TC Res. No. 2014-03 Adopting Simplified Rules of Order for Town of Avon Council MeetingsTOWN OF AVON
Series of 2014
WHEREAS, Section 5.1 of the Avon Charter states, "The Council shall determine the rules
of procedure governing meetings." and
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council finds that adoption of Simplified Rules of Order will
promote meeting efficiency as well as promote the understanding and transparency of Council
meeting procedures for the general public;
TOWN OF AVON, that the Simplified r attached hereto as Exhibit A are hereby
ADOPTED JANUARY 28, 2014. S E A 1,
odd Goul i g, or Pro Tem
Resolution 14 -03 Adopting Simplified Rules of Order
January 28, 2014
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Attest. mot, c
Pat c enn n Clerk
Avon Town Council
Simplified Rules of Order
These Simplified Rules of Order establish rules and procedures for Avon Town Council
meetings. The intent is to set forth simplified rules which are readily accessible and usable by
the Avon Town Council members and understandable by the general public. The provisions of
the Home Rule Charter, the Avon Municipal Code, or any ordinance adopted by the Avon Town
Council shall govern and apply in the event there is any conflict with these Simplified Rules of
Order. Unless otherwise indicated, any reference to "Mayor" shall also mean the "Mayor Pro -
Tem" or "Acting Mayor" in the absence of the Mayor, as set forth in the Avon Home Rule
I. Standards of Conduct for Avon Town Meetings: The Avon Town Council finds that
the foundation of municipal democracy rests on open, respectful and informed discussion and
debate balanced with the necessary efficiency required to take action in the public interest.
Reasonable persons will often disagree on many public matters which arise before elected and
appointed officials. The process of discussion and debate is essential to the ability of elected and
appointed officials to render the best decisions possible for the Avon community. The following
standards of conduct are considered the minimum standards for elected and appointed officials.
A. Elected and appointed officials shall conduct themselves in a mature manner that is
becoming of public officials, shall respect one another and shall respect members of the
B. Elected and appointed officials shall refrain from profanity, rude behavior or personal attacks
and shall promptly apologize to both the board and the recipient of any such behavior in the
event of a temporary lapse of appropriate behavior.
C. The Mayor shall be responsible for maintaining civility, decorum and order throughout the
II. Mayor: Every meeting of the Avon Town Council shall be presided over by the Mayor.
If the Mayor is absent the Mayor Pro -Tem shall preside over the meeting. If the Mayor has a
conflict of interest on a matter then the Mayor Pro -Tem shall preside over the meeting for such
matter. If the Mayor and Mayor Pro -Tem are absent, or if they both have conflict of interest on
a matter, then a quorum of Council members shall appoint an Acting Mayor by motion who shall
then preside over the meeting or shall preside over such matter for which the Mayor and Mayor
Pro -Tem have conflict of interest. The Mayor shall strive to moderate Council meetings with
impartiality, shall strive to allow input from all other Council members on matters before
expressing his or her opinion, and shall refrain from making a motion or seconding a motion
until it is apparent that no other member of the Council will do so.
III. Agendas: The following rules and procedures shall apply to agendas:
A. The Mayor shall determine the agenda in consultation with the Town Manager. The Town
Council may direct items to be included on an agenda. Individual Council members may
contact the Mayor to request inclusion of a matter on an agenda. The Mayor shall consult
with the Town Manager and exercise discretion to determine if the matter should be
included on the agenda as a discussion item or an action item.
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B. After roll call, the Council shall approve the agenda by motion by a majority of the quorum
present with any additions or deletions Council deems appropriate.
C. The Council may take action by motion at any time during a meeting to schedule
discussion or action items on a future agenda which shall be scheduled by Town Staff.
D. Noticing for action items and public hearings shall be in accordance with applicable law.
IV. Motions: All official Town Council actions are initiated by motion. These following
rules and procedures apply to motions. There are two basic motions: action motions and
procedural motions. Only one action motion may be on the floor at a time. A procedural motion
may be proposed, discussed and acted upon when an action motion is on the floor or at any other
A. Basic Motion: The basic motion to take action is stated as, "I move to ...." Every
motion requires a second. Once a motion is made no further discussion can continue until a
second is made to support the motion.
B. Discussion: All Council members have the right to discuss the motion on the floor.
Discussion cannot be concluded unless (1) all Council members present consent or (2) a
majority of Council members present approve a procedural motion to "Call the Question"
and end debate.
C. Withdraw a Motion: The maker of a motion may choose to withdraw the motion at any
time prior to the vote on the motion and may interrupt a speaker to withdraw the motion
and consent of the Council member who seconded the motion is not required. The motion
is immediately withdrawn; however, the Mayor may then ask the Council member who
seconded the withdrawn motion and any other Council member if such Council member
wishes to make the motion.
D. Amendment to Motion: Any Council member may request an amendment to a pending
motion. The maker of the pending motion and Council member who seconded the motion
must consent to the proposed amendment. Any Council member may also propose a
substitute motion to a pending motion which also requires consent of the maker of the
pending motion and the Council member who seconded the pending motion.
E. Procedural Motion: A procedural motion may be made at any time and may impose or
modify any procedural rule provided that such procedure is not in conflict with the Avon
Home Rule Charter, any ordinance adopted by the Town, or any applicable state law.
Procedural motions require a majority vote of the quorum present.
