PZC Res. No. 2013-07TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 13-07 SERIES OF 2013 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APFRUVAL OF AMENDMENTS TU TABLE 7.24-1, ALLOWED USES, DEVELOPMENT CODE, AVON MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, thv Town of Avon ("Town") is a home rule authority inuiuc;ipal WLpuration and body politic organized undo the laws of the State of Uolwado m -id possessing the maximum powers, authority and privileges to which it is entitled under Colorado law; WHEREAS, thv, Town adopted the Avon Development Code ("ADC") and tlnd that the text can be amended periodically to address �,hmigvd conditions; WHEREAS, Jill Kovaeuvich, representing the eagle Uounty School llistrict, owner of real property in the Town of Avon, submitted a code text amendment ("Application") on Ducumber 3; 2013; pursuant to their powers granted by §7.16.040(a), Rev;ew Procedures, Avon Municipal Codv, ("AMC"); WHEREAS, The Application would amend Table 1.L4-1, Allowed uses, by adding Medical and Dental orrice and Clines as a candidatu for Spucial Review Use permits in the Fublic Facility (FF) zone district. WHEREAS, the PZC held a public hearing on December 17, 2013, after publishing m -id posting notice as rcquiicd by law, considered all comments, testimony, evidence and staff Luport provided by the Town statt, considered such information prior to formulating a recommendation; WHEREAS; the PZC tincts the Application complies with the review criteria set forth in §7.16.040(c;), Review Criteria, AMC as described below; and, WREKEAS, it is the FLUS opinion that the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the lbwn of Avon would bG GnhancuU and promoted by the adoption of the amendments. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the PGC hereby recommends that the Town Council approve the attached amendments ("Exhibit A to Resolution 13-06") with the following finding: (1) The amendments comply with the criteria set torth in §7.16.04W(c), Code 1'exr Amendment Review C, ite, ia, Avon Municipal Code. AUUEF l ED, AFFRU V ED AND ADUF l ED l HIS 1 /1° DAY Or DEUE1v11sER, 2013 AVON FLANNINU AND LONINU UUMMISSIUN Signe Jilf t ancy, FLU Chairperson