PZC Minutes 111814Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes for
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
COLORADO Avon Municipal Building — One Lake Street
I. Call to Order — 5:0013m
II. Roll Call
All commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Hardy.
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
• PZC to appoint representative to Village at Avon DRB
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Chairman Clancy disclosed a business relationship with the applicant but
conceded that the relationship does not conflict with the proposed
Commissioner Minervini disclosed a past business relationship with the
applicant but conceded that the relationship does not conflict with the
proposed application.
All Commissioners agreed the disclosed relationships did not pose a conflict
with the proposed application.
V. PUBLIC HEARING: Case #SRU14002 — Special Review Use
Property Location: Lot 26-28, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Property Address: gio Nottingham Road, Unit N-04 — Mountain Center
Zoning: Light Industrial & Commercial (IC)
Applicant: Todd DeJong, Lone Star Security
Owner: Avon Mountain Center, LLC
Description: Application for Accessory Dwelling Unit
Action: Commissioner Minervini moved to approve the application with findings:
1. The uniqueness of this location has limited impact on the surrounding businesses.
2. The application is in compliance with the applicable review criteria.
3. The Planning & Zoning Commission wants to encourage live/work arrangements in
the IC zone district.
One condition: The ADU shall only be made available to employees or signed
contractors of Lone Star Security.
Commissioner Bonidy seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
November 18, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes
VI. Work Session:
A. Bus Shelters — different design options were reviewed. The PZC suggested Town
staff work with the City of Durango bus shelter design to see if it can be modified to
work at the City Market transit stop location.
B. Multi -Modal Plan: Commissioner Bonidy provided the PZC with an update of the
recent CMI training in Glenwood Springs.
VII. Meeting Minutes Approval
• Action: The PZC unanimously approved the minutes from the October 21, 2014
VIII. Staff Approvals
• Overview of the staff approval for landscape revisions to Ruggs Benedict
located at 810 Nottingham Road was presented.
IX. Other Business
• Staff provided an update on the skier building.
• Tab Bonidy was appointed as the PZC representative and member of the
Village at Avon DRB
X. The meeting was adjourned with no further business at 6:1513m.
Approved this _L(c_ Day of T iFte,, r BVi2, 2014
Jim ncy, Chairman
November 18, 2014 PZC Meeting Minutes