with the public plaza. A lighting/photometric plan will be required for submittal and review by staff, however the light fixtures proposed appear to comply with our Dark Sky requirements. The lighting fixtures are styled around a "North-South" orientation that the consultant will present this concept in detail. Transit Center Materials and Elements The Transit Center is using pavestone pavers and colored/scored concrete. A pattern concept is being proposed to mimic the repetitive pattern of the rail corridor and the architectural theme of the transit center is styled around "a contemporary interpretation of historic elements, forms and precedents inspired by the Railroad". The landscape island and bollards help define the bus turn around and distinguish this area from the auto lane of Benchmark Road and the pedestrian crossing from Town Center to the Riverfront Subdivision. The concept for the landscape island will be presented in detail by Design Workshop, but it plays off the "North-South" and repetitive design pattern found in the rail corridor and in the paving pattern. Staff has asked that the main crosswalk be elevated and two new crossings be added at both entries to the Transit Center area. In addition, we are recommending that the posted speed limit be 15 MPH to emphasize the pedestrian -orientation of this area and avoid conflict with automobile use that will continue to pass through. Signage The signage proposed for the Transit shelter is styled to reflect the proximity to the railroad and future light rail station on the other side of the corridor. Staff has asked Design Workshop to use a heavier and more gracious material for the signage and avoid cabinet back -lit illumination (this is a recommended condition of approval). Some degree of signage may be necessary at the point of intersection with the railroad corridor. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4.2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 6 Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential Commercial. ana Inausinai vesian Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The transit shelter, streetscape and landscape plan conform to the provisions of the Zoning Code. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project complies with both the Town Comprehensive Plan, the Town Center Implementation Plan and Schematic development plans for the District. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed Improvements. Not applicable. No density is proposed on this property, only a public shelter. 4. The Final Design plan Is In general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential Commercial, and Industrial Design Guidelines, A. Site Development: The project complies to all guidelines for site development. Lighting and signage will require separate approval to conform to the Avon Municipal Code requirements, but conceptually appear to conform to the standards and guidelines of the Town. B. Building Design: The transit shelter appears to comply with the guidelines in terms of materials, scale and form. C. Landscaping: The project complies to the guidelines for landscaping as recommended for approval by staff. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The proposed Improvements are compatible with the site and orientation. The transit shelter has been oriented to receive maximum sun exposure. 6. The appearance of proposed Improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The improvements proposed as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties has been considered. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 6 7. The objective that no Improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others In the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. Staff does not feel that any monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired with the proposed improvements provide the approval is with conditions as recommended by staff 8. The general conformance of the proposed Improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted goals and policies. Staff Recommendation Staff Recommends approval of the Avon Transit Center with the following conditions: 1/ All lighting submitted is only conceptually approved, and will require submittal of a site lighting plan in conformance with Chapter 15.30 ("Outdoor Lighting Standards") prior to final construction document approval. 2/ Seating in the Transit Shelter shall accommodate a minimum of 20 people. 3/ A speed table/crosswalk at the entry to the Transit Center from both east and West approaches shall be included in the plans prior to final construction document. 4/ Signs shall not be internally illuminated cabinet signs. Signs will be fabricated out of wood or metal, and illuminated only by the light fixture. 5/ The road plan for railroad crossing from the Transit Center shall be revised to be consistent with final approval of the material and paving concept. 6/ A 15mph speed limit shall be posted for the extent of the Transit Center from both east and west approaches. 7/ A temporary connection shall be installed from the Transit Center to the existing Town mail until final approval of design plans for the Benchmark Court connection. 