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Conditions Survey Proposal
Scope of Services Statement of Qualifications November 2006 i CONDITIONS SURVEY Submitted by: Leland 'Consul-ting Group „A I iu,� a�.cl i7s. ig.n �nhiiin�= y': W N4 2hox - 1601 Blake St. #200 ` . < Denver, Colorado 80202 Phone (303) 572 -0200 IFax (303) 572 -0202 November 15, 2006 Scott C. Wright Finance Director, Town of Avon 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear Mr. Wright: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bid on the proposed conditions survey for the Town of Avon. Attached is a joint proposal by Matrix Design Group and Leland Consulting Group to provide professional services in the preparation of the conditions survey and, if applicable, the urban renewal plan. The proposal is broken down into four separate sections for your review: • Scope of Work, describes our proposed approach to performing the conditions survey by detailing the various tasks that would be performed along the way, and also indicates our interest to jointly provide services in the preparation of an urban renewal plan should the need arise. . Project Fees, outlines our estimate of the cost of the conditions survey in the form of a lump sum amount. • Project Schedule, provides an overview of our proposed timeline toward completing the conditions survey for the Town of Avon. • Qualifications and References, details our past experience with similar conditions surveys and urban renewal projects in Colorado, lists references from such projects, and also provides information regarding our personal qualifications and resumes. Thank you for considering us for the opportunity to assist the Town of Avon in this effort. Sincerely, I Ken Schroeppel, AICP Project Manager /Urban Planner Matrix Design Group out.. ira 'Clek'.n C. Frze.-n I Proposal for Professional Services — Town of Avon Conditions Survey SCOPE OF WORK Section l: Tasks Relating to the Conditions Survey Task i : Data Collection f Base Mapping The Town of Avon will provide Matrix Design Group and Leland Consulting Group (hereafter collectively known as the "Consultant Team ") with electronic (GIS) base map files and aerial photography that shows the location of general information such as streets, parcel boundaries, and other physical and political information that are identified as relevant to the survey. From these resources, the Consultant Team will prepare additional maps to document the location of properties and areas within and surrounding the study environs and to reflect the conditions, alternatives, and findings related to the conditions survey and, if applicable, the urban renewal plan phase. + The Consultant Team will work with Town staff to collect additional information related to properties within and adjacent to the study area, including public facilities, parcelization, utilization of sites, ownership patterns, street layout, traffic, parking configuration, land use, utilities and other infrastructure, code violations, vacancies, and other appropriate data. Information on buildings, including size, layout, and physical condition will be based on property observations, information provided by the Tnwn and key prnperty nwners, and resParrh of public records_ Task 2, Conditions veld Survey + The Consultant Team will conduct a detailed on -site field survey of the study area for the purpose of identifying and documenting conditions that meet the criteria of "blight" as defined by Colorado law. Colorado Revised Statutes § 31 -25 -101 identifies eleven blight criteria or factors, which are: 1. Slum, deteriorated, or deteriorating structures 2. Predominance of defective or inadequate street layout 3. Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility, or usefulness 4. Unsanitary or unsafe conditions 5, Deterioration of site or other improvements 6. Unusual topography or inadequate public improvements or utilities 7. Defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title non- marketable 8. The existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes 9. Buildings that are unsafe or unhealthy for persons to live or work in because of building code violations, dilapidation, deterioration, defective design, physical construction, or faulty or inadequate facilities 10. Environmental contamination of buildings or property 11. The existence of health, safety, or welfare factors requiring high levels of municipal services or substantial physical underutilization or vacancy of sites, buildings, or other improvements - Proposal for Professional Services - Town of Avon Conditions Survey The on -site field survey effort will include identifying and documenting conditions of blight associated with seven (Numbers 1 - 6 and 11) of the eleven criteria from the above list. Additionally, the