TC Agenda 08-28-2012 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO AWSMTA28,2012 VON ORK ESSION EETING FOR UESDAY UGUST MB3PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET PO RESIDING FFICIALS M RC AYORICH ARROLL MPT KF AYOR RO EMRISTI ERRARO C DD,CE,TG OUNCILORSAVE ANTAS HRIS VANS ODD OULDING AP,A“B”R,J. MY HILLIPS LBERT UZ EYNOLDS R TS OWN TAFF TA:EH ATM:PMK DTC:CM OWN TTORNEY RIC EILCTING OWN ANAGER ATTY CENNY EPUTY OWN LERK ATHERINE YTHEN AWSMES LL ORK ESSION EETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT XECUTIVE ESSIONS C;PMN.2 OMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME LEASE TELL THE AYOR YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK UNDER O BELOW E, STIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PA’,://.., LEASE VIEW VONS WEBSITE HTTPWWWAVONORG FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AATHRC,AB,AL GENDAS ARE POSTED AT VON OWN ALL AND ECREATION ENTER LPINE ANK AND VON IBRARY TATCT HE VON OWN OUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH UESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH 3:00PM–4:30PM 1. ES XECUTIVE ESSION a.Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24-6-402(4)(b) related to the pending litigation with Traer Creek LLC and Traer Creek Metropolitan District b.Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of discussing the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of a real property interest pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24-6402(4)(a), for the purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24-6- 402(4)(b) related to Promissory Note and Second Deed of Trust Documents c.Meet with Town Attorney for Personnel Matters pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24- 6-402-(4)(f) and determination of positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, development of strategy for negotiations and instruction of negotiations pursuant C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) for purposes of discussing the Town Manager Employment Agreement 4:30PM–4:30PM 2. I NQUIRY OF THE PUBLIC FOR COMMENT AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4:30PM–5:30PM 3. B2012–2013 UDGET a.Council’s Goals & Objectives (Rich Carroll, Mayor) Identify goals & objectives for 2013 budget b.Public Works Programs (Parks, Facilities, Road & Bridge) (Jenny Strehler, Director PW&T) Review department program accomplishments and projections for 2013 c.Public Works Update on Ditch Maintenance (Jenny Strehler, Director PW&T) Review status of ditch maintenance for private property 5:30 PM 4. A DJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting.12.08.28.doc Page 1 of 5 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO AURAMT,A282012 VON RBAN ENEWAL UTHORITY EETING FOR UESDAY UGUST MB5:30PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET PO RESIDING FFICIALS C RC HAIRMANICH ARROLL VC KF ICE HAIRMANRISTI ERRARO C RC,CE,DD OMMISSIONERSICHARD ARROLL HRIS VANS AVE ANTAS TGAP,A“B”R,J. ODD OULDING MY HILLIPS LBERT UZ EYNOLDS R S TAFF ED/S:LB A:EH XECUTIVE IRECTOR ECRETARY ARRY ROOKSTTORNEY RIC EIL T:SW AC:PMK REASURER COTT RIGHT UTHORITY LERK ATTY CENNY AURMES LL RBAN ENEWAL EETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT XECUTIVE ESSIONS CPH OMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING UBLIC EARINGS PA’,://.., LEASE VIEW VONS WEBSITE HTTPWWWAVONORG FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AAMR,AB,AL GENDAS ARE POSTED AT VON UNICIPAL BUILDING AND ECREATION CENTER LPINE ANK AND VON IBRARY 1.RC OLL ALL 2.IPCAA NQUIRY OF THE UBLIC FOR OMMENT AND PPROVAL OF GENDA 3.NB EW USINESS a.Update on Status of Mall Improvements (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) Request for Council Direction on 2012 Mall Improvement Project in light of proposed development of Lot 61 in 2013 and 2014 4.A DJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting.12.08.28.doc Page 2 of 5 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO ALLAMT,A28,2012 VON IQUOR ICENSING UTHORITY EETING FOR UESDAY UGUST MB5:45PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET PO RESIDING FFICIALS C RC HAIRMANICH ARROLL VC KF ICE HAIRMANRISTI ERRARO BM DD,CE,TG OARD EMBERSAVE ANTAS HRIS VANS ODD OULDING AP,A“B”R,J. MY HILLIPS LBERT UZ EYNOLDS R TS OWN TAFF TA:EH ATM:PMK DTC:CM OWN TTORNEY RIC EILCTING OWN ANAGER ATTY CENNY EPUTY OWN LERK ATHERINE YTHEN ALBMES LL IQUOR OARD EETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT XECUTIVE ESSIONS CPH OMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING UBLIC EARINGS PA’,://.., LEASE VIEW VONS WEBSITE HTTPWWWAVONORG FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AATHR,AB,AL GENDAS ARE POSTED AT VON OWN ALL AND ECREATION CENTER LPINE ANK AND VON IBRARY 1.RC OLL ALL 2.IPCAA NQUIRY OF THE UBLIC FOR OMMENT AND PPROVAL OF GENDA 3.RLL ENEWAL IQUOR ICENSES a.Applicant: Chair Four LLC d/b/a VIN 48 Address: 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Manager: Colin Baugh Type: Hotel Restaurant Liquor License b. Applicant: Dillon Companies, Inc. d/b/a City