03-23-2012 Stone Creek ElementaryKim all Irt AVIL MI"HAU, VXN This Agreement to Release Any and All Ownership Interest in Modular Buildings, is made and entered into effective as of March 23, 2012 by and between the Town of Avon, a home rule municipal corporation of the State of Colorado ( "Town"), and Stone Creek Elementary, a Colorado nonprofit corporation ("Stone CreelC) (collectively, "Parties"). NOW, THEREFORF, for and in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual promises contained herein, the Parties' performance of their respective obligations hereunder, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are mutually acknowledged. the Parties agree as follows: I . Stone Creek hereby agrees to release and relinquish any and all claim of ownership of the Modular Buildings, related improvements, or any other property interest Avon-Stone Creek Agreement to Release Ownership Marth 22, 2012 Page I of 3 a. Extreme Weather Events: Events of extreme weather, including but not limited to heavy snowfall, flooding, tornadoes, excessive wind events, which directly cause the reasonable inability to remove and transport the Modular Buildings without additional cost or duration of the extreme weather event. b. Closure of Roads: Events which result in the closure of 1-70, Highway 6, or roads in Avon that directly cause the reasonable inability of Stone Creek to remove or transport the Modular Buildings without additional cost or expense to Stone Creek shall Avon -Stone Creek Agreement to Release Ownersbip March 22, 2012 Page 2 of 3 result in an automatic extension of time only to the extent of the duration of such road closure. e. Acts of War or Terrorism: Acts of war or terrorism which directly cause the reasonable inability of Stone Creek to move or transport the Modular Buildings without additional cost or expense to Stone Creek shall result in an automatic extension of time only to the extent of the duration of the conditions of such act of war or terrorism which directly causes the inability to remove and transport the Modular Buildings. 7. Avon agrees to promptly dismiss the Complaint in Unlawful Detainer, Town of Avon v. Stone Creek Elementary, 12 CV 262 after this Agreement is fully executed- 8. This Agreement may be assigned by Stone Creek to Eagle Airport Commercial Center. Any other assignment of this Agreement by Stone Creek to another party shall be null, void and enforceable against the Town unless approved in writing by the Town. 13-IT M. Fill '�'.Jqj 11 Avon-Stone Creek Agreement to Release ownership March 22, 2012 Page 3 of 3 Tom of Awn P.O. BCD( 975 900 BeidynA Road Awn, Cbbado 81620 970 - 798-9005 Office of the Town Manager To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Larry Brooks, Town Manager Date: February 8, 2007 Regarding: Work Session for Resolution 07 -01, Series of 2007, Amendment to Lease Agreement between Stone Creek Elementary School and the Town of Avon Summary: Since the inception of the lease agreement entered into between the Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary this past July, there seems to have been confusion about the full extent of obligations set forth therein. In recent months it has become apparent that the school would benefit from some adjustments to this lease. Specifically, they have asked for the Town to reconsider the term of the lease ( beyond one year), the amount of the restoration bond for the site ( a reduction of the current $250,000 ), the payment of the tap fees for the site, and a reduction of the annual lease rate. We believe that with the current information, the Town can logically accommodate a portion of the request without jeopardizing the security for the site or our fiduciary responsibility to the community. We are therefore recommending that a First Amendment to Stone Creek Elementary School Lease between Town of Avon And Stone Creek Elementary. Previous Council Action: The Town Council previously approved the current lease agreement in June of 2006 for a one year term from July 1,2006 and ending June 30,2007. On November 28, 2006, Bill Hammer was on the agenda in behalf of the school to request that the Town pay the tap fees for the property. The council expressed some concern about the progress in finding a permanent site. The council also requested a meeting of the entire board to discuss the broader issues of the short and longer term business plan of the school. On January 23rd, the Council met with entire School Board, including recently seated members to complete the body. At this meeting the board made their full request to the council, and staff was directed to make recommendations regarding the request at the next regularly scheduled meeting of February 13th, 2007. It should also be noted that the school received a list of deliverables as follows: 1. Contact information for all board members 2. Committee lists and responsibilities 3. Demographic data as to where students live/ economic status 4. Number of students who use TOA public transportation 5. Bids that indicate restoration of land 6. Letter from Nortex for bid on modular removal 39 Me February 8, 2007 Alternatives: The council could choose to alter or reject any of the specific recommendations and approve an amendment accordingly, or reject the recommendation altogether. Proposed Motion: I move to approve Resolution 07-01, series of 2007, A resolution approving amendments to a lease between the Town and Stone Creek Elementary. Exhibit A- Norm Wood Memo Exhibit B- Scoff Wright Memo Exhibit C Lease materials 9 should be ub]c 10 retain some of the construction and still maintain o useable site. 7akioi2 this into consideration ne may bc able to reduce the security deposit for site restoration accordingly. The attached Revised Englineer's- Estimate (Exhibit 4) estimates the cost of partial site restoration at S35,363 including 15% contingency of S4,613. Considering the cost of removal of the buildings, S100,000 to S125,000 plus estimated cost of partial restoration of the site atS35,363,a security deposit iu the range ofS]35,363\oSl60`363 may be adequate 10 protect the Town's interests. Based on this i1 may be reasonable {0 reduce the required security 1oSl50,0O0. � Site Lease: There are three issues associated with the Site Lease. The first issue ia the mnouo1ofthe Leasc, the second ix the term of the lease and the third is the availability ofuoacceptable ul1ul n1e site to accommodate the Town's uses that would occur on Lot duro2 the term of the Lease. These are three very distinct but overlapping issues and may need iobe coosidcn:d102etber. The term of the current ]case isfhrl -vearbcgiooingJu)y ),2O06 and ending June 30,2007a1a rate nfS2l.200 per year. The lease rate is consistent with rate `vi1h the ]Eug|c County School District for the Tree Farm Site in Edwards and we believe it represents a fair market value for the site. The initial one-year lease was accompanied 6va concurrent Lease Agreement bctx'nco the Town and TracrCrcck }{P, LI-[ to provide u temporary she to the Town for use as all alternate snow dump site in lieu o[ the previously used Lot 5. The tern] of the Tracr Creek Lease Agreement was for one-year and did not require payment by the Town. Rcprcsco1utivcyo[TrocrCreckhorciodiou1cd1bisrvil\ontbc1hccuacfbroncx{cosinoof the lease and that a payment xvill be required that is equal to anV lease payment required fioro the Charter School to the Town. We are lookio2u| alternate snow ducnp sites and believe that other options are available if we are unablc10negotiate u satisfactory lease aareerrient with Traer Creek The Town rnn1culp|a1cs nnnnlcdno of Public Works Site and Facility Master Plan this ycar. This Master Plan will bc based on projected activities and needs o[ the public vvodks department Including public n/orks,transportation and fleet maintenance and will include o comprehensive development plan ±orLbe existing Swift Gulch Site as well as other available site including Lot 5. We do not anticipate irocncdiu1c development of Lot 5 as o result of this Master Plan. Allowing time 10 develop the necessary fbodjn2 sources and 10 prepare construction plans and documents, p/c expect development o[ Lot 5\obcatleast three 10 five years ooL If this is taken into consideration, it may bepossible to extend the lease tu the School for three additional school yeurS without delaying development ofthe site. This will only bcpossible if the Town has an u|1crooto site available that will oUory the Town to accommodate the functions that were previously carried out on Lot 5. |: unii.neennp-A"mw|ugeo.o Filing |'lo5,smn Creek Cmnuoomm0LImmurymnnv�.mv � Credit Management Group MAC C7300-079 1740 Broadway Denver, CO 80274 303 861-8811 303 832-3425 Fax 303 863-6777 Direct Phone June 19, 2007 Ms. Patty McKenny, Town Clerk Town of Avon PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Stone Creek Elementary School - Waiver of Owner/Lessor (Fixtures) Dear Ms. McKenny: Enclosed is one of the two fully executed originals of the referenced document. I will be submitting the other original to the Eagle County Clerk for recordation. Enclosure C: Kevin Randel, c/o Stone Creek Elementary School Cynthia Forstmann, c/o Stone Creek Elementary School letter 2007 0619 SCE Avon.doc Recording Requested By, And After Recording, Return To: WELLS FARGOBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MAC C7300-079 1700 Lincoln Stnaet, 7th Floor Denver, C(]8O2O3-45OO Attn: Mike Roman WAIVER OF OWNER/LESSOR (F|XTURES) This Agreement hs made and entered into oaofMay '� 2OO7.by and between WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ("Bank") and Town of Avon, Colorado (hereinafter, "Fee Owner"). 1 Fee Owner hereby consents to the security interest heretofore, now or hereafter tobe granted to Bank by Stone Creek Elementary, a Colorado nonprofit corporation in the following described equipment (the "Modu|ana"): 18,200 square foot modular complex sold by Nortex Modular Leasing and Construction Company now or at any time hereafter affixed to or installed or kept on or at that certain real property owned by Fee Owner inAvon, Colorado, the legal description nf which ie set forth onExhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"). 2. Fee Owner agrees that the Modulars are and shall at all times remain personal property even though they may be affixed to or installed or resting upon the Property. 3. Fee Owner hereby waives all right, title, claim or interest in or to the Modulars by reason of the Modulars being attached to or installed or resting upon the Property and hereby grants to Bank the right and license to enter onto the Property to take possession of the Modulars and to remove the K8odu|ors therefrom at any reasonable time. Fee Owner confirms that Fee Owner has not received notice from any person or entity other than Bonk of any claim of right, title or interest in or to any of the Modulars other than that certain Verified Statement of Claim Pursuant to CRS 38-26-106, dated December 27, 2006. noticed by Summit Plumbing and Heating LLC, 4, Fee Owner agrees that, notwithstanding any failure by Stone Creek Elementary to perform under, or the termination of, of that certain Stone Creek Elementary School Lease between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary, dated as of June 13, 2006, as amended, Fee Owner will not dispose of the K8odu|ara unless, at least 60 days prior thereto, it has notified Bank in writing. 5. Bank shall not be liable for any diminution in value of the Property caused by the absence of the Modu|ara so removed or by any necessity of replacing them. Bonk agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Fee Owner from any claims arising from its entry onto the Property and its removal of the Modulars therefrom and further agrees to reimburse Fee Owner for the cost of repair and restoration of any damage caused thereby to the site, the road cut, the road or utilities installed at Fee Owner's expense. Fee Owner waives any right to require Bank to provide security for the performance of Lessee's obligations as aforesaid. Fee Owner shall first seek reimbursement from Stone Creek Elementary and the related letter of credit for the cost of repair and restoration of any damage caused by removal of the Modulars to the site, the road cut, the road or utilities installed at Fee Owner's expense unless the damage io caused by Bank's negligence or willful misconduct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. WELLS FA 10 1AA NATIO L AS 10 Michael Roman, Vice President TOWN ON Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor/ State ofColorado County of The foregoing instrument wasaoknmw|edgedbeforemethiePWay // 2007 by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty McKenny as Town Clerk of the Town of Avon, a Colorado town, on behalf of the town. MICFAI (Commission expiration date) State of Colorado County of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this W1ay,L'�2OU7by J. Michael Roman as Vice President of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., a national banking association on behalf of the association. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO �"-Xotary's official signature) (Commission expiration date) EXH|B|TA TO WAIVER OFOWNER/LESSOR (FIXTURES) Legal Description of Property: Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing 1, in the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado W- Subject: FW: Revised MOU From: Rich Carroll [mailto:richcarro114@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 9:29 PM To: 'Michael Lindholm'; Marcus Lindholm; Dan Leary; Dennis Gelvin; 'Russell Molina - Email'; Larry Brooks; Eric Heil Email; Brian Sipes Remote email; Buz Reynolds Subject: Revised MOU Attached is an updated MOU 9-9-09 and a comparison to the previous version dated 8-19-09. Here are notes on the changes and our telephone conference call: Larry Brooks, Buz Reynolds, Rich Carroll and Eric Heil participated on behalf of the Town of Avon, Dennis Gelvin participated on behalf of ERWSD and UERWA, and Russ Molina participated on behalf of Stone Creek Charter School. Paragraph 4 was amended to include suggested language from Dennis Gelvin. Dates were amended to reflect the current timeframe. Grammar changes were made for consistency. Additional items include: • Avon believes that if grants are awarded, then the substitute site would need to be prepared, delivered and ready for occupancy by Spring, 2010. • If the grant funding is not awarded, then Avon and Stone Creek could negotiate a lease extension directly between themselves. If the grant funding is not awarded this fall, there is a potential that significant grant funds could still be awarded to Avon through 2010. A temporary staging site is not a permitted use, therefore, the property owner TC-RP would need to submit an application to amend the Village at Avon PUD Guide to permit temporary uses, or at least this use. We need to indentify if TCMD or TC-RP would be the primary party contracting with a contractor. The required process to obtain permits would need to be identified. The costs incurred for in Paragraph 2 for preparing the various agreements is estimated to be $5,000 based on the Town of Avon's expected expenses. The timeframe for a "Notice to Proceed" and requirement to extend utilities may need to take into account seasonal difficulties. Since time is of the essence for Stone Creek Charter School we look forward to a speedy approval of this document. Thank You proceed by the Town of Avon. SCCS will agree to release any claim on the water taps purchased for the Staging Site after payment. SCCS shall also pay to TC-RP all costs associated with extension of utilities and shall make such funds available within five (5) business days of receiving a notice to proceed by the Town of Avon. 3. TC-RP Obligations and Representations: TC-RP will agree to lease the Staging Site to Avon in accordance with terms consistent with this MOU. The water taps purchased for the Staging Site will run with the property. TC-RP will acknowledge that the water taps purchased and installed for the Staging Site shall only be available for use by Avon for the Staging Site purposes and will agree that such water taps cannot be used until such time that the requirement to build a water storage tank imposed by UERWA is satisfied. TC-RP will agree to submit a formal amendment application to the Village at Avon PUD by September 30, 2009 to obtain (1) approval of the Staging Site use as a permitted use in Planning Area N, and/or (2) approval of amendments to the Village at Avon PUD Guide regulations that establish a process and criteria for reviewing and acting on applications for temporary uses. TC-RP will agree to provide a license to TCMD to enter the Staging Site for the purpose of installing utility extensions necessary to serve the Staging Site. 4. UERWA Obligations and Representations: UERWA will allow connection of the Staging Site for water service upon payment of the appropriate Plant Investment Fee and satisfaction of conditions customary to receive water service in the Town of Avon. The water service will be used by Avon for a public works temporary staging area (including materials storage, vehicle parking and offices) until July 31, 2014. UERWA will not allow any other use of the water service connection until the water storage tank required by UERWA is constructed. UERWA will agree that after a water storage tank is completed, then the property used for the Staging Site shall be entitled to a credit for the amount previously paid for a Plant Investment Fee for the Staging Site. 5. TCMD Obligations and Representations: TCMD will agree to allow the extension of utilities and other improvements in easement areas owned by TCMD for the purpose of improving the Staging Site. TCMD agrees to obtain permits for the extension of utilities within the roadway easement areas and cause the completion of such extension of utilities for the Staging Site within sixty (60) days of receiving a notice to proceed from Avon. 6. Obligations of All Parties: The parties acknowledge that time is of the essence and that a draft of the lease extension between Avon and SCCS will be prepared by October 15, 2009; a draft of the Staging Site lease between Avon and TC-RP will be prepared by October 15, 2009; a draft of an agreement between UERWA, TC-RP and Avon will be prepared by October 15, 2009; and a draft of any required agreements with TCMD will be prepared by October 15, 2009. All drafts shall be provided to all parties hereto. All parties will agree to diligently negotiate, finalize and approve all identified agreements by November 20, 2009. September 9, 2009 Memorandum of Understanding This Memorandum of Understanding ( "MOU ") is entered into on �.Septernber 2009 by and between the Town of Avon, a Colorado Home Rule municipal corporation ( "Avon "), Traer Creek - RP, LLC ( "TC -RP "), Stone Creek Charter School ( "SCCS "), Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority ( "UERWA "), Eagle River 'hater and Sanitation District ( °ERWSD) and Traer Creek Metropolitan District ( "TCMD "). RECITAL SCCS desires to extend the current lease for Lot 5, Filing 1, Village at Avon Final Plat for the next several years. Avon needs to use approximately four acres of land for staging purposes for the construction of a regional bus maintenance facility. TC -RP has expressed an interest in leasing land to the Avon to provide a "substitute public works staging area." In order to use such temporary substitute public works staging area, UERWA weL4dwill need to provide water service and wouldwill need to conditionally waive the current requirement for Lot 1, Filing 1 of the Village at Avon to build a water storage tank. Improvement to a substitute public works staging area on TC -RP property wou4dwill require extension of utilities in the easement areas provided to TCMD, including but not limited to water service from URERWA, sewer service from - � tERWSD, electric and natural gas. Due to the complexity of the foregoing, the parties desire to determine the basic terms and allocation of responsibilities with this MOU to promote the efficient and expeditious preparation of documents necessary to implement this transaction. 1. Avon Obligations and Representations: Contingent upon securing a suitable four (4) acre site, or sites ( "Staging Site "), for the purpose of temporary staging for a public works project until July 31, 2014, Avon weuldwill agree to extend the SCCS lease until July 31, 2014. A suitable site Garicould be one or more locations within Planning Area N or RMF -1, Village at Avon, adjacent to Swift Gulch Road. Avon VVGjWwfl1 review and approve any extension of utilities to verify that they are adequate and appropriate to serve the Staging Site. Avon wo6ldwill reclaim the Staging Site to the reasonable satisfaction of TC -RP. Avon dwill cap or disconnect any utilities upon vacating the site. Avon and TC -RP wouWwill enter into a binding lease agreement with TC -RP which includes terms regarding environmental testing and remediation for any hazardous materials generated, transported, stored or released on the Staging Site during the occupancy of such land by Avon. Avon weuWwill agree to release any claim to any improvements to the Staging Site and not seek any cost reimbursement from TC -RP. Avon will agree to maintain erosion control on the Staging Site. Avon will agree to indemnify TC -RP from liability arising from Town's actions and activities on the Staging Site. Avon will agree to waive all permit fees associated with the extension of utilities to serve the Staging Site. 2. SCCS Obligations and Representations: SCCS will agree to pay for direct costs required to prepare the Staging Site for use by Avon (estimated to be $50,000.00) and for costs incurred in preparing the various agreements (estimated to be $5,000.00). Formatted: Font. 9 pt, Bold 11 - Seat P41b .; October 15, 2009. All drafts shall be provided to all parties hereto. All parties will agree to diligently negotiate, finalize and approve all identified agreements by November 20, 2009. 7. Legal Status, Good Faith Negotiations: All parties hefe4Ghereto agree and acknowledge that this MOU does not commit the parties to approve and execute the agreements contained herein; however, the parties acknowledge that significant effort will be incurred by each of the parties hereto to negotiate and finalize the contemplated agreements and that each party shall use good faith efforts to negotiate and finalize such agreements in accordance with the terms contained herein. - - ------ -- -_ -_ -- _ Formatted: Font: Not Bold This Memorandum of Understanding is approved, adopted and executed by the Formatted: Left Indent Left 0.5", space After: 10 pt, Line spacing: Multiple 1.15 II parties: Town of Avon By: Attest:_ Brian Sipes, Mayor Pro -Tenn Town Clerk Traer Creek -RP, LLC By: Attest: Stone Creek Charter School By: Attest: By: Attest: l�agie Diver mater and Sanitation District Traer Creek Metropolitan District By M Attest: Patty McKenny, Formatted: Font: 9 pt, Bold Subject: FW: Revised MOU From: Rich Carroll [mailto:richcarrol14@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 9:29 PM To: 'Michael Lindholm'; Marcus Lindholm; Dan Leary; Dennis Gelvin; 'Russell Molina - Email'; Larry Brooks; Eric Heil Email; Brian Sipes Remote email; Buz Reynolds Subject: Revised MOU Attached is an updated MOU 9-9-09 and a comparison to the previous version dated 8-19-09. Here are notes on the changes and our telephone conference call: Larry Brooks, Buz Reynolds, Rich Carroll and Eric Heil participated on behalf of the Town of Avon, Dennis Gelvin participated on behalf of ERWSD and UERWA, and Russ Molina participated on behalf of Stone Creek Charter School. Paragraph 4 was amended to include suggested language from Dennis Gelvin. Dates were amended to reflect the current timeframe. Grammar changes were made for consistency. Additional items include: • Avon believes that if grants are awarded, then the substitute site would need to be prepared, delivered and ready for occupancy by Spring, 2010. • If the grant funding is not awarded, then Avon and Stone Creek could negotiate a lease extension directly between themselves. If the grant funding is not awarded this fall, there is a potential that significant grant funds could still be awarded to Avon through 2010. A temporary staging site is not a permitted use, therefore, the property owner TC-RP would need to submit an application to amend the Village at Avon PUD Guide to permit temporary uses, or at least this use. We need to indentify if TCMD or TC-RP would be the primary party contracting with a contractor. The required process to obtain permits would need to be identified. The costs incurred for in Paragraph 2 for preparing the various agreements is estimated to be $5,000 based on the Town of Avon's expected expenses. The timeframe for a "Notice to Proceed" and requirement to extend utilities may need to take into account seasonal difficulties. Since time is of the essence for Stone Creek Charter School we look forward to a speedy approval of this document. Thank You proceed by the Town of Avon. SCCS will agree to release any claim on the water taps purchased for the Staging Site after payment. SCCS shall also pay to TC-RP all costs associated with extension of utilities and shall make such funds available within five (5) business days of receiving a notice to proceed by the Town of Avon. 3. TC-RP Obligations and Representations: TC-RP will agree to lease the Staging Site to Avon in accordance with terms consistent with this MOU. The water taps purchased for the Staging Site will run with the property. TC-RP will acknowledge that the water taps purchased and installed for the Staging Site shall only be available for use by Avon for the Staging Site purposes and will agree that such water taps cannot be used until such time that the requirement to build a water storage tank imposed by UERWA is satisfied. TC-RP will agree to submit a formal amendment application to the Village at Avon PUD by September 30, 2009 to obtain (1) approval of the Staging Site use as a permitted use in Planning Area N, and/or (2) approval of amendments to the Village at Avon PUD Guide regulations that establish a process and criteria for reviewing and acting on applications for temporary uses. TC-RP will agree to provide a license to TCMD to enter the Staging Site for the purpose of installing utility extensions necessary to serve the Staging Site. 4. UERWA Obligations and Representations: UERWA will allow connection of the Staging Site for water service upon payment of the appropriate Plant Investment Fee and satisfaction of conditions customary to receive water service in the Town of Avon. The water service will be used by Avon for a public works temporary staging area (including materials storage, vehicle parking and offices) until July 31, 2014. UERWA will not allow any other use of the water service connection until the water storage tank required by UERWA is constructed. UERWA will agree that after a water storage tank is completed, then the property used for the Staging Site shall be entitled to a credit for the amount previously paid for a Plant Investment Fee for the Staging Site. 5. TCMD Obligations and Representations: TCMD will agree to allow the extension of utilities and other improvements in easement areas owned by TCMD for the purpose of improving the Staging Site. TCMD agrees to obtain permits for the extension of utilities within the roadway easement areas and cause the completion of such extension of utilities for the Staging Site within sixty (60) days of receiving a notice to proceed from Avon. 6. Obligations of All Parties: The parties acknowledge that time is of the essence and that a draft of the lease extension between Avon and SCCS will be prepared by October 15, 2009; a draft of the Staging Site lease between Avon and TC-RP will be prepared by October 15, 2009; a draft of an agreement between UERWA, TC-RP and Avon will be prepared by October 15, 2009; and a draft of any required agreements with TCMD will be prepared by October 15, 2009. All drafts shall be provided to all parties hereto. All parties will agree to diligently negotiate, finalize and approve all identified agreements by November 20, 2009. September 9, 2009 ` | This Memorandum of Understanding ("[NOU") is entered into on _____ 2009 by and between the Town ofAvon, aCo|orado Home Rule municipal corporation ("Avon"), Tneer Cnaek— RP. LLC (^TC-RP"), Stone Creek Charter School ("SCC8^). Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority ("UERVVAl. Eagle River Water and � ndTnuer Creek Metropolitan District ("TCMD^). RECITAL SCCS desires to extend the current lease for Lot 5. Filing 1. Village cd Avon Final Plat for the next several years. Avon needs ho use approximately four acres of land for staging purposes for the construction of a regional bus maintenance facility. TC'RPhao expressed an interest in leasing land to the Avon to provide a "substitute public works staging area." In order to use such temporary substitute public works staging onae. UERYVAvmsuldw0 need to provide water service and vmauldwil| need to conditionally waive the current requirement for Lot 1, Filing I of the Village at Avon to build a water storage tank. Improvement to o substitute public works staging area onTC-RP property *e*ekdwil{ require extension of utilities in the easement areas provided to TCK8O, including but not limited to water service from URERWA. sewer service from Eagle . a|eothu and natural gas. Due to the complexity of the fonegoing, the parties desire to determine the basic terms and u||000tiun of responsibilities with this K8OU to promote the efficient and expeditious preparation of documents necessary to implement this transaction. 1. Contingent upon securing asuitable four (4) acre site, orsites ("StagingSite"). for the purpose of temporary staging for a public works project until July 31, 2014, Avon wetAdwill agree to extend the SCCS lease until July 31. 2014. A suitable site es-R[ouldbe one ormore locations within Planning Area N or RMF-1, Village at Avon, adjacent to Swift Gulch Road. Avon w4uwwill review and approve any extension of utilities to verify that they are adequate and appropriate to serve the Staging Site. Avon wm�w@ reclaim the Staging Site to the reasonable satisfaction nfTC-RP. Avon vwG64dw0 cap or disconnect any utilities upon vacating the site. Avon and TC-RP wouWwill enter into a binding lease agreement with TC-RP which includes terms regarding environmental testing and remediotion for any hazardous materials generated, tnynoportad, stored or released on the Staging Site during the occupancy of such land by Avon. Avon vwGLAdkwiX agree to release any claim to any improvements to the Staging Site and not seek any coot reimbursement from TC-RP. Avon will agree to maintain erosion control on the Staging Site. Avon will agree to indemnify TC'RP from liability arising from Town's actions and activities on the Staging Site. Avon will agree to waive all permit fees 0000ciohad with the extension of utilities to serve the Staging Site. 2. SCCS will agree to pay for direct costs required to prepare the Staging Site for use by Avon (estimated to be $50,000.00) and for costs incurred in preparing the various agreements (estimated to be $5,000.00). Formatted: Font: 9 pt, Bold | 2000. All drafts shall be provided to all parties hereto. All parties will agree to diligently negotiate, finalize and approve all identified agreements by November 2U.2OOQ. | 7. All parties heF&Ashere10 agree and acknowledge that this K8OU does not commit the parties to approve and execute the agreements contained herein; however, the parties acknowledge that significant effort will be incurred by each of the parties hereto to negotiate and finalize the contemplated agreements and that each party shall use good faith efforts to negotiate and finalize such agreements in accordance with the terms contained herein. ^ This Memorandum of Understanding is approved, adopted and executed by the By: Attest: Potty MuKenny, Town Clerk TruerCreeh4RP.LLC Attest: Stone Creek Charter School Attest: Upper Eagle River Water Authority LEaAle River Water and Sanitation District TmaerCraek Metropolitan O{ethot Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0.5", Space After: 10 pt, Line spacing: Multiple 1.15 li Formatted: Font: 9 pt, Bold Page 1Of2 Pnft/McKenmy ' From: Cynthia Forstmann [cynthio@ywhteedgeinc.con] ` Sent Fhday, February OQ, 2007 10:58 AM To: pattyN1oKenny Co: ismiscio@earth|inkoet;'JaneTrombetto';'SantanieUo.John';'SuottondLauriaLid.dicK, kevin5280@msn.com;dbreda@oenturybainet;e|iab_rubio@hobnoiicom ` Subject: RE: School Materials Coming importance: High Attachments: SCE contact infodm� SCS Demographicadmc; ` Edwards. Excavating. Restoration.SCE. Site. pdf; Nortex. Letter. of. Credit. pd f-, SCS Fundraising Lettar2IO7dou , ` Hi Patty, Attached are: 1) The Board Contacts and Committee Responsibilities — this is an updated list which includes our personal and new school email addresses. � 2) The Demographic Information requested ` 3) The Nortex Letter of Credit for building removal (provided previously) ^ 4) The Restoration Estimate from Edwards Excavating (provided previously) 5) A Fundraising Letter that has gone out to the School Community describing efforts todate 8) The Stone Creek Financial Package — the Nortex Payment Schedule is included as part of these budgets. (| believe this is due tn Larry and Scott, but necessarily the Counnii) |am working ho obtain on agreement with Summit Plumbing later today to avoid issues against the property. We will be working on our actual presentation over the next several days. As you might imagine, the situation changes daily. Please feel free to contact me if you need anything additional. Regards, Cynthia Cynthia Forstmann Write Edge Communications Make your message matter (Q7O)328-O78G—office (Q7O)3QO-3841—mobile From: Patty McKenny[maiko:PMckenny@ovon.org] Sent: FrNay, February 09, 2007 8:48 AM Avon 29% Cordillera 1% Eagle 9% Eagle Vail 13% Edwards 38% Gypsum 8% Vail 1 % Wolcott 2% 100% ,� Avon 29% Cordillera 1% Eagle 9% Eagle Vail 13% Edwards 38% Gypsum 8% Vail 1 % Wolcott 2% 100% < < II LU R 0 N �j o 0 LU < is, 8 8 - s 8 s 8 9 8 8 8 81§ 8 < 0 —f 8 N 8 '. �No 0 O. o 8 u m �4 V, N G CV < LU C, co m C, G. < LU 0 cr cq mmcr j L6 'i 'i Ul) 16 C4 C� i 16 N -i c-, N7 N LU 0 �2 C4.6 C4 CT 1� `� - m. >- =) m C4 C, uj 10 G �" 2 2 -* " 89 g co C6 �2 CD 0 rd 14 < cc� ppO M lz� C� & 2, § § §cv 0N pC7 8 gill Ono 21 CMN N t4 Y �91 i -1 5: rn 0 UJ In m 'Itl 188 N co 0 8 1 8 1 2 w cm (CM ll� 9' § 8 8 8 § "i < (5 �D Lf) Uj 0 m 8 8 � "i ® N 6 Co F--� N s Ej C%T C4 Lei Lo .9 ��NRS , w tadY C� Cl 0 0 J o < uo m N tc� N Rm r < d, co d, C, 16 6 10 6,6 16 N D m m 8 C, § 00 0 C� CD� M 8 .9 m C� g 0 < < 0 c6 v) uj co Q�m c7i Lo "i gi L6 C,4 8 cl Cli 00 m of F `D 0 8 8 0 < UO) w LU om ds 21 .0 U) LU wo LU > 2 z E —C, w E 1= z z > LU > g E 4) r Ju r U, Ir EL W uj CJ 1— 0 = Fn > o Lli Ir U) K.0 ui .6 w Im U) ® 0 0 ? . , 'S c ui 0 U) E E x IL cn < Z ui co -ra LL, CL . . Lu uj ME 0 0 2 2 -2 a 2 NS 0 ai -'-d c 8 a E vu C5 w 2� W O i� > ;� A 5. c E 0 oa Po n 0 7aj - 1 .0 2 x 9:49 AM Stone Creek School 02/05/07 Balance Sheet Accrual Basis As of January 31, 2007 Jan 31, 07 ASSETS Current Assets Checking /Savings 1001 • Operating Account 29,226.33 1100 • Payroll Account 39,146.16 1150 • Millennium Money Market 10,068.73 r-~ D�,,, Total Checking /Savings 78,441.22 C� -�C Other Current Assets 1310 - Employee & trustee receivables 4,000.00 1460 - Deposits 1463 - Holy Cross Deposit 4,600.00 1464 • Damage Deposit 1,000.00 Q Total 1460 - Deposits 5,600.00 Total Other Current Assets 9,600.00 Total Current Assets 88,041.22 Fixed Assets 1640 • Furniture, fixtures, & equip 30,241.98 CL 1700 • Building 1701 • Nortex Modular 1,300,785.37 1702 - Construction Costs 305,406.88 Total 1700 - Building 1,606,192.25 Total Fixed Assets 1,636,434.23 Other Assets 1950 • Fund held in trust by others 1951 • Town of Avon Bond 250,000.00 Total 1950 • Fund held in trust by others 250,000.00 1990 • Loan Fees 1991 • Wells Fargo 1,100.00 1992. Millennium Bank 1,526.00 Total 1990 - Loan Fees 2,626.00 Total Other Assets 252,626.00 TOTAL ASSETS 1,977,101.45 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 0200 • Benefits 12,587.40 0300 - Purchased Property Services 369,742.68 0400 • Other Purchased Services 6,538.88 0500 • Supplies 2,603.50 0600 • Equipment 13,312.00 0700 • Other Expenses 18,814.91 0800 • Curriculum 45,429.21 Total Accounts Payable 469,028.58 -� Other Current Liabilities 1400. Millennium Bank 250,000.00 2100 - Payroll Liabilities 2101 • Employee PERA 30,683.57 2106 • 403(b) Payable - 2,222.83 Total 2100 - Payroll Liabilities 28,460.74 2130 • Accrued payroll taxes 2131 • Employer PERA 7,668.70 Total 2130 • Accrued payroll taxes 7,668.70 Page 1 9:49 AM 02/05/07 Accrual Basis it Stone Creek School Balance Sheet As of January 31, 2007 2550 • State of Colorado payable Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities 1300 • Wells Fargo Total Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 2 (PC) K- It � � I � Jan 31, 07 191,430.04 477,559.48 946,588.06 1,219,664.29 1,219,664.29 2,166,252.35 -189,150.90 -189,150.90 1,977,101.45 - 4 � -� 4 � *j",- - � Cf Page 2 9 :48 AM Stone Creek School 02/05107 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis July 2006 through January 2007 Ordinary Income /Expense Jul'06 - Jan 07 - 3,467.87 3,467.87 0.00 - 1,577.28 2,325.31 748.03 - 14,212.00 15,337.00 1,125.00 6,325.90 8,198.93 21,51 O.00 468.22 515,186.29 545,363.44 31,650.75 435.00 53.85 2,083.86 1,916.10 21,200.00 2,689.24 5,160.87 128.85 416.00 1,040.07 108.30 6,595.73 2,018.91 15,180.08 3,515.67 2,506.05 98.94 136.09 1,595.00 529.98 3,291.72 5,685.00 274.38 50,833.27 4,217.16 4,470.09 843.21 419,009.05 9,269.87 4,462.00 21,631.54 1,240.30 455,612.76 Page 1 Income 1101 • Miscellaneous 1101A • Book Fair 1101B • Costs 1101A • Book Fair - Other Total 1101A • Book Fair 1101C • Holiday Fair F... 1101D • Costs L.1, � 1101C • Holiday Fair - Other Total 1101C • Holiday Fair ►rQ. 1101E • Ski Program .�.. �.c.,, 1101F • Costs 1101E • Ski Program Other - Total 1101E • Ski Program 1101 • Miscellaneous -Other Total 1101 • Miscellaneous 1102 • Kindergarten Tuition Lij 1103 Reimbursements [� (� 1104 State of Colorado Total Income Expense 0201 • Health /Dental Benefits 0205 • Flex Account 0206 • Life AD &D 0301 • Disposal Services 0302 • Repair and Maintenance Services 0303 • Lease /Land Building 0305 • Water /Sewer 0307 • Electricity 0308 • Alarm Monitoring 0402 • Professional Development 0403 • Special Education Services 0404 • Postage 0405 • Advertising 0409 • Telephone 0410 • Liability Insurance 0501 • Supplies- Classroom 0502 • Supplies -Office 0503 • Supplies- Maintenance 0504 • Supplies- Nursing 0701 • Dues and Fees 0702•Lodging Expenses 0703 • Teacher Reimbursements 0704 • Faculty Passes 0705 • Bank Charges 0801 • Textbooks 0802 • Specials 0900 • Misc Exp 6560 • Payroll Expenses 7200 • Salaries & related expenses 7220 • Salaries & wages - other 7230 • PERA contributions 7240 Workers Compensation Insurance 7250 Payroll taxes 7255 Payroll Fees Total 7200 • Salaries & related expenses Jul'06 - Jan 07 - 3,467.87 3,467.87 0.00 - 1,577.28 2,325.31 748.03 - 14,212.00 15,337.00 1,125.00 6,325.90 8,198.93 21,51 O.00 468.22 515,186.29 545,363.44 31,650.75 435.00 53.85 2,083.86 1,916.10 21,200.00 2,689.24 5,160.87 128.85 416.00 1,040.07 108.30 6,595.73 2,018.91 15,180.08 3,515.67 2,506.05 98.94 136.09 1,595.00 529.98 3,291.72 5,685.00 274.38 50,833.27 4,217.16 4,470.09 843.21 419,009.05 9,269.87 4,462.00 21,631.54 1,240.30 455,612.76 Page 1 9:48 AM Stone Creek School 02/05/07 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis July 2006 through January 2007 Jul '06 -Jan 07 44,339.33 24,500.00 693,126.26 - 147,762.82 68.73 68.73 68.73 41,456.81 41,456.81 41,456.81 - 41,388.08 - 189,150.90 Page 2 8000 • Miscellaneous Disbursements 8050 • Hammer Reimbursements Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income /Expense CD Other Income Q Z2!:: 6950 - Interest Income 6951 • Millennium Bank Total 6950 - Interest Income 0 Total Other Income Other Expense ® 9500 • Iterest Expense 9501 • Wells Fargo Total 9500 - Iterest Expense QTotal Other Expense Cl— C) Net Other Income Net Income Jul '06 -Jan 07 44,339.33 24,500.00 693,126.26 - 147,762.82 68.73 68.73 68.73 41,456.81 41,456.81 41,456.81 - 41,388.08 - 189,150.90 Page 2 9:56 AM 02/05107 Stone Creek School A/P Aging Summary As of February 5, 2007 Page 1 Current 1-30 31 -60 61-90 > 90 TOTAL A -Peak Inc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,484.00 1,484.00 Aetna Inc 7,186.60 - 12,557.70 5,400.80 0.00 0.00 29.70 America's Foundation for Chess National 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Arroyo Engineering 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,580.00 4,580.00 CMI Multiverse, Inc 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,932.00 0.00 5,932.00 Core Knowledge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,078.87 3,078.87 CSAP Practice Manuals 0.00 0.00 231.00 0.00 0.00 231.00 Dave Peterson Electric 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41,343.00 41,343.00 Drexel Supply Company 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,074.00 0.00 2,074.00 Eagle Vail Glass & Mirror 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 531.15 531.15 Edwards Excavating Inc 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,715.00 63,622.50 94,337.50 Elam Construction 0.00 0.00 38,585.00 0.00 0.00 38,585.00 ERWSD 0.00 - 383.56 978.88 411.74 563.56 1,570.62 Harcourt Education 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,078.38 9,078.38 HI- Cranes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 187.50 187.50 Holy Cross Energy 0.00 1,991.55 - 1,284.26 1,264.26 0.00 1,971.55 Houghton Mifflin 0.00 416.28 0.00 0.00 750.96 1,167.24 HP Geotech 0.00 0.00 0.00 257.50 0.00 257.50 Ingenuity Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,136.50 2,136.50 Inn and Suites at Riverwalk 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 839.18 839.18 Juan Duarte 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 120.00 McGraw Hill Education 0.00 4,840.44 0.00 1,405.42 15,439.41 21,685.27 MECH ONE Inc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,851.20 18,851.20 National School Products 0.00 0.00 371.23 0.00 0.00 371.23 Nortex Modular 1,369.23 - 3,856.47 1,248.01 5,331.00 123,556.00 127,647.77 Pearson Education 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,645.15 5,645.15 Pikes Peak Boces 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,016.00 1,016.00 Pinnacol Assurance 0.00 0.00 1,474.00 782.00 0.00 2,256.00 Plath Construction, Inc 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,766.00 0.00 5,766.00 Precision Construction West 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,564.56 2,564.56 Premier School Agendas 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.00 99.00 Qwest 174.69 - 1,146.51 429.60 524.97 58377 566.52 Sean Stever 0.00 0.00 - 402.00 0.00 0.00 - 402.00 Shurley English 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,492.07 2,492.07 Summit Plumbing & Heating, LLC 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,718.21 0.00 10,718.21 The Hartford 0.00 2,581.98 1,506.65 0.00 0.00 4,088.63 Trees of Colorado 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,808.40 2,808.40 UniLink 0.00 0.00 12,096.00 0.00 0.00 12,096.00 Vail Cascade 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 Vail Daily 0.00 0.00 720.29 83.46 2,306.13 3,109.88 Vail Electronics 0.00 1.35 30.00 67.50 0.00 98.85 Vail Honeywagon 0.00 161.00 225.00 495.36 952.50 1,833.86 Vail Jazz Foundation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 368.00 368.00 Vail Resorts 0.00 0.00 14,212.00 0.00 0.00 14,212.00 TOTAL 8,730.52 - 7,951.64 75,822.20 66,028.42 306,197.79 448,827.29 Page 1 From: oynthia [cynthia@whteedgeinc.00m] Sent: Thursday, January 25.2OO77:17AM To: cynthio@wrbeadgeino.com; Patty W1oKenny Co: Larry Brooks Subject: Re: Matter before Avon Town Council Attachments: Avon Town Council —vereion4.ppt W, Avon Tow mnd| — version4. Dear Patty and Larry, Thanks for spending the time visiting with Stone Creek School on Wednesday. VVe are encouraged by the open dialogue. Per your request: -Attached are the slides from our presentation. -Our Treasurer is Kevin Rendei He can be reached at(3O3)475-8138or and kevin528O@msn.00m -| will get you the Nodax payment schedule ea soon aapossible. -We are in the process of compiling other information requests from the meeting, to send in short order, including: 1 Contact information for all Board Members 2. Committee Lists and responsibilities. 