Consultant Team will interview appropriate Town staff (including transportation and /or public works) and, as appropriate, building managers /owners and /or property owners from within the study area, in order to incorporate specific information related to locations within the study area that may be known to have conditions of blight associated with the remaining four criteria (Numbers 7 - 10). Task 3: Conditions Survey Documentation and Hnd;ngs + The Consultant Team will prepare a draft report to document and illustrate the various blight factors present within the study area. Based on data collected, field surveys, and interviews with key Town personnel, the report will respond directly to criteria used to determine "blight" as defined in the Colorado state statutes. Key questions to be addressed include the extent to which this area constitutes a social or economic liability for the Town, i.e. "in its present condition and use and, by reason of the presence of at least four ... factors, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the municipality, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an economic or social liability, and is a menace to the public health, safety, morals, or welfare." The report will also include a series of maps illustrating the location of specific blighting conditions, representative deficiency photos, a bibliography of reports ' and reference materials and a property inventory. Upon receipt of comments by Town representatives, the Consultant Team will revise the draft report and prepare a final document for consideration by the Town hoard. The work products to be delivered to the Town of Avon for the conditions survey phase of the study include- 0 Draft and Finat Conditions Survey Report o Conditions Maps o Photograph Presentation of Study Area Physical Conditions Q Base Maps The Consultant Team will present in person, if requested by the Town, the Final Conditions Survey Report to the Town Council. Proposal for Professional Services - Town of Avon Conditions Survey Section Ik Optional Tasks Relating to Preparation of an Urban Renewal Plan The following tasks in this section relate to the Consulting Team's interest in providing professional services in the preparation of an urban renewal plan. These Urban Renewal Plan tasks have not been included in the lump sum figure provided in this proposal, and are presented here to demonstrate our general approach in preparing urban renewal plans. Should the Town of Avon retain the Consulting Team's services for the creation of such a plan, a separate fee and refined scope of work for those services would be negotiated at that time. Task 4: Urban Repewai plan Alternatives and impact Analysis At the onset of the urban renewal phase of the study, the Consultant Team would develop draft redevelopment plan concepts and alternatives and an analysis of the potential impacts of each alternative including: capacity of the area to accommodate various levels of revitalization; opportunities and constraints associated with parcel size, street network, etc., and projected market conditions. ' Task 5a Feasibility "rest The Consultant Team would generate preliminary conclusions regarding the feasibility of the plan alternatives, seler.l prujec:Ls within the planning area, and final preferred plan based on discussions within the working sessions. The financial feasibility of the concepts would be tested through preparation of development pro - formal designed to quantify potential net operating income, value and any potential financial "gap." • The Consultant Team would summarize the implications of the final concept alternative relative to: short- and long-term objectives for the planning area and community; required actions; necessity for public improvements; regulatory considerations; and, potential public /private partnerships. Task 6., Tai; increment Analysis • The Consultant Team would estimate the tax increment potential (property and sales) of the urban renewal plan and prepare supporting impact documentation for the County and any other taxing body as per the state legislation, and would assist the Town with discussions with these groups, where feasible. Task. 7: urban Renewal plan The Consultant Team would prepare an urban renewal plan document which reflects community goals, market and social opportunities, and state -of- the -art thinking about redevelopment. The plan would embody urban design principles and design objectives with feasible application in the study area; Lehund C-msifli"it,19, G�t-OLIV L: Proposal for Professional Services - Town of Avon Conditions Survey identify the financial feasibility of potential projects in the study area; and, include strategies for implementation. Included would be the development of a concept plan map that would