PZC Packet 092915Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Avon COLORADO —Meetings are Open to the Public— Call to Order — 5:oopm 11. Roll Call 111. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Avon Municipal Building - One Lake Street • Case #SRU15003 is continued to the October 6, 2015 PZC meeting. IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda: • September 1, 2015 Record of Decision VI. Public Hearing: Case #SRU15002 Land Use Application Type: Special Use Review Property Location: Tract H, Filing 3, Village at Avon Property Address: NEC roundabout of Post Blvd at Swift Gulch Road. Zoning: PUD: Regional Commercial Applicant: Scott Green Excavating Owner: Traer Creek RP, LLC Description: The Applicant is requesting approval for a rock crushing processing area. VI I. Public Hearing: Case #CTA15001 Land Use Application Type: Code Text Amendment Property Location: Applicable to Wildridge Subdivision, Town of Avon Property Address: n/a Zoning: PUD Applicant: Town of Avon Owner: n/a Description: Staff is requesting a recommendation of approval of proposed code text amendments that pertain to Wildridge PUD Amendments. Agenda posted on September 25, 2015 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4030 for Questions VIII. Roundabout #4 Center Element Design Land Use Application Type: n/a Property Location: Roundabout 4, Avon Road Property Address: Roundabout 4, Avon Road Zoning: TOA Right -of -Way Applicant: Town of Avon Owner: Town of Avon Description: Review of Roundabout 4 design proposals in order to provide a recommendation to Town Council. IX. Other Business X. Meeting Minutes Approval • September 1, 2015 Minutes IX. Adjourn Z 1 Agenda posted on September 25, 2015 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4030 for Questions Staff Report — Special Review Use p p September 29, 2015 Planning &Zoning Commission Meeting Avon COLORADO Project Rock and Gravel Crushing Project type Special Review Use Case #SRU15002 Public Hearing REQUIRED Legal description Tract H, Filing 3, Village at Avon Subdivision Zoning PUD: Regional Commercial Address N/A Prepared By Matt Pielsticker, AICP Summary of Request Scott Green of Scott Green Excavating Company (Applicant) is requesting a Special Review Use (SRU) Permit to on Tract H, Filing 3, Village at Avon Subdivision. The property is located northeast of the Swift Gulch/Post Boulevard roundabout, and a road is currently being constructed immediately south of the processing area proposed. The subject property is zoned PUD and is located within Planning Area J of the Village at Avon PUD Development Plan listed as "Regional/Neighborhood Commercial and Residential Mixed Use Project." According to the PUD, "Rock and gravel crushing operations related to rock and gravel materials excavated within The Village (at Avon) PUD requires approval of a Special Review Use" in accordance with the review and approval process set forth in Section E of the PUD. Section E of the PUD outlines the process of submittal to Town Staff, and presentation to PZC for review of the SRU permit. After a public hearing the PZC will consider the review criteria contained within this Staff Report. Section E of Village (at Avon) PUD — SRU Review Criteria A Special Review Use application must be reviewed with the following criteria as a basis for decision: (a) Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Development Plan; Staff Response: The "Development Plan" is defined by the Village (at Avon) PUD as the PUD Guide and Development Agreement documents collectively. The Application and proposed use is in conformance with all other PUD Guide requirements and stipulations of the Development Agreement. If the Applicant wishes to change the scope or location of the rock crushing operation, compliance with PUD Guide Section 5: Amendments to Special Review Use Permit must be followed. It should be noted that PZC may authorize administrative approval of modifications to a SRU permit if desired. (b) Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be expressed in appearance, architectural scale and features, site design, and control of any adverse impacts including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety and other similar Development Standards; Staff Response: The surrounding area is compatible with adjacent (vacant/undeveloped) land uses. The job site is secure and being developed in a safe manner without impact to neighboring properties. A similar rock crushing operation took place in 2013 without any compatibility issues experienced. Staff is recommending strict adherence to allowable construction hours and dust mitigation practices to ensure compatibility. November 18, 2014 PZC Meeting — Case #SRU14002 (c) Any significant adverse impacts (including, but not limited to, hours of operation, traffic generation, lighting, noise, odor, dust, and other external impacts) anticipated to result from the use will be mitigated or offset to the maximum extent practicable; Staff Response: As mentioned, hours of operation will be in compliance with the municipal code and dust suppression will be maintained. In terms of traffic, hauling of materials will be to other areas of the property owners' north of Interstate 70 without using Town roadways. No lighting or odor impacts will occur. The Applicant is currently operating under a grading plan to construct East Swift Gulch Road, and associated utilities. A reclamation plan was been reviewed and disturbed areas will be revegetated upon completion of the roadway project. Runoff from exposed disturbed land is being treated on site with erosion control measures. (d) Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, water, gas, electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation, as applicable) will be available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service for existing development; and Staff Response: This criteria is not applicable. The Applicant is utilizing water trucks and no impacts to facilities or services should be experienced. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the PZC approve Case #SRU15002 approving a SRU permit for Rock and gravel crushing operations related to rock and gravel materials excavated within The Village (at Avon) PUD. Findings: 1. The Application was reviewed in accordance with the Village (at Avon) PUD requirements and found to be in compliance with the applicable review considerations. 2. The proposed use is limited in both size and scope, and any possible impacts will be minimal or mitigated as agreed by the Applicant. Conditions• 1. Hours of Operation must be in compliance with Section 8.24.085 of the Avon Municipal Code. 2. The area may not be enlarged unless approved by the PZC. 3. Reclamation of the area after processing will occur as approved by the Grading Permit associated with East Swift Gulch Road construction. 4. Permit is valid through 2016; at which time re -review by PZC will be required. Recommended Motion "I move to approve the Special Review Use permit proposed in Case #SRU15002, with the conditions and findings in Matt Pielsticker's Staff Report." Attachments A: Proposed location of SRU B: Submittal letter and noise levels November 18, 2014 PZC Meeting — Case #SRU14002 Avon Landing Material Processing -r.{, g,, a0, e,p TuAug 13 2015 08 34:08 AM. Taer Q -p 1 rme;- % R 76- wti c, 111 dvar., RECEIVEL AUG 13 2R; Community Dc"' '• You Green Excamung, Inc Gypsum. CO 31639 9p63)6<UBo prQm3: Traer Creek Awn tanding, Trier Creek Mountain Road Mr. pe ltifter, Thank you for the consideration mthe attached special use application. The purpose of the appimuon Is to crush existing resources on the Trier properties for uses oreme to construct roadbeds and high quality maternal for MSE walls. It IS the same process we used onsite In 1013, when we crushed material for the large MSE an goad E to the holy. We will be using a Sian of the an portable Teree %aoOS Crusher. Marge smooth, will feed the neither fund a pile of material excavated ham Block 3, Traer Mont, this hi. Eventually material will be exempted and hauled up from lot I on the valley floor and cashed rmrth of the interstate chine. All material processed will be used solely for Trier Insiders. Oust control will the malntalrrM at all times with a water tuck. Erosion wmml and discharge permits are In place with the mining conitructlon for pufects, p4nningareas and the mountain mad. O workhourswillthemmained10the TownofAwn Bade cr as directed W yourapprowl The planned duration for the rushing process Is Mree weeks In another 1015 and Intermmently during 1016. All reclamation and rercgatation Is covered by our ressoration bond on file with the Town. jlt& Resident Gree Exavad ig Inc. U TEREX TIER 4 SAFETY ENG NOISE LEVELS AROUND YOUR MACHINE Noise Levels for the TemxSX400S Cmsher fitted WM Scania DC09. 72.5 dB 78.3 eB Sawa i 8PY'lL BV t'SS ® WARNING CONSTANT HIGH NOISE LEVELS EM PROTECTION dDIMUST BE WORN I i I i i I m m m m m j Is m n m Is A m m Is m i 8PY'lL BV t'SS ® WARNING CONSTANT HIGH NOISE LEVELS EM PROTECTION dDIMUST BE WORN Staff Report -Code Text Amendment n Avon September 29, 2015 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Case *CTA15001 COORADO Project type Public hearing to recommend approval of a proposed Code Text Amendment to the Avon Development Code, Chapter 7 of the Avon Municipal Code. Legal description Applicable to Wildridge Subdivision, Town of Avon Owner NSA Zoning Wildridge PUD Address NSA Prepared By Brian Garner, Town Planner Summary Development pressure within the Wildridge subdivision has prompted a number of discussions with Town Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission questioning the adequacy of current development regulations. Of particular concern are PUD amendment applications that result in lot splits and change the building type from a duplex (or more attached units) to single -family -detached units. It has been determined through these discussions that the current development regulations are mostly satisfactory, but additional criteria would be beneficial to mitigate impacts to adjacent property and the environment. Among the changes shown herein, a new category specific to PUD amendment applications that result in lot splits in Wildridge is prescribed to better address the specific needs of that environment. PUD amendment proposals will need to address specific site characteristics unique to the Wildridge neighborhood to demonstrate that a development proposal is not more impactful than development proposed under the existing site allowance. The language is intended to provide the Planning & Zoning Commission with ample discretion to review proposals on a site -by -site basis. New language and sections are shown in red. Background Benchmark Properties created the Wildridge Subdivision in 1979, shortly after the incorporation of the Town of Avon on February 28, 1978. According to the Wildridge Final Plat application for Wildridge and Wildwood Subdivisions, the overall development concept was for "abundant open space recreation areas around lots" with a density of "barely one dwelling unit per acre". The original Wildridge "Specially Planned Area" (now considered a "PUD") and the accompanying Subdivision plat, were established to offer a diverse range of housing types and options to serve a diverse local population. In 1981, the Wildridge Subdivision was completely replatted with a total of 849 planned development units and is the foundation of the current zoning in Wildridge. Over the years, there have been a number of PUD amendments that alter the defined building type, resulting in lot splits. In most cases, the density has been reduced or resulted in the same number as originally intended. Proposed Organization Existing 7.16.o6o(h) Amendments to a Final PUD Existing 7.16.o6o(h)(1) Amendment Categories Existing 7.16.o6o(h)(i) Administrative Amendment Existing 7.16.o6o(h)(ii) Minor Amendment New Section: 7.16.o6o(h)(1)(iii) Amendments to Wildridge PUD Moved Section: 7.16.o6o(h)(1)(iv) Major Amendments CTA15001 Wildridge PUD Amendments September 29, 2015 PZC PAGE10F4 New Section:(iii) Amendments to Wildridge PUD. A proposed amendment to the Wildridge PUD will be considered by the PZC if it meets the following criteria for decision and has been determined as such by the Director: (A) The PUD amendment does not increase density, increase the amount of nonresidential land use or significantly alter any approved building scale and mass of development. (B) The PUD amendment does not change the character of the development and maintains the intent and integrity of the PUD. (C) The PUD amendment does not result in a net decrease in the amount of open space or result in a change in character of any of the open space proposed within the PUD. Amendments that Dr000se a change in the building tvDe shall be given extra consideration by PZC when a maioritv of the following site characteristics are or000sed: (A) Demonstrated less site coverage (B) Reduced maximum building height (C) Increased non -developable areas (D) Enhanced landscaping (E) Minimized driveway impact (F) Minimized land disturbance (G) Increased building setbacks (H) Smaller building footprints (1) Improved architectural massing (J) Avoidance of slopes greater than .30% Reviewing Authority Existing 7.16.o6o(h)(2)(i) Administrative Amendments Existing 7.16.o6o(h)(2)(ii) Minor Amendment New Section 7.16.o6o(h)(2)(iii) Amendments to Wildridge PUD. The general procedures set forth in Section 7.16.020, General procedures and requirements, shall apply to