3. Demographic study as to where students live/economic stature 4. Number of students who use TOA public a�- transportation 5. Bids that indicate estimates for restoration of land 6 Letter from Nodex indicating guarantee to remove " modu|ars Other items that we are following uponinclude: -SCS will contact Traer Creek/Magnus Lindholm to request 3 more years to the TOA on current site they use for dumping A snow that would run contiguous with our new lease. A review our lease regarding other options for providing a "guarantee" for restoration of property. -Our Expansion Committee will be ready to provide a report on February 13th related to prospective permanent locations A and exit strategies. -Our Expansion and Finance Committees will provide a flow chart with anticipated annual student growth at that meeting. �41 -Our Fund Raising Committee will provide reports on upcoming events. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions orconcerns. Regends, Cynthia Forstmann 328'O786 3QO-3841 ---------- Original Message From: "Patty MoKenny'<PK8ckenny@avonorg> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2OO7 14:10:51 -0700 >Thank you for your presentation yesterday. >Staff will be evaluating the request made by the Stone Creek Elementary >School Board members. In order to fully understand the situation, we >may request a few items or require further conversations with some of >your board members. > Please confirm, if you would, the Board member who serves as the >Treasurer and provide a phone number that he is acceptable with us >calling in case we have questions. >As well, we would like to request an electronic copy of your PowerPoint > presentation and a copy of the payment schedule for the modular >facility. Please forward as soon as possible so that we may begin to >prepare our materials for the meeting on February 13th. >Thank you for your time. >Patty McKenny >Town of Avon -- Town Clerk >PO Box 975 >Avon, CO 81620 >(970) 748 -4035 >Fax (970) 949 -9139 >pmckenny @avon.org ►I Mtp Ommm 0 0 0 M 'IT Tq "T M - - - - - 0 N - N r• t- t- cr) LO LO t, 0 LO ED N (N 00 00 r- Y) r- t- (D (1) 00 (L O 6 6O N N c\i cj N cli 06 0000 6 6 6 cli cj w o6 6 0 6 6 6 w 6 t-� ri 6 ri 6I6 m C,� C� r-� 6 of 00 V �r LO N N N N CN CY) co T -,t �Tt 0) (D (C) �; M It P- t- ";r 00 N 0) 0 r- 00 00 N N 0 LO T CON C) C� "I a! Cli cl! cl! r,,� -� C� cl! R c! P-� '� IQ q Ct Ct oc� ul C� at - C\[ C� 1:11 cr� cr� q C'� P,-� oc� C\L c'! cl! 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G LTDG e w_ --A v E�! 4 13 1 1 I To: Honorable Mayor and Town Cound 7 From: Larry Brooks, Town Manager Date: February 8, 2007 4;11 Regarding: Resolution 07-01, Series of 2007, Amendment to Lease Agreement between Stone Creek Elementary School and the Town of Avon Summary: Since the inception of the lease agreement entered into between the Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary this past July, there seems to have been confusion about the full extent of obligations set forth therein. In recent months it has become apparent that the school would benefit from some adjustments to this lease. Specifically, they have asked for the Town to reconsider the term of the lease ( beyond one year), the amount of the restoration bond for the site ( a reduction of the current $250,000 ), the payment of the tap fees for the site, and a reduction of the annual lease rate. We believe that with the current information, the Town can logically accommodate a portion of the request without jeopardizing the security for the site or our fiduciary responsibility to the community. We are therefore recommending that a First Amendment to Stone Creek Elementary School Lease between Town of Avon And Stone Creek Elementary. Previous Council Action: The Town Council previously approved the current lease agreement in June of 2006 for a one year term from July 1,2006 and ending June 30,2007. On November 28, 2006, Bill Hammer was on the agenda in behalf of the school to request that the Town pay the tap fees for the property. The council expressed some concern about the progress in finding a permanent site. The council also requested a meeting of the entire board to discuss the broader issues of the short and longer term business plan of the school. On January 23d, the Council met with entire School Board, including recently seated members to complete the body. At this meeting the board made their full request to the council, and staff was directed to make recommendations regarding the request at the next regularly scheduled meeting of February 13th, 2007. It should also be noted that the school received a list of deliverables as follows: 1. Contact information for all board members 2. Committee lists and responsibilities 3. Demographic data as to where students live/ economic status 4. Number of students who use TOA public transportation 5. Bids that indicate restoration of land 6. Letter from Nortex for bid on modular removal a a Page 3 February 8, 2007 Alternatives: The council could choose to alter or reject any of the specific recommendations and approve an amendment accordingly, or reject the recommendation altogether. Proposed Motion: I move to approve Resolution 07 -01, series of 2007, A resolution approving amendments to a lease between the Town and Stone Creek Elementary. Exhibit 1 Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Exhibit 2 First Amendment To Stone Creek Elementary School Lease STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me on this _'day of 2007, by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty McKenny as Town Clerk of the Town of Avon. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: Notary Public termination of this lease. The School, as tenant, shall retain no rights to sewer or water service arising from the payment of this fee upon termination of the tenancy. A table reflecting the various tap fees owed is attached hereto as Exhibit Except as expressly amended or modified herein, all other terms and provisions of the Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary remain unchanged and in full force and effect. STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL In TOWN OF AVON 0 ATTEST: I CA I t.Y I Yj %-I 16 III jy , I V-11 `, 11: 11i VA'VVW • Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of _, 2007, by as President of Stone Creek Elementary School, a Colorado nonprofit corporation. Witness my hand and official sea]. My Commission expires: Notary Public M STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY 1. PARTIES. The parties to this Lease are the TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Town), a Colorado municipal corporation, and STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY (School-), a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation. 2. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY. The parties enter into this Lease for the benefit of the School for the education of the children of Eagle County. C.R.S. § 31 -I5- 713(1)(c) grants to the Town the right to enter into this Lease. 3. PREMISES. The Town hereby leases to the School the surface rights for the property described as Lot 5. The Village at Avon. Filling I (Premises)., situated in the Town of Avon. Colorado. Attached as Exhibit A is a schematic map depleting the building, parking lot, playground, utillilltles and other Improvements, all of which shall have the prior approval of the Town staff. Attached as Exhibit B are elevations of the building including depiction of its exterior construction. 4. COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT. The Town warrants that it owns the Premises in fee simple; that the property is clear and clear of all liens and encumbrances,- and that it has the full right and authority to enter into this Lease. The Town warrants that the School shall enjoy the possession and use of the Premises In peace and without disturbance or interfierence. S. TERM OF LEASE. This Lease shall commence on July 1. 2006 and shall continue lbra period of one year, ending June 31. 2007. The Premises are cui,i-eiitlyiji use by the Town for sno,,N, storage and in the future will be a permanent public works site. During the term of this Lease and for the term of this Lease. the Town will enter Into a lease with Traer Creak RP. LLC for a replacement site described as a part of Tract B, The Village (at Avon), Filing 3. Upon termination of that lease, the Town will have an immediate need for the premises which is recognized by the School. This Lease will therefore not be renewed or extended for any reason. The School will inform Its teachers. . parents and students of this provision and will actively discourage them from any efforts, whether before the Town's council or in the press. seeking extension or renewal of this Lease. The School will provide the Town with quarterly written reports describing its efforts at locating a permanent site. 6. RENT. The School shall pay rent of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Dollars ($21,200) per year. $5.000 of which shall be due and payable on the first day of the Lease. and the balance of which shall be due and payable on October 15, 2006. The School shall also pay any real property taxes assessed acainst t7 the Premises and anv additional insurance costs incurred by the Town. W'2 All liability insurance required of the School shall include tile T»nm as -~ an additional insured and sbo}) include u ^'eiou requiring the insurer to give the Town thirty (3[A days notice prior ba cancellation. 0'3 Certificates of insurance issued by the insurer shall be filed bvthe School with the Town within ]0 days aftcrthe date of this Lease in executed bv the School. 9. PROPERTY INSURANCE. The School shall obtain and maintain during the tern-1 of the Lease and any renewal period, property insurance inan amount equal 1our greater than the current appraised vu|oc of the school buildings and other irnprovccocn1a ou the Premises to insure said improvements with respect tu fizc. Dood, and other typical local hazards. and certificates of such insurance issued by the insurer obul| be filed by the School with the Tmvvo within lO days after tile date of completion uf the building and other improvements. The School aaTeex that ifuoyor all of said iroprnvcrocuts are damaged or destroyed. said damage shall hcprnnnpt|I repaired or replacement irnproverocn1s promptly erected on the Premises by the School, applying thereto any insurance payments received by it-, providcd, however. that if said damage or destruction exceeds 50% of the current appraised value of said icnprmrcrneota. the School sbu]] be required to repair o/replace said improvements only io the event b is reasonable u1 that time for it 1n continue operating o school on the Premises. 10. UTILITIES. The School shall be responsible for all utilities furnished ihrtile Premises. D. MAINTENANCE' The School shall keep and maintain the Premises. indodinp- making repairs as necessm7at Its sole cost and expense. The School shall be responsible for snow rcozoru| at is sole cost and ezpcouc. 12. IMPROVEMENTS. The School oiov, with consent of the Town staff and ut its sole cost and expense. u1 any time and from time to time rnukc such alterations. chun�uy. replacernents, improvements and additions to the Premises and the buildings and irnprovcrocutadhcrcon as it may deem dooirab]e, including the demolition of any building, improvement. and/or structure that now or hereafter may be situate or erected on the Prconiycs. provided that the use of the Premises as o school she is uo| thereby permanently terminated or abandoned., not- curtailed for a period of time longer than reasonably required to effect such alterations.. changes, replacements, improvements, or additions. 13. LIENS. The School shall not suffer orpermit o |icu to be asserted or filed against tbc Premises arising out o its operations oractivities. lfu lien is asserted or filed against the 9rcoziseu,the School shall promptly cause the lien 1ohcremoved. Upon failure (o do so. the Town rnay satisfy and cause the lien 10 be removed and the School o-urees to reimburse the Town on demand for the costs and expenses of any site]] proceeding `.` 28. PARAGRAPH CAPTIONS. The captions ^ the paragraphs are set forth only for convenience and reference, and are not intended in an v way to define, limit, or describe the scope or intent ofthis Looac. Zl. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS OylACTION. The parties agree to execute any additional documents and to take any additional action necessary to carry out this I.cusc. 22' INTEGRATION AND AMENDMENT. This Lease represents the entire ugrcnouen1 between the parties and there are no oral or collateral o�rccoco1 or understand I This Lease may be amended only by an instrument in writing sioned by the parties. B. MW THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. None of the terms, conditions m covenants set forth ioddo Lease obu]i 'vcur allow any claim, benefit nr right of action br any third person not upudy to this Lease. Any person other than the parties to this Lease who or which receive services or benefits under this Lease sbuD be only uo incidental bcocficiuzy. 24. GOVERNING LAW. This Lease shall bcdeerncdio have been made in the State o[ .^ Colorado, shall be construed under the laws of the State of Colorado and shall be binding upon and inure tothe benefit of the successors and assigns o{ the parties to this Lease. 25. IMMUNITIES PRESERVED. bis the intention o[ the parties that this Lease shall not be construed as a contractual waiver of any h-ninunities or defenses provided by the Colorado Govunonao{n) lzonouoj{y Act. 8 24']0-10] o| scg, Colorado Revised Statutes. 26. DATE. / VJLJ— 2006 STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TOWN OF AVON Ronald C. Wolfe. Mayor �� ,-.6,g073'.OuyV,fNi77e.dug. 1. ),w I, 7.'2512006 M47:27 .AM Il So j v — ��-- -- :'.,f, �f ��,. ,� fit• �y.`� g¢€ r tF �J rte, J# �i /h If IN /' try`` "1!'f �� �..��,� �' •, "''�, ,r'; ti�� ` 1- ( t n ' f, S r; $E�StT'E PLAN CONCEFIT :e cccn ELwcn��av sc,aa .J tr 6.. .- ! d STOrvE CREEk ELENEMT;,RY SLMCO: jj0j ila6c•,rlllORniPaEH —}� —_- i Lot .. EL9 K N —GE (Fi Atl ) FILING j_j 3 d� \ 1 v m Oy O M0 O= m D I-K, o o ODZ omm D o O ° S y to > X & -- rn Z m 0 �Ln -ft rn Loom co 0 • "1 D Z O rur O fU 4 D O , \ q �b D P -i7 Q7 a m U� o .Ll m Q� � rr- I I � T w 6 dNC O 1 J Z i V7 � R D A4 $ O v, O O i C h% T U d� \ 1 v EN� TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM, Elizabeth Fierce'Ou|ance, Assistant Town Attorney DATE: November 2O.2OOB RE� Stone Creek Elementary School Lease — First Amendment (Tap At a meeting held on November 14.2OOU. the Council voted toamend its property lease with Stone Creek Elementary School ("School") 10 reflect the I own of Avon's vviUinoness and sgreennsntio pay a $1O.4OO.00 water tap fee, as requested by the BChOo[ while retaining all the rights and privileges associated with that purchase, Specifically, Councilor Ferraro moved to amend the lease between the Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary School to provide that the Town will pay the Z,10.400 tap fee and that the tap stays with the property and is credited 10 the Tomn's property upon Stone Creek's departure of the premises, Councilor �ipee seconded the motion and it passed with afouFto-tvvo vote (Underwood and McDevitt nav). Attached therefore is a proposed Lease annendrne01, reflecting the 1-011,,'N OF AVON RESOLU110N 06- A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN A)VENDAMEEN'T 1"0 A LEASE j3L_1'WJ,-_F_'N 1-HE TOW% 399 »ƒ0@£ CPF-_EE E-L Y_AJ EENTARY SCHOOL � IAEJUAS. Sione Creek Elemen wry School has requemed dm Me Tqwn pay or -ili , ("Lo ,vnive iap iee�s on As behalf as ienani o££% 5. Ile Villye al Avon. 1 1117 ] 1 yƒ and VVYIEREASAhe Town A widbg io pay Mai CCU do reiah-Ang ro itseRand for Kc 2l-eln3CS,111 IhC Fi(211TS811CI prj« flez,7,es purchased thereby: N ' 0 . TI-IEREF E. OR BE IT RESOLVFD: _\V E An Anicnicin-jeni U) Me Scluml Upse. a copy of N hich amendn-jeni is filed uAll the ininuics of ilds meeling. is hereby appro\!ed. ADOPTEiD al a re26 ar m §oyofMeTown Council of Me Town of Avon Me 281h, day of Novonber 2006 Ronal(] C. Wolfe, ",I«yr ATTEST: Pany McKenny. Town Cluk � I TARY SCHOOL LEASE BET-WEEN! TOWN, N, AN STONE CREEK ELF.-MENITARY _QFA V 0 � _,D S A lease of property entered into bete -een the TOWN, OF AVON. COLORADO ('1mvii) and STONE- on June 1-33. 2006-9s evidenced by the Nvrillen ].ease attached hereto as Exhibit 1. is hereby- munWed to replace in its entirety paragraph 10 of the written Lease with the following agreement: 10. UTILIIIIES The School shah he responsible for all utilities furnished for the pivinises, with the following exception: the Town shall pay a Town of Avon water tal ? fee in the amount of 510.400 Clhe fcc"),. which fee shah either be paid directly by the Town to the Eagle River Water and Saniiation Disirici or reimbursed by the Tov,-n to the School if already paid. The Town shall pay this fee on the agreement and understanding that all rights and privileges purchased by payrnm of the fee "Ill belong Wely to the Town as owner of the properly 10 be used for my purpose "Hunever as the Imn sees fit it the termination of As lease. The School. as tenant. shall retain no righis to sewer or water service arising from the palmiem of this fee upon termination of the tenancy. A table reflecting the various iap fees owed by the School as tenant of the property. including the Town of Avon "awr lap fee referred 10 herein. is attached hereto and shall now constitme Exhibit C to the Lease. ENcepI as expresMy amended or modified herein. all other lerms and Imnisions of I)-,c ``tone C,,-cch 1-:1 em cm ary School Lzme Bet"men Town of A"m, and done Creck - l7lcmj(�:ntal-N remain unchantr ,ed �md in full force and effect. ATTEST: STONTE CREEK t LEME�N TARY SCI-1001- IN: TOVA OF NVOIN IN: Ronald C. NVolfe. flavor P,gliN- NIcKenny. Tmvn Clerk STATE OF COLORADO CO UNNT Y O£ E A G I - E Subscrihed and s«om lo he NT me on As W of .2006 hv as Presidem of gone Creek ElenwMa& ScToF a Coloradc 11011profil corporalion. Witness niv hand and official sea]. My Commission cxpires: Mary Pubic STATE OF COLORADO GOUN,TY OF EAGLE Suhschhed and pim-n io before me on As day of . 2006 hv RonAd C. Aid? as Wq (y and My Bkrle XkKcnn»as -1 own clerk of Te I own of AM. Williess mv hand and offilcial sea], My Commission expires: Mary Pubic I 1-Ji M I I* To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer Date: November 9, 2006 Re: Stone Creek Charter School - Request for Waiver of Tap Fees The Village (at Avon) Filing 1, Lot 5 Summary: Bill flan-irrier representing the Stone Creek Charter School has requested that the Town of Avon xvalive or pay all water and sanitary sewer related tap fees associated with temporary school facility located on Lot 5. His request is based on, the School is leasing the site from the Town and as such the Town should be responsible for providing utilities. Paragraph 10 of the "Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary" (Exhibit A) states, "The School shall be responsible for all utilities furnished for the premises." This condition in the Lease is consistent with status of current plans and use of the site. The Town has been using this site for snow storage and has no in-unediate or specific plans for other uses on the site. The 2007 Capital Projects Fund Budget includes ncludes development of a Master Plan Development for the Swift Gulch Public Works Site and the Village Lot 5 Site. That Master Plan may well define a specific use and development time traine for Lot 5 which would also help determine future water and sanitary sewer requirements for the property. Payment of Tap Fees prior to having a development plan and schedule is premature and likely a poor investment. It has also been implied that the Town of Avon is the recipient of at least some of these Fees and as such the Town should not be collecting Tap Fees in addition to the Lease payment. The attached Stone Creek Charier School Tap Fee Breakdown (Exhibit B) includes a Table showing how much of the Tap Fee Revenues are retained by each applicable entity. It should be noted that the Town of Avon retains NONE of the S 46,377 in associated Tap Fees for a I - inch water service on this site. One alternative is to follow- the agreement as written and the Charter School is responsible for all Tap Fees required for then- use. L.EnLineentiL Aron Vi I lape�2_0 Filing I Loi 5 Tap Fee,%Ienio-I.Doc I Recommendation: Authorize preparation of an Amendment to the Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary to: 1. Provide that the Town will pay the Base Water Tap Fee for a I -inch water service tap and the water tap will remain with the property. 2. Allow the School to make arrangements with other applicable entities to transfer all other water and sewer related tap fee payments and rights to the future location of the school as may be applicable. Alternatives: Leave Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary as it exists with the provision that, "The School shall be responsible for all utilities furnished for the Premises." Proposed Motion: I move to authorize preparation of an Amendment to the Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary to: 1. Provide that the Town will pay the Base Water Tap Fee for a I -inch water service tap and the water tap will remain with the property. 2. Allow the School to make arrangements with other applicable entities to transfer all other water and sewer related tap fee payments and rights to the future location of the school as may be applicable. Town Manager. Comments: C, e J" YC XT /yi C d fl;, Z k 7-irx v —ic X C X 7- Attachements: Exhibit "A" Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Sf6r�e_ Creek Elenientai-,, Exhibit "B" Table 1: Stone Creek Charter School Tap Fee Breakdown Exhibit "C" First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement Exhibit "D" Traer Creek Metropolitan District Letter Waiving 1 -inch Incremental Sewer Tap Fee and Water Development Fee for One Year for Stone Creek Elementary E.-,,JubIt "E" Lease Agreement Bet-\veen The Town of Avon and Traer Creek RPILC 1:EneineennLAxon Vfliage2.0 Filing I lot 5 Tap Fee Memo- I Doc 3 STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY PARTIES. The parties to this Lease are the TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Town), a Colorado municipal corporation, and STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY (School), a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY. The parties enter into this Lease for the benefit of the School for the education of the children of Eagle County. C.R.S. § 31-15 - 713(1)(c) grants to the Town the right to enter into this Lease, 3. PREMISES. The Town hereby leases to the School the surface rights for the property described as Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing 1 (Premises), situated in the Town of Avon, Colorado. Attached as Exhibit A is a schematic map depicting the building, parking lot, playground, utililities and other improvements, all of which shall have the prior approval of the Town staff. Attached as Exhibit B are elevations of the building including depiction of its exterior construction. COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT. The Town warrants that it owns the Premises in fee simple: that the property is clear and clear of all liens and encumbrances and that it has the full right and authority to enter into this Lease. The Town warrants that the School shall enjoy the possession and use of the Premises in peace and without disturbance or interference. 5. TERM OF LEASE. This Lease shall commence on July 1, 2006 and shall continue for a period of one year. ending June 31.2007. The Premises are currently in use by the Town for snow storage and in the future will be a permanent public works site. During the term of this Lease and for the term of this Lease, the Town will enter into a lease with Traer Creak RP, LLC for a replacement site described as a part of Tract B. The Village (ni Avon). Filing 3. Upon termination of that lease, the Town will have an immediate need for the premises which is recognized by the School. This Lease will therefore not be renewed or extended for any reason. The School will inform its teachers, parents and students of this provision and will actively discourage them from nnv efforts, whether before the Town's council or in the press, seeking extension or renewal of this Lease. The School will provide the Town with quarterly written reports describing its efforts at locating a permanent site. 6. RENT. The School shall pay rent of TWENTY -ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Dollars ($2 1,200) per year. 55,000 of which shall be due and payable on the first day of the Lease, and the balance of which shall be due and payable on October 15. 2006_ The School shall also pay any real property taxes assessed against the Premises and .-env additional insurance costs incurred by the Town. a 8.2 All general I lability insurance required of the School shall include the Town as t an addition:ii insured and shall include a provision requiring the insurer to give the To-ovii thirty (30) days notice prior to cancellation. 8.3 Certificates of insurance Issued by the insurer shall be filed by the School with the Town within 10 days after the date of this Lease is executed by the School. 9. PROPERTY INSUJtANCE. The School shall obtain and maintain during the term of the Lease and renewal period. property insurance in an amount equal to or greater than the c_ : i-ont appraised value of the school buildings and other improvements on !I ic Premises to insure said improvements with respect to fire, flood, and other typical local hazards, and certificates of'such insurance issued by the insurer shall be F!I - 1 by the School with the Town within 10 days after the date of completion of the building and other improvements. The School agrees that if any or all of said impro,,--,,,-,iits are damaged or destroyed, said damage shall be promptly repaired or replace- L,111 improvements promptly erected on the Premises by the School, applyinLl ,i*eto any insurance payments received by it; provided, however, that if said damn(-- ni- des-,ruction exceeds 50% of the current appraised value of said improvements. OiL, �'chool shall be required to repair or replace said improvements only in the even reasonable pit that time for it to continue operating a school on the Premises. 10. UTILITIES. T!, drool shall be responsible for all utilities furnished for the Premises. 11. MAINTENAN( The School shall 1<eep and maintain the Premises., including improvements ar �,Lyetatlon, In ;1 Liood clean and healthful condition, making repairs as necessary at it, :c cost and expense. The School shall be responsible for sno"N, removal at is solc , st and expense. 12. IMPROVEIVIEN cost and expense. replacements. I'll, improvements Il building, impi-o,, erected on the P!, thereby permane: longer than rens improvements. o .. -' - I I The School imiy, with consent of the Town staff and at its sole .-inv time and fi-oni time to time n1al<e such alterations, changes. cements and additions to the Premises and the buildings and 11 as it may (item desirable. including the demolition of any "lt, and /or StRICU11-C that now or hereafter may be situate or provided that the use of the Premises as a school site is not terminated or abandoned, nor curtailed for a period of time ly required ir c!-Fect such alterations, changes, replacements, ,�itiolls. 13. LIENS. The Si, shall not sul`cr (-)r poi-nilt -,I lien to be asserted or filed against the Premises arisML, if its operati. -,I- activities. If a lien is asserted or filed against the Premises. fli� pool shall prol�ipdv cause the lien to be removed. Upon failure to do so. the To-,vii satisfy and - raise the lien to be removed and the School agrees to reimburse the n on dciii-inl ' !C1, the costs and expenses of any such proceeding. W 20. PARAGRAPH CAPTIONS. T',,e captions of the paragraphs are set forth only for convenience and -,ference, and a. e not intended in any way to define, limit, or describe the sco,,- -: or intent of t! 1's Lease. 21. ADDITIONAL i)OCUMENTS OR ACTION. The parties agree to execute any additional docuii- nts and to take :,tiiv additional action necessary to carry out this Lease. 22. INTEGRATIO-- AND A1\IE3\'1')1FNT- This Lease represents the entire agreement between the part s and there are , o or collateral agreements or understandings. This Lease may i e amended on],, in instrument in writing signed by the parties. 23. NO THIRD PA!TY BENEFP"'.%,'1lF-S. None oftheterins, conditions or covenants set form in this Lease rail give or allow any claim, benefit or right of action by any thin 1 person not a; -�nriy to this Lease. Any person other than the parties to this Lease AA+ )r which rece- F,1-,!-,'ices or benefits under this Lease shall be only an incidental be!- aciary. 24. GOVERNING LAW. This Lc,.s shall be deemed to have been made in the State of Colorado, shall I- � construed uj-' l'-,o 1_n\,s of the State of Colorado and shall be binding upon an,, inure to the b�; :-- of the successors and assigns of the parties to this Lease. 25. MINI UNITIES ZESERVEI). die intention of the parties that this Lease shall not be construed s a contractu.i� cr of any immunities or defenses provided by the Colorado Go, rnmental lim Act. S 24-10-101 et seq.. Colorado Revised Statutes. 26. DATE. \J F f 2006 )�T- CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OF AVON '!Zoiiald C. Wolfe. Mavor W jc,uV,00734 J,yV,GM3,.d,-p, 7125n006 10.47:27 AM ry ry. �t �EfK E� T— A ountain L.1 BL�� 1, "—GE W - 4) F�, Ltd. TO- U A—, MCF m ............. N J C r R r 4 9 O r C,, M8 m o= T' m 0OO o z _xmm Dante O :d m �1 p °O� ° ML,ym �pnm coo o c MO M z m -q V t} o m r g N wg D am a or O °p D �z i i 4 9 O r C,, �. • ► ►1 n�1 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this(g.� day of 1999, by and between the EAGLE -VAIL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, a quasi - municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado (the "District "), the TOWN OF AVON, a Colorado municipal corporation ( "Avon'), and EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company, PVRT NOTT I LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, PVRT NOTT II LLC, a Colorado linuted liability company, and PVRT NOTT III LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (hereinafter collectively referred to as "EMD LLC "). The UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY (the "Authority "), a quasi - municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado, agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of this Agreement as though a party to the Agreement to the extent obligated by its terms and conditions. A. WHEREAS, EMD LLC and the District entered into a water service agreement (the "Water Service Agreement ") dated May 15, 1997, and agreed to by the Authority, by which the District and the Authority agreed to provide water service to property owned by EMD LLC, pursuant to the terms and conditions contained therein; B. WHEREAS, EMD LLC is the owner of approximately 1,789 acres in Eagle County, Colorado, which land is more specifically described in the Water Service Agreement (the "Property "); C. WHEREAS, Avon and the District are Contracting Districts, as that tern is used and defined in the Water Service Agreement, and pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement entered into by participating districts, dated September 18, 1984, and one of the functions or services to be provided by the Authority is the provision of treated water to the Contracting Districts, their inhabitants and others; D. WHEREAS, the Property is situated such that either Avon or the District, in conjunction with the Authority, is capable of providing water service to the planned development on the Property; E. WHEREAS, the Property has recently been annexed into Avon and EMD LLC and Avon now desire that Avon take over the responsibilities and obligations of the District as set forth in the Water Service Agreement; F. NN'HEREAS. EMD LLC and the District also entered into an agreement dated May 15, 1997 regarding the sharing of tap fees (the "Tap Fee Agreement "); and ItjO377 VA Ask LM E. Ilse of Water L ines. The District agrees to allow EMD LLC and Avon to use or enlarge any of its water lines If reasonably necessary to provide water service to the Property and if such use or enlargement will not prevent the District from being able to provide water service to its residents. F. The last sentence of paragraph 1(b) of the Water Service Agreement is amended in Its entirety to read as follows: The Authority and Avon acknowledge that EMD LLC will depend upon the water supplied under this Agreement for all of its potable water supply needs, except that EMD LLC may, with the consent of Avon and the Authority, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, supply its own potable water to the lots described as Lots 56 to 96, The Village (at Avon), according to the PUD/Sketch Plan approved by Avon. EMI) LLC agrees that if such lots are served by individual wells, appropriate fire suppression facilities, as determined by Avon's fire chief pursuant to applicable regulations in effect from time to time and applied on a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis shall be included in residences constructed on those lots. Moreover, if such lots are served by individual wells and the wells subsequently fall, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that neither Avon or the Authority shall have any obligation to extend water lines to affected portions of the Property. G. in paragraph 2(a) change "950,000 sq. ft. of commercial" to "650,000 sq. ft. of commercial." At the end of paragraph 2(a) the following shall be added: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any agreement or obligation on the part of Avon to provide or contribute water rights or water storage rights to the Autho rity or to EMD LLC for water service to the Property or the Additional Property other than or in addition to those water rights and water storage rights described on Exhibit D of this Agreement. H. Paragraph 2(b) shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: EMD LLC agrees to lease without cost to Avon for sublease without cost to the Authority, which sublease is hereby consented to, a portion of the water rights described in Exhibit D attached hereto, sufficient to replace the consumptive use associated with development of the Property as ultimately decreed by the Water Court. In no event shall the consumptive use of development on the Property exceed the historic consumptive use of the water rights described in Exhibit D as determined by the Water Court. Any excess consumptive use credits quantified in the Water Case -3- I tj 0 3 1- I M. Paragraph 7(a) shall be amended to add the following two sentences at the end of the paragraph: The application filed in Case No. 97CW306 did not include the Additional Property, but EMD LLC may, through a separate application, seek to amend the augmentation plan or file a new plan to replace depletions associated with the Additional Property. Avon agrees to and approves the application as filed in Case No. 97CW306, subject to the final decree reflecting water service being provided by Avon and the Authority (rather than the District and the Authority) consistent with this Agreement. N, Delete paragraph 9. O. Paragraph 10 shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: ServiccIc? Addi Tonal PLQpertv. EMD LLC or its affiliates awn an additional 175.5 acres located adjacent to the Property in a portion of the N1 /2 of Section 10, T. 5 S., R. 81 W. of the 6th P.M. (the "Additional Property "). The Additional Property is further described on Exhibit F attached hereto. In the event EMD LLC, its affiliates or successors elect to obtain water or fire service for the Additional Property in the future, such service shall be provided on the same basis as service to Avon's customers, provided that the Additional Property shall pay 1) for water, an amount equal to the cost of service plus the estimated mill levy attributable to water service for which such property would be responsible if it were a part of Avon, and 2) for fire protection, an amount equal to the estimated mill leery attributable to fire service for which such property would be responsible if it were a part of Avon. EMD LLC agrees that if the Additional Property is to be served by individual wells, appropriate fire suppression facilities , as determined by Avon's fire chief pursuant to applicable regulations in effect from time to time and applied on a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis shall be included in structures constructed on the Additional Property. Moreover, if the Additional Property is served by individual wells and the wells subsequently fail, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that neither Avon or the Authority shall have any obligation to extend water lines to affected portions of the Additional Property. Tap fee allocations shall be on the same basis as for the Property, itself. -5- Ili 0377 4. Except as expressly amended or modified herein, all other terms and provisions of the Water Service Agreement and Tap Fee Agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Itio f Executed as of the date first set forth above. EAGLE -VAIL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, a quasi - municipal corporation of the State of Colorado By: �� X? Title: EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company By:f Title: PVRT NOTT I LLC, a Colorado limited liability company By: Title: -7- -A C, AML STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing First Amendment to W ter Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement was acknowledged before me this 'ZZ- day of y 1999, by as `�.A of the Town of Avon, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado. ------ _ -'.,-Mycommission expires Witness my hand and official seal. rir N19t -ST-TAT -E-OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF o)ojj-,9- — The foregoing First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement was acknowledged before me this 4-01 day of 1999; by M YL!!:r as of each of EMD Limited Liability Company, PVRT NOTT I LLC- I I PVRT NOT 11 LLC,. and PVRT NOTT III LLC, each of which are a Colorado limited liability company. My commission expires �-Cn�L Witness my hand and official seal. ltj0377 Notary/ M Traer Creek Metropolitan Disstrict October 23, 2006 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail CO 81658 Dear Sir or Madam: This letter will serve as notice to the Eagle River and Sanitation District that the following tap fees have been waived for one year for Stone Creek Elementary. Village at Avon/Traer Creek Incremental Sewer Tap Fee (1" Meter) $3,921.00 Village at Avon/Traer Creek Water Development Fee (1" Meter) $5,200.00 You may call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dan Leary President Traer Creek Metropolitan District I'✓ LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement "), made effective as of the 1sT day of July, 2006 ( "Effective Date'), is among TRAER CREEK RP, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ( "Landlord ") and the TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado ( "Town" OR "Tenant"). RECITALS A. WHEREAS, Landlord is the owner of that certain real property, laiown as Tract B. The Village (at Avon) Filing 3, according to the plat thereof recorded June 29, 2004 at Reception No. 882176 of the Eagle County, Colorado real property records. Such Tract is also informally known as Planning Area NT South on the Village (at Avon) PUD Development Sketch Plan. B. NAIIIEREAS, Landlord desires to lease 4.0 acres of the 5.765 parcel, known as Tract B (or Planning Area N South), to Tenant, as more specifically set forth in the attached map hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" ( "the Premises "). Whereas Landlord further desires to grant Tenant access to the Premises as more specifically set forth in Exhibit "A." C. WHEREAS, Tenant desires to lease the Premises for a period of one year for snow. equipment and vehicle storage. D. WHEREAS, Landlord has agreed to allow Tenant to use the Premises for snow, equipment and vehicle storage, subject to the terms of this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW. THEREFORE. in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by Tenant, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Lease to Tenant: Subject to the terms, covenants and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Landlord hereby leases the Premises to Tenant, and its employees, contractors, agents and invitees, to use and possess the Premises during the Term of this Agreement for storage of snow.. equipment and vehicles. Landlord further grants to Tenant access to the Premises as specifically set forth in Exhibit A. Tenant shall use the Premises only for the purposes described in this Agreement. 