graphically present the urban renewal plan within the context of Avon, and demonstrate through the map, photos, and other graphics the vision for the urban renewal area. The concept plan map would also serve to effectively communicate the plan concept to the public and Town officials. The work products to be delivered to the Town of Avon during the urban renewal phase of the study would include: • Concept Plan Map • TIF Analysis o County Impact Report o Draft and Final Urban Renewal Flan Report • The Consultant Team would coordinate with Town staff the appropriate number and schedule of in- person meetings to be held as part of the urban renewal plan development process, as well as identify the required public meetings/ hearings at which the Consultant Team would appear. Task 8: Urban Renewal Area legal Description ® A legal description describing the boundary of the geographic area proposed as the Avon Urban Renewal Area would be required as part of the urban renewal plan document and public notification process. This legal description must be prepared and certified by a licensed surveyor. The Consultant Team would provide this expertise and prepare, upon the final delineation of a proposed urban renewal area boundary, a complete legal description suitable to meet statutory requirements, i h�:. � _.�� €�.� g �.t� �_. �z tai lg CIA- �� i s G_ Proposal for Professional Services - Town of Avon Conditions Survey Section ill: Optional Tasks (Conditions Survey and /or Urban Renewal Plan) ask 9n Additional On -Site meetings / Public Participation Program • In- person meetings or presentations to the Town Council or Town staff, other than those identified in the tasks above, have not been included in our lump sum fee amount. If additional in- person meetings are requested by the Town during the course of the conditions survey effort or, if applicable, the urban renewal planning effort, the fee for labor and expenses for those meetings would be invoiced separately at each employee's standard billable hourly rate. Should the Town decide to include a public participation program as part of the conditions survey and /or urban renewal planning projects, which could include activities such as meetings or workshops with members of the public, stakeholder committees, or other groups of government officials and /or citizens, it is expected that a separate Public Participation scope of work be developed with the Town, and a separate fee amount negotiated for that effort. Task 10: Expert Testimony • If necessary, at the request of the Town of Avon or if demanded by summons, appropriate representatives from the Consultant Team will provide expert testimony related to the preparation, methodology and findings of the either the conditions survey or, if applicable, the urban renewal plan. The fee for any labor or expenses associated with expert testimony have not been included in the lump sum project fee and would be invoiced separately at each employee's standard billable hourly rate. Task 11 o Additional Work Items If, during the course of the conditions survey or, if applicable, the urban renewal plan phase of the study, the Consultant Team is asked by the Town of Avon to perform additional work tasks that are not identified in any of the above tasks, or if the Town of Avon is unable to provide electronic (GIS) base map files and /or aerial photography to the Consultant Team that necessitates the Consultant Team to prepare base maps as original work products, the fee for any labor or expenses associated with these additional work items have not been included in the lump sum project fee and would be invoiced separately at each employee's standard billable hourly rate. Proposal for Professional Services - Town of Avon Conditions Survey PROJECT FEES The Lump sum fee to complete the conditions survey for the area within the Town of Avon described in the Request for Proposal is $99,000. This amount includes all tabor and direct expenses necessary to complete Tasks 9 through 3. Please see the Scope of Work section for a complete description of the activities included in these tasks. As noted in the Scope of Work, additional optional work items, if requested by the Town or required for other reasons, would be either negotiated for a lump sum fee at a later date or invoiced at the Consultant Team employee's standard billable hourly rate. Fees would be invoiced monthly to the Town of Avon on a percent - complete basis. z' Ldanli Consulting Proposal for Professional Services — Town of Avon Conditions Survey PROJECT SCHEDULE The estimated project duration is shown below and begins with a Notice to Proceed date established by the Town of Avon. Town of Avon Conditions Survey Qrw -wc-A CAh -A.11n The above schedule does not include the optional Public Participation task which would typically extend the overall project timeline, depending upon the number and frequency of the meetings. Additionally, while a conditions survey is possible during the winter months, it is highly recommended that the field survey be conducted during a time in which the ground and buildings are free of snow and ice. This provides the opportunity to view ground -level elements such as curb, gutter, pavement, sidewalks, landscaping/weeds, litter, etc., as well other elements such as building rooftops, for conditions of blight. Consequently, our recommendation is that the conditions survey occur during the non - Winter months when ground conditions in Avon are likely to be relatively snow -free. IR �. Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Conditions Survey Task 1: Data collection /Base Mapping Task 3; Field Survey Task 3: Documentation and Findings 0 SAN , k : Optional Task 4: Plan Alternatives and Impact Analyses Task 5: Feasibility Testi _ Task 6: Tax Increment Analysis .> Task 7: Urban Renewal Plan 3� _� 4` r; Task 8_ Urban Renewal Area Legal Description The above schedule does not include the optional Public Participation task which would typically extend the overall project timeline, depending upon the number and frequency of the meetings. Additionally, while a conditions survey is possible during the winter months, it is highly recommended that the field survey be conducted during a time in which the ground and buildings are free of snow and ice. This provides the opportunity to view ground -level elements such as curb, gutter, pavement, sidewalks, landscaping/weeds, litter, etc., as well other elements such as building rooftops, for conditions of blight. Consequently, our recommendation is that the conditions survey occur during the non - Winter months when ground conditions in Avon are likely to be relatively snow -free. IR �. Proposal for Professional Services - Town of Avon Conditions Survey QUALIFICATIONS AND REFERENCES The members of the Matrix and Leland team have worked together on numerous occasions on projects similar to this one and have a tong- standing positive and complementary working relationship with each other. Together, our two companies are well suited to successfully complete the Avon Conditions Survey and, if applicable, Urban Renewal Plan. Matrix Design Group offers extensive experience in Colorado in conducting conditions surveys, and provides significant expertise in land use, urban redevelopment, site, and community planning. Leland Consulting Group offers unmatched experience in market and economic analysis and forecasting, tax increment analysis and impacts, and urban renewal plan development. Both firms share a strong background in successful public engagement. The proposed conditions survey and potential urban renewal plan study require a combination of skills and expertise which is exactly the combined strengths of Matrix and Leland. The Matrix team is led by urban planner and project manager Ken Schroeppel, who has conducted and managed over a dozen Condition Surveys in the past five years. These include: • Vail Lionshead Reinvestment Study Vail Parcels P3 a J Reinvestment Study • Vail Crossroads Reinvestment Study • Steamboat Springs Base Area Reinvestment Study • Lakewood Colfax Reinvestment Conditions Survey Denver Gates /Cherokee Blight Study • Denver Lowenstein Theater Blight Study • Loveland Sugar Factory Reinvestment Study Westminster South Sheridan Reinvestment Study • Windsor Main Street Conditions Survey The Leland team is led by principal Anne Ricker, who has conducted and managed dozens of Urban Renewal Plan development efforts. These include: • Glendale City -Wide Urban Renewal Plan • Colorado Springs Gold Hill Mesa Urban Renewal Plan Colorado Springs Southwest Downtown Urban Renewal Plan • Colorado Springs Transit Block Urban Renewal Plan Thornton North Washington Corridor Urban Renewal Plan • Denver Northeast Park Hill Redevelopment Analysis r Pueblo Downtown Riverfront Investment Strategy • Bremerton Washington Waterfront /CBD Revitalization Strategy • Louisville Highway 42 Revitalization Urban Renewal Plan Windsor Main Street Urban Renewal Plan Leland con-slutir, GroJo V k� I Proposal for Professional Services - Town of Avon Conditions Survey The following sheets provide additional information about Matrix Design Group and Leland Consulting Group, as well as the resumes for Ken Schroeppel and Anne Ricker. Please contact the following references for Ken, Anne, and their respective firms: Ken 5chroeppel /Matrix Design Group: Tracy Huggins Executive Director, Denver Urban Renewal Authority 1555 California St., #200 Denver, CO 80202 303 -534 -3872 Russell Forrest Director, Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970 - 479 -2146 Rebecca Clark