PZC Packet 040406v Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission avo 11Meeting Agenda IN' April 4, 2006 C U L o N A U Q Meetings Held At: Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm) Work Session Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda Items in Council Chambers. Open to the Public. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - Call to Order (5:30 pm) Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda Approval of March 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. VI. Transit Station Design Plan (5:35 pm — 6:15 pm) Applicant/ Owner. Town of Avon Description: Design review for the proposed Transit Center Design including: shelter, pavement and sidewalk materials, landscaping, and lighting. VII. Riverfront Subdivision - Landscape Plan and Public Plaza Design (6:15 pm — 7:15 pm) Property Location: Confluence PUD / 95 Avon Road Applicant. East West Resorts /Owner. Vail Associates Description: East West Partners Inc. has submitted a master landscape plan for the Riverfront Subdivision. The applicant has also submitted the Public Plaza Design plan for the Riverfront Subdivision. Both of these items are required to be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission per conditions of the Confluence PUD Amendment. VIII. Sign Design - Sports Authority (formerly Gart Sports) (7:15 pm — 7:30 pm) Property Location: Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/220 Chapel Place Applicant: Pete Whalen - Sports Authority / Owner. Traer Creek, LLC Description: The applicant is proposing a new sign to replace the existing Gart Sports sign in the Chapel Square PUD. The sign is 12 square feet smaller than the existing sign and utilizes Pan - Channel letters, extremely similar to the Office Depot Sign. This sign is required as part of a corporate identity change. IX. Final Design Plan (7:30 pm — 7:45 pm) Property Location: Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2510A Old Trail Road Applicant. Michael Sanner /Owner. Trent Hubbard Posted on March 31, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at htto://www.avon.ora / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Description: Final review for a single-family home approximately 4,000 square feet in size for the first (southern) lot in the Dry Creek PUD. The design is 'craftsman style' with the following materials: lap cedar siding, board on board cedar siding, dry stacked Telluride Gold stone, cor-ten steel roof accents, 40 -year elk prestige composite shingles for main roofing material, and stucco. X. Sketch Design Plan (7:45 pm — 8:00 pm) Property Location: Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge / 5141 Longsun Lane Applicant. Rick Dominick, Aker Architects /Owner: Tanavon Corporation Description: Sketch design review for duplex on the downhill side of Longsun Lane. The building would be comprised mainly of stucco and wood and is situated on a steep lot. XI. Future Agenda Items (8:00pm - 8:15pm) A. April 11, 2006 Planning Commission invited to Housing Needs Work session with Town Council B. April 25, 2006 - East Avon Area Plan Community Work session at Town Council XII. Adjourn (8:15pm) Posted on March 31, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at hfto://www.avon.orci / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes VON March 21, 2006 C 0 L 0 R A D 0 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Struve commented on Item VIII B and that the motion for this approval was passed by a 3-2 vote, not a 6-0 vote. The motion to approve with the correction was passed 5-0, with Commissioners D'Agostino and Evans abstaining due to their absence at the March 7th meeting. VI. PUD Amendment / Wildridge - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane Applicant: Sam Ecker/Owners: Sam Ecker, Bruce & Susan Baca Description: A request for an amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for three (detached) single- family residences in place of two duplex structures. This amendment would permanently reduce the density for the properties by one dwelling unit. A new lot would be created for the third single-family residence and the vehicular access to the new lot would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. Also being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application. Avon Town Council, at their January 24, 2006 meeting, remanded this application back to the Commission for reconsideration. Matt Pielsticker presented staffs report and the new information included in the packet since last review on March 7, 2006. The applicant provided a new PUD site plan, with added note referring to non -developable area proposed. Staffs aerial photo lot comparison showing remaining development rights was presented as requested by the Commission. Commissioner Green questioned the public benefit criteria. Eric Heidemann clarified that it is the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate what the public benefit is to the Town. Other possible lot configurations similar to this application were explored by the Commission referring to the Block 4 aerial photo prepared by staff. The revised PUD submittal shows a '/ acre of non -developable area and further restricts the possible third single-family home in size. Sam Ecker, applicant, approached the podium after handing out additional information. Another PUD approval, Western Sage, was discussed and the fact that there was no public benefit in that PUD. Other recent duplex developments were discussed and their large square footages. Sam Ecker further discussed open space and how the non -developable area proposed would be handled in the future. The original intent of the Wildridge PUD was mentioned, and the emphasis on large open spaces. Precedence was brought up by the applicant as was mentioned in the previous meeting. The applicant discussed public benefits such as protecting view corridors, a reduction in density, and less traffic on Longsun Lane. Commissioner Buckner liked the idea of 3 single -families instead of further developing as duplexes. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned why this application is being proposed and what could happen with further development on Lots 44 and 45. Commissioner Savage mentioned the square footage cap on Lot 44B and felt that three single - families would be better'visually' as two duplexes. Savage was in support with a reduction in square footage for 44B. Commissioner Smith agreed with Commissioner Savage and the size of 4,500 sq. ft. as discussed at the previous meeting would be more appropriate. Ecker responded with the language of Note 5, and that he would take the Town of Avon reference off the plat if desired. Commissioner Struve brought up precedence and the appearance of three single -families opposed to two duplexes. Wildlife passage was noted. Commissioner Struve also mentioned that there is no contiguous open space with this proposal. Commissioner review continued with Commissioner Green commenting on why this application is in front of the Commission — as a result of Lot 44A and how they originally developed. Commissioner Green agrees that reducing density is positive and re -reviewed the potential benefits of approving this submittal. Commissioner Evans felt that this would set a 'dangerous' precedence for future development and redevelopment. The citing of existing developments on the property was reviewed and how Lot 44A was built as a single-family with no clear intention of turning into a duplex in the future. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED Phil Matsen, Wildridge developer, resident, and owner of Lot 40, approached the podium and felt that it would 'open a can of worms' aside from benefiting exclusively some of the neighboring properties. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Commissioner Savage moved to approve the amendment with the stipulation that the third single- family home be limited to 4,500 square feet excluding the garage. Commissioner Buckner seconds the motion. Discussion ensued as to what the public benefits are and what findings could be made if the motion to approve was voted on. Open space and precedence were discussed at length after motion was made. Findings added to motion included 2 -acre size of both lots were unique and the added driveway curb cut access to third lot was a benefit. Motion dies with 3-0 vote. Commissioner D'Agostino moved to re -affirm Resolution 05-14, recommending denial of the PUD amendment for Lots 44 and 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision to Town Council. A finding was added to the motion that the applicant has not proved the hardship warranted for third single-family residence. Commissioner Green seconds the motion. Roll call taken and all Commissioners in favor except for Struve, Savage, and Buckner. Motion passed with a 4-3 vote. VII. PUD Amendment I Sheraton Mountain Vista - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision/140 W. Beaver Creek Boulevard Applicant/Owner.• Points of Colorado, Inc Description: A request for an amendment to the Lot C PUD to modify the existing property rights and zoning for Lots 2C, 3, 4, and 5 (Phase 1C). This application proposes to eliminate a 125 -room hotel and increases the number of time-share units in the project's last phase of development. Eric Heidemann explained that the applicant has requested tabling, and that this was noticed as a public hearing, therefore a public hearing must be held. Also, the Commission should keep the packet documents for review at future meetings. There was no public input. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Commissioner Smith moved to table this application for a PUD Amendment to Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Commissioner Green seconds the motion and all Commissioners were in favor. The motion passed with a 7-0 vote. VIII. Landscaping/Lighting/Mockup Design — The Gates Property Location: Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision/38390 Hwy 6 & 24 Applicant: Ivins Design Group Owner: CSC Land, LLC Description: Steven Heinen of Ivins Design Group has supplied information for final review of a revised landscaping plan, lighting plan, and revised mockup elevation. All design related issues for this project must be approved no later than May 31, 2006 as required by the restated development agreement. Matt Pielsticker presented staffs report and brought the Commission up to date with the outstanding design issues remaining for the project. There is a deadline of May 31, 2006 for all final design issues to be resolved and approved. Tonight the applicant is seeking feedback on the revised mockup design before further construction, and also seeking approval of the revised landscaping and lighting plans. The applicant, Steven Heinen with Ivins Design Group made a presentation. The changes to the mockup design were outlined, including: hardi-board width was changed to % inch as requested and roofing material was clarified. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned the roofing material and secondary roof material. The Commission desired the secondary roof material be displayed on the revised mockup. Steven continued with the design changes proposed for the mockup: rough sawn wood for decking, gutter material and color — prefinished copper, new proposed stucco color for base stucco, solvent based stain in place of water -base stain. Revised stucco color pallet was presented to the Commission for review and all Commissioners felt the new color compared with Stucco Color #1 was acceptable. Commissioner Evans explained code requirements and the timber accents, and suggested omitting fire retardant treated wood above third story since it is not a code requirement. Commissioner Evans suggested approaching William Gray the Chief Building Official to see if that would be acceptable. Commissioner Evans questioned the headers above windows and felt they may benefit from extending two inches past top of windows for accent purposes. Commissioner D'Agostino asked if the thicknesses of the coin and base on the mockup design were what were proposed, or if it was what is on the mockup as constructed. She felt that more relief may benefit this detail. The mockup construction was more preferable with coin and base than the design plans indicated. