PZC Minutes 090407alial Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission A_11111111111110 ' V/ Meeting Minutes for September 4, 2007 VON Avon Town Council Chambers ° ` ° R A ° ° Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda. There was an on-site mock-up visit for the Timeshare West in the Riverfront Subdivisions and all Commissioners were present. IV. Conflicts of Interest No conflicts of interest were revealed. V. Consent Agenda Approval of the August 21, 2007 Meeting Minutes with revisions expressed by Commissioner Green. Commissioner Green motioned for approval of the Consent Agenda with Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VI. PUD Amendment / Hamel — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5032 & 5040 Wildridge Road East, Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 3087 Wildridge Road Applicant. Land Planning Collaborative/ Owner: Frank Hamel Description: The applicant is proposing an amendment to the Wildridge PUD. The proposal is to rezone Lot 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision from the currently entitled 3 duplexes (or 1 duplex and 1 fourplex) to six single-family residences. The six newly platted lots are proposed with building envelopes and restricted to 5,000 square feet. This application was tabled from the July 17, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report to the Commission. Tambi Katieb, Land Planning Collaborative, introduced the architect for the project, Gerald Miramonte. Mr. Katieb began his presentation with Meeting Goals for the review of the site plan options and design constraints, review of policy framework and the request of tabling for a re -submission of the application. Mr. Katieb continued with comments made by the Wildridge Community that included more spacing between the buildings, walls must be minimized and softened, tighter building envelopes -5 buildings were too much on the western end, massing was key, down zoning was a precedent and a deed restricted unit in Wildridge had little value. Three revised project scenarios were presented to the Commission. Gerald Miramonte presented to the Commission the least invasive approach to the property with 5 units and a single access point in his opinion. Mr. Miramonte continued with other options for the site that included representations with the same 4 homes on the west, one on the east but alternative access points with some that create a 20 foot retaining wall. Commission discussion revolved around alternative access points, the retaining wall, building heights, potential purchase of Town property for access to the east end home, what was the public benefit for the Town to sell the property, cost of the road construction to the developer, and Fire Department access. OPENED PUBLIC HEARING There were no comments made by the public. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Goulding commented that the approach was going in the right direction, double entry was difficult, and all issues were being addressed in a positive step. Commissioner Struve commented that the square footages were well done; retaining wall may not be as dramatic with the intended landscaping, and questioned the architectural style. Miramonte responded that it was stone bases and wood and the homes would be individually designed with three car garages. Commissioner Foster commented that the spacing between the houses was critical, and it was moving in the right direction. Commissioner Smith expressed that they were going in the right direction, too. Commissioner Lane preferred the model on the left. Commissioner Green voiced appreciation for the models of the different site options and suggested that the building sites envelopes as presented should be reviewed. Mr. Miramonte discussed the employee housing unit. Commissioner Green agreed with staff on the AMI in the report. Applicant would like to eliminate the employee housing due to the down zoning to 5 units total. Commissioner Goulding motioned to table Item VI, PUD Amendment / Hamel Property Location: Lots 38 and 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5032 & 5040 Wildridge Road East, Lot 110, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 3087 Wildridge Road. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved with a 7 — 0 vote. VII. Site Tour Follow-up / Timeshare West Property Location: Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision / 218 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Aleksandr Sheykhet / Owner. Starwood Vacation Description: Follow-up to Final Design approval condition for the Timeshare West project. This design was approved at the May 1, 2007 Commission meeting, and an on- site mockup review for this item is now required. Eric Heidemann commented that this was a condition of their Final Design Approval in order to give feedback to the Applicant. Jim Mclntrye, Starwood, approached the podium to get feedback from the Commission regarding the Mock up. Commissioner Goulding voiced concern with the level of detail and quality of the mock up; cap stone and relief stone detail had two different examples; window caulk coloring; hardi-board corner needed attention; two inch channel from hardy board to stucco needed to be revisited; and the gutter detailing on north side needed to be reviewed. Commissioner Struve added that the light tan needed to be addressed. Commissioner Foster commented on the inconsistency of the elevations, horizontal banding, and the difficulty on how it would look, some colors were confusing on the elevations and where the seamed metal pieces would be located. Commissioner Smith mentioned that what was presented as gray initially was presented on the mock up as a green color, and the metal was more of a siding look. Commissioner Evans commented that the mock —up should reflect the elevation plans. Alexsandr Sheykhet, Applicant, approached the podium to address Commissioner concerns. He began that plans called for a flat seamed metal panel and the mock up reflected the look of siding. Commissioner Lane commented on the details 14, 21-hardi- board goes to stucco and questioned the application, and 17 also did not match. Commissioner Green voiced disappointment that what was presented was not what was proposed and that the colors were not the level of sophistication and richness anticipated; color of window frames were too light, colors needed to be more complimentary, caulking needed better coloring; and reveal details were poorly presented. Commissioner Evan commented on the quality of workmanship, metal panels looked like a lapped metal, colors on the elevation were not even close to the colors on the mock up; and siding colors came across as pink based colors. Commissioner Goulding motioned to table Item VII, Site Tour Follow-up / Timeshare West, Property Location: Lot 3, Riverfront Subdivision / 218 Riverfront Lane. Commissioner Foster seconded the motion. The motion to table was approved unanimously by the Commission with a 7 — 0 vote. VIII. Master Sign Programs A. Christie Lodge Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision / 0047 E. Beaver Creek Blvd Applicant/ Owner: Charles Frey / Christie Lodge Description: A Master Sign Program Amendment to allow for two monument signs to be placed on the south and west sides of the building. Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report. Commissioner Evans questioned the berm and its heights. Charles Frey, Christie Lodge General Manager, approached the podium for Commission questions. Commissioner Green approved of the sign design and would prefer the flower base be eliminated and questioned lighting of the sign. Mr. Frey responded that there was overhead lighting in the area. Commissioner Green commented that the lighting needed to be tastefully done and appropriate, and presented to the Commission for approval. Commissioner Goulding added that he thought ground cover was appropriate. Commissioner Foster motioned to approve Item VIII, Master Sign Programs, A., Christie Lodge, Property Location: Lot 25, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision / 0047 E. Beaver Creek Blvd, with two conditions: 1) Landscaping will be incorporated around the base of the signs using shrubs and more significant landscaping, 2) Lighting will come back for separate approval. Commissioner Green seconded the motion, and the motion carried with a vote of 7 — 0. B. Westin Tenants Property Location: Lot 2, Riverfront Subdivision / 126 Riverfront Lane Applicant. Andy Gunion / Owner. Riverfront Village Hotel, LLC Description: A Master Sign Program Amendment to allow for tenant identification signs around the public plaza and gondola area. The signs include blade signs, awning signs, window signs, and freestanding signs. Jared Barnes presented the staff report with criteria 1D revised to allow lighting that is compatible and meets the requirements of the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. Andy Gunion, East West Partners, approached the podium to discuss the project. Commissioner Goulding asked about the location of the awnings. Commissioner Green questioned lighting and Mr. Gunion responded that they failed to provide it and will return to the Commission. Commissioner Goulding suggested lighting within the sign. Commissioner Green voiced concern with the window signage and displays. Commissioner Struve voiced that Sign Code be followed. Commissioner Green suggested that any signs or displays could not be within 4 ft of the window, logos or signs of the business should not exceed 10% of the glass, and no glass advertisement of the product. Commissioner Goulding motioned to table Item VIII,Master Sign Programs, B., Westin Tenants, Property Location: Lot 2, Riverfront Subdivision / 126 Riverfront Lane. Commissioner Struve seconded. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. IX. Minor Project Applications A. 1St Bank Site and Building Modifications Property Location: Lots 3&5, Sun Road Subdivision / 0011 W. Beaver Creek Boulevard Applicant. Pamela Hopkins & Sherry Dorward / Owner: First Bank of Avon Description: Design application for site and building modifications including: new curb and gutter, landscaping, new entrance feature, new stucco color, and other architectural elements. Matt Pielsticker presented Staff's report to the Commission. Sherry Dorward, landscape architect, approached the podium to address Commissioner concerns. Commissioner Evans questioned the blue roof and bronze entry. Commissioner Green questioned the gating of the parking lot. Ms. Dorward responded that RV's and truckers park in it to go to Denny's. First Bank employees were uncomfortable with the parking lot used for this purpose. The project would make the circulation and flow of the one way drive easier, updating of the building to make the building more prominent, greater amounts of landscaping, and the shift of the ATM location for better pedestrian crossing. Commissioner Green mentioned that he would like to see the roof redone to match the entry but understood budgets. Commissioner discussion included the movement of the building signage to accommodate the new entry, lighting, gate detail, roof being two different colors, match addition to the current roof color, diagonal parking, flow, and roof detail. A detailed landscaping plan was requested. Commissioner Struve moved to table Item IX, Minor Project Applications, A. 15t Bank Site and Building Modifications, with Commissioner Goulding seconding the motion. The motion passed 5 — 2 with Commissioners Evans and Lane opposing. B. Riverfront Public Plaza Property Location: Lot 2, Riverfront Subdivision / 126 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Andy Gunion / Owner: Riverfront Village Hotel, LLC Description: Design review of the public plaza furnishings between the Westin Hotel and the Gondola. Included for review are: benches, trash/recycling receptacles, dining tables, planters, and ski racks. Matt Pielsticker presented the staff report. Andy Gunion responded to Commissioner concerns from the podium. George Pierce, landscape architect, responded that the cigarette disposal can was incorporated in order to retain points for the LEEDS program. Conversation continued with the Town's smoking ordinance, the smoking in a public right-of-way, variety of metal colors to be used, number of trash cans around the gondola area and bear proofing of the cans, combo ski rack/bike rack with custom color and fabrication, umbrella coloration, Commissioner Green motioned to approve Item IX, Minor Project Applications, B. Riverfront Public Plaza, Property Location: Lot 2, Riverfront Subdivision / 126 Riverfront Lane, with the materials submitted to included that 1) the original planter to be the planter of record; 2) strike staff recommendation number one; 3) Keep recommendation number two of the Staff Report; 4) The detail for the combo bike/ski rack will be provided to staff and utilized; and, 5) Bear proof trash containers were required. Commissioner Goulding seconded and all Commissioners were in favor. X. Attainable Housing Guidelines Description: Presentation of new Town of Avon Attainable Housing Guidelines, including "Inclusionary" Zoning Provisions, Commercial Linkage, Payment -In -lieu, and resale restrictions. These Guidelines were reviewed by Town Council at their August 28, 2007 meeting. Staff is seeking comments and a recommendation related to Resolution 07-31 to forward back to the Town Council for final action. Eric Heidemann gave the background for these guidelines and key provisions. Commissioner response included that these guidelines slammed the door on development; this will not make housing attainable in Avon; effective for commercial rezoning only; pay in lieu options; word-smithing necessary; the word "shall" as opposed to the word "should" within the context of a guideline -type document; and, the applicability of the Guidelines to certain types of projects. XI. Other Business ■ Village Amendment Update: Ambulance and fire district sites are moving forward. School site as commercially feasible, has not entered into an agreement with the village, town and school district. Amendment to table to 9/18, a development company out of Dallas may be forming a partnership with the Village at Avon. ■ Lot C to return to next meeting. ■ Housing Meeting with Town Council on 9/11/07. XII. Adjourn Commissioner Foster motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary