Urban Renewal Authority Public Hearing PresentationProcedure for Creating an Urban Renewal Authority
Determine if blight exists within the town
Petition by 25 registered electors submitted to town to create an urban renewal authority
Town council holds public hearing on creation of
an authority
Town council determines composition of authority board members (town council vs. separate board)
Town council considers resolution creating an authority
If approved, appointment
of authority board members by the mayor
How is Blight Identified and Documented Within an Area?
Blight is identified and documented through a Conditions Survey, a detailed study of a defined geographic area that includes both data collection and in-the-field observation for blight
Conditions found within the area are evaluated as to their applicability to the definitions of blight found in the Colorado Urban Renewal statutes.
The Condition Survey
findings are prepared in report format and presented to the Town Council.
The Town Council makes the final determination as to a finding of blight.
State law lists 11 factors that may contribute to a finding of blight:
Deteriorated or deteriorating structures
Defective or inadequate street layout
Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility, or usefulness
Unsanitary or unsafe conditions
ion of site or other improvements
Unusual topography or inadequate public improvements or utilities
Defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title non-marketable
that endanger life or property by fire or other causes
Buildings that are unsafe or unhealthy for people to live or work in
Environmental contamination of buildings or property
of health, safety, or welfare factors requiring high levels of municipal services or substantial underutilization or vacancy of buildings, sites, or improvements
Conditions Survey Area
Deteriorated or Deteriorating Structures
Defective or Inadequate Street Layout
Unsafe or Unsanitary Conditions
Deterioration of Site or Other Improvements
Inadequate Public Improvements or Utilities
Underutilization of Buildings or Sites
Conditions Survey Results:Number of Parcels by Blight Factor
Conditions Survey Results:Number of Parcels by Number of Unique Blight Factors Identified
Conditions Survey Results Summary:
9 of the 11 blight factors were found within the Survey Area
The Avon Conditions Survey Report provides the documentation and evidence the Avon Town Council needs to make a determination
that “Blighted Areas” do exist within the municipal limits of Avon, a necessary step in the creation of an Urban Renewal Authority.
Presentation at Public Hearing on June 26