L26-28 B1 BMBC SRU14002 Lone Star ADU-Finding of Fact and Record of DecisionAVOfl COLORADO AVUN YLANNINti AND GUNINti C U1V11V11JMUN 1+'1N1)1NCiS Ul+' 1+'ACl' AND RECORD Of' DECISION CONCERNING THE SPECIAL REVIEW USE POR LUT 26-28, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION The following findings of fa.t and Lecurd of ducisiuu ar made nz atA.urd.M.e with the Avon Development Code ("Development Code") § i.16.10u: 1. Application Submitted. A Speciaal Review Use Application #SKU14UU2 ("the Application"), was submitted to the Community Development Department of the Town of Avon (the "Town") on November 5, 2014 by Todd DeJung (the "Applicant"). 2. Cumplete Application. the application was rCviewea by the Director and determined to be complete and compliant with the general criteria tor all development applications in accordance with §7.16.020(f)(1)(i-iii). 3. sufficient Notice. The public hearing considering the Application was published, posted and noticed in accordance with the development review procedures contained in Chapter 7.16 of the Avon Municipal Code. 4. Staff Report to Planning and zoning Commission (PZC). Brian Gamer, I own rimier, submitted a Staff Keport to the rLU dated November 18, 2u14. 5. Review by the PZC. The PZC reviewed the Application with consideration of Staff's analysis of conformance with the applicable review criteria of the Development Code. 6. Compliance with Review Criteria. 'I he ?LC makes the tollowing tlndings in regard to compliance with the applicable review criteria: FINDINGS OF FACT AND PZC ACTION LOT 26-28, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Page 1 of 2 PLC; FINDINGS FOR CASE #SRU14002: The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.U2U(f)(1)(i-iii) ana was determined to be compliant with the review criteria. The piupused applioatiuii was reviewed pursuant to b.IUU, Special xeview use, and was determined to be compliant with the review criteria. The uniqueness of this location has limited impact on the surrounding businesses. The application is in compliance with the applicable review criteria. The Planning & Zoning commission wants to encourage live/work arrangements in the 1U zone aistrict. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECORD OF DECISION FOR CASE #SKU 14002: Thu I'LL AJYKU V L1J the Speiaal xcvicw use Application with the following conditions: 1. The ADU snail only be mane available to employees or signed contractors of Lone Star Security. THESE r'11VD11N1 S U1' FACT AND RECORD O1 DEC;ISIUIN AKE HEREBY APPROVED: 13Y: im cl. j •t , PZC Chairpe on DATE: 1 VI 14" FINDINGS OF FACT AND PZC ACTION LOT 26-28, BLOCK L BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Page 2 of 2