2. Term of Lease: The term of this lease (the "Term ") shall commence on the Effective Date hereof and terminate at 11:59 pan. MST on the 365`x' day following the Effective Date. _. Additional Obligations, (a) Tenant shall. at its sole cost and expense, promptly comply with all applicable 1av,s_ rules and regulations relating to the Premises. Tenant shall further be Obligated to comply with all environmental laws. federal and state rules and regulations and ordinances as it would 8. Landlord Access to Premises: Landlord and its agents, upon reasonable notice to Tenant, shall have the right to enter the Premises at all times to examine them, to show the Premises to prospective purchasers, mortgagees, lenders or others, and to make and perform such maintenance or repairs as Landlord may deem necessary or desirable; on the condition that Landlord shall use all reasonable efforts to minimize interference with the Tenant's operations. Further, absent a formal assignment of this Agreement, any new owner of the Premises shall also have the right of entry. 9. Assignment and Subletting: (a) Tenant shall not assign, convey, mortgage, hypothecate or encumber its rights in this Agreement at any time during the Term hereof without the prior written consent of Landlord. (b) Landlord may assign, convey. mortgage. hypothecate or encumber its rights and obligations in the Premises at any time during the Term hereof without the prior written consent of Tenant. 10. Indemnity: (a) To the full extent allowed by law, Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Landlord, its subsidiaries and affiliates. and their respective agents, officers, directors, servants and employees of and from any and all costs, expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees), liability. claims, liens, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, cost, damage or injury, including death of any person or damage to property of any kind, which damage, loss or injury is caused by the breach of this lease or the willful misconduct or negligent acts, errors or omissions of Tenant, its subcontractors or any person directly or indirectly employed by them, or any of them, while engaged in any activity on or associated with the Premises. (b) To the full extent allowed by lav,7. Landlord shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Tenant, its agents. officers, directors and employees of and from any and all costs, expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees), liability, claims, liens, demands. actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss. cast. damage or injure, including death of any person, or damage to property of any kind. which damage, loss or injury, is caused by the breach of this lease or the willful misconduct or negligent acts. errors or omissions of Landlord, its subcontractors or any person directly or indirectly employed by them, Traer Creels Metropolitan District, or any of them; while engaged in any activity on or associated with the Premises. 11, Default: If either party neglects or fails to perform or observe any of the terms or covenants herein contained to be performed or observed by that pasty, and that defaulting party fails to remedy such default within ten (10) days after receiving written notice specifying such neglect or failure (or within such period, if any, as may be reasonably required to cure such default if it is of such nature that it cannot be cured within such I O -day period, provided that the defaulting party commences to remedy such default vvitliin such ten -day period and proceeds With reasonable diligence thereafter to cure such default). that party, shall be declared in default of this Agreement. through or under the Mortgagee to the end that this Lease and the possession of the Premises by Tenant shall not be disturbed or affected by reason of such foreclosure. In lieu of the non - disturbance provision being contained in the mortgage, such provision can be contained in a separate non - disturbance agreement delivered by such mortgagee to Tenant which agreement Tenant shall promptly execute upon request. (b) This clause shall be self - operative and no further instrument of subordination shall be required by any mortgagee, affecting any lease or the real property of which the Premises are a part. In confirmation of such subordination, Tenant shall execute promptly any certificate that Landlord may request. 17. Notice: Any notice, demand or communication which either party may desire or be required to give to the other party shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently given or rendered if delivered personally or sent by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: If to LANDLORD: Traer Creek RP, LLC P.O. Box 9429 322 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon, Colorado 81620 If to TENANT: Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 Either party shall have the right to designate in writing, served as provided above, a different address to which any notice, demand or communication is to be mailed. 18. Certificates: Landlord and Tenant shall, without charge, at any time and from time to time. within ten (10) days after request by the other, execute, acknowledge and deliver an estoppel certificate containing such information as the party requesting the same may reasonably request. 19. Paragraph Headings: Paragraph or other headings contained in this Agreement are for referenced purposes only and are not intended to affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 20. Binding Effect: This Agreement will not be binding on or constitute evidence of a contract between the parties until such time as it has been executed by each party and an original thereof delivered to each other- party to this Agreement and Ratification has occurred. 21. Additional Documentation: At all times, the parties hereto agree to execute and deliver, or to cause to be executed and delivered, such documents and to do; or cause to be done, such other acts and things as might reasonably be required in order to confirm or effectuate the pro- ,,isioils of this Agreement. 0 TRAER CREEK RP, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company a Na Tit TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado By. Z a (:::� Name: ",RD /mo C' Goo e- Title: �1�r 1�1 ;� I JtM1 `t'�f�JJjjf� L 7 If"— Honorable Mayor and Town Council hru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer Date: November 9, 2006 Re: Stone Creek Charter School - Request for Waiver of Tap Fees The Village (at Avon) Filing 1, Lot 5 Summary: Bill Hammer representing the Stone .Creek Charter School has requested that the Town of Avon waive or pay all water and sanitary sewer related tap fees associated with temporary school facility located on Lot 5. His request is based on, the School is leasing the site from the Town and as such the Town should be responsible for providing utilities. Paragraph 10 of the "Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary" (Exhibit A) states, "The School shall be responsible for all utilities furnished for the premises." This condition in the Lease is consistent with status of current plans and use of the site. The Town has been using this site for snow storage and has no immediate or specific plans for other uses on the site. The 2007 Capital Projects Fund Budget includes development of a Master Plan Development for the Swift Gulch Public Works Site and the Village Lot 5 Site. That Master Plan may well define a specific use and development time frame for Lot 5 which would also help determine future water and sanitary sewer requirements for the property. Payment of Tap Fees prior to having a development plan and schedule is premature and likely a poor investment. It has also been implied that the Town of Avon is the recipient of at least some of these Fees and as such the Town should not be collecting Tap Fees in addition to the Lease payment. The attached Stone Creek Charter School Tap Fee Breakdown (Exhibit B) includes a Table showing how much of the Tap Fee Revenues are retained by each applicable entity. It should be noted that the Town of Avon retains NONE of the $ 46,377 in associated Tap Fees for a I - inch water service on this site. One alterative is to follow the agreement as written and the Charter School is responsible for all Tap Fees required for their use. ]AEngineenng\Avo7 Village2.0 Filing I \Lot 5`vTap Fee Memo -].Doc a A second alternative that Council may wish to consider is to amend the Lease Agreement to: 1) Reimburse the Charter School for the base water Tap Fee ($10,400) for a 1 -inch Tap. This Tap would remain with the property and we would have a pre -paid ]-inch Tap that would be available to the Town for use with future site development. This Fee would be forwarded to Traer Creek Metropolitan District which in turn is obligated to forward 20% (52,080) to Eagle -Vail Metropolitan District per Paragraph 3. A., B. and C. in the "First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement" (Exhibit C) between Eagle -Vail Metropolitan District, Town of Avon, EMD Limited Liability Company (Traer Creek Metropolitan District) and the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. 2) Stone Creek Charter School finalizes agreements with other applicable entities for deferred payments for remainder of Fees. These Fees would be credited to the school and could be applied to the new school location as applicable. Traer Creek Metropolitan District has agreed to waive The Villager (at Avon) Incremental Sewer Tap Fee (I -inch meter 53,921.00) and Water Development Fee (1 -inch meter 55,200.00) for one -year for Stone Creek Elementary School per attached letter (Exhibit D). This Fee, if paid, would only be transferable to a new school location if it were located somewhere in The Village (at Avon). Eagle River Water and Sanitation District sewer tap fees should be transferable to any other location within the boundaries of the District and the Upper Eagle River Regional Water Authority plant investment fees should be transferable to any location within the boundaries of the Authority. With this arrangement the Town would prepay for a 1 -inch water- service tap that would remain with the site but will be unused for an indefinite period of time. The Charter School would make deferred payments on the remainder of the water and sewer related tap fees and would receive credit for all fees paid if they locate to another site within The Village. If it relocates to an area outside The Village but within the Boundaries of ERW &SD and the UERWA they would receive credit for all fees paid with the exception of deferred fees paid to the Traer Creek Metropolitan District Due to the highly sensitive nature of this issue we recommend the Council follow the above second alternative and propose an Amendment to the Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary to: 1. Provide that the Town will pay the Base Water Tap Fee for a 1 -inch water service tap and the water tap will remain with the property. 2. Allow the School to make arrangements with other applicable entities to transfer all other water and sewer related tap fee payments and rights to the future location of the school as may be applicable. 1: \Eneineenne\.Avon Village`2.0 Filing ] Lot 5Crap Fee Memo -1.Doc 2 Recommendation: Authorize preparation of an Amendment to the Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary to: 1. Provide that the Town will pay the Base Water Tap Fee for a 1 -inch water service tap and the water tap will remain with the property. 2. Allow the School to make arrangements with other applicable entities to transfer all other water and sewer related tap fee payments and rights to the future location of the school as may be applicable. Alternatives: Leave Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary as it exists with the provision that, "The School shall be responsible for all utilities famished for the Premises." Proposed Motion: I move to authorize preparation of an Amendment to the Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary to: 1. Provide that the Town will pay the Base Water Tap Fee for a 1 -inch water service tap and the water tap will remain with the property. 2. Allow the School to make arrangements with other applicable entities to transfer all other water and sewer related tap fee payments and rights to the future location of the school as may be applicable. Town Manager, Comments: tl-g L, c 1-14;A M 1Idd1_'e-jSCd 6 >ICI f Add, A 6-- /9 k 7 K r-,- T6Xoi_s C, V i e-l—, <"i r. /V t= J X fe,_i f - - -7;�Ij,-K L iA,) i c)- 10 4- L gi?Z, 7- , 'I- C, -r l Attachements: C Exhibit "A" Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Sro Creek Elementary Exhibit "B" Table 1: Stone Creek Charter School Tap Fee Breakdown Exhibit "C" First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement Exhibit "D" Traer Creek Metropolitan District Letter Waiving 1 -inch Incremental Sewer Tap Fee and Water Development Fee for One Year for Stone Creek Eleirientary Exhibit "E" Lease Agreement Between The Town of Avon and Traer Creek RP,LLC L'IneineemiLnAvon Villave,22.0 Filing I \Lci 5\Tap Fee Memo-I.Doc 3 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION 06-30 SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE BETWEEN THE TOWN AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WHEREAS, Stone Creek Elementary School has requested that the Town enter into a STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY ("the School Lease ") whereby the Town will lease Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing I ("Lot 5"), to Stone Creek Elementary for a term from July 1, 2006, to June 31, 2007; and WHEREAS, Lot 5 is currently designated as a public works site pursuant to the Annexation and Development Agreement for The Village (at Avon); and WHEREAS, by Resolution No, 06-29 the Town Council approved a LICENSE AGREEMENT between the Town and Traer Creek RP, LLC to provide to the Town an alternative public works site during the term of the School Lease,; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The School Lease, a copy of which is filed with the minutes of this meeting, is hereby approved. 2. All action heretofore taken by the officers ofthe Town of Avon relating to the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. 3. This Resolution is contingent upon the adoption of Resolution No. 06-29. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon the 13th day of June, 2006. Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor A T T �T: S E A 1, P p y Mc rul To'. Mctenny.. To B STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY 1. PARTIES. The parties to this Lease are the TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Town), a Colorado municipal corporation, and STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY (School), a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation. 2. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY. The parties enter into this Lease for the benefit of the School for the education of the children of Eagle County. C.R.S. § 31-15 - 713(1)(e) grants to the Town the right to enter Into this Lease. 3. PREMISES. The Town hereby leases to the School the surface rights for the property described as Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing I (Premises), situated in the Town of Avon, Colorado. Attached as Exhibit A is a schematic map depicting the building, parking lot, playground, utililities and other improvements, all of which shall have the prior approval of the ToNvii staff. Attached as Exhibit B are elevations of the building including depiction of its exterior construction. 4. COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT. The Town warrants that it owns the Premises in fee simple: that the property is clear and clear of all liens and encumbrances; and that it has the full right and authority to enter into this Lease. The Town warrants that the School shall enjoy the possession and use of the Premises in peace and without disturbance or interference. 5. TERM OF LEASE. This Lease shall commence on July It 2006 and shall continue for a period of one year. ending June 31. 1. 2007. The Premises are currently in use by the Town for s1loW, storage and in the future will be a permanent public works site. During the term of this Lease and for the term of this Lease, the Town will enter into a lease with Traer Creak RP.. LLC for a replacement site described as a part of Traci B, The Village (at Avon), Filing 3. Upon termination of that lease, the Town will have an immediate need for the premises which is recognized by the School. This Lease will therefore not be renewed or extended for any reason. The School will inform its teachers. parents and students of this provision and will actively discourage them from anv efforts, whether before the Town's council or in the press, seeking extension or renewal of this Lease. The School will provide the Town with quarterly written reports describing its efforts at locating a permanent site. 6. RENT. The School shall pay rent of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Dollars ($21,200) per year, $5,000 of which shall be due and payable on the first day of the Lease., and the balance of which shall be due and payable on October 15. 2006. The Schnn] shall also pay any real property taxes assessed against the Premises and -im, additional insurance costs incurred by the Town. 7. OBLIGATIONS OF THE SCHOOL. 7.1 Use Restriction. The School shall use the Premises only for school purposes and in compliance with any and all restrictions contained in its Charter and state law, any and all restrictions contained in the approval of a special review use by the Town and any and all restrictions contained in the approval of the The Village Design Review Board. The School shall establish and maintain an outreach program for "at- risk" children and shall provide evidence thereof to the Town along with quarterly reports as to the success of that program. Any non - scholastic use of the Premises shall have the prior approval of the Town staff. In the event the School persists in using the Premises for a purpose other than school purposes in violation of this Lease or violates the restrictions as aforesaid, the Town may terminate this Lease by giving prior written notice of the violation. The School shall then cease using the Premises for the remainder of the term. 7.2 Right to Cure. Upon receipt of a notice of violation or presumption of abandonment, the School shall have the right to cure such violation within 10 days of such notice before the Town may terminate the School's leasehold interest for violation or initiate a civil action in the District Court for Eagle County, Colorado. 7.3 Purchase of Improvements. When this Lease is terminated, the School shall remove any and all improvements that it may have erected on the Premises and restore said premises to essentially the same condition which existed at the inception of this Lease, to the satisfaction of the Town. The School shall provide a restoration bond in the amount of $250,000, in the form of cash, letter of credit or other security acceptable to the Town in its sole discretion, to guarantee its compliance with this Subparagraph. 8. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. To the extent permitted by law, the School shall indemnify and ]seep harmless the Town from: 1) any expense incurred by the Town in entering into and performing this Lease; 2) any and all losses, damages, charges or claims arising out of the operation of a school facility on Town property, including without limitation from any violations of The Village Design Review Board and Town approvals, the School's Charter or state law ; 3) any and all losses, damages, charges or claims resulting from personal injury death or property damages occurring on the Premises: and 4) any costs, including attorney's fees, whether of the Town Attorney or other attorneys, relating to 2) through 4) above. 8.1 The School shall place and maintain at all times, at its sole expense, a general liability insurance policy with respect to the Premises in which the limits of liability shall be not less two million dollars ($2,000,000) for each occurrence and with an annual aggregate coverage of not less than five million ($5,000,000). 8.2 All general liability insurance required of the School shall include the Town as an additional insured and shall include a provision requiring the insurer to give the Town thirty (30) days notice prior to cancellation. 8.3 Certificates of insurance issued by the insurer shall be filed by the School with the Town within 10 days after the date of this Lease is executed by the School. 4. PROPERTY INSURANCE. The School shall obtain and maintain during the term of the Lease and any renewal period, property insurance in an amount equal to or greater than the current appraised value of the school buildings and other improvements on the Premises to insure said improvements with respect to fire, flood, and other typical local hazards, and certificates of such insurance issued by the insurer shall be filed by the School with the Town within 10 days after the date of completion of the building and other improvements. The School agrees that if any or all of said improvements are damaged or destroyed, said damage shall be promptly repaired or replacement improvements promptly erected on the Premises by the School, applying thereto any insurance payments received by it; provided, however, that if said damage or destruction exceeds 50% of the current appraised value of said improvements. the School shall be required to repair or replace said improvements only in the event it is reasonable at that time for it to continue operating a school on the Premises. 10. UTILITIES. The School shall be responsible for all utilities furnished for the Premises. 11. MAINTENANCE. The School shall keep and maintain the Premises, including improvements and vegetation, in a good clean and healthful condition, malting repairs as necessary at its sole cost and expense. The School shall be responsible for snow removal at is sole cost and expense. 12. IMPROVEMENTS. The School may, with consent of the Town staff and at its sole cost and expense, at any time and from time to time make such alterations, changes. replacements, improvements and additions to the Premises and the buildings and improvements thereon as it may deem desirable, including the demolition of any building, improvement, and /or structure that now or hereafter may be situate or erected on the Premises, provided that the use of the Premises as a school site is not thereby permanently terminated or abandoned, nor curtailed for a period of time longer than reasonably required to effect such alterations, changes, replacements, improvements, or additions. 13. LIENS. The School shall not suffer or permit a lien to be asserted or filed against the Premises arising out of its operations or activities. If a lien is asserted or filed against the Premises, the School shall promptly cause the lien to be removed. Upon failure to do so, the Town may satisfy and cause the lien to be removed and the School agrees to reimburse the Town on demand for the costs and expenses of any such proceeding. 14. CONSULTATION. The parties acknowledge that, over the term of this Lease issues may arise concerning implementation of this Lease that the parties have not now contemplated. Recognizing that a high level of cooperation between the parties is necessary and desirable, the parties agree to consult with each other from time to time concerning this Lease. The parties further agree that their respective representatives will meet to conduct such consultation upon 10 days written request given by one party to the other party. In addition, each party shall from time to time designate in writing such party's "contact person" for all matters involving the administration of this Lease. 15. NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted by this Lease shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given for all purposes if sent by certified or registered mail; postage and fees prepaid, addressed to the party to whom such notice is intended to be given at the address set forth on the signature page below, or at such other address as has been previously furnished in writing to the other party or parties. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given when deposited in the U.S. Mail. 16. DEFAULT AND /OR TERMINATION. All terms and conditions of this Lease are considered material. In the event that either party defaults in the performance of any of the covenants or agreements to be kept, done or performed by and under the requirements of this Lease, the non- defaulting party shall give the defaulting party written notice of such default, and if the defaulting party fails, neglects or refuses for a period of more than 10 days thereafter to cure the default, then the non- defaulting party, without further notice, may, in addition to any other remedies available to it. terminate all rights and privileges granted in this Lease and this Lease shall be of no further force or effect. If the non - defaulting party elects to treat this Lease as being in full force and effect. the non- defaulting party shall have the right to an action for damages. The Town further shall be entitled. in the event of default. 1) to correct the default itself and to assess the cost thereof to the School, together with interest at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annum accruing from the time of assessment and ?) to collect interest at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annum from the time of default in the event of any monetary default. 17. WAIVER OF BREACH. The waiver by any party to this Lease of a breach of any term or provision of this Lease shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by any party. 18. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party to this Lease shall transfer or assign any interest in the Premises without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. 19. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Lease or its application is finally determined to be invalid, void, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed to be severable, and all other provisions of this Lease shall remain fully enforceable, and this Lease shall be interpreted in all respects as if such provisions were omitted. 20. PARAGRAPH CAPTIONS. The captions of the paragraphs are set forth only for convenience and reference, and are not intended in any way to define, limit, or describe the scope or intent of this Lease. 21. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS OR ACTION. The parties agree to execute any additional documents and to take any additional action necessary to carry out this Lease. 22. INTEGRATION AND AMENDMENT. This Lease represents the entire agreement between the parties and there are no oral or collateral agreements or understandings. This Lease may be amended only by an instrument in writing signed by the parties. 23. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. None of the terms, conditions or covenants set forth in this Lease shall give or allow any claim, benefit or right of action by any third person not a party to this Lease. Any person other than the parties to this Lease who or which receive services or benefits under this Lease shall be only an incidental beneficiary. 24. GOVERNING LAW. This Lease shall be deemed to have been made in the State of Colorado, shall be construed under the Laws of the State of Colorado and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties to this Lease. 25. IMMUNITIES PRESERVED. It is the intention of the parties that this Lease shall not be construed as a contractual waiver of any immunities or defenses provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, § 24 -10 -101 et seq., Colorado Revised Statutes. 26. DATE. i .2006 STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TOWN OF AVON By: Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor X- ATTEST: S E A I P '.y M Keiiny, �wn Cl STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE SubscrPed and sworn to befo:-e me this day of 2006, by j:��#Vii§-President of Stone Elementary School, a Cjoorad nonprofit corporation. Witness my hand and official sea], My Commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE 44 /a r7 /� C !C -.1. The foregoing document was subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 '— day of J"I� '20067 by Ronald C. V,'nII'e as Mayor and Patty-McKenny as Town Clerk of the To of von. My commission expires: Witness my 11,111 4'. 'T ft v A CM ary, ublic Commission -C r. kc j-.\60A73WwpV,OM3.Aw& L.y— 1, 71254006 10:47:27 AM D FM' t' it - r SrTE PLAN CONCEPT STOit CmrLUE, EEI �IMI SCHM s �L A ountain .—Gt (FT AY) Fu O lo- a =�Do ............ O� v� mO G= "m *K -�-► °OO O N1 Z mmm 0 0 J _ DNSm Ri Ow +()X ° VI M mp0m m Mme 3 z m 'i v C m r 0 C e u 2; QO� co D n Z �S FE y , i s r a d � Q G 4 O 1� �P7'< �(D o n a Q J oo J oo _r_I o I� m g ro c o ft �y y r tz� 0 �CD b G✓ C~ ". �P7" CD G' � � O a O� a r ►a CD C C L.) CL d C/) d > V) d r CD b4 kA 4 b9 c o W N Gti .-r O zs k's Gs -s O r C .fl C G b Cu C C v .» O p eo G � P. G C o I� m g ro c o ft �y r tz� 0 b G✓ C~ ". (� CD G' � � O O� r CD C C pH'. "C i• G W C d w be \C N (n 00 > N Ch O O a d d ° { N 0 O G e� o �. `r9 tC r tz� G✓ C~ ". (� G' p G ti CD L.) CL d C/) d > V) d LOO C1 G y d C c o - Z orb yv�o zs k's Gs -s O r C .fl C G Cu C C v .» O p eo Ln C) n n � V > ' Lis '� y c In U ac C pH'. "C i• G tA f Y' /r 11 not THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into thiscU day of n 1999, by and between the EAGLE -VAIL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, a quasi - municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado (the "District "), the TOWN OF AVON, a Colorado municipal corporation ( "Avon "), and EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company, PVRT NOTT I LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, PVRT NOTT U LLC, a Colorado limmted liability company, and PVRT NOTT III LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (hereinafter collectively referred to as "EMD LLC "). The UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY (the "Authority "), a quasi - municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado, agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of this Agreement as though a party to the Agreement to the extent obligated by its terms and conditions. A. WHEREAS, EMD LLC and the District entered into a water service agreement (the "Water Service Agreement ") dated May 15, 1997, and agreed to by the Authority, by which the District and the Authority agreed to provide water service to property owned by EMD LLC, pursuant to the terms and conditions contained therein; B. WHEREAS, EMD LLC is the owner of approximately 1,789 acres in Eagle County, Colorado, which land is more specifically described in the Water Service Agreement (the "Property "); C. WHEREAS, Avon and the District are Contracting Districts, as that term is used and defined in the Water Service Agreement, and pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement entered into by participating districts, dated September 18, 1984, and one of the functions or services to be provided by the Authority is the provision of treated water to the Contracting Districts, their inhabitants and others; D. WHEREAS, the Property is situated such that either Avon or the District, in conjunction with the Authority, is capable of providing water service to the planned development on the Property; E. WHEREAS, the Property has recently been annexed into Avon and EMD LLC and Avon now desire that Avon take over the responsibilities and obligations of the District as set forth in the Water Service Agreement; F. WHEREAS, EMD LLC and the District also entered into an agreement dated May 15, 1997 regarding the sharing of tap fees (the "Tap Fee Agreement "); and ltao377 .4 AML G. WHEREAS, EMD LLC, the District, Avon and the Authority desire that the Water Service Agreement and Tap Fee Agreement both be amended as expressly set forth herein, subject to the conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, the sufficiency of which are mutually acknowledged, the Authority, Avon, the District and EMD LLC agree as follows: 1. The Water Service Agreement and the Tap Fee Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, except as amended and modified as set forth herein. 2. The Water Service Agreement shall be modified as follows: A. Service CoMracl. All references to "Service Contract" in the Water Service Agreement shall refer to the Amended and Restated Master Service Contract dated January 1, 1998, beriveen the Authority and its Participating Members (as defined therein), and the amendments thereto; B. Substitution of Avon. Except as noted in paragraphs 2(D), 2(E) and 3(B) below, "Avon" shall be substituted for each and every reference to the "District" contained in the Water Service Agreement so that Avon shall be responsible for every obligation, responsibility and/or agreement of the District contained or referenced in the Water Service Agreement and so that Avon shall receive every benefit of the District contained or referenced in the Water Service Agreement, as amended hereby; C. Obliga i sj nder ����. The Authority and EMD LLC shall retain all of their respective obligations, responsibilities, agreements and/or benefits contained or referenced in the Water Service Agreement, as such may be amended by paragraphs 2(A) and 2(B) herein, and the District shall no longer retain any of its obligations, responsibilities, agreements and/or benefits contained or referenced in the Water Service Agreement, except as noted in paragraphs 2(D), 2(E) and 3(B) herein; D. Eagle -Park Reservoir. Notwithstanding the amendments and modifications set forth in this paragraph 2, the water storage option granted to EMD LLC at paragraph 7(b) of the Water Service Agreement by the District and Authority to purchase certain stock in the Eagle Park Reservoir Company shall remain in full force and effect, as written, without any of the amendments or modifications discussed in this paragraph 2, subject to all of the express terms and conditions relevant to the option as expressly set forth in the Water Service Agreement. 160371 -2 �\IQ 11 E. Ilse of Water Lines. The District agrees to allow EMD LLC and Avon to use or enlarge any of its water lines if reasonably necessary to provide water service to the Property and if such use or enlargement will not prevent the District from being able to provide water service to its residents. F. The last sentence of paragraph 1(b) of the Water Service Agreement is amended in its entirety to read as follows: The Authority and Avon acknowledge that EMD LLC will depend upon the water supplied under this Agreement for all of its potable water supply needs, except that EMD LLC may, with the consent of Avon and the Authority, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, supply its own potable water to the lots described as Lots 56 to 96, The Village (at Avon), according to the PUD /Sketch Plan approved by Avon. EMD LLC agrees that if such lots are served by individual wells, appropriate fire suppression facilities, as determined by Avon's fire chief pursuant to applicable regulations in effect from time to time and applied on a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis shall be included in residences constructed on those lots. Moreover, if such lots are served by individual wells and the wells subsequently fail, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that neither Avon or the Authority shall have any obligation to extend water lines to affected portions of the Property. & In paragraph 2(a) change "950,000 sq. ft. of commercial" to "650,000 sq. ft. of commercial." At the end of paragraph 2(a) the following shall be added: ltj037 r Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any agreement or obligation on the part of Avon to provide or contribute eater rights or water storage rights to the Authority or to EMD LLC for water service to the Property or the Additional Property other than or in addition to those water rights and water storage rights described on Exhibit D of this Agreement. H. Paragraph 2(b) shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: EMD LLC agrees to lease without cost to Avon for sublease without cost to the Authority, which sublease is hereby consented to, a portion of the water rights described in Exhibit D attached hereto, sufficient to replace the consumptive use associated with development of the Property as ultimately decreed by the Water Court. In no event shall the consumptive use of development on the Property exceed the historic consumptive use of the water rights described in Exhibit D as determined by the Water Court. Any excess consumptive use credits quantified in the Water Case -3- 1\ Aft and not required to replace consumptive use associated with development of the Property shall continue to be owned by EMD LLC, shall be unencumbered by this lease and may be transferred or sold at EMD LLC's sole discretion. 1. Paragraph 2(c) shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: Water Service to the Property. The Authority shall provide retail water service to individual users within the Property, pursuant to the Service Contract, in an amount sufficient to meet the needs of the Property and on the same charges, terms and conditions as provided to the other customers of Avon. Paragraph 3 shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: Servi Charees. As a condition to continuing service to any portion of the Property, the owner of such property shall pay Plant Investment Fees to the Authority which shall be determined, charged and collected in the same manner as to the Contracting Districts. Service charges for the provision of water service to the Property shall be billed by and paid to the Authority; provided, however, Avon shall retain the right to impose a surcharge in addition to such service charges. It is the parties' intent however that service charges, and any surcharge, for water service to the Property shall be charged on the same basis and at the same rates as to other customers of Avon. K. Paragraph 4(b) shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: Meter Reading -a Billin . Meter reading, billing and collection services shall be provided by the Authority to EMD LLC in the same manner as provided to other customers of Avon. L. Paragraph 6 shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: operation and Maintenanrc Services. Avon or the Authority, as may be determined between them, shall be responsible for maintenance and operation of the main line extension(s) to and through the Property and the Storage Tank. EMD LLC shall be responsible for all necessary maintenance and repair of Nottingham Reservoir. EMD LLC acknowledges that the services provided by Avon or the Authority do not include maintenance and repair of EMD LLC's other internal water distribution facilities within the Property. 1tj0377 M L M. Paragraph 7(a) shall be amended to add the following two sentences at the end of the paragraph: The application filed in Case No. 97CW306 did not include the Additional Property, but EMD LLC may, through a separate application, seek to amend the augmentation plan or file a new plan to replace depletions associated with the Additional Property. Avon agrees to and approves the application as filed in Case No. 97CW306, subject to the final decree reflecting water service being provided by Avon and the Authority (rather than the District and the Authority) consistent with this Agreement. N. Delete paragraph 9. 0. Paragraph 10 shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: Service to Additional Prone . EMD LLC or its affiliates own an additional 175.5 acres located adjacent to the Property in a portion of the Nl /2 of Section 10, T. 5 S., R. 81 W. of the 6th P.M. (the "Additional Property "). The Additional Property is further described on Exhibit F attached hereto. In the event EMD LLC, its affiliates or successors elect to obtain water or fire service for the Additional Property in the future, such service shall be provided on the same basis as service to Avon's customers, provided that the Additional Property shall pay 1) for water, an amount equal to the cost of service plus the estimated mill levy attributable to water service for which such property would be responsible if it were a part of Avon, and 2) for fire protection, an amount equal to the estimated mill levy attributable to fire service for which such property would be responsible if it were a part of Avon. EMD LLC agrees that if the Additional Property is to be served by individual wells, appropriate fire suppression facilities , as determined by Avon's fire chief pursuant to applicable regulations in effect from time to time and applied on a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis shall be included in structures constructed on the Additional Property. Moreover, if the Additional Property is served by individual wells and the wells subsequently fail, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that neither Avon or the Authority shall have any obligation to extend water lines to affected portions of the Additional Property. Tap fee allocations shall be on the same basis as for the Property, itself. -5- 103-1, 7 follows: E P. Paragraph l l (e) of the Water Service Agreement shall be amended as (c) Remedies Upon Default. Upon the occurrence and continuance of an event of default, the nondefaulting party shall be entitled to enforce the provisions of this Agreement in law or in equity, and relief in the nature of specific performance or damages or both may be awarded, subject to the provisions of the laws of the State of Colorado. The prevailing party in any legal action shall be entitled to the recovery of its costs and expenses of such action against the defaulting parry. Costs and expenses shall include, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees not to exceed a maximum of $175,000. 3. Paragraphs I through 5 of the Tap Fee Agreement shall be replaced in their entirety with the following: A. Collection of Tap Fees. Avon agrees that it shall collect all residential and commercial tap fees for taps on the Property. However, if Avon does not collect a tap fee within a reasonable period of time, EMD LLC or its successors and assigns shall have the same right as Avon to collect such tap fee. Avon agrees that the tap fees shall be calculated and collected in the same manner as for all others who receive such service from Avon. B. Allocation of Tap Fees. EMD LLC or its successors and assigns shall be entitled to receive one- hundred percent (100 %) of all tap fees collected for taps on the Property, but shall be required to convey to the District twenty percent (20 %), but not less than $800, of each such tap fee within 30 days of receipt of the same by EMD LLC. C. Water Development Fee. Avon agrees that EMD LLC or its successors and assigns shall have the right to charge and retain any amount in excess of the regular tap fee charged by Avon for the development of water service on the Property (the "Water Development Fee "), and Avon agrees to bill and collect any such Water Development Fee together with its regular tap fees. The District is not entitled to any portion of the Water Development Fee, except that in the event that no regular tap fee is charged by Avon and EMD LLC, the District shall receive the twenty percent (20 %). but not less than $800 per tap referenced above out of the Water Development Fee within 30 days of receipt of the same by EMD LLC, which agrees to assess at least that amount as an excess fee. D. No Impairment of Fees. Avon agrees that it shall not undertake any action in the future which impairs or impedes EMD LLC or its successors' and assigns' right and ability to receive Avon's regular tap fees and the Water Development Fee for new taps on the Property. E. Additional PropeM. Pursuant to paragraph 10 of the Water Service Agreement; as modified herein, in the event EMD LLC. its affiliates or successors elect to obtain water service for the Additional Property in the future. Avon has committed to provide such service and the parties agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall then also be applicable to the Additional Property. 4. Except as expressly amended or modified herein, all other terms and provisions of the Water Service Agreement and Tap Fee Agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 103 Executed as of the date first set forth above. EAGLE -VAIL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, a quasi- municipal corporation of the State of Colorado '4tLTitle: EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company By: e ' Title: J PVRT NOTT I LLC, a Colorado limited liability company Bv: Title: -7- G E STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF 1 ) E PVRT NOTT II LLC, a Colorado limited liability company By: Title: PVRT NOTT III LLC, a Colorado limited liability company vo UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY, a quasi - municipal corporation of the State of Colorado y: 1 e: .� The foregoing First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement was acknowledged before ine is.204 -1-N day of �C� , 1999, by as of the Eagle -Vail Metropolitan District, a quasi - municipal corporation of the State of Colorado. My commission expires 3/ (a )OG3 Witness my hand and official seal. A ctgT;�j(�B�LIC:° P4 o f �'\0 1tjO377 Notary -8- M11 Alk STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing First Amendment to W�te I r Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement was ackpowledged before me this 'Z2- day of J " 1999, by k, i.J'kj- as C, r of the Town of Avon, a municipal corporation of the SUe of Colorado. ,•e. My commission expires s my hand and official seal. �T- -r-&&COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement was P acknowledged before me this 4-M day of 1999; by �L—&� "6. Past"" as of each of EMD Limited Liability Company, PVRT NOTT I LLC, PVRT NOT 11 LLC. and PVRT NOTT III LLC, each of which are a Colorado limited liability company. 1tj0377 mv commission expires Witness my hand and official seal. V, �4 S GJ Cad P Notarylj 0 EJ M I 0 0 r .T STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement _.iyas acknowle ged before me this day of OW , 1999, by as ug N' the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, a quasi- municipal corporation of the State of Colorado. Itj037 7 My commission expires k? . laoC, Witness my hand and official seal. v� Notary -10- /' /' October 23.2D0G Eagle River Water and Sanitation District &46 Forest Road Vail CO 81658 Dear Sir orMadam: This letter will serve aa notice to the Eagle River and Sanitation Distric that the following tap fees have been waived for one year for Stone Creek Elementary: Village atAvon/TnaerCreek Incremental Sewer Tap Fee (1''Meter) $3.921.00 Village otAvon/TneerCreek Water Development Fee (1^Meter) s6.200.00 You may call mei/ you have any questions. Sincerely, Dan Leary / Pea/dent ' Traer Creek Metropolitan Di�trict � it TO-NVN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION 06-29 SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN AND TRAER CREEK RP, LLC WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 06-30 the Town Council will approve a STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY ("the School Lease") whereby the Town will lease Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing I ("Lot 5 "), to Stone Creek Elementary for a term from July 1, 2006, to June 31, 2007: and WHEREAS, Lot 5 is currently designated as a public works site pursuant to the Annexation and Development Agreement for The Village (at Avon); and WHEREAS, Traer Creek RP, LLC has proposed to enter into a LICENSE AGREEMENT to provide to the Town an alternative public works site during the term of the School Lease: NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The LICENSE AGREEMENT, a copy of which is filed with the minutes of this meeting, is hereby approved. 2. All action heretofore taken by the officers of the Town of Avon relating to the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. 3. This Resolution is contingent upon the adoption of Resolution No. 06 -30. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon the 13th day of June, 2006. C. Ronald C. Wolfe, Mavor rf L: ATTEST: ........... ok n.1 jv Y, ;�ati�y�cKenny- T�4erk IV 7 LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement "), made effective as of the IST day of July, 2006 ( "Effective Date "), is among TRAER CREEK RP, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ( "Landlord ") and the TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado ( "Town" OR "Tenant")- RECITALS A. WHEREAS, Landlord is the owner of that certain real property, known as Tract B. The Village (at Avon) Filing 3, according to the plat thereof recorded June 29, 2004 at Reception No. 882176 of the Eagle County, Colorado real property records. Such Tract is also informally known as Planning Area N South on the Village (at Avon) PUD Development Sketch Plan. B. WHEREAS, Landlord desires to lease 4.0 acres of the 5.765 parcel, known as Tract B (or Planning Area N South), to Tenant, as more specifically set forth in the attached map hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" ( "the Premises "). Whereas Landlord further desires to grant Tenant access to the Premises as more specifically set forth in Exhibit "A." C. WHEREAS, Tenant desires to lease the Premises for a period of one year for snow, equipment and vehicle storage. D. WHEREAS, Landlord has agreed to allow Tenant to use the Premises for snow, equipment and vehicle storage. subject to the terms of this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by Tenant; the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Lease to Tenant: Subject to the terms, covenants and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Landlord hereby leases the Premises to Tenant, and its employees, contractors, agents and invitees, to use and possess the Premises during, the Term of this Agreement for storage of snow, equipment and vehicles. Landlord further grants to Tenant access to the Premises as specifically set forth in Exhibit A. Tenant shall use the Premises only for the purposes described in this Agreement. 2. Ten of Lease: The term of this lease (the "Term ") shall commence on the Effective Tenn Date hereof and terminate at 11:59 pan. MST on the 365`x' day following the Effective Date, 3. Additional Obligations.: (a) Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, promptly comply with all applicable laws. rules and regulations relating to the Premises. Tenant shall further be obligated to comply with all enviromnerrtal laws, federal and state rules and regulations and ordinances, as it would have to comply with such obligations on its own property. Tenant; however, shall not be ant to those laws and obligated to do more than that which it is already obligated to do pursu should Tenant comply with those laws, Landlord shall hold Tenant harmless from any claims by Landlord, its successors or assigns arising out of the handling, treatment, storage or disposal of any hazardous or toxic substance as defined under any applicable state or federal law including, without limitation. the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. (b) Tenant shall keep the Premises in a neat, clean and sanitary condition, consistent with the uses set forth in this Agreement, at all times during the Term of this Agreement. 4. Alter ations: Tenant shall make no material alterations, additions or improvements in or to the Premises without Landlord's prior written approval and consent for items and or improvements. 5. Insurance: (a) During the Term of this Agreement, Tenant shall maintain, at its sole cost and expense, the following policies of insurance: (i) Commercial general liability insurance in an occurrence format in an amount of $3,000,000 per occurrence, including the following coverages: contractual liability; personal injury, broad form property damage; and independent contractors insurance. Such policies shall include a provision requiring a minimum of 30 days' notice to Landlord of any change or cancellation. Landlord shall be named as an additional named insured as its interests may appear on this policy. (ii) Comprehensive automobile liability insurance on all vehicles used in connection v�ith this Agreement, in an amount of $1,000;000 combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage, per occurrence. Tenant shall legally obligate its subcontractors, either contractually or otherwise, to obtain identical coverage. Landlord shall be named as an additional insured as its interests may appear on Tenant's and any subcontractor's policies. (b) During the Term of this Agreement, Landlord shall maintain, at its sole cost and expense, its current commercial general liability insurance on the immediately adjacent property to the Premises; known as Tract G, The Village (at Avon) Filing 3. 6. Quiet Enjoyment: Landlord covenants and agrees with Tenant that upon Tenant observing and performing all the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement on Tenant's part to be observed and performed. Landlord shall not, subject to Section 9; below, disturb Tenant's peaceable and quiet enjo }7ment of the Premises during the Term of this Agreement. 7. Acceptance of Premises: Taking possession of the Premises by Tenant shall be conclusive evidence against Tenant that the Premises were in good order and that the Town accepted the condition of the Property when possession was taken. Notwithstanding that fact; the Premises is made available to Tenant in its "as is" condition on the commencement date of the Term. 2 N 8. Landlord Access to Premises: Landlord and its agents, upon reasonable notice to Tenant, shall have the right to enter the Premises at all times to examine them, to show the Premises to prospective purchasers. mortgagees; lenders or others, and to make and perform such maintenance or repairs as Landlord may deem necessary or desirable, on the condition that Landlord shall use all reasonable efforts to minimize interference with the Tenant's operations. Further, absent a formal assignment of this Agreement, any new owner of the Premises shall also have the right of entry. 9. Assignment and Subletting,: (a) Tenant shall not assign, convey. mortgage, hypothecate or encumber its rights in this Agreement at any time during the Term hereof without the prior written consent of Landlord. (b) Landlord may assign, convey, mortgage, hypothecate or encumber its rights and obligations in the Premises at any time during the Term hereof without the prior written consent of Tenant. 10. Indemnity: (a) To the full extent allowed by law. Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Landlord, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective agents, officers, directors; servants and employees of and froth any and all costs, expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees). liability, claims. liens. demands. actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, cost, damage or injury, including death of any person or damage to property of any kind, which damage, loss or injury is caused by the breach of this lease or the willful misconduct or negligent acts, errors or omissions of Tenant, its subcontractors or any person directly or indirectly employed by them, or any of them, while engaged in any activity on or associated with the Premises. (b) To the full extent allowed by law. Landlord shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Tenant, its agents, officers, directors and employees of and from any and all costs. expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees), liability, claims, liens, demands. actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, cost. damage or injury. including death of any person, or darnage to property of any kind, which damage. loss or injury is caused by the breach of this lease or the willful misconduct or negligent acts. errors or omissions of Landlord, its subcontractors or any person directly or indirectly employed by them, Traer Creek Metropolitan District, or any of them, while engaged in any activity on or associated with the Premises. IL . Default: if either party neglects or fails to perform or observe any of the terms or covenants herein contained to be performed or observed by that party, and that defaulting party fails.to remedy such default within ten (10) days after receiving written notice specifying such neglect or failure (or within such period, if any, as may be reasonably required to cure such default if it is of such nature that it cannot be cured within such 10 -day period, provided that the defaulting part), commences to remedy such default -vithin such ten -day period and proceeds with reasonable diligence thereafter to cure such default). that party shall be declared in default of this Agreement. 1�� 12. Remedies: If Tenant shall default under this Agreement as set forth in Section l I.. Landlord shall have all remedies at law or equity, including but not limited to Landlord's right to terminate this Agreement, re -enter and take possession of the Premises and /or pursue any statutorily mandated court proceeding. If Landlord shall default under this Agreement as set forth in Section 11, Tenant shall have all remedies at law or equity, including but not limited to the remedies of specific performance or termination of this Agreement. The remedies of Landlord and Tenant shall be cumulative and the exercise of one remedy shall not be deemed to have been an election of remedies to the exclusion of any other remedies available. No delay or omissions by either party to exercise any right or power arising from a breach by the other party of anv of the terms of this lease shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any breach or an acquiescence therein. 13. End of Term: At the expiration of or earlier termination of this Agreement, Tenant shall quit and surrender the Premises to Landlord in as good order as they were in on commencement date of the Agreement and with no material change from the condition they were in on that same date, with all temporary improvements thereon removed; subject to the provisions of 3(a) hereof. 14. Waiver of Subrosation: Landlord and Tenant respectively waive all rights of recovery against the other, or the officers, directors, employees and agents of the other, for loss of or damage to such waiving party of its property or the property of the other under its control; arising from any cause insured against under the standard form of fire insurance policy (with all permissible extension endorsements covering additional perils) or under any other policy of insurance carried by such waiving party in lieu thereof. 15. Holdover By Tenant: In the event Tenant remains in possession of the Premises after the expiration of this Lease, and without the execution of a new lease. Tenant, at the option of Landlord shall be deemed to be occupying the Premises as a Tenant from month to month. Tenant shall be entitled to occupy the Premises at the current rental rate for a period of six months. Thereafter. Tenant shall be required to pay to Landlord rent in the amount of $1.666.00 per month, constituting fair market value of the Premises. Rent shall be paid on the I" day of the month. During the holdover period in question, all of the terms and conditions hereof then in effect (excepting the rent provision) shall remain in effect for the entire holdover period. 16. Subordination. Non- disturbance and Attornment: (a) This Lease is also subject and subordinate to any mortgage which may hereafter affect this Lease or the real property of which the Premises are a part provided that (a) each such mortgage shall contain a provision in substance and effect that the Mortgagee, by acceptance of the mongage, covenants and agrees on behalf of itself and those at any time holding by, through or under it, for the benefit of Tenant, and those, at any time holding by, through or under Tenant. that unless Tenant shall have suffered an Event of Default under the provisions of this Lease and notice of termination of this Lease shall have been given as provided in this Lease and not revoked, the holder of any such mortgage to which this Lease may be subordinated shall not name or join Tenant or anyone holding by, through or under Tenant as a party defendant or otherwise in any suit, action or proceeding for the foreclosure of such mortgage or in any manner interfere with Tenant's rights hereunder and Tenant shall not be disturbed in its enjoyment of the Premises or its interests herein by the Mortgagee or anyone holding by. kQ through or under the Mortgagee to the end that this Lease and the possession of the Premises by Tenant shall not be disturbed or affected by reason of such foreclosure. In lieu of the non - disturbance provision being contained in the mortgage, such provision can be contained in a separate non- disturbance agreement delivered by such mortgagee to Tenant which agreement Tenant shall promptly execute upon request. (b) This clause shall be self - operative and no further instrument of subordination shall be required by any mortgagee, affecting any lease or the real property of which the Premises are a part. In confirmation of such subordination, Tenant shall execute promptly any certificate that Landlord may request. 17. Notice: Any notice; demand or communication which either party may desire or be required to give to the other party shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently given or rendered if delivered personally or sent by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: If to LANDLORD: Traer Creek RP, LLC P.O. Box 9429 322 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon, Colorado 81620 If to TENANT: Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 Either party shall have the right to designate in writing, served as provided above, a different address to which any notice; demand or communication is to be mailed. 18. Certificates: Landlord and Tenant shall; without charge, at any time and from time to time; within ten (10) days after request by the other,'execute, acknowledge and deliver an estoppel certificate containing such information as the party requesting the same may reasonably request. 19. Paragraph Headings: Paragraph or other headings contained in this Agreement are for referenced purposes only and are not intended to affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 20. Birndine Effect: This Agreement will not be binding on or constitute evidence of a contract between the parties until such time as it has been executed by each party and an original thereof delivered to each other party to this Agreement and Ratification has occurred. 21. Additional Documentation: At all times, the parties hereto agree to execute and deliver. or to cause to be executed and delivered, such documents and to do, or cause to be done, such other acts and things as might reasonably be required in order to confirm or effectuate the provisions of this Agreement. 22. No Representations or Warranties: There are no representations and warranties by the parties, their agents, servants and employees whether oral or in writing, relating to or concerning this Agreement other than as specifically set forth herein. Each of the parties hereto warrants and represents to the other that it is authorized or empowered to enter into this Agreement and perform the terms hereof. 23. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior written and oral agreements and understanding relating to the subject matter hereof. 24. Modification: This Agreement may not be modified, amended or discharged except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto. No waiver or consent may be enforced unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement thereof is sought. 25. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. 26. Successors and Assigns: This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their .respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns. 27. No Negative Inference Against Preparer: This Agreement is the result of negotiations between the parties, each of whom is represented by counsel of its own choosing. All parties shall be deemed to have drawn this Agreement and no negative inference or interpretation shall be made by a court against the party whose counsel drafted this Agreement. 28, No Modification to PUD: This Lease Agreement and the intended use of the Premises are permitted by and do not require or effect a modification to or amendment of the Annexation and Development Agreement between Traer Creel< and the Town of Avon, the Village (at Avon) PUD Guide, or the associated PUD Development /Sketch Plan (collectively, the "Development Plan "). Operation on an interim basis of snow, equipment and vehicle storage at the location specified in and otherwise subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement will not be construed as limiting any future uses within Tract B, The Village (at Avon) Filing 3 that otherwise are permitted under the Development Plan, or as effecting a waiver by Owner or the Town of any rights under the agreements constituting the Development Plan. Operations of the Town pursuant to this Lease Agreement are intended to be on an interim basis only, and do not constitute a commitment by Landlord that the Town's operations will be housed on a permanent or semi - permanent basis at this location or otherwise within the Village (at Avon). 29. Traer Creel< Desi ,grn Review and Special Review Use: Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold any approval by the Traer Creek Design Review Board to the Town of Avon or unreasonably withhold any consent to the special review use by the Town of Avon, and for which relate to any matter necessary to carry out the purpose of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Parties have hereunto caused this Lease Agreement to be executed on their behalf the day and year first above written. 6 �'1� C { TRAER CREEK RP, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company B� ME Tit TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado By: Name: �p�� �• �0 Title: h� l ipt� ;fj•, r .5 7 SKLC- SO" 10 11 -2-2 1,1 EG 882176•200e.CD2 EXi4 k r SEWER TAP FEE AND WATER PLANT INVESTMENT FEE DEFERRAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of this day of .1 2006. by and between the EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT ("District"'), the UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY (-Authoritv"), both quasi- municipal corporations and political subdivisions of the State of Colorado, and the TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado ("Town"). RECITALS WHEREAS, District is organized to provide sanitary server collection and wastewater treatment and Authority is organized to provide potable water treatment and supply; and as such. District assesses sewer tap fees and Authority assesses water plant investment fees: and WHEREAS, Town has entered into a lease arrangement with Stone Creek Elementary School. a Colorado Public Charter School (hereinafter referred to as "School"). wherein School has ]eased certain property ("Real Property" from Town described as: Legal Description: Lot: -, Block: Filing: Szibdivision: Eagle Couniv, Colorado I - : and T WHEREAS, apparentIN, pursuant to the lease arraneement with the Town, School is obligated to pay any server tap fee and water plant investment fee which may be due: School has asked Authority and District for a deferred payment of such fees. payable over a 111\17c (5) year period. and District and Authority have agreed to such time deferred payments Jora school use. subject to certain conditions, as detailed below. NONN!, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe mutual promises. covenants and agreements ol-the parties as contained herein. the adequacy of which is hereby admitted, the District. Authority and 1-own agree as follows: Real Property. All rights and obligations hereunder shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties. 7. Severability. If any portion of this Agreement shall be deerned to be ineffective or without force or effect by any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Agreement shall be construed as if the offending provision were not a part hereof. S. Amendment. Recordine and Notice. This Agreement shall not be subject to amendment without express written consent of the parties hereto. This Agreement shall be recorded Nyith the Clerk and Recorder for Eagle County. Colorado. Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered by certified mail to the General Manager of the District and Authority. and to the Town Manager of the Town at the addresses listed below: Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority Eagle River- Water and Sanitation District c/o General Manager 846 Forest Road Vail. Colorado 81657 and Town of Avon c/o Town Manager 400 Benchmark Road Box 975 Avon. Colorado 81620 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have affixed their hands and seals on the date and vear first above written. WATER UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL AUTHORITY Bar: Title: TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER: JACQUIE HALBURNT THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME ESTIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP : / /WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND COUNCIL MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND CITY MARKET THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH SPECIAL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT 1:30 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. STONE CREEK CHARTER SCHOOL — (JOHN DUNN, TOWN ATTORNEY) DISCUSSION ON THE $250K RECORATION BOND THAT IS REQUIREED PER THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHOOL 5. ADJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting. 06.08.28 Page 1 of 1 a 0 0 -6 0 k\(0(0 E CD Q C'4 w E C5 \\6066\ 00 90090 060090 0 c 0 0 co "j- (::I q -t cl c:I 0 ƒ/// \& 0 J-0 w 00 000 d o 00 9 q ci LO 00 C q 0 co 90 0 0 C) 0 0 C) r- 0 0 C� tn m 0 03 - 0 69 0 It C4 C6 Lo Lq W V) uq U9� (n U) z z -J Uj z 02 g 26§6X/§ uj uj j j d d j 'D co N co Ln C- 0 m > 0 E Cc 0 U 7F, E —6 C z > 0 M 75 a- 0 -(b > ■ U E 0 E c w;0 C) U X Cn :D T -N m 'r Iq Iq N N N N CN N N -6 Z LL U5 uj uj 0 U), J (n LO LO C) cu z E 0 C:Do a 0 c 0 § '5 0, -ru .0 ') z 70 a) a- 'c� uj p — = 0) LL (D P m CD 0 L) = a) r- = > 0 v) (D 0 'LL 0 < X F- - CA m f Lrl g co co co co m m M Lo Ln Ln 46 0 E 0 uj LO 0 E 0 CL U) E 0 C r_ c m m 0 cm -2 -e 0 CL '0 _0 0 0 0 m 2 m 0 m m U) E E E x x = tn 04 '0 m 2 p CL 0- UJ m 6 N CL a CL m m tn C14 x E W — C) b 0 . - (n In r-It= + a) x , m m M - gal a co < r E Q) uj E 41 a) E 2 > 'a _0 L.Li 2 a )\ m m a) a) E \ \ / V) cn CL CD a) a LO CL 0 E (n E U) E m E 0- -C ®,/7` —= cn 7 M M 75 «R£§ = ;= CL OL to ra M 0-0 2 a_ 0- 0) 0 d5 2 2 ca. /r CL a) a) c — tm -�4 -'Z r, " 0- IL C: Fa �r- �r- c Z CL a) = — -E -,: 76 CL 0 a) M ru .— L uu=m (n o 3 ;9a&E g2® 2 2 a a u CL 7 5 -Z5 > E E '5 — T m 8 LL IEEE x E a) 0 0 m 0 CU 0 > t= —' a. o 0 U) m m — L = E Q) E °0-Z® )/e@)) — — ' \ \\\3 /) cm m 01 0) E F= C: S� S 0 (�D5 E ' o \\\\\j m 2 3 .5 6 < (D m 0 E E 'n 2 ON 'E 'E 'E 03 X a. (z 'o <, LL :) Z) :) 0 9 Lq 1p » N M 'It L" 10 co m R CN ce) Stone Creek Elementary School factual information: ` ' * Lease between Town and School 1erozbzaten June 30,2OO7. ` * School has borrowed $l,275,496 frmno Wells Fargo, 'the full amount o[ which v/un mlvuoocd on August lO'2008. * 0o October ]l'2O0b, School im required tn make a principal puymonto[S25O.0O0,roduciug debt to Sl,Ol7'4g6. * VyidzcunnLblypdooipu|paymeuto,dcbttoWoUmvvU|hrrcduccdioSO88,6Ll.44by]uuc3O, 2007. • Monthly principal and interest (at 8.596) payments are approximately $25,8l8. • Maturity date of the note is February 29,2OUQ. }\ balloon payment nf3699,3i9.80 will bo due at that bonc. • The Wells Fargo note is secured by a Commercial Security Agreement covering a Nortex Modular Complex, having a purchase price (exclusive of delivery costs) of $1,046,834. • Wells Fargo made the loan in part in reliance on the School's agreement with the State of Colorado, which guarantees revenue sufficient in cover loan payments. • Lease requires o restoration bond of S250'000. $lU0'00Dnf that ia cost nf removal of" tile modular, and the balance is site restoration. Chmouuaon: • There will be only $29]]8 equity in the modular at the outset, and the equity ndU increase to only $l78,222.56hy the end of the lease, Wells has no objection to tile Town having second position. • If the school defaults, Wells would foreclose and become the owner of the modular. It could recover on its loan only by acUiog the modular, vvbiob would require its removal from the site. • Therefore, as a practical matter, the Town needs to be secured as to only the $150,000 required for site restoration. • There i000 guaranty that, i[ the modular was sold by the bank, [bU value would bureceived, The equity is therefore speculative. • Bvoo i[ the equity were not speculative, foreclosure would hoproblematic. In order to fhzuo]oae, the Town would have to ouaoouo liability for the Wells Fargo loan. • It is more likely that the Soboni will not default and that it will z000uvc tile building by }oou 30` 2007` or ask the Council for unew )ouoe. • nYbiobcvor is the uuoo, the likelihood is that the School will o:convu the building at some time, and the only concern of the Town will be that the School will lack dzc ability or money to restore the site to its ndgiou| condition to the Town's audxCbodon. • In that event, while the equity may be speculative, the Town will continue to have second position after tile bank and will gain first position nu February 29, 2008, if the loan is not refinanced. The loan Could be refinanced while the bank maintains its first position. Conclusion: D is apparent that the School can provide oo real, satisfactory aouurty, Staff RUG-24-2006 14:33 FROM:CDE-CARE 303 866 6857 T0:+97074ee8e1 P.OGI/0211 X04 �o OLORAD '0 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION C OFFICE OF SPECM SERVICES commis of r }* 1560 Broadway, Suite 1450 • Denver, Colorado 80202-5149 CommissiorLer of Stiucallc;i 503,866.6600 - 303,866.6782 wwwedr-sintamus To: Mr. John Dunn, Town of Avon Attorney Ce Fax: 970-748-8881 From- Brian, Anderson, Schools of Choice Unit, Colorado Department of Education Date: August 24, 2006 RE, Funding for Stone Creek Charter School Details regarding funding for schools that are chartered tbrougji the Charter School Institute can be.Caund in Section 22-30,5-513, C.R.S. Essentially, an institute charter school. receives 95% of the .Per Pupil Revenue (PPR) of the school district in which the charter school resides. In addition, for the past five years, all charter schools in the state with capital construction needs (i.e. modular leases) have received a per pupil amount over and. above ilic, regular PPR. That amount is a one-time payment, usually received in January of the current school year, and that amount will most likely be between $200 and $220 per pupil in the 2006-07 school year. Specifically, Stone Crock Charter School will receive monthly payments from July, 2006 through June, 2007, Those monthly payments will be roughly one twelfth of their annual PPR. it will not be exactly even because payments during the first few months are based on prqJected enrollment and will be adjusted aft—or the official enrollment count day, which is Octobcr I". The total of their PPR payments will be about S6,084,35 multiplied by their student count, $6,084,35 represents 95% of Bagle County School District's flqcal year 2006-07 PPR, which is 56,404,58. For the sake of sh-uplicity, if Stone Creek Charter School's Ruided pupil count is 250, then they will receive $1,521,038 in total PPR payments for the year. That would workout to an average of $126,757 perinonth.. In addition to the PPR payments, Stone Creek Charter School will receive a check for approximately $50,000 in January or so, to help offset capital costs (i.e. a lease of modular space). I hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to contact me for clarification, either via e-mail dorson b(acdp igto.co.us) or via telephone (303-866-6864). .,A ONS ivroving,4rademir Achievenew TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION 06-30 SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE BETWEEN THE TOWN AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WHEREAS, Stone Creek Elementary School has requested that the Town ciitei- Into a STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY ("the School Lease") whereby the Town will lease Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing I ("'Lot 5"), to Stone Creek Elementary for a term from July 1, 2006, to June 31, 2007; and WHEREAS, Lot 5 is currently designated as a public works site pursuant to the Annexation and Development Agreement for The Village (at Avon); and WHERE-AS, by Resolution No. 06-29 the Town Council approved a LICENSE AGREEMENT between the Town and Traer Creek RP, LLC to provide to the Town an alternative public works site during the term of the School Lease; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1, The School Lease, a copy of which is filed with the minutes of this meeting, is hereby approved, 2. All action heretofore taken by the officers of the Town of Avon relating to the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. 3. This Resolution is contingent upon the adoption of Resolution No. 06-29. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of AVOD the 13th day Of June, 2006. Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor ,kT T S T: Pa'6 MCI, ens; Tc "i 4' 7' OBLIGATIONS 007THE SCHOOL. 7.1 Use Restriction. The 5oboo| shall use the Premises only for acbuo| purp000u and iocompliance with any and all restrictions contained iu its 0arteraild state law, any and all restrictions contained inthe approval ofo special review use by the Town and any and all restrictions contained iu the approval oftbc 'The Villaue Design Review Board. The School shall establish and maintain an outreach program for "at-risk" children and shall provide evidence thereof to the Town along with quarterly reports ua1othe success of that program. /\oy non-scholastic use of the Premises shall have the prior approval of the l'owil uto[[ In the event the School persists in using the Premises for upurpose other than school purposes io violation ofthis Lease or vin|o1cs tile restrictions as aforesaid, the Town may terminate this Lease by giving prior nrihon notice of the violation. The School shall then cease using the Premises for the remainder ofLhcieon. 7.2 Right tuCure. Upon receipt o[u notice of violation or presumption of abandom-nent, the School shall have the right to cure such violation within 10 days of such notice before the Town may terrninate the School's leasehold interest for violation oriuidutcacivil action iu the District Court for Eagle County, Colorado. 7.3 Purchase ofImprovements. When this Lease is terminated, the School shall remove any and all improvements that it may have erected on the Premises and restore said premises to essentially the xunzc condition which existed at the inception oftbis Lease, 10 the satisfaction nftboIov/o. The School shall provide u restoration bond iu the amount of$25O,O0O,io the form o[cash. letter n[ credit or other security acceptable Lothe Town in its sole discretion, to guarantee its compliance with this Subparagraph. 0, INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. Io the cxtenLpermitted by law, the School shall iudcooni[v and keep harmless the Town from: l)uo)' expense incurred by the Town io entering into and performing this Lease; 2) ally and all |ouaco, dnmogoo` charges orclaims arising out ufthe operation nfuschool |'aoi}iiy on Town property, including without limitation from any violations ofThe Village Qusicyo Review Board and Town approvals, the School's Cbodor or state law � ]) ouy and all |noaeo. damages, charges or claims resulting from personal 111jury, death or property d000ageu occurring oo the Premises; and 4) any costs, iocludingu1ioroey`x fees, whether o{ the Town Attorney or other attorneys, relating to2)through 4) above. 0L1 The School shall place and maintain Lit all times. u1 its sole erpcnoe,u general liability insurance policy with respect to the Premises iri which the limits of liability shall be not less two milliort dollars (S2,000,000) for each occurrence and with ari mmtial a(,gro(,at,-uoverage of not less than fiveo�Uiou ($5`000,000). 14. CONSULTATION. The ozuvubao concerning ' o[ this Lease that the pal ties have not now contemplated. Recognizing that u high level of cooperation between the parties is necessary and desirable, the parties agree to consult with each other from time to time concerning this Lease. The parties further agree that ^'their respective representatives will meet 10 conduct such consultation upon lO days written request given hy one party to the other party. In uddiLion, each party ybu]l /iocn time to time designate in writing such party's "contact person" for all 000lters involving the odnoioio1rodou of this Lease. ' 15. NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted by this Lease shall heiowriting and shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given for all purposes if sent by certified or registered cnoii postage and Ybcn prcpuid, addressed tothe party `^ to vvbocn such notice is intended to be given at the address set forth oo the signature page bc|nvv, of at such other address as has been previously furnished io writing to the other party orparties. Such notice oboU be deemed to have been given when deposited in the lJ.S. }Iai|. 16. DEFAULT AND/OR TERMINATION. All terms and conditions of this Lease are considered material. lo the event that either party defaults io the performance ofany of the covenants or agreements to be kept, done or performed by and under tile requirements n[ this Lease, the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party written notice of such default, and if the defaulting party Oziio, neglects or refuses for a period of more than 10 days thereafter to cure the default, then the non-defaulting C� party, without further notice, may, in addition to any other remedies available to it., 1cccoioo1e all rights and privileges granted in this Lease and this Lease shall be of no further force or effect. If the non-defaulting party elects to treat this Lease as being if] full lbzoc and effect, the non-defaulting party abu|| have the fight to an action t' or duniuucs. The Town further shall bc entitled, iothe event o[ default. |)to correct {bc default itself and to assess the cost thereof 10 the School, iugctbcr with interest at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annurn accruing from the time of assessment and 22) to collect interest at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annurn from tile urne of default io the event o[ any monetary default. 17. WAIVER OF BREACH. The waiver byu-iv party to this Lease ofa breach o[any term or provision o[ this Lease shall not operate ocbe construed usa waiver otooy subsequent breach by any party. 10. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party tn this l.caae shall banst'eroronsianony Interest III the Premises without first obtaining the written consent o[the other party. 