Director, City of Lakewood Community Planning and Development 480 South Allison Parkway Lakewood, CO 80226 303 -987 -7525 Anne Ricker /Leland Consulting Group: Jim Rees City Development Group / Urban Projects City of Colorado Springs 6 North Tejon Street, Suite 200 Colorado Springs, Colorado 719 -578 -6831 Bob Simpson Director, Community Ft Economic Development City of Englewood 1000 Englewood Parkway Englewood, Colorado 303 - 762 -2318 Heather Balser Assistant City Manager for Governmental Relations City of Louisville 749 Main Street Louisville, Colorado 303- 335 -4530 n. Matrix Design Matrix is a full service, multi - disciplined engineering, planning,and environmental sciences consulting firm with specialized expertise in transportation, water resources, and municipal engineering. We take a "value- added" approach, where problem solving and client service are the focus. Based on this approach, Matrix has grown in size and scope since its inception in 1999. Our core services include: • Program Management • Infrastructure Master Planning • Land Development • Water Resources Planning and Design • Utility Planning and Design • Multimodal Transportation Planning • Roadway and Bridge Design Traffic Engineering and Operations Analysis • Environmental Management and Remediation • Urban Planning We also have expertise in surveying, Geographic Information Systems, land surveying, construction management, capital improvement programming, and financial modeling. This blend of resources allows us to bring technical expertise to virtually every aspect of today's planning and engineering project. Matrix has strong working relationships with municipal and public sector clients throughout the Front Range. Over the last five years, we have been involved in a variety of high profile projects, including the Fitzsimons Redevelopment in Aurora, the Stapleton Redevelopment in Denver, the Larkridge Development in Thornton, and the Prairie Gateway Development in Commerce City. In all of these projects, we have operated as an extension of city staff during the planning, design, and construction of both on -site and off -site infrastructure facilities. We have also completed a wide range of planning and engineering assignments for Colorado Springs, Denver, Commerce City, and 1 Castle Rock. Matrix brings a commitment to excellence to every project. We use our diverse multidisciplinary staff to create functional, attractive, and maintainable design solutions that are responsive to our clients` needs, visions, and budgets. Our professional staff combine advanced technology with proven traditional design methods to provide optimal plans and design solutions. Innovative planning and design, coupled with state - of- the - practice management capabilities, are the hallmarks of Matrix's professional practice. Point of Contact Mr. John Blanchard, PE, President Matrix Design Group, Inc. 1601 Blake Street, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303.572.0200 Fax., 303.572.0202 www rnatrixciesigngroup.corn won Denver, CO Matrix's President, Urban Planners, Transportation Engineers, Civil Engineers, Project Managers, Senior Designers, GIS Analysts, Managers and Specialists, Environmental Staff and support staff Colorado Springs, CO Matrix's CEO, Transportation Engineers, Project Engineers, Project Managers, Bridge Group Management, CAD Designers, Structural Engineers (including the Structural Engineering Director,) Project Surveyors, Senior Designers, Senior Inspectors and support staff Anniston, AL Environmental Engineers Atlanta, GA Environmental Engineer El Paso, TX Project Engineer Phoenix, AZ VP, Project Engineer, Support Staff Sacramento, CA VP, Support Staff Washington, DC Director of DOD Services LELAND CONSULTING GROUP elping clients succeed. Thac's the guiding principle behind Leland Consulting Group, a consulting firm dedicated to providing the best in client service. What began as a real estate consulting practice has come to include a wider range of strategy, financial, and management services as principals with varied backgroc €n.ds .have joined the firr..u. Our core focus remains____T,eland Consulting Group continues to focus on enhancing opportunities, solving problems, reducing risk and adding value_ Leland Consulting Group provides the following services: • Market research • Public /Private. partnership strategies • Due diligence • Feasibility analysis • Economic and environmental impact analysis • Site selection and purchase negotiations • Market and Trnplernentation strategies • Project management for development • Development strategies and programming • Economic development • Public approvals • Deal structuring Leland Consulting Group, Veal Fstate Strategists, is a regional firm with offices in Portland, Oregon, Denver, Colorado and San