PZC Minutes 021902 (2)Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission February 19, 2002 6:00 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road AGENDA I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM II: Roll Call All Commissioners were present except Commissioners Evans, Karow, and Klein. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda No additions or amendments IV. Conflicts of Interest None V. Consent Agenda Meetings minutes for February 5, 2002, motion fails due to lack of quorum. This will be put on the next agenda. VI. Sign Design Lot 3, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek 1060 Beaver Creek Blvd #101 Applicant: Richard Wheelock Eric Johnson, Planning Technician states that the applicant is proposing a change to the master sign program which would allow him use black iron letter for two signs for the Agave Restaurant. Staff recommends approval stating that this material is acceptable with the following conditions: • The illumination from the sign's backlighting are not a nuisance to the surrounding residents and will come to staff for review if complaints are received. • Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing (s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Commissioner McClinton motions to approve the sign design, Commissioner Wolfe seconds the motion, and the motion carries unanimously. VII. Other Business A. Sign Permits - Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek 160 Beaver Creek Blvd West Temporary Sign — Nightly Rates Available (Sheraton Mtn Vista) Tract B, Block 1, Wildridge 2101 Saddleridge Loop Temporary Sign — for Public Land Exchange B. Design Review —Staff Approval Applicant: Tanavon Corporation Lots 1, 2, & 3, Wildwood 110, 120, 130 Buck Creek Road Boulder Storage for Barrancas Project C. Design Guidelines Village at Avon RMF -2 Employee Housing Discussion takes place between all Commissioners regarding the Design Guideline Lines. Commissioner Wolfe makes a motion to approve with the following: Suqqestions 1. Traer Creek should undertake a definitive process to define the Vision and Master Plan for the Village as a whole. This will facilitate the generation of Guidelines for other Planning Areas and integrate them to each other and with the rest of the town. — 2. The Village PUD should be abstracted to provide a user friendly set of requirements concerning building heights, parking, landscape area, etc. and other such requirements contained in that document. This abstract should be added to all guidelines. 3. Ultimately, a single set of guidelines should be produced that cover all general topics relative to the Village with planning area specific requirements in a series of subsections. This will create a more efficient and useful document. 4. Flat roofs are allowed (page 9) for detached carport and parking structures. The Commission suggests that this latitude not be allowed in future Planning Area Guidelines and it be deleted from RMF -2 if not needed to encompass the currently planned development. Minutes of P&Z Meeting February 19, 2002 Page 2 4 • V% 14 Reauirements 1. The landscaping section is to be amended to add the statement, "Trees and shrubs should be chosen with a variety of sizes and of such sizes to that, relative to the mass and scale of the structure, an established appearance is achieved immediately after installation. In no case shall the sizes be less than that given in the following table". 2. Under "Siting Conditions", page 3, paragraph reading "RMF -2 is located at the Toe .... Screened from view by the building forms," add a final sentence reading, "Special care should be taken on north facing garages to prevent continuing a maintenance problems presented by the build-up of ice and snow at their entrances due to shedding from their roofs. 3. The "windows", section on page 10 is to add the following, "And when divided, divisions should be vertical or square in proportion". This statement should be added as the third sentence of the paragraph. 4. The last paragraph under "Outdoor Lighting", page 11, is to be moved to become the first paragraph of the section since it is a strong statement of the philosophy of the entire section. To this relocated paragraph, add a final sentence stating, .only the minimum lighting as required for safety shall be permitted". The motion was seconded by Commissioner McClinton, and the motion carried unanimously. VIII. ADJOURN Commissioner Wolfe moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner McClinton seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Darcy Tennant Recording Secretary APPROVED: Brian Sipes Acting Chair U Greg Macik Acting Secretary` ' Minutes of P&Z Meeting February 19, 2002 Page 3