19. STC\/ERA0|IL|Tl/ UF any provision o[ this Lease or its application isfna|y determined 1obc invalid, void. or unenforceable bYo court ofcocnpotcUndodicLioo. suCliymviuioutliall bedeciued. to beuL�vCfable.and all other pro vislmsu[&iuLcasc abaU remain fully enforceable, and this Lease shall be interpreted in u]] rcopuc1s os if ,such provisions were onuittcd. ATTEST: t `' PL y M Kenny, wn CI -'rk P" 's STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COL;NTY OF EAGLE } Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , -2-1006. by President of Stone Creels Elementary School, a Colorad�nonprotit corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. �� -VA 0�- My commission expires: ' - N6tary Pt blic �kc''• -: t: ° ,P OF r- S p STATE ATL OF COLORADO } } ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE } The foregoing document was subscribed and sworn to before me this to day of J _, 2006, by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty- McKenny as 'Town Cleric of the Town of von. My commission expires: Fitness my han k,. C, Itary ublic � QFn Cdi -a4` My Commission Expires PAWi A: z sr Permittee: rr6tV 1E ferAenh'kart! K'hevheor Szliml /I J 'V",l r. re Mailing Address: Phone: - 01 Cell/ Pager: Fax: Project Location: Attach all necessary exhibits including plans and maps required to filly define all work to be performed within the Public Ways. For excavations paralleling roadways or right-of-ways, show location with respect to roadway and/or right-of-ways. Lot- -5 Btntk: Subdivision: Street Address of Project Location: -3 -7 1 Y, Project Description: Starting Date: 7 /1'q 1,7e,06, Completion Date: Permit For The Purpose Of- �Installing .7. Repair ❑ Other RECEIVED Subsurface Utility: E] Gas E Water ❑ Sewer 11 Cable ❑ Telephone E Drains ❑ Elec. L�, Entrance / Driveway JUL 2 5 2006 Density Tests To Be Performed By: ORM"IT ncivul',oment Permittee Is responsible for obtaining the proper location and protection of all public utilities. Permittee Guarantees work for two years from final inspection date. The Town of Avon MUST BE informed at least 24 hours prior to the start date of all construction iii order to provide inspection during construction. Inspections shall be called into (970) 748-4094 for: (Utility Company'Permitees shall call (970) 748-4100 for Inspection Requests) If dissatisfied with construction performed on this job, please contact '�' U e- Phone No: -14q - eol 9 7 Cell: 3 Yk — � 3 (Revised 5/31/06) Excavation (Site Preparation) -.2f Prior to backfill 14 Prior to paving Site Restoration Final inspection (Utility Company'Permitees shall call (970) 748-4100 for Inspection Requests) If dissatisfied with construction performed on this job, please contact '�' U e- Phone No: -14q - eol 9 7 Cell: 3 Yk — � 3 (Revised 5/31/06) Aug-28-06 10:1JA Town or Avon 970 748 1958 P-04 'qqNqCorqTACT PUBLIC WOR�KS - 748-4100 - TO ARRANGE FVfK-1-U0WM ROW Permit No.: p AL--ff-o A]21glication] Permit For Construction or Within` Public Permit Review and Inspection Fee Schedule Adopted by Ord. 03-03 FOR TOWN OF AVON USE ONLY Base permit Fee: Includes permit for one (1) longitudinal cut where the excavation trench is not more than fifty (50) linear feet, one (1) driveway installation or one(I)transverse cut. x $175 Additional transverse cut or driveway installation: x $50 per each Longitudinal installation greater than fifty (50) linear feet: Base permit fee plus additional costs per section 12.04.11 OC Additional Fees Total Fees Paid- Permit Fee LlY 4Dat Total Receipt No. I Additional Qonditions of Permit: M The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he/she has read the attached "General Conditions tor An Construction Work within Public Ways", and will perform all work under this permit ink cordance with these conditions. PerTnittce: �11 Printed Na Approved: Pri rn 4; Director of Public Works (or Authorized Representative) Security Amount Required: signature Date FOR -TOWN OF AVON USE ONLY ,- Surety Form Completed and Attached Au -28-06 10:14A Town or Avon 970 748 1958 0 PERMIT NO. 06-16 pl.eORMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK WITHIN PUBLIC WAYS DATE: August 18, 2006 'F: 11001 PF-R.mrrTE stone Creek Elementary Charter Sc LOCATION: 375 Yoder Avenue, Lot 5 Filing I Village at Avon CONDITIONS: This Permit is subject to the following conditions. These conditions are in addition to the Standard General Conditions attached to the -Permit: A Restoration Bond in the arnot"It QV S250,000 in the Corm of cash, letter of credit, or other security acceptable to the 'Down, shall be furnished by August 25, 2006, else the Right-of-Way Permit expires and work within the right of way 1111-t8t cease. The Restoration Bond must be in compliance with Section 7-3 of the Lease Agreement. 2. Grading or construction on site must not cornmence until erosion and sediment control- is installed on the site per I r flip, approved plan-,. 3. Permit holder is subject to the lease agreement as stated ' inToWn ofAvoil Resolution 06-30, Series of 2006, A Resolution Approving a Lease Between the Town and Stone Creek Elementary School. 4. All public ways shall be fully functional for vehicle traftic, with no imptdillients, during construction. 5. Paving for open cuts must be completed before October 15, 2006. All 0 road Cuts must be infared sealed, ()t'W-,1y\PerTnits'tAvui1 Villagc\Stune Creck 06 -16 C011ditiurls DOG Rage I of 2 Asphalt patches must be replaced to existing asphalt depth plus I inch. The Town reserves the right to order material testing for subgrade, base, concrete, or asphalt at its own discretion. Testing costs will be borne by the permit holder. 9. Any disturbance of landscaping, irrigation or fencing must be repaired prior to completion of the project. All disturbed areas must cithcr have landscaping replaced or hydro - mulched dependant upon existing conditions. 10. Inspections must be requested at site preparation, prior to paving, at site restoration, and after completion of work. Inspections can he requested by calling (970) 748 - 4100. ►:`.f=.ngtnrrtinZ�lRi;iIt t if WsylPCt'init51Avon VillttgclStum Crcck (JO -16 Conditio -.Doc Page 2 oL`Z • . ! • Town a Avon 970 748 1958 P-07 � - ONLY AND CONRERI3 NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE RH art Colorado HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR r2o 8, Colorado Blvd Ste 800 -N ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED DY THE POLICIES BELOW. P.O. Box X89025 Denver, CO 50246- 9025 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NA�t: # INBUFF0 MUMMA! CNA Insurencs Companies B6486 Norteg Modular Spacs INSUaets: 555 Jubllio Lana INSURER C, Lewisville, TX 75068 INSURER D: INSURER e COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED SELOW HAVE BEFAI ISSUED TO THE IN$UREG NAMED A80YE FOR TH6 POLICY S CER I INDICATED, KITE A NOTWITHSTANDING ANY i gLAREa/E�lNT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WiTH RESPECT WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 16 SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CO NOITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, AGG REraATE LIMM SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS TYPE OF INAUNANCE POLICY NUNfff(i 01919 A u rr TCP2086221153 10H 1106 10/11106 MH OCCUMEN s 0 X COMMEFCIALOFREPALUASUJTY Si Qt)Q Cows sulo6 ® Q=UR IgEn exP m. w�+l 110 000 PERSONA(. A AM INJURY 91,000,000 AI5:0140331 -A 2e14611ALAQWQATE t2,000,00 01101 PROD =M - COW10PAGa s 000 000 GEWL A®OREOATS LW(tT APPLIC$ PIR: POLICY X P COC A A �,ny BUA2086921184 10/11!05 10111106 �aD SINGLE LIr(rr :110001000 X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SDOf.Y fNJtIRY g /Per ve 1 SCHEDULED AUTOB X WRIiD AU`rO4 (rr.aal NON- OWNEDAUTOS PROPERTY DAMA06 (PM gidaldl AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT f GARAGE LIABILITY EA ACC f p�}�R THAN ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY: A� f CP20869295 101!05 10/11/06 EACH000u il__... 93.00-0,000 rA Exc BeLALAalfY !1 )( OCCUR � CLAIMS NAOS AAOfiE3ATi $3�LOOO i f DEDUCTOLE f X R971"N f 10 000 W04KM COMP■ReATiON NO E.L *ACF(AC4JDW f EMPLOYERS• UASIUTY A � I � A�� CUiNE E.L. DrKAB6 - EA EMPLO f ■ tMmiGS ER E.L OBEASE - POLICY LIWT t 6 WN bW- OTHFR Project D ®ctiptla't Stour Crook 81 rnants School o er EN�RSELnEtrr r SPECIAL aROsna(aae The following are Additional insureds as respects General Liability (Sea Attached Descriptions) CANCELLATION CERTIFICATE HOLDER Da" AHV CW nt ANOVE p mygp POLICY: sf CANCIL LIM 26F M TNf fxPIPATiON Stone Creek Elementary School PATE THERIOF, THE MWINO INSURER MILL ENDEAVOR TO "L DAYS WRRTL N NOTiCE TO THE GER71F1CAT'E FAR MAA(ED TO TiN@ LEFT, SLIT FAILUR! >b DD 00 SHALL PO Box 208 ArO$r ND aELt6ATTON OR LIAeLJTY of ANY inxn UPON MW INSUREr m3 A19EHSE OR Vail, Co 8185E -020a REPROWTAT(M. d ReppmgEMTAirA CjU m ACORD CORPORATION �t988 ACORO 26 t20NroBl 1 of 3 #S30171WM268840 A`u -28 -06 10:15A Town of Avon 970 748 1958 P_08 pop:- -7 r -'`' 11 ■ i- If the certificate hoiden is an ADDITIONAL. INSURED, the policy(I®s) must be endorsed. Astatement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In IOU of such endorsament(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain pollcies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certtficste does not confer rights to the certificate holder In leu of such endomement(s). The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this for ®, and does not constitute holcontract dose It the issuing insurer($), authorized representative or pro affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. AC ORD 2" (20011MG) 2 of 3 #S301719M266M Auq -28 -06 1O:15A Town of Avon '970 748 1958 P.O9 only If required by written contract and coverage applies only as respect& ongoing operations performed by the Insured for the Additional insureds. Additional Insureds: The Town of Avon and Stone Crack Elementary School All coverage terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy apply. The Additional Insured endorsement which Is referenced a1mve under "Type of Insurance- Genaral Liability" Is attached. The following cancellation conditions always apply: -10 days for non - }payment of premium - if policy shown, 10 days for Workers` Compensation for fraud; material misrepresentation; non - payment or premium; other reasons approved by the Commissioner of Insurance 25.3 (2001!0 ®) 3 of 35301'f1StM268840 Aug -28 -06 10:13A Town or Avon 970 748 1958 Receipt NUmber: 0100001556 MUM TENDERED CHANGE CASH PAID CHECK PAID CHECK NO $250.00 $.00 $.00 $250.00 1014 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO SPECIAL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 2006 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS MAYOR RON WOLFE MAYOR PRO TEM TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD COUNCILORS DEBBIE BUCKLEY KRISTI FERRARO MAC MCDEVITT AMY PHILLIPS BRIAN SIPES TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER: JACQUIE HALBURNT THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME ESTIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP: / /WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND COUNCIL MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND CITY MARKET THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH SPECIAL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT 1:30 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. STONE CREEK CHARTER SCHOOL — (JOHN DUNN, TOWN ATTORNEY) DISCUSSION ON THE $250K RECRRATION BOND THAT IS REQUIREED PER THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHOOL 5. ADJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting. 06.08.28 Page 1 of 1 Aug-28-06 10:14A Town oF Avon 970 748 1958 ARRANGE CONTACT PUBLIC WORKS - 748-4100 - TO ► YOUZ r MEETIN Date: P_03 ROW Permit No.: _QLIL Town of o' !' .' 1 1 Permit Public WorksTnginecriing P.O. Boi 975 For 1 1 1! Work Withi 970.748.4100 1' Avon, CO 81620 PubHc Ways Inspection Request Line: 970.748.4094 Fax Number: 970.949.5749 Permittee: i_ a t re V- li le M C O L O R A D O Mailing Address: A iS, x -z t? 8 V a,t � , ��' r ze'5- S, Phone: q4 9' - 01 Cell / Pager: 374' ` r3 Fax: ITP�- Project Location.: Attach all necessary exhibits including plans and maps required to filly define all work to be performed within the Public Ways. For excavations paralleling roadways or right -of -ways, show location with respect to roadway and/or right -of -ways. Lot: Blbmk: Subdivision: �T �"tV Street Address of Project Location: 3 S ®J r, Zi2ina k G Project Description: Starting Date; /ZC'0'6' Completion Date: Permit For The Purpose Of �fnstalling `- Repair Subsurface Utility: 1 Gas E Water L' Sewer ❑ Cable E Drains F1 Elec. lib Entrance / Driveway $ • - - , ■ Telephone RECEIVEM JUL 2 5 2006 Permittee is responsible for obtaining the proper location and protection of all public utilities. Permittee Guarantees work for two years from flnsl inspection date. ment The Town of Avon MUST DE informed at least 24 hours prior to the start date of all construction iii order to provide inspection during construction. Inspections shall be called into (970) 748 -4094 for: (Utility Company'Permitees shall call (970) 748 -4100 for Inspection Requests) If dissatisfied with construction performed on this job, please contact: r5 U Lvflleoe �L 1 �` ♦ 1 Cell: 3 ZK — e) 3`1! _ (Revised 5/31/06) Excavation (Site Preparation) Prior to backfill Prior to paving P Site Restoration Y Final inspection (Utility Company'Permitees shall call (970) 748 -4100 for Inspection Requests) If dissatisfied with construction performed on this job, please contact: r5 U Lvflleoe �L 1 �` ♦ 1 Cell: 3 ZK — e) 3`1! _ (Revised 5/31/06) Application / Permit For Construction or Within' Public Ways Permit Review and Inspection Fee Schedule Adopted by Ord. 03-03 FOR TOWN OF AVON USE ONLY Base permit Fee: includes Pe rmit for one (1) longitudinal cut where the excavation trench is not more than fifty (50) linear feet, one (1) driveway installation or one(I)transverse cut. x $175 $50 per each Additional transverse cut or driveway installation: -------- T— x, Longitudinal instit1lation, greater than fifty (50) linear feet: Base pen-nit fee plus additional costs per section 12.04. t 10C Additional Fees Total Fees Paid., e Lllw 2—�Z Total Permit Fee D 4at Receipt No. �f Additional Conditions of Permit: M Ed I Mr/ The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he/she has read the attached "General Conditions tor All Construction Work within Public Ways", and will perform all work under this permit ink cordance with these conditions. PerTnittee: ((e- Printed Nam, Approved: Director of Public Works (or Authorized Representa tive) Security Amount Required: Signature 00/1 tlo& T— r Date M 7OR TOWN OF AVON VSE Or, JU — Surety Form Completed and Attached Aug-28-06 10:14A Town of Avon MEOW-.-,- 970 748 1958 EXHIBIT A ,,vY,rACIIED CONDITIONS PERMIT NO. 06-16 PJ.;0 RMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK WITHIN PUBLIC WAYS DATE: August. 18, 2006 PERNIfTTE E: Stone Creek Elementary Charter School LOCATION: 375 Yoder AvC11L1V-, Lot 5 Filing I Village at Avon CONDITIONS' This Permit is subject to the following conditions. These conditions are in addition to the Standard General Conditions attached to the Permit: A Restoration Bond in the amount o1-S250,000 in the r0rr)1 of cash, letter of credit, or other security acceptable to the "town, shall he furnished by August 25, 2006, else the Right -of -Way Permit expires and work within the right of way 111USt cease. The Restoration Bond must be in compliance with Section 7-1 of the Lease Agreement. 2. Grading or construction on site must not commence until erosion and sedl,nent control is installed on the site pt;r the approved plans. 3. permit holder is subject to the lCa.SC agreement as stated ' 111,j'own of Avon Resolution 06-30, Series of 2006, A Resolution Approving a Lease Between the Town and Stone Creek Elementary School. 4. All pUblic ways shall be fully functional for Vehicle traffic, with no impediments, during construction. 5. Paving for open clits must be completed before October 15, 2006. All I-oad CLIN InLLSt he ir1fared sealed. page I of 2 P-05 Aun-28-06 10:14A Town or Avon 970 748 1958 P-06 6, Curb, Gutter and sidewalk removal and replacement must he from control , oI it to control joint. 7, Asphalt patches must be replaced to existing asphalt depth plus I inch. 8. The Town resenles the right to order material testing For subgrade, base, concrete, or asphalt at its own discretion. Testing costs will be borne by the permit holder. 9. Any disturbance of landscaping, Irrigation or fencing must be repaired Prior to completion of the project. All disturbed areas must either have landscaping replaced or hydro-mulched dependant upon existing conditions. 10, Inspections must be requested at site preparation, prior to paving, at site restoration, and after completion of work. Inspections can be requested by calling (970) 748-4100, a I I L (-)fWaykyc:l-l11its Avon Villagc\-Stunc C'I-cek (10-16 Coll (litiom.Doc Page 2 of 2 Au -28 -06 10:15A Town of Avon 970 748 1958 P -07 1 34 RT7VI OD �+ r �+ Ci '�'' F'ty LIABILITY L' U V DATE PIWDDIYYYYI 08116146 THIS CERTIFICATg 10 13SUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE of Colorado HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 120 S. Cotoredo Blvd Ste 600-N ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THC IYOUCIES BELOW, P.O. Box 489025 Denver, CO 80246- ®025 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 6 INSUREIRA: CNA Insurance Companies 68+486 INBUIlm Nortex Modular Space INSURLIRB: 586 Jublles Lane INSURERC LeMeville, TX 75050 INSURER D: INSURER E= COVERAOES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE UI3TEII BELOW HAVE BEL�1 ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWrrHSTANDiNG I OFD P CONTRACT O�Iam ANY RERTAIN, +i THE TERM NC AFFORDED POLICIES HOE1N IS SSUBJECT To ALL THE TTeRtMSTEXCLUS N8 AND CONDITIONS SUCH tIANY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED Ar3GREC,ATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE SEEN RIDUCED By PAID CLAIMS POums, LINTS Ufft mm TYPE OP INSURANCE POLICY NUI4IIIIai — TCP2086921153 10111 /05 10111106 LtACH DC7GUARENr $1,000.0.00 A GZ� ��Y RaffAmmw 6100,000 X COMMERCIALGENERAL UASILYTY � woo t?xP a,. v*-1 510.000 CLANS NunctE �� PERBONALAAMYLIURY S 000 000 AIB:0140331 -A 01NERALAGOMOAT6 9LO00,00 01101 PRODUCTS - CON:$►IDP AGG $4000,000 GEWL AGGRVIATS LIMIT APPUGa PGR: POLICY X P LaC BUA2086921154 10!11106 10/11105 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT IEa t,Mdsrdl 51,000,000 A ALRDYO�LE L�,Y X ANY AUTO ALL aAMDAUTOS cpWrp INJURY tPer cam+) I ECHEDULEDAUT05 X WF=Auros BODILY INJURY (}rBtSItI�rKI I X NON- OWW -DAUM PFiOPGK1Y DILMAIBE I (PM euordard) AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT I sAPAOE LAABILITY EA ACC Qt}�R THAN i ANY AUTO AUTO dtM.Y. AW I CUP2086921196 10/11/06 /06 EACH �uana6 Q.00Q.000 A „s,L, Y S3 OW X OCCUR Q CLAHB MADE 5 i X R6TII nON 910,0-00 wo WONIKB o CONPEN IZAITON AND E.L- EACH ACCIDENT 5 TNEAMcU`mE ANY PROmumRmAR lPJ E1. I)SEEASE • EA EMP _ OFFIC RMEM®ER EXCLUDED? E. L DISEASE •POLICY LIMIT i ® devAbb rd m AMOw P C OTHCR I MLUMOM ADWD BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROWSIONS D&=IUPTIOR OF OrNtATIOW I LOCATION$ I VENIC1.E$ Stone Crook 8lementary School PrOjed Descriptlon: The following are Additional Insureds as respects General Llabllity (Sea Attached Descriptions) CANCELLATION CERTIFICATE BOLDER MOULD NY A OFTHt AWY& DWRIBED POLICJ $ B$ CANCILLIND $$FORE THE $nPIRA"ON THRIt"� THE MWINa INSURER MnLL ENDEAvcm TO "L _.IM DAYS ""T" Stone Crook Elementary School DATE NAMED TO 1 NE LEFT, BUT FAILUNM TO DD SO SHALL. NGflCE TO M CERTIFICATE HOUR j PO Box 208 HOSE NO OBUGATNDN OR UANLITY OF ANY IOND UPON THE INSURER, rTS AGENTS OR Ij Vall. CO 91658 -02D6 REPS, AmiEa. D REPR98DUAIrA V me CSJ m ACORD CORPORATION 1988 ACORD a6 ($001)Oe1 i of 3 *S30i718tMa8$840 • • • • • • • • • • S • If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL. INSURED, the pollcy(lee) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate doge not confer rights to the certificate holder in Neu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies mgy require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In Neu of such endorsement(s). i1l�i 7_T1�l�a The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form anddoes not certmc®teconstitute hol cont , ract nor does t the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, ®ffirmevety, or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. 2 of 3 4=171502688at1 Au -28-06 + Town oV Avon ! 748 1958 DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1) only If required by written contract and coverage applies only as respects ongoing operations performed by the Insured for the Additional insureds. Additional Insureds: The Town of Avon and Stone Crook Elementary School All coverage terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy apply. The Additional insured endorsement which is referenced above under "Type of Insurance- Gsnarol UabUlty° Is attached. ' The following cancellation conditions always apply: -1 O days for non - payment of premium - if policy shown, 10 days for Workers' Compensation for fraud; material misrepresentation; non-payment or premium; other reasons approved by the Commissioner of Insurance L - AMS 25.8 Aug -28 -06 10:13A Town or Avon 970 748 195E3 P.02 Receipt Numbers 0100001556 Received BytTOWN OF AVON payor: STONE CREEK ELEMENT Today's D&teaB/22/06 Register Dat3fi/22/06 Time: CASH PAID CHECK PAID CHECK NO $.00 $250.00 1014 IrENuk;REU $250.00 1-1 $.00 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION 06-30 SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE BETWEEN THE TOWN AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WHEREAS, Stone Creek Elementary School has requested that the Town entel, into a STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY ("the School Lease") whereby the Town will lease Lot 5. The Village at Avon, Filing I ("Lot 5"), to Stone Creek Elementary for a term from July 1, 2006, to June 31, 2007; and WHEREAS, Lot 5 is currently designated as a public works site pursuant to the Annexation and Development Agreement for The Village (at Avon); and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 06-29 the Town Council approved a l,lCF.NSF AGREEMENT between the Town and Traer Creek RP, LLC to provide to the Town an alternative public works site during the term of the School Lease; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The School Lease, a copy of which is filed with the minutes of this meeting, is hereby approved. 2. All action heretofore taken by the officers of the Town of Avon relating to the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. 3. This Resolution is contingent upon the adoption of Resolution No. 06-29. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon the 13th day Of June, 2006. V- Ronald C. Wolf'e, IN/layor ,\TT SS 71F, A 17a t v1C c i i ivV T 0 VV� 7. OBLIGATIONS OF THE 8CHOOL. ' ` 7.1 Use Restriction. The School shall use the Premises only for school purposes and io compliance with any and all restrictions contained in its Charter ind state law, any and all restrictions contained iu the approval ofuspecial review use by the Town and any and all restrictions contained in the approval n[Lbc 'The l7iDo��Ocui�o8cvicvv Board. The School sbuUoutubUnband couiotabnun outreach program for '*at-risk** children and shall provide evidence thereof to the Town along with quarterly reports oo10 the success of that program. Any, non-scholastic use of the Yrczuiueo obui} have the prior approval of the Town staff. In the event the School persists in using the Premises borupurpose other than school purposes in violation o[ this Lease oc violates tile cestdcdono Lis aforesaid, the Town may terminate this Lcooc by giving prior p/ritten notice of the vin|u1ino. The School abuU then cease using the Pzcroiooa for the ronnuiodur u[ the turno. 7.2 Right tuCure. Upon receipt ofu notice of violation orprcoocnpdonof oboodononouLdboSoboolnbu8bovodbudubitocurcouohrio]o1ioov/ithiulO days of such notice before the Town may terminate the School's leasehold interest for violation or initiate a civil action in the Z)ia1dot Court for Eagle Coonty, Colorado. 7.3 Purchase ofImprovements. When this Lease io terminated, the School shall remove any and all improvements that i| may have erected oothe Premises and reatorcsuid pcoouiaea to essentially the same condition which existed at the inception o[this Lease, to the satisfaction of the Town. lz U o[b ofc provide a restoration bond in the amount of $250,000, in noob, guarantee its compliance with this Subparagraph. B. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. Tothe extent permitted by law, the School shall indemnify and keep harmless the Town from: |)aii�, expense incurred by the Town in entering into and performing this iouxo� 2' mly, and all losses, damages, charges or claims arising out of the operation of a school I'acility onTown property, Including without limitation from any violations ofThe Village Dcsi�u Review Board and Town approvals, the 3cboo1`o Charter or state law ; 3) any uud all o charges or claims r000Uiogfrom pconnu| in ury. death or n, property duoougea occurring ou the Premises; and 4) any costs, including attorney's f'ers. whether o[ the Town Attorney or other attorneys, relating to 2)tbrouITb 4) above. 8.1 'The School shall place and maintain at all times, atits sole exponxe,u gencral liability insurance policy with respect to the Premises in x] icb the limits of liability shall be not less two rnU|ion dollars ($2.OUO.00O) for each occurrence and nithuo annual aggregate coverage o[ not less than fivoodUiou 65,000,000)� 14L CONSULTATION. The parties issues may arise concerning implementation of this Lease that the parties have not now contemplated. Recognizing that a high level of cooperation between the parties is necessary and desirable, the parties agree to consult with each other from time to tinic concerning this Lease. The parties further agree that their respective representatiVes \vIll meet to conduct such consultation upon 10 days written request given by one pad} to the other party. In addition. each party shall from tin-le to 11 me dcxigoo|o in writing such party's "contact person" for all matters involving the administration of this Lease. I'S. NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted by this Lease shall be in writing and shall bo deemed tn have been sufficiently given for all if sent hy certified or registered mail, postage and fees prepaid. addressed tn the pudy' whom such oodoo is intended 1obu given o1 the address set forth onthe signature pulgcbelow, orutsuch other address as has been previously furnished in writing to the other party orpazdca Such notice shall bc deemed tn have been �iron\�buod��onbrdin the i7.B \�ui], 16, DEFAULT AND/OR TERMINATION. All terms and conditions nf this Lease are considered material. In the event that either party defaults ' the performance o[any of the covenants or agreements to be kept, done or performed by and under tile requirements of this Lease, the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party written notice of such default. and if the defaulting party fails. ucQ\euts or refuses for u period of more than lO days thereafter to cure the default, then the noo-do[dn|1iuo party, v/idhnot further notice, rouy' iu addition 10 any other remedies available to it. terminate all d�bhuodpdvU��us granted io this Lease undUdaI.cascshall bcofoo further force or effect. I[ the non-defaulting party elects to treat this Lease as buiog, in [ull1brocoodeOeot,tbonoo-dcfbu|tingpudyshu|\buvmthcrighttmunuodon[br durnugco. The Town further shall bc entitled, iu the event o[default. l)to correct the doftuib itself and to assess the cost thereof io the School, together with interest a1the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annum accruing from the time of assessment and 2) to co|lociio1ornuto1dheru1oofeighduuo(l8)percuu1puruuonnu(ioro1bu1innonf default io the event o[ any monetary default. 17' WAIVER 0F BREACH. The waiver by any party to this Lease ofa breach ofony term or provision of this Lease shall not operate or be construed as a waiver ofany Subsequent breach hy any party. l#. ASSIGNAMENl[. Neither party to this Lease shall transfer oruaoi8n any interest iii the Premises without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. 19, SEVE;{A]0ILJTY. UF any provision o[ this Lease or its application iafinu|y determined tobcinvalid, void, or unenforceable bTo court u[counpctco1Jododiction. yuuhproviyiouubuDbedeemed tubuucvuiub|e,aud all Other Provisions u[Ud�,Luuuc shall remain fully enforceable. and this Lease obu|} be interpreted in all respects as if such provisions were 000btod. A ATTEST: �'� i E PLdt'N' Kenn'v,Tr)Nvn Cl i,k N 6 STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE Subser bed and sworn to before me this" day of .2006, b-v tl,k, a 8 President of Stone Creek Elementary School, a Colorad' \ nonprotit corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Pi blic L\ 0\-0 Myconnimission jreS44ffi&ftV STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing document was subscribed and sworn to before me this IC C� day of J 2006, by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty-McKenny as "Town —Clerk of thc'fol�n of von. f�r Of V( My commission expires: Witness my hang%UF-14�, 'ublic C) cn 't, w N) — -4 O in A W N) --i5x>omo >Mcwxn>o 0 to CD (n 0 5' ;o 0- a) Z; ET CD 0 m M 0 M �Con 9 < 'm =1 CD > m 3 Z 0 � cc =r C) 0 m CR ET 3 o M 71 (D C C) M < N cn CD m m ET m 11 =3 (D > (D CD 0 C: o m m iz Z (D cr X a) < X M Q -1 CIO W =3 0 CD ' C� < o E ;? w — o to F). = CD < C: (D 0 W ET CD Z 0 3 CD 0 :3 U) < CL CD m Di =3 CD to w CD fn CD & P r- CO cn C/) 0. . m 0 :< z -n , -n 0 c CL 0 0 4 fn 69 L W,, CO C, 0 C) Ni 414 69 En .4,,4 0 0 p. Ul tD t0 0 6 P 00 P 0 C) 0 C C) 0 a 6 0 C) C) cc 69 O C) C) O 06pp C) 0 0 0 0 00 69 6q 16q 69 69 4.9 �n :-4 p y N - L" 0 0 0 C) , P. p P OPPPC)CP 0 0 0 0 C) 0' 0 C:) 0 0 0 0 UJ (11) I Cl) 0 m (D 0 C: CD > CD z Pr I m m > M, g :2 CD C.) K) = L" 2) m c, (D X z a) U) 0 0 m m 0 0 ;o CD (1) 0 00 C/) V 0 m 4 j --4 f 0 00 0 00 & P r- CO cn C/) 0. . m 0 :< z -n , -n 0 c CL 0 0 4 fn 69 L W,, CO C, 0 C) Ni 414 69 En .4,,4 0 0 p. Ul tD t0 0 6 P 00 P 0 C) 0 C C) 0 a 6 0 C) C) cc 69 O C) C) O 06pp C) 0 0 0 0 00 69 6q 16q 69 69 4.9 �n :-4 p y N - L" 0 0 0 C) , P. p P OPPPC)CP 0 0 0 0 C) 0' 0 C:) 0 0 0 0 UJ (11) I Cl) 0 m (D 0 C: CD > CD z Pr I m m > M, g :2 CD C.) K) = L" 2) m c, (D X z a) U) 0 0 m m 0 0 ;o CD (1) 0 00 C/) V 0 m cn 0 0 m CD m F 3 m > (D r (a M CD t? Lo m (A C) (D C, -4 0) U) 0 = m 0 0 ;o m (1) 0 0 9 9»999®§ 0) Ln w r1i - --4 6) Ln � w m - ocrcccc M>Mwmrljm I Ln :: — — C I 0 3 3 5 7, 3 Ln 3 G) cn 0. LL CD -.- 0 o 22 =r LO (o UD ;u 0 0 0 C-) X CD M < ® 9q 7 2 -< C;u 0 cn cn cn D ;r cn (D 7r 0 —M 10 o 0 -U 3 3 3 ':D, 3 w C�D3 cn cn CD cn m 0 0 Cl) \5 —,m— ;,� < < 5iF a 3 5 m 3 3 (D /- = =r :: '0 a (D M CD =!, L70 CO a \ Q. ;-,� 5i: c: :3 CD CD /// M 23 CD -, CD, CD CD = =22[/ CD EF 5 -0 C') C) =r En CD M c (n :-I =r M 3 0 - w 9 (n U) 3 3 0 CD =Z M W CD 0 '0 C) '0 CD m Ln th :3 m ff cn c') 3 -< > 'a (D a) w 0 - U) cn E3 a CL CL CL E3 r- < 3 CD m CD P� �L w CL m 3 CD cr -4 w q > > En cn I x + -4 C-n _0 '0 2* '0 N 'R 0 M cl CD x x 3 3 CD p w w < \ \ � rz C: D Cf) G ) 0 =T T 3 cn cc m cn 0 0 m CD m F 3 m > (D r (a M CD t? Lo m (A C) (D C, -4 0) U) 0 = m 0 0 ;o m (1) 0 0 Stone Creek Elementary School factual information: � Luaso between Town and School terminates June 30,2007. ' m School has borrowed Sl,275,49O from Wells Fargo, the full amount oFwhich was advanced on August lO,2OO6. * Dn October ]l'20O0, School ia required tn make u' principal o[S258,0OO, reducing- debt toSl,Ol7/496. * With monthly payments, debt to Wells will bc reduced ioS06Q`Ol\.44by June 3O. 2007. * Monthly principal uod interest (at 8.5Y6) payments are approximately $2 ,� lD. • Maturity dotcof the note io February 29, 2008. A balloon payment ofS699,3l9.0O will bc due o1 that time. • The Wells Fargo note is secured by a Commercial Security Agreement covering a Nortex Modular Complex, having a purchase price (exclusive of delivery costs) of $1,046,834. • Wells Fargo made the loan in part in reliance on the School's agreement with the State of Colorudo, v/hiub guarantees revenue sufficient |o cover loan payments. • Lease requires u restoration bond of S250'000. $l0O,U00of that io cost of removal n[Uho cuodolor, and the balance io site restoration. • There will be only $29,33X equity in the modular at the outset, and the equity will increase to only $l78,Z22.56bvthe end of the lease. Wells has uo objection to the Town having second position. • If the school defaults, Wells would foreclose and become the owner o[ the modular. It could recover on its h000 only by selling the modular, v/bicb would require its removal from the site. • Therefore, as a practical matter, the Town needs to be secured as to only the $150,000 required for site restoration. • There iaon guaranty that, if the modular was sold by the bank, {bU value would bureceived. The equity ia therefore speculative. • Even if the equity were not speculative, foreclosure would heproblematic. In order to foreclose, the Town would have \o umauooc liability for the Wells Fargo loan. • It is more likely that the School will not default and that it will noonovc the building by June 3O.2007,nr ask the Council for a new lease. • Whichcver is the case, the likelihood is that the School will remove the buildinj at some time, and the only concern of the Town will be that the School will lack the ability or money to restore the site io its original condition to the Town's satisfaction, • In that event, while the equity may be speculative, the Town will continue to have sccond position after the bank and will gain first position on February 29, 2008, if the loan is not i-efinanced. The loan Could be refinanced while the bank maintains its first position. Conclusion: It is apparent that the School can provide no ruuL satisfactory security. Staff 4 P. ,UG-24-2006 14:33 FROM:CDE-CRRE 303 866 6857 TO:+97074Bee8l 44., INN,, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF SPECIAL SERVICES William J. Moloney 1560 Broadway, Suite 1450 - Deaver, Colorado 80202-5149 conur�issiorler 303,866.66M - 303.866.6782 - wo7widr-antf-mus of Esluc xt c,: To: Mr. John Dunn, Town of Avon Attorney Fax: 970-748-9881 From: Brian, Anderson, Schools of Choice Unit, Colorado Department of Education Date: August 24, 2006 RE: Funding for Stone Creek Charter School Details regarding funding for schools that are chartered through the Charter School Institute can be,(bund in Section 22-30,5-513, C.R.S. Essentially, an institute charter school. receives 95% of the Per Pupil Revenue (PPR) of the school district in which the charter school resides. In addition, for the past five years, all charter schools in the state with capital construction needs (Le. modular leases) have received a per pupil amount over and above Ilie, regular PPR. That amount is a one -time paymen% usually received in January of the current school year, and that amount will most likely be between $200 and $220 per pupil in the 2006-07 school year. Specifically, Stone Crack Charter School will receive monthly payments from July, 2006 through June, 2007, Tho5c monthly payments will be roughly one twelfth of their annual PP?- It will not be exactly even because payments during the first few months are based on projected enrollment and will be adjusted after the OfflCial eTIT011MOnt count, day, which is October I". The total of their FPX payments will be about $6,084,35 multiplied by their student count, $6,084.35 represents 95% of Eagle County School District's flgcnl year 2006-07 PM, which is $6,404,58. For the sake of simplicity, if Stone Creek Charter Scbool'sftuided pupil count is 250, then they will receive $1,521,088 in total PPR payments for the year. That would work out to an average of S 126,757 per month. In addition to the PPR payments, Stone Creek Charter School will receive a check for approximately $50,000 in January or so, to help offset capital costs (Le, a lease of modular space). I hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to contact me for clarification, either via e-mail dorson bnacdps!ato.cous) or via telephone (303-866--964). Im proviq Arademir Achievenew NORrEXMODULAR SPACE 17301 W. ColraxAvenue Suite 411 Golden CO 80401 August 24, 2006 Mr. Bill Hammer Stonecreck Elementary PO Box 208 Vail CO 81658-0208 RE: Letter of Credit For Removal Charges Please use this letter as evidence of Nortex.Modular Space?s commitment to extend credit to you and Stonecreek Elementary for the removal of the modular educational building from the present location at 375 Yoder Avenue in Avon Colorado. Approximate charges of $100,000-00 - $125,000.00 for the removal and transport of the building to another location in Avon are to be expected. This includes disconnecting the interior joints ofthe Eire sprinkler system, tear down of the building and transport to the new site. This does not include charges for electrical, plumbing, HVAC and other disconnection services. Bill, if you should require any additional information, please let me know. Thank you. Respectfully, NO EX MODULAR SPACE Daniel V, Rasmussen NW Regional Manager 3031985-1966 3031985-4660fax dan-raSMt4SS911(a�,nnrte__Vmntdltrltqyr cons Wwwatartexinodulancom ' Message Patty McKenny From: Norman Wood Sent Tuesday, July 25.2O0S2:OUPPW To: PattyyWcKenny Subject: RE'. Traer Creek lease Patty: L~ |heve: Phone: 940-0187 / Cell: These could be either Jim Pyke or Bill Hammer. Norman Wood, Town Engineer Phone: 970-748-4045 Fax. 970-949'5749 Mobile: 970'390-2138 ----- Original Message ----- From: PottyMcKenny Sent: Tuesday, July 25,ZU061:55PM To: 'John Dunn'' ' Norman Wood Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease ,sure does anyone have a number for him? 376-O3QO ----- Original Message ----- From: John Dunn [mailto:jdunn@jwdunniaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:48 PM AP Page 1 of 3 �� To: Patty McKenny; Norman Wood Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease, What Norm attached ���mcof Exhibit A but not Exhibit B. 8issupposed to be elevations and a depiction of the exterior. mJ|Pykc? John W. Dunn John W. Dunn & Associates, LLC Attorneys At Law P. O. Box 77l7 ' Avon, Colorado Dl620 _�. (97O)748-64O0 Telephone (970) 748-8881 Fax jdunu��vvduou|mvzom Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message and any related attachments, If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message msuch person), you may not copy, review, distribute or forward the contents nftbianoousugaunuuynoc. In such case, you should delete this message from your computer and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Thank you. --- ]hgina|Message --- Fromm: Patty McKenny[maiUo:PMckenny@avon.org] Sent: Tuesday, July 25,2UO611:21AM In From: John Dunn Udunn@jvvdunnlaw.oun] Sent: Tuesday, July 25.2UO81:4OPM To: Potty MoKenny; Norman Wood Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease What Norm attached takes care of Exhibit A but not Exhibit 8. 8is supposed tobe elevations and o depiction of the exterior. Patty can you call Pyke? John W. Dunn John W. Dunn &Aeoociatos. LLC Attorneys At Law P.O. Box 7717 Avon, Colorado 81G2O (970) 748-6400 Telephone (970) 748-8881 Fax ]dunn@jvvdunn|am.00m Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message and any related attachments. |f You are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not cupy, review, distribute or forward the contents of this message to anyone. In such oose, you should delete this message from your computer and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Thank you. ----- Original Message ----- Fromm: Patty McKenny[maiho:PMckenny@avon.ong] Sent: Tuesday, July 25,IOO611:Z1AM To: Norman Wood; John Dunn Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease So I shall include this as the exhibit that that lease agreement, correct? --f]hgina|Message --- From: Norman Wood Sent: Tuesday, July 25,ZOO61Z:OOPM To: 'John Dunn'; Patty McKenny Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease Maybe this is it. Jim Pyke dropped this off this morning with a Right-of-Way Cut Permit Application, ilk Norman Wood, Town Engineer Phone: 970-748-4045 Fax: 970-949-5749 Mobile: 970-390'2136 ----- Original Message ----- From: John Dunn [maiko:jdunn@jwdunn|ow.com] Sent: Tuesday, July Z5,ZOO611:GOAM To: Norman Wood; Patty McKenny Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease ����� ' Message Page 2 of 2 So much for payin g attention. It was the responsibility of the charter school people to generate those exhibits. I have never seen them. John VkDunn John YV. Dunn &Associates, LLC Attorneys A1Law P.O. Box 77l7 Avon, Colorado 8l62O (970) 748-6400 Telephone (970) 748-8881 Fax jduno@jv/dnoolaw.com Privi Information may be contained in thismuosulze andmnv related attachments. D you are not the addressee indicated in this mesyage(or responsible for delivery of the mesyage to such person), you may not copy, review, distribute or forward the contents of this message to anyone. In such case, you should delete this message from your computer and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Thank you. ----- Original Message ----- From: Norman Wood [maiKo:NVVood@avon.org] Sent: Tuesday, July 2S, 2006 10:49 AM To: John Dunn; Patty McKenny Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease John: This ie the Exhibit ho the Traer Creek Lease. | believe the missing Exhibit ishothe Charter School Agreement. Norm Norman Wood, Town Engineer Phone: 970'748-4045 Fax: 070'049-5749 Mobile: 970-390-2136 ----- Original Message ----- From. John Dunn [mai|to:jdunn@jvvdunn|aw.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 25,2OO6 11:28 AM To: Patty McKenny; Norman Wood Subject: Traer Creek lease Exhibit attached. I Message To: Norman Wood; John Dunn Subject: RE: Tr erCreek|ease SoIshall include this as the exhibit that that lease oareement,correct? ----- Original Message ----- From: Norman Wood Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:00 PM To: 'John Dunn'; PattyMoKenny Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease Page 2 of 3 Maybe this is it. Jim Pyke dropped this off this morning with a Right-of-Way Cut Permit Application. Norm Norman Wood, Town Engineer Phone: 970-748-4045 Fax.- 970-949-5749 Mobile: 970-300-2136 ----- Original Message ----- From: John Dunn [mai|tojdunn@jwdunn|aw.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 2S, 2006 11:50 AM To: Norman Wood; Patty McKcnny Subject: RE: TraerCneek lease SO 111LICII for paying attention. It was the responsibility of the charter school people N generate those exhibits. T have never seen them. John VKDunn John YV. Dunn & Associates, LLC Attorneys /\tLaw P.D. Box 77l7 Avon, Colorado 8l620 (97O)748-6400 Tu|upbnno (970) 748-8881 Fax Pdvi Information may bccontained in this mussaae and any related attachments. K you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy, review., distribute o« forward the contents of this message toanyone. ln such case, you should delete this message frorn your Computer and kindly notify the sender by reply cmui|. Thank you. ----- Original Message ----- From: Norman Wood [naiKn:NVVood@avon.opg] Sent: Tuesday, July 35, 2006 10:49 AM To: John Dunn; Patty McKenny Subject: RE: Traer Creek lease John: This is the Exhibit to the Traer Creek Lease. | believe the missing Exhibit is to the Charter School Agreement. Message Page 3 of 3 Norman Wood, Town Engineer Phone: 970-748-4045 Fax: 970-949-5749 Mobile: 970-390-2138 --+Jrigina| Message ----- From: John Dunn [mai|bzjdunn@jwdunn|aw.