PZC Packet 030706Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission AVON Meeting March 7, 2006 0 L 0 R A o 0 Meetings Held At. Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road 5:00 - 5:30 pm Work Session Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda Items in Council Chambers. Open to the Public. - REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - (Please note that all times provided are estimates only) I. Call to Order (5:30 pm) 11. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the February 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Vi. PUD Amendment / Wildridge (5:30pm-6:00pm) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - REMANDED FROM TOWN COUNCIL Property Location: Lots 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane Applicant: Sam Ecker/Owners: Sam Ecker, Bruce & Susan Baca Description: A request.for an amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for three (detached) single- family residences in place of two duplex structures. This amendment would permanently reduce the density for the properties. by one dwelling unit. A new lot would be created for the third single-family residence and the vehicular access to the new lot would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. Also being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application. Avon Town Council, at their January 24, 2006 meeting, remanded this application back to the Commission for reconsideration. This item was tabled from the February 21st meeting at the applicant's request. VII. Special Review Use Application - Tree Sales (6:00pm-6:30pm) CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision / 95 Post Boulevard Applicant. Paul Doughty/ Owners: Traer Creek, LLC Description: A request for a Special Review Use Pen -nit, pursuant to Section 17.48.020B of the Avon Municipal Code, to establish a landscaping nursery for retail sales in the McGrady Acres Subdivision off Post Boulevard. This item was tabled from the February 7, 2006 meeting pending additional information. VIII. Sign Applications (6:30pm-7:00pm) A. Master Sign Program Amendment - Petro Hut - CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 67/68, Block 1, BMBC Subdivision 10008 Nottingham Road Applicant/Owner. George Roberts Posted on March 3, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Description: A request to amend the Petro -Hut Master Sign Program for the monument sign design as well as the addition of a sign to the east elevation of the building. The dimensions and size of the monument sign would be altered and a new 2' x 8' tenant sign (identical to the existing signs that face the round -a -bout) is proposed for the east side of the building facing the off ramp to 1-70 westbound. The mockup of the monument sign, as requested by the Commission, is available for review before the meeting. This item was discussed and tabled from the February 21, 2006 meeting. B. Valley Automotive Property - CONTINlIEU Property Location: Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/140 Metcalf Road Applicant., Monte Park - Sign Design / Owner. Alan Wigod Description: The applicant, Monte Park from Sign Design, is proposing six foot six inch freestanding sign on this Metcalf Road property. The sign is unlit and would allow for up to five individual tenant sign panels attached to a wooden background and support posts. This application was reviewed at the December 6, 2005 Commission meeting where it was tabled to a future meeting. C. Confluence PUD — Sign Variance Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: East West Resorts I Owner., Vail Associates Description: The applicant is requesting a Variance from the Sign Code in order to display two 'development' signs, each measuring 40 (5'x 8) square feet. The Sign Code permits only one (1) sign per parcel, lot or group of contiguous lots under one ownership, not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet of display area. IX. Sketch Design Pians - (7:00pm-8:00pm) A. Confluence - Riverfront Subdivision Hotel Building Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: East West Resorts / Owner. Vail Associates Description: The applicant, East West Partners Inc., is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. The proposed hotel building includes a hotel programmed as a condo -tel, a spa facility, meeting space, restaurant; retail, and professional offices. B. Wurhrman Duplex Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 540 Nottingham Road Applicant/Owner. Gerald Wurhrman Description: A sketch review for a duplex located on Nottingham Road immediately east of Bristol Pines and Beacon Hill Condos. A similar design plan has been presented to the Planning Commission at previous meetings. The structure is constructed mainly with wood siding and features stackable condo design with two separate garages on the entry/ground level. X. Other Business (8:00pm-8:15pm) Xl. Adjourn (8:15pm) Posted on March 3, 2006 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main entrance bulletin board • On the Internet at http�//www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions •r Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting AVON Minutes L n a A D 5 February 21, 2006 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Buckner. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Evans revealed a conflict of interest with Item VII, regarding Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3/0382 Metcalf Road, Applicant: Mark Donaldson/Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC and discussed with the Commissioners his potential conflict with Item XI. It was decided by Commissioner consensus that no conflict existed. V. Consent Agenda: Approval of the February 7, 2006, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Struve motioned for the approval of the Minutes from the February 7, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings; Commissioner Smith seconded and the motion passed unanimously. VI. Riverfront Subdivision Minimum Design Standards Review - CONTINUED Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant East West Resorts /Owner: Vail Associates Description: A request for an amendment to the Confluence PUD to modify the existing development rights and zoning for the entire property was forwarded by the Commission to Town Council on January 17, 2006. The recommended approval requested that minimum architectural design standards be submitted to the Commission and, after review, be forwarded to Town Council and incorporated into the PUD Development plan. This item was tabled from the last Commission meeting, and this will be the second draft of proposed design standards for this PUD development. Chuck Madison began the presentation by commenting on the hotel's exterior and roof materials. Andy Gunion continued by discussing the revisions to the guidelines since the last meeting by review of the strike through draft distributed to the Commission. Miodrag Scirkovic, Zehren and Associates' architect, approached the podium to discuss definitions of words as presented in the draft. Commissioner Evans reviewed the changes agreed to by the Commission: first page - B-2, striking the word "noble'; first page — B-3, striking "simple but honest detailing" and inserting "small simple detailing"; page six — C -1-a, removing "noble" ; and page six — C -1-b, rephrasing ,.except as prohibited by Code" is in reference to wood and not to stucco and moved to two lines. Commissioner Green motioned for approval of Item VI, Riverfront Subdivision Minimum Design Standards Review, Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road, with the 4 corrections as noted by Commissioner Evans above. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and the motion carried 6 — 0. VII. Parking Variance - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3 / 0382 Metcalf Road Applicant: Mark Donaldson /Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC Description: A request for a Variance from section 17.24.020-11 (b) of the Avon Municipal Code, to reduce (from 1/800 GFA to 1/1300 GFA) the parking required for a self -storage land use. The Commission tabled this application from their February 7, 2006 meeting. Eric Heidemann revealed the Applicant's request to table this item to the March 21, 2006, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. No public input was provided. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Struve moved to table VII, Parking Variance, Property Location: Tract Y, Mountain Star, Filing 3 / 0382 Metcalf Road, to the March 21, 2006, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion. The motion passed with all commissioners in favor. VIII. PUD Amendment / Wildridge PUBLIC HEARING - REMANDED FROM TOWN COUNCIL Property Location: Lot 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane Applicant: Sam Ecker /Owners. Sam Ecker, Bruce & Susan Baca Description: A request for an amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for three (detached) single-family residences in place of a two duplex structures. This amendment would permanently reduce the density for the properties by one dwelling unit. A new lot would be created for the third single-family residence and the vehicular access to the new lot would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. Also being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application. Avon Town Council, at their January 24, 2006 meeting, remanded this application back to the Commission for reconsideration. Commissioner Evans revealed to the Commission the Applicant's request to table this item to the March 21, 2006, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. No public input was provided. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING N Commissioner Smith moved to table VIII, PUD Amendment / Wildridge, Property Location: Lot 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane, with Commissioner Savage seconding the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. IX. Master Sign Program Amendment - Petro Hut CONTINUED Property Location: Lot 67/68, Block 1, BMBC Subdivision / 0008 Nottingham Road Applicant. George Roberts /Owners: ARI of Avon, LLC Description: A request to amend the Petro -Hut Master Sign Program for the monument sign design as well as the addition of a sign to the east elevation of the building. The dimensions and size of the monument sign would be altered and a new 2' x 8' tenant sign (identical to the existing signs that face the round -a -bout) is proposed for the east side of the building facing the off ramp to 1-70 westbound. The mockup of the monument sign, as requested by the Commission, is available for review before the meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. TJ Connor approached the podium to discuss this application and the need for a larger monument sign. Mr. Connor was in favor of no pricing on the sign and requested two additional signs for 2 more tenants on the south side of the building. He also agreed to remove the sign on the east side. The Commission voiced a need for a mock-up of the proposed on-site sign. Matt Pielsticker commented that clarity was needed on the proposed stonework. Commissioner Smith motioned to table Item IX, Master Sign Program Amendment - Petro Hut, Property Location: Lot 67/68, Block 1, BMBC Subdivision / 0008 Nottingham Road, to the next Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Commissioner D'Agostino seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 6-0. X. Sketch Design Plans A. Lot 1, Dry Creek PUD, A Resubdivision of Lot 44, Block 2, Wildridge / 2810A Old Trail Road Applicant: Michael Sanner / Owner. Trent Hubbard Description: Sketch review for a single-family home approximately 4,000 square feet in size for the first (southern) lot in the Dry Creek PUD. The design is "craftsman style" with the following materials: lap cedar siding, board on board cedar siding, dry stacked Telluride Gold stone, cor- ten steel roof and 40yr elk prestige composite shingles, and stucco. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission. The Applicant was not present for Commissioner review of the application. Commissioner D'Agostino began the review by commenting on the large amount of asphalt and the over grading on the east side toward the bordered lot, questioned the entry elevation, mentioned the cooling tower, use of stone instead of stucco, deck detail seemed lopsided, questioned the lattice work on the deck off the living room on the south elevation, windows needed instead of punched openings, and some windows were missing, but overall commented that it was a nice design. Commissioner Savage agreed with Commissioner D'Agostino regarding the cooling tower. Commissioner Smith expressed that it was a nice design and the cooling tower went with the house. Commissioner Struve concurred with both Commissioner Savage and Commissioner D'Agostino, questioned the maximum 4,000 square footage and commented on the landscape privacy. Commissioner Green had no problem with the cooling tower and expressed that the detail needed to be worked out. B. Lot 40, Block 4, Wildridge / 5070 Wildridge Road East Applicant/Owner. Phillip Matsen Description: This is a sketch design review for a duplex located on Wildridge Road East. The building would total over 10,000 square feet (including garages) and proposes stone, stucco, wood siding (horizontal and vertical), and asphalt shingles. There is an existing single-family home to the east and open space to the west and south. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner review comments and concerns: auto mobility in the driveway, gigantic massing and its need to be broken up particularly on the north side; more emphasis on design, greater interest on the back side; plan discrepancies with materials need to be resolved; too similar to a Bear Trap project; compliments on lack of mirror image; good use of materials; review of deck's angles show columns and deck supports; 2 fireplaces were shown with no chimneys; and more attention to material detailing. C. Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge / 5712Wildridge Road East Applicant/Owner. Jim Jose Description: A duplex residence proposed on this Wildridge Road East property at the top of Wildridge. The lot is difficult with respect to steep existing grades and limited access opportunities. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Jim Jose, architect, approached the podium to address Commission concerns and mentioned pursuit of LEEDS certification for this project. Commissioner review comments and concerns included: heights of retaining walls; south elevation too big for site; project needs to exceed Town of Avon minimums for landscaping; driveway incline steep; nice design; need for a fold out of elevations; and, greater consistency of details with materials. Commissioner Green suggested a physical model to help neighbors with understanding the project. XI. Zoning Text Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING Description: The proposed amendment would establish self -storage as an allowed use in the Industrial /Commercial (I/C) Zone District by amending Section 17.20.010 of the Municipal Code and establish a corresponding parking standard for this use. Minimum parking standards for other currently allowed uses in the I/C Zone District (including self storage) are proposed, by amending Section 17.24.020 (C) - Off Street Parking Table - in the Avon Municipal Code. This amendment may additionally amend section 17.08 - Definitions - for land uses within the I/C Zone District. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff memo. Commissioners questioned the definition of "showroom", how parking standards were formulated, lack of electrical outlets in storage units; and who is impacted by the Ordinance. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Brian Woodel, Slifer, Smith and Frampton Real Estate, approached the podium as leaser for the Mountain Center, didn't believe a wholesaler would be interested as much as a retailer and questioned a furniture store as a use to throw in the mix. Dave Svabik, Metcalf Road property owner, commented that the definition of showrooms was vague in allowable uses; utility companies should be by Special Use Permit; sought tighter controls on Special Use Permits for Metcalf Road; discussed that parking did not address semi trucks and was corrected by Commissioner Evans that semis were addressed; and suggested removing vagueness from the Code. TJ Connors, AAA Mini Storage, commented to the Commission that one space for every ten units might resolve parking concerns and on the IC portions, electricians, plumbers and subcontractors have office distribution storage all within the warehouse and as many as twelve employees, and their cars, with trucks to service accounts that cause parking problems. Chris Jurgens, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, stated that TJ Connor's property's spaces are 6 — 8 total and not full, ratio of 8 spaces to 20,000 gfa tied to number of units may not be beneficial and agreed with definitions as presented by Commissioner Evans. Mark Donaldson requested not going with spaces based on unit numbers. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Evans motioned to approve Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 06-05, recommending approval to the Town Council of Amendments to Title 17, Municipal Code of the Town of Avon, as it relates to the definitions, allowed uses in the Industrial and Commercial Zone District, and establishing parking standards for allowed uses in the Industrial and Commercial Zone District, with changes made to the definition of "showroom" and the ability to make a showroom as an Special Review Use. Commissioner Green seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor of approval. XII. Other Business A. Comprehensive Plan will be on the Town Council Agenda for February 28, 2006. B. The orange fencing on the Car Wash site was discussed. C. Options to resolve the Comcast cables that lie above ground in Wildridge were discussed. XIII. Adjourn Commissioner Savage motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary Memo TO: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Matt Pielsticker, Plann�rl� Deb February 23, 2006 AVON C O L O R A D O Re: Ecker PUD Amendment - Remanded back to Planning Commission Lots 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Summary: Sam Ecker is proposing this amendment to Lots 44 and 45, Block 4 of Wildridge to permanently reduce the density of the two properties by one dwelling unit, by creating a new lot for a third single-family residence. The two subject properties are currently zoned to allow for two (2) duplex structures, or a total of four (4) dwelling units. The details of the proposed access, site design, and compatibility with adjacent land uses are discussed in the attached staff report. At The Commission's December 20, 2005 meeting this application received a unanimous recommendation to Town Council for denial (Resolution No. 05-14). At the Council's first review of this application on January 24, 2006 the applicant attempted to present new information (revised drawings) to Council. Prior to reviewing the supplemented information and with the knowledge that the Planning Commission had not been privy to this new information, the application was remanded back to the Planning Commission for further review and consideration. This item was tabled from the Commission's February 21, 2006 meeting at the applicant's request. Included with this memo is the original site plan for this application, staff's report, and new revised site plan with narrative. Also attached to this memo is the Commission's Resolution No. 05-14 for review. According to the newly supplemented information, the following are highlighted changes to the applicant's submittal: ■ Building envelope shifted out of the areas over 40% slope. All areas over 40% to remain undeveloped. ■ Possible building outline added to site plan within the building envelope ■ 5,000 square foot building area restriction added to new proposed Lot 44B Discussion: While the proposed revisions to this application have alleviated some of staff's concerns and the new proposal is more responsive to existing topography, staff believes that this application is still in conflict with the PUD review criteria. Specifically, staff finds no 'public February 21, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page 1 of 2 Lots 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge - Ecker PUD Amendment Remanded by Town Council benefit that the current entitlements could not achieve. It is questionable whether more site disturbance would be experienced with this revised proposal or if the properties were further developed as duplexes. In either case, more contiguous open space would be experienced if this PUD amendment were denied. Staff recommends that the Commission re-evaluate the revised proposal (dated January 14, 2005) against the cited findings within Resolution 05-14 and the PUD amendment review criteria. The revised submittal does avoid all areas over 40% slope; however, staff finds that all of the Comprehensive Plan and Avon Municipal Code cited policies and requirements are still valid with this submittal. Available Actions: The following options are available for action on this application: 1) Reaffirm previous action on Resolution 05-14, thereby recommending denial of this PUD Amendment to Town Council 2) Reverse previous action (Resolution 05-14) by approval of a new Resolution, recommending approval of this PUD Amendment application to Town Council 3) Table application to future meeting Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends reaffirming the Commission's previous motion and approval of Resolution 05-14, thereby recommending denial of this application to the Town Council. Exhibits: A - December 14, 2005 PUD site plan submittal B - January 24, 2006 PUD site plan/narrative submittal C - Staff's report, dated December 12, 2005 D - Resolution No. 05-14 E - Meeting minutes from December 20, 2005 Commission meeting. February 21, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 Lots 44 & 45, Block 4, W ildridge - Ecker PUD Amendment Remanded by Town Council w a o CM " IOU 4 . sib a< IN ' 5 $ www rte. 1 I 1 A 1 ' d ' Oo / ' l LL)En i w a o CM " IOU 4 . sib a< IN ' 5 $ Bill fill, Q 0 nI.- 1 i gE Rig W Q g/Div i� as N Its O7 J ggu, V 3!V13! o As stated in staffs report, Benchmark Properties created Wildridge Subdivision in 1979. The report further states that the overall development concept was for "abundant open space recreation areas around lots" with a density of "barely one dwelling unit per acre". In actuality, most of the duplex zoned lots in Wildridge are far smaller than one acre, and have duplex structures built upon them. A far greater density than intended. Apparently the concept of allowing duplex structures on the lots was possibly for the purpose of making the lots affordable, not necessarily desired density. Now, with current real estate values as high as they are, many of the new duplex structures being built are extremely large, and cover the lot from one setback line to the other. Instead of allowing for abundant open space, they practically form a solid wall along the streets they adjoin. However, some of these duplex zoned lots have single family residences built upon them. In those areas there is separation between structures, and they tend to be spread out and staggered around the hillside allowing for open space between them. This application intends to perpetuate this more desirable image. Not only does this proposal provide a better alternative from a visual standpoint, it also maintains and protects view corridors for many existing structures in the neighborhood. Many of the properties across Longsun Lane from Lots 44 & 45 utilize the opening between the. existing structures for their views. Radieu4miy the structures and properties directly to the north of Lot 45 would lose their views towards Beaver creek and the mountains beyond if the planned duplex structure for Lot 45 were constructed. This proposal not only protects their views, but also their privacy and property values. Staff stated that the proposal could have a negative impact upon open space and steeper slopes. I have made some minor amendments to the proposal which would mitigate this possibility entirely. First, I have reduced the overall size of the proposed building envelope considerably. The new envelope would not allow for any construction within areas in excess of 40% slope, and would also dedicate approximately 25% of the entire project to open space, with roughly 50% of it being on the newly created parcel. Currently there are no open space areas on these parcels. Further I have added a restriction which would not allow for a structure greater than 5,000 sq. ft. to be built. Staff also indicated that the proposed new structure on the newly formed lot would create more overall site disturbance than if duplex structures were RECEIVED JAN 2 4 2006 Community Developmem added to the existing single family residences. It is my belief that the development of two additional residences would have a far greater site impact than one. In order to validate this theory, as well as the potential building scenario on the newly created parcel I have drawn a possible single family residence, along with its driveway on the plan. The site can be developed with minimal disturbance beyond the newly created features. Further concerns presented by staff indicated that this proposal may not allow for diversity to serve all economic segments. Over the last several years numerous properties with two, three and even four unit potential have been rezoned to single family residences on newly formed parcels. It is apparent that the preferred trend in housing is in the form of single family residences, not multi -density ones. At the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the commission appeared to have no major concerns with approval of the project, other than not wanting to set a "precedence". I can understand not wanting to establish a precedence if it were to allow for a perpetuation of negative impacts upon the community. However, this is not the case here. These two existing lots are unique in their shape and accessibility. There are very few, if any, other lots in Wildridge of this size and ability to be developed in this manner. When a better alternative is available, it should be adopted. Due to current market values for real estate in this part of Wildridge, any residence constructed on the new Lot 44B will more than likely be good quality, attractive and have a high market value. This proposal has numerous benefits to the neighborhood as a whole. It provides for more open space around the structures. It provides for view corridor preservation. It protects potentially sensitive steeper slopes. It reduces both construction as well as residential traffic on Longsun Lane. It protects the style and value of homes in the area. And, most importantly, allows for an opportunity to improve upon the original plan for this part of the subdivision. RECEIVED JAN 2 4 2006 Community Developmen, EXHIBIT C Staff Report � ,�, PUD Amendment AVON r n i. n Y• n n December 20, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission Report date December 12, 2005 Project type AMENDMENT to the WILDRIDGE PUD Legal description Lot 44 & Lot 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Current zoning PUD (4 units - 2 Duplexes) Address 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane Introduction Sam Ecker and the Baca's (Bruce and Susan) are proposing an amendment to Lot 44 and Lot 45, Block 4 of the Wildridge PUD to permit three detached single-family residences in place of two duplex structures. There are currently two single-family residences constructed. This amendment would permanently reduce the density for the properties by one dwelling unit, and a new lot would be created for the third single- family residence. Vehicular access to the new lot would be from Wildridge Road East as opposed to using one of two existing access points on Longsun Lane. The two subject properties are currently zoned to allow for two (2) duplex structures, or a total of four (4) dwelling units. The details of the proposed access, site design, and compatibility with adjacent land uses are discussed later in the report. It is important to note that this PUD application is being reviewed in conjunction with a preliminary subdivision plan. The proposed PUD amendment would create a new access, reduce the overall density by one dwelling unit, and create a new lot for the development of a single-family residence. Some of the features of the amendment include: • Proposed: Lot 44A: Existing Single -Family Residence owned by Bruce & Susan Baca Lot 45A: Existing Single -Family Residence owned by Samuel Ecker Lot 44B: Newly created lot zoned for one (1) Single -Family Residence. The Building Envelope measures approximately 15,200 square feet, or 190'x 801 . • Height Restriction on Lot 44B: 25' in the rear of the property and 35' elsewhere. • Setbacks: 25' front, 10' rear Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 44/45, Block 4,1 December 20, 2005 Subdivision, PUD Amendment & Zonino Commission maetim • Lot 44B would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. • Creation of a platted building envelope. • Vacation of Property Line, Easements, and Platted Setback Lines. Staff Recommendation 2of9 Staff recommends DENIAL of the proposed PUD amendment and preliminary subdivision for the following reasons: (1) added site disturbance; (2) failure to advance or meet the Public Benefit Criteria; and (3) conflict with adopted policies of the Comprehensive Plan. This will be a Public Hearing, as required by Section 17.20.100 of the Avon Municipal Code. Background & Discussion Benchmark Properties created Wildddge Subdivision in 1979 shortly after the incorporation of the Town of Avon on February 28, 1978. According to the Wildridge Final Plat application for Wildridge and Wildwood Subdivisions, the overall development concept was for "abundant open space recreation areas around lots" with a density of "barely one dwelling unit per acre". The land was identified with no particular hazards for development except in areas with slopes of 40%. The development plan recognized that lot sizes are a function of land slope, buildable area and road access; smaller lots are concentrated on lesser slopes with easy access and larger lots are on steeper slopes where buildable area and access are more restricted. In 1981, the Wildridge Subdivision was completely replatted with a total of 849 planned development units and is the foundation of the current zoning in Wildridge. Over the years, there have been several PUD Amendments and transferring of development rights. Recently, there have been several PUD Amendments in Wildridge Block 2 and one major Amendment in Block 4 wherein development rights have been altered and replatted. The most recent Amendment in Block 4, "Western Sage", converted four properties with a combined total of eleven (11) dwelling units into eight (8) single-family home sites. One major difference with this application and past PUD Amendments that the Town has reviewed is that the subject properties are partially developed, whereas the previous Amendments were undeveloped giving them greater flexibility in lot line locations, access options, and resulting building locations. Existing Conditions Lot 44 1.15 acres with a log constructed single-family home of approximately 4,900 (including garage area) square feet in size. The home was constructed in 1995. The property drops considerably below the home down to Wildridge Road East with native sage brush vegetation. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 11 r { 4,� S . � i AL Lot 44/45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, PUD Amendment December 20, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 9 Lot 45 Property is .94 acres and the home is constructed with predominately wood siding and totals approximately 3,200 square feet. This home was built in 1992 and the lot shares many of the same characteristics as Lot 44, with steep grades dropping from the back of the home to where it meets up with Wildridge Road East. As with many of the neighboring properties on Longsun Lane, much of the lower portions of these two lots are covered in native sage brush and most of the grades i own of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 44/45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, PUD Amendment December 20, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 9 equal or exceed 40% slope on the lower portions below the existing homes. After • review of one of the original address maps for the Wildridge PUD, it appears that access from either Longsun Lane or Wildridge Road East was contemplated for both properties. PUD Design Criteria According to the Town of Avon Zoning Code, Section 17.20.110 (h), the following shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating a PUD Amendment application. It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following design criteria, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a particular development solution is consistent with the public interest. Conformance with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives. The fundamental reason for having a Comprehensive Plan is to communicate where and how land uses may and will occur in the Town. The land use plan is based upon these goals and polices. Implementation is through annexation, subdivision and zoning regulations. This proposed PUD Amendment satisfactorily complies with some of the policies, but fails compliance with the following goals and polices of the Town Comprehensive Plan: Policy Al .3 Flexible zoning such as PUD should be encouraged where it results In more effective use of land. However, such flexible zoning will only be allowed where it provides a benefit to the community and Is compatible with surrounding development. Varlatlons from standard zoning must be clearly demonstrated, and will be permitted only as needed to achieve effective development. The applicant states that the proposal would be beneficial to the neighborhood as a whole and compatible with the surrounding development. While staff agrees that the proposed development would generally be compatible with surrounding development in terms of density and construction type; it is difficult to find a benefit to the community with this zoning amendment. Policy A1.6 Land for open space should be preserved throughout the community, particularly on steep slopes and other environmentally sensitive areas. The Wildridge PUD created a residential subdivision that focused on the preservation of open space, and avoidance of development on steep slopes and natural drainage patterns. By maintaining the existing development rights, there is greater opportunity to create larger contiguous areas of undisturbed natural area with the potential of enhancing the existing open space in the area. Immediately south of the proposed Lot 44B is Tract L, an undeveloped 32 acre parcel of land. It may be more appropriate to Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 44/45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, PUD Amendment December 20, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission meetin< 5 of 9 further develop the upper portions of Lot 44 and 45 in order to maintain larger areas of contiguous open space within Wildridge. Policy A3.7 Steep slopes In and around the community should be designated and preserved as open space wherever possible. There are significant steep slopes on the lower portions of Lot 44 and Lot 45. It appears that when the two subject lots were platted, site access was contemplated from either above (Longsun Lane) or below (Wildridge Road East), not both directions. A large portion of the subject property contains slopes in excess of 40%. Of particular concern are the 40% slopes within the proposed building envelope. Staff believes that the steep slopes on the lower portions of Lots 44 and 45 should be preserved in their natural state. Some of the grades exceed 55%. Policy C1.1 Maintain and enhance the character of the residential neighborhoods of the Town. Because of the diversity of housing types within the immediate area, both the proposed single-family and multifamily developments would be compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Maintaining as much open space could help maintain the natural character of Wildridge and the original intentions of the subdivision. Goal C1 Provide for diverse, quality housing to serve all economic segments and age groups of the population. The available mix of dwelling types in Wildridge has continually changed as a result of the market demand for single-family residences. Several PUD Amendments have been approved recently to provide even more single-family residences. Staff would contend that while there may be less demand currently for duplex type housing arrangements, the long term demand for housing types may shift and Wildridge was platted with a variety of dwelling types to serve a diverse housing market. Policy F1.2 Development shall not be allowed on steep hillside areas vulnerable to environmental and visual degradation. Staff contends that additional "degradation" would be experienced with the proposed development layout. 1. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub -area design recommendations and design guidelines of the Town. The application appears to conflict with some of the requirements of the Residential Design Guidelines. Specifically with respect to the site grading, retention, and disturbance required to construct an additional single-family residence and associated driveway in place of adding dwelling units onto the existing single-family residences. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 44/45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, PUD Amendment December 20, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 6 of 9 The Residential Design Guidelines state "where no development has been identified, construction shall at a minimum avoid: all drainage and utility easements, development setbacks, areas over 30% in slope, and unique and sensitive natural site features." Significant areas of site disturbance are required to access the proposed Lot (44B) in areas that are over 30% slope. This application also proposes to vacate and cross an existing sewer line easement. The logistics of vacating this easement may be difficult with the excavation required for the proposed driveway location in relation to the sewer line which runs down to Wildridge Road East. This application proposes to vacate a 20' width Utility and Drainage Easement which currently bisects the new proposed lot. The finished grading around existing development on Lot 44 and Lot 45 appears to direct drainage towards this easement. Staff does not advise the vacation of this drainage easement. 2. Design compatibility with the Immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. With the proposed building envelope, the architectural design or bulk of a potential home is unknown. The platted building envelope is generous in size and it appears that over half would not be considered 'Buildable Area' per the Municipal Code. The Municipal Code defines 'Buildable Area' as "the area of any site which does not contain land ... in excess of forty percent (40%) slope." The design of the building and site would be governed by the Residential Design Review Guidelines. The applicant has stated that construction of duplex residences would have a far greater negative impact on the existing site conditions and adjoining parcels that this application would create with a separated single-family home. While this application would create an additional buffer between existing adjacent developments on Longsun lane, that should not be a basis for approval. 3. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. An additional single-family residence would be a compatible use with development and density in the area. 4. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD Is proposed. The application does not appear to negatively affect a known geologic hazard, and staff does not anticipate any hazards. A soils report would be required at building permit to ensure a buildable property. 5. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The site plan and location of the proposed building envelope appear far less responsive to the natural features of the existing topography, as opposed to building onto the existing single-family homes. It could be argued that the overall aesthetic Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 44/45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, PUD Amendment December 20, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 7 of 9 qualities of this area of Wildridge would be negatively affected if this PUD Amendment were approved. The proposed building envelope does not respond to the excessive grades of the existing topography. The building envelope appears to be driven by the required access design which is limited. 6. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that Is compatible with the Town Transportation Plan. The vehicle access proposed for Lot 44B, albeit a preliminary sketch design, would not meet town standards for a perpendicular 20' approach to a public way. In order for vehicles leaving this proposed site to view upward approaching cars from Wildridge Road East, a perpendicular access is preferred by Town staff. A perpendicular access would likely cause more site disturbance. 7. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space In order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. The landscaping will be reviewed through the design process should the PUD be approved. A new single-family lot development would increase the site grading, retention, and disturbance resulting In less natural area (or open space). This may affect the aesthetic qualities that exist with current open space patterns. Connecting from the bottom of Lots 44 and 45 directly across Wildridge Road East is Tract L, which is an integral 32 acre tract of open space platted with the original Wildridge subdivision. 8. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional, and off lclent relationship throughout the development of the PUD. The phasing plan shall clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional and efficient without relying upon completion of future project phases. The PUD amendment application is predicated on approval of a preliminary subdivision plan, which has been submitted in conjunction with the application for review by Town Council. It is important to track these two processes together in order to ensure a workable, functional development. Subdivision requirements must be tied to PUD approvals. If this application was approved and the subdivision process moved forward, there would be several issues that would need to be resolved prior to a final plat submittal. 9. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. Adequate facilities are available to service the proposal and the applicant is requesting no extension to municipal services. One technical difficulty identified with this proposal is the existing sewer line which runs from the existing log home on Lot 44 and underneath the proposed driveway (Lot 44B) and required retaining wall. In order to meet the Upper Eagle River Water Authority's requirements for sewer lines, additional excavation and disturbance would likely be required to construct the proposed driveway. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 44145, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, PUD Amendment December 20. 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 8 of 9 As part of the subdivision process and prior to a final plat, a sign off from all involved utility companies would be required to proceed with the proposed development. 10.That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. The proposal complies with capacities originally contemplated in the first Wildridge PUD approval. An additional curb cut would be required on Wildridge Road East. Staff has continually discouraged additional curb cuts wherever possible. 11. Development Standards Development standards have been submitted for the PUD Amendment and summarized within this staff report. The 25' height requirement for the rear portions of a home would be unique to this property. 12.That the PUD or amendment to PUD requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the following public purpose provisions, as outlined In Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code, as follows: A. The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. It is questionable whether this application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. The applicant has stated that the amendment "would be a benefit for the neighborhood as a whole." While there has been a tolerance for reduced densities in the Wildridge PUD in recent years, all of the previous amendments were contemplated prior to any development on the subject lots, allowing for a greater chance to design a plan that minimizes site disturbances required. B. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse Impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. Staff believes that this application directly conflicts with this approval criteria. Losing additional open space resulting from additional site disturbance could outweigh the benefits of keeping development on the upper portions of Lots 44 and 45 as currently entitled. There are no apparent economic, cultural, or social benefits anticipated if this application were approved. C. The flexibility afforded In approval of the zoning application will result In better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and Increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. As stated throughout the report, better siting of development could be achieved if the properties were developed as duplexes. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 44145, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, PUD Amendment December 20, 2005 Planning & Zoning Commission meetinc Recommended Motion "I move to approve Resolution 05-14, recommending to the Town Council to deny the PUD Amendment and Preliminary Plan for Lots 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, as more specifically described in the application dated November 11, 2005." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully su d, Matt Pielsti Planner I Report Attachments: A. PUD Application dated November 11, 2005 B. Resolution 05-14 Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 i EXHIBIT D { TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 05-14 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF A PUD AMENDMENT APPLICATION AMENDING THE WILDRIDGE PUD, LOTS 44 & 45, BLOCS 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, AS MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED IN THE APPLICATION DATED NOVEMBER 11, 2005. WHEREAS, Sam Ecker has filed an application to amend the existing Planned Unit Development ("PUD') for the Wildridge PUD; and WHEREAS, the proper posting, publication and public notices for the hearings before the i Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon were provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, said application fails to comply with the following Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan's Policies, as required by section 17.20.110h(1) of the Avon Munic' Code: 1. Policy A1.3 Flexible zoning such as PUD should be encouraged where it results in more effective use of land. However, such flexible zoning will only be allowed where it provides a benefit to the community and is compatible with surrounding development. Variations from standard zoning must be clearly demonstrated, and will be permitted only as needed to achieve effective development. 2. Policy A1.6 Land for open space should be preserved throughout the community, particularly on steep slopes and other environmentally sensitive areas. 3. Policy A3.7 Steep slopes in and around the community should be designated and preserved as open space wherever possible. 4. PohcyFl.2 Development shall not be allowed on steep hillside areas vulnerable to environmental and visual degradation. FAPIQRWnr & &Wna COMW$sion\RerofutlonMOOMef OS -14 L4!@(S 84 WR Ecker PUD Awndnvnedoc 5. oaI Cl• provide for diverse, quality housing to serve all economic segments and age groups of the population. WHEREAS, said application fails to comply with the following PUD review criteria set forth in Section 17.12.110 of the Avon Municipal Code, including the following: 1. The site plan, building design and location and open space provisions fail to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. 17.20.110h(6). 2. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space are not maintained in order to optimize and preserve the natural features of the sites. 17.20.1 loh(8). 3. Apparent conflicts with the requirements contained within the design guidelines of the Town. 17.20.110h(2). W1EREAS, this PUD Amendment fails to provide evidence of compliance with the public purpose provisions outlined in Section 17.28.085 of the Municipal Code, NOW, THERHFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends denial to the Town Council for the amendment of the Wildridge PUD, Lots 44 & 45, Block 4, Final plat, Replat Number Two, Wildridge Subdivision, application dated November 11, 2005 with the following conditions: ADOPTED THIS 20th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2005 Signed. Date: ?U Cly u: Chris Evans, Chair st Date: Phil Struve, Secretary fiVlnnntnr & 7nnlnr C.L d88jO"e3ufudon V vines 03.14 !44&45 B4 WR Ecker PUD Amendmmeda EXHIBIT E VI. PUD Amendment / Confluence - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road Applicant: East West Resorts /Owner: Vail Associates Description: A request for an amendment to the Confluence PUD to modify the existing development rights and zoning for the entire property. This application proposes a hotel, retail plaza, high-speed public gondola, condominiums, and fractional ownership residential units. This item is tabled until the January 3, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Eric Heidemann advised the Commission of the need to table this agenda item to the January 3'", 2006 meeting since the applicant was unable to submit the Development Plan in time for Staff review to take place. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Smith motioned to table Item VI, PUD Amendment / Confluence Property Location: Confluence/95 Avon Road, Applicant: East West Resorts /Owner. Vail Associates, with Commissioner Struve seconding the motion. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 5 — 0. VII. PUD Amendment / Wildridge - PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane Applicant: Sam Ecker /Owners: Sam Ecker, Bruce & Susan Baca Description: A request for an amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for three (detached) single-family residences in place of a two duplex structures. This amendment would permanently reduce the density for the properties by one dwelling unit. A new lot would be created for the third single-family residence and the vehicular access to the new lot would be accessed from Wildridge Road East. Also being reviewed is a Preliminary Subdivision application. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Sam Ecker took his place at the podium and presented the Commission with a full size plan set for their review while he revealed the history of the project. Mr. Ecker than discussed the Issues presented in the Staff Report. Commissioner Green questioned the vacation of the property line and commented that a 400/0 slope is discouraged but not un -allowed. Commissioner Struve commented on the Lot 44B driveway alignment to the buildable site and commented that the Dry Creek and Western Sage PUD's were to downsize triplex lots. Commissioner Green questioned access and Commissioner D'Agostino commented that a more restrictive setback lot would be created. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING There were no comments offered from the Public. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING ar Commissioner review began with Commissioner D'Agostino's concern for drainage on 3 sides, the need for clarification of setbacks, appreciated the research presented on the utilities and its easements and voiced a low concern regarding the driveway. Commissioner D'Agostino agreed with Staff that this application would set a precedent. Commissioner Smith voiced site concerns with subdivision of the lot in this manner and its site disturbance as well as driveway issues. Commissioner Struve commented on the need to limit square footage, present a drainage study, and restrict the positioning on the lot created. Commissioner Green wasn't concerned about recreating as a duplex lot, discussed drainage, and a need for serious consideration to the building envelope. Commissioner Evans expressed that a pro side was the home would benefit the adjacent property owner on Lot 44A. He continued with the con items; the homeowners on Longsun Lane chose to build on upside of lots, no reduction of density, a precedent would be set since a downzone has never been done In this manner and it is not in the best interests of Avon or Wildridge. Commissioner Evans commented to Mr. Ecker that the role Planning and Zoning Commission plays is not a final ruling or voice for Avon Town Council. He continued that Town Council is the deciding body on this project and typically not In support of rezoning. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve the denial as presented by Staff of Item VII, PUD Amendment / Wildridge, Property Location: Lot 44 & 45, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5123 & 5129 Longsun Lane, with Commissioner Struve seconding the motion. The motion passed 5 — 0 with all Commissioners in favor. VIII. Sketch Design - Duplex Property Location: Lot 10, Block 3, Wildridge Subdvislon/4010 Wildridge Road West App/icantJOwner. Daniel Ritsch Description: The applicant is proposing a 9,400 square foot duplex residence on the subject property. The property is a relatively steep uphill lot located at the Intersection of Bear Trap and Wildridge Road. The proposed materials include stone veneer, cedar siding, and asphalt shingles. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Daniel Kitsch approached the podium and gave history of the architects on this project and that retaining walls would be necessary for the driveway. Stuart Brummett came to the podium as the new architect for the project to discuss parking issues, vehicle turning radius problem, and the retaining walls. Commissioner comments began with Commissioner D'Agostino suggesting moving the house down, and the parking and turn around issues. Commissioner Evans commented that the architecture was vastly Improved, suggested pines as buffers to the retaining walls, and continued review of the site. Commissioner Green commended Mr. Brummett on the positioning of the project, along with the rusting steel and the buffer was good, and questioned landscaping and the revegetation of the site. Commissioner Struve voiced appreciation for the architecture, the need to address drainage issues, the driveway and its spaces, and landscaping concerns. Commissioner Smith expressed the difficulty of the lot and that the corrugated metal siding was too much. rg N Wildridge - Block 4, Lots 44 and 45 Lots 44 and 45 Property Boundaries Residential Street A�H 1 44 Staff Report SPECIAL REVIEW USE VON C O L O R A D O March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date February 22, 2006 Project type Special Review Use (SRU) Permit Legal description Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision Zoning Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Address 0095 Post Boulevard Introduction Paul Doughty is requesting a Special Review Use permit for retail tree and shrub sales, which includes the outdoor storage of trees in the McGrady Acres subdivision. The lot is bordered by: Eaglebend Subdivision, park, and cul-de-sac to the west, railroad tracks immediately to the north, Post Boulevard to the east, and Lot 6 of McGrady Acres to the South with a developed single-family log home. Included in your packet is a site plan and narrative provided by the applicant. The site is currently unimproved and the site plan indicates several rows of trees with drip irrigation. Also proposed is an area with shrubs and aspen trees next to the existing fence bordering the park of Lot 1, McGrady Acres. The site plan shows the location of a dumpster, portable restroom, gravel loading and parking areas, and the point of sale. The applicant intends to sell primarily ball and burlap (B&B) trees and all areas where vehicles pass over would receive crushed rock or gravel to mitigate dust and mud from leaving the site. A series of 6' tall by 10' wide sections of portable chain link fences (with green mesh netting) would border the north property line and east property line - setback 10' from the existing sidewalk. The property is located within the 'Neighborhood Commercial' land -use district, which allows for the following uses: retail stores, professional offices, car washes, restaurants, accessory apartments, and churches. Since a nursery is not an enumerated allowed use and the proposed use is temporary in nature, a Special Review Use (SRU) is required to operate this use in this location. Criteria for Review According to section 17.48.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following criteria when evaluating an application for a Special Review Use permit: Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 0 Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision, Special Review Use Permit - Tree Sales March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 4 1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements Imposed by the zoning code. This application would not be in compliance with some of the off street parking requirements (i.e. parking to be open to aisle or driveway of width of 24', all parking shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete); however it is for a temporary basis and could be re -reviewed after one year of operation to ensure a functional land use. 2. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the Town Comprehensive Plan. Although the subject property was not within Town limits at the time of adoption, the following policies and goals generally appear to support this application: Policy A3,6 - Encourage development throughout the community, where compatible with existing neighborhoods, to more efficiently use land. Goal B1- Enhance the Town's role as a principal, year-round residential community and regional commercial center. 3. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be expressed In appearance, architectural scale and features, site design and the control of any adverse impacts including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety, etc. Potential adverse impacts such as noise, been addressed within this application. motion, the applicant would be held to the and there is no outdoor lighting proposed. dust, lighting, and safety appear to have As presented in staff's recommended specified hours of operation (lam - 6pm), Gravel and crushed rock would be installed in all areas where vehicles operate in order to cut back the possibility of dust leaving the property. The existing wood fence bordering the Eaglebend Drive cul-de-sac and the proposed chain link fencing should provide a functional separation of land -uses. 4. That the granting of the special review use requested provides evidence of substantial compliance with the public purpose provisions, as outlined in Section 17.28.085 of the Avon Municipal Code: A. The application demonstrates a public purpose which the current zoning entitlements cannot achieve. This application would, for a provisional period, allow a land use and commerce that is not currently available as a stand alone business within the Town of Avon. The Municipal Code states the Neighborhood Commercial District intention is "to provide sites for commercial facilities and services for the principal benefit of residents of the community and also to highway -oriented convenience commercial needs." B. Approval of the zoning application provides long term economic, cultural or social community benefits that are equal to or greater than potential adverse impacts as a result of the changed zoning rights. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision, Special Review Use Permit - Tree Sales March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 4 It is questionable whether long term economic, cultural or social community benefits would be experienced with the approval of this application. However, the potential adverse impacts of this permit appear to be mitigated and this use could be conditioned and reviewed after one year of operation to ensure a compatible land -use. C. The flexibility afforded in approval of the zoning application will result in better siting of the development, preserving valued environmental and cultural resources, and Increasing the amount of public benefit consistent with the community master plan documents. As stated above, some of the public goals from the Town Comprehensive Plan would be maintained if this application were approved. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Resolution No. 06-06, thereby conditionally approving this Special Review Use application. Recommended Motion ' 1 move to approve Resolution 06-06 to approve a SRU permit for a nursery/tree sales business on Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision, with the following conditions: 1. The permit is approved for the 2006 calendar year and must be re -reviewed for 2007. 2. If the conditions of the permit become the responsibility of a person other than the applicant (Paul Doughty); the office of Community Development must be notified in writing, identifying the new person or entity responsible for maintaining the conditions of the permit. AMC 17.48.020(d). 3. Hours of operation will be lam - 6pm, with no audible noise at other hours. 4. No lighting is approved for the property, except for an internal light inside the temporary point of sale office. 5. This use may not be modified, enlarged or expanded in ground area, unless such modification receives the prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. AMC 17.48.050. 5. No sales will take place until all site improvements are installed (including all gravel, office, toilet, etc.) and Community Development inspects the site for compliance with the site plan. 6. A business and sales tax license must be obtained prior to the start of business. 7. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision, Special Review Use Permit - Tree Sales March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 4 A copy of this complete SRU application is available for review during normal business hours in the office of Community Development. If you have any questions regarding this or any other project or community development issue, please call me at 748-4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, 4F / Matt Pielsticker Planner I Exhibits: A - Site Plan and narrative, dated February 13, 2006 B - Public Comment Letters C - Resolution No. 06-05 Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 EMD -CM LLC dba TREES OF COLORADO LANDSCAPE AND MAINTENANCE February 13, 2006 Matt Pielsticker, Planner I Town of Avon Avori, Colorado RE: Special Review Use Application Lots 3&6, McGrady Acres Subdivision Z-PU2005-5 Matt: RECEIVED FEB 1 3 2006 Community Development This letter is intended to be a narrative of operations for the above referenced Special Review Use Application. The operations for Trees of Colorado will include a retail nursery operation. Our emphasis will be the sale of ball and burlap trees (B&B) including Colorado Spruce, various Pines, Aspen, B&B Shrubs and various Deciduous Trees. There are no existing improvements on the property, except for the wood fence along the border with the Eagle Bend Park and the gravel entrance. The trees will be arranged in approximately 16' wide rows, mounded with a combination of soil and wood chips. The irrigation for the trees will be drip lines in order to minimize run-off and to conserve water. In between each set of rows, will be an approximate 12' wide tree access area for customers and equipment to access trees. The trees will be loaded with either a skid loader or comparable equipment. This area will utilize small gravel in order to mitigate dust. A loading area will be west of the main entrance. This area will be used to unload delivery trucks as well as loading customer vehicles. A dumpster for debris, a portable point of sale office, equipment storage and restroom will be in the area at the west/southwest of the property. This area will utilize 1" gravel in order to mitigate dust. Currently, there is a wood privacy fence on the west side of the property. Fence panels will be used along the north property line as well as 10' set back from the east sidewalk. The fence will be covered with a green screening fabric. 322 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Avon, CO 81620 (shipping) PO Box 640, Vail, CO 81658 (mailing) phone: (970) 470-2939 fax: (970) 845-6380 A sign will be proposed (separately) for the southeast comer of the property. This will be a landscaped area to highlight the sign. No lights will be used on the property beyond inside the point of sale office. No winter retail operations are anticipated (Christmas trees, etc). Hours of operation will generally be no earlier than lam and will generally be no later than 6pm. This past season, a sale of trees with greatly reduced prices was held. The maximum number of vehicles at one time was 5 cars. We are including sufficient space in the plan for up to 8 cars, including employee parking. Please contact me with any additional questions you may have. Sincerely Pau Dough Project Manager, Trees of Colorado 970-470-2939 970-748-8900 fax pauldourhtyRtraercreek.com RECEIVED FEB 13 2006 CDummunity Development 322 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Avon, CO 81620 (shipping) PO Box 640, Vail, CO 81658 (mailing) phone: (970) 470-2939 fax: (970) 845-6380 EMD -CM LLC dba TREES OF COLORADO LANDSCAPE AND MAINTENANCE A sign will be proposed (separately) for the southeast comer of the property. This will be a landscaped area to highlight the sign. No lights will be used on the property beyond inside the point of sale office. No winter retail operations are anticipated (Christmas trees, etc). Hours of operation will generally be no earlier than lam and will generally be no later than 6pm. This past season, a sale of trees with greatly reduced prices was held. The maximum number of vehicles at one time was 5 cars. We are including sufficient space in the plan for up to 8 cars, including employee parking. Please contact me with any additional questions you may have. Sincerely Pau Dough Project Manager, Trees of Colorado 970-470-2939 970-748-8900 fax pauldourhtyRtraercreek.com RECEIVED FEB 13 2006 CDummunity Development 322 East Beaver Creek Blvd., Avon, CO 81620 (shipping) PO Box 640, Vail, CO 81658 (mailing) phone: (970) 470-2939 fax: (970) 845-6380 EXHIBIT B JOHN AND CAROL KRUEGER P.O. Box 1551 Vail, Colorado 81658 (regular mail) (970) 949-1198 (H) (970) 949-9115 M ckrueger@vail.net February 3, 2006 VIA E- MAIL Recording Secretary, Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Lots 3 and 6, McGrady Acres Dear Sir/Madam: RECEIVED FEB 0 3 2006 Community Development I am writing in connection with the Special Review Use application on file for a landscaping nursery for retail sales. As a neighboring property owner whose residence is a few houses away and also as an owner of property in McGrady Acres, we have no issue with this use being made of the property. I only have several concerns about the material submitted for the application since it very general: 1. What does "B & B" mean on the drawing? I see no structures and so assume there are none planned to conduct sales. 2. I am not sure where the fence between the property and the adjacent cul de sac ends, but it does not extend fully around the boundary of the cul de sac (this has always been a concern of mine). I cannot tell where the fence ends on the submitted site plan, but I am concerned about the drive extending to the rear of the property and the placement of parking along the boundary closest to the neighboring residential properties. Please confirm there is a fence along this part of the property. I see no reason why the activities causing visual, noise and other impacts cannot be placed closer to Post Boulevard. 3. I am interested in the parameters of the approval, i.e., whether there is intention to operate at night and what kind of lighting would be necessary for this (I am thinking of Christmas time and the giant Santa on top of the building in Eagle -Vail and whether that could happen here and be illuminated for miles around). I know that the use would need to comply with all applicable codes but the Town can place conditions on a special use that are appropriate for this residential area. I will not be in town on the hearing date of February 7, 2006 but will be interested in the results of the meeting. Thank you for allowing this input. Very truly yours, Carol Krueger Page 1 of 1 Matt Pielsticker From: Greg Bartock [bbivail@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 12:19 PM To: Matt Pielsticker Subject: 2/7/06 Matt, I am home owner living next to lots 3&6, McGrady Acres on EagleBend Dr. I have some concerns on Tracer Creek proposal for the landscaping business. 1. Noise control of equipment and trucks 2. Dust control 3. Shortage of trees planted at the end of EagleBend Dr that was promised in the original contract of the cult a sack construction. Tracer Creek were to donate and plant additional trees would be great. Greg 2/10/2006 EXHIBIT C TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 06-06 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A RETAIL TREE & SHRUB NURSERY ON LOT 3, MCGRADY ACRES SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO W HEREAS, Paul Doughty has applied for a special review use permit for a retail tree sale nursery, as described in the application dated December 12, 2005, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code; and W HEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; and C. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby approves a Special Review Use permit for FAPfanning & Zoning Commission\Reso1utions12006\Res 06-0613 McGrady Acres Tree Sale SRU.doc a retail tree sale nursery, as described in the application dated December 12, 2005, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code for Lot 3, McGrady Acres Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, based upon the following findings: 1. That the proposed use conforms to the requirements as imposed by the Town Zoning Code. 2. That the proposed use conforms to the Town Comorehensive Plan, particularly with respect to Policy A1.5 (integrated residential housing) and Goal C2 (affordable housing provision). 3. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses as planned and approved through the design review process. Approved with the following conditions: 1. The permit is approved for the 2006 calendar year and must be re -reviewed for 2007. 2. If the conditions of the permit become the responsibility of a person other than the applicant (Paul Doughty), the office of Community Development must be notified in writing, identifying the new person or entity responsible for maintaining the conditions of the permit. AMC 17.48.020(d). 3. Hours of operation will be lam - 6pm, with no audible noise at other hours. 4. No lighting is approved for the property, except for an internal light inside the temporary point of sale office. 5. This use may not be modified, enlarged or expanded in ground area, unless such modification receives the prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. AMC 17.48.050. 5. No sales will take place until all site improvements are installed (including all gravel, office, toilet, etc.) and Community Development inspects the site for compliance with the site plan. 6. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. F:V°lanning & Zoning Com issionVlesolulions\2006V2es 06-06 L9 McGrady Acres Tree Sale SRU.dcc • Adopted this 3rd day of March, 2006 Signed: Chris Evans, Chairman Attest: Phil Struve, Secretary • • Date: Date: F:\Pfanning & Zoning CommissionViesolurions\2006\Res 06-06 L3 McCrady Acres Tree Sale SRU.doc 44 o IZZL— Staff Report P11 � ,i1, SIGN DESIGN AVON C O L O R A D O March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date February 28, 2006 Sign type Master Sign Program Amendment Legal description Lot 68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Address 008 Nottingham Road & 111 Swift Gulch Road Background The Master Sign Program (MSP) for the Petro -Hut building was approved on May 20, 2003. The program was later amended in 2003 by Talbot Intermountain Insurance to change the color of the three south facing building mounted tenant signs. Since that time two of the three south facing signs have been installed along with the 'On the Go' and canopy signs. This application proposes an additional building mounted sign on the south side of the building (facing round -a -bout - See Exhibit A) identical to the other currently allowed building signs, and a different monument sign. The originally approved monument sign was never constructed and this application proposes to make a minor change in design of this sign. The Planning Commission originally requested a mock-up of the location and size of the proposed monument sign at their December 20, 2005 meeting. This application was tabled from the February 21, 2006 meeting in order for a new on-site mockup to be reviewed. Attached to this report is the currently approved and new proposed monument sign design (Exhibit B). Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sign Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon it is to be located. The building mounted sign would match all material and design specifications of the existing sign program and should be appropriate for the project. The materials of the proposed monument sign would be identical to the currently approved monument sign, and the design is extremely similar with the exception of a square sign face top Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 68, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Petro -Hut MSP Amendment #2 March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 instead of an oval design. Along with the attached site plan and drawing, the revised on-site mockup is ready for review. 2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements. The immediate area is zoned Neighborhood Commercial with service and restaurant land -uses. 3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed Improvement. The building mounted sign would match the specifications of the current MSP and the monument sign would utilize the same stone base, and a plexiglass sign face. The quality of the materials to be utilized with this application are consistent with the already approved MSP. 4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. Both proposed signs would gain visibility of motorists entering the round -a -bout from Avon Road as well as traffic exiting 1-70 coming from the east. After receiving feedback and direction from the Commission at their February 21, 2006 meeting, the applicant has revised the monument sign (and mockup) for re -review. The scale of the new proposed monument sign appears to be more appropriate for the site. 5. The objective that no Improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. Monetary and aesthetic values should not be impaired with this application. 6. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the sign code, and are appropriate for the project. The types of the signs proposed are consistent with the current MSP in place for the property. The height and size of the monument sign is larger than the currently approved sign. Please refer to the mockup for the exact location and size of this sign. Staff believes that the type, height, size, and quality of the signs are in compliance with the sign code and appropriate for the project. The monument sign would be interior lit, similar to the Conoco signs on the canopy. Staff recommends that the lighting for this sign be turned off at the close of business. 7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign Is appropriate for the determined orientation The primary orientation of both signs is to vehicular traffic, which appears to be appropriate. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of this sign design application with the following conditions: 1. A landscape plan for the monument sign will be separately approved by staff and must integrate other existing landscaping on the property. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 66, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Petro -Hut MSP Amendment #2 March 7, 2006 Planning 8 Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 2. The interior lighting for the monument sign will be on a timer and turned off at the close of business each night. 3. No gas pricing is permitted on the monument sign. 4. The stone used for the monument sign will be consistent with that used on the building. 5. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative (s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielstic Planner I Exhibits: A - Existing South Elevation / New proposed South Elevation B - Existing Monument Sign / New proposed Monument Sign C - Site Plan Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 S ' _ !r ..r Y, J yrr F ; �Sf . f/ l rgrr � i• r Pr Jr/ /•• 1. ' � ,,ti,,� ^,rr`�.y+� :•f Fin+ r. fj ,f r r it •rrr✓. r "^ e F.A .... . .... ' • W r 9" 1. - . r , if r•- r.4Y. i! . . . rry r {f.. � r'' - ,fir r . /i •:: r: r. • r � r r; •.'fr .f r � r f r rr q§ J r4 r / f S 1 �7' r it f S •' / j 0 TOTAL SQ. FT. == 7.7 EXHIBIT B 5` 5 SQ, FJ INFO PANEL: TIPV.,d� ' • 0 • I II II II 1W II INS II K I\ II Ig 4 a 0*0 I N h n ; �I n ti ! o ae I tiv i� / H I n 0 EXHIBIT C W II 6 J II K II o- II n ; �I n cLi i I I � I I N WqC� C r N <z^ -Al X � e I< W n e•u I rr ,9 l9 N 31380NOO n — — 3NfLi4YJ O O I LJ U J 2. Staff Report 7vi SIGN DESIGN C O L O R A D O February 23, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date February 23, 2006 Sign type Freestanding Sign Legal description Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Industrial Commercial (IC) Address 140 Metcalf Road Introduction Monte Park from Sign Design is proposing Six and one-half (6'6") foot freestanding sign on this Metcalf Road property. The sign is unlit and would allow for up to five individual tenant sign panels. A sign for this property was review at the Commission's December 6, 2005 meeting where this application was tabled. Changes from the previous design include: • Reduction in height from 8' to 66m. • Total size reduced from 37.5' sq. ft. to 27.5' sq. ft. • Support posts changed from painted aluminum to clear coat cedar wood posts with copper caps. • Color and font option now limited to have consistent font and two colors ('Pantone 443U' & 'Pantone 441 U) to match building. • Sign backing material changed from aluminum to a composite wood base. • Landscape plan revised to include: evergreen shrubs, rock garden, mulch, and seasonal wildflowers. It appears that all of the Planning Commission's concerns have been addressed with this revised submittal and staff is recommending conditional approval. Shop drawings are attached to this report for review. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Sian Code, Section 15.28.070, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing this design application: 1. The suitability of the Improvement, including the site upon it is to be located. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 740-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 N Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, 140 Metcalf Sign Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 The building tenants would gain from more exposure on Metcalf Road and the proposed sign appears to be suitable for the site it proposed. 2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring Improvements. The area is mixed-use with showrooms, warehouses, self -storage, service, and construction office land uses. Sign construction varies on neighboring properties, and this is the only Industrial/Commercial (IC) zoned area in the Town. 3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement. The Sign Code encourages "quality sign materials, including anodized metal; routed or sandblasted wood, such as rough cedar or redwood; interior -lit, individual plexiglass -faced letters; or three dimensional individual letters with or without indirect lighting, are encouraged." Materials have been modified and the proposed sign should be compatible with the site and building. The tenant panels would still be aluminum, however, the colors and fonts would now be consistent with the revised submittal. 4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property. The proposed signs should not have any significant impact to adjacent properties. The sign would be highly visible from Metcalf Road and a sign height has been reduced by 18". A landscape plan has been provided to address the requirement from the Sign Code to landscape freestanding signs. According to the Sign Code, "landscaping is required for all freestanding signs, and should be designed to enhance the signage and surrounding building landscaping." The proposed site plan drawing shows evergreen shrubs, wildflowers, rock garden, and mulched areas. While the proposed landscaping would help the visual impact of this sign, the Commission should determine if the landscape plan is appropriate. 5. The objective that no Improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs In the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be Impaired. There should not be any monetary or aesthetic values impaired with this sign. 6. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally comply with the Sign Code, and are appropriate for the project. The proposed sign complies with the Sign Code in terms of height, location, and size. The code allows for up to an 8' freestanding sign. The Sign Code states that sites shall be limited to one freestanding sign with an area of forty square feet and a height of eight feet. The proposed sign is six and one-half feet in height and approximately 27.5 square feet. There is approximately 92 feet (Building A: 32 feet + Building B: 60 feet) of building frontage on Metcalf Road. 7. Whether the sign Is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 k Lot 37, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, 140 Metcalf Sign Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 The primary orientation of the proposed signage is to automobile traffic which is appropriate. Freestanding signs are generally only allowed in vehicular oriented areas. Recommendation Staff recommends conditional approval of the sign design application for Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Recommended Motion °I move to approve the sign design application for Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Existing Vail Valley Automotive sign will be removed. 2. The Sign Permit will not close until the landscaping is complete." If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748.4030 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted Matt Pielsticker Planner I Att: Sign Design Shop Drawings Town of Avon Community Development (970) 746-4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 cel Q 0 m LL O� 20 0 ►- ul� J 1� LU Cy Q II W C/3 to 9,0 � X cn_ 0 0 0 O 0 z W E5c _ W LIJ M J J W X ¢ °' U3�LLJw 004 J W oQa oC)> moo X R 2 Z �cnLLJ LLJ W 0o f---•................._..............._._.._._.............------..... -i -w z? �............................ _ f N `s Q�U C=CL 8WN N a C W A a W m _ p ;� o UU�U W 0o f---•................._..............._._.._._.............------..... -i -w z? f `s E E Ll F--� z \] 9 2 I Staff Report I � nd' SIGN CODE VARIANCE AVON c0L0RAoo March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 2, 2006 Variance type Sign Code - Size and Number of Development Signs Legal description Confluence Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development Address 95 Avon Road Introduction East West Partners is requesting a Variance from the Sign Code in order to display two 'development' signs, each measuring 40 square feet (5'x 8'). According to Section 15.28.080 of the Sign Code, development signs are permitted provide that: a. Only one (1) sign per parcel, lot or group of contiguous lots under one ownership, not exceed sixteen (16) square feet of display area and eight (8) feet in height; b. Signs must be removed within thirty days of land sale or upon issuance of certificate of occupancy; c. In no case may a sign be retained for more than two (2) years unless an extension is granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission; d. The sign administrator may issue a permit for a development sign meeting these criteria without Planning and Zoning Commission review; e. Development signs not meeting these criteria may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission only upon a determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission that a variance should be granted. Since the application proposes more than one sign, and larger than the allowable sixteen square feet, a Variance is the only mechanism to review and approve the request. In order to aid in your review and to see the exact location of these signs, the applicant has provided on-site mock ups. There is one sign targeting southbound traffic located immediately behind the guardrail near the stop sign exiting the property. The other proposed sign, targeting northbound traffic, would be placed near three existing pine trees on a hillside above sidewalk on Avon Road. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence Subdivision, S' March 7, 2006 Planning & Code Variance - Development Signs niniz Commission meeting 2of3 The signs would both stand eight feet tall and would be constructed of wood - temporary in nature: Please refer to the attached sign design for a graphic representation of the signs. Variance Criteria According to the Section 15.28.090 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: A. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity; B. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity; C. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the requested variance. Findings Required Section 15.28.090 of the Avon Municipal Code requires the Planning & Zoning Commission to make the following written findings before granting a variance: A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity; B. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict, literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Chapter; 2. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone; 3. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Staff Comments The requested Variance would be temporary in nature, and given the size and financial implications of this project being successful, staff would recommend a conditional granting of this requested variance. As the applicant stated, visible development signs are a critical component of the marketing and awareness campaign for a project of this size. A conditional granting of this Variance would allow for the desired exposure. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends conditional approval of these signs. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949.5749 Confluence Subdivision, Sign Code Variance - Development Signs March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 3 Recommended Motion "I move to approve Resolution No. 06-07, approving the Sign Code Variance for the Confluence Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Any future sign relocations must be approved by Community Development. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval." If you have any questions regarding this or any other project or community development issue, please call me at 748.4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, g Senior Planner Exhibits: A - Variance Application B - Resolution No. 06-07 Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 rax �aiu) AV O N C-0 LO R _ADO fi VARIANCE Address P.0. brmkk� 2770 (Street) (Ch Telephone Fax (mrsr) Cell RECEIVED MAR 0 3 2006 Community Development Address Zip Code) (Street) (City) (stale) ( Telephone Fax Cell Lot Block Subdivision Street Address Current Zoning i. Description of Requested Variance 5Pe �* �f r'4 oon VARIANCE REVIEW CRITERIA A. Describe the relationshipof the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity SPe ±, f9�i /I "hr'tiyol Community Development, PO Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 -Phone (970)748.4030 Fax (970)949.5749 (last revised 2/2005) Page 3 of 6 M VARIANCE REVIEW CRITERIA (CONTINUED) B. Describe the degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specific regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or attain the objectives of Title 17.36.040 without a grant of special privilege See 4;L1 ra �dlF dron C. Describe the effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety See ,i.. ora a na 1 F��dv-n✓t D. Any such other factors and criteria as the Planning Commission may deem applicable to the proposed Variance spy 2041"knyl Reviewed by: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete Date: I (we) represent that all information provided to the Town of Avon in connection with this application as true and correct, that I (we) understand the Town of Avon regulations applicable to this project, and understand that incomplete submittals will delay application review. Owner designates 'Applicant' as indicated to act as owner's representative� in� all application sub m' tals rel ted to this project. L (if%l� Pt7 �7V Applicant (Print Name)ISYM)i Date ©2-. g -,—)W6 (Print Namb) 14 rye Date 2•24t-O(e Community Development, PO Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 - Phone (970)746 4030 Fax (970)949.5749 (last revised 2/2005) Page 4 of 6 Town of Avon Variance Application APPLICANT'S CONTACT INFORMATION: East West Partners, Inc. P.O. Drawer 2770 Avon, CO 81620 OWNER'S CONTACT INFORMATION: The Vail Corporation P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 PROJECT INFORMATION: Lot Riverfront Subdivision (Confluence Site) Current Zoning PUD Description of Requested Variance East West Partners is requesting a variance to the Town Code's section 15.28.080 (Development Signs) for two development signs at the entry to Riverfront Village (the Confluence Site). See Exhibit A for sign locations. The proposed signs