Diego, California. The group is comprised of urban economists, real estate n"rarket analysts, planning and development advisors and project nia.nager5 who specialize in analyzing rnarket and economic factors that affect public: and private sector development. Our business objective is to bring a high level of reality and practical experience to our assignments. We accomplish this through extensive cross - training in market research, economic analysis and development. The firm and its principals have completed more than 3,000 real estate and economic consulting assignments for public and private sector organizations. This industry exposure has built a rich base from which to draw focused experience that is thoughtfully applied to each project. I ELAND COMSULTINGGROUP Scope o ' _xp,,!rjer7f- ILeland Consulting Group has significant real estate advisory experience with the following types of real estate: I lousing: Single - Family Detached Single - Family Attached Garden Ap rrtnrei�ts Lori: -Rise, High Density Condominiums I Row Houses Second Hornc5 & Resorts Lott Housing Strbdh4sions Senior & Low - income Housing Mcrhile Home .Parks Traditional Neighborhood Development Mixed-Use (Housing) I()flice- Conrnrerciaf; Low -Rise Suburhan Offices Mid -Rise Suburban Offices High-Rise Urban Of ktn Business /Office Parks Modic,�rl/Dentol Offices Condorniniurn Offices iIndustrial: Single -User Industrial Facilities Light Industrial Perks Ilea vy Indusi rial Parks '1 ethnology Parks Corporate Industrial/Office Parks Warehouse & Distrihuifon farilities Flex Office RESOURCES Tourism. Resorts and Recreational- Hotels & Motels Golf Courses & Country Clubs Destination Resorts Athletic Clubs Convention Centers Performing Arts Centers Ski Resorts Civic Centers Tourisin Development Plans Retail - Commercial Single --Use Retail Sites Neighborhood Centers Conrrzrun! y ['enters Regional Centers Specialty Centers Recreation Retail Centi al Area Retail Institutional/Joint Development: Colleges & Universities Cultural Centers Civic Centers Perks & Open Space Economic Dorlopoienr :Senior &- Low - Income Housing Neighborhood Revitalization Implementation Strategies Transit Station Area Planning Leland Consulting Group may operate independently on a consulting engagement, participate as part of a project team, or assemble and lead a team when responding to a client's needs_ Leland Consulting Group maintains ongoing professional associations with other real estate advisory firms in major cities. f fence, the firm has the capability to respond to assignments throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Pacific Rini. This network of professional associates includes architects and landscape architects; engineers (civil, structural, mechanical, soils, etc.); environmental consultants; appraisers: lenders and investors: attorneys; accountants; real esl.ate brokers; advertising and public; relations specialists and other members Of the greater development corrimuriity_ Most of these relationships have developed over many years; however, new and valuable relationships form each year. Each project assignment is a unique and challenging situation deserving the best talents and experience available, Therefore, each team is handpicked to respond appropriately to the project mission and its objectives, "f "I t<' St:v'reg_"sn5 Page 2 of M Ken Schroappel, AICP urban Planner AREAS OF EXPERASE Siie and Faf illty UvLl'n Piannailo ar'c: JINQ swdks wd Uwas RIWWA TrRnn F*@ rw i rig Data IEDUCATICIN Master 0, Drban & Regional Planning, unive, "KY of "0.00 '4da M'nvow, 2000 Bs B "�ineF'57 R-rr�s st�aa Univers�ty' 1985 MWESSBNAL REr7�STRA7t-lONSr'AFFILIA:$ -IOt-JS Arnt�i-�Can �nstitut8 of Certiflwd pia Me- MUM insmute Urban Land MAN AmeFican P«nr, Pg A5;o't7'C'ad':nI Gfjkl�:;do C'wlm�mft'y Assodadon interniiiiQ-im; ocwnlowr, AsjGmi�qiw-, PROFESSENAL MS TORY fi oas:q�l Gi'�)L�pj drb'��ja Kanner 12N-5 tQ Prel! en() ORS Vii: nnoral3 c-,- f 2WO to 2005) MCKESSONAL SUNINIARY Mr- Schroeppe� is an urban pian- ner 'and pnoJect rnanaqeT special - izing in Urban reaevelopm�-m and com"numity Pianning; site and facilly suweys and as-zessm nls: and data collection and snply,;is methodobgies related to land use, transportalion. rnjlP.ary. arid facihiy pianning. He currently is an Ad- junct Instructor at the Universify` of Colorado at Denver ini the Master of Urban and Regional Planning progrn'm and mpeat a,-Ithor and presentor for various pi-q�!;cafions and organizaVoris, He is also the creator and manager of the Den_ ve&fifl.corn website, a ccm-ipFe- hensive assessman' of ail urban re-developmeni projects withPn the gmater DownWwn Denver sea. RFI FVANT FXPPIRP=l`-R"-F- P�ar?niqg Redevc-top ment Mr, Schroeppel isarc�xoijnized exper, in. "-rl'anaq�rlg and in -;onditio.ri sorvFys,!Mght stud- for