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned the soffit material and it's scored finish — what does it look like? Steven explained it would be more of a wood grain look and texture than seeing individual lines. Commissioner Green was concerned with the proposed light fixtures and the clear glass finish. He suggested non -clear glass to make the fixtures work as more of a glow with non -clear glass, possibly more translucent than opaque. Commissioner D'Agostino questioned the finish of light fixtures. Matt Pielsticker clarified that it would be a darkened bronze finish on poles and fixtures. The applicant provided new photometrics which included the type FFF fixture, and clarified that the 6616 model would be used in all 'FFF' applications. Frosted glass or some other kind of non -clear glass was highly recommended. Commissioner Struve would like frosted or toned down glass and appreciated the mockup. Commissioner Green moved to approve the Landscaping Plan and Lighting plans (with non -clear glass), with subsequent review of the revised mockup for final approval of the materials and colors. Commissioner Smith seconds the motion and the motion carries with a 6-0. Commissioner Struve obtained due to being out of room at the time of the motion. IX. Final Design Plan - Duplex Property Location: Lot 40, Block 4, Wildridge / 5070 Wildridge Road East Applicant/Owner Phillip Matsen Description: This is a final design review for a duplex located on Wildridge Road East. The building would total over 10,000 square feet (including garages) and proposes stone, stucco, wood siding (horizontal and vertical), and asphalt shingles. There is an existing single-family home to the east and open space to the west and south. The Commission reviewed a sketch plan for this structure at their February 21, 2006 meeting. The staff report was presented by Matt Pielsticker. Changes since sketch design were outlined and staffs recommendation for a tabling was presented in order for the applicant to address the massing and site disturbance proposed for this duplex. A color board was distributed for Commissioner review. The applicant and owner, Phil Matsen, answered questions from the Commission. The illegible plans were discussed. Phil discussed the sizes of the two units with one just over and one just under 4,000 livable square feet. Phil discussed the changes since sketch review including: Keystone block wall in front of the home, turnaround space added with hammerhead, landscaping in front of retaining wall, reworked back elevation, chimneys added, proposing limits of disturbance shown on sheet A1.2 instead of sheet Al. 1, one block wall instead of the two-tiered option, fixed plan inaccuracies, unit B 3rd floor where horizontal siding and belly band were added, stone carried around to die in the inside corners, unit A's North elevation 3rd floor horizontal siding added, popout on unit B with stone wainscoat, and shed roof added as well as horizontal siding. Commissioner Evans discussed retaining wall again and asked applicant what he preferred. One wall design was preferred, with a small batter. Commissioner Evans continued with review and agreed with adding new materials and all changes appeared to have benefited this project. Commissioner review continued with Savage and he was in agreement with the comments from Chris Evans. Commissioner D'Agostino appreciated the further delineation of materials and questioned the deck detailing. Rough saw cedar with 8 x 8 cedar posts and 2 x 6 cross members and cap, and 2 x 6 pickets. After further consideration, Phil Matsen felt that what is on plans would be more acceptable for the deck pickets. The trim details were clarified by the applicant. Commissioner Buckner questioned the corner boards and the board on batten detail. He felt that this was overall a good house, and wanted clarification on the roof plan and gables on the North elevation. Clipped gables were commented on and that it should be all or none since they are not big detail statements. The entry to Unit A and address location should be moved. The applicant responded to the Dutch hip detail and felt that they were there to add character, and Commissioner Buckner did not feel they were appropriate. Commissioner Smith commented on the site disturbance and that it should be contained. Commissioner Struve agreed with all of the changes made since sketch design, and that the wall design with caps looked good. He also appreciated positive attitude with house. Commissioner Green commented on Versa -lock wall system and whether there is a footer for that wall. Commissioner Green also referred to sheet A1.2 and the floor plan and focused on unit B's deck on the side patios and that it should be further utilized and/or capitalized on. Green continued with comments: Dutch hips, illegible landscaping plan, the entries looked weak and could have stronger statements, truss design, and that the colors can not be approved off a photocopied page. The Commissioner took to the side conference table to review the large (30" x 40") plan set for further clarification on the site plan and landscaping plans. The Commissioner reconvened and continued discussion on the landscape plan and the edges of the disturbance should be treated specially to help the hard edge look that would result with just native grasses. Commissioner Green moved to table the application in order to see real life color samples and for the site plan to be re -worked to reflect changes. Commissioner D'Agostino seconds the motion. The motion failed 4-3. Commissioner Struve moved to approve with the condition added that no parking in the public right-of-way, the colors would be approved by staff with real samples, and that the landscaping be feathered on the edges of disturbance. An additional condition that the deck details be reviewed by staff was added. Commissioner Savage seconds the motion and the motion passed unanimously with 7-0 vote. X. Sign Design - Wells Fargo Drivethrough Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 245 Chapel Place Applicant: RMD Sign Company Description: This is a sign design application for two freestanding directional signs associated with the Wells Fargo Drivethrough bank, and directional canopy signage on the east elevation of the canopy. Freestanding signs would stand 5'6" tall and would have a textured aluminum base to match color and texture of building's stucco. Staff presented a brief review of the application. Lighting was questioned and whether it should be tabled in order for the applicant to be present. The Commission agreed with staff that the two signs could benefit from dropping one foot in height. Commissioner Buckner moved to approve with the four listed staff conditions in the report and all were in favor. Application approved with a 7-0 vote. XI. Other Business A. Parking variance for Tract Y withdrawn XII. Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:35 pm. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I APPROVED: Chris Evans Vice Chairman Phil Struve Secretary Staff Report Confluence Master Landscape AVON & Public Plaza Plan C O L O R A D O April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address March 28, 2006 Mixed Use - Hotel/Commercial The Confluence PUD PUD 0095 Avon Road Introduction The applicant, East West Partners Inc., has submitted the master landscaping and public plaza plan for Lots 1-7, including Tract A (the Eagle River parcel), of the Confluence PUD. This plan review was required as a condition of approval for the PUD. The goal of this plan review is to ensure that the public plaza materials and landscaping scheme are compatible in materials, scale and layout, and where appropriate, correspond to the Town's public improvements on the Town Center project - specifically the Transit Center and railroad crossing. The Commission has been distributed full size sets of the plan for ease of review. Please consider that the landscaping and public plaza plan review should be focused on Riverfront Lane, Tract A (Eagle River parcel) and Lot 2 (Hotel Parcel) at this time. The grayed out areas of the landscape plan are conceptual, and each lot will be subject to a specific review during final design of individual buildings. Staff has separated the review of the plans into distinct areas for both the public plaza and the landscape plan, reviewed the overall plan against the required design review criteria (including those of the Riverfront Subdivision guidelines where appropriate), and concludes this report with recommended conditions of approval. Staff Review Comments Public Plaza Plan Staff's primary goal is to coordinate the 'carpet concept' of public way finding both in material palette and fixtures (lights) that is contemplated for the Town Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of I I Center project across the railroad corridor to the public plaza in a seamless manner. The material and patterns used from the edge of Riverfront Lane across the railroad tracks to the transit depot and along the side of Lot 61 create a uniform pedestrian streetscape intended to guide both visitors and residents with strong visual cues from Main Street down Benchmark Road and across the railroad corridor and into the Confluence property. This plaza review is being done in concert with the Transit Center design review. In this respect, the Commission should have Sheet L4.01 of the Overall Materials Plan (a site plan for the transit shelter) prepared by Design Workshop and Sheet 3 of the railroad crossing plan prepared by Alpine Engineering open during this plan review to understand the relationship of both streetscape projects. Sheet L-04 of the Confluence public plan set prepared by Terrasan illustrates the repetitive patterns of the pavestone pavers that matches the transit center concept across the railroad crossing. The section 'in between' the Transit Center and the public plaza (the railroad crossing itself) will also carry this pattern across the tracks; however, the use of bollards will differentiate the pedestrian crossing from the automobile crossing. This railroad crossing plan is attached for reference. While the pedestrian material and pattern concept for both the transit center and the Confluence are well developed, there are several areas that require clarification in order to finally coordinate the streetscape project. Following are staffs comments on specific areas of the Public Plaza and Landscape Master Plan: Riverfront Lane Crossing The bollard placement leaving the railroad right of way and intersecting Riverfront Lane should be slightly curved to match the pedestrian crossing and the curve line of the western side of this intersection to differentiate the auto lane from the pedestrian area. Additionally, there is no need to have a concrete pan as is indicated on the plans when the small triangular concrete area will abut the pavestone area (drainage is already handled along the edge of Riverfront Lane). The crossing proposed from the railroad transition across Riverfront Lane to the plaza is contemplated as 5' scored concrete. Staff would prefer the use of stamped concrete to introduce more texture (closer to a 2' tile or scored concrete pattern) and differentiate the crosswalk from the road. Also, staff is recommending that the entire crosswalk is slightly elevated on the transition from the roadway at least two inches in two feet. By way of reference, the Avon Road crosswalks are roughly 1" in 2 feet. The same recommendation is made on the transit center plan report. Finally, the entire crosswalk should consider the use of a flower -box in the centerline of the road- the 12' wide travel lanes should be able Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of l I to accommodate this. Staff will also recommend that the subdivision construction plans specify a lowered travel speed (15mph) from a point immediately after the hotel entrance on the westbound lane and between the trail access and parking area on the eastbound lane. Lighting Lighting of the public plaza is intended to be very low, illuminated only by step lights in retaining walls, low level ornamental landscape lighting and the internal lighting of shop windows. No overhead pedestrian lighting is proposed by the applicant except along Riverfront Lane. Sheet L-01 shows the general locations of street lighting in an overview fashion - no lighting plan has been submitted showing actual photo -metrics. No street light has been specified, and the applicant has.been asked by staff to match the same selected light fixture that Town will approve for the Town Center project through the Transit Center design approval. This street fixture will be different than the broccoli green fixture currently utilized by the Town and will help create the streetscape branding and 'theme' of this district. Since the only overhead street lighting is along Riverfront Lane, staff believes a match of the Town Center street lighting is appropriate. Exact locations will be determined through the subdivision plan review and approval. The applicant has submitted two options for the bollard to be used along Tract A (the Eagle River parcel). The bollard used along the crosswalks will match that of the Town transit center. Staff is recommending the use of lighted bollards on each side of the crosswalk in order to distinguish the crosswalk from the road, since overhead street lights are only proposed on the north side of the crossing. Exact locations of lighted bollards shall be approved only after submittal and review of a photometric lighting plan. Staff is also recommending that, in keeping with the transition to 'organic' materials along the river from the more contemporary public plaza, the concrete bollard option be rejected. The redwood post is a simple organic design that is cost efficient and blends well with the river environment. This will be the only section of the Town bike path to feature lighted bollards, and in staff's view this is an appropriate area to do so considering the increased amount of pedestrian use we expect the area to receive as a result of project build -out. Finally, all lighting placement cannot be approved until a photometric light plan is submitted for review. This plan should include all lighting proposed (bollards, overhead, step lighting) for the plaza, Riverfront Lane and Tract A. A separate lighting plan will be submitted and reviewed with the final design plan for the hotel itself. Plaza Materials and Elements The plaza is using 'pavestone' pavers that will closely match the pavestone materials employed in the Transit Center program. Two distinguishing patterned Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of I I areas are also proposed- one between the Timeshare West building (Lot 4) and one that creates a landing through the covered pedestrian way of the hotel and the public restroom/gondola operations building. These areas will be subject to further improvements (benches, planters, outdoor seating, etc.) as the retail and tenant space program develops. At the appropriate time, this plan may be amended by the applicant to include these additional improvements. The public plaza plan proposes two public art locations- one on the north end of Riverfront Lane and One below the Banquet Terrace along the walkway transition to the river itself (Reference sheet L-03 for details). The plan also proposes an ornamental 'fire pit' location above and between the stairs to the river and the gondola terminal. The public art locations both appear appropriate on a conceptual level, providing that the type of art along Riverfront Lane does not interfere with pedestrian movement from Town Center to the project. In this respect, the Commission should consider whether this art form have a more structured and practical base - perhaps a benched planter that not only