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 3006 11:28 AM To: Patty McKenny; Norman Wood Subject: Troer Creek lease Exhibit attached. TO: TOWN COUNCIL FROM: TOWN ATTORNEY RE: STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DATE: May 8, 2007 The Council is asked to approve a Waiver of Owner/Lessor (Fixtures) in connection with Stone Creek Elementary's financial arrangements with Wells Fargo Bank. In essence, the Town is granting the Bank permission to enter upon Town property to remove the Nortex Modulars in the event of a default by the School. The form is based upon a standard one used by the Bank and, of course, is a standard requirement of the Bank in these circumstances. Nothing in the requirement should reflect adversely on the School. The Bank has been cooperative in allowing the standard form to be modified to fully protect the Town. Given the Town's support of the School, it is the recommendation of staff that the form be approved as part of Council's consent agenda. JWD:ipse ` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. BAN K: WELLS FARGOBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION By: J. Michael Roman, Vice President FM WRINT14, 1:4 "N TOWN OFAVON ATTEST: By Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor Patty McKenny, Town Clerk State of Colorado County of______ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mo this May ___ 2007 by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty McKenny as Town Clerk of the Town of Avon, a Colorado town, on behalf of the town. (Notary's official signature) SEAL (Commission expiration date) State of Colorado County of______ The foregoing instmmentwasacknmwledgedbefonemethis May __2007by J. Michael Roman as Vice President of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., a national banking association on behalf of the association. SEAL (Notary's official signature) (Commission expiration date) C-307_CO.000(nev.04/05) -2- AULLENNIUM BANK Your Private Bank IRREVOCA13LE LETTER OF CREDIT I}uto: September l, 2006 Aoiouot: Q250,000.00 Nouzbuc: 99442 Expiration: September 1, 2007 T(}: Town of Avon, PO Box 9?5, Avon, Colorado 8|62O BENEFICIARY: Town o[Avon SUBJECT: Stone Creek Elementary We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Town of Avon, mits designees, available by drafts drawn on Millennium Bank at sight for any sum not exceeding the total uf TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($250`OOO.O0),00 the account uf Stone Creek Elementary, Each draft must bear upon its face the clause, "Drawn under Letter o[ Credit No. 9g442' dated Scp1elnborl'2O06o[ Millennium l]unlc_'' Each draft must bu accompanied b7auta1oruun1 signed hythe Mayor, or his designee, a1utina under oath that obligation required by the Town ofAvon, Colorado, has not been completed. Partial are permitted, but the oonzbbzcd draws by the Zop/o of Avon, or its designee cannot exceed the amount o[ this Letter of Credit. Iii addition, the Tovvoof Avon must give bvonLy-fbur (24) hours notice prior to exercising partial and or oonzhiocd draws ou the Irrevocable Letter ofCredit. Drawings pursuant to this Letter of Credit are to be used by the Town of Avon, or its agents, assigns', or designees on behalf of Stone Creek Eloozeo1ury' regarding the restoration bond for the land leuuu` either in accordance with the original pluuouudapociOoa1ioos,orustboyruuybeznodifiodby|bcTowoo{ Avon. The Town nfAvon abo]| act aa the a11ocuoy-io-IautofStone Creek Elementary in oonTplc{iog such restoration. T]oou completion u[ the improvements as required hv the Town uf Avon, the Mayor shall furnish ao affidavit o[ completion 10 the bank, and upon receipt thereof, the batik shall bo relieved of all responsibility or liability Linder the terms and conditions of this Letter of Credit. Wc agree that the bank may not revoke this Letter o[ Credit until these conditions have been satisfied or until the date shown above, unless otheilvise a-reed to by the Town ofAvon. 970569�5653uJep6nnu 970.56956546z 1140 6Jnaudu B|r(l SuiteDl02'lO4 Post Office Box -464O IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT Town of Avon September 1, 2006 Page 2 The amount of each draft, which is negotiated pursuant to this Letter of Credit, together with the date of negotiation, must be endorsed on this Letter of Credit. We further agree with you that in the event this Letter of Credit is wrongfully dishonored by us, and you find it necessary to enforce the teams and conditions hereof by legal proceedings in which you prevail, you shall be entitled to interest at the legal rate from the time of bringing this action and reasonable attorney's fees and such other relief as may seem proper to the Court. This Letter of Credit is issued subject to the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs Practice for Documentary Credits, hiternational Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500. We further certify that any officer of the Millennium Bank is authorized to issue letters of credit of this nature. Sincerely, 11'-) p--/ Mary B. ,alndall President of Vail Branch MBWtt Patty McKenny From: oynthia [cyndhia@wrbaedgeino.com] Sent Tuesday, January 16.2OO74:10PM To: Patty[NoKenny� Larry Brooks Cc: rjukes@stoneoreekachooiorg Subject: Town Council and Stone Creek Dear Patty and Larry, |am touching base on behalf of the Stone Creek School Board of Directors to firm up the details of our meeting with the Avon Town Council next week. Our full Board will attend, ready to present to the Council members our current situation and future plans es they relate to our lease, our facility and growing the school community. | understand from Robin Jukes that Patty needs our packet ofmaterial by this Thursday at noon, | left Patty e voice mail and would love to hear back from you so| can be clear on this request. | also want to confirm that we a|ahad for 3:00 PM on Tuesday. Jan. 23rd at the Municipal Building? | am not sure that whether | have the time correctly? Many thanks for everyone's patience as we have worked to organize our team. VVe are anxious to share our progress and to discuss the Town's ability to support our efforts. Regards, Cynthia ' Cynthia Forstmann Director, Stone Creek School Board 328-O786—office 390-3841 cell Patty McKenny To: cynthia@whheedgeinu.00m . Cc: rjukee@stonecreeksuhooiorg; Larry Brooks Subject: RE: Town Council and Stone Creek Attachments: Stone Creek Materials 2006.pdf Stone Creek atera|s 2086.pdf Please find attached the following: Minutes from 11/14/OG&11/28/OG Memos from 11/9/06 & 11/20/86 (thatvvare provided for the meetings on 11/14 & 11/28). Note that the current least agreement isin|uudedin the memo dated 11/Q/O8. FYI, the agreement has not been amended. Please provide names of people attending this meeting and a contact list of people affiliated with Stone Creek Elementary School. Again. |'|| look for your materials on Thursday around noon PoUyMuKenny Town Clerk pmckenny@avon.org (970) 748-4035 fax (87O)S4Q'A139 ----- Original Message ----- From: cynthia [ma i Ito: cynthia@writeedgoinc,com] Sent: Tuesday, January 1S.2OO74:1QPM To: PattyPWoKenny� Larry Brooks Cc: rjukeo@otuneonaekschoo|.org Subject: Town Council and Stone Creek Dear Patty and Larry, I am touching base on behalf of the Stone Creek School Board of Directors to firm up the details of our meeting with the Avon Town Council next week. Our full Board will attend, ready to present to the Council members our current situation and future plans as they relate to our lease, our facility and growing the school community. | understand from Robin Jukes that Patty needs our packet ofmaterial by this Thursday at noon. | left Patty voice mail and would love to hear back from you sn| can be clear on this request. | also want to confirm that we slated for 3:00 PM on Tuesday. Jan 23rd at the Municipal Building? i am not sure that whether | have the time correctly? Many thanks for everyone's patience as we have worked to organize our team. VVe are anxious to share our progress and to discuss the Town's ability to support our efforts. Regards, Cynthia Cynthia Forstmann Dineotor, Stone Creek School Board 328-0786 office 390-3841 cell To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, ToNvii Engineer Date: November 9, 2006 Re: Stone Creek Charier School - Request for Waiver of Tap Fees The Village (at Avon) Filing 1. Lot 5 - Summary: Bill Hammer representing the Slone Creek Charter School has requested that the Town of Avon Nvalve or pay all water and salutary sewer related tap fees associated NvIth temporary school facility located on Lot 5. Ills request is based on. the School is leasing the site from the Town and as such the Town should be responsible for pro-,,,]chng utilities. Paragraph 10 of the "Stone Creek Elementarv, School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary" (Exhibit A) states, "The School shall be responsible for all utilities furnished for the premises." This condition in the Lease is consistent With Status of current plans and use of the site. The To,,vri has been using this site for sno-'v storage and has no 'fie plans for other uses on the site. The 2007 Capital Projects Fund Budget flinriediate or specific Oj - Includes development of a Master Plan Development for the Sivifi Gulch Public Works Site and the Village Lot 5 Site. That Master Plan may well define a specific use and development future Nvater and sanitary seN ver time frame for Lot 5 which would also help determine f requirements for the proper t . Payinem of Tap Fees prior to having a development plan and schedule is premature and likely a poor investment. nvestment. It has also been implied that the Town of Avon is the recipient of at least some of these Fees and as such the Town should not be collecting Tap Fees in addition to the Lease payment. The attached Slone Creek Charter School Tap Fee Breakdown (Exhibit B) includes a Table sjloNv,ljp retained Y -y showing ljov,, much of the Tap Fee Revenues are i ned b� each applicable entity. It should be noted that the Town of Avon retains NOINE of the S 46,37/17 in associated Tap Fees for a I- inch water sen'tice on this site. One alternative is to follow the agreement as written and the Charter School is responsible 161 all Tap Fees required for their use. 1:Engineering AN o" VJ layc 2,0 Fi I jnL, I '4xi 511 ap Fee Ml ell Io- I Do, A second alternative that Council may wish to consider is to amend the Lease Agreement to 1) Reimburse the Charter School for the base water Tap Fee (S 10,400) for a ]-inch Tap. This Tap would remain with the property and we would have a pre -paid ]-]'rich Tap that would be available to the Town for use with future site development. This Fee would be forwarded to Traer Creek Metropolitan District which in turn is obligated to forward 210% '0 (S21.080) to Eagle -Vail Metropolitan District per Paragraph 3. A., B. and C. the "First Irst Amendment to Water Service and lap Fee Allocation Agreement" ent" (Ex-hibit C) bet­\�/eeri Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District, Town of Avon, EMD Limited Liability Company (Traer Creek Metropolitan District) and the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. 2) Stone Creek Charter School finalizes agreements with other applicable entities for deferred payments for remainder of Fees. These Fees would be credited to the school and could be applied to the new school location as applicable. Traer Creek Metropolitan District has agreed to waive The Villager (at Avon) Incremental Sewer Ta p Fee (I -inch meter S3.921.00) and Water Development Fee (I -]rich meter 55.200.00) for one-year for Stone Creek Elementary School per attached letter (Exhibit D). This Fee, if paid, would only be transferable to a new school location If it were located somewhere in The Village (at Avon). Eagle Pj\,ey Water and Sanitation District sexver tap fees should be transferable to any other location within the boundaries of the District and the Upper Eagle River Regional Water Authority plant investment fees should be transferable to anv location within the boundaries of the AuthorItAl. ,""Ith this arrangement the Town would prepay for a I-Inch water service tap that would remain Nviih the site but Nvill be unused ibr an indefinite period of time. The Charier School would make deferred payments on the remainder of the Nvaier and seNvcr related tap fees and would receive credit fior all fees paid If they locate to another site Nvithin The Village. if it relocates to an area outside The Village bill within the Boundaries of ERW&SD and the ' L UERNVA thev «vould receive credit for all fees paid with the exception of deferred fees paid to the Traer Creek Metropolitan District Due to the In2h1v sensitive nature of this issue we recommend the Council follow the above second alternative and propose all Amendment to the Stone Creek Elementary School 1-casc BeiUveen Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementar", to: 1. Provide that the Town will pay the Base �,\7atcr Tap Fee for a I -]inch NNI'mer scj-\,jcc lap and the water tap NvIll remain with the property. 2. Allo\\v the School to make arrangements with other applicable entities to transfer all other water and sewer related tap fee payments and I-12his to the future location of the school as may be applicable. I Fmmwemw_A�nn Village - .0 Fihiv, 1 J,oi S Tar Fee Memo-1,Dor (71 Recommendation: Authorize preparation of an Amendment to the Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary to: 1. Provide that the Town will pay the Base Water Tap Fee for a 1 -inch water service tap and the water tap will remain with the propert}. 2 Allow the School to make arrangements with other applicable entities to transfer all other water and sewer related tap fee payments and rights to the future location of the school as may be applicable. Alternatives: Leave Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary as it exists with the provision that, "The School shall be responsible for all utilities furnished for the Premises." Proposed Motion: I move to authorize preparation of an Amendment to the Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary to: 1. Provide that the Town will pay the Base Water Tap Fee for a I -Inch water service tap and the water tap will remain with the property. Allow the School to make arrangements ,vith other applicable entities to transfer all other water and sewer related tap fee payments and rights to the future location of the school as may be applicable Town Manager Comments: c ej, C //C� 4, A - "A 7' ie� I C,- l'i 7 r - � ­ C ck �IX4 7Z X /z J C L _4­77- 7 C., 1,� Attachements: Exhibit "A" Stone Creek Elementary School Lease Between Town of Avon and Stone Creek Elementary Exhibit "B" Table 1: Stone Creek Charter School Tap Fee Breakdown Exhibit "C" First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement Exhibit "D" Traer Creek JJ\Ictropoljtan District Letter I -inch Incremental Sewer Tap Fee and Water Development Fee for One Year for Stone Creek Elernernar\ Exhibit "E" Lease Agreement Between The Tov,-ri of Avon and Traer Creek IZP,LLC Lnemeermp 4 CIE \ iHIT"2Ci Fihna 1 LU Fee Mcnio- Mo, TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION 06-30 SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION APPRON71NG A LEASE BETWEEN THE TOWN AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WHEREAS, Stone Creek Elementary School has requested that the Town enter into a STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY ("the School Lease-) whereby the Town will lease Lot 5. The Village at Avon, Filing I ("Lot 5"), to Stone Creek Elementary for a term from July]. 2006, to June 31. 2007; and WHEREAS, Lot 5 is currently designated as a public works site pursuant to the Annexation and Development Agreement for The Village (at Avon); and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 06-29 the Town Council approved a LICENSE AGREEMENT between the Town and Traer Creek RP. LLC to provide to the Town an alternative public works site during the term of the School Lease: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The School Lease. a copy of which is filed with the minutes of this meeting. is hereby approved. 2. All action heretofore taken by the officers of the Town of Avon relating to the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. ]'his Resolution is contingent upon the adoption of Resolution No. 06-29. ADOPTED at a regular meetine of the Town Council of the Town of Avon the 13th day of June, 2006. Ronald C. )Volfc. Mayor V ATTE,ST: ISE A L p STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY 1. PARTIES. The parties to this Lease are the TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Town), a Colorado municipal corporation, and STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY (School), a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation. 2. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY. The parties enter into this Lease for the benefit of the School for the education of the children of Eagle County. C.R.S. § 31-15- 713(1)(c) grants to the Town the right to enter into this Lease. PREMISES. The To-,vn hereby leases to the School the surface rights for the property described as Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing I (Premises), sitriated in the Town of Avon, Colorado. Attached as Exhibit A is aschernatic map depicting the building, parking lot, plat ground. utilihiles and other improvements, all of which shall have the prior approval of the Town staff. Attached as Exhibit B are elevations of the building includinp- depiction of its exterior construction. COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYAJENT. The Town warrants that it owns the Premises in fee simple: that the property is clear and clear of all liens and encumbrances: and that it has the full right and authority to enter into this Lease, The Town -vvarrams that the Scl'001 shall enjoy the possession and use of the Premises in peace and without disturbance or interference. 5. TERM OF LEASE. This Lease shall commence on July 1. 2006 and shall continue for a period of one year. endirip, June 31. 2007. The Premises are currently in use 1­)-_�, the Town for sjio\,%* storage and in the future will be a pernianent public works site_ During the term of this Lease and for the term of this Lease, the Town will enter into a lease Avid, Traer Creak RP. LLC for a replacement site described as a part of Tract 13- The Village (,-ii Avoni). Filing 3. Upon iernimation of that that lease, the Town will have an immediate need for the premises which is recognized by the School. This Lease w fl] therefore not be renewed or extended for any reason, The School v,7111 inform its teachers, parents and students of this provision and will actively discourage them fi-om ciiiy efforts. whether before the Town's council or in the press, seekillf—I extension or relle•N"il of this Lease. The School will provide the Tovvii with quarterIv Nvritteri reports describing its efforts at locating a permanent site. 6. RENT. The School shall pay rent of T\YENITY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Dollars (S21.200", per vear. S;5,000 of which shall be due and payable on the first day of the Lease. and the balance of",vh1ch shall be due and payable on October 1 2006, The School shall also pay any real propeny taxes assessed against the Premises and :iiiv additional insurl-Unce costs incurred by the Town. I OBLIGATIONS OF THE SCBOOL. 7.1 Dacl<eairirdon. The School shall uscthe Premises only for school purposes and jocnonpUoucc with ally and all restrictions contained ioIts Charter and stale law, any and all restrictions contained io the approval ofu special rcvcw use by the Tovm and any and all restrictions contained io the approval of tile The V3/aE!eDesigo Dcvie`vBoard. The School ohuD extobUob and maintain uo oonrcoobpmgrum fbr'^at-rlsk" children and shall provide eviJoocczboroof/n tile 7 own along with quarterly reports us10 the success of that progrmn.Any uon'scbo}as/icosoof the Premises shall have the prior approval of the Town n staff. In the c`'co/ the School persists io using the Premises for upurpoac other than school j)Luposes in violation oftlus Lease or violates the restrictions as aforesaid, dhcTm�mznoy terminate this Lease bygiving inrv/��e000�ocof the vio/adoo. The School sboJ} then uouoc the Premises for the remainder of tile 7.2 Right (uCore. Dpooreceipt oIa notice of violation or presumption of obuodonrnco1,thaScboolsbullhavctbcdgb1mcurcyochvin]ubnov/ithio]0 days ofsorhno/icobe/6rc(6cTomm may terminate the School's /easobo|d �n(ercu{ for 'lo}nijoo oriohiatc o civil action Ili the District Court for Eagle Cunn1y, Cn.;nodo. 7.3 Pnrobosc/.[1o/pror,mco/s. VVbon this Lease ia terminated, the School shall remove nijd Lill inipi-m,eirients that it may have erected on the Premises and rcs mr ooid premises to essentially the same condition which existed at tile inception of this Lrasc,/o|6esxriofac1ioo o[ the Town. The School shall prov�doa��mro:n-bnnd�nihoomono!ofS25O�O0.io the form ofcash, ]cliczof'ozdii nrmbcrsecohry acceptable 10 the lop/o iobs sole discretjoo, to 8. INDEJMN]B��T10N AND LIABILITY INS�DANCE.Io the extent permitted 6y law- the Sdzoo| rhnD indmnni[vood keep harmless the 7mmfrom: l) an), expense incurred ]-.)y/heTonnincmcl'ineinuoand performing this Lzasc-,2) art), and all losses. damaccs.rhnrL)csorc|uims�irisiop out nf the operation ofu school facility oo Town propcn!'. nidhou/]icnn|o|ioofrom aoyvio|abooso[TbcVillage Design Review B ondTonnopprovaJy. the School's Charter or state law ;3)aoy and all looscs' doroLcu, dmrecs urcloncox rcsoldog from personal in�jory, death or propern,daloaLl,, nn the Premises: and 4) any costs, including attorney's fees.wbobr. �c Tov,,n Anornc?or other attorneys, relating to2) through 4) __ _ 8.1 TbcSchon, ondnminiaiouo all times. cU Its sole expense. ageneral liabi]il", in'' j-"}ic7x6|h respect in the Prcrniscm(o which the limits of' liability sh �.c nm less ir*roiOion dollars (S2.00O.00O) for each occurrence and wilhu� covonipeof not less than five million C35.O0D.0' 8.2 All general lability insurance required of the School shall include the Town as an addhloi-,:.;' insured and shall include a provision requiring the insurer to give the Town flilt-ty (-,0) days notice prior to cancellation. 8.3 Certificates of insurance issued by the Insurer shall be filed by the School with the Town 10 days aher the date of this Lease is executed by the School. PROPERTY 17\`�'JRANCE. The School shall obtain and maintain during the term of the Lease and --, renewal period, properly insurance in an amount equal to or greater than the c :cnt appraised value of the school buildings and other improvements or �-.e Premises to insure said improvements with respect to fire, flood, and other typical It:_:d liazards, and certificates of such insurance issued by the insurer shall he f',.' by the School with the Town within 10 days after the date of completion of the = tiddM2 and other improvements. The School agrees that if any or all of said impi-c- _'-Ilts are damaged or destroyed, said damage shall be promptly repaired or repl:ir improvements promptly erected on the Premises by the School. apply1m., --clo am, inslir'-.11cc payments received by it-, provided, however, that if said damn ­r destruction exceeds 50% of the current appraised value of said improvements. i',- cbooi Shall he required to repair or replace said improvements 0111N, in the evell, reasonable !i flint time for it to continue operating a school on the Premises. 10. UTILITIES. T1 Shall he responsible for all utilities furnished for the Premises. M MAJNTENAN! l,e Scl-,nol Iin]] keep and maintain the Premises. including improvements :1, d healthful condition, making repairs "'Ciplioll, ill 1 "'on- clean I US as necessary at is C COST and expense. The School shall be responsible for snow removal at is sul! si and expense. 12. EMY'ROVEME' Tlie School with consent of the Town staff and at its sole cost and expensc 11-1V lime Mld from time to time make such alterations, changes. replacements. in Cine"lls -iiid ions to the Premises and the buildings and improvements ti 11 ,,F it 11lav d desirable, including the demolition of any building. impro,, 'Clod/or s1miciure that now oi- hereafter may be situate or erected on the P, es. provided ifiai the use of the Premises as a school site is not thereby perniam- terminated Or abandoned. nor curtailed for a period of time longer than rcns y iequired, i,-, ­;T­ct such alterations, chances, replacements. improvements_ C 13. LIENS. The -filed against the not sil, OF permit lien to be asserted or Pi-en)jses arls]JIL -m- ties. If a lien is asserted or filed aeallisi fits ojwlel, F ac m— I the Premises. ll, nn! diall pn l: ,; ihl cause the lien to be removed. Upon failure to do so, fl-Je Tr\ 'r Q� ,olsiI v and the lien to be removed and the School agrees to re"rill,Lirse I!_ ;_j 031 dcm,1r, the costs and expenses of any such proceeding. I 14. CONSULTATJ( '. The parties acknowledge that, over the term of this Lease issues may arise concern. 'i_g injaplernentation of this Lease that the parties have not noNv contemplated. R, gnizing that a 11*211 level of cooperation between the parties is . necessary and des- ible, the pal-LIUS agree to consult with each other from time to time concerning this Le ,a. The parties further apree that their respective representatives Will Meet To Cond� : such consultation upon 10 days written request given by one party to the other 1-ty. In addiijon, each party shall from time to tirne designate in writing such Part, "contact person" for all matters involving the administration of this Lease.. Is. NOTICES. Any, lice required or neriniaed by this Lease shall be in writing and shall be deemed it nave been stif'!Iclenth cy'ven for all purposes if sent by certified or registered mail, p age and fees repaid, addressed to the party to whom such notice is intended to be en at the address set forth on the signature page below, or at such other address as 1. been prevjou-'Y furnished in writing to the other party or parties. Such notice shall deemed to hnve been given when deposited in the U.S. Mail. 16. DEFAULT A.N1l' R TER TVI TNATT ON. All terms and conditions ofthis Lease are considered nialerl i In the ever: ­:il either parry defaults in the performance of any of the covenants (, :geemeriis to i­ hcp �t. done or performed by and under the requirements off ?_ease. the n, party shall give the defaulting party written notice of h default f ii-;e defaulting party fails. neglects or refuses for a period of more ii 10 days to cure the default, then the non - defaulting party, without ftii c-r notice. ma%. in addition ion to any other remedies available to it, terminate all ri p- eJ in this Lease and this Lease shall be of no further force or e! ct. 11 the I'0­ j),iriv elects to treat this Lease as being 11-1 full force and eff,-� �. the non-def,. :111L,, parry sha 11 have the right to an action for - damages. The T( further SN' In the event of default, 1) to correct the default itself an~ S-sess the cc ­eof-io the School, together with interest at the rate of eighteen, r percent PC- ��ll 1ccl-ulliP from the time of assessment and 2'f to collect 1,11teres! the rate ofcl: ert (I 8) percent per annum from the time of default in the ev _ )fanv 111ollo: ill� 17. WAIVER OF P 'A CH. Tho I­- party to this Lease of breach of inv term or ]-_)rovjslo1- '?iljs Lease ;iol rileraie or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breac any parly. 18, ASSIGNMENT :either part,, s Lease shall transfer or assign any interest in the Premises 1vi, t 1-13-si obiair jilen consent ofthe other part-,,. 19. SEVERABILP fli-is I-case or its application is finally dCieniiined 1c.) he by a court of competent jurisdiction. such provision S1 De deemel'i C1,111fle- and all other provisions of this Lease shall remain fill',- forceable. Lease shall be interpreted in all respects as if such provisions _- onlitted- 9 20. PARAGRAPH t 'APTIONS. Tl�e captions of the paragraphs are set forth only for convenience and 2ference,and i,,ei-iot intended in any �va)lto define, limit, or describe the scoff-.: or Intent of Lease. I 21. ADDITIONAL I)OCUMENT M% ACTION. The parties agree to execute any additional docur- nts and to tak,,, :lny additional action necessary to carry out this Lease. 22. INTEGRATIO' AND AMEN' '01 T. This Lease represents the entire agreement beoveentheparl' s and there ai,, or�il or collateral agreements Or understandings. This Lease may I c-, amended onj-, in instrument in'writing signed by the parties. 23. NO THIRD PA"T11 BENEP I," 'None of the ternis, conditions or covenants set fo'r 1 in this Lease give or allow any claim, benefit or right of action by any dw, I person not a r:!r[y to this Lease. Any person other than the parties to this Lease Nvl' )r which rec(' ices or benefit-, under this Lease -hall be only an I M 'dental be, lejar, 24. GOVERNING 1,A)A7. This Lc; be deelned to have been made in the Stale of Colorado, shall 1~ � Construed 111- of the Stale of Colorado and shall be t,indillL, upon -w- Inure to the I)- of the successors and assigns of the parties to this Lease. 25- IN M I ' ]NITIES ZESERVE1J. ihc intention of the parties that this Lease shall not be construct; s a contractu.cr of any immunities or defenses provided by the Colorado Go 111-ninernal lmr 24-10-101 ei seq., Colorado Revised Statutes. 26. PATE. 2006 CREED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ni %voNT itionald C Wolfe. Mavor 0 ATTEST: P b4dKenny, 'Pok Cl I STATE OF COLORADO ss, COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscr ed ai-f s"loni to bc!orc me this day of 2006, by w litcaytis4t6APioNi President of Stone 7-vk Elementary School, aC--olorad nonprofi corporation. C� Tlitness my hand and official Ady comnislon expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE G TI b I i c OYO Mycommi n xoiras a*m%w,,,, The foregoin,,, document Nmnchbed and s"rorn to before me this LA 4 day of JfL 4 by Ronald C. WN? as Mayor and Patty,NIcKejiny as Town Clerk of the Town of Akron. JVIY commission expires:__ Tomas my has "knary )ublic OF cc A L commission r'.. Yc' 7/25r-OG6 10.47::7 AM if ik 1`1 ti H" CvitIItAill c cxxn g Lw. Cr a--, E PLAN CONCEPT pp CvitIItAill c cxxn g Lw. H 0-0 .O 0-4 nm m T 0c) 0 O a; D Z OMM M T CO m C') , 0 co cy, m 0 m LTI 0 0 cc C rr, M MC0 Z <-q > ;o < m Fr 71�li 5� (D > 77 cr < < ell CA • uj C, IQ � 1' � «� iI IQ m 'ca tj r. Oc IQ G C- IQ E7 oc t oc Ij C ac ^7. Aft 11 RRSLAMENDMENEIQ_))%aTER �rRV��I a?�Tn TAP EEE ALLOCAILOXAGREEMEINT1 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this�� day of 1999, by and between the EAGLE-VAIL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado (the "District"), the TOWN OF AVON, a Colorado municipal corporation on ("Avon"), and EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Colorado limited liability company. PVRT NOTT I LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, PVRT NOTT 11 LLC, a Colorado limited liability company. and PVRT NOTT III LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (hereinafter collectively referred to as "EMD LLC"). The UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY (the "Authority "), a quasi - municipal J -ado. agrees to be bound by the terms corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado, g - - and provisions of this Agreement as though a party to the Agreement 10 the extent obligated by its terms and conditions, A. WHEREAS, E'J%4D LLC and the District entered into a water service agreement (the "Water Service Agreement") dated May 15, 1997, and agreed to by the Authority, by which service the District and the Authority agreed to provide water to property owned by EMD LLC, pursuant to the terms and conditions contained therein, B. WHEREAS, EMD LLC is the owner of approximately 1,759 acres in Eagle County, Colorado, which land is more specifically described in the Water Service Agreement (the "Properly"),- C. WHEREAS, Avon and the District are Contracting Districts. as that teen is used and defined in the Water Service Agreement, and pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement entered into by participating districts,. dated September 18, 1984, and one of the functions or I - s i provided ll� the Authority is the provision of treated -eater to the Contracting services to be provi Districts. their Inhabitants and others; D. WHEREAS. the Property is situated such that either Avon or the District, in conjunction with the Authority, is capable of providing water service to the planned development on the Proper-t,,; E. NVIAER-EAS. the Property has recently been annexed into Avon and EMD LLC and Avon no-",- desire that Avon take over the responsibilities and obligations of the District as set forth In the Water Service Agreement; 'WHEREAS, EMD LLC and the District also entered into all agreement dated ), May 15. 1997 regarding the sharing of tap fees (the "Tap Fee Agreement", and 11,01,7-, G. W­HEREA3,ENIDLLC. the District, Avon and the Authority desire that the Water Service Agreement and Tap Fee Agreement both be amended as expressly set forth herein, subject to the conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, io consideration of the covenants and agreements contained iothis Agreement. the sufficiency of which are mutually acknowledged, the Authority, Avon, the District and EMD LLC agree as follows: ] The Water Service AgroomoU and the Tap Fee Agreement shall remain io full force and effect, except asameoded and modified as set forth herein. The Water Service Agreement shall be modified as follows: A. Al] references to "Service Contract" iuthe Water 8anicz Agreement shall refer to the Amended and Restated Master Service Contract dated January l,]y90, between the Authority and its Participating Members (as dcfioodtbcrcin),and the arriendinents thereto; B. Sub3liLudQn Ezuop1 as noted in paragraphs 2(Z). 2(E) and 3)O8` below. ^Avou" oboD be substituted for each and every reference (u the 'Diabict"contained in the Water Service Agreement ao that Avon shall be responsible for every obligation, Gt� and/or a2reement of the District contained or referenced In the Water Service Agreement and so that Avon shall receive everIboo:fit uf the District contained Or referenced in the Water Gon'icc AP-recrnen1'os amended bcroby.- C� The Authority and EMD LLC shall retain all uI their respective obligations, responsibilities, agreements and/or benufito contained or referenced in the Water Scndco Agreement, as such may be amended by parogi-apbs2(/\) and 2(B) herein, and the District shall oo longer retain any of Its obligutions- roqpoosibUidcs, agrcenocots and/or bcocfita contained or referenced in the Water Service Acreemcni, except as noted in paragraphs 2(D),. 2(E) and 3(B) herein; D. �o|p�1��aodb��tbzomcodmcots and modifications set forth in this paragraph 2, the water storage option granted to BMD LLC at paragraph 7(b) of1bc \9utcrScrvicc/\orormeo/bytbcDis/riduod Authority |oPurchase certain alou�iu the Ea2)c Park Reservoir Company shall remain iofull force and effect, as written, wI|boo/aoynf the amendirents or niod'fications discussed in this paragraph 2, subjec to all of the express 1cnos and conditions relevant to the option as expressly set forth io the Water Service Agrcucooni I i 0 zn -2- E 11 E. I2, �, Q, 0 Z7 The District agrees to allow EMD LLC and Avon to use or enlarge any of its water lines if reasonably necessary to provide water service to the Property and if such use or enlargement will not prevent the District from being able to provide water service to its residents. F. The last sentence of paragraph 1(b) of the Water Service Agreement is amended in its entirety to read as follows: The Authority and Avon acknowledge that EMD LLC will depend upon the water supplied under this Agreement for all of its potable water supply needs, except that EMD LLC may, with the consent of Avon and the Authority, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, supply Its own potable water to the lots described as Lots 56 to 96, The Village (at Avon), according to the PUD/Sketch Plan approved by Avon. EMD LLC agrees that if such lots are served by individual wells, appropriate fire ire chief pursuant suppression facilities, as determined by Avon's f to applicable regulations in effect from time to time and applied on 'form and nondiscriminatory basis shall be included in a um residences constructed on those lots. IMoreover, if such lots are served by Individual wells and the wells subsequently fall, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that neither Avon or the Authority shall have any obligation to extend water lines to affected portions of the Property. G. in Paragraph 2(a) change "950,000 sq. ft. of commercial" to -650,000 sq. ft. of commercial." At the end of paragraph 2(a) the following shall be added: -Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any or agreement or obligation on the part of Avon to provide contribute -�vaier or water storage rights to the Authonty or to ontr ENO LLC for water Service 10 the Property or the Ad ditional Property other than or In addition to those water rights and water storage rights described on Exhibit D of this Agreement, 11. Paragraph 2(b) shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: EMD LLC agrees to lease without cost to Avon for sublease i without cost to the Authority, which sublease s hereby consented to, a portion of the water rights described in Exlubit D ' attached hereto, sufficient to replace the consumptive use associated with development of the Property as ultimately decreed by the Water Court. in no event shall the consumptive use of development on the Property exceed the historic consumptive use of the water rights desc ribed in Exhibit D as determined by the Water Court. Any excess consumptive use credits quannfied In the Water Case - q, - Ill C,-' -, - AOL and not required to replace consumptive use associated with development of the Property shall continue to be owned by EMD LLC, shall be unencumbered by this lease and may be transferred or sold at EMD LLC's sole discretion. Paragraph 2(c) shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: mater Service to the Propertv. The Authority shall provide retail water service to individual users within the Property, pursuant to the Service Contract, in an amount sufficient to meet the needs of the Property and on the same charges, terms and conditions as provided to the other customers of Avon. Paragraph 3 shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: S_Q 7—�arm. As a condition to continuing service to any portion of the Property, the owner of such property shall pay Plant Investment Fees to the Authority -,,,?Inch shall be determined, charged and collected In the same manner as to the Contracting Districts. Service charges for the provision of water service to the Property shall be billed by and paid to the Authority-. provided, however, Avon shall retain the right to impose a surcharge in addition to such service charges. It is the parties' intent however that service charges, and any surcharge, for water service to the Property shall be charged on the same basis and at the same rates as to other customers of Avon. K. Paragraph 4(b) shall be amended In its entirety to read as follows: AleLel-Rfading-and -, I I - -Billing. Meter reading, billing and collection services shall be provided by the Authority to EMD LLC in the same manner as provided to other customers of Avon. L. Paragraph 6 shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: Q,tzf�ralion._nd '1 enan , �— '. Avon or the Authoritv, as may be deten-nined between them, shall be responsible for maintenance and operation of the main line extension(s) to and through the Property and the Storage Tank. EMD LLC shall be responsible for all necessary maintenance and repair of Nottingham Reservoir. EMD LLC acknowledges that the services provided by Avon or the Authority do not include maintenance and repair of EMD LLCs other Internal water distribution facilities within the Property. -4- I AM M. Paragraph 7(a) shall be amended to add the following two sentences at the end of the paragraph: The application filed in Case No. 97CW306 did not include the Additional Property, but EMD LLC may, through a separate application, seek to amend the augmentation plan or file a new plan to replace depletions associated with the Additional Property. Avon agrees to and approves the application as filed in Case No. 97CW306, subject to the final decree reflecting water service being provided by Avon and the Authority (rather than the District and the Authority) consistent with this Agreement. N, 1 1. Delete paragraph 9. Q. Paragraph 10 shall be amended in its entirety to read as follows: tD_AdditimaLP-mpfill, EMD LLC or its affiliates own an additional 175.5 acres located adjacent to the Property in a portion of the N1/2 of Section 10, T. 5 S., R. 81 W. of the 6th P.M. (the "Additional Property"). The Additional property is further described on Exhibit F attached hereto. In the event EMD LLC, its affiliates or successors elect to obtain water or fire service for the Additional Property in the future, such service shall be provided on the same basis as serer ,Ice to Avon's customers, provided that the Additional Property shall pay 1) for water, an amount equal to the cost of service plus the estimated mill levy attributable to water service for which such property, would be responsible if it were a part of Avon, and 2) for fire Protection, an amount equal to the estimated ]nfl] JeV­V attributable to fire service for which such property would be responsible if it were a p . art of Avon. EMD LLC agrees that if the Additional Property is to be se rved by t7 individual wells, appropriate fire suppression facilities . as I Ions determined by Avon's fire chief pursuant to applicable regulations in effect from time to time and applied on a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis shall be Included in structures constructed if the Additional Property on the Additional Property. Moreover, 1 fail, the is served by individual wells and the wells subsequently i - parties hereto acknowledge and ag]-ce that neither Avon or the Authority shall have any obligation to extend water lines to affected portions of the Additional Pro, pem. Tap fee allocations shall be on the same basis as for the ProPel-1-Y. itself. -Zl- 0 follows: P. Paragraph l](e) of the Water Service Agreement shall be amended as (c) Remedies Upon Default. Upon the occurrence and continuance o[oo event ofdcfamb. the 000d party shall bc entitled to enforce the provisions of this Agreement io law urio equity, and relief io the nature of specific performance ordamages nr both may bc awarded, subject 10 the provisions of the laws nf the State ofColorado. The prevailing party io any legal action shall bc entitled iu the recovery oI its costs and expenses o{such action against the defaulting party. Costs and expenses shall include, without limitation, reasonable attorneys" ƒeoa not to exceed u maximum uf $175'000. 