Wildridge PUD Amendment applications. The PZC shall review and render a final decision, through a resolution, on a qualifying Wildridge PUD Amendment application after conducting a .public hearing. Existing 7.16.o6o(h)(2)(iv) Major Amendment. A PUD amendment that is not classified as an administrative or minor amendment or amendment to Wildridge PUD is considered a major amendment. Development Review Procedure Table 7.16-1: Development Review Procedures and Review Authority Procedure Director PZC TC Comprehensive Plan Amendment 07.16.030) R H -R H -D Code Text Amendment 07.16.040) R H -R H -D Rezoning Zoning Amendment WA6.050) R H -R H -D Administrative PUD D A Minor PUD Amendment R H -R H -D Planned Unit Amendment to Wildrid a PUD R H -D A Development Major PUD Amendment R H -R H -D (§7.16.060) Preliminary PUD R H -R H -D Final PUD R H -R H -D Major Administrative Subdivision (§7.16.070) D A Subdivision Minor Subdivision (§7.16.070) R H -D (§7.16.070) Preliminary Plan R H -R H -D Final Plat R H -D CTA15001 Wildridge PUD Amendments September 29, 2015 PZC PAGE 2OF4 Review Criteria §7J6.040(c), Code Text Amendment Review Criteria The PZC and Town Council shall use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations and decisions on applications to amend the text of the Development Code: (1) The text amendment promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon Community; (2) The text amendment promotes or implements the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; (3) The text amendment promotes or implements the purposes stated in this Development Code; or (4) The text amendment is necessary or desirable to respond to changed conditions, new planning concepts or other social or economic conditions. Staff Response to Review Criteria The proposed text amendment is intended to promote the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community as well as to reinforce the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Changing economic conditions within the community are resulting in a greater demand for single -family - detached homes in lieu of attached units. Therefore, the code text amendment is intended to mitigate impacts to the community when changes to the existing development rights are proposed. Recommendation Staff recommends that the PZC recommend APPROVAL of the proposed code text amendment contained in case #CTA15001. Recommended Motion: I move to recommend approval of the proposed code text amendment contained in Case #CTA15001, an application to add a new Section 7.16.o6o(h)(1)(iii) Amendments to Wildridge PUD the Avon Development Code and forward to Town Council a recommendation of approval by the Avon Planning Commission. CTA15001 Wildridge PUD Amendments September 29, 2015 PZC PAGE 3OF4 Minor Development Plan (§7.i6.o8o) D A Development Plan Major Development Plan (§7.i6.o8o) R H -D A .i6.o8o Major Development Plan in Town Core (§7.i6.o8o) R H -R H -D Design Review (§7.i6.o9o) R H -D A Special Review Use (§7.i6.ioo) R H -D A Variance (§7.i6mo) R H -D A Alternative Equivalent Compliance (§7.16.12o) R H -D or H- R A or H -D Right -of -Way Vacation (§7.16.130) R H -D Vested Property Right (§7.6.140) R H -R H -D Location, Character, and Extent (§7.16.150) R H -D A Appeal WJ6.i6o) H -D Annexation (§7.36) R H -R H -D 1041Permit (§ .4oi R H -R H -D R=Review/Recommendations; H=Public Hearing; D=Decision; A=Appeal Review Criteria §7J6.040(c), Code Text Amendment Review Criteria The PZC and Town Council shall use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations and decisions on applications to amend the text of the Development Code: (1) The text amendment promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon Community; (2) The text amendment promotes or implements the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; (3) The text amendment promotes or implements the purposes stated in this Development Code; or (4) The text amendment is necessary or desirable to respond to changed conditions, new planning concepts or other social or economic conditions. Staff Response to Review Criteria The proposed text amendment is intended to promote the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community as well as to reinforce the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Changing economic conditions within the community are resulting in a greater demand for single -family - detached homes in lieu of attached units. Therefore, the code text amendment is intended to mitigate impacts to the community when changes to the existing development rights are proposed. Recommendation Staff recommends that the PZC recommend APPROVAL of the proposed code text amendment contained in case #CTA15001. Recommended Motion: I move to recommend approval of the proposed code text amendment contained in Case #CTA15001, an application to add a new Section 7.16.o6o(h)(1)(iii) Amendments to Wildridge PUD the Avon Development Code and forward to Town Council a recommendation of approval by the Avon Planning Commission. CTA15001 Wildridge PUD Amendments September 29, 2015 PZC PAGE 3OF4 Should the PZC recommend approval of the Code Text Amendment, the following findings may be used: The Code Text Amendment is intended to mitigate potentially negative impacts to adjacent property from development proposals that seek to change the existing development rights. The Code Text Amendment for a Wildridge-specific PUD amendment process is in the interest of the public health, welfare and safety for the protection of the people of Avon. The Code Text Amendment confers a benefit to the community and the environment by including additional criteria for consideration of approval of a development proposal. CTA15001 Wildridge PUD Amendments September 29, 2015 PZC PAGE 4OF4 Quo n .. L - l: To: Chairman Clancy and Avon Planning and Zoning Commission From: Matt Pielsticker, AICP, Planning Manager Date: September 24, 2015 Agenda Topic: Roundabout #4 Center Element Design Background Four (4) artists presented design proposals for the center portion of roundabout #4 at the September 8, 2015 Town Council meeting. These artists were selected as finalists by a Committee composed of Town Staff and artists through a competitive process. The four (4) finalists included: Floyd Elzinga (c/o Art Advisory Services), Frank Swanson, Christopher Weed, and Joshua Wiener. Council was offered the following options: 1) Select artist, and authorize Town Manager to enter into a contract to produce construction documents based on submitted art work. 2) Select artist, and authorize the Town Manger to enter into a contract to produce construction documents based on alternative art piece(s). 3) Re -advertise based on different project budget. 4) Delay project. After fifteen (15) minute presentations the Town Council decided with a 5-2 vote to delay the project; the decision was based on other demands to the capital budget including the public safety facility. Since the September 8, 2015 meeting, the Council discussed this project again and determined that PZC input on this important decision was preferred. At the September 29, 2015 PZC meeting Staff will ask the commissioners to review each proposal and make a recommendation to Council on an artist to work and reconsider pursuing options 1 or 2 listed above. The artists have been informed that this meeting is taking place and are invited but not required to attend. Background As part of the Avon Road landscape, street and Main Street Mall improvements in 2014 and 2015, most of the smaller bronzes along Avon Road were moved to the Main Street Mall to provide opportunities for better interaction and enjoyment. In addition, the large scale and popular Checkmate bronze, which was in Roundabout #4 was determined to be better situated at Possibility Plaza, to bring attention to the entrance of the Main Street Mall. To replace Checkmate in the roundabout, a special installation was commissioned for the 2015 Alpine World Ski Championships to take its place. The 2015 element was approved conditionally by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and is set to be removed not later than June, 2016. RFP In response to the timed approval and with an interest to commission a new piece in roundabout #4 in 2016, staff released an RFP on www.callforentry.org in June for original art design and installation services to replace the 2015 Alpine World Ski Championship piece. A Selection Committee was formed to review the forty (40) plus submittals that were received. The Selection Committee consisted of: September 29, 2015 PZC Meeting Roundabout #4 Councilor Sarah Smith Hymes, Town Manager Virginia Egger, Planning Manager Matt Pielsticker, PZC Commissioners Lindsay Hardy and Tab Bonidy, Pedro Campos with Zehren and Associates, and artist/studio owner Jim Cotter. After a thorough review and much debate, the Selection Committee chose four (4) finalists to prepare original art for roundabout #4: Floyd Elzinga (c/o Art Advisory Services), Frank Swanson, Christopher Weed, and Joshua Wiener. The artists were selected based on experience with similar projects, quality, innovation, and based upon proposers with past experience integrating art into public places of prominence. After selection in July, the finalists were asked to prepare a detailed submittal by August 26th for consideration by Council on September 8th. The artists were also given the following general guidance: • Proposal should reinforce Town Center arrival, with potential wayfinding elements. • Provide entry designs at each road at the roundabout to fully integrate the roundabout into this as Town Center — Avon Road north and south, West and East Benchmark Roads. • Scaled drawings perspectives that show proposal in summer, winter, and nighttime. • Provide views of the roundabout design from all roads listed in the bullet above. To incorporate landscaping and lighting. • The existing stone wall and pedestal can either be incorporated into the design or can be removed at Town's expense. 2015 World Alpine Ski Championship vertical wood elements and footings will be removed at Town's expense. • 'Lasso' art piece that exists on the pedestal today can be incorporated into the design if so desired. • Detailed schedule must be provided, including public process to construction drawings and final installation. • Final budget including line items for: o Design Fees - not to exceed $15,000 o Landscaping o Lighting o Fabrication o Installation • $2,500 will be provided to each finalist upon receipt by the Town of a complete submittal. Attachments Floyd Elzinga (c/o Art Advisory Services) Proposal Frank Swanson Proposal Christopher Weed Proposal Joshua Wiener Proposal September 8, 2015 PZC Meeting Roundabout #4 0 y, Aw w'�Mejak* `• � . �+... •,* -..amu ,.�''' _ .• �1 ,., "mow if { d" -W' i�4forPAW r'ir '♦may y j \ VV. �;` 4V.., i-* 4NIt J '� i 0 S s .a 1 air Ak ;' ❑ Art Advisory Service ROUNDABOUT #4 1 AVON, COLORADO Detail images of works Page 3 of 17 N www.artadvisoryservice.com 0 0, 7 7q4lWPPP` mc.Is jmdjf All V g. North ❑ Art Advisory Service Option A Remove retaining wall, and add oversized, angular rock formations with corten steel sculpture Page 5 of 17 ROUNDABOUT #4 1 AVON, COLORADO West -Facing Perspective www.artadvisoryservice.com Art Advisory Service + 7' \ 3, 15' • 7' Nor 10' • 4' � _ • 5 � . sb 0 a.m.. sst� 4 r . X ��Ilile// ' \ X' 6 � 'a/�ll�lAp lx -9k, Option A Remove retaining wall, and add oversized, angular rock formations with corten steel sculpture Page 6 of 17 Art Quantity Summary (2) 3' pine cones (2) 4' pine cones (2) 5' pine cones (1) 6' pine cone (2) 7' pine cones (1) 9' pine cone (1) 10' pine cone (1) 15' Dine cone (12) Total Sculptures www.artadvisoryservice.com ❑ Art Advisory Service Option B Utilize existing pedestal and retaining wall, and add oversized, angular rock formations with corten steel sculpture Page 7 of 17 ROUNDABOUT #4 1 AVON, COLORADO South -Facing Perspective www.artadvisoryservice.com Art Advisory Service s�X 5 V 1 A®�di(bl�i�+ �1 `' is � o ' + 1 7' 1 — 3' 10' 7' 7 E 4' '13' Nor N 1 . / 1 / 1 1 o Sb ewn,anm.. ' --- 7 sst� 4' 1-f 6 Option B Utilize existing pedestal and retaining wall, and add oversized, angular rock formations with corten steel sculpture Page 8 of 17 Art Quantity Summary (1) 3' pine cone (3) 4' pine cones (1) 5' pine cone (1) 6' pine cone (3) 7' pine cones (1) 8' pine cone (1) 10' pine cone (1) 13' pine cone 12) Total Sculptures www.artadvisoryservice.com -1 Art Advisc f 'Joel 0 lei LY 4-4 4 all - .44 5 :. ❑ Art Advisory Service Page 11 of 17 ROUNDABOUT #4 1 AVON, COLORADO Potential Egress / Wayfinding Features www.artadvisoryservice.com 0 AMP' + 4N. r ! 