have up to 40 square feet of display area each and would be displayed beginning March 8`h 2006. The display graphics will change over time, but the conceptual initial display graphics are attached as Exhibit B — both signs will be framed with wood. VARIANCE REVIEW CRITERIA: A) Describe the relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity: The signs would be located on both sides of the current entry into the Confluence Site, between Bob the Bridge and the large retaining wall on the west side of Avon Rd., south of the Railroad. One sign will be located to the North of the existing entry road into the Confluence Site. The other sign will be located to the South of the existing entry road into the Confluence Site. The exact locations of the signs from March 8"', 2006 thru approximately April 30'', 2006 are shown in Exhibit B. On approximately April 30'x', 2006 the sign locations will likely be impacted by infrastructure construction and will have to be temporarily removed and/or relocated. Removal shall be at the discretion of the applicant. Any relocation shall be subject to approval by Town staff. The signs shall be permanently removed from the site by March 8, 2008, though the applicant may apply for an extension with the Planning and Zoning Commission. B) Describe the degree to which relief from the literal interpretation and enforcement of a specific regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or attain the objectives of Title 17.36.040 without a grant of special privilege. East West Partners requests a variance to display two development signs exceeding the maximum development sign display area of 16 sq. ft. per sign with signs that have up to 40 sq. ft. of display area each. Due to the location of the development site, the development signs will be seen almost exclusively by vehicular passengers traveling at 20+ 1nph. In addition, visibility of the sign for southbound travelers will largely be blocked by the current retaining wall until vehicles are nearly at the Confluence Site entry. A sign of only 16 sq. ft. is insufficient to allow for lettering and graphics of a scale that can be safely read by viewers traveling at this rate of speed for this short distance of visibility. Two signs are needed in order to provide adequate visibility for both northbound and southbound vehicles. There is no single location for one sign that can accomplish this without impacting site distances for vehicles exiting the Confluence Site. C) Describe the effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. None D) Any such factors and criteria as the Planning Commission may deem applicable to the proposed variance. Visible and readable development signs are a critical component of the marketing and awareness campaign for Riverfront Village and are therefore key to the timely success of the entire project. Without the accumulation of a critical number of prospective purchasers in a fairly short period of time, the project will fail or be delayed beyond the targeted phasing plan. RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION SIGN EX�IHIBITA / I I 1, I I' SCALE 1" = 40' j f i / I / I I I i I � I 'B'X5' PROJECT` GN TO BE �� :O IQ NORTH AND 6' WEST L'� / O OF ERI SING FIRE�HYDRANT r - \,.' O PARCEL BOOK 619, PAGE041 � ��-wry" ! �■_.s �_..,\ - 8'X5' PROJECT SI N TO BE NSTALLED ON TOP OF EXISTING RETAINING `WALL AT END OF BRIDGE RAIL r. II PARCEL TK -13 A EAGLE RI�JER _PARCEL TK -10-4 BOOK 549. PAGE 7 01 ,''TURD LANE I , I L co nc r• TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 06-07 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE SIGN CODE FOR TWO DEVELOPMENT SIGNS AT THE CONFLUENCE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, East West Partners has applied for a Variance from the Town Sign Code, Pursuant to Section 15.28.080 (7); and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or,potential uses and structures in the vicinity; B. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity; C. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the requested variance. WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has made the following findings: A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity; FAPIanning & Zoning CommissionVtesoluvions\200ARes 06-07 Confluence Dev Sigm.doc r B. That the variance is warranted for the following reasons: 1. The strict, literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Chapter; 2. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone; 3. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby approves a Variance for Development Signs at the Confluence Subdivision based upon the following findings: A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity; B. That the variance is warranted for the following reasons: 1. The strict, literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Chapter; 2. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone; 3. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. FAPfanning & Zoning CommissionVtesofutions\2006V2es 06-07 Confluence Dev Signs.doc Approved with the following conditions: 1. Any future sign relocations must first be approved by Community Development. 2. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Adopted this 7th day of March, 2006 Signed: Chris Evans, Chairman Attest: • Phil Struve, Secretary r 1 U Date: Date: PAPlanning & Zoning CommissionVtesolutions\2006Vtes 06-07 Confluence D" Signs.doc Staff Report Sketch Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction March 2, 2006 Mixed Use - Hotel/Commercial The Confluence PUD PUD 0095 Avon Road AVON C O L O R A D O The applicant, East West Partners Inc., is proposing a Sketch Design application for the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. The proposed hotel building includes a hotel programmed as a condo -tel, a spa facility, meeting space, restaurant, retail, and professional offices. As the Commission is aware, the Confluence PUD includes seven lots with multiple buildings and land uses. The scope of this Sketch Design review is the hotel building, which are the improvements planned for Lot 2, including the internal courtyard area and terraces extending down towards the Eagle River. The public plaza and the associated building for public restrooms and gondola lift operations will be reviewed at a later date along with the required master landscape plan. Included in your packet is a colored rendering of the entire eastern end of the PUD development, colored elevations, floor plans, roof plans, and sample materials. Also attached to this report is a formal sunshade study demonstrating the solar impacts of the proposed structure relative to different times of the year. In addition, the massing model submitted as part of the PUD amendment approval will be available during Commission review. Staff has asked the applicant to provide a land use summary for hotel room units (studio units, 1 -bedroom units, 2 -bedroom units, and 3 -bedroom units) and floor areas for the spa, meeting facility, restaurant, retail space, and office space. In large part, this information is important to determine compliance with the PUD entitlements, particularly density and required parking. Unfortunately, this information was submitted late and staff needs clarification of the material provided. Therefore, staff would request that the applicant present the land use summary during the Commission review. Staff will reconcile parking, uses, and density prior to Final Design Review. Its important to note that Council approved the First Reading of Ordinance 06-03 approving the amendment to the Confluence PUD on February 28'h, 2006. All design approvals will be subject to the approval of Second Reading of Ordinance 06-03, which is scheduled for public hearing before the Town Council on March 14'h, 2006. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Hotel ,,,,otch Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 4 Staff Comments The design of the proposed mixed-use hotel building conforms to the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The architectural style is contemporary, with pitched roofs, stepped facades, and recessed windows. One of the dominant characteristics of the project is the orientation of the hotel, which provides important scenic value as well as efficient use of solar exposure. According to the Design Review Guidelines, the main components of commercial site design that should be considered throughout the design development process include: • Building, walls, roofs, ridgelines, eaves, and other architectural features • Service, loading, refuse collection areas and storage areas • Special user amenities (i.e. pedestrian plazas) • Outdoor dining areas • Linkage and coordination elements with surrounding uses Roofs/Wall/Materials In general, the rooflines vary in form, pitch and relative length of continuous ridgeline. The Commission's review of the massing model during the amendment process resulted in minimizing the maximum building height of the heights ridgeline. Staff believes the highest ridgeline does approach the maximum height allowed of 135ft, however, of the entire section of the hotel 110 linear feet is proposed at the maximum building height. Staff will have a better understanding of the true height of all ridgelines with more detail that will be provided during Final Design Review. It should be noted that both staff and the Commission have encouraged appropriate terracing of the building heights as an important objective in this proposal. This was also reaffirmed in the district policies of the Comprehensive Plan. As a result, the applicant has made several revisions to the hotel building that reduced massing and further terraced the wings of the building. Although not specifically called out on the plan sets, the roof pitches appear to vary throughout the building adding to the architectural interest. The project does include two areas where flat roofs have been utilized; these areas are above the proposed restaurant and service loading area along Riverfront Drive. Flat roofs are generally discouraged due to potential ice buildup and water damage. Snow shedding is a concern that must be carefully considered during Commission review. Building entries and shop fronts must be located out of the path of shedding snow. Because there appears to be areas where snow and ice may accumulate, particularly along the plaza frontage and internal courtyard, staff would ask that the applicant address these areas during Commission review. The guidelines also suggest the use of roofing materials that is durable, weather resistant and suitable for environmental conditions encountered in this area. The applicant is proposing the use of "Titus" recycled rubber roof as the primary roof treatment as well as areas of standing seam metal. This rubber roof product was introduced early on in the PUD amendment process and was well received by the Planning and Zoning Commission. However, because of the unfamiliarity of the product, the Commission has asked that the applicant apply the material to a mock-up to demonstrate the impact of the regions relatively high UV exposure. Staff would also Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Hotel Sketch Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 4 request that the applicant demonstrate compliance with the LRV standards to ensure the color does not exceed 60%. The exterior walls of the building are articulated through the use of different materials, patterns, textures, and color. Stone and wood siding would be applied to the base of the buildings, two types of stucco are proposed on the body of the upper walls including chimneys, and metal panel accents and trim are applied throughout the building. Although the overhangs for the building are relatively shallow, other projections such as canopies and variation in roof form provide the necessary interest. The proposed colors of the walls appear to be earthtone, however the applicant will need to demonstrate during Final Design that all walls and roofs of buildings, retaining walls, and accessory structures shall be earth tone in color and shall blend in with the natural setting. Colors shall not exceed a light -reflective value (LRV) of 60 Solar Access Study As required by the Commercial Design Guidelines, a solar access study has been provided for Commission review. The study shows the conceptual shade analysis for the entire property at two times of the day, 10am and 2pm, at four times of the year: March 21st, June 21st, September 21st, and December 21st. The study indicates that a fair portion of the road and other heavy traffic areas (i.e. port - cohere and turnaround drive, plaza between hotel and gondola) would be shaded for the winter months at early hours of the day. Special attention should be paid to the surfacing of the public plaza area; this will be one of the highest activity areas of the entire project. Staff would recommend a heated plaza to provide a safe and inviting environment. While it appears that there is minimal effect on adjacent properties to the north, during the shortest days of the year shadows would cast on some buildings on the other side of the railroad tracks. The orientation of the hotel building appears to take advantage of the solar exposure and views to the south and is in compliance with the Design Guidelines. The loading area for the hotel is located on the north side of the structure where access is most convenient. Although not noted on the plan, staff assumes this loading are will also serve as a refuse storage area. The guidelines require that all trash receptacles be screened from public view, be accessible by collection vehicles, and be incorporated into building design. The proposed plans appear to abide by these guidelines, however staff would ask the applicant to clarify whether this area serve as a refuse storage area. The following is a list of item that staff would request the applicant address further during Sketch Design Review: ❑ Summarize unit mix and commercial square footage ❑ Materials and color including compliance with the LRV standards ❑ Outdoor lighting ❑ Snow shedding ❑ More details of the first two levels of the building along the plaza level and courtyard Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Confluence PUD, Hotel S.—ch Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 4 Design Review Considerations The Commission and Staff shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential Commercial. and Industrial Design Review Guidelines. The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate in the final design application. Staff will provide full plan sets for you to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your March 7, 2006 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4009, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Eric Heidemann, AICP Senior Planner Attachments: February 28, 2006 Sketch Design application Massing model Sunshade study Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 �'lrf� �I ' 111►�' ' �' .,� �. -�.. 11 F\ ift was s.4 «�L 3 �| La L 2 | }a0 g;lr _2 ■■« MEMO r j) 2 01" Zrzu � + W � o U) EM rcn ill R4 1 M: [L1 W :y�b' ;o•Ti i :o -;u i .o=,u ,o=,u ,o=,u i :o -,iii •0•Ji .. 