Res 16-03 Nottingham Road Commerical District CPA16003Avon TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 16 -03 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CASE #CPA16003, AN APPLICATION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO AVON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DISTRICT 13: NOTTINGHAM ROAD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted a concurrent Major Development Plan Application for a joint public safety facility located in an area identified in the Public Facilities Zone District (PF); WHEREAS, according to the Avon Municipal Code Table §7.20.o8o(e), the PF district is "intended to provide sites for public uses such as community centers, police and fire stations and governmental facilities. The uses permitted in this district are identified by location in the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Unless otherwise set forth in the Avon Comprehensive Plan, the following dimensional requirements shall apply for the PF zone district ": Table 7.20 -11 Dimensions for the Public Facilities District ^_ in o a tail w Ln L U U C 4 L1is -E 5 3 a Y. CZ V W n/a 40 160 120 1 20 20 140 1 n/a WHEREAS, the Major Development Plan for Lot 113, Buck Creek includes building heights in excess of 40 feet and side setbacks that are less than 20 feet in portions of the develop, consistent with neighboring development; and WHEREAS, the Property is located in an area identified within the Avon Comprehensive Plan as District 13: Nottingham Road Commercial District; and WHEREAS, this Avon Comprehensive Plan Amendment application ensures compliance with and compatibility with neighboring development; and WHEREAS, the Avon Planning and Zoning Commission held Public Hearings on April 5, 2016 and April 19, 2o16, where public comments were considered prior to formulating a recommendation on the Application to Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission makes the following findings with respect to the Application: 1. The amendment is desirable to respond to changed conditions that have resulted in the Nottingham Road Commercial District. 2. The Application was reviewed in accordance with AMC §7.16.030 Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and found to be in compliance with the review criteria. Resolution 16 -03 - Recommendation Regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendments for Nottingham Road Dist. 3. The Application promotes the health, safety, and welfare of the Avon community by locating essential public safety services in an appropriate location of Town; sized accordingly with a minimum 50 year design horizon. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the Town Council of the Town of Avon approve the Application to amend the Avon Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Exhibit to PZC Resolution 16 -03. ACCEPTED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS ±- DAY OF _ APiaL .2o16 AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SIG J,-) k Y2-,- CKWperson Resolution 16 -03 — Recommendation Regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendments for Nottingham Road Dist. i Dr,�un Exhibit to PZC Resolution 16 -03 own ussinct running Princtples turn Priority :a PqScreening District '13: !Nottingham Road Commercial Dfstdct This area's proximity to the I -70. Avon Road IntftvhwLxe establishes its importance to the Town's identity Development and redevelopment that occurs here should reflect the standards in the Town Center, but should not compete with the Tout Center in tams of size of buildings or intensity of development_ Planning Principles: • Limit access points on Nottingham Road to simplify traffic movements • Rrgmm landscape setbacks and internal landscaping of parking lots Screen aU equipment and storage areas from mew. Limit building heights gnd_setbacL•s to that which is compatible with the esa.^tog surrounding d e v e I o p in e n t- (AllMMy Buildma hts u with scale pad rtt'ou inter p• tlo iht:.hiccttt3l OffO €e F3citd�r}i�i,i , le. • Development Intensity and activity should when traveling north on Buck Creek Road. Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Paste 93 A -secondary commercial district Resolution 16 -03 — Recommendation Regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendments for Nottingham Road Dist.