1 Y v '• 9 �`w w s� k. - r ❑ Art Advisory Service Page 13 of 17 ROUNDABOUT #4 1 AVON, COLORADO Potential Additional Town Features www.artadvisoryservice.com 0 Art Advisory Service INTRODUCTION Public art invigorates the pedestrian experience, reinforces the larger natural landscape, visually represents the community, and provides landmarks for directional orientation. Art is an integral part of town planning nationwide as it elevates the guest experience and reinforces a sense of community. Commissioned, site-specific works respond to the environment and have the power to profoundly transform a town. When incorporated as distinguished and unexpected artful objects, artwork exceeds the traditional, decorative function and becomes an interactive conversation with the community. The Town of Avon has the opportunity to build an art program that speaks to the pedestrian on all levels: creating a sense of inspiration and wonder, refining the aesthetic, and encompassing the town's public spaces into one seamless narrative that attracts and inspires outdoor sport and nature enthusiasts from around the world. COMMUNITY PROCESS Art Advisory Service recommends working closely with the community to develop a customized art plan for Roundabout #4 that matches the vision and character of the Town of Avon. Drawing upon feedback of the various stakeholders, we would work with the artist to develop an art program that coordinates with the environment, represents indigenous species, and builds upon the recently completed pedestrian plaza. ARTIST Floyd Elzinga is a Canadian sculptor with a history of community -driven public art displays. His works posses the quality and craftsmanship that resemble a world-renowned resort. Inspired by Avon's spectacular natural environment and passionate local community, Elzinga's approach speaks to the vibrancy and progressive nature of our mountain town. APPROACH The Town of Avon recently invested in a new pedestrian core which has been embraced by the community and has successfully created new pathways throughout town. If selected, AAS recommends working with Zehren and Associates to continue the design vocabulary already established and ensure a seamless integration between the East and West sides of town. The proposed sculpture is compatible with the Town of Avon's existing art collection, yet it introduces a progressive, new direction. These oversized sculptures are easily recognizable and have an undeniably contemporary feel. Page 14 of 17 www.artadvisoryservice.com 0 Art Advisory Service PROJECT APPROACH & SCHEDULE Concept Design July - September 2015 • Develop two (2) initial art concepts that fit within the budget and schedule • Prepare concept imagery • Make a formal presentation to the Avon Town Council Design Development September - December 2015 • Hold general public meetings for initial design feedback • Implement a community process to engage stakeholders including proximity businesses, property owners, Avon Public Library, Rec Center, and Walking Mountains Science Center • Bring artist to Avon to meet with the various stakeholders and gather community input • Collaborate with Possibility Plaza Landscape Designer & Lighting Consultant to seamlessly integrate sculpture within the surroundings • Develop selected concept for scale, style, lighting, and landscaping • Finalize the sculpture design, layout, and logistical characteristics • Present final design to the Town Planning / Zoning Commission Production & Construction January - April 2016 • Coordinate with the Town of Avon General Contractor to finalize construction details • Review integrated plans with the Town of Avon Structural Engineer • Work with the Town of Avon to commission artwork and begin production • Monitor production of sculpture • Project manage and facilitate communication between Artist, Landscape Architect, Lighting Consultant, Contractor, Structural Engineer, and Town of Avon Planning and Public Works departments Installation & Landscaping May - June 2016 • Finalize and coordinate shipping and installation • Supervise installation of sculpture as necessary • Coordinate press release with local news media Page 15 of 17 www.artadvisoryservice.com 0 Art Advisory Service BUDGET Preliminary Budget Sculpture $150,000 USD Artist - (2) Site Trips $5,000 USD Shipping & Installation $25,000 USD Landscaping & Lighting $65,000 USD Contingency & Reimbursable Expenses $5,000 USD Total Sculpture & Installation $250,000 USD Artwork Management Fee $15,000 USD Gross Maximum $265,000 USD Budget figures are based on current quotes and exchange rates. All figures are subject to change based on market rates at the time of purchase. CONCLUSION Art Advisory Service is pleased to submit this proposal and is prepared to provide the time and resources necessary to implement a successfully integrated sculpture program for Roundabout #4 in the center of the Town of Avon. Page 16 of 17 www.artadvisoryservice.com Artist Floyd Elzinga and his team Page 17 of 17 Nancy Sweeney nancy@artadvisoryservice.com Katie Redden katie@artadvisoryservice.com Jessica Gregg jessica@artadvisoryservice.com T 970.949.9096 w www.artadvisoryservice.com MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 3850 Vail, CO 81658 SHIPPING ADDRESS 51 Eagle Road Building 4, Lvl 2 Avon, CO 81620 «C Roundabout #4 Avon, Colorado r� a-1601ZT�-lzT- Concept & Design.............................................2-5 Budget..............................................................6 Timeline.............................................................7 Artist Statement............................................8-11 Studio.........................................................12-13 Resume & References........................................14 Letter of Reference............................................15 2 -ATION BY: (RANK 5WAN50N (303) 79 1-7G25 Bus. (303) 726-2574 C (303) 979-3047 H frank@ swansonstone.corn http://5wan5on5tone,art.com/art.html 87 18 5. Allison Street Littleton, CO 801 28 August 28, 201 5 Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" A confluence, according to its historic definition, was a reference to the coming together of waters. Over time, however, the word has taken on a much broader meaning: the coming together of people, ideas, and cultures. The town of Avon fits naturally into all the different interpretations of confluence. The whole Eagle Valley is a confluence of many waters joining the Eagle River as it rushes to join the mighty Colorado on its journey. In the days of the westward expansion, the Avon area was a confluence of miners, ranchers, and farmers, all dependent on each other for their survival. Today, Avon and the surrounding area have become an area of confluence for people and nature; hikers, campers, skiers, and sportsmen of all kinds come together with nature and wildlife. :C Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 -- Avon, CO, "Confluence" 3 Another area of confluence is located at the town's center - Roundabout #4. The roads leading to and from the roundabout take people to commerce, lodging, entertainment, adventure, and recreation. It is at the center of this point that I propose to place a sculpture that symbolizes, in many ways, the ideas and nature of confluence. Fait-i,c atzd art��t The coming together, or confluence, of different entities often creates a point of energy, which can be visualized as a great turbulence, as seen in waterways coming together. The visualization of this point of graceful energy is what I have symbolically created in my sculpture, 'CONFLUENCE." 4 Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" The two pieces of the sculpture that fit together are comprised of curving, flat planar surfaces that symbolize the coming together of roadways, paths and people, creating an area of energy and beauty. The sculpture itself is a creation of a confluence. Years ago, I invented a unique way of twisting and cutting stone by bringing s together both traditional ?.; and new, innovative techniques to create the forms I envision from a single piece of stone. The resulting forms have an energy and dynamic that is unique in stone sculpture. This sculpture displays a convergence of art and energy in a single statement that relates to the physical and symbolic p' confluence in the area. 8'4 x. 9'2-' > O -MI Cr �� Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" 5 �T ',C.Affi DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Preliminary design development and templates $ 15,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Engineer $ 3,000 MATERIALS Stone (Granite) $ 28,000 Hardware, pins, glue, machine work $ 2,650 Tools, polishing pads, diamond wire, bush hammers, fuel, etc. $ 7,500 Forklift (setting stones in studio/picking sculpture up from studio) $ 1,500 Sub -total $ 39,650 SHIPPING Delivery of stone to studio $ 1,500 Delivery of sculpture to site $ 1,000 Sub -total $ 2,500 FABRICATION Artist $ 42,000 Assistants $ 25,000 Sub -total $ 67,000 INSTALLATION Foundation $ 5,000 Crane $ 1,500 Artist travel (Fuel, Lodging, and Food) $ 850 Sub -total $ 7,350 LANDSCAPING Facing stone $ 4,500 Laying stone $ 18,500 Concrete $ 24,000 Lighting $ 5,500 Sub -total $ 52,500 GENERAL OPERATING Insurance $ 1,500 Studio $ 40,000 Administrative $ 1,500 Sub -total $ 43,000 CONTINGENCY $ 10,000 TOTAL $240,000 6 Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" 7J"E49nE ESTIMATED DATE PROJECT PHASE August 28, 2015 ................................ Short-list Presentation September/ October 2015* ................. Signing of contract/Receipt of deposit 1 month ............................................ Acquire materials January 2016* ................................... Begin Sculpting/Fabrication TBD w/committee (June 2016)*.......... Install artwork *All dates are subject to city's ability to meet this timeline. �T Granite is resistant to all weather conditions and will look as good one thousand years from now as it does on the day it is first set. It does not need any maintenance. Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" 7 a��sTSTaT��nT.. From the start of my artistic career, I have always strived to incorporate in my sculpture the marriage of technology, stone carving, and the new symbolic vocabulary that results from that exploration. During this journey, I have created innovations on existing machinery that have allowed me to venture into some unique areas of expression. The style that has evolved over the years from my experimentation is one of interlocking and/or extruded forms that create a symbolic synergy. With this melding of new technology and ancient material, I create dynamic sculpture with precision and quality that will last for hundreds of years. For many years, I have been sculpting stones at surgical levels of precision to demonstrate ingenuity. Through a vibrant career in the arts, I have been called upon for guidance in creation, restoration, installation, and deconstruction. I am known by architects, engineers, contractors, and designers as a knowledgeable consultant and have positioned myself as a resource for anything related to stone. The projects I have managed are well documented in my website. As a fine artist and owner of a stone fabrication plant for over 20 years, I have managed large- scale projects, supplying finished stonework for public venues, mansions, and churches. In the projects that I have created, I have always captured some essence of the area or site. 8 Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" I have had several one and two man shows and have exhibited in many invitational and juried shows around the country. ..M y work is rQ•�r� � , _ � , I was a founding member of the innovative and highly regarded FORM, Inc., a corporation of nine outstanding sculptors who specialized in large- scale contemporary sculpture. With other FORM members, I participated in exhibitions at the Denver Botanic Gardens, Fiddler's Green Amphitheater, and in Vail, Boulder, and San Francisco. I have been working exclusively in stone since I graduated from the University of Denver in 1970. The special feeling that I have for stone extends from various types of marble and travertine to the harder grades of granite. During my working tour of Europe in 1972 and 1973, I worked with many different types of stone. It was during this time that I realized the unlimited possibilities of designing and working in stone with modern technology. I have since taken the available tools and redesigned them to fill my specific needs on each sculpture. In 1980, I designed and built a unique stone saw with which I can complete innovative sculpture on a monumental scale. I have used it to create many large-scale projects in both marble and granite. Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" 9 Stone is Earth's oldest storyteller. Its memory spans the geological record, the advent of life and, in sculpture, the birth of human thought. From the 22,000 year old Venus of Willendorf to contemporary art, stone sculpture remains the most elemental medium through which humankind interacts with the planet and communicates with the future. I have always strived to continue that legacy, melding modern technology and aesthetics to fit place, time, and nature. "I h, a ff a -t tears A~J, a -S fa -5.t aLs I t f%'l�, I t �s wW At4' re fo Ceave of pr , a wee yyag e fo + z f u4-twe +kat wz w -&re kt re a4,xA f1,L a t wz k ere of b-wi AZ4,Lg a great a+,-& -fk.a" k4y A C-�e, boflti f D'r of S O'W' SO'" a*L& as a f o-L�i e-� "PO -K, WJ16" f wf wye ge~a+i o-" "-wU bm�.'' I agree with many historians that carving stone was man's first artistic endeavor. Since man first carved scrapers, ax -heads, and projectile points, humankind's genius, tenacity, and technological achievements have always been reflected in his stone carving. Stone has, through the ages, provided man not only with his first tools, but has also provided a lasting means by which to represent one's gods, intellect, and convey feelings. "TI -.r. k -fez k i.