3 Paragraphs] through 5ofthe Tap Fee Agreement shall be replaced in their entirety with the followinpl: ,\. Avon agrees that it shall collect all residential and commercial tap fees for taps oo the Property. However. if Avon does not collect o tap fee within a reasonable period of time, EMD LLC or its successors and assigns shall have the same right as Avon to collect such tap fee. Avon agrees that the tap fees shall be calculated and collected in the same coazo eraa for all others who receive such service from Avon. B. EMDLLC or its successors and uss 8osaba ] be entitled to receive one-hundred percent (]O096)uf all tap fees collected for taps oothe Property. but oba]] be required to coovcYto the District twenty percent (20%).. but not louc than $880. of each such ta fee vJthin 30 days of receipt of the same by EMD LLC. C� Avon agrees that £MD[LCor its successors and assigns oboJl have the right oo charge and retain an), amount io csooss of the regular tap fee charged by Avon for the development ofwater service on the Property (the "Water Development Foc`). and Avon agrees to bill and collect uo}' such Water Development Fee together with its regular tap fees. The District is not entitled to any portion of the Water Development Fee, except that in the event that DO regular tap fee is charged by Avon and EMD LLC. the District shall receive the twenty percent (2096), but not less than S8OO per tap referenced above out ofthe Water Development Fee within 30 days of-receipt of the saine by EMD LLC. which agrees to assess ut least that uoznon1 usao excess fee. D. No Impairment of Fees. Avon agrees that it shall not undertake any action in the future which impairs / irnoodosEMD]LIC or its successors' and ossioos' right and ��li�� ton��vcA�n`sogo|ar tap ���dthe Wa�rDevelopment Fee f�oc���oon��ym�cny� E Additional Pursuant to paragraph lOof the Water Service /\grnccocot, os modified herein, in the event EMD LL[, its affiliates or successors elect 1u obtain ioItoru. Avon has committed to de such water service for the Additional Prooc�} ƒ sn � � �r�coco1 shall ibco also be \ -6' �uan 11 4. Except as expressly amended or modified herein, all other terms and provisions of the Water Service Agreement and Tap Fee Agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Executed as of the date first set forth above. EAGLE-VAIL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, quasi- municipal corporation of the State of Colorado By: Title:— TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation ofthe EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANTY7 Colorado limited liability company Title: PVRT NOTT I LLC. a Colorado limited liability company Bv: Tit] I 1_1 0 . 7 - AOL PVRT NOTT 11 LLC, a Colorado limited liability company By: Title: PVRT NOTT III LLC, a Colorado limited liability company By: Title: UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY, a, quasi- municipal corporation of the State of Colorado u `'1.LL� --- It e: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. MO NTY OJ- __E� ) The foregoing First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement Nvas acknowledged before me Ibis day of ___jnaV_7 1999, by as of the Eagle -Vail Metropolitan District, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Colorado. rvlv commission expires ) _003 Witness my hand and official sea]. OB0 1 t_1 G -, -1 - Notary _S_ 0 9 STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF �ir The foregoing First Amendment to Water ' Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement was ackpowledged before me this '2-2 day of 1999, by 6 as 7'Jiil-1 i of the Town of Avon, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado. ion expires '7* official seal. ime'ssmy hand and off Not :"-ST--.A:T-F OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF -t-,2 - � The foregoing First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement was acknoNviedeed before me this "%l" day of 1999. by as of each of EMD Limited Liability Company. PVRT NOTT I LLC. IDVRT NOTT 11 LI-C. and PVRT NOTT III LLC, each of which are a Colorado limited liability, company. 4y commission expires NVAness my hand and official seal. V Not�anyjr 0 C' M :1-10',-,7 STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing First Amendment to Water Service and Tap Fee Allocation Agreement --,k,,as acknowle ged before, me this day of 1999, by LEf", as (J,7t!e Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, a quasi - municipal corporation of the State of Colorado. My commission expires oC; Witness my hand and official seal. f Notary -10- —r` Octoue23.2006 Eagle Rive Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vai| CO 81558 Dear Sir o'Madam: This letter will serve as notice to the Eagle River and Sanitation District that the foUowing t2p fees have been waived for one year for Stone Creek Elementary. Village o\Avon/TnaerCreek Incremental Sewer Tap Fee (1^Meter) $3.921.00 Village a1AvomTmerCreek Water Development Fee (1^Meter) $5.200.00 You may call meif you have any questions, Sincerely, /i/�u,— 6��u�°^1 Dan Leary / President . Traer Creek Metropolitan Di�thct TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION 06-29 SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN AND TRAER CREEK RP, LLC 1k'IJEREAS. by Resolution No. 06-30 the Town Council will approve a STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY ("the School Lease ") whereby the Town will lease Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing I ("Lot 5"), to Stone Creek Elementary for a term from July 1. 2006, to June 31. '1007: and WHEREAS,., Lot 5 is currently designated as a public works site pursuant to the Annexation and Development Agreement for The Village (at Avon): and 1YHEREAS, Traer Creels RP, LLC has PTOPOsed to enter into a LICENSE AGREEMENT to provide to the Town an alternative public works site during the term of the School Lease- NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The LICENSE AGREEMENT, a copy of which is filed with the minutes of this ineeiling, is hereby approved. 2. All action heretofore taken by the officers of the Town of Avon relating to the same is hereby ratified. approved and confirmed. 3. This Resolution is contingent upon the adopilion of Resolution No. 06-330. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the To-wn of A-V013 the 13111 day of June. 2006. -C Ronald C. Wolfe. Manor fix N ATTEST: a tY, cKejln\7. To erk -C Ronald C. Wolfe. Manor LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), made effective as of the I ST day of July. 2006 ("Effective Date"), is among TRAER CREEK RP, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("Landlord") and the TOIA7NI OF AVON, a municipal corporation of the State Of Colorado ("To-wn" OR "Tenant")- RECITALS A, WHEREAS, Landlord is the wvvrier of that certain Teal property, IctioNvu as Traci B. The Village (at Avon) Filing 3, according to the plat thereof recorded June 29, 2004 at Reception No. 882176 of the Eagle County. Colorado real property records. Such Traci is also informally known as Planning Area N South on the Village (at Avon) PUD Development Sketch Plan. i B. WHEREAS, Landlord desires to lease 4.0 acres of the 5.765 parcel. known as Tract B (or Planning Area N South),. to Tenant, as more specifically set forth in the attached map hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" ("the Premises"). Whereas Landlord further desires 10 grant Tenant access to the Premises as more specifically set forth in Exhibit -A." C NAIIIEREAS, Tenant desires to lease the Premises for a period of one year for sirmv. equipment and vehicle storage. D. 11,11-JEREAS, Landlord has agreed to aljo\7,, Tenant to use the Premises for snow, equipment and vehicle storage, subject to the terms of this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW. TBEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten (510.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by Tenant, the receipt of vviuch is hereb-Y acknowledged. 7 the Parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Lease to Tenant: Subject 10 the terms, covenants and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Landlord hereby leases the Premises to Tenant, and its employees_ contractors_ agents and invitees. to use and possess the Premises during the Term of this Agreement for storage of snow, equipment and vehicles. Landlord further grants to Tenant access to the I I - Premises only for Ille Premises as spec ically set forth in Exhibit A. I enaill shall use the Prei 1 purposes described in this Agreement Term of Lease: The term ofthis lease (the "Term ") shall commence on the Effective Date hereof and terminate at 11:59 P.M. FIST on the 3651; day following the Effective Date. Additional Obligations: (a') Tenant shall. at its sole cost and expense, prompil-, comply with all applicable ja-,�7s. rules and regulations relailmg to the Premises. Tenant shall further be obligated to comply with; I all environmental laws. federal and stale j-U]eS and regulations and Ordinances. as 11 "'ollid have to comply with such obligations on its own property. Tenant, however, shall not be obligated to do more than that Thigh it is already obligated to do pursuant to those laws and should Tenant comply NVith those laws. Landlord shall hold Tenant harmless from any claims by Landlord, its successors or assigns arising out of the handling, treatment, storage or disposal of an), hazardous or toxic substance as defined under any applicable state or federal law including, «vithout limitation. the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. (b) Tenant shall keep the Premises in a neat, clean and sanitary condition, consistent with the uses set forth in this Agreement, at all times during the Term of this Agreement. 4. Alterations: Tenant shall make no material alterations; additions or improvements in or to the Premises without Landlord's prior written approval and consent for items and or improvements. J. Insurance: (a) During the Term of this Agreement; Tenant shall maintain, at its sole cost and expense. the following policies of insurance: (i) Commercial general liability insurance in an occurrence format in an amount of 53,000,000 Per occurrence, including the following coverages: contractual liability. personal injury. broad forn property damage, and independent contractors insurance. Such policies shall include a provision requiring a minimum of 30 days' notice to Landlord of an- change or cancellation. Landlord shall be named as an additional named insured as its interests may appear on this polio`. vii) Comprehensive automobile liability insurance on all vehicles used in eotuiection Nv Ih this Agreement, in an amount of S1 .000.000 combined single limits for bodily iniur }' and property damage per occurrence. Tenant shall legally obligate its subcontractors, either contractually or othervh,ise, to obtain identical coverage. Landlord shall be named as an additional insured as its interests may appear on Tenants and any subcontractor's policies. (b) During the Term of this Agreement. Landlord shall maintain, at its sole cost and expense, its current commercial general liability insurance on the immediately adjacent property to the Premises. known as Tract G. The Village (at Avon) Filing 3. 6. quiet L- njovmettt Landlord covenants and agrees with Tenant that upon Tenant observing and performing all the terms. covenants and conditions of this Agreement on Tenants part to be observed and performed, Landlord shall not. subject to Section 9, below, disturb Ternant`s peaceable and quiet enjoyment of the Premises during the Term of this Agreement. 7. Acceptance of Premises: Taking possession of the Premises by Tenant shall be conclusi��e evidence against Tenant that the Premises ,were in good order and that the Town accepted the condition of the Propej NN when possession was taken. Notwithstanding that fact. tine Premises is made available to I etant in its "as is" condition on the commencement date of the Tern,. S. Land] -,rd Access to Premises: Landlord and its agents, upon reasonable notice to TCnaM, shall have the right to enter the Premises at all times to examine them, to show the Premises to prospective purchasers. mortgagees, lenders or others. and to make and perform such maintenance or repairs as Landlord may deem necessary or desirable, on the condition that Landlord shall use all reasonable efforts to minimize interference with the Tenant's operations. Further. absent a formal assignment of this Agreement, any new owner of the Premises shall also have the right of entry. 9. Assignment and Subleltm2- (a) Tenant shall not assign. convey; mortgage, hypothecate or encumber its rights during in hereof v,,Ilhoul the prior written consent of in this Agreement at an }` I] the Ter Landlord. (b) Landlord may assign, convey, mortgage, hypothecate or encumber its rights and obligations i , n the Premises at any iii-ne during the Term hereof without the prior written consent of Tenant. 10. _1ndeninjiv: (a) To the full extent allowed by jaw. Tenant shall indernnif},. defend and hold I I've agents. officers. directors. harmless Landlord. Ms subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respect servants and -v of and from any and all costs- expenses (Including without limitation reasonable attorneys " fees), liability, claims. liens. demands. actions lions and causes of action including death of any whatsoever arising 0111 Of Or related to any Joss, cost, damage or Injury, 'Ile I person or damage 10 property of any h1ind. I'VhIch damage, loss OF injury is caused by the breach c 01 t� the misconduct or negligent acts, errors or omissions of Tenam. its of this leas - subcontractors or any Person directly or indirectly employed by them, or any of them, while engaged In allv activity on or associated with the Premises. (b) TO the full extent allowed by lave, Landlord shall indemmf?, defend and hold harmiess Tenant, its agents, officers- directors and employees of and from any and all costs. expenses (including ,N,Jtho-Lii limitation reasonable attorneys' fees), liabilily, claims., hens, - demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever an sing sirip __ out of Or related to any loss. cost. rolDeTIV Of any kindl� which damaL)e 03- IqjL]7_Y'_ Ir1C1UdIIIf-j death of any Pei­Soll. OF damage 10 property - - the willful misconduct or negligent damage. loss 01' 1,11jury is caused by the breach of this lease or i t7 - I -so" directly or Indirectly acts. errors Oj omissions of Landlord, its subcontractors or any Pei employed by them. Traer Creek Metropolitan District. or any of them, while engaged in any activjt,, on or associated xith the Premises. Default: if either part-," neglects or fails to Perform or observe any of the terms or l]. covenants herein contained io he performed or observed by that par ty, and that defaulting party falls to remedy such default within ten (I 10) days after receiving o wi -inen notice specifying such if any, as may be reasonably required to cure such neglect or failure (or NvIlhill such period. I I- I . . -' ded that ihe cured \N,*Llj,]-j such 1-dav pei od, default if], is of such nature that it cannot be cui pi es io remedy such defaull within such] ien-day period and Proceeds defaL1111,112 party co I ninielic thereafter lei' 10 . cure such default). that party shall be declared in default NvIll-, reasonable diligence oftjijs Aprecineri, 12. Remedies: If Tenant shall default -under this Agreement as set forth in Section 11. Landlord shall have all remedies at la-v-v or equity, including but not limited to Landlord's right 10 terminate this Agreement, re-enter and take possession of the Premises and/or pursue any statutorily mandated court proceeding. If Landlord shall default under this Agreement as set forth in Section I I Tenant shall have all remedies at la,,v or equity. including but not limited to the remedies of specific performance or termination of this Agreement. The remedies of Landlord and Tenant shall be cumulative and the exercise of one remedy shall not be deemed to have been an election of remedies to the exclusion of any other remedies available. No delay or omissions by either party to eXeTC1Se any Tight or power arising from a breach by the 011ie], part,,, of any of the terms of this lease shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver ofanv breach or an acquiescence therein. 13, End of Term: At the expiration of or earlier termination of this Agreement, Tenant shall quit and Surrender the Premises to Landlord in as good order as they were in on commencement dale of the Agreement and witlm no material change from the condition they were in on that same date, with all temporary improvements thereon removed, subject to the provisions of 3(a) hereof 14. Landlord and Tenant respectively waive all rights of recovery against the other. or the officers- directors. employees and agents of the Other., for loss of or damage to such Waiving party Of its property or the property of the other under its control., arising from any cause insured against under the standard form of fire insurance poj'c-,, (with all extension endorsements covering additional perils) or under any other policy of permissible i insurance carried by such waiving Party in Neu thereof. 15. Holdover By Tenant: In the event Tenant remains in possession of the Premises after the expiration of this Lease. and without the execution of a new lease. Tenant the option of Landlord shall be deemed to be occupying the Premises as a Tenant from month to mouth. Tenant shall be. entitled to occupy,- the Premises ai the current rental rate for a period of six months. Thercaffer. Tenant shall be required to pay to Landlord rent In the amount of S 1,666M per month, constituting fair market value of file Premises. Rent shall be paid oil the 15' day of the month. During the holdover Period in question,. all of the terms and conditions hereof timer in 11 effect (1exceptulL, the rent provision) shall remain in effect for the entire holdover period. 16. Subordinalion. Non-disturbance and ATIornmeni: This Lease is also subject and subordinate to any mortgage ,vhich rna-v hereafter -c a part provided that (a) each siich affect this Lease or the real property of -which the Premises at rov in a pro,, y acceptance of morlpape shall contain provision it-, substance and effect that the ITAortgagee, by inoneage, covenants and agrees on behalf of itself and those at any time holding by, thT0U-_h or under it. for under the benefit of Tenant. and those- at any time holding by, through of Tenant. that unless Tenant shall have suffered an Event of Default under the provisions ofillis Lease and notice of termination of this Lease shall have been given as provided in this Lease and not revoked. the holder of anysuch mortgage be subordinated shall ge to which this Lease may not name or join Tenant or anyone holding by, through or under Tenant as a pw -tv defendant oi- oilierNvise in any suit, action or proceeding for the foreclosure of such mortgage or i in anN: manner interfere with Tenant's i 's rjLhis hereunder and Tenant shall not be disturbed n is herein holdi . b I O�,jjlei-,j of the Premises or its interests hej In b-,� the Nlong, )ee o, an�, ell through or under the jMortgavee to the end that this Lease and the possession of the Premises by Tenant shall not be disturbed or affected by reason of such foreclosure. In lieu of the non - disturbance provision being contained in the niortgape, such provision can be contained in a separate non-disturbance agreement delivered by such mortgagee to Tenant which agreement Tenant shall promptly execute upon request. (b) This clause shall be self-operative and no further instrument of subordination shall be required by any mortgagee. affecting any lease or the real property of which the Premises are a part. In confirmation of such subordination, Tenant shall execute promptly any certificate that Landlord may request. 17. notice: Any notice, demand Or Communication which either party may desire or be required to give to the other party shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently given Or rendered if delivered personal])' Or SCIll by first class United States mall, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Jf'to LANDLORD: Traer Creek RP, LLC P.O. Box 9429 ,22 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon. Colorado 81620 If to TENANT: ToN�,n of'Avon P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon. CO 81620 Either party shall have the right to designate in served as provided above- a different address to v,,hich any notice, demand or communication is to be mailed. l S. �Ee-ifificaieq. Landlord and Tenant shall, v,' ' j1hol-li charge, at any tune and from time to time- ",]'thin ten (10) days after request by the olner. execuie- acknowledge and deliver an as the ile parly requesting the same may reasonably estoppel certificate containing such information I request. 19. EqEagra h Headings: Paragraph or other headings contained in this Agreement are for referenced purposes only and are not ]Intended to affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. ,0. _Binding Effect: This Agreement will not be binding oil or constitute evidence of a C� i 'I such time as it has been executed b�, each party and an original contract bel\veell the parties until 1 -1 , thereof delivered to each other party to this AP-Teen-jeni and Ratification has occurred. Additional Documentation: Ala]] times, the parties hereto agree to execute and deliver. or to cause to be executed and delivered. such documents and to do. or cause to be done, such other acts and things as might reasonably be required in order to confirin or effectuate the provisions of this Agreement. 22. No Representations or Warranties: There are no representations and warranties by the parties, their agents, servants and employees whether oral Or in writing, relating to or concerning this Agreement other than as specifically set forth herein. Each of the parties hereto warrants and represents to the other that it is authorized or empowered to enter into this Agreement and perform the terms hereof. 2 Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes The entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior v.,rliten and oral agreements and understanding relating to the subject matter hereof. 24. Modification: This Agreement may not be modified, amended or discharged except by an instrument In writing signed by the parties hereto. NO VVaiVC17 Or consent may be enforced unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement thereof is Sought. '15. -1 -n 2 ApD icable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. 20. Successors and Assigns: This Agreement shall be binding upon.. and ]inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs. executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns. No Negative Inference Against Preparers This Agreement is the result of negotiations air . ons beiween the parties, each of whom is represented by counsel of its own choosing' All parties shall be deemed to have drawn this Agreement and no negative inference or interpretation shall be made by a court against the party whose counsel drafted this Agreement. ,m. No Modification to PUD: This Lease Agreement and the intended use of the Premises are Pern-iiiied by and do not require or effect a modification to or amendment of the Annexation and De%7C1opn)ejv A217eerneril beivleen Traer Creep and the Town of Avon, the Village (,,it Avon) PUD Grude, or the associated PUD Development/Sketch Plan (collectively. the "Development Plan"). Operation on an imeTIM basis of snoNv, equipment and vehicle storage at the location specified in and otherwise subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement %vill not be construed as hiruling any future uses Nvithin Tract B, The Village (at Avon) Fibril- _33 that otherwise are permitted under the Development Plan. or as effecting a waiver by Owner or the Town of any rights under the agreements constituting the Development Plan. Operations of the Tovvi) pursuant to this Lease Agreement are intended to be on an interim basis only. and do not constitute a cOMMATTierii by Landlord that the Town's operations will be housed on a permanent or semi- permanent basis at this location Or otherv,,-ise within the Village (at Avon). 29. Traer Creeh Design Review and Special Review Use: Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold any approval by the Traer Creel; Design Review Board to the Town of Avon or unrcasonably ,vlthhold any consent to the special review use by the Town ofAvorr. and for which relate to any matter neCeSSUV 10 carry our the purpose of this _Agreement. IN 1A,1J7'N'ESS �AVJJEREOF. the Parties have here-unto caused this Lease Agreement 10 be executed on their behalf the day and year first above written. TRAER CREEK RP, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company By Na um TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado BT Name: �0AwLo Ij 0 Tile: 41 A Zo SOD EN A MAM EG 2wQQnyX,,2 :jjj4 I Q I -� " tt. z�' all; --------------- Won 0 c yon L 5 `.;. NI x ts 41; 4, L , "Zqp tT imp ------------------- . . . . . . "Emil YL SOD EN A MAM EG 2wQQnyX,,2 :jjj4 I Q I -� " tt. z�' EXHIBIT 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO STONE CREEK ELE.,N]ENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY STONE CREEK CHARTER SCHOOL WATER AND SEWER TAP FEE SCHEDULE - (I-INCH TAP): WATER: Town of Avon - Water Tap Fee $10,400 Traer Creek Metropolitan District-Incremental Water Tap Fee $ 5,200 Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority-Plant Investment Fee $11,172 SEN17ER: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District - Sewer Tap Fee $15,864 Traer Creek Metropolitan District - Incremental Sewer Tap Fee $ 3.921 TOTAL WATER AND SEWER TAP FEES S46,377 fyvt tbcl 6 ATTEST: �? S P,j y M Keimv, wn ClVk U pa _. U STATE OF COLORADO } ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) , t Subscribed and sworn to before me this �� day of , t 2006. by $a ° AAO President of Stone Creek Elementary School. a Coloradd,nonproiit corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ° Notary Public �,.L� P� OF CO\-Oe My Commission ires° STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing document Nras subscribed and sworn to before me this day of J . 2006, by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty- McKenny as Town Clerk ofthe To 'n of von. My commission expires: Witness my han'�7 • ��� �� �� — c ary ublic C) P F OF•CO\_0 My Commission Expires 14. CONSULTATION. The parties acknowledge that, over the term of this Lease issues may arise concerning implementation of this Lease that the parties have not now contemplated. Recognizing that a high level of cooperation between the parties is necessary and desirable, the parties agree to consult with each other from time to time concerning this Lease. The parties further agree that their respective representatives will meet to conduct such consultation upon 10 days written request given by one party to the other party. In addition, each party shall from time to time designate in writing such party's "contact person" for all matters involving the administration of this Lease. 15. NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted by this Lease shall be in uniting and shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given for all purposes if sent by certified or registered mail, postage and fees prepaid, addressed to the party to whom such notice is intended to be given at the address set forth on the signature page below, or at such other address as has been previously furnished in writing to the other party or parties. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given when deposited in the U.S. Mail. 16. DEFAULT AND /OR TERMINATION. All terms and conditions of this Lease are considered material. In the event that either party defaults in the performance of any of the covenants or agreements to be kept, done or performed by and under the requirements of this Lease, the non - defaulting party shall give the defaulting party written notice of such default. and if the defaulting party fails, neglects or refuses for a period of more than 10 days thereafter to cure the default, then the non - defaulting party, without further notice, may, in addition to any other remedies available to it. terminate all rights and privileges granted in this Lease and this Lease shall be of no further force or effect. If the non- defaulting party elects to treat this Lease as being in full force and effect_ the non - defaulting party shall have the right to an action for damages. The Town further shall be entitled, in the event of default_ 1) to correct the default itself and to assess the cost thereof to the School, to,2ether with interest at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annum accruing from the time of assessment and 2) to collect interest at the rate of eighteen (18) percent per annum from the time of default in the event of any monetary default. 17. WAIVER OF BREACH. The waiver by any party to this Lease of a breach of any term or provision of this Lease shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by any party. 18. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party to this Lease shall transfer or assign any in the Premises without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. 19. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Lease or its application is finally determined to be invalid, void, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed to be severable, and all other provisions of this Lease shall remain fully enforceable, and this Lease shall be interpreted in all respects as if such provisions were omitted. N 7. OBLIGATIONS OF THE SCHOOL. 7.1 Use Restriction. The School shall use the Premises only for school purposes and in compliance with any and all restrictions contained in its Charter and state law, any and all restrictions contained in the approval of a special review use by the Town and any and all restrictions contained in the approval of the The Village Design Review Board. The School shall establish and maintain an outreach program for "at-risk" children and shall provide evidence thereof to the Town along with quarterly reports as to the success of that program. Any non- scholastic use of the Premises shall have the prior approval of the Town staff. In the event the School persists in using the Premises for a purpose other than school purposes in violation of this Lease or violates the restrictions as - aforesaid, the Town may terminate this Lease by giving prior written notice of the violation. The School shall then cease using the Premises for the remainder of the term. 7.2 Right to Cure. Upon receipt of a notice of violation or presumption of abandonment, the School shall have the right to cure such violation within 10 days of such notice before the Town may terminate the School's leasehold interest for violation or initiate a civil action in the District Court for Eagle County, Colorado. 7.3 Purchase of Improvements. When this Lease is terminated. the School shall remove any and all improvements that it may have erected on the Premises and restore said premises to essentially the same condition which existed at the inception of this Lease. to the satisfaction of the Town. The School shall provide a restoration bond in the amount of 5250,000, in the form of cash. letter of credit or other security acceptable to the Town in its sole discretion, to guarantee its compliance with this Subparagraph. 8. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. To the extent permitted by law. the School shall lindeninify and keep harmless the ToNvii from: I) any expense incurred by the Town in entering into and performing this Lease, 2) any and all losses. damages. charges or claims arising out of the operation of a school facility on Town property. I I wI thout limitation from any violations of The VI llaoe , Design Review Board and Town approvals. the School's Charter or state JaNX : 3) any and all losses. damages. charges or claims resulting from personal injury. death or property damages occurring on the Premises- and 4) any costs, including attorney's fees, whether of the Town Attorney or other attorneys, relating to 2) through 4) above. 8.1 The School shall place and maintain at all times, at its sole expense. a general liability insurance policy with respect to the Premises in which the limits of liability shall be not less two million dollars ($2.000.000) for each occurrence and with an annual aggregate coverage of not less than five million ($5,000,000). STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn to before me on this _ day of _, 2007, by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty McKenny as Town Clerk of the Town of Avon. Witness my band and official seal. My Commission expires: Notary Public t� 0 t x f1 /<X J I- FIRST AMENDMENT TO STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY A lease of property entered Into between the TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Town) and STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY (School) on June 13, 2006, as evidenced by the written Lease attached hereto as Exhibit 1, is hereby amended with respect to Paragraphs 5, 6. 7.3 and 10 as follows: 5. TERM OF LEASE. This Lease shall commence on July 1, 2006 and shall continue for a period of one year, ending June 3 30, 2007. Provided there is no default hereunder, School shall have the option to extend this Lease for three additional one-year year periods, which option shall be exercised by notice given in writing no later than 30 days before the end of the prior lease period. At the inception of this Lease, the Premises were in use by the Town for snow storage and in the future will be a permanent public works site. On or after June 310, 2010, the Town will have a need for the premises which is recognized by the School. This Lease will therefore not be renewed or extended for any reason beyond that date. The School will inform Its teachers, parents and students of this provision and will actively discourage them from any efforts, whether before the Town's council or in the press, seeking extension or renewal of this Lease. The School will provide the Town with quarterly written reports describing its efforts at locating a permanent site. Z:� 6. RENT. The School shall pay rent of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Dollars ($21 200) per year. Payment of the rent for the first one- year period is acknowledged. In the event any option to extend the lease is exercised, payment for the additional one-year period shall accompany the notice of exercise of the option. The School shall also pay any real property taxes assessed against the Premises and any additional insurance costs incurred by the Town. 7.3 Removal of Improvements. When this Lease is terminated, the School shall remove any and all improvements that It may have erected on the Premises and restore said premises to essentially the same condition which existed at the inception of this Lease, to the satisfaction of the Town. The School shall provide a restoration bond in the amount of $150,000, in the form of cash, letter of credit or other security acceptable to the Town in its sole discretion, to guarantee its compliance with this Subparagraph. 10. UTILITIES. The School shall be responsible for payment of all service charges for all utilities. The Town shall pay all water and sewer tap fees assessed against the Premises on the agreement and understanding that all rights and privileges purchased by payment of the fees will belong solely to the Town as owner of the property to be used for any purpose whatsoever as the Town sees fit at the ,)-q n lit -.1 ��w� _ rn� � n N _ �i � Yc -1 -.c i�IN N��� ry ___ �I n _ n e� ��$� G�� eg� a� � c��jmga$a�a � o�$� �W, �w� A� ��n _ n _ N -�� � � ICI � r� n � U �, : m$n Ess.mg.-I sm ���o ty �� ��n m n _ �N _ r _ n T n n E F g- ���a ���� n n � I� � _ r ��jn N m 4 R R c4 M 6 �jG _y® N N ����a� a ��� c�cc����go4ogo�o �N �, � "no 0 ^ �nn m n N _ _ n� e� 1 12 1 I� IV 1i 7� 2 8dS Win= 121 ow ci Ii 112E 1-1 2 . � . - 2 nn .61 ITO m Yc A� U m Stone Creek School Cash Needs Amount Due VnVendors 332.000 � Amount Due Vo Wells Fargo ' Good Faith Pymt 120.000 Amount Due bNortex 130.000 PERA Funding . . 40.000 Flex Funding ` 5.000 Payroll Obligations: ` Feb 70,000 ` Mar ` 70,000 Apr 70,000 May 70.000 Jun 70.000 ` Loan Payments: . . Mar 25,000 Apr 25,000 May 25,000 Jun 25 ` . O0U Estimated Monthly Operating Expenses: Feb 20,000 Mar ` 20.000 Apr 20.000 . May 20,00 Jun 20,000 Cash Needed: 1,167,000 State of Colorado Feb 39,055 Mar ` 39.055 Apr 39,055 May 39.055 ' Jun ` 79.319 Capital Construction Revenue 70.000 EST Kindergarten Revenue: Feb 10,000 Mar 10.000 Apr 10,000 May 10.000 Jon 10,000 Cash Available: SHORTFALL 1� �� 9:55 AM 02108/07 Accrual Basis Stone Creek School Balance Sheet - As of February 8, 2007 Long Term Liabilities 1300 - Wells Fargo Total Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY Feb 8, 07 1,201,053.72 1,201,053.72 1,884,389.68 - 213,583.42 213,583.42` 1,670,806.26 Page 2 9:55 AM Stone Creek School 02/08107 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis July 1, 2006 through February 8, 2007 Ordinary Income /Expense Income 1101 • Miscellaneous 1101A • Book Fair 1101B • Costs 1101A • Book Fair - Other Total 1101A • Book Fair 1101C • Holiday Fair 1101D Costs 1101C Holiday Fair - Other Total 1101C • Holiday Fair 1101E • Ski Program 1101F • Costs 1101 E • Ski Program - Other Total 1101E • Ski Program 1101 • Miscellaneous -Other Total 1101 • Miscellaneous 1102 • Kindergarten Tuition 1103 • Reimbursements 1104 • State of Colorado Total Income Expense 0201 • Health /dental Benefits 0205 • Flex Account 0206 • Life AD &D 0301 • Disposal Services 0302 • Repair and Maintenance Services 0303 • Lease /Land Building 0305 • Water /Sewer 0307 • Electricity 0308 • Alarm Monitoring 0402 • Professional Development 0403 • Special Education Services 0404 • Postage 0405 • Advertising 0409 • Telephone 0410 • Liability Insurance 0501 • Supplies- Classroom 0502 • Supplies -Office 0503 • Supplies- Maintenance 0504 • Supplies - Nursing 0701 Dues and Fees 0702 Lodging Expenses 0703 • Teacher Reimbursements 0704 • Faculty Passes 0705 • Bank Charges 0801 • Textbooks 0802 • Specials 0900 • Misc Exp 6560 • Payroll Expenses 7200 • Salaries & related expenses 7220 • Salaries & wages - other 7230 • PERA contributions 7240 . Workers Compensation Insurance 7250 • Payroll taxes 7255 • Payroll Fees Total 7200 • Salaries & related expenses Jul 1, `06 - Feb 8, 07 3,467.87 3,467.87 0.00 - 1,577.28 2,325.31 748.03 - 14,212.00 15,337.00 1,125.00 7,061.90 8,934.93 23,360.00 468.22 515,186.29 547,949.44 38,807.65 435.00 53.85 2,083.86 3,248.10 21,200.00 2,689.24 5,160.87 128.85 416.00 1,040.07 108.30 6,595.73 2,018.91 15,180.08 3,515.67 2,506.05 98.94 136.09 1,595.00 529.98 3,656.90 5,685.00 342.38 50, 833.27 4,217.16 3,540.09 843.21 426,707.17 11,697.46 4,462.00 17,649.24 1,240.30 461,756.17 Page 1 it Page I of l Scott Wright From: Stephanie Novosad [stephanie @nla- cpas.com] Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 10:09 AM To: Scott Wright Attachments: Stone Creek Financial Package.pdf Hi Scott, Attached is an updated financial package for Stone Creek School with information available to date. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further information. Thank you, Stephanie Novosad, C.P.A. Novosad, Lyle & Associates, P. C. (9 70) 845 -8000 ext. 111 (9 70) 845 -8108 FAX P.O. Box 5910, Avon, CO 81620 stephanie@nla-cpas. com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE - This e -mail is directed in confidence solely to the person Twined above, and may not others v'ise be distributed, copied, or disclosed. The contents of this e -mail may also be subject to accountant - client privilege and all rights to that privilege are expressly claimed and not waived. If this e -inail has been Deceived in error, please notify us immediately by telephone (970) 845 -8000, and destroy the original transmission without making a copy. IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed bN= the IRS, we inform ,you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or any applicable state or local tax law or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter that is contained in this communication. Third parties should seek their own advice based on their particular facts and circumstances from an independent tax advisor. 