85-09-24MINUTES OF THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY HELD SEPTEMBER 24, 1985 – 7:30 P.M. The Avon Town Councilmembers acting as the Local Licensing Authority for the Town of Avon, Colorado, convened at 7:40 p.m. in the Avon Municipal Council Chambers, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. Members of the Authority present were: Clint Watkins, Steve Miller, Sheila Davis, Chairman Allen Nottingham, A.J. Wells, Al Connell and Don Buick. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, as well as members of the application. _____ The first item on the agenda was approval of a new Tavern License for Stephen Alan Berry dba / Spanky’s. The location being 0047 East Beaver Creek Boulevard, Avon, Colorado. This was a public hearing. The Town Clerk stated that the fees had been submitted and the application was in order. The Town Attorney stated that he had reviewed the application and appeared to be complete and in compliance with the State Statutes and the regulations of the Town as well as the Department of Revenue. He stated it was an application for a Tavern License at the premises where there was previously a Hotel/Restaurant Liquor License. He stated that the difference between the two licenses was only as to what food was required to be served. Mr. Dunn stated that it appeared that the needs of the neighborhood had been demonstrated in connection with the previous license. The only issue would be the character of the applicant. The Chairman opened the hearing for public hearing. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Steve Beery, the applicant for the license approached the Board. He stated that he would be serving gourmet hotdogs, etc… He would also provide a Shuffle Board, but would not install a pool table. Boardmember Miller moved approval of the new tavern license and/or based on Mr. Dunns’ explanation for applicant Stephen Alan Beery. The motion was seconded by Boardmember A.J. Wells and was unanimously carried. _____ The minutes of the September 10, 1985 Local Licensing Authority hearing were next presented to the Board. Boardmember Connell moved approval of the minutes of the September 10, 1985 hearing. The motion was seconded by Boardmember Miller and was unanimously carried. ____ There being no further business to come before the Board, Boardmember Wells moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Boardmember Connell and was unanimously carried. Chairman Nottingham adjourned the hearing at 7:48 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: __________________________ Pat ricia J. Doyle, Secretary Local Licensing Authority Approved: ________________________________ Allan R. Nottingham, Chairman