PZC Packet 0923141 Agenda posted on September 12, 2014 at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
-Avon Municipal Building
-Avon Recreation Center
-Avon Public Library
-Town of Avon Website www.avon.org – Please call 970-748-4030 for Directions
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014 @ 4:30PM
Avon Municipal Building – One Lake Street
2ND Floor Office of Community Development
~Meetings are Open to the Public~
I. Call to Order – 4:30 PM
II. Roll Call
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
V. Case #SGN14007 – Master Sign Program Amendment - CONTINUED
Annex Station Sign Program
Property Location: Lot 21 & 65-B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 182 Avon Road
Applicant: Sign Design & Graphics
Owner: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate
Description: Master Sign Program Amendment for building-mounted tenant signs, awnings and new
monument sign
VI. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #MNR14028 – Minor Development Plan
“Legend of Ulele” Statue
Property Location: Tract B-1, Tract A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 220 Chapel Place
Applicant: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate
Owner: Tract B-1: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate. Tract A: Town of Avon
Description: Placement of bronze statue on pedestal in Chapel Square parking lot.
VII. Meeting Minutes Approval
a) Meeting Minutes from September 2, 2014
VIII. Staff Approvals
• 5151 Longsun Lane – minor revisions to approved Development Plan including enlarging lower
level under great room cantilever on north unit and modifying stone veneer at lower back
side on both units.
• Landscape Plan for Benchmark Road
• Landscape Plan for Christy Sports/Boxcar Restaurant & potential expanded parking
IX. Other Business
• Chapel Square Murals – additional murals, west side Pier 1 Imports
• PZC Record of Decision for Case #PUD14004 – Findings
IX. Adjourn
1 Agenda posted on September 12, 2014 at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
-Avon Municipal Building
-Avon Recreation Center
-Avon Public Library
-Town of Avon Website www.avon.org – Please call 970-748-4030 for Directions
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Avon Municipal Building – One Lake Street
2ND Floor Office of Community Development
~Meetings are Open to the Public~
I. Call to Order – 5:00pm
II. Roll Call
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
V. Case #SGN14007 – Master Sign Program Amendment - CONTINUED
Annex Station Sign Program
Property Location: Lot 21 & 65-B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 182 Avon Road
Applicant: Sign Design & Graphics
Owner: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate
Description: Master Sign Program Amendment for building-mounted tenant signs, awnings and new
monument sign
VI. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #MNR14028 – Minor Development Plan
“Legend of Ulele” Statue
Property Location: Tract B-1, Tract A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 220 Chapel Place
Applicant: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate
Owner: Tract B-1: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate. Tract A: Town of Avon
Description: Placement of bronze statue on pedestal in Chapel Square parking lot.
VII. Meeting Minutes Approval
a) Meeting Minutes from September 2, 2014
VIII. Staff Approvals
• 5151 Longsun Lane – minor revisions to approved Development Plan including enlarging lower
level under great room cantilever on north unit and modifying stone veneer at lower back
side on both units.
• Landscape Plan for Benchmark Road
• Landscape Plan for Christy Sports/Boxcar Restaurant & potential expanded parking
IX. Other Business
• Chapel Square Murals – additional murals, west side Pier 1 Imports
• PZC Record of Decision for Case #PUD14004 – Findings
IX. Adjourn
September 16, 2014 PZC Meeting – Crossing MSP Amendment 1
Staff Report – Master Sign Program Amendment
September 16, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
Report date September 11, 2014
Project type Master Sign Program Amendment
Legal description Lots 21 and 65-B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Zoning Town Center (TC)
Address 0182 Avon Road
Prepared By Matt Pielsticker, AICP, Planning Manager
The Applicant, Monte Park of Sign on Design, representing the owners of the Annex Station Building
(formerly “Christy Sports Building” or “182 Avon Road”), has submitted a Master Sign Program (“MSP”)
amendment application for new tenant signage and a new monument sign. The Application is being
reviewed in accordance with §15.28.080(16), Sign Programs, Avon Municipal Code. Attached to this
report is a summary of the amendments, which includes five (5) tenant identification building mounted
signs, awning signage, and one (1) freestanding monument sign with multiple tenant panels.
