PZC Minutes 081903Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission August 19, 2003 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Chris Evans and Commissioner Andrew Karow. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There are two amendments to the Agenda. A revised landscaping plan and paint samples which this Commission has already reviewed for Lot 45C, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, 2520 Old Trail, for final design approval to the Consent Agenda and Item VIII, A, Sign Design, Barrancas Address Signs, Lots 40/41, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, 491/511 Metcalf Road, to the Consent Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest. V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Trueblood motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the August 5, 2003, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting and to approve Lot 45C, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, for final design approval to the Consent Agenda and Barrancas Address Signs, Lots 40/41, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, 491/511 Metcalf Road, to the Consent Agenda the Lot 7, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Final Design. Commissioner Didier seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VI. Minor Projects A. Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 2643 Beartrap Road Accessory Structure Design Applicants/Owners: Patty McKenny Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report. In May of 2003, staff approved a Minor Project on the McKenny house. Most of the work has been completed and normally this is not brought up to the Planning and Zoning Commission but complaints have warranted Commission review and approval. Patrick McKenny, applicant, approached the podium to discuss his intentions of the children's playground. Planning and Zoning did a site tour of this property. The Building Department has stated this playground is not a structure and they have no issues. John Quinn, neighbor with complaints, approached the podium. He opposed the structure for its overly large size; voiced that the elevation was not in keeping with Design Guidelines. Catherine Zukoya, Quinn's partner, approached the podium in defense of Mr. Quinn and voiced her disapproval of the playground. Mr. McKenny does not want it to be an inconvenience to his neighbors. Commissioner Didier asked why the structure was placed so high up on the property. The flatter area of the property is reserved for running around by the children, and it made sense to place the playground here considering how steep the rest of the yard is. Commissioner Trueblood recommended approval of the project with Commissioner Him seconding the motion. Motion passed with a three to two vote. Commissioner Didier and Commissioner Smith denied approval. B. Lot 49A, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision 5161 Longsun Lane Landscaping Improvements Applicant: Barbara Bright Ruth Borne presented for staff. Approval for landscaping was given by comm. Dev. Extra trees were planted and the neighbor, Lynne Young of Lot 49B, felt the trees are on her property. Barbara Bright, lot 49a, approached the podium. Ms. Bright represents the owners of lot 49a. She voiced her desire to work with her neighbor. PUBLIC HEARING OPENS VII. Special Review Use Applications: A. Fiasco Restaurant/Tavern Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 411 Metcalf Road Resolution No. 03-15 Applicant/Owner: David Svabik Matt Pielsticker presented the staff's recommendations on this project. Compatibility of this project on this site was discussed. Staff recommended denial. Dave Svabik presented his perception of the project. Terrell Knight, private planner for Mr. Svabik, voiced his opinions. Denial has previously occurred. In previous meetings, his constituents declared their desire for this project to occur. Parking was an issue previously and has been resolved with the reduction of seating and the ability to add additional spaces. Drainage and grading issues were discussed with positive solutions. Mr. Knight brought to light the timing of its intensity of use as mid-day and evening, which is different from the normal day use. Town of Avon's Master Plan allows for changes in neighborhoods and additional landscaping would be installed. There are no trails in this area so it is not an issue. Pedestrian trails would be built and issues such as lighting would be addressed. He feels it is a benefit to the neighborhood and would not be detrimental for the town. Kathryn Johnson, Mrs. Svabik, approached the podium in support of the project. Commissioner Trueblood questioned the decrease in parking spaces to 30 from 65. There was a decrease in the size of seating area within the structure. Outdoor seating does not affect the parking spaces requirement. And, he questioned the issues of development of this project and would resale put irresponsible tenants in control. Commissioner Neville brought up the issues of the lack of public transportation to the location. Commissioner Neville motioned for denial and Commissioner Him seconded. This motion passed with a 4 to 1 vote with Commissioner Didier approving. B. Calvary Chapel Vail Valley Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 77 Metcalf Road, Unit 105 Resolution No. 03-16 Applicant: Richard Wahl Tambi Katieb presented the staff's report. Staff recommends approval with the three conditions from the report. Mike McClinton, representing the applicant, approached the podium. Larry Dunworth, Avon Self Storage, stated what great neighbors the applicant has been. Commissioner Him motioned to approve the Special Review Use with the four conditions as stated in the staff report. Commissioner Neville seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED VIII. Sign Design (7:OOpm — 7:05pm) A. Barrancas Address Signs (2) Lots 40/41, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 491/511 Metcalf Road Applicant: Ray Nielsen Moved to Consent Agenda. IX. Adjourn Commissioner Him made the motion to adjourn, with Commissioner Smith seconding. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Terry Smith 14,4 Chairman/Secretary FAPlanning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2003\081903.doc