PZC Minutes 08-03-2004f _'rc..T.v Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission August 3, 2004 Eaglebend Apartments Conference Room 0010 Stonebridge Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Evans. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were two amendments to the Agenda to move Item VI, Sketch Design Plan — Duplex, Property Location: Lot 92, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/ 2440 Old Trail Road and Item VIII, Minor Project - Snowrun Townhomes, Property: 43, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/520 Nottingham Road, to the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no Conflicts of Interest. V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Trueblood motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the July 20th, 2004, Planning and Zoning Corimission Meeting with one ::orrection on page 2, Item VII, Sketch Design Plan `or Lot 30, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision/2631 Bear Trap Road, to remove the Public Hearing Open and Close headings, since this application was not a public hearing item; and Item VI, Sketch Design Plan — Duplex, Property Location: Lot 92, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/ 2440 Old Trail Road and Item VIII, Minor Project - Snowrun Townhomes, Property: 43, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/520 Nottingham Road be approved on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. VI. Sketch Design Plan - Duplex Property Location: Lot 92, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision/ 2440 Old Trail Road, Applicant: Scott Tumipseed, Owner. Greg Samson Description: Scott Turnipseed is proposing a duplex on the uphill side of Old Trail Road near the intersection with Draw Spur. The building is approximately 5,800 square feet in size and would include two (2) 4 -bedroom units. Proposed materials would include: cedar board on board siding, stucco,. and asphalt shingles. Moved to Consent Agenda. VII. Master Sign Program Amendment F:1PIanning & Zoning CommissionWinutes\2004\080304.DOC Page I of Property Location: Lot 3, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/Westgate Bldg., Applicant/Owner: Helen Bird Description: Helen Bird (Joe's Liquors) has submitted a sign application requesting: 1. Amendment to the current Master Sign Program (MSP) for the Westgate Building for monument sign design and first floor tenant's sign design; and 2. Approval of a new sign design for Joe's Liquors that would conform to the proposed amendments. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. Monte Park of Sign Design approached the commissioners to present the colors and options for the signs. Ms. Bird, applicant, and Sharon Leveers, co-owner, discussed the lack of visibility of the current signs and thought the recommendation of staff does not provide full visibility. Ms. Bird mentioned the monument sign and the six tenants to use it, and that the building sign would be different from the monument. Monte mentioned the acrylic signage would be more obvious with internal lights and better visually through the foliage and setback. Ms. Bird also commented on the recommendation of staff for landscaping by the monument base and that there is sufficient landscaping at present. Commissioner Savage asked if the staffs recommendations were geared towards consistency and received a positive reply by staff. Monte responded to con-,missioner inquiry on specific coloring of the individual panels. Commissioner Trueblood believed the sign should be subtle and no? appear flashy or cheap. Commissioner Didier asked about the current lights and when they were due to be replaced and Ms. Bird responded that replacement occurs every two years or so and they were due to be replaced shortly. Commissioner Karow questioned if it might resemble a 'strip mall' and asked if the sign code authorized 40 sq ft for signage in general. Tambi Katieb read from the Town of Avon Municipal Code regarding monument sign size. Commissioner Trueblood moved to approval all 6 recommendations by Staff and Option #2. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motioned passed 4 to 2 with Commissioner Savage and Commissioner Didier opposing. A letter of landlord approval was requested by the commissioners prior to placement as an agenda item and said letter is forthcoming by the applicant. VIII. Minor Project -Snowrun Townhomes Property. 43, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision/520 Nottingham Road, Applicant: Ronald & Marci Tribelhorn, Owners: Stephen Hyatt (Unit A); Stephen Smith (Unit B); Ronald & Marci Tribelhorn (Unit C) Description: The owners of Units A, B, and C are proposing to make improvements to the West, South, and East sides of the three units. Existing deck structures will be repaired or replaced as needed. The existing stairs would be replaced with pre -fabricated steel stair units with grate style treads. FAPIanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\20041080304.DOC Page 2 of 4 I. . Moved to Consent Agenda. IX. Comprehensive Plan Public Input - Public Hearing Topic: Comprehensive Plan Update Applicant. Town of Avon Description: The public is invited to this special neighborhood meeting to provide input and feedback on the proposed update to the Town Comprehensive Plan. This is a special neighborhood meeting where the mapping and storyboards provided at the first public open house will be available for review and comment. Tambi Katieb presented the Comprehensive Plan to the commission and public. He requested input so that feedback can be brought back to the Steering Committee. Amy Phillips, Steering Committee member, asked if there were ideas generated at the last meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at the Wildridge Fire Station meeting. Some ideas included use of Nottingham Lake for commercial projects. Commissioner Savage mentioned that the town offices and police station could be moved by trading the lake area to a piece of land in the Village creating a more active town center. The Vassar Meadow (part of swap) parcel was brought up regarding its zoning and its future. Brian Sipes, Steering Committee member and Town Councilman, discussed the West Avon parcel as open space. He also discussed using the Comprehensive Plan to direct the development of the Village of Avon for Magnus Lindholm. Mass transit and the movement of the public/traffic, with Vail used in the comparison, should be incorporated into the final plan. Integration of the population, tourist and local, needs to be considered as a local would drive and park, and visitors would access public transportation for its convenience. Brian Sipes thought a blend of pedestrian rights of way and cars are permitted but secondary. Finding the middle ground on transportation was considered necessary. Conversation continued with comparisons to Steamboat Springs, Aspen, Boulder, Lowry, and moving Avon towards a mesh of the development in these towns. Tambi Katieb gave insight to the process to finalization of the plan in order to work within the approved time guidelines. He requested continued input of comments regarding the plan, and informed those present of the schedule of meetings before adoption. IX. Other Business (Other business as may come before the Commission) X. Adjourn Commissioner Karow, made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Trueblood seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm. FAPlanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2004\080304.DOC Page 3 of 4 Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Andrew Karow Vice Chairman Terry Smith Secretary FAPlanning & Zoning Co=issionlMinutcs\2004\080304.DOC Page 4 of