This application was continued from the September 2, 2014 PZC meeting pending design modifications
for the building mounted tenant identification signs. The PZC recommended changes to provide
consistency between all of the building mounted signage. There were no concerns with the amount of
signage or orientation, only with design as it relates to other signs in the neighboring properties.
Attached to this report is an updated sign program, with the following notable changes:
• North facing CHRISTY SPORTS sign modified to mount on clear coated notched cedar backing.
Cedar to match that used on entry canopy.
• West facing CHRISTY SPORTS sign modified with cedar clear coated trim on both sides and
bottom of framing system. Cedar to match that used on entry canopy.
• West facing AMT RADIO sign to be either 1) cedar with custom finials on each side. Gooseneck
lighting to match Boxcar signage; or 2) blue awning style ot match awning system on north side
of building.
The current MSP is almost 25 years old, and includes various sign allotments for tenants that no longer
occupy the building. It also includes a variety of sign types including fabric awnings, and pan-channel
letter signs. The purpose of this MSP Amendment is to address the remaining tenant signage (Christy
Sports), as well as a new monument sign design.
The PZC approved an amendment to this program earlier this year for Boxcar. One of the two Boxcar
signs is facing the railroad tracks and brings exposure to the new tenant from Nottingham Station and
the planned crossing. This MSP amendment was continued from the September 2, 2014 meeting.
Review Criteria
§15.28.070, Design Review Criteria. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following
items in reviewing proposed designs:
(1) The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be
constructed and the site upon which it is to be located;
September 16, 2014 PZC Meeting – Crossing MSP Amendment 2
Staff Response: The signage is suitable and the construction materials are of high quality and
consistent with Sign Code recommendations.
(2) The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements;
Staff Response: The neighboring monument signs are identical in construction and design and
appear to continue a consistent theme with signage. Most tenant signs in the area are exterior
lit with goose-neck lights; however, Pier 1 imports includes white pan-channel lettering and is
consistent with the Christy Sports tenant signage proposed.
(3) The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement;
Staff Response: The quality of the materials is high and appropriate for this Town Center
(4) The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or
neighboring property;
Staff Response: The signage will be viewable from multiple neighboring properties, including
Town rights-of-way on Benchmark Road and Avon Road from Roundabout #4. No significant
impacts are anticipated as proposed.
(5) The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the
vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired;
Staff Response: No aesthetic values should be impaired. While the signs are similar (or exact
same design in the case of the monument sign), tying multiple properties together with one
shopping experience is viewed as a major improvement for East Avon.
(6) Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign
code, and are appropriate for the project;
Staff Response: The type, height, size, and quantity of signs are generally compliant with the
Side Code. The quantities are consistent with Sign Code limitations and appropriate for the
project as proposed. The location of the monument sign must be conditioned upon final
approval by the Town Council. Staff recommends that specific findings for this sign be added to
the design approval as to distinguish the necessity for this sign from other private signs on
public property.
(7) Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the
sign is appropriate for the determined orientation.
Staff Response: The signs are oriented primarily to vehicles, which is appropriate given that
most guests and shoppers arrive by vehicle.
§15.28.080(16) Sign programs. Sign programs are encouraged for all projects, and are required as a part
of the design review process for all proposed projects. Sign programs shall:
a. Sign programs shall be compatible with the site and building, and should provide for a
similarity of types, sizes, styles and materials for signs within a project. Several alternatives for
signage should be included in the program so as not to be so restrictive as to eliminate
b. Sign programs may be proposed or changed only by the owners of the building or the
owners' association. Sign program changes or proposals may not be made by an individual
September 16, 2014 PZC Meeting – Crossing MSP Amendment 3
c. Proposed signs, not in accordance with an approved sign program, will only be considered by
the Planning and Zoning Commission upon receipt of written evidence that the proposed sign is
acceptable to the owners of the building or the owners' association.
d. All sign programs shall be in written and plan form. Plans shall indicate size, location, type and
number of signs for the site and buildings.
e. Programs may include limitations on wording, colors, design, lighting, materials and other
restrictions, and deemed appropriate by the applicant.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the PZC consider approving the MSP amendment application for the Crossing
Building located at Lot 21, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as outlined below. Given the
location of the Monument Sign on Town property, Staff recommends that PZC add additional findings
specific to the monument sign and the appropriateness/uniqueness of its location.
