TC Agenda 12-13-2011 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO WSMT,D13,2011 ORK ESSION EETING FOR UESDAY ECEMBER MB3:30PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET PO RESIDING FFICIALS M RC AYORICH ARROLL MPT KF AYOR RO EMRISTI ERRARO C DD,CE,TG OUNCILORSAVE ANTAS HRIS VANS ODD OULDING AP,A“B”R,J. MY HILLIPS LBERT UZ EYNOLDS R R EV TS OWN TAFF TA:EH TM:LB TC:PMK OWN TTORNEY RIC EILOWN ANAGER ARRY ROOKS OWN LERK ATTY CENNY AWSMES LL ORK ESSION EETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT XECUTIVE ESSIONS C;PMN.2 OMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME LEASE TELL THE AYOR YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK UNDER O BELOW E, STIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PA’,://.., LEASE VIEW VONS WEBSITE HTTPWWWAVONORG FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AATHRC,AB,AL GENDAS ARE POSTED AT VON OWN ALL AND ECREATION ENTER LPINE ANK AND VON IBRARY TATCT HE VON OWN OUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH UESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM 1. ES XECUTIVE ESSION a.Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24-6-402(4)(b) regarding Eagle County School District public records request b.Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24-6-402(4)(b) regarding federal grant funding requirements for Swift Gulch Transit Project c.Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24-6-402(4)(b) regarding Town Code of Ethics 4:15 PM 2. IPCAA NQUIRY OF THE UBLIC FOR OMMENT AND PPROVAL OF GENDA 4:15PM–4:30PM 3. C&SU OUNCIL TAFF PDATES a.Open Space Advisory Committee Update (Rich Carroll, Mayor) b.“Skier Express” Transit Services Implementation Plan Update (Jenny Strehler, Director PW&T) Update on implementation progress of skier shuttle transit service c.Metcalf Drainage Project Update (Jeff Schneider, Project Engineer) Update on re- scoping the project due to the elimination of the bicycle climbing line in the revised 2012 CIP Budget/ Memo only 4:30 PM –5:15 PM 4. TAPWFR,L5V(A)F1 OWN OF VON UBLIC ORKS ACILITY ELOCATION OT ILLAGE AT VON ILING (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, Jenny Strehler, Director PW&T) Review description of scope, schedule and budget for Lot 5 improvements 5:15PM 5. A DJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting.11.12.13.doc Page 1 of 4 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO AURAMT,D13,2011 VON RBAN ENEWAL UTHORITY EETING FOR UESDAY ECEMBER MB5:15PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET PO RESIDING FFICIALS C RC HAIRMANICH ARROLL VC KF ICE HAIRMANRISTI ERRARO C RC,CE,DD OMMISSIONERSICHARD ARROLL HRIS VANS AVE ANTAS TGAP,A“B”R,J. ODD OULDING MY HILLIPS LBERT UZ EYNOLDS R S TAFF ED/S:LB A:EH XECUTIVE IRECTOR ECRETARY ARRY ROOKSTTORNEY RIC EIL T:SW AC:PMK REASURER COTT RIGHT UTHORITY LERK ATTY CENNY AURMES LL RBAN ENEWAL EETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT XECUTIVE ESSIONS CPH OMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING UBLIC EARINGS PA’,://.., LEASE VIEW VONS WEBSITE HTTPWWWAVONORG FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AAMR,AB,AL GENDAS ARE POSTED AT VON UNICIPAL BUILDING AND ECREATION CENTER LPINE ANK AND VON IBRARY 1.RC OLL ALL 2.IPCAA NQUIRY OF THE UBLIC FOR OMMENT AND PPROVAL OF GENDA 3.R ESOLUTIONS a.Resolution No. 11-02, Series of 2011, Resolution Amending the 2011 Avon Urban Renewal Authority Budget (Scott Wright, Treasurer) b.Resolution No. 11-03, Series of 2011, Resolution Summarizing Expenditures and Revenues and Adopting a Budget for the Avon Urban Renewal Authority for the Calendar Year Beginning on the First Day of January 2012 and Ending on the Last Day of December 2012 (Scott Wright, Treasurer) 4.CA ONSENT GENDA a.Minutes from November 22, 2011 5.A DJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting.11.12.13.doc Page 2 of 4 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO ARMT,D13,2011 VON EGULAR EETING FOR UESDAY ECEMBER MB5:30PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET PO RESIDING FFICIALS M RC AYORICH ARROLL MPT KF AYOR RO EMRISTI ERRARO C DD,CE,TG OUNCILORSAVE ANTAS HRIS VANS ODD OULDING AP,A“B”R,J. MY HILLIPS LBERT UZ EYNOLDS R TS OWN TAFF TA:EH TM:LB TC:PMK OWN TTORNEY RIC EILOWN ANAGER ARRY ROOKS OWN LERK ATTY CENNY ARMES LL EGULAR EETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT XECUTIVE ESSIONS CCCIPH OMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING ITIZEN AND OMMUNITY NPUT AND UBLIC EARINGS PA’,://.., LEASE VIEW VONS WEBSITE HTTPWWWAVONORG FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AATHR,AB,AL GENDAS ARE POSTED AT VON OWN ALL AND ECREATION CENTER LPINE ANK AND VON IBRARY TATCT HE VON OWN OUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH UESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH 1.CORC ALL TO RDER AND OLL ALL 2.AA PPROVAL OF GENDA 3.DPCI ISCLOSURE OF OTENTIAL ONFLICT OF NTEREST 4.C&CI OMMUNITY ITIZEN NPUT a.Correspondence from Avon Center at Beaver Creek Homeowners Association regarding Bus Service (Robert Tartre, Treasurer, & George Pakozdi, Board Member) Email & Response Only b.Presentation of USA Pro Cycling Challenge Stage 4 Start Winner Jersey to Avon Stage Sponsor Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa, Kristen Pryor, Director of Marketing (Rich Carroll, Mayor) 5.SEU PECIAL VENT PDATES a.2012 Gran Fondo Update (Danita, Chirichillo, Special Events Supervisor, Chris Laskey, Owner & CEO, Independent Endurance Sports, Tim Baker, Beaver Creek Resort Company) b.Wine / Beer Festival Update (Danita Chirichillo, Special Events Supervisor, Holli Snyder, NRC 365) c.December 2011 “Icing on the Lake” Update (Danita Chirichillo, Special Events Supervisor) 6.CA ONSENT GENDA a.Minutes from November 22, 2011 7.R ESOLUTIONS a.Resolution No. 11-15, Series of 2011, Resolution Approving the Temporary Easement Agreement for a Parcel of Land, TE-20, Located at Lot 20,Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment 4, for the Purpose of Constructing the Metcalf Road Widening and Drainage Improvements (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) b.Resolution No. 11-16, Series of 2011, Resolution Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town of Avon and State of Colorado Department of Transportation for Enhancement Grant Project STE C 440-008 (18628), Eagle Valley Trail (Jeff Schneider, Project Engineer) Avon Council Meeting.11.12.13.doc Page 3 of 4 TA,C OWN OF VON OLORADO ARMT,D13,2011 VON EGULAR EETING FOR UESDAY ECEMBER MB5:30PM EETING EGINS AT ATH,OLS VON OWN ALL NE AKE TREET c.Budget 2012 Update & Resolutions (Scott Wright, Finance Director) Review final 2012 Budget, Fund Balances and Final Revisions: 1.Resolution No. 11-17, Series of 2011, Resolution to Amend the 2011 Town of Avon Budget (Scott Wright, Finance Director) 2.Resolution No. 11-18, Series of 2011, Resolution to Amend the 2011 Town of Avon Capital Projects Fund Budget (Scott Wright, Finance Director) 3.Resolution No. 11-19, Series of 2011, Resolution to Adopt the 2012 Town of Avon Budget (Scott Wright, Finance Director) 4.Resolution No. 11-20, Series of 2011, Resolution to Accept the proposed Town of Avon Long Range Capital Program and Simultaneously adopt the Year 2012 Capital Projects Fund Budget (Scott Wright, Finance Director) 5.Resolution No. 11-21, Series of 2011, Resolution Levying General Property Taxes for the Year 2011, to help defray the costs of government for the Town of Avon, Colorado, for the 2012 Budget Year (Scott Wright, Finance Director) 6.Resolution No. 11-22, Series of 2011, Resolution Levying General Property Taxes for the Year 2011, to help defray the Costs of government for the Town of Avon General Improvement District No. 1, Avon, Colorado, for the 2012 Budget Year (Scott Wright, Finance Director) 8.O RDINANCES a.Ordinance No. 11-16, Series of 2011, First Reading, Ordinance Amending Section 12.04.040 of the Avon Municipal Code Regarding Violations of Chapter 12.04 Construction Work Within Public Ways (Meredith Van Horn, Town Attorney) Review proposal to change penalties from “criminal to civil” for certain Public Work’s code violations 9.TMR OWN ANAGER EPORT 10.TAR OWN TTORNEY EPORT 11.MR AYOR EPORT 12.A DJOURNMENT FCAD&PT: UTURE OUNCIL GENDA ATES ROPOSED OPICS th December 27: Meeting Cancelled in Observance of Holidays Avon Council Meeting.11.12.13.doc Page 4 of 4