Market # 26 Address: 260 Beaver Creek Place Manager: Jeff Gentilini Type: 3.2% Beer Retail Liquor License c. Applicant: Suncor Energy Sales Inc. d/b/a Shell Address: 46 Nottingham Road Manager: Anakut Loya Type: 3.2% Beer Retail Liquor License d. Applicant: Krusen Inc. d/b/a Avon Liquors Address: 100 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Manager: Brian Kruse Type: Retail Liquor Store License 4.CA: ONSENT GENDA a.Minutes from July 24, 2012 5.A DJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting.12.08.28.doc Page 3 of 5 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO ARMT,A28,2012 VON EGULAR EETING FOR UESDAY UGUST MB6PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET PO RESIDING FFICIALS M RC AYORICH ARROLL MPT KF AYOR RO EMRISTI ERRARO C DD,CE,TG OUNCILORSAVE ANTAS HRIS VANS ODD OULDING AP,A“B”R,J. MY HILLIPS LBERT UZ EYNOLDS R TS OWN TAFF TA:EH ATM:PMK DTC:CM OWN TTORNEY RIC EILCTING OWN ANAGER ATTY CENNY EPUTY OWN LERK ATHERINE YTHEN ARMES LL EGULAR EETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT XECUTIVE ESSIONS CCCIPH OMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING ITIZEN AND OMMUNITY NPUT AND UBLIC EARINGS PA’,://.., LEASE VIEW VONS WEBSITE HTTPWWWAVONORG FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AATHR,AB,AL GENDAS ARE POSTED AT VON OWN ALL AND ECREATION CENTER LPINE ANK AND VON IBRARY TATCT HE VON OWN OUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH UESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH 1.CORC ALL TO RDER AND OLL ALL 2.AA PPROVAL OF GENDA 3.C&CI OMMUNITY ITIZEN NPUT a.Vail Valley Partnership Update (Chris Romer, Executive Director) Review VVP programming updates b.USFS Multi Party Land Exchange ( Toby Sprunk, Executive Director, OSAC) Review status and public hearing dates for land exchange c.Entrepreneurs BaseCamp (John Horan-Kates, Vail Leadership Institute) Review programming for the Entrepreneurs BaseCamp 4.CSU OUNCIL AND TAFF PDATES a.Avon Police Department Awards (Tom Deland, Broomfield Police Chief) 1.Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Executive Certification to Police Chief Bob Ticer 2.Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police State Accreditation to Avon Police Department b.Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency Awards (Patty McKenny, Acting Town Manager) 1. CIRSA’s Safety Manager of the Year to Meryl Jacobs 2.CIRSA’s Loss Control Recognition to Town of Avon c.Metcalf Road Drainage Improvements Road Closure Update (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) Review proposal for reducing construction timeline on Metcalf Road Drainage Project d.Beaver Creek Update (Todd Goulding, Councilor) Review meeting update e.Financial Matters (Finance Department) Report only f.American Cancer Center Relay for Life Special Event Update (Danita Chirichillo, Special Event Supervisor) Update on event’s related noise level readings / Memo only 5. CA ONSENT GENDA a. Minutes from August 14, 2012 b. Town Manager Employment Agreement with Virginia Egger (Eric Heil, Town Attorney) Approval of Employment Agreement with new Town Manager Avon Council Meeting.12.08.28.doc Page 4 of 5 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO ARMT,A28,2012 VON EGULAR EETING FOR UESDAY UGUST MB6PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET 6. R ESOLUTIONS a. Resolution No. 12-10, Series of 2012, Resolution to Amend the 2012 Town of Avon Affordable Housing Fund Budget (Scott Wright, Finance Director) Budget amendment that addresses funding housing down payment assistance request submitted by Police Officer Randy Gray 1. Housing Down Payment Assistance Program Discussion (Rich Carroll, Mayor) Review program guidelines b.Resolution No. 12-11, Series of 2012 Resolution Approving Underground Right-of-Way Easement Agreement with Holy Cross Energy for the Provision of Underground Facilities on Lots 1a and 1b, Resubdivision of Lot 1, Swift Gulch Addition, Avon, Colorado (Jim Horsley, Engineer I) 7. DRC,ARADA(9) ISCUSSION AND EVIEW OF ONSOLIDATED MENDED AND ESTATED NNEXATION AND EVELOPMENT GREEMENT V TCMDTCLLCR WITH RAER REEK ETROPOLITAN ISTRICT AND RAER REEK EPRESENTATIVES V(A)MTAW.. ILLAGE AT VON APPLICATION ATERIALS CAN BE FOUND ON THE OWN OF VON EBSITE AT WWWAVONORG Discussion topics may include ancillary and exhibit documents and all articles of the CARADA document 8. NB EW USINESS 9. O RDINANCES 10. TMR OWN ANAGER EPORT 11. TAR OWN TTORNEY EPORT 12. MCR AYOR AND OUNCIL EPORTS a. Future Agenda Items 13. A DJOURNMENT FCAD&PT: UTURE OUNCIL GENDA ATES ROPOSED OPICS th September 5 : Special Council Meeting 5:30 PM Village at Avon (CARADA Document) thst September 11 : Regular Council Meeting 5:30 PM (Public Hearing on Final PUD & 1 Reading of Ordinance approving CARADA & PUD Guide and other action related to implementation of Settlement Term Sheet th September 19 : Special Council Meeting 5:30 PM Village at Avon th September 25 : Regular Council Meeting 5:30 PM th September 26 : Special Council Meeting 5:30 PM Village at Avon Avon Council Meeting.12.08.28.doc Page 5 of 5