1. The monument sign is located on Town of Avon property (Lot 65-B). This approval is
for design only; final approval must be obtained from the Avon Town Council, or sign must
be relocated to location within Lot 21 and approved by Staff.
1. The MSP was reviewed in accordance with §15.28.080(16), Sign Programs, and found to be in
conformance with the recommendations of the Sign Code.
2. The design of the MSP complies with the review criteria set forth in §15.28.070, Design Review
Criteria, of the Avon Municipal Code;
3. The MSP is compatible with the site and building, and provides for a similarity of sign types,
with alternatives for different tenant spaces.
Updated Master Sign Program Amendment
September 16, 2014 PZC Meeting – Crossing MSP Amendment 4
Vicinity Map
September 16, 2014 PZC Meeting – Crossing MSP Amendment 5
Tenant Building Mounted Sign Locations:
Exterior Tenant signs shall be designated by store location as shown on exhibit 1. Tenants will be allocated
designated sign spaces by the building manager as shown in attachment.
Tenant Sign Design Criteria
Tenants are encouraged to create individualized interpretations of their branding and Logo with-in the following
materials criteria. Tenant Name and branding offer choice of following options:
A) Dimensional Application utilizing components integrating a combination of wood and metal in either the
framing systems or backgrounds of the sign elements. Business names and lettering should be represented with
dimensional letters.
B) Canvas Awning applications may utilized for weather protection and/or sign applications limited to
locations glass windows or door entrances. Lettering on awning, if utilized, should consist of painted medium
directly onto canvas awning cover.
Tenant Location Design Criteria Submittal:
Sign Locations for Christy Sports will be allocated to the North side of building over the North store
entrances and West side of the building over West store entrance.
Design Criteria for the North entrance will utilize a combination of material options listed above. A primary
sign comprising CHRISTY SPORTS in their company font with individual pan channel letters interior lit LED
components to their company branding standard. Letters will be 3” deep with white acrylic faces mounted on a
2+” deep aluminum “closed” flush mounted frame with clear coated notched cedar backing to Letters
matching buildings West entry side wall cedar application. Closed framing system will contain and hide
electronic connecting elements for individual channel letters. (See Exhibit)
Secondary sign allocation for the north entrance will be allowed on awnings over the entrance display windows
and entry doors offering property services. Awnings shall be constructed with a building standard “wing”
design open ended sides with aluminum frame covered in building standard sunbrella sapphire blue fabric.
(Vinyl translucent material not allowed) Sign messaging will be painted on fabric with white paint. Awnings
will be down lit with gooseneck lights to match building standard utilized in all tenant down lighting.
Design Criteria for the West entrance sign identifies CHRISTY SPORTS in their company font with
individual pan channel letters interior lit LED components to their company branding standard. Letters will be
3” deep with white acrylic faces mounted on a 2” square tube aluminum “open” framing system with notched
cedar clear coated trim on left and right side along with bottom edge of framing system. The base line of the
framing system will utilize a 2” x 3” aluminum square tube also painted black. The base line square tubing will
contain and hide electronic connecting elements for individual channel letters. Framing system will be mounted
to underside of the exterior entrance ceiling with pan channel letters mounted on top of the baseline square tube
and at the top of the 2” square tube framing system.
Sign Location for Radio Station space will be allocated to the West side of building over exterior office
entrance between Christy Sports and Boxcar restaurant.
Design Criteria for the Radio Station Materials should conform to tenant sign criteria with either awning
option or wood and metal frame with dimensional letters per building design standards.
Sign Locations for Boxcar Restaurant will be allocated to the West side of building, wall mounted, over the
West store entrances and Southwest corner of the building, wall mounted, over glass windows.