� -fez form of ar e, &+%A e Itias atA, ed,, i,id�red,, a+ -,A g4 -em- ws s a-� of +" g reateyt "ste u s of -fez a4At,,L,e wo-rLA." 10 Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" When I sculpt stone, I feel I am in communion with those ancients who conceived and built their dreams in stone. There is a thrill in creating an object that could still be in existence thousands of years from now. "I ANw atwa g S w-g v,i,za+A t of +ttz v► z5. A je. I W O'U.iA U*z fo U44V�z t k. �wt� k f Q-r fl4tk4-e gewera4io-ws I try to create sculpture that conveys a feeling for the ingenuity of Twentieth Century man. I strive to make my work form the next logical step forward in the legacy of stonework. It is my goal to create objects that will provoke, as did the ancients, a sense of awe, inspiration, and mystery. wa vLt fo c reig-& Z +kat w iAt , i. -1 kz f Wt -E we , -f�-a t kave Kot get btt+- ayktA, a*L& +A44 i.S w a -t e�Uei terms wee ak"-wt r re ati," pwbt i c art." Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" m2z 57ztD?O Since 1970, I have been steadily accumulating and making equipment to suit my specific needs as a stone sculptor. I have built my own studio which has 6,000 square feet of production space and a support building of 6,000 square feet for an office, a machine shop, a welding bay, plus a wood and template shop, all necessary to support my main endeavor which is stone sculpture. Nook, I A� t; Within my sculpture studio, I have built two bridge cranes, one capable of 30,000 pounds and a second crane capable of 10,000 pounds. The most unique piece of equipment is a wire saw of my own design which is capable of cutting contours and also doing compound curvature work critical to my particular style of sculpture. I am totally capable of producing large scale stone sculpture within my own facility. The only subcontractor I use is the stone quarry. 12 Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" �I Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" "Zl 57WDV My work is always in stone which requires an understanding of its history, the forces that have shaped it, and the elements that compose it. My capacity to work with this material rests in my complete understanding of its lineage. This curiosity is all encompassing, and my exploration of context is far reaching. The challenge of each different stone is a compelling force in my work, and my artistic statements are strongly influenced by the constant dialogue with the stone. `i ne aim of ort is to re,nresent not t ie outwara a,,�earance ofAngs, 6ut tAeir inward significance. Aristat/e 13 I have lived in Colorado since 1957, and owned and operated Swanson Stone, a fine art and architectural stone cutting operation since 1989 to the present. I have completed many large scale projects for public venues as well as specialized in custom architectural stone detail for the custom home market. Along with creating two and three dimensional sculpture, my company creates window and door surrounds, columns, carved caps and bases, archways, gargoyles, fire places and any other thing the client or architect can dream up in the way of unique stone detail. We have also created many unique pieces for several catholic churches. SELECTED PUBLIC COMMISSIONS 2016 Olde Town Arvada Station, RTD - Arvada, CO 2015 Broomfield County Commons Open Space - Broomfield, CO 2014 Playable Art Park at Abernathy Greenway - Sandy Springs, GA 2006 Colorado Academy - Denver, CO 1989 M O N Y Insurance. Tamarack Square, Aurora, CO 1987 Garden of the Gods Country Club, CO Springs, CO 1987 Siteman Corporation - St, Louis. MO 1985 American Federal Savings - CO Springs, CO 1984 Denver Botanic Gardens - Denver, CO 1984 The Olive Company - Colorado Springs, CO 1983 Rose Medical Center - Denver, CO SELECTED PRIVATE COLLECTIONS Our Lady of Loreto Church - Foxfield, CO Queen of Peace Church - Aurora, CO Light of the World Church - Littleton, CO Mrs. Margaret Hunt Hill - Houston, TX Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence I. Aronson - Glencoe, IL Dr. & Mrs. J. Jacobson - Boulder, CO Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Antognoli - Lake Forest, IL Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Block - Glencoe, IL Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dorf - Highland Park, IL Mr. & Mrs. William Cordo - Oyster Bay, NY Dr. & Mrs. James Fisch - Winnetka, IL Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cohen - Glencoe, IL Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wittow - Denver, CO Mr. & Mrs. Avrum Gray - Glencoe, IL Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Pinkert - Deerfield, IL Ms. Joan Athey - Enid, OK Mr. & Mrs. William Holland - Winnetka, IL Dr. & Mrs. James Labes - Southfield, MI Mr. & Mrs. Ned Rubin - Winnetka, IL Mr. & Mrs. Edward Roberts - Naperville, IL Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eisen - Englewood, CO Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Smith - Chicago, IL Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Spertus - Glencoe, IL Mr. & Mrs. Gerald I. Berger - Salem, OR Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glick - Chicago, IL Ms. Betsy Henderson - Clearwater, FL Mr. R. Smith - Parker, CO Mr. & Mrs. Sherwyn Warren - Park Ridge, IL Dr. & Mrs. Allen Siegel - Winnetka, IL Mr. Richard Stone - Highland Park IL Mr. Robert Weinstein - Chicago, IL Mr. Rodney Davis, Architect - Denver, CO Mr. & Mrs. Gerhardt Vornsand - Clearwater, FL Mr. & Mrs. David Touff - Denver, CO Ms. Clari Davis - Denver, CO Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Shamos - Denver, CO Mac Gillman - Chicago, IL SELECTED PUBLIC COLLECTIONS Alcoa Aluminum Company of America - Pittsburg, PA Mutual of New York - Denver, CO Byer Intermark - Chicago, IL Sheehan International - Denver, CO My Pie International - Winnetka, IL Wepco, Inc - Minneapolis, MN Miller and Associates - Skokie, IL Rackowitz Printing Corp. - Bernardsville, NJ Complex Elements Corp. - New York, NY Dell Corporation - Skokie, IL The Byer Museum of the Arts - Evanston, IL Permanent Collection of the State of Colorado Flatirons Paving - Boulder, CO Kent Denver Country Day School - Denver, CO SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 1987 Two Man Show, C.G. Rein/Art Resources Gallery -Denver, CO 1986 Central Park Sculpture Show - Boulder, CO 1986 "The Nine Show," Kent Denver Country Day School - Denver, CO 1985 "Take Stock in Art," Civic Center Building - Denver, CO 1984 "Form at Fiddlers Green," Fiddler's Green Amphitheater - Aurora, CO 1984 "Sixth Annual Sculpture in the Park" - Boulder, CO 1983 Denver Botanic Gardens "Sculpture in the Gardens" - Denver, CO 1982 Fourth Annual Vail Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit - Vail, CO 1982 Boulder Sculpture Symposium - Boulder, CO 1981 Solo Show, My Gallery - Winnetka, IL 1980 Art in Public Places Exh., Arvada Center for the Arts - Arvada, CO 1979 Contemporary Sculptors Invitational, Loretto Heights College - Denver, CO 1979 Art Expo - New York, NY 1976 Colorado Sculptors Show - Greeley, CO 1975 Solo Show, Gilman Galleries - Chicago, IL 1974 Aspen Arts Association Show - Aspen, CO 1973 Solo Show, "European Works," Gilman Galleries -Chicago, IL 1972 Two Man Show, Zune Studios - Denver, CO 1971 NAUW Invitational Show, First Prize - Greeley, CO 1971 Gilpin County Arts Assoc., Juried Show - Central City, CO 1970 Artist's Choice Invitational Show - Denver, CO SELECTED PUBLICATIONS -LUXE Magazine "Tudor Aristocrat," Winter Edition, 2009 -LUXE magazine, "Family Scene," Volume 5, Issue 1, 2009 -LUXE magazine, "The High Life," Volume 3, Issue 4, 2007 ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE -Continuing volunteer for 'Destination Imagination; a world-wide children's problem solving program -Artist in Residence, Colorado Academy, 2006 -1 year working tour of Europe, resulting in a one-man show at Gillman Galleries, Chicago IL, 1973 REFERENCES • Linda Bain • The Sandy Springs Conservancy and Art Sandy Springs, GA • info@playableartpark.org • Ph: (770) 393-1993 • Larry Aronson • Glencoe, IL • aronson@aol.com Ph: (847) 835-0875 • Jim and Shelly Fisch • Glencoe, IL • jmfisch123@gmail.com Ph: (847) 835-0336 • Father Built • Our Lady of Loreto Catholic Church • Foxfield, CO Ph: (303) 766-3800 • Lynn Harrison • Custom Builders • Englewood, CO Ph: (303) 471-9543 14 Frank Swanson, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" To Whom It May Concern: I met Frank Swanson in 1975. I studied Art History at Northwestern University and both of us graduated and married in 1957. My wife and I committed to attempting to build a significant art collection and purchased a work of art every month for over 50 years. When we met Frank, we considered him to be an exceptional sculptor and commissioned him to do a work of art for my 401 birthday. We invited guests to our house for the unveiling and were delighted when several people gave him commissions to do pieces for them. Two of them, the Sklar family and the Valfer family especially found his work very inspirational. Bob Sklar's first sculpture ever purchased was a piece he commissioned Frank to do for the front of his house. It was a large complex piece mounted in the center of his driveway. It became the impetus for his building a sculpture park with over 50 pieces. The Valfer family's first sculpture was purchased from Frank and it became the impetus for their building a significant collection of over 200 pieces of art composed of many exceptional Chicago artists and teachers of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In 1995, I was approached by the Board of Trustees of the Drexel Home to advise them on a monument to be constructed at a new facility honoring their eight million dollar contribution. This new facility was carrying on the work that the Drexel Home had done for over 50 years. The group was chaired at that time by the President of A. Epstein and Sons Engineers (known throughout the world for their work on major buildings). I asked Frank to enter the "quest" with a maquette for that installation. The board was very impressed by his maquette, but wanted to see what other choices were available to them from my suggestions. I gave them a myriad of people to consult with including artists, critics, teachers, and gallery owners. After two years of seeing many fine examples, they always compared them to Frank's sculpture. They finally realized that his piece depicted exactly the feeling of how they wanted the Drexel Home to be remembered. They gave him the commission. I am proud to now own 10 of his pieces amongst the 500, plus other works of art we own. My wife and I feel we have somewhat accomplished our goal to build a significant art collection. We have over 100 artists in our collection and have usually 5 to 10 museums a year come to our house the see the art. In all our years of looking at art and meeting artists, our relationship with Frank has stood out as a great example of a person who is talented, professional, and dedicated to uniqueness and passion in his work. I am sure if you give Frank a commission you will find the experience to be unique, satisfying, and rewarding. Lawrence I. Aronson Frank 5wan5on, Roundabout #4 — Avon, CO, "Confluence" 15 ROUNDABOUT #4 PUBLIC ART PROJECT TOWN OF AVON k' Prepared by: Christopher Weed Sculpture Inc. 220 E. Monument Street Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 720.224.4366 Conceptual Explanation - Sculptures speaks to Avon's proud ranching and farming history, while addressing it's evolution into a (inclusive) resort community - Serve as lighthearted reminder to residents and visitors alike of Avon's deep connection to its beautiful surroundings. - Spirited connection that has evolved within this community beacon, a gateway to Avon Town Center. Lighting - Sculptures will be illuminated in the evenings with low voltage, high lumen, RGB Light Emitting Diodes, slowly circulating through the spectrum in a spectacular fashion.97 V'Irllul --- �. Post- Installation Requirements Sculptures may be cleaned using a —-_r- mild detergent and warm water. will provide the client agency with current documentation on materials, manufactures, and the proper maintenance procedures. Materials Aft _. Exterior is fabricated of 7 - 10 -gauge 316-29 stai ss sheet. Internal structural steel elements are construc;e stainless steel. Legs consist of 316 - 4" diameter Stainless-steel tubing with a 180 grit polished finish. 4.25" stainless-steel link chain, with a .75" thickness. Lighting Phillips ColorBurst Powercore is a high -output, exterior rated RGB Light Emitting Diodes with full-color light output of 1200 lumens per fixture to support a range of dynamic up lighting and flood lighting. Each sculpture will be fitted with between 3 - 4 fixtures. Rayer 3 color controller. Rayer 3 is designed to add new levels of flexibility to lighting installations. Sculpture Dimensions Sculpture dimensions are 8' - V) to 10' - 0" By 13' - 3" and 13' - 9" wide and 5'- 2" deep. Timeline for Completion May - June 2015 will discuss timeline further with Selection Committee. NORTH VIEW V 4 rJ W* .l K _ , t. ala - - -_ " � "' M•�M � \. CMS> 1 EAST VI EW IMF r r h Wer g U � a_iO4L— �.a�, •J1.s.lrs' .,,ta„ %'p 11� i\, .� A. WEST VIEW '01cl- i1v ,w- .1 -0 NORTH VIEW EVENING Me k, EAST VIEW EVENING Em SOUTH VIEW EVENING am WEST VIEW EVENING .-aw bl-i I=- ----MEMO EAST VI EW L� %ftwm� LN!, WEST VIEW -tib_ -��` - �r�. .��� J u `�� -_ l`./ -- i � _ _ � � � �v _•� '.�. - - L _ at �EANW5 or til i � '� • �� 'ri. ��+' 11 � �..,,� 1y. 671 1,74-1 ■rte" $+��*W664- rt ■ . . rs 40 m At W,7� ti IN!