creates a visual icon from Main Street and the far end of the plaza, but encourages pedestrians as a gathering place. It should also not be so bulky that it visually interrupts or creates and obstacle to the directional signage or flow of pedestrians to the transit center/main street area. The fire pit should also feature fixed seating, and in this respect, there may be an opportunity to take advantage of the retaining walls and build fixed seating around the pit if it was slightly moved towards the wall. This is a minor refinement, however. The plaza pavestone materials transition into concrete and staff would recommend that this concrete be stained or colored until its terminus to the river path and complement that color of the retaining walls of the hotel that frame this walkway. Also, clarification should be made on the retaining walls as they leave the plaza- sheet L-03 calls these walls out as stone veneer walls. The public plaza is terminated by raised planters at the southwest wing of the hotel. Clarification is required on an unknown feature along the southern end of the west wing of the hotel. Finally, the public plaza includes a gondola lift house/public restroom (reference "Gondola Building Elevations" dated March 23, 2006). The actual gondola terminal is the same structure and shape as the new Larkspur Lift at. Beaver Creek; however the roof material is being proposed to match the same metal used on the shed roofs of the hotel. The upper terminal will likewise use copper colored metal to match the metal roofs used at the Beaver Creek Landing project. Staff would recommend that this be a condition of approval of this plan, and we would also ask the applicant to use matching stone of the hotel on the Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of I I south, east and north elevations as well. Finally, snow shedding from this structure should be addressed with the use of standing seam roofs shedding onto the entrance of the public restrooms. Miscellaneous At staff's request, the applicant has also provided a location for a directional monument sign along the eastern edge of the pedestrian crossing that will be visible from the public plaza. This sign should match the master sign program materials and identity created for the Confluence project (to be submitted and reviewed by the Commission), and will point Town lodging guests back towards the transit center area and Main Street. Master Landscape Plan Materials The master landscape plan provides a list of recommended plants (Sheet L-06) as well as notes on design review, landscape quantities and minimum planting sizes, as well as water conservation requirements. Riverfront Lane Landscaping Landscaping along Riverfront Lane is comprised of evergreens, shrubs and perennials. At the entry/intersection with Avon Road, the plan appears to use a combination of aspens and flowers to complement the two monument sign locations. Retaining walls- called out as stone though not specified in type- are buffered between terraces by shrubs and aspens. The exact signage, lighting and landscaping will be subject of a specific master sign program approval. Along the railroad corridor, Riverfront Lane is heavily buffered from the tracks through the use of spruce, aspen and shrubs. Minimum size and landscaped quantities per area are specified on sheet L-06 of the plan; however, they do not appear to correspond to the extensive use of materials shown on the plans. By staff calculation, the minimum quantity note should be revised to a minimum of 6 to 8 trees for each 650 square feet of landscape area according to the quantities shown on the plans themselves. Additionally, sod is used along Riverfront Lane and helps to create a formal edge and snow storage area along the roadway. Staff would recommend as a condition that the type of fencing along the railroad right of way be specified since the chain link fence does not appear appropriate and would detract from the impressive landscaping contemplated. We also would recommend that the'Town consider a matching alternative to the privacy fence along the north side of the tracks to create better visibility to the project. A split rail fence may be a viable solution in this regard. The path easement is also shown on the plan, and is landscaped along the edges with a combination of aspens, shrubs and several evergreens Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of I 1 Additionally, the plan requires further refinement for Lots 6A and 6B (Lots 5 and 6 according to the final plat) to buffer the required retaining walls under the roadway, specifically the cul-de-sac. This particular area should be resubmitted for review at this time since the contingent cul-de-sac is part of the right of way and the landscaping shown underneath this retaining is shaded as'conceptual'. Tract A (Eagle River Park) The landscape plan shows a combination of aspens, evergreens, shrubs, and revegetated wetland areas. Underneath the gondola is a sod dry -land fly fishing area. Dog stations are proposed along the path, along with conceptual details of the terraced area to the riverfront and a seating area. Lot 2 (Hotel Parcel) The hotel parcel includes the area immediately underneath the retaining walls, gondola and the public plaza transition to the river path. The plaza transition terminates at a turf area underneath the southwest wing of the hotel. The path splits (ADA requirement) and is lined with a heavy quantity of shrubs and perennials along with native seed. Most importantly, the retaining wall below the plaza is shown as landscaped with cottonwoods, shrubs, evergreens. Staff would recommend that more evergreens and fewer cottonwoods are introduced to this area and that all trees planted exceed the minimum planting sizes recommended to help screen the large retaining wall. To this end, at least several of the evergreens and aspens should be a minimum of 15 to 18 feet tall along this area. Transit Center Plan (under separate review) Though subject of a separate design review, technical corrections need to be made to differentiate the pedestrian and automobile lane to match the Riverfront Lane detail on L-04. The plan shows no distinction between lanes as is required by the PUC approval as this crossing approaches the railroad right of way, and after several discussions, staff prefers the use of bollards as a separation rather than the originally contemplated change in materials. The automobile lane of this crossing is expected to be limited to service and Town vehicles only. Additionally, the plans prepared by Alpine Engineering will need to match the Riverfront Lane pattern and the Transit Center pattern. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 7 of 1 I The public plaza and landscape plan conform to the provisions of the Zoning Code. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project complies with both the Town Comprehensive Plan, the Town Center Implementation Plan and the Riverfront Village PUD. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Adequate development rights exist on the property. 4. The final design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: The project complies to all guidelines for site development. Lighting and signage will require separate approval to conform to the Avon Municipal Code requirements, but conceptually appear to conform to the standards and guidelines of the Town. B. Building Design: The Gondola Operations/Restroom building complies with the design guidelines, however staff requests that at least 2 materials be shown on each elevation as required by the guidelines and that new materials should be in the form of a stone base to match the hotel building. C. Landscaping: The project complies with the guidelines for landscaping as recommended for approval by staff. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The proposed improvements are compatible with the site and enhance the river experience where appropriate through the introduction of organized access and gathering points and revegetation. Existing vegetation is preserved conceptually through this plan, and where necessary, enhanced. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The improvements proposed through the master public plaza . and landscaping plan as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties has been considered with respect to the goals of the Town and the requirements of the property through its own design standards. 7. The objective that no Improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be Impaired. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 8 of I I Staff does not feel that any monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired with the proposed improvements provide the approval is with conditions as recommended by staff 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted goals and policies. According to the Riverfront Village Design Standards the Commission shall consider the following applicable criteria when reviewing the design of this project as a public plaza and master landscaping plan: Scope of Design Standards 1.2. An important aspect of the Riverfront Village vision is responsible care for the environment and sustainability of the architecture and landscape. The project landscaping plan and the recommended planting list is appropriate and responsible considering the natural environment. The revegetation and informal seating areas along the Eagle River will encourage appropriate use and access. Design of Public Spaces C. 1. A public plaza will be used to link the Town of Avon to the Eagle River. This link should be reinforced in both a physical and perceptual way through the use of paving materials, landscaping, and sensitive spatial planning. Spatial planning shall include components that reinforce the connectivity of the Town to the River, and avoid elements that act as barriers to this connections, such as planter walls that block pedestrian flow, landscaping that screens the visual connection between the Town and River, etc. The public plaza creates a seamless link to the Eagle River and is reinforced through the use of materials and landscaping proposed. Barriers to this connection are not proposed or minimized to the best extent. There are several connections to the River environment from the terminus of the plaza. Pedestrian Orientation 13.1. A pedestrian corridor, connecting the town to a retail plaza with gondola, will gracefully transition from the plaza to the riverfront promenade by way of a staircase and stepped terraces merging with the natural landscape. This transition will avoid barriers from the Town to the River, and include elements which reinforce this Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 9 of I I connection, including similar paving materials, wide pedestrian ways that encourage movement, active signage and way -finding, and a gracious grand stair with oversized treads and minimal risers. The pedestrian corridor merges with the River through stepped terraces and formal hardscapes that encourage circulation and gathering points along the transition. Paving materials are similar to the plaza and transition through the use of more organic materials into several terraces by the River. Way -finding and signage will be reviewed separately on a master sign program, and this signage should support the active movement of pedestrian through the plaza to the river and back to the Town center. D.2. Pathways shall also create a network within the Village itself, linking the different buildings along the length of the site and providing pedestrian access to defined access/gathering points along the River. The plaza and pathways within Riverfront Village should encourage a pedestrian -friendly environment. Pathways create a network within the Village and create logical connections and fluid material patterns that serve as visual cues to pedestrians in the plaza. Along the river, defined access and gathering points are created and low level lighting is introduced to encourage a higher level of activity. All the elements, when combined, help to create and encourage a pedestrian -friendly environment. The Natural Environment F.1. The Eagle River is a primary amenity for the Town of Avon and Riverfront Village. Links to the River shall be developed as special pedestrian ways to help activate this wonderful amenity. The Eagle River is treated as a primary amenity for the Town and the Village, and there are several distinct pedestrian ways that activate the amenity. F.3. In general, additional plantings within the river setback shall be riparian in character and relate to plantings indigenous to river edge environments. More formal plantings, such as sections of lawn, however, are encouraged at special gathering and access points to highlight these more formal features. Formal plantings featuring annuals are not permitted within the 75 -foot setback. Planting materials and areas are appropriate for the riparian area in character. No annuals proposed in setbacks. Staff has requested a higher degree of landscaping in front of the retaining walls that support the public plaza. Formal plantings and revegetation are located at special gathering and access points, such as the banquet/public terraces and the dry land fly fishing area. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 10 of I I Site Guidelines C.1. Plaza materials: Rustic materials common in mountain towns and/or a more contemporary interpretation of these materials such as cut stone pavers, colored concrete pavers, and stained or colored concrete slabs are appropriate to the Village. Colors shall be complementary to the site and its architecture, avoiding bright or brilliant hues that distract from the pedestrian experience. Plaza materials are consistent with the site guidelines and are consistent in application with those being use in the Town Transit Center project and across the railroad corridor. No brilliant hues are proposed to distract from the pedestrian experience. Staff Recommendation Staff Recommends approval of the Riverfront Subdivision (Village) Master Landscape and Public Plaza plan with the following conditions: 1/ All lighting submitted is only conceptually approved, and will require submittal of a site lighting plan in conformance with Chapter 15.30 ("Outdoor Lighting Standards") prior to final approval. Street lighting fixtures will match those selected for use in the Town Center project. The wood bollard option shall be used on Tract A. Lighted bollards shall be used at the pedestrian crossing of Riverfront Lane. 2/ Bollard alignment between Riverfront Lane and railroad to be curved to match the auto lane curve on the western side of this intersection. 