Design Criteria for Boxcar Restaurant as a retail space will be allowed individual styled use of materials at
tenant’s discretion. Design must incorporate dimensional components with-in sign design and reflect high
quality material use of such mediums as wood, metals, acrylics to keep with building quality standards. Design
must be approved by building manager. Lighting to conform to building standard down lit gooseneck lights.
3” Pan channel letters; white acrylic faces; led illumination,
1” square aluminum tube frame, raceway with cedar clear coated tongue and groove wood
laminate to match exterior side entry wall
242 "
34 Sq. Ft. Sign
252 "
Sample wing style awning
34 Sq. Ft. Sign
3” Pan channel letters; white acrylic faces; led illumination,
aluminum tube frame, with cedar clear coated tongue and groove wood
laminate base plate to match exterior west entry cedar trim wall
11 Sq. Ft. Sign
12 Sq. Ft. Sign
13.5 Sq. Ft. Sign
Total: 36.5 Sq. Ft.
Graphics on a blue wing style awning
3’ X 4’ Cedar with Dimensional
Sq Tube Frame, custom finials
=12 SQ FT
Always Mountain
September 16, 2014 PZC Meeting – Case #MNR14028 - Legend of Ulele Statue 1
Staff Report – Minor Development Plan & Design Review
September 16, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
Legend of Ulele Statue in Chapel Square
Project type Case #MNR14028 – Minor Development Plan & Design Review for
Public Art
Legal description Tract B-1, Tract A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Zoning PUD
Address 220 Chapel Place
Prepared By Brian Garner, Town Planner
Jon White, the Applicant, representing Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate, the Property Owner, has
submitted an application for the placement of the bronze statue “Legend of Ulele” on a raised
pedestal in the parking lot of Pier 1/Sports Authority in Chapel Square.
Property Description
The subject property is located at 220 Chapel Place and is generally bounded by Benchmark Road
on the west, Chapel Lane on the north, Chapel Square condominiums on the East and the Union
Pacific Railroad right-of-way on the south. The properties are developed with commercial buildings
containing retail space in a big-box store format. Other existing improvements include paved
parking, landscaping, underground utilities and lighting. Multiple access points exist and are not
proposed to change.
Proposal Summary
Constructed earlier this summer, the statue “Legend of Ulele” is proposed to remain where currently
placed on Tract B-1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. The statue base was inadvertently
constructed across parcel lines and therefore straddles the parcel line between Tract B-1 and Tract
A. An average of 2.75’ of an approximate 9’ length of statue base is sitting on Tract A, owned by
the Town of Avon as shown on Exhibit A.
The Development Code requires a Development Plan for all new development and any modification
to an existing development or approved development plan. According to Sec. 7.16.080(b)(2)(x), a
Minor Development Plan is required for “Other similar changes to a structure or property that do
not significantly impact the site layout or design of a building.” Development is defined as “Any
construction, placement, reconstruction, alteration of the size or material change in the external
appearance of a structure on land.” Additionally, Design Standards are applicable to all new
development as provided in Sec. 7.28.010, Purpose and Applicability. REVIEW CRITERIA
The PZC shall use the Development Plan and Design Review criteria as the basis for a decision. Staff
has provided a response to each mandatory review criteria below:
September 16, 2014 PZC Meeting – Case #MNR14028 - Legend of Ulele Statue 2
Sec. 7.16.080 Development Plan
(1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as
specified in Sec. 7.04.030 Purposes;
Staff Response: One goal of the Development Code is to “Implement the goals and
policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents
of the Town.” This application achieves numerous Comprehensive Plan goals of
increasing the presence of public art in Town and creating recognizable features for
(2) Evidence of substantial compliance with Sec. 7.16.090 Design Review.
Staff Response: The Application is in compliance with the review criteria for Design
Review as 7.16.090(f)(3) states “The design reflects the long range goals and design
criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan
(3) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan
Staff Response: The Avon Comprehensive Plan includes many goals and policies that
appear to be addressed with the application, including the following:
• Use signage, streetscape design, landscaping, points of interest, and other
wayfinding elements to help orient visitors to important destinations within the
district and the larger Town Center.
(4) Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned
development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable
Staff Response: If the Planning & Zoning Commission finds no conflict with the statue base
constructed across parcel lines and finds it sufficient to address this matter in a revocable
license agreement, this may be considered satisfied.