8/ Modifications shall be provided as necessary to assure ADA compliance. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call myself or Norman Wood at 748-4030 or stop by the Community Development Department. A power point presentation will be available at the hearing, as well a full size set of the drawings. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 6 Respectfully s itted, Tambi Kab , _ P Director of Community Development Norman ood, PE Town Engineer Attachments: 1/ Avon Town Transit Center Plans submitted Design Workshop inc. cut sheets Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 E,K1-i / B 1 T / TOWN CENTER WEST ,Q main street public improvements AVON TRANSIT CENTER Design Development Update March 14, 2006 To: The Honorable Mayor and Councilors From: Norman Wood. Town Engineer The Design Workshop team has proceeded with the design of the Avon Transit Center per your direction at their Schematic Design presentation on January 10, 2006. Staff has also provided the Design Workshop team with comments and discussion regarding the overall design intent, materials and relationship to the future railroad crossings. Steven Spears of Design Workshop will present their Design Development package and take comments from Council. Specifically, Steven will discuss: Enhancement of the larger concept of the Transit Center and how it relates to Town Center West 2. Design for the interior island 3. Streetlight and transit stop design 4. Transit shelter design 5. Planting design 6. Material/furniture selection 7. Review of Design Development package Staff and Design Workshop request that Council provide direction and authorization to precede into full construction drawings in order to meet the next deadline of April 25, 2006. Staff is reviewing the Design Development package for accurate content and quality assurance. This deadline is in concert with the proposed construction schedule of Summer 2006. .n d IMF < \� 7 . . .. z. S AME AS ORIGINAL Annapolis stands its ground and perforins multiple maneuvers with style. This new bollard functions as a defining element to mark pathways and direct pedestrian traffic; as a safety barrier to protect pedestrian areas from vehicular traffic; and as a security bulwark against Intentional, destructive trespass. Constructed of half-inch sheet steel in 6" or 12" diameters, it is exceptionally strong. Annapolis is designed to complement the range of Landscape Forms' furniture for outdoor spaces. A removable bollard option provides site flexibility. Other smart options include a polyethylene sleeve that protects it from dents and scratches, and lighting that sheds a soft glow. Annapolis boilards are constructed of a structural steel tube body with a cast aluminum top and a spun aluminum base ring. Bollards securely embed in 18 of concrete. The removable version is secured in an embedded steel socket. Annapolis is available in 6" or 12" diameter, with or without low voltage lighting. A protective polyethylene sleeve is available in three standard colors - Grotto, Ivy, or Silver. Custom color sleeves are available on orders of 50 or more for an upcharge. A removable bollard option is also available to provide additional site flexibility. This bollard comes with a keyed lock for security and a cover plate that stores within the base when the bollard is fixed. Cn removal, the cover plate fits flush with the surface and is secured with a chain. The embedded socket and cover plate are constructed of hot dIp galvanized steel. Al other metal is finished with Landscape Forms' proprietary Pangard II' polyester pow- dercoat, a hard yet flexible finish that resists rusting, chipping, peeling and fading. Call for a standard color chart. Our purpose is to Enrich Outdoor Spaces :� t�•:-iv.. �n I,r. 1.�;r_tt .... :p� ,..,�t � :hd..ly t:� tt;r, .t.,:J1ty <1 c ricx; t rr r .,.I ._ www.landscapeforms.com visit our website for prcldur_:t details, color charts, technical sheets, sales office locations. L7ewnload JF'G images, orochure PL;F, CA.D :Jet,) is, r;SI r' :eCPcations. .\nnF]OUI.y �5=leslgneti Y�Y E3r.:+n '!�ine �'.-JSA. ,s�peCifiG�3l10�S .']cry 6UUla!'t it) C, h:rr^yf wit"OiJi f�pt�LB. ?r. apctis a anu!acn pr A Lc anon t , qt ,grgphy + no ,teg9 K2.;err azro 'Al Ir]ri,l ,pe �aaii, supports t••e sr at tnm Serono C.•?rb.,ry ;o�Er X10.5 U1,1 i5_d(;e rG '1-1 (.1C. F',r',-l! .,) , 1 A Iand scapeforms° 800.521.2546 269.381.3455 fax 431 Lawndale Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048 www.landscapeforms.com NO L Or F 9 + < 5 � i w' ai L �r 7. � Y �f 1 t2 ?M h t �t 1 L u h e 8 A Amw �, - P �.ro ¢ .yam ++•' ' ik ., ! i[. h r�C- t9 rk jji�� fir.•# � -� ��� » ♦ , Y.�"' -f I° 4" ' 4� f .� ♦ i, w � c y . may. • - 1A � � � + , y� 71, X q r • •'�! � 'art T+Y ' j�4,t f ! "t..,R' ate'-11 '1` + � r� k �t 'ti '-� r i " -,� • � �'*P'rt' '! d��" x, a+ # ,�„ �A- e �.».a� 't+F',.;' ,.fn} � ' ,� � . ♦ � y- y�l . rte'. .�: �' .! ➢�,� _ F • ^ ' # a °�NMI �'� •. Y P �,' fit,+.". �' , .. � � � J � ax �� APr 4 'm jj 3- IMI w�11 OpeJOIOO `uOAV lluct JGJUGO Jisueal uond z$offi i W H J Z Z a awgo LL CL of z Q �ollliillill OLL. 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