3/ Concrete pan extending from Riverfront ROW to western edge of auto lane shall be deleted. Concrete shall be flush with material at this area. 4/ Stamped or scored concrete to be utilized at crosswalk with no greater than a 2' score to create a material difference of the crosswalk. The crosswalk will be elevated at least 2 inches in 2 feet at the transition from both approaches. 5/ Traffic calming devices such as a flower box shall be introduced in the Riverfront ROW at the crosswalk. The approach to this pedestrian crosswalk shall be designated as a 15 MPH speed limit at locations noted in this report. 6/ Concrete bollards are rejected. Redwood bollards will be used on Tract A that conform to an approved lighting plan. 7/ Concrete from terminus of public plaza to river path shall be stained or colored to compliment retaining wall and plaza color and material palette. 8/ The restroom/gondola operations building will introduce a stone base to match the hotel on the north, south an east elevations. Snow shedding will be incorporated and reviewed as part of the snow management plan for this building. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page I I of I I 9/ Minimum quantities for landscape plan shall be increased to 6-8 trees for each 650 square feet of landscape plan to conform to submitted plans shown. 10/ Fencing along Railroad ROW will be specified and approved separately. 11/ Additional evergreen trees shall be introduced at the base of the retaining wall below the public plaza and the minimum height of these trees shall be 15' tall at time of installation. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4002, or stop by the Community Development Department. Director of Community Development Attachments: 1/ March 29, 2006 East West Submittal Letter 2/ March 24, 2006 Terrasan Riverfront Village Master Landscape/Plaza Plan 3/ Legend Supplement to Riverfront Village Master Landscape/Plaza Plan 4/ Reduced Set: Gondola Building/Public Restroom Elevations 5/ Bollard Option Cut Sheets for Tract A (Eagle River Parcel) 6/ Page 2 of the Riverfront Subdivision PUD (Design Standards) Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax(970)949-5749 East West Partners March 29, 2006 RE: Submittal for April 4a' P&Z Meeting Dear Tambi and Eric, The following outlines the content of our submittal for the April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. 1) In response to comments and questions from the Planning and Zoning Commission on the Westin Riverfront, Hotel Sketch Plan during their March meeting, we have submitted the following materials: a) Full-size sets of the hotel elevations, including large-scale elevations of certain portions of the building. These large-scale elevations also feature a corresponding plan view to help the Commission better understand facade articulation. b) 11x17 sets of revised colored elevations of the hotel. The materials application and color scheme has been changed to add more interest to the north facade. In addition, a stone tower element with metal shed roof has been added to the northeast wing to help further animate the north elevation. c) 11x17 plans of the on-site mock-up. This was submitted in response to the desire of Staff and the Commission to have an on-site mock-up constructed as part of or as a condition of Final Design. The Commission and Staff should review this mock-up design and provide any comments to ensure that the constructed mock-up will provide an acceptable representation of building materials. d) Program summaries for all spaces in the hotel. The Commission specifically requested this at their March 7a' meeting. RECEIVED MAR 2 9 2006 CORlmunity Deveiopment It should be noted that Staffs request for a snow shedding/snow management plan will be addressed during Final Design. 2) Master Landscape & Public Plaza Plan a) Full-size sets of the Master Landscape Plan. It should be noted that the grayed out areas of the landscape plan show a general depiction of what we expect the landscape will look like for these parcels (Lots 1 and 3-7), but the exact landscape plan for these areas will be reviewed and approved by the Commission during the design review process for each particular building. The landscaping in the nongrayed out areas (Riverfront Lane ROW, Tract A and Lot 2) is more definitive and should be the focus of the Commission's review at this point. This landscape plan includes the hardscape and affixed elements of the plaza. b) 8.5 x 11 packets showing two options for the light bollards along the riverfront trail. The team hopes to have an image of the wooden bollard option for presentation on the 4`s. c) 11x17 exhibits showing plan and elevations of the gondola lift house / pubic restroom building as well as images of the gondola terminal structure in application at Beaver Creek. It should be noted that the gondola terminal will be the same structure and shape as the new Larkspur Lift at Beaver Creek, though the development team is going to attempt to use the same metal on the lower terminal canopy as is used on the shed roofs of the hotel. Similarly, we plan to use a copper colored metal on the canopy of the upper terminal to match the metal roofs at Beaver Creek Landing. d) 11x17 plan showing the areas of the hotel building that will be snowmelted. It should be noted that the pool deck plan is undergoing modifications and the snowmelt for this area will be adjusted accordingly. The Commission should therefore focus its review on the porte cochere, plaza and restaurant terrace portions of this snowmelt plan. It should be noted that layout and design of benches, planters and other loose elements of the Plaza will not be designed until we have a better understanding of the retail tenants on the plaza and their associated stone -fronts, signage and outdoor seating. Sin rely, Andy union EAST WEST PARTNERS RECEIVED MAR 2 9 2006 immunity peed FROM : Terrasan Inc FAX NO. : 3033311815 Mar. 30 2006 03:04PM P3 1) Z W C� w J 0 O ...Ca 0.(e `mom pyo tl 13 it O ...Ca 0.(e m E pyo f a o • x x •1 / M, .0 . • • • •. ��' ! k ` -� �Gr. - / • IL IL oe x x k x x W x X It itIle x/~ • ' /It Ile f 011// Ed Wd£0:£0 900E 0£ •UpW SS8titi£££0£ : 'ON XU-. oUI Ueseaual WONJ 2 7 z 0 J4 W �W zI W o Z r z W 2 EL D 0 W 71LL g 0 0 0 0 a m T I] E F— Cl 0 C=) 0 + AXE 1 .17 17 ICU 0 LLJ cj C\1 F— rr co C/) LL- F— 2 LU cr craaaCY) -0 V5 CD LU 0 *,0. LL - 3t moc " :9 M 4k] + U Eau Mir cj)uj f < LU N0- cr— Lu LIJ F— � U) u C) iii Mri—ol -d6Z;Z 9002 '£z Ajonjqaj 41—PPOO :48 Palu!Jd 6lAP'lZvI00C9Z9\PPO:) 3208\1010H E)dS )p ljosa8 u!lsaM 00)£929\SIOO(Old uOPIOI\:l E CD CL 0 O:z 80 �o W C= W.. a: E E W Lda. (L U OJ 0 .4h V) CL po U. (n w cQ w W- ci < V) z 0 ui O iii Mri—ol -d6Z;Z 9002 '£z Ajonjqaj 41—PPOO :48 Palu!Jd 6lAP'lZvI00C9Z9\PPO:) 3208\1010H E)dS )p ljosa8 u!lsaM 00)£929\SIOO(Old uOPIOI\:l E CD CL 0 W C= a: E E iii Mri—ol -d6Z;Z 9002 '£z Ajonjqaj 41—PPOO :48 Palu!Jd 6lAP'lZvI00C9Z9\PPO:) 3208\1010H E)dS )p ljosa8 u!lsaM 00)£929\SIOO(Old uOPIOI\:l CONCRETE BOLLARD- C139 round page 1 of DATF TYPE AAL Concrete Bollards Architectural Area Lighting concrete bollards are designed to be sensitive to the physical and aesthetic environment. The natural materials harmonize with virtually any site design. Available in many sizes, shapes, heights and finishes to compliment any site design. Standard surface treatments include natu- ral colored concrete with an etched finish or exposed aggregate. Options include custom colors, tile, signage and logos. AAL concrete bollards are maintenance free due to their inherent strength and natural finishes. The rein- forced concrete bases and tops, matched with cast aluminum grills make the bollards virtually inde- structible. These bollards are highly resistant to abuse and inadvertent damage from grounds keeping. The concrete surfaces are treated with an anti -graffiti coating to minimize damage from vandals. RECEIVED 14249 Artesia Blvd La Mirada, CA 90638 Architectural Area Lighting MAR 2 7 &6 vmy.aal.net 714.994.2700 fax 714.994.0522 Ref:C8_9R.pdf Copyright 2D05, design patented Community Development lnic�<a �'�Inr� -e-- 1 ae 614AM4--W— �� SrA�Yvr,D c� 1�J,4�t�F , coj-o►e J VlU ASF - L 1 6�l4r &oU-,Nr2v 0 • r� FIXTURE TYPE:_ PROJECT NAME: SPECIFICATIONS HOUSING: Recessed, water -tight die- cast aluminum (copper -free) for corrosion resistance in concrete applications. FASTENERS: Captive, black oxide stainless steel, tamper resistant. GASKET: Single piece molded silicone. SOCKET: HID and incandescent models, porcelain 4KV pulse rated medium base socket. GY6.35 bi-pin for T4. Compact fluorescent models, high temperature plastic; 26 watt is GX24q-3, 28 watt is GX32d-3, 32 watt is GX24q-3, 42 watt is GX24q-4. REFLECTOR: Symmetric: Precision formed, highly polished specular aluminum.The frosted lens and cast louver offer lower light levels with cutoff for lighting stairways or general area lighting where shielding of the light source is more important than high light levels. Asymmetric reflector: Precision The WLA3000 Recessed Round Steplyte combines elegant styling with multiple lamping options available. The WLA3000 Round Steplyte has a cast louver face plate with a shadow -free frosted lens. formed, semi -specular and light diffuse aluminum, which is field -adjustable for an asymmetric right or left distribution for lighting stairways. Compact fluorescent lamping not available in asymmetric. LENS FRAME: Cast Louver. Die-cast aluminum (copper -free), offering 45° shielding; lens is flat frosted glass and attached to back of louver with stainless steel clips. Lens is completely sealed to prevent water, dust and insect infiltration. Bubble Lens: UV -stabilized injection molded clear polycarbonate; lamp projects out of the wall, enabling efficient bare lumens to be directed down at ground level and a wide distribution for further spacing of fixtures. BALLAST- HID ballasts are HPF. Fluorescent ballasts for 28 watt PL -C are core and coil, NPF Class B, is rated at -20'F starting temperature; 26/32/42 watt PL -T are electronic, universal ACCESSORIES (Must Be Ordered Separately and Field Installed) INSULATION PROTECTOR: Required for drywall, plaster, wood and other non -masonry installations with exception of fluorescent lampings, and must be ordered as an option (see page 2). Not required or offered for concrete, brick or other masonry installations. Unit is mounted from inside housing and is field replacable without removing housing. BMA1: Masonry Wall Installation kit BMA2: New stud installation kit. 1 voltage 120-277V, 50 or 60 Hz. Ballasts are factory wired and tested. WIRING COMPARTMENT: Internal wiring compartment contains two (2) 1/2" NPT conduit taps in the bottom and one (1) 1/2" NPT conduit tap in each side. A removable plug will be provided for (3) of the (4) tapped holes. FINISH: Thermoset polyester powdercoat, available in Black (BLK) and Dark Bronze (DB). WARRANTY: Three year limited warranty. CERTIFICATION: UL Listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards for wet locations. ADA: This fixture is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. BMA3: Existing installation kit. Note: Bronzelite reserves the right to modify the above details to reflect changes in the cost of materials Wor production Wor design without prior notice. BRONZELITE - GENLYTE GROUP LLC •100 Craftway•Littlestown, PA 17340- Ph. (800) 273-1569 -Fax (717) 359-9545• www. bronze] ite.com ISO 9001:2000 Registered Copyright Genlyte Group LLC, BRONZELITE Division 2005 WLA3000-Rev2 FIXTURE TYPE: PROJECT NAME: DIMENSIONS & MOUNTING DETAILS 3.314" 95 mm 29/32" 23 mm •�; BL HL— f ` 3-314" 1.1/8" 2-114" —� 95 mm 28 mm 57 mm 2.7/8" 73 mm 1.7/16" 7-718" 37 mm 200 mm 29/32' _ 23 mm _ 9.21132" _ 5-13116" 2.246 mm 148 mm ORDERING LOGIC - WLA3000 120=120V tal Louver 208=208V Lens 240=240V 277=277V 50W Metal Halide E17 WLA305OMH ( ) (120,277) 70W Metal Halide E17 WLA3070MH*** (BL) (120,277) 35W High Pressure Sodium E17 WLA3035HPS ( ) (120,277) 50W High Pressure Sodium E17 WLA3050HPS ( ) (120,277) 70W High Pressure Sodium E17 WLA3070HPS*** (BL) (120,277) 26W Fluorescent PL -T GX24q-4 WLA3026F ( ) ( ) 28W Fluorescent PL28 QUAD WLA3028F ( ) (120,277)*' 32W Fluorescent PL -T GX24q-3 WLA3032F ( ) ( ) 42W Fluorescent PL -T GX24q-4 WLA3042F ( ) ( ) 50W Low Voltage T4 (LV Transformer included) WLA3050 ( ) (120/12) 60 W Incandescent A19 WLA3060INC ( ) (120) - WLA3HO (Housing only for Pre -ship) - - To order fixture without housing, add suffix 'LH' (less housing) to complete catalog number. Example: WLA3050MHHL 120DBLH 'Thermal protection is required for interior or insulated walls. Add suffix 'P'to ordering number 'Not required for fluorescent. " 28F 277V not available in 'HL' option. "'Both 70W Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium are with Bubble Lens only and masonry installations only. NOTE: Lamp not included. BLK=Black DB=Dark Bronze P=Thermal Protector* 7inish Thermal Protector Model No. Faceplate Voltage Finish Thermal Protector PROJECT NOTES APPROVAL Note: Bronzelite reserves the right to modify the above details to reflect changes in the cost of materials Wor production Wor design without prior notice. BRONZELITE - GENLYTE GROUP LLC -100 Craftway• Littlestown, PA 17340• Ph. (800) 273-1569 -Fax (717) 359-9545• Www.bronzelite.com ISO 9001:2000 Registered Copyright Genlyte Group LLC, BRONZELITE Division 2005 WLA3000-Rev2 0 N WHOM v 1 E all c " E z dr E a. 5 Q E p W n W o -5 v • fi .8 N Q � 6JV •� w+ V1 � � •�-y •�` G cq Q 3 � � 8 c 8 � -b ,a •� -� C � � O w u c 73 > ° o•� N 0. " U v 8 Jo. + • o 8 E $ L ,% C 5 u4of w 5 o 0 � .t Ln g E arc Q 3 C4 FL 0 o cn � � � � ", 6c 0 66 cq cl O p' o ba o bIL 3 C: O w N � 0. g V1, > p u YJ E Lco T L N V f0 C a y C4 Q Yl v Q u to CL An 0 9 < 0 Q Nw� 5T uL-a f! 6 -E N R %40 u ^� $ 78 0 0 OLO . z 4 �W� NLS. �� �.