Mun.j6pili-Lir�S ar-d uwban rwowW aulwitic-s i1hroughout Coiorado, These OcIude the C.611-ax Reinvestment Condi' ions Survey, a coneRions anilysss fcr the ly N' Lakavvood., DO, of over 11.300, paroels al-o4-,,g the ,6ty's We:s� Cfiiifax Avn-nue. Other NmHw MdWs OWN Te Gass Rubber Ccmp'iny Redavek)p- meM Mot My and toe A�- ameda Square Urban Renewad Area Eliot Study for the Denver Urban AuThority; Me )Afestnminster Gamer Reinvestment Study an.d the South Shendan, Reinvestment Study for the City of VVe,,tmbsI,er, C-': the Uorihead Re�rrvestrnent Siudy and Parceis P3 & i Reinvestmant Studly for the mwn, 01 Vafl: 00 '11he ti cigar `' c-- tory Redeveioprnan, B��gM Studly for the City cf Loveland. CO; and llh-:�- Stpqmhr—it Sprimj�� Rise Arc--� Rle�nvestme' Study for the City of Steamboat Springs7 GO, Other types of coma-f-wnity plan- ring experience inciudes the iand use and iderriograpNC. anal ysis on the Grond Prairk), TX Cornpre- hensive Pian, theCanon City, CO Comprehensive Pbn, and the City c)f Centenwia1, GO Comprehensive P�an' Mr. 3c'n roqp, peq's wrridor planning expo: ,ens �-e inbludes the ' -70B C onjdor Optirnizzation Study ii-, G�u�id! OCO "'he I,Aje�d County IVIiYad Use Dave!op- meM PW project ajong the 1-2,5 ,-,or-idbr norM of Denver. ,,Ar, ��cnrceppefs facioty and sim, assessmeM expe-;ence for Pon- nniRary ckents inQlud -- if Den- vsr Federal Cepter ?qlast�-r Plan Update and Erw€ °onaiental lmpac'� Statemen� pfqect ibr the Ge�-ne-ra� Services Adh-,inistraV�x-�, ,P;ith Nlr schroeppe!s role of 7'D buMinqs at `_he Federal Cente�r uncieveloped/underudked ;anW', anaiysis A!so ii the GSA, Mr schroappei Conducted, the i'and ,jue and ire, .-ogra phi c analysis as part of the EPA Region 8 Head- quaNws EnamnrnaMW Assess- writ ir. Qemver CO. Fo,, the PdV'-A"e sec'�r, W sue' hfo&ppe! Maffix Design Gkoup, a Ken rl, AICP Urban Planner Cor umion RON Site Survey, prcdect, a detailed site in pachon and fqc, shy assessmen, G"' o've, rU proposeu Oank iE caVons mi €rye Denver metrjORan amy k4i. Sc hrrjeppei is curfently :A -ork -- to assess 77 bull d€: y an Me, property 'to deteFmine k)ng�wm uHi` ati o issues and ;oi ntial for i; tr structure and tr insportation vv :i i RTO's plarnied l ght RaH Sta- properly, an area being sW bd Uy+ GSA and the fit+; of Lakewood don planning experience €nducjes i%rOif` ant data i -na tage cent a.r,41 oed =s As!�,nssmo a:, sa ; ornpro . dr'vi;rcl-�F be eYa;ii�^.i,'siin of over WOO to process over one r t6 €iron roa way data fields 'or d eveiop= p mile - 2030. stai�,,:s local mad system t�faugh Mr, ,.`rT'h [3ei. pel's irari4ipor.- taflo , %}arming 'tdfirk also includes mayor trans p ortal €on study ral . served as the pubsiic En° =F l errien' pagc task manager. Addit €onsily, Mr. Scrtroappel also i, d %E Ee Al-am rsa OnuS1 Des ki at %Il study par' � 'ry_ the Aiar,,sosa kllobiiity Study Other transpor`a ion ''wa k mduaes re- search and c'?naiysis Oil seVeraa of Pions, as well gnu pro_ €sct nzm2 -ge- mient< data analys €s, and p,.tbiic ;n,volvemeni work on the Denver Bicycic- Master Ran and Denver Pedestrian Master Pia,F projects c ;i)r Elhic vit� and Cou:e {y C:S ;;,- !lre,". use usnaNst for the New Bley�_ ns e"...[ast.'Sv lest Cail'!�� or E i�'I!�5!:(xie!6h! impact `atateryw -mt prole:-t; where he won idu ted the field survey assessment toil, ;i: = ✓oive{ r oin- the phys €ca, i dharaCie-ris?'C:a an elements of each neiglhborhuod C orr 'don, HIS i "i?s a:su pa raifFiie'd a s ! demand d analysis as part of Me SWpWWn Redwelopmall Traffic S' lr; ajl;a.i l e Study and flne POrtatirin StUdy —and i!aRc sphere anaiysk on to DabsTort Worth 4ritorrt ttr rai Airport `aiwdle Bus C =E ti t.r : g �y , r o u i, M `-, Rick r h i e xteII :ve e., Pei'1e ce v ifli ?cal ("*tate market a.(1al his, - (C01'1 01TIiC, st_td.,es R)nd t.0.;mi?niiC for ll.'i is Ifli p7 \ ' e sect =1 Clien!5. As l Sonior Associate if wi{ the i4'i'i��< }s3Ti. -1laco ia'tii Ir €its+f.1., ctt��l�€�3 tiol �t�ofi T�.e'i1nr d team worein.g E., ith die SLIFC. and RCISOJ ttoon Tntist (' 3rporatt +rte iZrC) tc idolttrw -;ol Pions for pyol lcm assets. Si =rice. joining Leland C"oru tul irgg Grt`xt.tp in 3gcjl. %35_ i,ickerha- �t�c' IsFrtll[} s; �t rr� Privateallc� public sector clients 117 ,',v hclatingtltE 't?liJrket,,iUl- Il €iii'iila ( }�?�?C3IiL[ii1?7C vli.dbat:j.crsIf) de-velopment and 4" rc atin gCCkA. san( i to -achieve SwC's_ss. iT1i.i3�` ?, N'R. Ric! er, tog(,,iho eS ith NMI-, Cunningham, upped <d the Ciro; with the t�€ tw rot ficE or f ehind Consultmg C is,up and since has deveinpect "he hr —C reptttado)� as a ie.ade in real estate a vts r 5t tL€ G ;__ the central, Western arid South westertn United _States. As a spLa leer for tfe lntt.matiolial DownLo ii A.s,; ociatioa,l, Ajnericatt 1`11, d;i tiii A .coci ti €rat, and Urban rill Land fn,,;fitute- _V1 " Ri kf r has ilfC'used, on assisliiig urh n ar-d SLl ??I3'1i7 ?..t? ei'tiP1E'.