04-22-2014 TIGER VI Grant to fund the Eagle Valle Trail System Completion (Pending Grant Awarded)AVON rt L <_R_ _t o
April 22, 2014
Secretary Anthony Foxx
U.S. Department of Transportation
Ninth Floor West Building
1200 New Jersey, SE
Washington DC 20590
Subject: TIGER VI Grant to fund the Eagle Valley Trail System Completion
Dear Mr. Foxx,
Post Office Box 975
One Lake Street
Avon, CO 81620
970- 748 -4000
970 - 949 -9139 Fax
970 -845 -7708 TTY
The Town of Avon is pleased to provide this letter in support of the Eagle County, Colorado, TIGER VI
funding application for construction of the final 19 miles of the Eagle Valley Trail. Currently, 33 miles of the
system have been built and the remaining 19 miles will complete this comprehensive system through the
Eagle River Valley in central Colorado.
The trail, once completed, will connect the nine communities in the valley, as well as provide ties into
regional transit routes and other trail systems in Eagle and adjoining counties. The trail, as a non - motorized
recreational path of significant length, traveling through canyon and river edge and valley towns will be a
notable tourist amenity. The design and treatment of the path surface is designed to serve age and ability
groups across a wide sector of the population.
Since 1999, Avon has successfully partnered with ECO Trails, the organization that oversees the
multi -use trail system, in funding and construction of Valley Trail segments in our community. This summer,
Avon and ECO Trails will work together to complete the final half -mile section of a 1.8 mile stretch in Avon,
which will connect the Town to the neighboring community of Eagle Vail.
Our strong support for the Valley Trail is based in the importance of providing a safe, non - motorized
trail system. In addition, the trail is integral to Avon's urban core planning for a well thought out multi -use
transportation system, which results in improvements to the physical well -being of our residents and tourists
and environmental benefits to air and water quality.
We know you will learn of the unified and prioritized support for this grant from Eagle County
communities and user groups. On behalf of the Avon Town Council and our residents, thank you for your
thoughtful consideration in supporting and funding the Valley Trail grant request by Eagle County.
Rich Carroll
cc: Eagle County Board of Commissioners