�� w�Cc MZ< O•.a � N $ � �'. .4 u ,���.� � O u�� � � O� Q w u w � �+ •~ � c o � 8. N u Q O N F7. 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M M i1 N w a N N N �+ m �j �p m N M �Y u1 y (V Ao Ndf ni `Wd � £:8t:0 � 900Z/£Z/E `6Mp- ueld-juawdolanap-pnd\�131SdW\JMa\ � 0050003\:d Staff Report SAVU " si Town Transit Center Design 11111 April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting C o t. 0 R A 0 0 Report date March 28, 2006 Project type Public- Transit Center (Phase 1 of Town Center) Legal description Town Transit Center Parcel Zoning Town Center Address 0080 Benchmark Road Introduction The applicant, the Town of Avon, has submitted a design review application for the Avon Transit Center. The Transit Center represents a critical first step of the Town Center Implementation Plan, as it sets the tone in materials, lighting, signage and overall streetscape theme for the District. This plan review was required by Town Council at their last work session review of Design Development drawings prepared by Design Workshop. Both Council, staff and the consultant are looking for input and feedback on the following areas: - The design of the transit shelter - The sign and lighting program - Site fixtures (benches, trashcans, guardrail, bicycle/ski racks) - Overall site materials and landscaping - Connection across railroad corridor to Riverfront Lane ("the carpet concept') Steven Spears of Design Workshop will provide the Commission with a presentation on the Design Development drawings, comments received by Council, and answer any questions, comments or recommendations suggested by the Commission as a part of this design review process. Staff Review Comments Transit Center Plan Staff's primary goal is to coordinate the streetscape and public way finding both in material palette and fixtures (lights) that is contemplated for the Town Center project across the railroad corridor to the public plaza in a seamless manner from the Transit Center. The Commission should have Sheet L4.01 of the Overall Materials Plan (a site plan for the transit shelter) prepared by Design Workshop and Sheet 3 of the railroad crossing plan prepared by Alpine Engineering open during this plan Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 6 review to understand the relationship of both streetscape projects. Both attached. It would be helpful to also have the Riverfront Village plaza master plan (Sheet L.01) open as a reference for this review of the Transit Center plan. The material and patterns used from the edge of Riverfront Lane across the railroad tracks to the transit depot and along the side of Lot 61 create a uniform pedestrian streetscape intended to guide both visitors and residents with strong visual cues from Main Street down Benchmark Road and across the railroad corridor and into the Confluence property. The Transit Center Plan is the keystone of this concept and this will be discussed in detail in the presentation. Sheet L-04 of the Confluence public plan set prepared by Terrasan illustrates the repetitive patterns of the pavestone pavers that matches the transit center concept across the railroad crossing. The section 'in between' the Transit Center and the public plaza (the railroad crossing itself) will also carry this pattern across the tracks; however, the use of bollards will differentiate the pedestrian crossing (eastern from the automobile crossing. This railroad crossing plan is attached for reference and will require amendment prior to final approval should the Transit material pattern design review be approved by the Commission and Council. The automobile lane of this crossing is expected to be limited to service and Town vehicles only. Additionally, the plans prepared by Alpine Engineering will need to match the Riverfront Lane pattern and the Transit Center pattern. While the pedestrian material and pattern concept for both the transit center and the Confluence are well developed, there are several areas that require clarification in order to finally coordinate the streetscape project. Following are staffs comments on specific areas of Town Transit Center Plan: Transit Shelter The shelter itself has undergone several iterations from concept through design development plans before you. The current design evolved as a discussion between staff and the consultant team refined the idea of the shelter having a contemporary theme while at the same time respecting the location and heritage of the Town and historical imagery of Avon's first building and shelters, particularly the Lettuce sheds that lined the Avon station railroad at one time. The structure itself is wood with stone entries and a standing seam metal roof. The doors are able to open in the summer time to allow maximum circulation of air, and close in winter to retain some heat. The placement of the shelter receives maximum passive solar heating and a sun/shade study done by Design Workshop shows that the front side of the shelter (the passenger landing) receives full sun on the shortest day of the year. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 6 Council supported the shelter with some minor requests on architectural treatment to the wood posts and glass panes of the doors. No lighting is proposed to the shelter other than a downcast lighting at each of the entries. Lighting This street fixture will be different in the Town Center District than the broccoli green fixture currently utilized by the Town and will help create the distinct streetscape branding and 'theme' of this district. The street and pedestrian areas will also be defined by the use of a contemporary bollard. Cut sheets of both lights proposed are included in the packet, and the bollard will match those across the railroad corridor and at the intersection of Riverfront lane with the public plaza. A lighting/photometric plan will be required for submittal and review by staff, however the light fixtures proposed appear to comply with our Dark Sky requirements. The lighting fixtures are styled around a "North-South" orientation that the consultant will present this concept in detail. Transit Center Materials and Elements The Transit Center is using pavestone pavers and colored/scored concrete. A pattern concept is being proposed to mimic the repetitive pattern of the rail corridor and the architectural theme of the transit center is styled around "a contemporary interpretation of historic elements, forms and precedents inspired by the Railroad". The landscape island and bollards help define the bus turn around and distinguish this area from the auto lane of Benchmark Road and the pedestrian crossing from Town Center to the Riverfront Subdivision. The concept for the landscape island will be presented in detail by Design Workshop, but it plays off the "North-South" and repetitive design pattern found in the rail corridor and in the paving pattern. Staff has asked that the main crosswalk be elevated and two new crossings be added at both entries to the Transit Center area. In addition, we are recommending that the posted speed limit be 15 MPH to emphasize the pedestrian -orientation of this area and avoid conflict with automobile use that will continue to pass through. Signage The signage proposed for the Transit shelter is styled to reflect the proximity to the railroad and future light rail station on the other side of the corridor. Staff has asked Design Workshop to use a heavier and more gracious material for the signage and avoid cabinet back -lit illumination (this is a recommended condition of approval). Some degree of signage may be necessary at the point of intersection with the railroad corridor. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 6 Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. The transit shelter, streetscape and landscape plan conform to the provisions of the Zoning Code. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project complies with both the Town Comprehensive Plan, the Town Center Implementation Plan and Schematic development plans for the District. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Not applicable. No density is proposed on this property, only a public shelter. 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: The project complies to all guidelines for site development. Lighting and signage will require separate approval to conform to the Avon Municipal Code requirements, but conceptually appear to conform to the standards and guidelines of the Town. B. Building Design: The transit shelter appears to comply with the guidelines in terms of materials, scale and form. C. Landscaping: The project complies to the guidelines for landscaping as recommended for approval by staff. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The proposed improvements are compatible with the site and orientation. The transit shelter has been oriented to receive maximum sun exposure. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The improvements proposed as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties has been considered. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 6 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. Staff does not feel that any monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired with the proposed improvements provide the approval is with conditions as recommended by staff 8. The general conformance of the proposed. improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted goals and policies. Staff Recommendation Staff Recommends approval of the Avon Transit Center with the following conditions: 1/ All lighting submitted is only conceptually approved, and will require submittal of a site lighting plan in conformance with Chapter 15.30 ("Outdoor Lighting Standards") prior to final construction document approval. 2/ Seating in the Transit Shelter shall accommodate a minimum of 20 people. 3/ A speed table/crosswalk at the entry to the Transit Center from both east and West approaches shall be included in the plans prior to final construction document. 4/ Signs shall not be internally illuminated cabinet signs. Signs will be fabricated out of wood or metal, and illuminated only by the light fixture. 5/ The road plan for railroad crossing from the Transit Center shall be revised to be consistent with final approval of the material and paving concept. 6/ A 15mph speed limit shall be posted for the extent of the Transit Center from both east and west approaches. 7/ A temporary connection shall be installed from the Transit Center to the existing Town mall until final approval of design plans for the Benchmark Court connection. 8/ Modifications shall be provided as necessary to assure ADA compliance. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call myself or Norman Wood at 748-4030 or stop by the Community Development Department. A power point presentation will be available at the hearing, as well a full size set of the drawings. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Avon Transit Center Plan Design Review April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 6 Respectfully s mitted, Tambi Kati Director of Community Development Norman cod, PE Town Engineer Attachments: 1/ Avon Town Transit Center Plans submitted Design Workshop inc. cut sheets Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 LF,rHiQ' T l TOWN CENTER WEST & main street public improvements AVON TRANSIT CENTER Design Development Update March 14, 2006 To: The Honorable Mayor and Councilors From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer The Design Workshop team has proceeded with the design of the Avon Transit Center per your direction at their Schematic Design presentation on January 10, 2006. Staff has also provided the Design Workshop team with comments and discussion regarding the overall design intent, materials and relationship to the future railroad crossings. Steven Spears of Design Workshop will present their Design Development package and take comments from Council. Specifically, Steven will discuss: I_ Enhancement of the larger concept of the Transit Center and how it relates to Town Center West 2. Design for the interior island 3. Streetlight and transit stop design 4. Transit shelter design 5. Planting design 6. Material/furniture selection 7. Review of Design Development package Staff and Design Workshop request that Council provide direction and authorization to precede into full construction drawings in order to meet the next deadline of April 25, 2006. Staff is reviewing the Design Development package for accurate content and quality assurance. This deadline is in concert with the proposed construction schedule of Summer 2006. -1p a SAME AS O IGINAL - -6 snow SAME AS ORIGINAL chas park SATNIE AS m Annapolis stands its ground and performs multiple maneuvers with style. This new bollard functions as a defining element to mark pathways and direct pedestrian traffic; as a safety barrier to protect pedestrian areas from vehicular traffic; and as a security bulwark against intentional, destructive trespass. Constructed of half-inch sheet steel in 6" or 12" diameters, it is exceptionally strong. Annapolis is designed to complement the range of Landscape Forms' furniture for outdoor spaces. A removable bollard option provides site flexibility. Other smart options include a polyethylene sleeve that protects it from dents and scratches, and lighting that sheds a soft glow. SAME AS ORIGINAL 11r;:i,f,::;li�, i:3c=11arc< :�pn .Ifsc<1t;or7s Annapolis bollards are constructed of a structural steel tube body with a cast aluminum top and a spun aluminum base ring. Bollards securely embed in 18" of concrete. The removable version is secured in an embedded steel socket, Annapolis is available in 6" or 12" diameter, with or without low voltage lighting. A protective polyethylene sleeve is available in three standard colors - Grotto, Ivy, or Silver. Custom color sleeves are available on orders of 50 or more for an upcharge. A removable bollard option is also available to provide additional site flexibility, This bollard comes with a keyed lock for security and a cover plate that stores within the base when the bollard is fixed. On removal, the cover plate fits flush with the surface and is secured with a chain. The embedded socket and cover plate are constructed of hot dip galvanized steel. All other metal is finished with Landscape Forms' proprietary Pangard II' polyester pow- dercoat, a hard yet flexible finish that resists rusting, chipping, peeling and I fading. Call for a standard color chart. Our purpose is to Enrich Outdoor Spaces www.landscapeforms.com Visit our website for product details, color (;harts, technical sheets, sales offl-,e locations Download JP0 images, brochure PDF. CAD details, CSI specifications. Annapolis is designed by Bran Kane, IDSA. Specifications are subject to cnnnge w tl,out nonce. Annapolis is manufactured in U S A. Lccaton photography Kaian-azoo College. Kalamazoo. MI Landscape Ferrns supports the _AF at ti,.e Second Century level 1-2003 Landscape Forms Inc Panted n U S Iandscapeforms- 800.521.2546 269.381.3455 fax 431 Lawndale Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048 www.landscapeforms.com i 6" x 33" 12" x 33" dia. x h outer sleeve' Our purpose is to Enrich Outdoor Spaces www.landscapeforms.com Visit our website for product details, color (;harts, technical sheets, sales offl-,e locations Download JP0 images, brochure PDF. CAD details, CSI specifications. Annapolis is designed by Bran Kane, IDSA. Specifications are subject to cnnnge w tl,out nonce. Annapolis is manufactured in U S A. Lccaton photography Kaian-azoo College. Kalamazoo. MI Landscape Ferrns supports the _AF at ti,.e Second Century level 1-2003 Landscape Forms Inc Panted n U S Iandscapeforms- 800.521.2546 269.381.3455 fax 431 Lawndale Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048 www.landscapeforms.com SAME As ANNAPOLIS SMART BOLLARD ORIGINAL Annapolis"' Smart Bollard is the first bollard with integrated solar powered lighting provided by advanced light -emitting diode (LED) technology. This bollard is not just the smartest in its class. It's in a class all its own. Smart Bollard was developed in response to customer requests for a lighted bollard designed for use in areas where wiring is unfeasible or inconvenient, or where security concerns demand lighting that is off the grid. It is a reliable, economical, energy-saving solution for marking pathways, dividing pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and providing security in settings ranging from corporate and university campuses to urban streetscapes. Smart Bollard adds new function to a familiar form. It integrates a completely self-contained solar -powered LED lighting unit, encapsulated in a durable weatherproof polycarbonate/polymer housing, into the standard 6" diameter Annapolis bollard. Smart Bollard casts directional light above the ground. Its sixteen white LEDs provide 3600 visibility with a range exceeding one mile. Because it requires no wiring, Smart Bollard breaks new ground as the first removable bollard with integrated lighting. 1 18 foot - candles at source 8" 1 100' 500' 1000' landscapeforrns- Y A j b y ^ 'Y k yh y � h £x 3 9 3 5� r i iSdt�' ,. �- � 0.c•. o- �k �.�� Y AE SA, iNIE .A. ORIG NAl -- R E A L! G H T I N, k w INDIRECT Dark Sky Friendly Other indirect luminaires typically throw 40 to 50 percent of their light output upwards into the sky. The result is poor efficiency as well as light pollution. The Indirect's specially designed lower reflector precisely focuses the light energy onto the upper reflector with virtually no stray, uptight. The Indirect emits less than one half of one percent upward. This has earned an IES "cutoff luminaire" classification from the independent photometric testing lab. AAL Indirect a less than 1/2% uplight IES cutoff luminaire high efficiency 6 A R C H I T E C T U R A L others • 40 to 50% uplight • IES non -cutoff luminaire • low efficiency A R E A L I G H T I N G 4\ 0 O V z LLQ 0 z 0 w� �w z � W Z UW Z (a) �: H 1�= OZ z� O� a E C. 0 z 0 F000U lo— oc U) z 0 U w 0 LL F0000 z 0 v c m L CO) O 0 N V" L CL 40 0 0 J c 0 E 10- E C C m 0 Q CL N O c 0 CL m V m 0 a 9JJJJJJ59 �dOUtScS �W W 0 m 3 c Im L7 m m A A A m ca m LO Y V - co O C It U o 0) W > 04 CD W N (0 Z C M 0 �� O O O O O F3 O m N O p N Z c .s Ute— W =p c0 N O E IL w W va > 2 m (1) a� cu Q F- LL '0LO �-� cn -� -LL P r OI-irnF-U- , & p c iys j I� f� 0 m 3 c Im L7 m m A A A m v/ W c Z B O co ZU) ca m LO Y V - co O C It U o 0) W > 04 CD W N (0 Z C M 0 �� O O O O O F3 O m N O p N Z c .s Ute— W =p c0 N O E IL w W va > 2 m (1) a� cu Q F- LL v/ W c Z B O co ZU) ca co wU O O O C Z' M U?U) WO 44) OD Cf) c �� O c 00 0 L� Q m �ti�... 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"4Y. LCgtt-t NlS LAd r .8 L .20 -7 NVd 313LONO3 30WA Q3WdDMd ----------- 09 601 -ID lAd .20 Cn m C c V) 0 0 C) Q LLI LLI 0 (f) LLJC) 3: V) LLI Z z - 04 14) - uj 00 00 F-- 0 0 0 V) > a0- LLI _j U) s C) LD C) 0 LJ a- cs,ts-L - VIS NVd 313LONO3 30WA Q3WdDMd 09 601 -ID lAd A "4Y. LCgtt-t NlS LAd r .8 09'"L -.TU OAd 99LC+l NIS OAd ZOZO't :VIS OAd 9619+0 - VIS 3WI H3VJS ANVIIWS dIC tZ ONUS0(3 Oz UL +0- vis 3w1 Nvm M MYN dIC .*Z DNLISD(3 99 LOL - A313 0+-cL+o - vis SSX WN OL LM - A313 1'� - VIS (.3) WHO IN0HAH3UJ Cn m C c V) 0 0 C) Q LLI LLI 0 (f) LLJC) 3: V) LLI Z z - 04 14) - uj 00 00 F-- 0 0 0 V) > a0- LLI _j U) s C) LD C) 0 LJ a- Staff Report SIGN DESIGN Report date Sign type Legal description Zoning Address Background 7vi C 0 L 0 R A o 0 April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting March 27, 2006 Tenant Sign - Sports Authority Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Chapel Square) PUD - Planned Unit Development 220 Chapel Place A Master Sign Program (MSP) for Chapel Square was approved on August 6, 2002 with a condition stating "any tenant who replaces Wal-Mart in the existing building must submit an application. The existing Wal-Mart sign sets no precedent. It is an existing non -conforming sign." Additionally, "any future single -tenant occupying the current Wal- Mart space shall conform to Town size requirements from the Sign Code." At their May 20, 2003 meeting the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the sign design for all current tenants of the old Wal-Mart building. All tenant signs were approved as internally lit pan -channel letter type designs. One of the tenants, Gart Brothers, is now changing their name to 'Sports Authority' and is seeking a new sign to correspond to this corporate identity change. The new proposed sign measures 162.6 square feet and is constructed with illuminated channel letters, similar to the current Office Depot and Pier 1 Import signs. The design is similar to the current Gart Sports sign, with a simulated wood grain background painted red. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sign Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The location of the sign is in the same location as the current Gart Bros sign. The entire area of stucco would be repaired and repainted. All materials are consistent with the current and adjacent signs. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Sports Authority Sign April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements. Most tenant signs in the Chapel Square PUD are 2'x 10' metallic bronze cabinets. When the Chapel Square Master Sign Program (MSP) was originally approved there was a condition stating that any future tenants submit drawings and the sign(s) will be reviewed against the Town Sign Code. Most adjacent developments utilize internally illuminated pan -channel lettered signs. 3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement. Aluminum, plexiglass, and routed wood grain are encouraged materials in the Sign Code. The wood grain for the new sign, while artificial, would be identical to the existing Gart Bros sign. The materials are high quality and should be appropriate for the project. 4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. While the sign is large, the scale of the building appears to lend itself to larger signage than would normally be acceptable. It is staffs opinion that the proposed signage will not adversely impact the neighboring properties. The lighting proposed (internally illuminated lettering) may have a negative impact as viewed from adjacent properties. An externally lit system, similar to the current Gart sign or some other external lighting may benefit the appearance of this sign. 5. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. The proposed sign appears appropriate for the project and should not affect monetary or aesthetic values in the vicinity. 6. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the sign code, and are appropriate for the project. The type, quality, and size of all proposed sign are acceptable and comply with the Town Sign Code standards. 7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation The sign appears to be oriented to vehicular traffic, which appears to be appropriate. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the tenant sign for Sports Authority on Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: Town of Avon Community Development (970) 7484030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Tract B-1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Sports Authority Sign April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 1. Lighting is not approved. Lighting and lettering will be consistent with the current Gart Bros sign - not internally illuminated channel letters. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative in this application and in public hearing shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Aft: Shop Drawings Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 • ' •�! ] ±% z. ... ..»Pa prE _; § 2 a '40z \ § \B \ \\ \2 i} }� } ! \■ ! _ }\ �� §■ � _ }} C� » k \\ !� E § ■ \2 i} }� }\ « _ }} C� » k \\ !� E § ! \§ � � { ■ m. Old All E 01 E Z O c w O J - z n _ , O � c Q d U 0 3w } F- - _z c Z O CD m ¢ ¢ LLI c f z o c7 p c _ 8 O M ❑ w (} — c E O J d O J Z Q O rn E IoM O� z� (n W LU ❑ H y Q M Z ¢ Z w 2 J F Jm E m ❑ 2 v U � Vl LU p o ¢ W - a� S � M w �- c N c c o OU� o = ¢O Z o ou- ¢ H Q Z U Ow _ g Q Q m Z S O m Y v rn Q OP cn ^n Q- U v O u r cn ¢ w o LE cn z w z z M a m o Odd a•- NSM w II troi O Y2N J cr II Ocr U Y S w o z w U p _ = UZ Cc ¢ _ II ~aQ Z O �� U' N Q CO Q W ~ II w w II 2 w Z~ <n Z :o 9 Y S K J w o d 0.. w 'J �. p 8/l 5-.6 s W H S - ❑ S d UZ OZ Q z S e ��(( N 0 Q w M� X O J W Z m O Z Z. w J Q z 0 W J ¢ m Q OLL gL ¢(� O }' (n J U Q. N F E w r w z N ❑ w g ��z Z _ x o0 ooW o W V] ¢1- zLLco Z Z � E i - ['In o � 00 h € w — o z a W = W - F J REGE�veD = 0 ppb Z v MpR peJe\op'ment s m�n�ty Z9 Y� � �_ o m. Old All E 01 E Z O c w O J - z n _ , O � c Q d U 0 3w } F- - _z c Z O CD m ¢ ¢ LLI c f z o c7 p c _ 8 O M ❑ w (} — c E O J d O J Z Q O rn E IoM O� z� (n W LU ❑ H y Q M Z ¢ Z w 2 J F Jm E m ❑ 2 v U � Vl LU p o ¢ W - a� S � M w �- c N c c o OU� o = ¢O Z o ou- ¢ H Q Z U Ow _ g Q Q m Z S O m Y v rn Q OP cn ^n Q- U v O u r cn ¢ w o LE cn z w z z M a m o Odd a•- NSM w II troi O Y2N J cr II Ocr U Y S w o z w U p _ = UZ Cc ¢ _ II ~aQ Z O �� U' N Q CO Q W ~ II w w II 2 w Z~ <n Z :o 9 Y S K J w o d 0.. w 'J �. p 8/l 5-.6 s W H S - ❑ S d UZ OZ Q z S e ��(( N 0 Q w M� X O J W Z m O Z Z. w J Q z 0 W J ¢ m Q OLL gL ¢(� O }' (n J U Q. N F E w r w z N ❑ w g ��z Z _ x o0 ooW o W V] ¢1- zLLco Z Z � E i - ['In o � 00 h € w — o z a W = W - F J REGE�veD = 0 ppb Z v MpR peJe\op'ment s m�n�ty Z9 @'eAll ail o a r E ^_ Xo.0-, :S, o .v 0 ' o 0S=M2 C it1�� a� ss G a aaa ms z ozac � o z � c o G o O p m � v d 0 0 ^ p Z x ZO K S p ^•Q g •. a N 44 4 PA b OP ,9/l £ A/£ ZZ I 7 G o ore -Vaso CA �o=a�Qaagc cc 0 ekeZ 0 0 0 C N LOOM CA MAR.21.2006 11:06AM TRAER CREEK N0. 957 P. 1 VILLAGE AT AVON CENTER OF THE VAIL VALLEY March 21, 2006 SPORTS AUTHORITY Attn: Pete Whalen 1050 West -Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 RE: Garr Sports Store No. 138 —Avon — 220 Beaver Creek Place Dear Pete.