- Ohm - TOP VIEW T- 4„ SCULPTURE DIMENSIONS 131-91) [ - 81- 9„ 9, _ 5„ 13'- 2" 4" OD Stainless - Steel 3'- 10" SCULPTURE DIMENSIONS 133- 3" A 13' - 3" - Steel SCULPTURE DIMENSIONS BACK 5' - 2" 4" vU 5tainiess - 5teei Lei .75" thick Stainless Steel Link Chain 4.25" Link BRANDING Avon BRANDING SIGNAGE SIGNAGE LBENCHMARKROAD SIGNAGE AVON ROAD SIGNAGE AVON ROAD Budget Worksheet Artists Fee (Design) (Commonly 10-20% Consultation Fees Materials and Supplies Fabrication (Subcontractors, fabrication by artist) Insurance Travel Transportation of Artwork Installation (Labor, equipment rental, permits, etc.) Administrative Expenses (Telephone, studio overhead, correspondence, etc.) Photographic Documentation (High Resolution Digital Images/video) Pricing Contingency (10%) Total Budget $15,000.00 $8,125.00 $69,125.00 $79,350.00 $2,225.00 $2,575.00 $4 525.00 Ok i $18,375.00 $2,675.00 $525.00 - r A $22,500.00 $225,000.004-!!46 j -The sculptures selected to complement this space will contribute to a lasting legacy of Public Art for the Avon community - The artwork should be worthy of the dynamic future ahead, while remembering the storied 7MI .4 f Closing This installation represents the ever changing transition -taking place in Avon, where old meets new, without forgetting the past. These sculptural elements are _ - destined become a landmark at Roundabout #4 and Avon Town Center, one that resident and visitors of this community can reflect upon and enjoy for years to come, Standing the test of time. Thank You! My seasoned design team want to thank you for considering our proposal and we hope to opportunity to spread our wings and serve the Avon Community. ROUNDABOUT #4 PUBLIC ART PROJECT TOWN OF AVON Prepared by: Christopher Weed Sculpture Inc. 220 E. Monument Street Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 720.224.4366 Conceptual Explanation - Iconic sculptures speaks to connectivity and that each part of the whole is integral. - Serve as lighthearted reminder to residents and visitors alike of Avon's deep connection to its beautiful surroundings. - Spirited connection that has evolved within this community and with its resort neighbors. - Flowing curves play off of the free flow of vehicular traffic that is so unique to Avon and its five roundab ts.�rr - Sculptures act as a thought provoking beacon, a gateway to Avon Town Center. Lighting - Sculptures will be illuminated in the evenings with low voltage, high lumen, RGB Light Emitting Diodes, slowly circulating through the spectrum in a spectacular fashion. - AW ,M---,:� �"' Post- Installation Requirements "'r'`' ` Sculptures may be cleaned using a —-_r- mild detergent and warm water. will provide the client agency with current documentation on materials, manufactures, and the proper maintenance procedures. Materials -AW -. Exterior is fabricated of 7 - 10 -gauge 316-29 staimss 4W sheet. Internal structural steel elements are construc;ed.e stainless steel. Sculpture will be fastened to concrete fou^Aons via 1.5" in diameter stainless steel L -bolts, with stainless steel hardwire. Lighting Phillips ColorBurst Powercore is a high -output, exterior rated RGB Light Emitting Diodes with full-color light output of 1200 lumens per fixture to support a range of dynamic up lighting and flood lighting. Each sculpture will be fitted with between 3 - 4 fixtures. Rayer 3 color controller. Rayer 3 is designed to add of flexibility to lighting installations. _ Sculpture Dimensions Sculpture dimensions are 18'- 0" and 16'- 1" By 7'- 11" and T-4" wide and 15" deep. Timeline for Completion new levels May - June 2015 will discuss timeline further with Selection Committee. NORTH VIEW 4 x Ile em - V s ,..-mss "`f ��,�' � :u�!'^ �.: `rr�r�•,��wfw�-� _ _ i- -- - _ EAST VIEW d _ - v X. Alt w 1 d' �.. r. ? - jam_ -•; _ _ 1 � j r� ILI is e� 5 Y YY,j �.. r. ? - jam_ -•; _ _ 1 � j r� WEST VIEW 4*1 -�M NORTH VIEW EVENING EAST VIEW EVENING SOUTH VIEW EVENING WEST VIEW EVENING EAST VIEW EVENING SOUTH VIEW EVENING WEST VIEW EVENING NORTH VIEW R 7r . EAST VIEW SOUTH VIEW 1 4f 1 7 F SCULPTURE DIMENSIONS FRONT FRONT SIDE 1 RI - W2 7' - 11 99 71-411 15" SIGNAGE SIGNAGE LBENCHMARKROAD SIGNAGE AVON ROAD SIGNAGE AVON ROAD Budget Worksheet Artists Fee (Design) (Commonly 10-20% Consultation Fees Materials and Supplies Fabrication (Subcontractors, fabrication by artist) Insurance Travel Transportation of Artwork Installation (Labor, equipment rental, permits, etc.) Administrative Expenses (Telephone, studio overhead, correspondence, etc.) Photographic Documentation (High Resolution Digital Images/video) Pricing Contingency (10%) Total Budget $15,000.00 $9,425.00 $71,225.00 $77,675.00 $2,225.00 $2,575.00 $4 525 00 Ok $16,650.00 $2,675.00 $525.00 - r A $22,500.00 $225,000.00 Closing This installation represents the ever � changing transition -taking place in Avon, where old meets new, without forgetting the past. These sculptural elements are destined become a landmark at Roundabout #4 and Avon Town Center, one that resident and visitors of this community can reflect upon and enjoy for years to come, Standing the test of time. Thank You! My seasoned design team want to thank you for considering our proposal and we hope to opportunity to spread our wings and serve the Avon Community. L k -qqq 31 „Pat6uras„ ?`'oun�a6oui #4 ~ [von, Colorado I PRESENTATION BY: JOSHUA WIENER (303) 908-2396 C (303) 447-2396 H FLOWCUS@GMAIL.COM WWW.JOSHUAWIENER.COM 2665 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BOULDER, CO 80305 AUGUST 28, 2015 2 Joshua Wiener - Avon, CO, Poundabout #4, "Pathways” TABLE OF CONTENTS Concepts....................................................................................3-9 Explorations and Community Outreach.........................................10 Budget& Timeline.......................................................................... l 1 Reference Work (Model to Sculpture)..........................................12 Artist Statement............................................................................13 Resume.....................................................................................14 References.........................................................................15-20 Tkank you for tke opportuvtity to develop ave idea for tke Rouvidabout �4 project. Sense o[Place This sculpture is a celebration of movement. The flowing lines convey Avon as an epicenter of opportunity. This sculpture will distinguish your arrival and be a lasting image of place. 14 Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" 3 The sculpture is based on the observation of how things move. I sought to find � shapes that could be wind, water, snow, and earth. It is our trails and rivers. nnovave�I felt that the town center should evoke a sense of wonder, one that carries you outdoors, but also returns you to a warm nurturing place. I thought of a light source and a seed. I was drawn to the centrality of this place and wanted to have a form that felt like it was part of its greater context. I balanced the ephemeral with the physical. I wanted it to appear as a brush stroke with presence and transparency. The sculpture will stand 12' x 33' and be made in Core -ten. It won't need any maintenance, ever. It will hold up beautifully against the intense Colorado weather, and if it were ever vandalized, it could be easily restored. 4 Joshua Wiener - Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" Tine key to my approack with this project is tke idea to ivLspire a sense of wovider for kow we can be im an exquisite relatiomskip with our emvirommemt. Joehua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, llathwaye" 5 The artwork and the audience are inseparable. By traveling around the piece, you will activate it. I have created sculptures for other roundabouts, and by understanding the changing perspective of the audience in the roundabout, I have layered materials to make your movements an active force in the experience of the artwork. You are part of the landscape. Avon is an important place for connecting with nature so I wanted the artwork to draw you into the environment, to make you aware that you are a part of this place. 16 6 Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" 04 -Ais sculpture > a vehicle for imagivtotiom Imelen I want to create art that goes beyond expressing the function of the site and becomes a partner to inspire great thinking. _4 y A roundabout is a brilliant structure for a town center. Avon's environmental stewardship should be conveyed through this artwork. To do this, I propose making the roundabout into a rain garden. When the existing structures are removed, the land should be contoured to promote infiltration (rain garden). If possible, it would be fantastic to make this roundabout into a phytoremediation structure (cleaning water and air with plants). I know all of this is contingent on civil engineers, planners, etc. would love to be part of the team making town center inspiring. I am open to other ways of accomplishing this and have a robust history of weaving multivalence into my artwork. I have created rain gardens and public art that articulates phytoremediation. Joshua Wiener - Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" 7 rT J-1 � FL. 'e..,,_,... Curiosity meanders througk Inspiration... 9njP iraiian... Avon is a place to connect with nature, a center of contemporary human activity, and a robust environment. There are not many places that are so magnificent. I am deeply committed to bringing a healthy relationship between nature and civilization into the public dialog. feel it is necessary tokelp otkers find tke fun and brilliance that surrounds tkem. Joahua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, llathwaye" 9 EXPLORATIONS ... in aluminum As I biked through Avon, I felt immersed in a symphony. The sounds of nature created the rhythm while the melody was human... COMMUNITY OUTREACH... I would like to lead a group of people through my process. I would like to create a satellite project as a way to deepen the effects of this artwork. Outside of the roundabout project, we could do a small participation based piece where we do something that is aesthetically exciting and environmentally restorative. It could be a sculpted section of path or a stone bridge, etc. I grew up in Aurora, riding these mountains at every given opportunity. I now live in Boulder & Marble, CO, and the great food and scenery in Avon makes this our halfway stop for my family. I see Avon as part of my living space. As such, I want to be involved with making it even more spectacular. I have a way to extend the experience of this artwork so Avon feels a sense of ownership. I am well versed in exploring spaces with talented groups, and I am wildly curious. I see art as a lineage. I am always listening because anything great has been greatly informed. 10 Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" BUDGET DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Artist Design Fee (Including drawings, contracts, meetings, $ 15,000 site visits, progress reports, preliminary design development & consultations w/ architects, engineers, etc.) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Engineer $ 1,200 Water -jet cutting $ 30,000 Metal Rolling 22,000 Sub -total $ 53,200 MATERIALS Core -ten $ 50,000 Hardware $ 1,550 Tools (welding equipment, wire, fuel, etc.) $ 6,000 Positioners and frame $ 3,000 Concrete rebar 4,000 Sub -total $ 64,550 SHIPPING Delivery of materials to studio $ 10,000 Delivery of sculpture to site 1,500 Sub -total $ 11,500 FABRICATION Artist (structural welding, fabric cutting and reinforcing, $ 40,000 sandblasting) Assistants 15,500 Sub -total $ 55,500 INSTALLATION Foundation $ 4,000 Crane $ 3,000 Additional equipment needed at site $ 4,000 Artist & assistant travel 1,500 Sub -total $ 12,500 GENERAL OPERATING Insurance $ 750 Studio $ 10,000 Administrative 2,000 Sub -total $ 12,750 CONTINGENCY $ 15,000 TOTAL.................................................................................................. $240,000 TimELINE TASK TIME ALLOTTED Proposal Due-----------------------------------------------------------------------------August 28, 2015 Town Meeting / Presentation ---------------------------------------------------September 8, 2015 City approval & signing of contract ------ (-1-2 months), -September / October 2015* Receipt of deposit ------------------------------ (-1-2 months), -October / November 2015* Project installation --------------------------------------------June 2016 (tbd w/ committee)* *Pending city approval/signing of contract/receipt of deposit/meets the estimated timeline presented here. **I would be prepared to begin the project as soon as the commission is awarded and the deposit is received. ***This is an estimated timeline and can be further discussed with the committee to integrate the artwork with the schedule of the city/committee. Dates can be more defined after commission is awarded. Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" 11 1 1l !! I A > 1, a ARTIST STATEMENT "I look at art as an expression of humanity. It can articulate concern, evoke emotion, stimulate thoughts, and make life more interesting. In its best case, it will teach us to be better friends, embrace beauty, and be more compassionate." I believe in art as a very positive force for all the things that make me feel so fortunate to be alive. I want to do my part to help inspire more artistry. All of my artwork is made at the highest standard of perfection with the hopes to draw more people into a deeper relationship with the art they are surrounded by. I see the Avon Roundabout Project as a unique opportunity to inspire lots of people in a meaningful way. I like to create art that addresses the issues of urban and natural forms co -existing, an inevitable direction for everyone's future. My 'urban with nature' series raises awareness and stimulates thought about our environment, creating a holistic integration of art and landscape. My experience includes, but is not limited to: -creating land art on a reclaimed contaminated site -participating in design teams -making site-specific public sculptures -teaching at the Art Students League in Denver -working in stone, steel, earth, bronze, and experimental materials -completing every project on time and within budget -constructing contemplative gardens and water features with Marpa Landscape Design, winner of countless awards -working with architects, landscape architects, city planners, engineers, and contractors -generating construction documents -teaching a month workshop at the Denver Art Museum -apprenticing in Japan with sculptor, Kazutaka Uchida -completing a residency at an accredited institution, PlatteForum, working with at risk youth -co-founding and directing a community arts 501 c3 non-profit organization, Art In Your Park -leading nature walks with elementary school children at Durango Nature Studies -managing over 100 community events -managing a team of technicians and instructing workshops at MARBLE/marble Symposium "Joshua's knowledge of materials, shapes, forms, and compositions makes me highly recommend him for public art projects." Dean Pearson, Landscape Architect and President of Architerra Group, Littleton, CO "Roots of Community" 8' x 8' x 2.5', 4' x 4' x 2.5' 4 benches @ 16' x 16'x 7' San Luis Obispo, CA 2013 Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" 13 PUBLIC COMMISSIONS AWARDS AND GRANTS r r • 2017 Flood Recovery Project - Longmont, Colorado SUME • 2015 (Sept.) Quinn's Junction/Highway 248 - Park City, Utah • 2014 Excellence in Community Design Award, City of Greeley, Homestead • 2015 (Sept.) 23rd Ave. & 10th St. Triangle Median - Greeley, Colorado Park Greeley, Colorado • 2015 (Nov.) Northside Regional Park at Rillito Regional Park - Tucson, Arizona • 2010 SCFD GRANT, Denver Urban Gardens (living sculpture) Denver, Colorado • 2015 RTD/City of Boulder - Boulder Transit Village - Boulder, Colorado INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE - INDIA • 2015 Gladstone Downtown Village/Linden Square - Gladstone, MI SELECTED TEACHING AND SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS • Invited to Bangalore, India in 2004 along • 2014 Downtown Rawlins - Rawlins, Wyoming • Present-1996 Instructor, Marble Institute of CO - Marble, Colorado with over forty other carvers from around • 2014 Kingsley and First Street Rain Garden - Ann Arbor, Michigan • 2013-2008 Instructor, Art Students League - Denver, Colorado the world to be a part of a two week stone • 2014 RTD/West Rail Line - Perry Station - Denver, Colorado • 2011 Juror, Wyoming Arts Council 2011 VA Fellowships - Laramie, Wyoming sculpting symposium • 2014 RTD/West Rail Line - Oak Station - Denver, Colorado • 2011 Speaker, Red Rocks Community College, Morrison, Colorado • Sculpture was exhibited in Bangalore at • 2014 Fairfax Park - Commerce City, Colorado • 2011 Presenter/Workshops-Southwood Mid.& Perinne Elem.-Palmetto Bay, FL the Sumukha Art Gallery and is now on • 2013 Homestead Park and Open Space - Greeley, Colorado • 2010 Juror, Colorado Artfest / 21 st Annual - Castle Rock, Colorado permanent collection at the Krishnamurti • 2013 Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • 2009 Presenter, University of Colorado - Boulder, Colorado Valley School • 2013 Community Gardens at Meadow Park - San Luis Obispo, California • 2009 Juror/UCD/College of Architecture & Planning - Denver, Colorado • 2013 RTD Light Rail Station at Decatur St./Federal Blvd. - Denver, CO •2009 Residency, PlatteForum - Denver, Colorado INTERNATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP - JAPAN • 2013 Hudson Gardens - Littleton, Colorado • 2009 Juror, La Academia, "Art for Youth" Art Show - Denver, Colorado • Apprenticed twice with master sculptor, • 2012 Florida Rd Roundabout, USA Pro Cycling Commemoration-Durango, CO •2008 Presenter/Instructor, Denver Art Museum - Denver, Colorado Kazutaka Uchida, in Tokyo, Japan -2011 Village of Palmetto Bay Roundabout, Palmetto Bay, Florida • 2008 Instructor for workshop, Colorado Academy - Denver, Colorado • Assist Uchida on monumental pieces for -2011 Carson Nature Center/South Platte Park - Littleton, Colorado • 2007 Presenter, Communication Arts, Inc. - Boulder, Colorado museums/public/private collections • 2010 Denver Urban Gardens (SCFD GRANT) - Denver, Colorado • 2006 Instructor/Presenter, Bridge School - Boulder, Colorado • Worked with Uchida on two different • 2010 Juanita Beach Park (living sculpture) - Kirkland, Washington • 2006 Presenter, Parker High School - Parker, Colorado twenty-piece stone exhibitions in Japan • 2010 172nd Avenue Roundabout - Happy Valley, Oregon • 2005 Sub. Instructor, Armory Art Ctr Master Artist Workshop - W. Palm Beach, FL • Assisted Uchida on a sculpture for • 2008 Governor's Excellence in Renewable Energy Award - Denver, CO permanent collection at the Toyota • 2008 Mid Town Redevelopment Project (designs) - Longmont, Colorado SELECTED EXHIBITIONS Municipal Museum in Japan along side a • 2007 Maher Ranch, Gemstone Park (Sculpture 2) - Castle Rock, Colorado • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 "Snow Sculpture in the Dark" competition (2013 & 2012 Henry Moore bronze sculpture • 2006 Community Park (Sculpture 3) - Broomfield, Colorado won 2nd place), Loveland, Colorado • Studied with Uchida the techniques of • 2006 Community Park (Sculpture 2) - Broomfield, Colorado • 2014 Denver Maker Faire, Sculpture Games (2nd place) - Denver, Colorado professional networking, from museum • 2006 Community Park (Sculpture 1) - Broomfield, Colorado • 2013 Co-Curator for "Side Effects May Include..." Exh. - Art Students League, curators to presidents of universities • 2006 Maher Ranch, Gemstone Park (Design Team) - Castle Rock, CO Denver, CO • 2006 Maher Ranch, Gemstone Park (Sculpture 1) - Castle Rock, Colorado • 2013/12/11 City of Lafayette's 'Art on the Streets' exhibit, Lafayette, CO COMMUNITY • 2005 Founders' Park - Wheat Ridge, Colorado • 2013/12/11 /10 City of Durango outdoor exhibit, Durango, Colorado Co-founder in 1999; 501©3 non-profit arts COMMISSIONS • 2013/12 City of Berthoud outdoor loan exhibit - Berthoud, Colorado organization. My interest in creating this • 2010/05 Evoke Landscape Design - Boulder, Colorado • 2012/11/10/04/03 US Bank 'Art on the Streets' Exh. (3) - Colorado Springs, CO program was to facilitate free community • 2008 Denver Art Museum (demonstration piece) -Denver, Colorado • 2011 /10 City of Greeley outdoor exhibit (2 sites) - Greeley, Colorado art. To date, AIYP has estimated that over • 2008 Laura Landgraf - Denver, Colorado • 2011-99 Stone Carver's Exhibition at Redstone Art Center, Redstone, CO 20,000 people have participated with the • 2008 Benjamin & Heather Victor - Pittsburg, Pennsylvania • 2011 Arts Students League '14 Collaborations' -Denver, Colorado program. • 2006 Head Start Regional 8 Conference - Denver, Colorado • 2010/09/08 Douglas Cty "Art Encounters"ex. (4 sites)- Castle Rock & Parker, CO • 2006/05 Sonzone Studios - Boulder, Colorado • 2009/08 Invited Artist, "Sculpture in the Park" exhibition - Loveland, CO SELECTED PUBLICATIONS • 2005 Dr. Mark Brodie - Genesee, Colorado • 2007/06/05/04/03 Juried Artist, "Sculpture in the Park" Exh. - Loveland, CO •2013 November - The Greeley Tribune/ • 2005 Dr. Rick Newman - Arvada, Colorado • 2009 Madden Museum, "Windows to the Divine", juried - Denver, Colorado Greeley, CO • 2004/03/02 Studio Forma Landscape Design - Boulder, Colorado • 2009 Loveland Museum/Gallery, "Twirling Dali's mustache" - Denver, CO •2013/2012 The Durango Herald/Durango, • 2004 Cody Center- Lakewood, Colorado • 2009 Redline Gallery, "Art for Ransom' - Denver, Colorado CO • 2004 Pharmatech, Inc. - Denver, Colorado • 2009 PlatteForum Gallery," Elevating nature/Germination of ideas"Denver, CO •2011 June, 16, Palmetto Bay News • 2004 Ken Lindeneau - La Mesa, California • 2009 eventgallery 910Arts, "Exploring the Values of our Waters" - Denver, CO •2009 December - Sculptors of the Rockies • 2004 Adam Wiener - Durango, Colorado • 2009/08/06/05 Evergreen Sculpture Walk (3 sites) - Evergreen, Colorado book, (Southwest Art Magazine) • 2003 Bobby Smith - Niwot, Colorado • 2009/08/07 Sioux Falls Sculpture Walk (3 sites) - Sioux Falls, South Dakota • 2007 November/December - Tools • 2003 Ryan Hubbard - Denver, Colorado • 2009/08/07 "Art on the Move" (3 sites) - Longmont, Colorado Magazine • 2002 Colorado State University - Fort Collins, Colorado • 2009/2007 Access Gallery - Denver, Colorado • 2007 August 12 - Reporter-Herald/ • 2001 Marpa & Associates Landscape Design - Boulder, Colorado • 2009/08 EI Paso's pre-qualified artist pool, juried - EI Paso, Texas Loveland, CO • 2001 Dr. William Silvers - Denver, Colorado • 2009/08 City of Evanston's pre-qualified database, juried - Evanston, Illinois • 2007 July - Southwest Art Magazine COLLECTIONS • 2006 C. Matthews - Denver, CO •2008 Solo Show, Icelantic Gallery - Denver, Colorado • 2007 May 30 - Enterprise/ Broomfield, CO • 2012 B. Victor - Durango, Colorado • 2005 Pharmatech, Inc. - Denver, CO ' 2008/07 20th Annual Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition - Lawrence, Kansas • 2006 September - Southwest Art • 2010 N. Sorenson -Denver, CO •2004 Krishnamurti Valley School • 2008/2007 Fryberger Art Consulting Gallery & Sculpture Garden - Littleton, CO Magazine • 2009 Town of Castle Rock, CO Bangalore, India • 2007/06 The Standing Sun Fine Art Gallery (2007 Solo Show) - Denver, Colorado • 2006 Fall/Winter Issue 3 - Cairn Magazine • 2009 La Academia at the Denver • 2004 J. & K. Nystrom - Fort Collins, CO.2007 Functional Park Art Database, juried - Colorado Springs, Colorado • 2005 Winter Vol. 4 No. 1 - Sculptural Inner City Parish - Denver, CO •2004 C. Lark - Longmont, CO •2006/05/04/03 Randall Chase Gallery - Palm Desert, California Pursuit Magazine • 2009/08 J. & D. Dinneen - Littleton, CO.2003 B. Wojcik - W. Broomfield, MI •2006/05/04 Treeline Gallery - Estes Park, Colorado • 2004 November 18 - Wheat Ridge, CO • 2008 S. Wolf - Denver, CO •2003 M. Schmitz - Denver, CO •2005/04 Gallery 730 - Prospect, Colorado Transcript • 2007 Dr. H. M. Sondheimer - • 2002 B. Case - Flagstaff, AZ • 2004 Sumukha Art Gallery - Bangalore, India • 2004 Winter Vol. 3 No. 1 - Sculptural Washington, D.C. • 2002 V. Branson - Afton, OK • 2003/01 Colorado History Museum / Stone Sculptor Showcase, Denver, CO Pursuit Magazine • 2007 J. Stuntz - Loveland, CO •2002 J. Moses - Flagstaff, Arizona • 2002 15th Annual Sedona Sculpture Walk - Sedona, Arizona • 2007 M. Gates - Micanopy, FL • 2002 M. Wiener - Aurora, CO • 2002 "Eclectic Mess" Invitational at Ironton Gallery - Denver, Colorado • 2007 L. Raynolds - Cody, WY • 1996 K. Uchida - Tokyo, Japan • 2002 Purple Door Studio Exhibition - Denver, Colorado • 2006 R. Johnson - Denver, CO • 1995 J.Cole - Durango, CO •2001 /00 Odalisque Gallery - Online Gallery Joshua Wiener -Avon, CO, Poundabout #4, "Pathways" 14 PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES Kim Snyder, Public Art Coordinator City of Greeley 701 10th Avenue Greeley CO 80631 (970) 350-9450 Kim.Snyder@greeleygov.com Project: Homestead Park - Greeley, CO Patrick J. Judd, LLA, ASLA, Principal Landscape Architect Conservation Design Forum 220 South Main Street, Suite 300 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 663-3751 Direct • (630) 559-2000 General • (734) 353-9091 Cell pjudd@cdfinc.com Project: Kingsley and First Street Rain Garden - Ann Arbor, MI Brenda Tierney, Public Information Manager, RTD FasTracks, North Metro Rail Line Postal Mail: 1600 Blake Street • Denver, CO 80202 • Project Office: Westminster, CO 80234 (303) 299-2401 Office • (303) 908-4978 Cell • Brenda.Tierney@RTD-Denver.com Project: Oak Light Rail Station - Lakewood, CO Project: Perry Light Rail Station Denver, CO Project: Decatur/Federal Light Rail Station - Denver, CO Tara France, PARC Chair Rawlins DDA/Main Street PO Box 1778 Rawlins, WY 82301 (307) 328-2099 • (307) 321-7606 Cell france.tara@gmail.com Project: Downtown Rawlins, "Building Community Energy with Public Art" Rawlins, WY Sherri Dugdale, Special Projects Coordinator City Manager's Office City of Durango 949 East 2nd Avenue Durango, CO 81301 (970) 375-5002 DugdaleSL@ci.durango.co.us Project: Florida Rd. Roundabout, USA Pro Cycling Challenge Commemoration Durango, CO Mary Valdez, Public Art Program Coordinator Arts and Venues, Denver CO 1245 Champa Street, First Floor Denver, CO 80204 (720) 865-4313 Mary.Valdez@denvergov.org Project: Decatur/Federal Light Rail Station - Denver, CO Lauren Greenfield, Art in Public Places Administrator City of Longmont 400 Quail Road Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 651-8924 Lauren_Greenfield@ci.longmont.co.us Project: Mid Town Redevelopment Project - Longmont, Colorado Hal Hannula, P.E., Supervising Civil Engineer City of San Luis Obispo • Public Works Department 919 Palm Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 781-7201 • (805) 783-7751 Fax hhannula@slocity.org Project: Community Park at Meadow Gardens -San Luis Obispo, CA Michael Cogle, Park Planning Manager City of Kirkland 123 5th Avenue Kirkland, WA 98033 (425) 587-3310 mcogle@ci.kirkland.wa.us Project: Juanita Beach Park - Kirkland, Washington Judy Anderson, Artistic Director/Founder PlatteForum 1610 Little Raven Street, Suite 135 Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 893-0791 judy@platteforum.org Project: Residency at PlatteForum - Denver, Colorado Dean Pearson, Landscape Architect