F. Motion to Call the Question or End the Discussion: A motion to "call the question"
(also known as a motion to end the discussion) is a procedural motion to end debate and
discussion. A motion to call the question cannot be made until each Council member has
had at least one reasonable opportunity to ask questions and express his or her opinion on
the matter. Once a motion to call the question is made and seconded, it shall be the
Mayor's discretion to allow any further discussion on such procedural motion for the
purpose of clarifying any technical, procedural or legal issue related to the procedural
motion. A motion to call the question requires a majority vote of the quorum present.
Once a motion to call the question is approved, the pending action motion on the floor must
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be voted upon promptly or, if no action motion is pending, the Mayor shall proceed to the
next agenda item.
G. Motion to Continue: A motion to continue an agenda item must include a specific future
Council meeting date, time and place for the continued matter to be considered again
without re- noticing a required public hearing.
H. Motion to Table: A motion to table places the agenda item on hold and does not require a
specific time for the return of the agenda item.
I. Motion to Suspend Rules: A motion to suspend rules may allow suspension of any rule in
this Simplified Rule of Order. Such motion may be made and requires a supermajority
vote of a majority of the quorum present plus one for approval. A motion to suspend rules
may not supersede the procedural requirements of the Avon Home Rule Charter, any
ordinance adopted by the Town, or any applicable state law.
J. A Motion to Reconsider: A Motion to Reconsider allows the Council to reconsider a vote
on a matter. A Motion to Reconsider may only be made and considered if made and acted
upon less than twenty -eight (28) days after the date of the Council action to be reconsidered
and may be made only by a member of Council who voted in the majority on the motion
which is proposed for reconsideration.
V. Meeting Conduct
A. Point of Privilege: A Council member may interrupt the speaker to raise a matter related
to the comfort of the meeting, such as room temperature, distractions, or ability to hear
B. Point of Order: A Council member may raise a Point of Order at any time that the Mayor
permits meeting conduct which does not follow these Simplified Rules of Order or
otherwise fails to maintain civility and decorum by the Council and the general public.
C. Appeal: A Council member may move to appeal the ruling of the Mayor on any
procedural matter or other decision related to the conduct of the meeting. If the motion is
seconded and, after debate, it such motion passes by a simple majority vote of the quorum
present, then the ruling or conduct of the Mayor shall be overruled and reversed.
D. Call for Orders of the Day: A Council member may call for Orders of the Day when such
Council member believes that Council discussion has strayed from the agenda. No second
or vote is required. If the Mayor does not return to the agenda, then such ruling may be
E. Adjournment: The Mayor may announce the meeting adjourned when there are no further
items on the agenda which have not been addressed. The Council may adjourn a meeting
at any time by motion, second and approval by a majority of the quorum present.
VI. Public Comments: Council agendas shall include a general item labeled "Public
Comment" near the beginning of all Council meetings. Members of the public who wish to
provide comments to Council greater than three minutes are encouraged to schedule time in
advance on the agenda and to provide written comments and other appropriate materials to the
Council in advance of the Council meeting. The Mayor may permit public comments during any
agenda item provided that such invitation does not hinder the ability of Council to conduct
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official Town business in an efficient manner. For matters which may involve substantial public
comment by numerous members of the public, the Mayor or Council may propose limiting
public comment to no less than 3 minutes per individual, which limitation on public comment
must be approved by a majority of the quorum present.
VII. Public Hearing: The following general rules shall apply to the order and conduct of
public hearings. These rules may be modified or suspended by Motion to Suspend Rules.
A. The Mayor shall open the public hearing by announcing the topic of the agenda item. The
Mayor shall at all times during public hearings strive to maintain civility, decorum and
B. The Mayor and/or appropriate Town Staff person shall introduce the topic, explain the
applicable procedures and laws, and provide any presentation by the Town.
C. The applicant, licensee or appellant shall have the opportunity to present information,
provide testimony, or respond to any comments or details in the Town's presentation.
D. The Council shall have the opportunity to ask technical questions of the appropriate Town
staff, Town officials and the applicant, licensee or appellant but Council members shall not
express opinions on the matter prior to opening the public hearing for public comment.
E. The Mayor shall officially open the public hearing for public comment and shall allow for
members of the public to provide comment to the Council. The Council may approve a
time limitation not less than 3 minutes for individual public comment and may approve
sign -up sheets or other public comment procedures to promote order and efficiency by a
majority vote of the quorum present provided that individuals shall be permitted to yield
his or her public comment time to another speaker. After all public comments are received,
or if the Council determines that the volume of public comments requires additional time
and moves to continue the public hearing, the Mayor shall close the public comment
portion of the public hearing.
F. The Council may discuss the merits of the topic of the public hearing and take such action
as deemed appropriate after the public comment portion of the public hearing is concluded.
If the volume of public comments requires a continuation, if additional information is
required to consider the public hearing matter, or if the Council determines that additional
time is warranted to consider the matter of the public hearing, the Council may continue the
public hearing to a later date and may re -open the public comment portion of the public
hearing at any continued public hearing.
VIII. Executive Sessions: Council may convene into executive session at any time by the
affirmative vote of 2 /3rds of the quorum present and by announcing the specific statutory citation
and purpose of the executive session in accordance with the Colorado Open Meetings Law, CRS
§24 -6- 402(4). The Council is not permitted to take official, final action on any matter in
executive session.
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