- We ete: We are in receipt of your March 20, 2006 letter requesting approval of your signage on your form letter. While we are not comfortable signing your form letter, we approve the sign you wish to install directly on your building. While we also approve your monument sign, we are currently litigating the issue of signage at that location and cannot approve the installation of that sign until the litigation is resolved. We will notify you immediately when that litigation is resolved. Tf you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly. , VERY TRULY YOUR$, RECEIVED MAR 2 2 2006 Community Development TRAER CREEK LLC 0322 East Beaver Creek Blvd, Avon, CO 81620 PO Box 9429, Avon, CO 81620 phone: (970) 949-6776 fax: (970) 748-8900 Staff Report 7vi FINAL DESIGN PLAN C O L O R A D O April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 29, 2006 Project type Single -Family Residence Legal description Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD - Single Family (4,000 sq. ft. maximum) Address 2510 Old Trail Road Introduction Michael Sanner is proposing a Final Design application for a 3,985 square foot single- family residence in the Dry Creek PUD. The subject property was created by approval of a PUD Amendment and subdivision application. On August 9, 2005 the Town Council approved the Dry Creek PUD, an amendment to Lot 44, Block 2 of the Wildridge PUD. The approval down zoned the property from a fourplex structure to three (3) single-family residences. The proposed home is three stories with two enclosed parking spaces. The building's exterior would be comprised mainly of wood siding (vertical board/batten and horizontal) with generous amounts of stone on the lower level and cooling tower. Architectural interest has been added to this home with varying materials and areas of application, a central (cooling) tower feature, and varying roof pitches and materials. The primary roof forms would have asphalt shingles, and the secondary roof material is corrugated corten steel. Access to the site is accomplished by widening the bottom portion of the existing driveway on Lot 45 (one duplex and one single-family residence) to 17' and entering Lot 44 immediately before an existing berm and planted trees on the property division. The access receives solar exposure. Sketch review for this design plan took place at the Commission's February 21, 2006 meeting where the Commission commented on: the large -amount of asphalt, over grading on the east side of the property, entry elevation comments, cooling tower, use of stone instead of stucco, deck detail, lattice work on the deck off the living room on the south elevation, the maximum 4,000 square footage, and landscaping. Design Review Considerations Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot I, Dry Creek PUD, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Final Design April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 6 According to the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items when reviewing this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. • Allowed use: The proposed single-family residence is a permitted use on the site. • Density. The lot is zoned for a single-family home not to exceed 4,000 square feet in size. This design is in compliance and just below the maximum allowable square footage requirement. • Lot Coverage: Maximum building coverage allowed under the Western Sage PUD is 40%. This project is in compliance with the PUD proposing 6.7% building lot coverage. • Setbacks: The setbacks for the property are typical for the Wildridge Subdivision. There is a 25' front and 10' side and rear yard setbacks. All building setbacks have been adhered to with this submittal. • Easements: In addition to the typical Utility and Drainage Easements of 7.5' in width bordering the property, there is an Access, Utility, and Drainage Easement for the benefit of access to Lot 2 and Lot 3 of this PUD. The driveway is located completely within the Access Easement. It appears that some trees are proposed within the Access Easement, which is discouraged. • Building Height. The maximum allowable building height for this property is 35.' This design is in compliance with the applicable zoning, and staff would request a framing Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) to be submitted and approved by the Town to verify compliance with this zoning requirement. Most ridgelines are no greater than 30 feet, with the cooling tower reaching to 34.5 feet. • Grading/Drainage: As part of the PUD and subdivision approval process, a Grading and Drainage Plan was approved by the Town (Sheet 4) for drainage through the project. In addition to the culvert shown on the PUD plans, a culvert is proposed to take water under the new driveway. All existing and proposed grades are indicated on the plans, and adequate room has been provided for positive drainage around the structure. • Parking: A minimum of 4 parking spaces are required by the PUD, with a minimum of 2 enclosed spaces. This design is in compliance with the Zoning Code, proposing 2 indoor parking spaces and the ability to park 2 additional spaces outside. There is a bumpout area for turnaround and mobility. • Snow Storage: The areas on the site plan for snow storage appear functional and the majority of the driveway should benefit from sun exposure. At least 355 square feet (20%) of storage area must be provided, and the plans call out 900 square feet of area. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot I, Dry Creek PUD, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Final Design April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 6 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The Comprehensive Plan puts limited emphasis on the Wildridge PUD, which is referred to as 'Sub area 22'. This plan is in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. Adequate development rights exist on the property for one dwelling unit. 4. The Final Design plan is in general conformance with Sub -Sections A through D of the Residential Design Guidelines. A. Site Development: o Site Design: The Design Guidelines put emphasis on site layout design, sensitivity to solar orientation, and sensitivity to existing and potential buildings in the vicinity. Structures should blend in with natural settings and the need for extensive site grading and slope retention should be avoided in all designs. The site design appears to work with existing grades and takes advantage of solar orientation. o Site Access: According to the Design Guidelines (Table 1.0), driveway grades should not exceed 10%, and no more than 4% entering the site and garages. The access drive is composed of a 14' asphalt section with 1' gravel shoulders on either side. The grades for the access drive are 9% and the driveway for Lot 1 is close to 4% grade and in compliance with the Guidelines. o Parking and Loading: The minimum parking standards have been adhered to with this design. B. Building Design: o Building Materials and Colors: As stated, there is a variety of high quality materials proposed. A sample color board will be available at the meeting for review. The home has large amounts of cedar siding, some rough sawn, with a variety of details added. Most wood is treated with a semi- transparent stain. All railings have black wrought iron rails and a Trex top plate for durability. There are limited areas of stucco proposed with this submittal, and the color appears to be earth tone. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest. The roof pitches vary with 6:12 pitch for the main ridgelines and a 10:12 pitch for the corrugated metal roof over the cooling tower and outdoor spa. Exterior walls benefit from varied planes and materials. The resulting massing is appropriate and architectural interest has been added to each elevation of the project. o Outdoor Lighting: A lighting cut sheet has been provided for two types of light fixtures. There is one building mounted fixture (Type B) and one low Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot I, Dry Creek PUD, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Final Design April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 6 wattage path light fixture for walkways (Type A). The wall mounted Type B fixture appears to be in conflict with the Town of Avon Outdoor Lighting Ordinance since you can see the light bulb; and must be replaced with a compliant fixture prior to building permit submittal. C. Landscaping: o Design Character. The Landscape Plan proposes 9 Colorado Blue Spruce trees ranging in size between 6' and 12' in height. In addition there are 8 Ash trees (2.5"-3" caliper) throughout the property. There would be a mixture of shrubs, and sod is proposed to surround the structure. All disturbed areas would be revegetated with native grass and sage brush and would receive temporary irrigation until established. The PUD requires at least 35% landscaped area, and this project proposes approximately 75% landscape area. It is important to note that 'landscaped area' is defined as "the area of a site not covered by buildings, driveways, and covered walkways." The entire lower portion of Lot 1 is considered 'landscape area' by definition. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The proposed improvements appear to conform to the site topography, and little retainage is required for the site layout to function. It is important to note that the entire lot would be disturbed with this design. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. This project will be highly visible from the other future homes in this PUD, from the Canyon Oaks development to the south, and the existing duplex and single-family home on Lot 45 immediately to the northwest. The applicant has proposed high quality materials and earth tone colors that should make this project compatible in scale and appearance with the surrounding environment. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. There should not be any monetary or aesthetic values impaired with these improvements. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The project is in general conformance with the Town's adopted goals and policies and is a use by right per the Western Sage PUD. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending this final design application be conditionally approved. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Final Design April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 5 of 6 Recommended Motion "I move to approve the final design plan for the single-family home on Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD (A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision) with the following conditions to be resolved prior to a building permit submittal: 1. A fully compliant light fixture for Type B will be submitted and approved by staff. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413 or stop by the Community Development Department in the Municipal Complex. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Attachments: Materials and Colors Lighting Reduced Plans Revised Irrigation details Aerial Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Final Design April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 6 Existing driveway to be widened Town of Avon Community Development Lot 1, Dry Creek - mostly sage brush today (970)748-4030 Fax(970)949-5749 S AE AS ORIGINAL Materials and Colors for Dry Creek Residence March 17, 2006 Roofing -- Main Roofs: Elk Prestique Grande, 40 year composite shingle, Dimensional Shingle, Class A, Sablewood color. Low Roofs and Cupola: Corrugated Corten Steel. Main House Porches -- Corrugated Corten Steel House Siding -- Cedar Lap Siding with 6" exposure. Cedar Rough Sawn Plywood without plugs and 1x6 Cedar Battens, SW 3514, Hayloft, semi -transparent stain. Corner Trim -- 2x6 R.S. Cedar SW 3514, Hayloft, semi -transparent stain. Roof Beams-- Wood. SW 3514, Hayloft, semi -transparent stain. Fascia-- 2x4over 2x10 R.S. Cedar. SW 3514, Hayloft, semi -transparent stain. Porch Beams and Columns-- Rough Sawn Wood, SW 3514, Hayloft, semi -transparent stain. Eave Soffits-- 1x6 T& G, SW 3514, Hayloft, semi -transparent stain. Door and Window Trim-- 2x8 Cedar at head and 2x6 at jambs, and sills. SW 3514, Hayloft, semi -transparent stain. Garage Doors and Gable Vents and Trim-- Insulated Rough Sawn Masonite Door with Lap Siding per detail. SW 3514, Hayloft, semi -transparent stain. Cedar Trim with same stain at Garage and Vents. Windows-- Clad wood windows, Harvest Cranberry Clad color. (Sierra Pacific) RECEIVED MAR 1 7 2006 Community Development Materials and Colors for Dry Creek Residence March 17, 2006 page 2 Porch Soffits-- 1x6 T&G, SW 3514, Hayloft., semi -transparent stain. Porch Railings-- Black Wrought Iron with Trex top plate. Stone-- Telluride Gold, Beaver Blend (Gallegos #6) Doors -- Wood with semi -transparent stain, SW 3514, Hayloft. Stucco-- SW 2057, Veranda. Exterior Electrical Fixtures: `A' -- Path Lights-- Kichler # K-15015, Verdigris `B' -- Exterior Wall Lights-- Brass Light Gallery, EX-5107-A1O-WP, Rust Metal, White Gold Glass. RECEIVED MAR 1 7 2006 Community Development 15015 KW 1; 5222 Side Mount Path and Spread lighting These Kichler tixtures feature side mounting that allows for direct illumination over lighting task. For controlled lighting along pathways, use our K-15698 cut-off shield with K-15015 12 -VOLT fixture. This creates a linear beam cut-off to project light precisely onto paths and eliminate spill light onto surrounding areas. Larger spread units available in line voltage. K-15015 AZT Low Voltage (12 -volt) K-15015 BKT Low Voltage (12 -volt) K-15015 VGT Low Voltage (12 -volt) K-15222 VGT Line Voltage (120 -volt) SPECIFICATIONS Housing Durable die -cast -aluminum. K-15015 housing base has 1/4 NPSM thread. (Adapter included to allow mounting 1/4 NPSM stem to 1/2 NPSM accessories.) Larger housings have 1/2 NPSM threaded base. K-15222 provided with clear polycarbonate shield. Finish Textured Architectural Bronze, Textured Black or Textured Verdigris. Socket 12 -VOLT, S-8 wedge. 120 -VOLT porcelain, medium base nickel plated screw shell. Wiring 12 -VOLT fixture wired with 42" of 105°C #18-2, SPT- I -WA leads. "QUIC DISC"'" cable connector supplied with each 12 -VOLT fixture. 120 -VOLT fixture wired with 30" of 150°C 18 AWG wire leads. 