(5) Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code,
including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official
Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards;
Staff Response: The design is compliant with all applicable development and design
standards set forth in the Development Code.
(6) That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not
limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services.
Staff Response: This application does not require city services.
Sec. 7.16.090 Design Review
(1) The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or,
where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a
Staff Response: Bronze statues are found throughout Avon and create a strong sense of
identity in the community; therefore the design does relate to the immediate area as much as
the larger community.
September 16, 2014 PZC Meeting – Case #MNR14028 - Legend of Ulele Statue 3
(2) The design meets the development and design standards established in this
Development Code; and
Staff Response: The design plan demonstrates compliance with the development and
design standards established in the Development Code.
(3) The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon
Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents.
Staff Response: The design elements in this Application bring forward several of the long
range goals and design criteria form the Avon Comprehensive Plan. The improvements
continue to define Avon as a destination resort with a higher quality design elements. The
design directly implements policies from the Avon Comprehensive Plan, including Policy
D.1.4 – Create a unified and cohesive physical framework and community image by
ensuring compatible….siting, street alignments, streetscape furnishings, signage, lighting, etc.
Comprehensive Plan Conformance
The applicant’s proposal meets the following Planning Principle outlined in the Town of Avon
Comprehensive Plan:
• Use signage, streetscape design, landscaping, points of interest, and other wayfinding
elements to help orient visitors to important destinations within the district and the larger
Town Center.
Comprehensive Plan Goals
This application meets the following Comprehensive Plan goals:
Goal D.2.1: Beautify the Town with street trees, sidewalks, landscaping and public art.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approving the Minor Development Plan application for Case #MNR14028 with
one condition:
1. A revocable license agreement shall be executed between the Town of Avon, Hoffmann
Commercial Real Estate and Traer Creek.
1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, and
§7.16.090(f), Design Review, and was determined to be compliant with the review criteria.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve Case #MNR14028, a Minor Development Plan and Design application for the
Legend of Ulele statue with the finding that the proposed statue meets the applicable review criteria
delineated in Section 7.16.080(f) of the Avon Development Code.
Exhibit A: Encroachment Exhibit
Exhibit B: Photos of Statue
Exhibit C: Vicinity Map
FeetThis map was produced by the Community Development Department. Use of this map
should be for general purposes only. Town of Avon does not warrant the
accuracy of the data contained herein.
Created by Community Development Department
Property Boundaries
Tract B-1, Tract A Benchmark at Beaver Creek
1 September 2, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Avon Municipal Building – One Lake Street
I. Call to Order
Called to order at 5:05pm
II. Roll Call
Commissioners Hardy and Minervini were absent
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
V. Case #PUD14004
Wildridge Lot 26 PUD Amendment to Allow Lot Split
Property Location: Lot 26, Block 3 Wildridge
Property Address: 4290 Wildridge Road West
Applicant: Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group
Owner: WR 4290 LLC – Dave Dantas
Description: The applicant is requesting a PUD amendment to modify the lot standard to
allow two (2) single-family-detached dwelling units.
Discussion: Dominic Mauriello and Jeff Manley presented the application.
Public Hearing Opened
Larry Olson of 4420 Wildridge Road West voiced concern with density level of proposal, and
smaller lot sizes proposed.
Jan Livergood of 4611 North Point spoke against the application with concern to lowered
property values.
Kelly Dantas spoke in favor of the application with two, smaller units.
Public Hearing Closed
Action: Prince moved to approve, Staff to prepare findings – following conditions 2400 sq. ft.
footprint. 2nd Baum. 4-1 vote, Bondiy opposing.
2 September 2, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes
VI. Master Sign Programs
A. Case #SGN14007
“Annex Station” Sign Program
Property Location: Lot 21 an 65-B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 182Avon Road
Applicant: Sign Design & Graphics
Owner: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate
Description: Master Sign Program Amendment for building mounted tenant signs, awnings,
and new monument sign.
Discussion: Monte Park presented the application and represented the building owner.
Action: Struve move to table the application in order to address sign consistency with
existing Boxcar sign. Commissioner Bonidy. All in favor.