1 0.91 x.0•,11 1 :y�b' Vd7 A W <I cp e two + 3 — �LL a� �g cc Lu / y ' , r/ , , , / , , , , , / , i �O ®/ I X41: / y -T d v, hap"13 •I Mafia? �•�.��5^aS' ii I I I �� O'L1 Y 00•Il) H ISNV'£ad•OSISIapaMdq-000Z `pvo'NN SZ:10:11 900Z/6/z 'SMP'VOOVIV-Ov\ngS1oid \PLo \S oId\-9S\IZ-AAmSIiaJ Milly aa'q.J �Z'ynS• i~� 1 � ���t�M1VPy ®/ I X41: / y -T d v, hap"13 •I Mafia? �•�.��5^aS' ii I I I �� O'L1 Y 00•Il) H ISNV'£ad•OSISIapaMdq-000Z `pvo'NN SZ:10:11 900Z/6/z 'SMP'VOOVIV-Ov\ngS1oid \PLo \S oId\-9S\IZ-AAmSIiaJ ONI ON1833NION3 ,k3Ai:jns -1VO1HcAV'HE)OcAO-L NOISIAIaens -LNOU=JUDA1Ua3mma 3LVa ON BY w w U- x 0 cn CW3M "xvua AS SNICIM3111 3Lva ON 4,J J....... . . --J -V 0 )CIA U 7 Ui -:4 0 iq 4 A 94 If t a -N i1ill till Nh' IN """,/6 itfvmo F ;:,I jilt ------ ---- j / � v •�1 � / ,..... /,�%,',/!il IJ, !� �Ir�! �,� Ir'1J(1 t rlr; n r 4A, > --------- -- X M., r I r Q4. 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Staff Report Sketch Desi rl y" AVON nCOLORADO March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date February 24, 2006 Project type Duplex Legal description Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning 2 Units — Residential Duplex Address 540 Nottingham Road Introduction Jerald Wuhrman is proposing a duplex on Nottingham Road. The units would be stacked one on top of the other, and would each be accessed from the first floor through a central corridor between two single car garages. Each unit is proposed to contain 3 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. The proposed building would total approximately 8,500 square feet. Background On four prior occasions Design review applications have been submitted for Lot 70A. In February 2002 a final design application was officially withdrawn, and in February 2003 a sketch design application was withdrawn. In reviewing both applications staff stated technical issues that should be addressed, such as concerns with positive drainage and retaining walls, driveway grades, encroachment into the side lot setbacks, and inadequate drainage to carry storm water runoff/debris flows that occurs from the slope located to the north of the property. The most recent applications were two sketch plan applications reviewed in November of 2004 and June 2005, both of which proposed the same general floor plan and massing as previous submittals. The 2004 application was accompanied by a Variance application seeking relief from the platted side yard setback and easement for building encroachments. That Variance application was denied by the Planning Commission and that design could not be pursued. The architecture of the current application is a slight departure from the 2005 submittal; therefore the applicant desires a new formal sketch application prior to proceeding with a final design. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Sketch Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 4 During sketch review last year both staff and the Commission stated serious concerns with the following items: drainage, architectural style and compatibility with the neighborhood, and inadequate turnaround space for vehicles. A copy of the minutes from the June 2005 meeting is attached to this report for your review. Site Characteristics Development options for this property are extremely limited due to the shape of the lot and other site characteristics. First, the property is narrow (65' wide by 145' deep) and sits at the foot of a large drainage basin. Please refer to the attached aerial photo. This presents a challenge to accommodate proper drainage through the property. Access to the property is limited and made possible from a platted easement on the property to the west. Given the physical constraints of the site, staff is concerned with the proposed site layout and the perceived maxing out of the site. Development is spread from one side of the lot to the other, and stretches up to the allowable height requirement. Little room is left for landscaping with the proposed site layout. Development Standards Front setback: 25 feet Side setbacks: 7.5 feet Rear setback: 10 feet Maximum Building Height: 35 feet Maximum Site Coverage: 50% Minimum Landscaped Area: 25% Maximum Density: 2 Dwelling Units Staff Comments Upon reviewing the current sketch plan application it appears the applicant has failed to address many of the issues that staff indicated in the previous applications. Considering this design is very similar to the previous applications staff would request that the applicant review and address the issues stated in previous staff reports prior to submitting a formal final design application. Drainage is a large concern as well as the ability to keep all required grading and disturbance on the property. Positive drainage away from the structure must be demonstrated with a final design submittal. The proposed grades shown on the site plan at the rear of the structure are inadequate for positive drainage to be achieved. At final design, all existing and proposed grading must be clearly indicated and existing grades must tie into the provided survey. Cross sections of the property from the street to the rear property line would be extremely helpful to understand how the structure fits on the property. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 70A, Block I, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Sketch Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 4 The proposed driveway is not located within the currently platted access easement, which was approved and provided on the final plat for Lot 70 — Bristol Pines and Beacon Hill Townhomes. A revised easement and agreement with both associations must be recorded prior to this site access layout to function. Additionally, details for the drainpipe underneath the driveway must be provided. A retaining wall will be required extending towards the road from the easterly garage door. It appears that this wall would reach seven feet in height. All site disturbances must be contained on-site, which will be a challenge with the foundation walls and retaining walls in close proximity to the property lines. Construction staging for this project will also be difficult, and must be demonstrated with a final design submittal. The architectural theme of this project has changed from a southwest look with primarily stucco siding and concrete tile roofing, to a wood/stucco sided structure with cedar roofing on a mansard roof form. Staff is concerned with the proposed building design and has found conflicts with the Design Guidelines. In addition to site planning issues cited above, some of staff's concerns with the structure include: • Height. According to the Guidelines, "no exceptions to the height requirements shall be made except for penetrations that add architectural variety such as flues, chimneys, cupolas, etc." A shaft above the stairway and an elevator shaft would both break through the allowable 35' requirement. • Color. White stucco is proposed and the guidelines encourage earthtone colors. • Exterior Walls. Little relief or fenestration is proposed on the sides and rear of the structure to help break up the massing. • Roof Design. The guidelines state "all roofs, except the flat portion thereof, shall have a 4:12 minimum pitch." The roof proposed is mainly flat, with a mansard surrounding three sides. There is also a 1:12 pitch metal roof in the rear 1/3 of the building. In general, there appears to be a lack of attention paid to breaking up of the building's massing. The guidelines strongly encourage features such as overhangs, canopies, or deep eaves to break up massing of residential projects. This design proposes 6" overhangs and the walls may benefit from more vertical articulation and relief. Design Review Considerations The Commission shall evaluate the design of the sketch plan utilizing the specific Design Standards, and by using the following general criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748.4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Sketch Design March 7, 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 4 B. General conformance with Residential Development Sections A through D of the Town of Avon Residential, Commercial. and The Commission will take no formal action on the sketch plan application. Rather, direction on the design should be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate into a final design application. Staff will provide a full plan set for you to provide written comments and guidance to the applicant at your March 7th meeting. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4413, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Planner I Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 1 i. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Savage who agreed with staffs • ( recommendations as being incompatible. Commissioner Struve commented that his review of Chapel Square revealed the current signage, as oval in appearance and this application does not address compatibility. Commissioner Struve mentioned the monument signs in the area, signs should not block views, and this sign presentation on stilts was not compatible. Commissioner Buckner commented that the large sign was appropriate on the large signage. Commissioner Smith voiced that a sign on the building was compatible with other business's have signs on their buildings even though the building was not solely leased by Wells Fargo. Commissioner Smith voiced that the 7 foot signs were not necessary and stated that small directional signs would be more appropriate to get people into the drive thru. Greg Gastineau approached the podium for comment and that the landlord was in agreement for the signage on the building. Commissioner Buckner mentioned that the Weststar Bank building is identified by their name even though there are other clients in the building Commissioner Green motioned for denial of Item IX, Master Sign Program Amendment— Wells Fargo, Property Location: Lot 22A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/245 Chapel Place. Commissioner Struve seconded the denial motion. All commissioners were in favor with Commissioner Buckner opposing denial. X. Sketch Design Plans A. Wells Fargo Drive Thru Property Location: Lot 22AB, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/245 Chapel Place Applicant. Greg Gastineau, Timberline Commercial Management y and associated • Description: Greg Gastineau is proposing a sketch design plan to add a canop drive through lanes for a drive up banking facility. The proposed drive through would be located on the former "chapel" site, behind the City Market grocery store. Materials and colors of the canopy would match the existing building to the south (Building C), and the bank will be occupying the entire first floor of the building. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Savage questioned Town Council's input of the previous design. Commissioner Green commented that one of the bays was eliminated; the archway is over one of the bays and saw improvements made. Commissioner D'Agostino expressed that the new proposal was more compatible and that there was room to drop down the height. Greg Gastineau commented that 12 feet was a Wells Fargo minimum. Commissioner Buckner questioned the parking along side of the triangle, by the transformer, would a walkway be constructed? Mr. Gastineau commented that there exists a sidewalk and it was not scheduled for removal. Commissioner D'Agostino requested the applicant to verify the height of the arch and arcade, provide a revised site plan, verify the sidewalk, trees remaining and their relationship to the site. Mr. Gastineau commented on the three bullet points of the staff report. Commissioner Buckner voiced that banks typically have standards for the clearances. B. Wuhrman Duplex Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/540 Nottingham Road • Applicant/Owner Jerald Wuhrman 6` Z1•63r Description: Jerald Wuhrman is proposing a duplex development on Nottingham Road immediately east of the Bristol Pines Condominiums. The building is proposed at three stories tall, and construction. would be predominately stucco. This application follows the denial of a variance application for building encroachments into the 7.5' Utility and Drainage Easement and building setbacks. At the Commission's September 21', 2004 meeting the variance application was reviewed in conjunction with a sketch design plan for a duplex. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Jerald Wuhrman approached the Commission and distributed a rendering of the site. He commented on the changes made from his last Sketch Design denial. Commissioner Struve commented on the style and its need to be either one or the other. Christy voiced that the southwest style is not compatible with Nottingham road and that stucco and wood is the primarily look for the neighborhood, she had difficulty reading the site plan for drainage and how it is sited in relationship to the other properties in the area, and the hammerhead seems inadequate for turning on the site. Commissioner Green wanted to see site sections of the site to help identify the relationship to existing conditions, garage and floor levels in relation to the topography of the land, wanted to see the relationship of the adjacent properties, specific on drainage, the lack of movement for parking and a more compatible architectural statement for the project. Commissioner Savage voiced concern that it seems similar to the Night Star project on Nottingham and its history of poor resale; agreed with the other commissioners about the hammerhead and the drainage; commented that mirror images were not encouraged. Commissioner Buckner expressed the capability of the project to maximize the views and he agreed with the global comment on style and the need to see the relationship (context) of this site with the existing conditions in the immediate area. XI. Minor Project - Fence Application Property Location: Lot 19 and 20, Eaglebend Subdivision/5297/5325 Eaglebend Drive ApplicanNOwner.• Deborah Gallen Description: The applicant is proposing to construct a 5' high Cedar Dog Ear fence around the perimeter of the backyard of the two subject properties. The width of the proposed cedar pickets is 1 X 6 with a natural finish. Eric Heidemann presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Green questioned the term existing fencing in the neighborhood. Commissioner Buckner motioned to approve Item XI, Minor Project - Fence Application, Property Location: Lot 19 and 20, Eaglebend Subdivision/5297/5325 Eaglebend Drive, ApplicantlOwner. Deborah Gallen, with the approval of the adjacent property owners, Lot 18 and 21. Commissioner Savage seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. XII. Final Design — Mock up Review Property Location: 38374 Highway 6, Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision ("The Gates") ApplicantlOwner JMJ Development/ Ivins Design Group Description: Review discussion and action on the mock up elevation from noon site tour. I TERSTATE 70 Q VrJlHO-H'GNnOS BGOH O(IVHO-100'NOAV _j OL. 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Ft. Guestroom Area 226,196 Total Commercial Area 241217 Total Spa Area 23,206 Public Spaces 221771 Back of House 391538 Mechanical 79336 Parking 139,602 Total Building Area 482,866