12 -VOLT System Lamp type: 3156 (supplied with fixture, could also use 3155 bulb at 18.5 watts) Wattage: 24.4-W (nominal at 12 -volts) 120 -VOLT System Lamp type: A-19 Wattage: 75-W Size 6" wide, 3'/4" tall (K-15015) 11'/a" wide, 5'/2" tall (K-15222) K-15015 UL listed and CSA certified. K-15222 U.S. Patent No. Des. 330,603 Canada Patent 69176 Korea Design Registration Number 126685 K-15015 illustrated K-15015 illustrated with , with K-15695 lens. K-15698 cut-off shield A' 41'aF E MOUNTING ACCESSORIES (sold separately)Kltl�tlli 1+3ai KICHLER"LANDSCAPE LIGHTING Carriage Lantern LR EX -5106-A10 Carriage Lantern Straight Arm Wall Mount (6" roof width) with Windowpane Overlay rnvivr-air �arrtage Lantern Hush wall Mount (7" roof width) with Windowpane Overlay The Carriage Lantern We like the Carriage Lantern for its simplicity of style, straightforward design, and versatility of use. Our customers have installed the Carriage Lantern in a wide variety of American vernacu- lar home styles, including New England saltbox, Midwest farmhouse, and Shaker -inspired dwellings. Available with choice of several mounting styles and three overlay design options. Larger lanterns available with optional decorative multi -socket lamp cluster. Please call for further information. See page ? for another application of the Carriage Lantern. ECV. EX -5106-A15 Carriage Lantern Flush Wall Mount (6" roof width) with Crosscut Overlay EX -5106-A18 Carriage Lantern Chain Mount (6" roof width) with Sawbridge Overlay 6 • BRASS LIGHT GALLERY To Order Direct Call 1-500-243-9595 (M -F 8:30-5:00, Sat 10:00-3:00 CST) ACarriage Lantern Overlay Options When ordering the Carriage lantern please include an overlay code after the model number. WP CC SR Example: EX -5104 -A10 -WP WiOvedwaane Crosscut Sawbndge Y Overlay Overlay Description Model Roof Lantern Overall Projection Mounting Wattage Number Width Height Height Plate i Straight Arm EX -5104-A1 I 17 4" 9-1/2" 12-1/2" 6" 5" dia. 1/150 watt Wall Mount EX-5106-A1� t7 6" 12" 15" 8" 5" dia. 1/150 watt f EX -5107-A10 7" 14-3/4" 17-3/4" 9" 5" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5108-A10* 8" 17-3/8" 21" 10" 5" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5110-A10* 10" 21.1/2" 27" 13" 7" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5112-A10* 12" 24" 29-1/2" 15" 7" dia. 1/150 watt Optional bottom glass panel available Jar all sizes except EX -5104 -AI O. *Larger lanterns include bottom support bracket, shown left. Overall height includes bottom support bracket on larger lanterns. Flush Wall EX -5104-A15 4" 9-1/2" 10-1/4" 4-1/2" 4-1/8"w x 6"1 1/150 watt Mount EX -5106-A15 6" 12" 12-3/4" 6-1/2" 5-1/8"w x 7-1/2"h 1/150 watt EX -5107-A15 7" 14-3/4" 15-1/2"- 7-1/2" 6-3/4"w x 9"h 1/150 wan EX -5108-A15 8" 17-3/8" 18-1/2" 8-1/2" 7-3/4"w x 10-1/2"h 1/150 watt EX -5110-A15 10" 21-1/2" 22.1/2" 10-1/2" 9-3/4"w x 12-3/4"h 1/150 watt EX -5112-A15 12" 24" 25-1/4" 12-1/2" 12"w x 16"h 1/150 watt Optional bottom glass panel available for all sizes except EX -5104-A15. Flush Ceiling EX -5104-A17 4" 9.1/2" 10-3/4" 5" that. 1/150 watt Mount EX -5106-A17 6" 12" 13-3/4" - 5" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5107-A17 7" 14-3/4" 16-1/2" - 6" dia. 1/150 watt ^ EX -5108-A17 8" 17-3/8" 19-1/4" - 6" dia. 1/150 watt `J " Eli -5110-A17 10" 21-1/2" 23-3/4" 7" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5112-A17 12" 24" 26-1/4" - 7" dia. 1/150 watt Optional bottom glass panel available for all sizes except EX -5104-A17. U.L. listed wet location for covered ceiling only. Chain Mount EX-5104-AI8 4" 9-1/2" 18-1/4" - 5" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5106-A18 6" 12" 21" - 5" dia. 1/150 watt EX-5107-AI8 7" 14-3/4" 24-1/4" - 6" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5108 -AIS 8" 17-3/8" 26-3/4" - 6" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5110-A18 10" 21-1/2" 33" - 7" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5112-A18 12" 24" 35-1/2" - 7" dia. 1/150 watt Overall length includes 6" chain. Longo overall lengths available at extra charge. Optional bottom glass panel available far all sizes except EX-5104-AI8. U.L listed wet location for covered ceiling only. Stem Mount EX -5104-A19 4" 9-1/2" 16-3/4" - 5" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5106-A19 6" 12" 19-1/4" - 5" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5107-A19 7" 14-3/4" 22-1/2" - 6" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5018-A19 8" 17-3/8" 25-1/2" - 6" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5110-A19 10" 21-1/2" 29-3/4" - 7" dia. 1/150 watt EX -5112-A19 12" 24" 32.1/4" 7" dia. 1/150 watt Overall length includes 6" stem. Longer overall lengths available at extra charge. Optional bottom glass panel available for all sizes except EX -5104-A19. U.L. listed wet location for covered ceiling only. Post Mount EX -5104-A22 4" 9-112" 10-1/4" - - 1/150 watt EX -5106-A22 6" 12" 13" - - 1/150 watt EX -5107-A22 7" 14-3/4" 15-3/4" - - 1/150 watt EX -5108-A22 8" 17-3/8" 18-1/2" - - 1/150 watt Overall height does not include post fitter sleeve. Fits standard 3" diameter round post. Post not included. See back cover for information on ordering posts. RECEIVED Column Mount EX -5104-A23 4" 9-1/2" 11" _ 5" sq x 3/4"h 1/150 watt EX -5106-A23 6" 12" 13-3/4" 6V' qr 7/4 bjU01/150 watt EX -5107-A23 7" 14-3/4" 16-1R" s§ �1tF hh 1/150 watt EX -5108-A23 8" 17-3/8" 19-1/2" - 9-1/2" sq x 1"h 1/150 watt EX -5110-A23 10" 21-I/2" 23-3/4" - COMN tp Y'DO V61OpnWtwatt EX -5112-A23 12" 24" 26-1/2" - 13" sq x 1-1/4"h 1/150 watt Overall height includes lantern with sub -base. Sub -base mounting plate tolerance is */- 1/2". Mounting hardware not provided for column mount fixtures. 24 Hour Fax Order Line: 1-800-505-9404 CLASSIC EXTERIORS COLLECTION • 7 1,1AR-28-06 TUE 1 1 : 12 Plant Legend: No. Name Size 4 Colo. Blue Spruce 6 ft. 3 Colo. Blue Spruce 8 ft. 1 Colo. Blue Spruce 10 ft. 1 Colo. Blue Spruce 12 ft 8 Pattnore Ash 2.5-3" Landscape Notes: 1. Provide mulch and topsoil as needed for plant material shown. 2. Provide drip irrigation to all trees and bushes. All foundation planting to have drip irrigation so as to not overwater the foundation. Use pop-up spray heads for lawn.. Design water flow rate not to exceed 12 gpm. 3. Flower beds to be a mixture of perennials and annuals. Ground Covers to be from the list in the Avon Design Guidelines. 4. Kentucky bluegrass sod except at the perimeter transition zone that receives native grasses and shrubs. Amend soil as needed to maintain sod (4 to 6 cu. Yards of compost per 1000 sf ). Native grass seed in disturbed areas outside of landscaped areas. 5. Shrubs to be 5 gal. size and a mixture of Serviceberry, Viburnum, Potentilla, Nannyberry, Common Purple Lilac, Dwarf Mugo Pine and Red Twig Dogwood. Plant in groupings of 3 to 5 minimum at 2 % ft to 3 ft. centers. 25 to 30 total shrubs. Irrigation Table: Item Area % Lot Size 31,276 sf 100% Landscape Area 23 860 sf 76% of lot Total Irrigated 4,220 sf 17% of landscaped area S ra Irri ation 3905 sf 92,5% of irrigated area Drip Irrigation 315 sf 7.5% of irrigated area RECEIVED MAR 2 8 2006 Community Development Notes; 1. Auto Sprinkler System with Rain Sensor, 2. Provide temporary irrigation system to reestablish reveged native grasses, P - 0 2 Wildridge - Blk 2, Resub Lot 44 - Dry Creek PUD Lot 1 Property Boundaries ITO • lit Lot 1 Property Boundaries ITO ' e iE IN �a �z •� 0 g O s is m z h ' g L r SUI -9Z -M Xod SZII.9Z6'0'L6 ZE918 OJ'SP7 "3 '86111 X08'6'd uopvjodio:) leu !-Jad V loapipid `iotnmS 'Z iasgotW •OD'U0AV'*3pjJPI.M YIYI'd 4-0A+U'1 WI 6. 3 nrox ,oL - 8 'o M •� L I � � I 1 lei! 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(WRV BTW SmMoa ;os au 1 odoa llVaolo ' .. ' sVUNVS - NIYN a31VM_ / ()NM.I' 331 7W15NI ••. •• w •c • 33S ONLLS00ONLLSIX3 3'Itl�S �IHdtl80 _ Y, I _. 1lVdHSV ONILSIX3 9t'6909-1(10 ANI S{•6900 -NI ANI 0'4400-NR1 i C f1 101-aD! 3Nn 301A83S .• , iMvM ONUS6(3 No0Nvav 11VdHSV 03SOd0ad 3IOHNVM a3M3S ONLLSIX3 aNY 103NNOOSIO 318VO ON11SI%3 b1S103d 3NOHd ONLLSO(3 ' I .. 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Of L000'Slto WU I n t'Ltl TVISNI. _ __J .: f �•' -' �;.ia .�. oottt-N1S 31OHNV►1 I I' �� \1 �• a a3M3S 03SOd0ad / .�_ _,=ra• _ _ a tl / (du)1 TMu ` r(dkL) lvno3 a0 dv0.� ( )� 1ut9 i / , r-- r------� 30 J OONKU .t HiMA. a3lYM I 3ONa3S a3M3S.1 I I I I ( I' NouYWi 3 V=ObdddVV _ _- // --- (l.) )Ova ! L 1 ��t• r^�� \ Ol n9 ,• /. , -_+`__ i 13S ONIOlI 1Ci� `' 4 r \ \\ 3Nn A1113d0ad7I I' I� ',��• \ \ \�\ / / 9>y 101 I(dll) 3Nn \ I II 10103SOd0ad \: \ �AAINO S3SOdand \ \ \\ -(d, 1)�1NIad I10O0� ONKnine ,o9•,oi, �• // \ � 1�va1 . t�CZO 94G—OL6., �. oaeao�oo. Nond -40 Nnnoi . •. ozere oa' 86.1 'N5OAV Z >10019 '3JOIZia11M N M. � HW ZSOI xos •o•d *a,n,d x33ma .Lao �� C0 611 6NIN33NIJN3 £ ONb' .'t 'L S101 13 �r� 9; . 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ONLLSIX3 I 5t• 101 I II 10103SOdoad A1No s3sodand -dLL) INWd AILVuLsn,1uoi 100.4 ONIOlIne ,00x,Of I j ` / � • / / , 1N3N35Y3 unun / 1 aNV 3DVNnaD ,f•c �\ �L , NOWO 00kh" Hlnl 30Na3S • .. �/ / r—J ----- I II a3M3S 3SrIOH ONLLSIX3 !O LI NOLLY0O1 31VND(OaddV I I.__.__.__.� / I I� —Z /-13S ONI011nS ,N Z 101 // ---� 3Nn ua3idooud 5t• 101 I II 10103SOdoad A1No s3sodand -dLL) INWd AILVuLsn,1uoi 100.4 ONIOlIne ,00x,Of I j ` / � • / / , 1N3N35Y3 unun / 1 aNV 3DVNnaD ,f•c �\ �L , 4Gt0-84L—ocs OzgLa 'NOAV oavmo'1oo 'NOAV -40 NMOL Z moon6 '36cmda11M NY oavtdO�Oo ZOOL xoe o d o'f1'd �1332�0 .laa 'L co' w SIT. ; w 0 0'1'1 ONI�I33NIJN3 NI02lb'W £ aNV Z S10"1 133HS S11b'130 0.. +g AB SNOISLAU 31r0 'ON o g Cd F- r M -61 i dZ gra + a lit --� jow $y ? U 1 d iaaaA4i d r�i:o7 an k c ' `i �� baaaaaa V ! gar cfj U W �." co T b + g9 ' ``Q a 1 b om 0 lobe w..w a 'R V gel lei �i y 12 ro CC CL V J 88 LL. rEca gill • 3 Fu,� IIS a-� Is Staff Report `/, AVON Sketch Design Plan C 0 L O R A DO April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 29, 2006 Project type Duplex Legal description Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning PUD: 2 Units — Residential Duplex Address 5141 Longsun Lane Introduction Rick Dominic of Aker Architects is proposing a duplex on this 3/4 acre property on Longsun Lane in Wildridge. The total square footage of the building is 7,000 square feet; with each unit would be approximately 3,500 square feet in size. The predominant materials include wood siding, stucco, and it appears to be a metal roof design. The property is on the downhill side of Longsun Lane and bordered by a developed duplex to the south, a vacant duplex parcel to the north, and Open Space Parcel O at the bottom of the property to the west where a water pump station is located. There is a 30' Utility Easement that splits the lot in half. The existing topography is steep, with some of the grades adjacent to Longsun Lane near 40% at the property entrance, which is a result of the fill material used when Longsun Lane was originally constructed. Staff Comments Although in general conformance with the Design Guidelines, this application appears to conflict with some of the requirements included in the Guidelines, particularly the 'duplex development' guideline and some of the site design principals. The duplex guideline states that "while 'mirror image' duplexes are not supported. The design intent should be one that creates a unified structure with enough variety and architectural interest to distinguish a duplex from a single family home." Architectural interest is provided to distinguish this structure from a single-family home; however, the north elevation is a mirror image and even the rear elevation could conflict with the intent of this guideline. Some additional interest has been introduced to the south elevation to help distinguish the two units. A perpendicular access from Longsun Lane is proposed opening up to a shared motor court area between each unit of the duplex. The Guidelines state that "the Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Aker Architects Sketch Design April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 blending of access with the natural contours of a site...... is important in establishing a successful access." The proposed access is contrary to this design philosophy working perpendicular to the road and existing grades. A fair amount of grading and added fill material is required for this site design, access, and building layout to function. Drainage would need to be demonstrated at final design in the motor court area to show how water will betaken from the driveway around the structure. Parking should be reviewed since there are limited areas to park and/or turnaround outside of the two garages. Parking and loading design is significant in avoiding conflict in duplex projects. The roof plan indicates that all roofs will utilize large south facing 3:12 shed roof forms. The Commission must determine whether this roof type is appropriate for the neighborhood. The roofing material appears to be metal, and must be called out at final design submittal. Building height is difficult to determine with this sketch submittal and appears to approach the maximum allowable. No exceptions to the height requirement will be made except for any penetrations that may add architectural variety, such as with the chimneys. The Residential Design Guidelines state "all designs shall be compatible with existing built structures, the immediate unbuilt environment, and the design philosophy of the Town." Staff is concerned that this design plan may be incompatible with adjacent structures and the design should be reviewed carefully against adjacent developments. Design Review Considerations Staff and the applicant would like to focus the Commission on the difficulties that this property introduces. The lot presents significant design challenges primarily due of the nature of the steep existing topography; therefore careful consideration should be given to how this design relates to the site and if the presented design is responsive to the topography and worth pursuing further. The Commission shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential. Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on this sketch plan application. Direction on the design should be given to the applicant from the Commission to incorporate into a final design application. Staff will provide a full plan set for you Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Aker Architects Sketch Design April 4, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your April 4th meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully s mitt Matt Pielsti er Planner I Attachments: Vicinity Aerial Map Reduced Plans Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Otl oa d0wo NO", IIII III 8 V o spaigm MG 09'BOWM03 jaw..� i9LZm9'0'd ww,.•w�, XV N"rdmi Otl spaigme Mo � Jdjv M�CfhIQ�f �p �IaO"N'li JP1 ,� Z4LZm6'0'd xWlem amrdalY - v -11 I o� H Q C W ~ •O Z D z "e'eae'ecexve OWN oo Ja1, acne saavMaa ZeLZ �8'0'd d� zL N in wm ogrk wouw spanarr ,op *v",&* jan xwldw modrawim L 4 IA, 142 d� 02 �eeeezeouxre odwdowo NO" 018 �WAM03 .yaw zw"'ad L CCC i V LCM NO m m K49 MUD m m L42 a� sl:)aliy:)ae . ' 4 ' OQI�I?l07'�IOU1�1 ('V 1BAA'ALB'OLB XVd Mo oo,wdyma3 i9LZm8'0'd 'M U M roo m Wip 4 aQrN"m Ulm" m (* wwmm jaw V I I I I I circ 13 _A O t ci 'Q ll Z El _i's cilia cl'S s}:)aliq:)aa I ddomovo NOAW 0 �ee�•ocexvd Me 00 �MMG jaw z O Q 689 INTOLO Xvi '9wols �a m9 00'60WM03 ZOLZ WO'd 4 opordaw wWo" U Jai x 1.m avaWnim Y ►wqa°oaxvj ' e 0Dlow MOWMOW'SOWMa3 i91Z m8'0'd 1 f ! o�o�o� Moyw � �lao"'M'f+r yy7 4 N 1. J agowl" Nom0 _ � � . MRs ocexvi .zap ..��-��, �- xa-�na �oaiaiartn� � v Mtl Z F— 113 lift a1.2 oto OVMMM jaw i9LZ mB'0'd 1 oaraw1wo U" moamiww y► QIP" 1&0 im XvIsm avaramm . � 1 laS ft +� — 3