TC Agenda 12-06-2012 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO ANCMOM VON EW OUNCIL EMBER RIENTATION EETING T,D6,20124:30PM HURSDAY ECEMBER AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET th A. Mayor Comments: Overview of Topics for December 6 Session & Subsequent Session(s) B. Meeting Topics: 1. Roles & Responsibilities: Mayor, Council, Town Attorney, Town Manager 2. Communication: Among Council  Colorado Sunshine Laws o Open and Transparent Government o Avon Code of Ethics/Standards of Conduct o With the Mayor  With the Town Attorney  With Town Manager & staff  Email and Social Media  3. Council Meeting Procedures Agenda development  Packet materials  At the Meeting  Work Sessions o Liquor Licensing Authority o Regular Sessions o Executive Sessions o Motions and Voting o Public Hearings  Resolutions  Ordinances  4. Budget Implementation 5. Citizen Comments, Ideas, Concerns – Intake and Response C. Topics: Subsequent Session(s) - to be scheduled and reviewed at a later date 1. Governing Laws: Town of Avon  Home Rule Authority- Home Rule Charter o Avon Municipal Code o State of Colorado  Colorado Open Records Act o Gift Reporting o TABOR – Taxation and Revenues o 2. Additional Council Roles & Responsibilities: Urban Renewal Authority  Oversight of Metropolitan Districts  Regional relationships & Committees  3. Public Official Liability Colorado Immunity Act  Federal Civil Rights Violations  4. Quasi-Judicial review/action versus Legislative or Administrative actions