Architerra Group 5881 South Defrane Street Littleton, Colorado 80127 (303) 948-0766 dpearson@architerragroup.com Project: Gemstone Park - Castle Rock, Colorado Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" 15 c rry of DVMG e City Manager's Office August 5, 2013 The process of acquiring public art is quite different than that of a private transaction—it is a community effort weaving together intricate details related to location, installation, maintenance and contracts, and it brings together numerous decision -makers for a consensus of a piece that will be owned by the City and viewed by thousands each year. From the beginning, our experience with Joshua denotes his understanding of the public art selection and installation process, and the challenges within. He maintains excellent communication throughout the project, is accommodating and flexible, and even completes his artworks before schedule. As an artist, Joshua has an intrinsic sense of what would draw the viewer in. His proposal for a roundabout on one of the four main entrances to the city spoke to an understanding of how the art would be viewed (e.g. from a moving vehicle or bicycle) and included an impressive "fly -over" graphic as part of the proposal to allow the selection committee and public who viewed his maquette at an open house event a sense of how the art Would really look. We are proud to include one of Joshua's pieces in the Ciiy's permanent art collection. Please feel free to contact me at (970) 375-5002 with any questions you may have. Sincerely, 6"0qa1Ah Sherri Dugdale Assistant to the City Manager 949 E. 2d Avenue • Durango, CO 81301 • (970) 375-5005 • CityManager@ci.durango.co.us 16 Joshua Wiener – Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" To Whom It May Concern Mayor -I p Dick White Please regard this letter as an enthusiastic reference for artist Joshua Wiener. The City of Mayor Pro -Tem Durango's Public Art Commission has had the pleasure of working with Joshua on two Sweetie Marbury separate projects: City Council Members . Joshua submitted a proposal for the City's inaugural installation of its Art -on -Loan Dean Brookie program in 2010. His piece was on display for three years in Downtown Durango. Christina Rinderle Keith Brant . Joshua submitted the winning proposal for a commissioned piece to commemorate g p p the legacy of cycling in Durango. This particular Call to Artists received a record ager Rory LeBlanc LeBlanc Ron L number of highly qualified submissions and efficiency required eciency and professionalism. Once selected, the project itself had a very short timeline and had to be installed before a momentous local event—the 2012 U.S. Pro Cycling Challenge, which started in Durango last August. The process of acquiring public art is quite different than that of a private transaction—it is a community effort weaving together intricate details related to location, installation, maintenance and contracts, and it brings together numerous decision -makers for a consensus of a piece that will be owned by the City and viewed by thousands each year. From the beginning, our experience with Joshua denotes his understanding of the public art selection and installation process, and the challenges within. He maintains excellent communication throughout the project, is accommodating and flexible, and even completes his artworks before schedule. As an artist, Joshua has an intrinsic sense of what would draw the viewer in. His proposal for a roundabout on one of the four main entrances to the city spoke to an understanding of how the art would be viewed (e.g. from a moving vehicle or bicycle) and included an impressive "fly -over" graphic as part of the proposal to allow the selection committee and public who viewed his maquette at an open house event a sense of how the art Would really look. We are proud to include one of Joshua's pieces in the Ciiy's permanent art collection. Please feel free to contact me at (970) 375-5002 with any questions you may have. Sincerely, 6"0qa1Ah Sherri Dugdale Assistant to the City Manager 949 E. 2d Avenue • Durango, CO 81301 • (970) 375-5005 • CityManager@ci.durango.co.us 16 Joshua Wiener – Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" September 27, 2010 To Whom It Concerns: I'm pleased to write a reference for Joshua Wiener's work as a public artist. In collaboration with the Clackamas County Development Agency and the City of Happy Valley, our local arts agency contracted with Joshua to create an iconic sculpture sited in a traffic roundabout. Key project goals for this site were to create a gateway identity, and to improve traffic safety by creating a visual reference point for drivers. Challenges were designing an artwork specifically intended to be viewed through vehicle windows or from the perimeter of the roundabout. Equally important to our Selection Committee was that the sculpture have lasting impact and integrity, but require minimal ongoing maintenance. Joshua's project emerged through our national call to public artists; his proposal successfully satisfied all project objectives. He completed the project to approved specifications, on budget and on time. Time was a particular issue and problem with this project. Although we contracted with Joshua for a 12 -week construction timeline, a variety of external circumstances not known at contract outset required that the project in fact be complete and installed in 6 weeks. Joshua was extraordinarily willing to adapt to these needs; his flexibility and patience was a distinct asset for both our Committee and construction project managers. Joshua clearly understands the challenges of creating civic sculpture. His Committee presentation was clear, articulate and supported by excellent documentation, including maquette models and drawings. In his interactions with our Committee and staff, he was consistently open to change and responsive to critique. He evidenced good understanding of design and materials, and provided added value to project planning by participating in the landscape design process, resulting in a beautiful, well -integrated roundabout design. He was generally courteous and communicative with Committee members, project partners, construction crew and site neighbors, recognizing that negotiation and dialogue are important factors in the public art process. Additionally, Joshua was well - organized for the transportation and installation of his artwork. Tight schedules for all road construction aspects demanded that Joshua be careful, cautious and respectful of roadwork onsite; he employed the heavy machinery needed for his installation without causing any damage to fragile site surfaces. Joshua's project has now been in place for several months and we have received feedback that his artwork is both admired and enjoyed by the community and by all project collaborators -- the best endorsement for any civic artwork! I can confidently recommend him for any project of similar scale and scope. Sincerely, GA�J O+Cherylno Ex tive Director Workin in Part nershi With: Clackamas County Arts Alliance supports, develops, and promotes access to performing, literary and visual arts in all our communities. A Division of the Clackamas County Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs CLACKAMAS -' -I p ilk C 7 P.O. Box 2181.Oregon City, OR. 97045 /� N S www.clackamasartsalliance.org 'T I 6 503.655.0525 A 1, 1. 1 A N C E September 27, 2010 To Whom It Concerns: I'm pleased to write a reference for Joshua Wiener's work as a public artist. In collaboration with the Clackamas County Development Agency and the City of Happy Valley, our local arts agency contracted with Joshua to create an iconic sculpture sited in a traffic roundabout. Key project goals for this site were to create a gateway identity, and to improve traffic safety by creating a visual reference point for drivers. Challenges were designing an artwork specifically intended to be viewed through vehicle windows or from the perimeter of the roundabout. Equally important to our Selection Committee was that the sculpture have lasting impact and integrity, but require minimal ongoing maintenance. Joshua's project emerged through our national call to public artists; his proposal successfully satisfied all project objectives. He completed the project to approved specifications, on budget and on time. Time was a particular issue and problem with this project. Although we contracted with Joshua for a 12 -week construction timeline, a variety of external circumstances not known at contract outset required that the project in fact be complete and installed in 6 weeks. Joshua was extraordinarily willing to adapt to these needs; his flexibility and patience was a distinct asset for both our Committee and construction project managers. Joshua clearly understands the challenges of creating civic sculpture. His Committee presentation was clear, articulate and supported by excellent documentation, including maquette models and drawings. In his interactions with our Committee and staff, he was consistently open to change and responsive to critique. He evidenced good understanding of design and materials, and provided added value to project planning by participating in the landscape design process, resulting in a beautiful, well -integrated roundabout design. He was generally courteous and communicative with Committee members, project partners, construction crew and site neighbors, recognizing that negotiation and dialogue are important factors in the public art process. Additionally, Joshua was well - organized for the transportation and installation of his artwork. Tight schedules for all road construction aspects demanded that Joshua be careful, cautious and respectful of roadwork onsite; he employed the heavy machinery needed for his installation without causing any damage to fragile site surfaces. Joshua's project has now been in place for several months and we have received feedback that his artwork is both admired and enjoyed by the community and by all project collaborators -- the best endorsement for any civic artwork! I can confidently recommend him for any project of similar scale and scope. Sincerely, GA�J O+Cherylno Ex tive Director Workin in Part nershi With: Clackamas County Arts Alliance supports, develops, and promotes access to performing, literary and visual arts in all our communities. A Division of the Clackamas County Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs PLATTE i forum youth. artists. community. To Whom It May Concern, I would like to highly recommend sculptor Joshua Wiener for public art projects. In 2009, Mr. Wiener completed a two-month residency at P1atteForum where he continued to work on his living art series that inverts the typical garden -to -sculpture relationship. This living art series aligns ingenuity with environmental protection. By placing living organisms in refined compositions, he presents a new way of relating nature to urban expanses. With traditional and contemporary sculpting techniques, Wiener constructs living sculptures with internal irrigation to allow the cultivation of plant materials. The work becomes a combination of construction and subtractive sculpting with man-made and natural materials. In the exhibition, Wiener showcased six living sculptures as seeds for public projects. Each piece experiments with integrating plants into the sculpture in a way that they become the "binding" element. The statement is one of sustainability and the examination of how we harvest, use, reuse, and/or discard materials. Wiener's dream is to have the viewer slow down, physically and emotionally, to notice the resources around them as valuable for themselves and biodiversity. Wiener's residency and exhibition continues the development of PlatteForum's urban garden, a project that transforms the concrete courtyard into an urban space to celebrate nature and sustainability. While in residence, Wiener worked intensely with eight students from La Academia at Denver Inner City Parish in a seven -week Learning Lab series. Students explored salvaged materials, dirt, and plant materials as they created living sculptures. Working collectively, they created a limestone living sculpture for their school that expresses their culture, pride, and hopes for the future. Working from the starting point of the Aztec calendar, the students created symbols that expressed their cultural identity and their relationship as stewards of nature. Weighing over 1,000 pounds, the limestone disc incorporates rings of sandblasted images and integrated earth, seeds, and plants. The work, intended to inspire imaginative stewards of the land, will be sited at their school at the culmination of the exhibition. Public art projects demand a level of commitment, vision, passion, collaborative spirit and attention to detail that is challenging for many artists. I have absolutely no doubt that Josh Wiener would, should you be so fortunate in contracting him for your project, not only rise to the occasion but also knock your socks off doing it! Having been involved as a public artist in numerous projects (Seattle), I know first hand the importance of selecting an artist that has vision, but that can also work with the community, collaborate with vendors and fabricators, and, most importantly, navigate the public process in a way that results in successful projects. Josh is a delight to work with, has so much talent, and is poised for any major commitment. Please give him your highest consideration. Regards, 7����� Judy Anderson Artistic Director, Founder P1atteForum, 2006 Mayors Award for Excellence in the Arts 1610 Little Raven Street, Suite 135 Denver, CO 80202 www.platteforum.org 303.893.0791 terra 5881 south deframe street Littleton, cc lorado 80127 303.948.0766 fax.948.0977 www.architerragroup.com November 16. 