=; with Illi p t'.I11L£'aciC1C?Ii StichYil.l.es l or real estate state 1ec<e4 1 11>r ettt attc e eitat�rxaei;i ara.d f >F'tati is ire org anir_ ,itJons iiataracitat; tools for succo�3stul revitiLZation. Consulting Experience: \-C%iorakjo New M4)wjiilj,Ar(n,,itda,.utah, Oklaho.aia, 3/Vyl.).Tlliilgr Oregon, CC.th or. ha, Texas, t,evji: i n , W'a,. i 5 gtov, and. Niew Yorl -, P"ifhhatio is3 (.,`I'b.an Land bistit tte ir2tC'r c S_tGnal l3C 4�'tlCik4i -ri aS i�J.ii�i,43� C oiorado Co inn miry iieo vitaiizatiovi Assoc i' CC RA) Natitrrtai Trust 'or Historic P c sere zticn: Honors andAkm rdsa Texas C11aptc , Airw?-ican P! a"€"ll ing As,,ociatioll (APA) N(7r ffi C.Entrai..€ exas Council € r' L overnrT e itS %sate of lov,a A Rive !'j,ojeLl international Downtown Association, Presentations: C olozado Chapter, American €'1ttrizyir }� �s5oi °sa io2� Co.aarado C hapter, U t bait Land Institute CO!uradoRe,)Et,atate cartrra[ tl— Lrtntin €isC_iow5voira5Euint Colorado Springs Downtown Leadership 1'reset,t€�r ._t�l. I'Iarraaizz�t��1io Boulder County Realtors As5 +3Ci, iJon Gr eaterDaEi- S CC)M1 i�!.;011 co!vrado S!a5o.€ lvie e's t.ty, t s3.. n i. I t z;,ix Lr i� i xtxas t' is F "'We and its xs ;yi ar 4ab i sx t!,w zurziai . �i ei,i ar l Sssd� St?r 41 €i F. Major Clients Served (Colorado): City of Thor mon, Colorado ,-;ty ,,I commorce ci�y, Colo, sdo C'!fy of City of No,-mgfenn, ralorado Cit-v of G!'pnd,3h.,, Colorado City G,'Brighik?-, 00,10redo Cityon,'Ioveland, Colotado City of Greeley Coicrado Laity of plat!e vhfp, Colorado ot VVC-STMT.,r6ter, Goloradc, & Counly Broomficid, Colorado Cibl of A urora, Colorado City of Awada. Cofo,-ado oify& county of D-onvor. Colorado City of Lakevyood, Colorado 0tyo,'BoWder Coi'oTado �ity of? , w sv.! oYe. Cofomdo ci4,, of I "Orayedc, Color: l© Cfty of Golaor,- Colorado I-ity of poebic., C0I01adq C;fy of Loncn."o;It C010rado city oeF F=ort C0ffir,S, Cofomdo G--I,Iy of carlon City, 00folacto Toom of SQparior Colorado To-w'n of Bem,,ovu, Coforado Town N Elizaboth; Colorado Town oP Of Yof -,, Go 0 rado Cokmdo Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado it of CG?Orado Tow,-, C?r S!Iowfnass Wfagc, Colorado Own Of Steamboat Springs: Colo -Rdo Tbwt� of Del Nofre., Co!orado Gii'y of '-,0f0FaqaSpr1[i q3. I -010 "ado Ciry of Longmvn, , Colorado Ci!y cf Fori C-olbbs, Colorado CitY&POeb"o coiw��do City 0" Graod'Juncrion, Colorado Clay, off,fontrose. Colorado Cify of Paonja. Colmadc, City Q;3dfider cof:orado Weldcaunty, Coim-ado Arapahoe Cc, IPM/. Colorado Elbert Coun?f, Co!oradc PqN-,,n Coun"Y' U01ongdo GUM,",3017 COUIty CDl0i'ZI0V sagaache co"IqV, cah-vado Jefferson Co�,o�y Co?oradc G r-reley-OVe id Econ De voi Fla rinersh;f. Dee- erUd?ap, Rw7eLizalAuthoritv Colcrado -I vgs I-akow,00d Podovefopmen'Aafho!,,,ty oonvor�4ou,�;;flg A"'thalify Boulder Housing Authoriiy Aurora HousinqAathority Regional Rocky AdountainWutual Housing Colorado Spring-s Transit State oiCoforado (3enerai Servhms Admjm= traliron (OSA) SalvationArroy Southern WaIndian Tribe Major Clients Served (Outside Colorado): City c)fDpr3k1,i Tpry3s City of D&Sow, Texas Cif , v of Mansfield, Texas 0 i;y o f Pori I.,'Vo i1h, Tex F, C.'tvo,lPfano. Texas Texss City of Richland Hills, Tex-cis ci?Y or P40"17 'R'i"-wara Hf;fs, Teas Cry of Abler',, T,xas CitV-,NvffdIandI. Texas -Iexas Dallas A Yea Ravid Transit (DART) Texas Toch Um:vorsft-v Texas Greater Grpens;,,)oint Reduce' AU"Or"ry Cor� us Ct osh'D T Wimp P,-, ,rear District Downtown LincoO Association City of Texa' -kana, A rki�msa,, Fort MrOplian, Alabama Okijho,ma City, Okiahof na clip&�n; Oklahoma TooE�ieArmyDp,pnf. U.Iih 0ity of St. Gcorgo, Utah County Allontana Lincoln Coonty. MonfanP, Cifyof Faim,13prings. California Jowa city of Csxqar.qapjols., k" �va Moines Do•nfolvn Pall nership State of Nevaoa meddletr"), 'Idaho f31 2pri cps, ev"issobri Brookyri Faih, IV;rnesu,'a Lawropce Couriby. -Somh Dekota S,-Q p i'? rp "Vp V" Up ylC Los Alamos. City of Gresham, Ore.gon C"r,"Y of TlaWlinr, oreco-017 City of lon't'and. orE•Gu, i Cifyoj'Bcavotlop. orogor. City ot Medford, Dragon City at Coos Bay Oregon of LakO OSIAIO�,-C, Oi-090r.' PoTlfatid Devaioigm.ent Commission Kitsap City of rederal Vvay. Washington Cdy of Boi,5a. Idailo Major Private Sector Clients: 011age Homes Terrabs-ook Nfew'a,od Com-no, igr Pub6c Service cornp any' Ni •oaay' As soGiaflur,, uffivaikw4i Gob Mil Pips a Af c ra-, Disric! Mat-ksheffelPoad hielro 12011 Intel- change ?v!Gtro Dhrfcl MidGifies Metro District Sf. Lukos tvTarnt Trance 0isfrici Tqrry Erwin, Propesties Dvpont Corporation L,I�e,bridge Chn'stiar, Cmird? Mcnig gomery Finns Je-03er) F817)iYY LRPO 7fLsr Briallgat& Raytheon Co?.porn-Ition Verde pegity Legacy Pa&yc!. 5 Cfphufn Wlago L1-� PropPrN;Iisl V,iazee Wire Wo, ks