08-15 through 17th, 2014 Avon Flavors of Co Event AGentered THIS AGREEMENT is made and into of April • Y between the Town of Avon
(OAVON")t of the State of Cokyradoi with its principal i
-• w r A. c and Wqo*m Sports r s Urnited Liability
Company with its k
r .. ♦ • Y- r. •Y a r. • r. r .w
r • .. ! s A • a s 1 k r -t
t. The parties recoly*ethemababenelFitsof HlIGHLINE producing mid AVON hostfmg the "Fbwm of
!. r r L ♦ Y. intentionthattlAi
Agreement define the dutiezj obli;Iptionzand conditions s respect to the production A the I!VENWT
that it is conducted in a manner wW direction A... p.•. with and 11+ v ♦ A:.Yh provisi6rwof + Y.
w.. 'r- AI el a k
z. dw A rt i : Agreement issu=we of a Special Event A. A. appftatjon fee be
waived) to HIGHLINE purusant to Avon Mi"cipat Code Section 9.-*o. This perwrift Wants H"UNE the
rightf w iimposes to use the prernize defined this k purpose of producing
4 bject to complia q ! At this •Y
EVENT YM and HIGHUNE t +- the EVENT shall confmm todse A
in Flavors Y Colora& Evervt Overview and Sponsor OpportLinitiesi Attachment A HIGHL04E shall complete
submit and Permit Application to be waived)
Code5.--4. It is further agreed that the dates to be zbk* adhered r
services to the Everyt dwing the Term of tfis Agreernent for production of
outlined in Attachment *X11p
34 EVENT UQMNG -HIGH LINE shag ensure Owe is lighting on the INTNT premises from du.k until the
conclusion of everang activities of the event including but not limited toy atoms the recreational path to
ckstaget behind conceszions, to any tents port2b* restroorns, puMic pathways to,'frcm parking
parking lots and event entry points.
j,so EVENT STATUS MEETINGS"ENT MlI ESTONE SCHEDULE — l ighline to adhere to the Event Status
',Meeting(Event I!4+likstone Schedukg AttacIvnent G
%. •
hold them harmless againSt any and 211,11 clair% 2ctionsf demands or li2bilities� including attorney
fees and court cosup for fnjuryt death, damage or lozz to perzon(s) or property wising out of or
directly or inifrectly resufting from HtGHUNE'S actions or orrA=ions in, connection A+th the
conduct of the EVENT.
l +e,lof6
+a HIGHUNE fees payable to.,
Hi&irte Sports & Entertainrnent
iz al Road, Suite Soo
Va4CO &657
includes� but is not linAed to st2ff staging assistance$ pabce, uwxu't oper.*onsj traffic control, and
hanneriri.�tLitibro'removzl2ndsmwrenw2l, AVON sha be responsibte for tracking in-lWinwd 01
and provng H*GHUNE timely informati" vwilh line item detail, so, that in-kind support is neither
underublized or exceeds the alloc;Won.
_ L
Ci AVON assurnes noresponsibility Whatsoeverforarty non-municipal propertyptacedin said PREMISES.
AVON is hereby expressly released and diSCh2Fged frOM any and all liabiftes for, arTy kms� injury or
darnages to any person or property of HIGHUNE� its emptoyeest agerrtz,, and concessionaires or of arry
performer cw spectator that may be sustained by reason of the occupancy of the PREMISES under this
License Agmernent, except for
Y negligence of AVON or its OfffCer:� 2gentsf employees.
6-z tn the eventthe PREMISES or any part thereof is darnaged by fire or other natural causes or if for arty
other reason, including strikes� failure of utiliti" vvhich resufts in cancelIxtion of the EVENTt or which
in the judgment of the Town Manager and Mayort renders the fulfillment of this Agree"-&nt by AVON
4Y:pcw;ib4ep HIGHLINE hereby expressly releases and discharges AVON and if& Officers, 2sents and
employees from any and alt demancls, clairrat liabilittiel-, and causes Of actions arising from any of the
causes aferesaid.
7.t The following attachments area part of this agreemert as follcm-s:
Attachments UK" - Flavors of Colorado Overview & Sponsor Opportunities
Attachment K" - E-.vryt Status Meeting( Event Milestone Schedule
Page $of 6
ct"T #IJOAU.:� T�1-111-lj
Mr. JW erou*ch
Vag, Collomda, 11*58
Town MAUVr, To" OfAvot
P, % HOX 4175
Avoc, CO $1620
IN WIMESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have Qxtcuted 04s Agreem-mmt dw, &V and y*ar first *ove
• . F
Hoppe, Town Ckrk ( &A