2006 Re: Joshua Wiener, Stone Sculptor 865 McIntire Street Boulder, CO 80303 To Whom It May Concern: As the park landscape architect, we had the pleasure of working with Josh on the recently completed Gemstone Park project in Castle Rock, Colorado. Josh designed and constructed several limestone sculptures as public art which were nicely integrated into the overall park. I highly recommend Josh as a public artist. His knowledge of materials, shapes, forms and compositions allowed him to create public art that fits within the greater context of the site. If you would like more information about our experience with Josh, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, ^�l1 L/ Dean Pearson, ASLA, RLA President Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" 17 May 26, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: I am honored to write a recommendation for Joshua Wiener, with whom I have worked on several projects over the past three + years in my role of Art in Public Places Administrator for the City of Longmont. I met Joshua and his wife, Gia, just over three years ago when they were selected as finalists (one of three teams) for a "crosswalk" project that I was working on. I put together a design team through the public art council that linked Joshua, Gia, Longmont streets, CDOT, an asphalt fabricator, and myself to design and build a completely new type of public art project in asphalt. The team worked exceptionally well together and found a way to generate a significant amount more detail in the final project. While the project was delayed due to fabrication vendors, Joshua and Gia were extremely flexible in their willingness and ability to work with me and the (potential) vendors as modifications to the project were explored. Ultimately, they went above and beyond the scope of the contract, delivering to the vendors exactly what they needed, on time, and never asking me for more money. In addition to this "permanent" installation, I have had the pleasure of working with Joshua over the past two years as he has had several pieces selected for Longmont's Art on the Move program. I enjoy working with Joshua; he is always on time with his deliveries, thorough in his installations, and has addressed any questions or concerns that arise in a timely manner. Due in part to our good working relationship and Joshua's ability to present and his enthusiastic energy, Joshua was selected as a guest speaker for Longmont's Virtual Art Tour in 2008. The Longmont Community has embraced his work that is and has been here, and I would be happy to work with him again in the future, if and when the opportunity presents itself. I would highly recommend Joshua as a competent and professional artist to work with — from the artistic and creative side to the business side. Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any further questions. Lauren Greenfield Art in Public Places Administrator City of Longmont, CO Lauren. greenfield(d,)ci.longmont.co.us 303.651.8924 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES 18 Joshua Wiener —Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" TOWN of CASTLE ROCK C o i o R A D o Parks, Recreation and Golf Division Robert C. Hanna, Director December 4, 2006 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter of reference on behalf of Josh Weiner for work he performed for The Town of Castle Rock. Josh was commissioned to complete a public art project in late 2005, by the Town's public art committee. The committee had selected the next Castle Rock Park, Gemstone Park, as the location for this work. This group tasked Josh to team with Park Staff and its consultant/contractor to craft artwork that would blend with the overall theme of the project. The artwork would also have to stand up to a high use, public park environment. Josh met this challenge by effectively working with the project team. He produced two freestanding limestone sculptures that were not only beautiful but also, complemented the overall Gemstone theme. He completed his work within the allowed budget and met our grand opening schedule. Once the job was complete, we directly contracted with Josh to complete and additional sculpture that will also function as an entry sign for the park. I would be happy to answer any questions or provide greater detail regarding this project. Sin rely, /� u Je Smu len, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Town of Castle Rock (303) 814-7458 jsmullen@crgov.com 2301 N. Woodlands Boulevard Phone: 303-814-7555 Fax: 303-660-1011 Castle Rock, Colorado 80104 www.Crgov.com BARBARA N E A L November 14, 2005 I N C O R P O R A T E D P O 6 0 X 6 9 8 2 DENVER COLORADO To Whom It May Concern: a 0 2 0 6 V O 1 C E / F A X I am glad to provide a letter of reference for Joshua Wiener in support 3 0 3 8 3 0 8 7 9 1 of his work as a public art artist. I recently worked with Josh on a project for Founders' Park. in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. It was a pleasure to work with Josh on this project. His proposal, a large sculpture composed of different materials and suggesting an environmental narrative, demonstrated his capacity for thoughtful, imaginative work. A very accomplished sculptor, he approached this project seriously and with enthusiasm. He followed through consistently to ensure the successful installation of the artwork. As the public art consultant on this project, I appreciated the fact that he communicated responsibly and effectively with me and with the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Wheat Ridge, the client agency, throughout this process. I would certainly recommend Joshua Wiener for any public art project for which he is a finalist. Sincerely � Barbara Neal Public Art Consultant Colo university Knowledge to Go Places Facilities Management Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-6030 To Whom It May Concern: As an architect with Colorado State University, one of my responsibilities is to manage historic preservation projects. I selected Mr. Joshua Wiener to replicate a heavily worn marble water fountain bowl in one of our historic buildings on campus. He was recommended to me by a Denver based stone and marble supplier. Mr. Wiener was very professional in his dealings with the University. He researched marble options and accurately estimated the costs and material availabilities for each option. Once a marble selection was made, Mr. Wiener flawlessly executed the carving in time to meet a very important reception at the building. His carved bowl was an extremely accurate replication of the original feature, attesting to his extraordinary sculpting ability. Mr. Wiener's dedication -to the project led him to aid in setting the bowl on the pedestal with a professional marble installer, a turnkey operation. The fountain had been taken out of service due to the irregular flow of the water from the worn bowl. The fountain is now in full operation and the campus community is thrilled with the result. The fountain now serves as a focal point of one of the best -loved structures at Colorado State. I heartily recommend Mr. Josh Wiener, sculptor, for any stone sculpture projects. Sinc ely,�� ��,�,� �►t White AIA (970) 491-0101 Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" 19 "Interconnectivity", 2 at 6' x 6' x 1', Denver, CO, 2014 "City of Dreams", 20' x 14' x 14', Denver, CO, 2013 20 Joshua Wiener — Avon, CO, Roundabout #4, "Pathways" �r "Rain Symphony" 15' x 100' x 8' Greeley, CO "Tread Lightly" 7 at 14' x 25' x 6' Lakewood, CO 2014 Avon COLORADO The meeting was called to order at 5:001?m Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 1, 2015 Avon Municipal Building - One Lake Street 11. Roll Call • All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Minervini. 111. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda • None. IV. Conflicts of Interest • None. V. CONTINUED - PUBLIC HEARING: Case #MNR15014 Property Location: Various Zoning: N/A Applicant: Town of Avon Owner: Town of Avon Description: New Bus Stop shelter design review for prototype to be used at various stop locations. Continued from August 18, 2015 PZC meeting. • Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve Case #MNR15014 with one condition and the findings of fact as presented in the staff report. Condition: 1. The design shall provide for the future installation of glass or plexi -glass on the sides of the bus shelter should the need be identified to better protect transit users from the elements. Findings of Fact: • The proposed bus shelter design meets the applicable Development Plan review criteria outlined in §7.16.o8o(f), Development Plan, Avon Municipal Code. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hardy and at vote, all were in favor (6-o) and the motion passed. VI. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #TMP15oo8 Land Use Application Type: Temporary Use Permit Property Location: Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Property Address: 16o W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Zoning: PUD Applicant: Charter Sports Owner: Sheraton Mountain Vista Description: The Applicant is requesting to display bicycles outside on a landscaped area. • Action: Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve Case #TMP150o8 together with the four (4) conditions as recommended by staff and four (4) additional conditions cited by the PZC and the findings of fact as presented in the staff report. Conditions: 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for restoration of any damage that may occur to the tree lawn including irrigation. 2. The Applicant shall be required to relocate the bicycles to inside the store should construction or maintenance work take place in the vicinity of the display area for the duration of the rental season. 3. The Applicant shall execute with the Town of Avon a license agreement for insurance and indemnification for the bicycle rental display on Town property. 4. The Permit may be revoked by Community Development Staff if safety concerns arise during the construction of streetscape improvements to West Beaver Creek Boulevard. 5. The bicycle display area shall be limited to that area within the tree lawn located in front of the Charter Sports business and shall not block ingress/egress to persons using the adjacent on -street parking spaces. 6. The displayed bicycles shall not encroach past the tree -lawn into the curb or otherwise extend into any portion of West Beaver Creek Blvd. right-of-way. 7. Any signage associated with the available rental bicycles shall adhere to the Town of Avon signage requirements. 8. The approval pertains only to non -motorized bicycles as classified by the regional trail system rules and regulations. Findings of Fact: 1. The temporary bicycle rental display does not place an undue burden on community services, utilities or sensitive environments. z. The temporary bicycle rental display will not pose a clear and present danger of injury to persons and property. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Struve and at vote, all were in favor (6-o) and the motion passed. VI I. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #PUD15001 Land Use Application Type: Minor PUD Amendment Property Location: Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Property Address: 4250 Wildridge Road West Zoning: PUD Applicant: Mauriello Planning Group Owner: Mountain C.I. Holdings, Ltd. Description: The Applicant is requesting a PUD Amendment to change the allowed building type to create two (2) single-family residential lots in lieu of one duplex lot. • Two (2) members of the public provided comments during the public hearing: Mr. Clyde Hanks at 4258-A Wildridge Road West and Mr. Danny Needham at 4258-B Wildridge Road West. • Action: Commissioner Bonidy moved to recommend approval of Case #PUD15001 together with one (1) condition and the findings of fact as presented in the staff report. Condition: 1. Decks and at -grade patios shall be contained within the proposed building envelope for each residence. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Struve and at vote, four (4) were in favor, and two (2) opposed. The motion passed. Findings of Fact: 1. The Lot 21 Minor PUD Amendment does not increase density, increase the amount of nonresidential land use or significantly alter any approved building scale and mass of the development. 2. The Lot 21 Minor PUD Amendment does not change the character of the development and maintains the intent and integrity of the PUD. 3. The Lot 21 Minor PUD Amendment promotes the public health, safety and welfare over that of the existing development rights for a duplex because the Applicant is imposing stricter standards than the existing development standards. VIII. Other Business Staff outlined a draft of Code Text Amendments Pertaining to Wildridge PUD Amendments as discussed in recent meetings. An updated draft will be brought back to the PZC at a subsequent meeting. IX. Meeting Minutes Approval • Commissioner Struve made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from August 18, 2015. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonidy and at vote all were in favor (6-o). The motion passed. IX. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.