B. Case #SGN14008
Nottingham Station Sign Program
Property Location: Lots 1/2, Nottingham Station Subdivision
Property Address: 25 E. Hurd Lane
Applicant: Sign Design & Graphics
Owner: Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate
Description: Master Sign Program Amendment for modified location and design of
monument sign.
Discussion: No discussion.
Action: prince move to approve in accordance with staff recommended findings. Second
struve. All in favor.
VII. Meeting Minutes Approval
a) Meeting Minutes from August 22, 2014.
Bonidy and baum abstained. Struve move to approve as amended. Seconded by
Prince. All in favor.
b) Meeting Minutes from August 19, 2014
Struve move approve as amended. Seconded by Prince. All in favor.
VIII. Staff Approvals
• Town of Avon: Wildridge Fire Station - 75’ split-rail fence along a portion of the north
property line for the purpose of keeping dog waste out of the first station site.
• Town of Avon: Thinning of dead/diseased trees in Avon Road right-of-way between
roundabouts #3 & #4.
• Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate - Chapel Square painting of architectural details
(on private property only) with “Buckingham Gardens” (green) paint color.
• Highpoint Condos, Wildridge Road – Landscape improvements to property frontage
including the removal of two pinon pine trees and new plantings including new trees,
shrubs, ornamental grasses and wildflower beds. New rock boulder installation.
IX. Other Business
3 September 2, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes
• Joint Meeting PZC/Town Council on 9/9/14
X. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 7:
Page 1 of 2
The following findings of fact and recommendations are made in accordance with Avon
Municipal Code (“AMC”) §7.16.060(h), §7.16.020(g), & §7.16.060(e)(4):
1. Application Submitted. A Minor PUD Amendment Application #PUD14004 (“the
Application”), was submitted to the Community Development Department of the Town
of Avon (the “Town”) on August 15, 2014 by Dominic Mauriello (the “Applicant”).
2. Notice of Public Hearing. Pursuant to AMC §7.16.020(d), a notice of public hearing
was published in The Vail Daily 8/22/2014 and a mailed notice was sent to all property
owners within 300’ of the property.
3. Staff Report to Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC). Brian Garner, Planner II,
submitted a Staff Report to the PZC dated August 26, 2014.
4. Public Hearing before the PZC. On September 2, 2014 the PZC held a public hearing
on the Application, and considered Staff’s analysis and public comments received from
neighboring property owners.
5. Compliance with Review Criteria. The PZC makes the following findings in regard to
compliance with the applicable review criteria for a Minor PUD Amendment
(§7.16.060(e)(4)) as the basis for this recommendation to Town Council:
(1) The Application was processed in accordance with §7.16.060(h), Amendment to a
Final PUD, which allowed the application to be processed as a minor amendment
pursuant to §7.16.060(h)(1)(ii), Minor Amendment, and utilized the review criteria set
forth in §7.16.060(e)(4), Preliminary PUD Review Criteria; and,
(2) The Application is in substantial compliance with §7.16.060(e)(4), Preliminary PUD
Review Criteria, AMC; and,
(3) The Application is not likely to result in adverse impacts upon the natural
environment, including air, water, noise, storm water management, wildlife, and
vegetation, or such impacts will be substantially mitigated with building footprint
maximums; and,
Page 2 of 2
(4) Approval of the Application would reduce building massing compared to the existing
underlying zoning, allowing for an improvement in quality over what could have
been accomplished through the existing zoning designations; and,
(5) Building impacts on-site are reduced by adding restrictions that are currently not in
effect including: building footprint restriction of 2,400 sq. ft.; and,
(6) The Application is in conformance with policy recommendations in the Avon
Comprehensive Plan, including “siting buildings of varying sizes along the street to
maximize sun exposure, protect views, be compatible with surrounding development,
and break up building bulk.”
The PZC recommends that Town Council APPROVE the Minor PUD Amendment Application
with the following conditions:
(1) Restrict the maximum building footprint to 2,400 square feet for each structure.
BY:______________________________________ DATE: _________________
Jim Clancy, PZC Chairperson