2/8/2007 ��1/ C 0 O C) O 0 m U) Q0 E c) .Z: C) C) V) CN UJ L6 C14 C) CD uj E C, ui 0 cu C) O ti O LL O C� E 8 U- _0 S O o. 6 c E (n cl UD E 0 0) :D 2 45 ci N 0) -0 N 8-1 x E c b 0 — + x 0 E a) m (D E > 2 00. E < a) CD CD 11 CN C) CL O 04 OL E =m -00 0 a) E L m co co ru 'a .0 0 C: CL -0 -r- *r- a a) — m c E o 'E .2 -0 'Fn = L) 0) U) r L, h- (D 76 — E Qr-) U) U) cu w LE E E E ' X E W 2 2 -rU > C L E E 3: E L) f CD - m m E Ln — - =1 E E u, ul 2 0- cj V) U) U) < LL ,7 N 10 -IZ4, LQ Iq clj " c\l N O 76 -ru E E X x O 0 CL CL .In Q) c c m as U 6U CL E E w 0 -C I_- 2 Q) a) 0 M 7E M E E Q) a) > > E z o L a S b 2 z 2 OL :5 E E 5- CJ- -0 m 6 76 0 US to rn U) M E E E E -6 O c) 0 o U) 0) CP 0) 0) -r- E .e . E C e (-, C) 0 u u 0 CL CL CL Cl 'E 'E -E -E :) ::) U) 0 10 In 1p M m co co co cl) O M m � NORTEX MODULAR SPACE ' 17,301 W CotfaxAmiae ` Softe47J . { Golden CO 80401 August 24, 2006 Mr. Bill Hammer 3tonco,euk Elementary ` PO Box 208 Vail CO 81658-0208 RE: Letter of Credit For Removal Charges Dear Bill: Please use this letter as evidence of Nortex Modular Space's corninitme-nt to extend credit 10 you and S1onocrock Elementary 6orikcren,ovwlofthernodu|areduuotoou/budding from the present location ut375 Yoder Avenue in Avon Colorado. Approximate charges of $|00'OOO-OO-$l25.000.V0 for the removal and transport mf the building to another location in Avon are {n6c expected. This includes disconnecting the interior Joints of tile fire sprinkler system, tear dov/n of the building and transport to the new, site. This dnun not include charges for electrical. y|urnbing. FI\/AC and other disconnection services, Bill, if you should require any additional inforl-nation., please let me know. Thank you. ` NOR,TEX MODULAR SPACE Daniel V. Rasmussen NW Regional Manager J03�85-2966 38319\85'4660/az wnmnvrtannvdnar.mm `�/ Summary of Possible Considerations: Tap Fees - Pay Tap Fees for a 1 -inch water and sewer tap for the site ($46,377) An Investment of $46,377 for may result in a net savings over a four year period of approximately $4,200 based on current rate of return on invested funds and average annual increase in water and sewer tap fees Site Restoration Security Deposit - Reduce security deposit to $150,000 Partial restoration of the site should be adequate to meet the Town's needs for future use of the site and may actually be preferable to full restoration. Estimated Cost to remove buildings and partial restoration of the site is $135,363 to 5160,363. Site Lease - Retain current lease payment and extend the site lease up to three additional school years at the current lease rate of $21,200 per year The Town would have a net gain of 521,200 for the current year and would retain up to $21,200 per year, less the any costs associated with the use of an alternate snow dump site. I:yEngineerine \Avon ViIlageA2.Ct Filing I \Lot 5\Stone Creek Charter SchooMunnnary Mento -2. Doc 3 li CA' ` ]Fu: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Enz)nrcr Date: February 8,20D7 Re: Stone Creek Elementary School - Site Issue COMMENTS: The issues related 1othe 31ooc Creek Elementary School are primarily funding related but can bebroken down into the following general categories: NVutxr& Scnzr Tap Fees: The Town has no current need for water and sewer service on the Lot 5 School Site and a tap size has not specifically been determined for future uses on the site or an exact time when o tap will bcrequired. However, itiu highly unlikely that 8 water tap size ofless dzao onc-ioch will be required for any anticipated development on this property. Based on the assumption that at least o one-inch tap will be required and that ifularger tap is required, the Town would receive credit for the purchase ofu one-Inch tap toward the purchase of the larger tap., there may be some justification {orpayrnco1 of the fees for the one-inch vvu1ur and sewer tap. Total vvo1er and sewer tap fees increased on average of � 6.q2% per year from 1947 10 2007 as shopoi on oltucbcd "Twelve Year Tap Fee Schedule History" (Exhibit }). Cnnco1)yihe Town's return oo ioveSted funds is approximately 5% per year. The effects of these rate increases and investment return rates are summarized Site Restoration Security Deposit: The Town currently holds u letter Of credit io the amount 0fS250,000a3 security 10 guarantee removal of the buildings and restoratiorI of the site upon termination of the |euoe. The amount of security was based on the attached letter from Nortex Modular Space (Exhibit 2) estimating the cost to remove the modular buildings from the site and the attached ]Eop-inccr'oEstimate for Stone Creek Elementary School llcsLnra1ioo (Exhibit 3). The ca1irna1cd cost for rcnooviogthe buildings excluding charges for electrical., plumbing,, fll7ACoodothcrdiSc000ection services is S100,000- S125,000. The estimated cost fbrrrstodo o �[hc S�1��o �1s oz��ioo| condition �s �l4��lj� �oclod�2 o l5�6 cootin eocyofSl4'455. �fturncviicn'iog As-Built site conditions It appears that n/c �0 �� 2006 S46,377 $46,377 2007 S49,586 S48,696 2008 S53,010 S5l,l3l 2009 S 5606 S 53"687 ' 2010 S60,609 $56,372 Site Restoration Security Deposit: The Town currently holds u letter Of credit io the amount 0fS250,000a3 security 10 guarantee removal of the buildings and restoratiorI of the site upon termination of the |euoe. The amount of security was based on the attached letter from Nortex Modular Space (Exhibit 2) estimating the cost to remove the modular buildings from the site and the attached ]Eop-inccr'oEstimate for Stone Creek Elementary School llcsLnra1ioo (Exhibit 3). The ca1irna1cd cost for rcnooviogthe buildings excluding charges for electrical., plumbing,, fll7ACoodothcrdiSc000ection services is S100,000- S125,000. The estimated cost fbrrrstodo o �[hc S�1��o �1s oz��ioo| condition �s �l4��lj� �oclod�2 o l5�6 cootin eocyofSl4'455. �fturncviicn'iog As-Built site conditions It appears that n/c �0 �� JIM February 8, 2007 7. SCS will contact Traer Creek/ Magnus Lindholm to request an extension on the Town alternate snow dump site 8. Review of other options for restoration of the Town property 9. The expansion and finance committee will provide a flow chart with anticipated annual student growth 10. The fund raising committee will provide reports on upcoming events These deliverables can be discussed during the work session. Provided the council is satisfied with the presentation of the deliverables and provided that the school can demonstrate in writing that it has satisfied the project creditors, we believe we can support an action plan as articulated below. This is an important point. We received notice from at least one subcontractor for the building set up, asserting non payment. These items must be taken care of, or an agreement in writing from these individuals declaring acceptance of an alternative payment plan, before and amendment to the agreement can be executed. Discussion: Through fairly extensive discussions with the School Board members, and research provided by the staff on a number of business points provided under separate cover, we make the following recommendations: 1. The term of the lease can be extended for three additional one year periods a set forth in the proposed First Amendment To the Stone Creek Elementary Lease 2. The restoration bond can be reduced from the current $250,000 to $150,000 as set forth in a memo by the Town Engineer. 3. We believe there is justification for the Town to pay the $46,377 in tap fees for the X site at this time. Again, as explained by the Town Engineer in his memo, such a �., decision appears to fiscally prudent, as the return on our investments does not keep pace with the historic and projected tap fee increases. 4. We believe the annual lease payment should stay unchanged at $21,200 per year. There is ample evidence throughout the valley that similarly purposed leases pay market rate. Even more importantly however, is the fact that we have a fiduciary responsibility to this community as stewards of the public interest. Financial Implications: The payment of the tap fees will require a budget amendment for the appropriation from the Capital Improvements fund. The $46,377 expenditure is not a concern to the staff since it would be required for further development and use of the site in any event. In this case it is a one time impact with a beneficial affect on the future C.I.P. budget. Recommendation: Approve Resolution 07 -01, a resolution approving amendments to a lease between the Town and Stone Creek Elementary School 9 continue or newly enroll inSCC5 depending on where vve relocate. The questionnaire covers towns from Vail through Gypsum. Moving far down-valley isa challenge tVcurrent , families but does provide greater opportunity for those families to enroll in our outstanding school. I Look for the survey in the Pony Express. 4. The Stone Creek Educational Fund, a separate non-profit independent corporation, has been established and is up and running. You will get updates from them through the Pony � Express with the first one corning right after their first ` meeting. This group will seek internal and external contributions to the capital needed to move and for our permanent school. Thank you all for your efforts to help and to reach out to the broader community totell Stone Creek's story and to solicit support. Continue to be positive about the future and continue to reach out to everyone who can help. The Avon Town Council has always been supportive of our school and they continue to be. Take every opportunity to thank them for past support and to ask for continuing support. We need their help. SCCS Board of Directors This email sent by Spam is strictly prohibited. Report abuse This newsletter was sent to r.c.wolfe@comcast.net Subscribe To This Newsletter - Instant Unsubscribe Stone Creek Charter School PO Box 5670 Avon, CO 81620 0 WHEREAS, Stone Creek Elementary School ( "Stone Creek ") has requested the Town of Avon ( "Town ") to approve the extension of the current lease between the Town and Stone Creek for Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing 1 ( "Lot 5 "), as originally approved by Resolution 06 -30 and amended by Resolution 07 -01 ( "Stone Creek Lease "); and, WHEREAS, the Town has an alternative site for snow storage operations pursuant to the a license agreement with the Eagle River Fire Protection District and Stone Creek has agreed to defend the Town and pay any legal costs associated with any potential legal claims which may arise from the Town's use of the property of the Eagle River Fire Protection District for snow storage purposes; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the extension of the Stone Creek Lease for one additional year will promote the provision of school services to the Avon community and will thereby promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon community and further finds that the Stone Creek Lease of Lot 5 owned by the Town is in accordance with terms that provide adequate compensation and consideration to the Town; and, WHEREAS, section 2.1(a) of the Town of Avon Home Rule Charter provides that the Town may hold and enjoy real property, and §31- 15- 713(1)(c) provides that a municipality may lease property for a period of one year or less by resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON that the Second Amendment and Extension of the Stone Creek Lease attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved. ACCEPTED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24'h , day of NoveM—!L&-:r,--22009-. AVON TOWN COUNCIL By: [Seal] Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor Attes the agreement is between governments that stipulates how the Town and Eagle County treat Tract Boa part of the Nottingham Cottages PU[}. After discussion, it was suggested ho table the resolution because of too many unanswered questions regarding the project, as follows: Was Avon part of the interested parties asked to submit its comments on the PUDasan adjacent property owner or governmental agency? }= What does the PUO allow for, need to see the details of the PUD Why is the lot line being moved �- Requested representative from Eagle County to be present to answer the questions. �- What was the original PUD & what were the original terms Q conditions and how did the application come about > What in going on for development in the surrounding area Who are the owners nr who represents the owners ` Councilor Underwood requested tabling Resolution No. 07-02, Resolution approving Agreement between the County of Eools. State of Colorado and the Town of Avon related to KAcGnady Acres PUD and Nottingham Cottages PUD Agreement and requested further information on the PUO as identified above. Mayor Pro Tern Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Norm Wood, Town Engineer, Resolution No 07'03. Series of 2007. Resolution authorizing Filling of Statement in Opposition to Water Rights Application 06CVV284 Filed with the Water Court for Water Division 5. Wood noted that action on the resolution would allow the Town to file e statement of opposition in the water rights application filed by the Ginn Development Co.; it was also noted that the filing is not necessarily hostile to the applicant but affords Avon an opportunity to remain informed about the progress of the case and have aplace at the negotiations among Ginn and any objectors. Councilor Underwood moved to approve Resolution No. 07-03; Mayor Pro Tem Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCES John Ounn, Town Attorney, presented Ordinance No. 07-01. Series of 2007. Ordinance amending Chapter 8.24 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon relating to Public Nuisances, Dunn noted that theses revisions tnthe code are related to nuisances on private property and provides for further recourse on this action. Currently if property owner refuses to pay, the only recourse in to file suit in state court to collect the amount owing or to charge the property owner in Municipal Court for violating the ondinonoa— both actions have an expense. This legislation provides for on aKernat\ve, allowing the Town to record a notice of lien. There was overall support and a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Sipes to approve Ordinance No. 07- 01. Series of 2007. Ordinance amending Chapter 8.24 of the N1uniu)po| Code of the Town of Axon relating to Public Nuisances. Councilor Carroll seconded the motion and it passed Brian Kozah, Police Chief, presented Ordinance No. 07-02. Series of 2007. Ordinance Amending Chapter 8.04 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon relating to licensing and vaccinations of Dogs &Cats. Chief Kozak presented some information about calls for service in Avon aefollows: 313 animal control calls all over the town for dogs being loose, 8Y6 resulted in citations; 5996 resulted in other solutions; 3O96 were unable to be resolved. It was asked how many of the oo||a were actual complaints or written from patrol; he did note that most of the citations written were issued in the park. He reviewed recomrnendations, which were outlined in the council packet memo. Gavens{ ideas were discussed related tovoice uordro|, dog training & Regular Council Meeting Page 4 of 5 February 13, 2007 • Reduce bond ho$15OK • Agree to the payment of the water tap `fee inthe amount of$46Kon the basis that the tap fee increases will exceed the monies the town would make on its investments. • Maintain the current rent amount atits current market rate John Dunn, Town Attorney, noted the revisions made to the agreement per the council's comments ot the work session. |t was also suggested that if any further development occurs on the site, the agreement must be amended again with revisions made to the security deposit. Mayor Wolfe asked for public input at this time and the following people spoke: Pet Onnavon, school district representative for Avon & Eagle-Vail and Avon reeident, asked for Council to make afieoe|k/ responsible dmcninn, noted his concerns about the list of liabilities and high student enrollment projections. Konen Etrahbein, Eagle County School District Business K8onagar, expressed concern about the process in which the land was |eoaed, suggested a lease naha, mode several comments regarding the school's financial ataternents, did not support changing the restoration bond amount in case the school cannot pay the cn*ditoro, and expressed her opinions about the role of the local governing body. Kevin Randall, Treasurer of Stone Creek Elementary School, addressed the Council and audience, talking about a number of topics oofollows: ,/ His involvement in trying to get the financial information in order / His effort to help provide a clear picture of the current financial situation / The status that the building insurance is paid and uptodate / There is o financial shortfall moving fomvord, an explanation of why the ahortfaU, and how the school hopes to meet that shortfall through grant writing and fundraising ~/ Student enrollment projects and how those numbers were calculated / Donations that have been made and how they are accounted for / Communicated with all of the creditore, all who have been very understonding, payment plans have been agreed to Communicate with Eagle County School District on future planning topic Stephanie Novoaad. parent & CPA with a business in Avon, noted her involvement in drafting the financial atotennants, her background is not in school accounting practimas, but rather the format was used in order to help lenders evaluate their situation, she addressed the monies donated to the school and is updating these records weekly. Melissa Ruwold Thuon, Avon resident & Principal of Avon Elementary, asked Council to support her school in the same light of supporting Stone Creek School. She expressed the need to conduct some community outreach programs inAvon. Tony McCabe, resident of Avon and attends Stone Creek, thanked the Town of Avon for its support and believes the children are thriving on the core curriculum. Keith Brooks. Episcopal nniniater, spoke about the idea of making good decisions for all the children in Eooka County, together between local government, charter schools, and Eagle County School District. Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 5 February 13, 2007 currently reviewing it. Underwood asked what statutes exist that addresses sharing ofditches. Councilor Buckley moved to table this resolution; Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Ferraro absent). John Dunn, Town Attzrnoy, presented Resolution 06-27. Series of 2006. A Resolution Approving an Order of the Town Manager Pursuant to Section 9.04.130, Avon Municipal Code, Prohibiting Dogs on Town Property Where Signs have been posted to that Effect. Discussion ensued on the enforcement aspect of the resolution. Councilor Buckley noted that she did not support the legislation because there are already rules on the books to enforce that would address the problem. Mayor Pro Tem Underwood moved to approve Resolution No 06-27� Councilor McDevitt seconded and the motion passed with o four to one vote (Buckley nay; Ferraro absent). STAFF UPDATES Norman Wood, Town Engineer, presented the following updates: y° Revised 1-70 Interchange Signs and Avon Next Two Exits Signs Installation Update. He noted that new signs would be installed on 1'70 to replace the existing VWUionn Post Blvd. signs and new Town Logo signs would be installed once the designs are finalized. >' R|CD Application Update — he noted that the hearing with CVVCB would be October or November, engineering reports should be completed the end of June The current outstanding issues seems to be the acquisition of easements from Vail Resorts required for construction and access to the facilities. Eagle River Recreation Enhancement Project Update—henotedthatRiverReetorohon.Org has submitted project p|oneond|eomkingforinputfrnnotheTom/natthist\nne. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Wolfe asked for motion on the Consent Agenda below. Councilor Buckley moved to adopt the consent agenda; Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. eA Housing Needs Assessment Proposal submitted by RRC Associates for completing m housing needs assessment and housing program analysis b) East Town Center Charrette Proposal from Design Workshop for a design charrette with the goal of creating a supported Concept Master Plan for East Avon c) Swift Gulch Road Bike Path Change Order No. 1 for Utility Relocations during Construction There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM. APPROVED: Debbie Buckley KhsUFerroro Mac McDevitt Amy Phillips Brian Sipes TamnaUndenwood Ron Wolfe Regular Council Meeting Page 4m4 June 13, 2006 1, 2006, delete 4c, and add language regarding multiphase projects. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed with a three to two vote (Ferraro absent). John Dunn, Town Attorney, presented Ordinance 06 -11, Series Of 2006, Second Reading, An Ordinance Amending Title 8 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon Relating To Public Nuisances. He noted that this legislation addressed nuisance amendments related to storage /parking of railroad cards. Enforcement issues were discussed related to this legislation. Dunn noted that research was conducted regarding this topic reviewing CML materials and other community's legislation as well as case law. Mayor Wolfe opened the public hearing. Peter Buckley, resident, did not support the legislation and notes that the town's position with Union Pacific is already strained; he asked the council to reconsider not passing this ordinance. Further discussion ensued about whether or not it is a nuisance and who has jurisdiction of the right of way. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood moved to approve Ordinance No. 06 -11, second reading, an Ordinance Amending Title 8 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon Relating To Public Nuisances. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present. Scott Wright, Finance Director, presented Ordinance 06 -12, First Reading, An Ordinance Amending Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon relating to Interest Charged on Past Due Accounts owing to the Town of Avon. He noted that this would allow the town to include a finance charge for all past due and unpaid accounts for services, fees or charges of any kind owed to the town. It was suggested to language related to the timing of accruing the charges. Councilor Sipes moved to approved on first reading Ordinance No. 06 -12, Amending Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon relating to Interest Charged on Past Due Accounts owing to the Town of Avon with the change to the language to state that interest would be imposed 30 days after the date of the invoice. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (Ferraro absent). Public Hearing was scheduled for June 27, 2006. RESOLUTIONS Town Attorney John Dunn presented Resolution 06 -30, Series of 2006, A Resolution Approving an Agreement between the Town of Avon and the Stone Creek Elementary Charter School for Temporary Use of Town -Owned Property located at Lot 5, Village at Avon Subdivision. Dunn reviewed the agreement at this time, noting some of the following specifics: • A lease with Stone Creek Elementary Charter school to use Lot 5 for a temporary school facility (currently the Town's public works site) • Lease was modeled after the lease between Eagle County & Town of Vail for Red Sandstone Elementary School • One year lease with Stone Creek & commensurate with that for the license agreement with Traer Creek • Resolution approving the lease is contingent upon approval of agreement between Town & Traer Creek for an alternative public works site Mayor Wolfe allowed for citizen input at this time at the following people spoke: • Melinda Glatitsch, Eagle County School District, addressed diversity requirements of Charters • John Brendza, Superintendent of Eagle County School District, addressed the quality of the schools ✓ Brian Nolan, Eagle County Charter School President, presented information related to Hispanics and their school's inability to recruit diversity Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 June 13, 2006 STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE b *b d d sworn to before me on thisA day of 2007, peri e an by (Lt as President of Stone Creek Elementary School, a Colorado no ofit corporation. . ess my hand and official sea]. T ission expires: ly/c, N o Ky lic b P CO co STATE OF COLORADO M COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 1L('day of -�", 2007. by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty McKenny as Town Clerk of the ow von. Witness my hand and official seal. M 0 A A, C, -!, N ary ublic •9j� ®�B o�a�P Ny CommLs4on EV*A*UM 14 / �7 ) FIRST AMENDMENT TO STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY A lease nf property entered into between the TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Tovvo) and STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY /Scbnol\on June ]3,2O00,uaevidenced by the written Lease attached hereto as Exhibit l, is hereby amended with respect to Paragraphs 5, 6, 7.3 and lOaafollows: TERM OF LEASE. This Lease shall commence ou July l`20O6 and shall continue for a period ufone year, ending June 3O,20U7. Provided there imno default hereunder, School shall have the option to extend this Lease for three additional one-year year periods, which option shall be exercised by notice given in writing no later than 30 days before the end of the prior lease period. At the inception of this I.came' the 9noruiuou were in use by the Tnvvo for snow storage and in the future will be a permanent public works site. On or after June 30. 2UlU, the Town will have o need for the premises which io recognized bythe School. This Lease will therefore not be renewed or extended for any reason beyond that date. The School will inform its teachers, parents and students ofthis provision and will actively discourage them from any efforts, whether before the Towo`s00000i}oriotbepresu,ueekiogcxteozi000rrcnevvu)nf1bisLeaao. The School will provide the Town with quarterly written reports describing its efforts at locating apermanent site. RENT. The School shall pay rent of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Dollars /$2],2O0 per year. Payment of the rent for the first one- year period is acknowledged. In the event any option to extend the \cuue is exercised, payment for the additional one-year period shall accompany the notice of exercise of the option. The School shall also pay any real property taxes assessed against the Premises and any additional insurance costs incurred bythe Town. 7. 3 Security Deposit. When this Lease is terminated, the School shall remove any and all improvements that it may have erected on the Pneozioum and restore said premises to eooeotiallytbe same condition vvhiub existed at the inception of this Lease, 1othe satisfaction of the Town. To secure the foregoing obligation uowell as all other obligations owing pursuant to the terms of this Lease, the School shall provide o security deposit in the amount of $l50,UOO'iothe form of cash, letter of credit or other security acceptable to the Town in its sole discretion. In the event the Town draws down any part of such security dopnab' the School shall restore the amount ofd to $l5O,000 within �0 days thereof lO. UTILITIES. The School shall bc responsible for payment of all service charges for all utilities. The Town shall pay all water and sewer tap fees assessed against ]RIMIN IBM A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO A LEASE BETWEEN THE TOWJ AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WHEREAS, Stone Creek Elementary School and the Town entered into a STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY ("the School Lease") whereby the Town ]eased Lot 5, The Village at Avon, Filing 1, to Stone Creek Elementary for a term from July 1, 2006, to June 3 ) 0, 2007; and WHEREAS, the School Lease requires a site restoration bond in the amount of $250,000; and WHEREAS, it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Town Council that the financial circumstances of Stone Creek Elementary require a reduction in the amount and changes to the security deposit previously known as the site restoration bond, an extension of the term of the Lease and certain other amendments; 1. The FIRST AMENDMENT TO STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY, a copy of whicli is filed with the minutes of this meeting, is hereby approved. 2. Exhibit "A" thereto shall be revised to depict the improvements on Lot 5 as constructed on this date. All action heretofore taken by the officers of the Town of Avon relating to the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon the I' )tb day of February, 2007. Ronald C. Wolfe. N4avor ATTEST: Patt 4,Mc e 0 Z C7 � mG 0= q �m CD O O 0-0 Z O a" a��N 4 Z ��ii m O Z ��C)X ,i. °+ W LP > M M ru %A4 �� Qom r <z ru O O (O O t q O �b O P m m U O .4 -a m r sx Cc �o m o r z ' f C G U reeu*.G6Pt3;�dugF6W 73e.tfuq, Ley -fl, 7125=66 10,47: 27 Aid 4, t� g \ tt� If :� �• t� 4 /r�rJ si jell f eta Cs�e ` 5. �� _. !'•. /f Y a F hG SITE PEE a fTM1 CONCEPT SttWE '3fCEK ELt1t�NPtAi SLW-4. 8 � G � � ( 2az ^. e6� +. aucE tFZ nvwl mn<c r =-r � -:: ••• r i c e f i 222tµ 20. PARAGRAPH CAPTIONS. The captions of the paragraphs are set forth only for convenience and reference, and are not 'Intended in any way to define. limit. or describe the scope or intent of this Lease. 21. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS OR ACTION. The parties agree to execute any additional documents and to take any additional action necessary to carry out this Lease. 22, INTEGRATION AND AMENDMENT. This Lease represents the entire agreement between the parties and there are no oral or collateral agreements or understandings. This Lease may be amended only by an instrument in writing signed by the parties. Z' 23. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. None of the terms, conditions or covenants set forth in this Lease shall give or allow any claim. benefit or right of action by any third person not a party to this Lease. Any person other than the parties to this Lease who or which receive services or benefits tinder this Lease shall be only an incidental beneficiary. 24. GOVERNING LAW. This Lease shall be deemed to have been made in the State of Colorado, shall be construed under the laws of the State of Colorado and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties to this Lease. 25. IMMUNITIES PRESERVED. It is the intention of the parties that this Lease shall not be construed as a contractual waiver of any immunities or defenses providtd by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act. § 24-10-101 et seq.. Colorado Re' Ased Statutes. 26. DATE. IJWI,(— I � .2006 STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TOWN OF AVON By::_� Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor 0.2 All general liability insurance required of the School shall include the Town as an additional insured and shall include provision requiring the insurer to 8ivc theTmwri thirty 8Q days notice prior to cancellation. 8.3 Certificates of insurance issued bv the insurer shall be filed by the School with the Town within l0 days after the date ofthis Lease is executed br the School. PROPERTY INSURANCE. The School shall obtain and maintain during the term of the Lease and any renewal period. property insurance in an amount equal to or 'Greater than the current appraised value of the school buildings and other improvements on the Premises to insure said improvernents with respect to fire. flood. and other typical local hazardo, and uerdfioo1coofsuobinsurance issued bythe insurer shall be filed by the School with the Town nd1bio 10 days after the date of completion uf the building and other inzprovconoota' The School agrees that if any ur all nf said improvernentoare damaged or destroyed, said damage shall be promptly repaired or replacement ioup«ovez0001sprompdy erected on the Premises by the Sobonl, applying thereto any insurance payments received by it-, provided, however. that if said damage or destruction exceeds 50% of the Current appraised value ofsaid (mprovcoucots. the School ubol| be/egoiu:dtn repair or replace said improvements on1v in the event it is reasonable at that time for it to continue operating a school oil the Premises. 10. UTILITIES. The School shall be responsible for all utilities furnished for the 11. MAINTENANCE. The School shall keep and maintain the 9rcroiacs. Inc] odiug iropzovementaand ve�cadoo.iuu�oodc)��oandbcaJtb/�)coodi6on`roa�io�rezabs as necessary at its sole cost and expense. The School shall he responsible for aoov/ removal utia sole cost and expense. 12. IMPROVEMENTS. The School may. pv'Ith consent of the Town staff and ot its sole coo1ood�xp000�.o1aoy�cn�uud�oo�tboc0o�nu�rookcouchu|tcz�ioos.changcu. replacements, improvements and additions tothe Premises and the buildings and improvements thereon as it may deem desirable. including the demolition of any building, iozpznvemcoL and/or structure that now or hereafter coovbc situate ur ereo1ed on the Pruzoiuoa, provided that the use of the Premises as o school site is not thereby permanently terminated or abandoned, nor curtailed for a period of time longer than reasonably required to effect such alterations. obuogeo. replacements. boprovemeo1s`oradditions, 13. LIENS. The School obaU not suffer or permit o |ico to be asserted or fi|u6 against the Prcroioca arising Out o{ its operations oractivities. lfu lien isasserted or filed against the Premises. the School shall promptly cause the lien tobcremoved. Upon failure to do so, the Town may satisfy and cause the lien to be removed and the Subno| uLfrees to reimburse the Town oil demand for the costs and expenses ofaoy" such proceeding. STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN ` l. PARTIES. The parties to this Lease are the TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Towu,o Colorado municipal corporation. and STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY (School), a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation. 2' PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY. The parties enter into this Lease for the benefit of the School for the education of the children ofEagle County. C.D.S.§31'15 7131(l)(c) grants to the Town the right to enter into this Lease. 3. PREMISES. The Town hereby leases to the School the surface rights for the property described as Lot 5. The Village at Avon, Filing l (Premises). situated ill the Town of Avon, Colorado. Attached aa Exhibit A is schematic map depicting |hc building, parking lot. playground, udlUdiuo and other improvements. all ofwhiob shall have the prior approNoJ of the Town staff Attached as Exhibit B or e|evuuinnn of the building including depiction of its exterior construction. 4, COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT. The Town warrants that h owns the Premises in fee simple: that the property ie clear and clear ofall liens and encumbrances-, and that it has the full right and authority to enter into this Lease. The Town School shall enjoy the possession and use of the Premises io peace and without disturbance or interference. 5. TERM OF LEASE. This Lease obnU commence oo Jo}y l. 2006 and yhuU conbuuc fora period nfone vcur ending June 3}.2OO7 Tile Premises are currently, ill unch} the Town for snow stooscye and iu the fbtuoc Will boopermanent public works site. During 1be1eon of this Lease and for the tcon of this Loaao' the Tnvvo vviU onzar inTo a lease with Traer Creak RP, LLC for a replacement site described as a part of Tract B, The Village (at Avoo), Filing ] Upon termination of that lease, tile Town will have aa immediate need for the premises sdzicb is recognized by the School. This Lease will therefore not bc renewed or extended for aovreason. The School v/i]| inform its teachers, parents and students of this provision and will ucdve\y disu0uru2e tbeon from any cffbuo' whether before the Town's onnooil or in the press. nedkio0 extension or renewal of this Lease. The School will provide che]or/nrvbbquadcrl! written reports describing its efforts at locatirlo a permanent Site. 0. RENT. The School shall pay rent of TWENTY-ONE TlqOU3&ND TWO HUNDRED Dollars ($21.,200) I-,)ei- year. $5.000 of which shall be due and payable oil the first dovof the Lease- and the balance. of which shall he due and payable Oil 0uzoberl5.2O06. The School shall also pay any real property taxes assessed aLlumm the Premises and any additional insurance costs incurred by the Town. 0 a son= C/) a fmalm cu 0 LL C 4-j 0 CUS C) 0 3 CC- Ca c E 4mi CL io 0 s cr (3) 0 I 0 Mimi 4-a cu uj N 0 01 CIL cr a son= mmmmum " D cu -E g ui o 0 mmmm dw 4-a CL 2 cru U) 0 co _0 C/) cr cri cr, :�R r ru cn lo fw o C x M T-1 I U CL all G � a CU 0 Fmm L- 0*1 0 co cri co C: CIO g Fmm Co ffi e ? lo C/) tf 0 Om (3) U) U) a.) 2 MOM U. H 12:55 PM Stone Creek School 06/05107 q A/P Aging Summa( As of June 5, 2007 Current 1 -30 31 -60 61 -90 > 90 TOTAL A -Peak Inc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 America's Foundation for Chess National 0.00 0.00 0.00 .::9.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Arroyo Engineering 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,580.00 4,580.00 CMI Multiverse, Inc 0.00 0.00 :.0.00 0.00 5,932.00 5,932.00 Core Knowledge 0.00 0.00 '9.00 0.00 3,078.87 3,078.87 Danici Electric 0.00 800.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 800.15 Dave Peterson Electric 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41,343.00 41,343.00 Edwards Excavating Inc 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 94,337.50 94,33250 Elam Construction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38,585,00 38,585.00 ERWSD 0.00 676.24 .0.00 0.00 0.00 67624 Harcourt Education 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 9,07838 9,078.38 Houghton Mifflin 0.00 0.00 , 0.00 0.00 441.97 441.97 HRH of Colorado 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Ingenuity Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,136.50 2,136.50 Inn and Suites at Riverwalk 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83918 839.18 Kentucky Derby Costs 0.00 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 McGraw Hill Education 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,685.27 21,685.27 MECH ONE Inc 090 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,85120 18,851.20 Pearson Education 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,645.15 5,645.15 Pikes Peak Boces 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50810 508.00 Plath Construction, Inc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,766.00 5,766.00 Precision Construction West 0.00 0.00 0.00 : 0.00 2,564.56 2,564.56 Qwest 258.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 258.60 Shurley English 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,492.07 2,492.07 Summit Plumbing & Heating, LLC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.74 uniLink 0.00 0.00 67.80 0.00 030 68.10 Vail Daily 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,109.88 3,109.88 Vail Electronics 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 090 Vail Honeywagon 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vail Sign 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 498.00 498.00 Wells Fargo Bank 0.00 8,841.04 1,338.81 0.00 0.00 10,179.85 TOTAL 258.60 45,317.43 1,406.61 0.00 264,673.57 311,656.21 Page 1 a 12:52 PM Stone. Greek School 06/05107 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis July 1, 2006 through June 5, 2007 Jul 1,'06 - Jun 5, 07 8000 • Miscellaneous Disbursements - 300.00 8050 • Unaccounted for Funds 68,539 -33 Total Expense 1,057,404.06 Net Ordinary Income 142,072.19 Other Income /Expense Other Income 6950 - Interest Income 6951 • Millennium Bank 238.41 6952 - US Bank 1.53 Total 6950 - Interest Income 239.94 Total Other Income - 239.94 Other Expense 9500 • Iterest Expense 9501 • Wells Fargo 84,568.32 9502 - Nortex ..6,523.04 9503 - State of Colorado .8,996.34 Total 9500 , Iterest Expense 100,087.70 9600 - Loan Fee 9601 • Wells Fargo 1,100.00 9602 - Millennium Bank 1,526.00 Total 9600 - Loan Fee 2,626.00 Total Other Expense 102,713.70 Net Other Income - 102,47176 Net Income 39,598.43 Page 2 YaocIo[I ^ From: Cynthia Forstmann [cvnthia@whbaedgeino.uun] Sent Thursday, June O7.2OO712:24PK8 To: PottyPWcKenny Cc: 'kkronle/ Subject: Stone Creek School Presentation Attachments: Stone Creek P&L June 5.pdf;SCS'TOAReport 6.12.07.ppt Stone Creek Accts Pay Jun 5.pdf; Stone Creek BS Jun 5.pdf Hi Patty, Here are our background materials for the June 12mmeeting: • A Power Point presentation with an overview Facilities, Fundraising and Enrollment. • Up-to-date Financials I will also send under separate email our Capital Campaign packet. Please feel free to call nle with questions, Cynthia Cynthia Forstmann Write Edge Communications Make your message matter u> EXHIBIT 2 FIRST AIMENDAIENT TO STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF A170N AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY STONE CREEK CHARTER SCHOOL WATER AND SEWER TAP FEE SCHEDULE - (I -INCH TAP): WATER: Town of Avon - Water Tap Fee S10,400 Traer Creek Metropolitan District-Incremental Water Tap Fee S 5,200 Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority -Plant Irivestiricrit Fee 511,172 SEWER: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District - Sewer Tap Fee $15,864 Traer Creek Metropolitan District - Incremental Sewer Tap Fee S 3.921 TOTAL WATER AND SEWER TAP FEES S46,377 �J.G`, ATTEST: P,dtN: MqKeiiriv, m Cl Jo& STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ie SubscrA'bed and sworn to before me this day of J"�� 2006. by 4-1,aJVV President of Stone Creek Elementary School.. a Colorad' nonprofit 01� corporation. Witness niv hand and official seal. -Ax? My commission expires: C) 0 46tary Pdblic L\ X MY STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE 441 C, I The foregoing document -was subscribed and sworn to before me this Ronald C. Wolf' as Mawr and Pattv-McKennv as Town Clerk day of 2006, by e of the To n of von. My commission expires: Witness my hano -T A Liblic (T; 0 , F 0 My Commission Expirp_c MV#M q1 0 r7 / �G 14. CONSULTATION. The parties acknowledge that. over the term of this Lease issues may, arise concerning implementation of this Lease that the parties have no1 now coo(cozy]o{cd. Recognizing that o high level nf cooperation between the parties is necessary and desirLIc.'dhe parties agree ' to moodt with each other front time to time concerning this Lease. The parties further^ '^ that their respective representatives will meet to conduct such consultation upon l0 days written request given byone yur1 7to. the other party. ln addition, each pod\, shall fi-ozo time <o time designate in wr (ioLi such part v`s `^oun1uct person"' for all ` matters ^'involving the administration of this Lcuuc. ` ]:5. NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted by this Lease shall hcin writing and shall be deeined to have been sufficienth, oiven for all purposes if sent by certified or re21stered mail, postage and fees prepaid, addressed to the party to XvIlom such notice is intended to be Eiven at the address set forth on the signature page below, or at such other address as has been Previously furnished in writing to the other party or parties. Such notice shall be deenied to have been given when deposited in the U.S. Mail. 16. DEFAULT AND/OR TER-M0qATlON. All terms and conditions of this Lease are considered material. Lo the event that either yarlydefbul1oin the perfianznuoceo[any of the cb-,,cnants or ai!recinents to be kept. done or performed by and under the requirements of this Lease '. the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party written notice of such default. and if the defaulting part,,, fails. neglects oi- refuses for operiod of more than ]O days tbcreofic/|o cure the default. then the 000'de[boldog puny, n'itbnui fbx1bcrou1ice, nuuy, in addition to an� other remedies available to it, terminate all rights and privileges granted in this Lease and this Lease shall be of'no further force or effect. |[ the noo-dcfbn|liog party elects to treat this Lease as bcioL,iu full force and effect. the non-defaulting party shall have the right to an action for domoees. The Town further shall bc entitled. iu the event o{default. ))to correct the dcfauh itself and to assess the cost thereof to the School. \o2cdher with interest at the rate of eighteen (|0)percent perunnurn accruing from the time ufassessment and 2) to collect io<crcot ai the rate ofcigb1cco(]8) percent per unoo' from the time of default in the event of any monetary default. 17. WAIN7ERKF BREACH. The valmrbyany party to this Lease ofabreach of any zcnm or provision of this I-cuoc zboJl not operate or be construed as a vvaivcrn[aoy subsequent breach by any party. 10. ASSIGNINJENT. Neither party {o this Lease shall transfer ur assign uoy interest io the Premises without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. 19. SE\/C@AUgLJl[Y. lf any provision of this Lease or its application is finally determined to be invalid. void, or unenforceable by a court of competent.jurlisdiction., sucb provision shall bcdecincd1obc severable. and all other provisions o[ this Lease sboU remain fully enforceable. and this Lease shall be interpreted in all respects asif such provisions were omitted. 7. OBLIGATIONS OF THE SCHOOL. D Use Restriction. The School shall use the Premises only for school purposes and in compliance with any and all restrictions contained bu its Charter and state law. any and all restrictions contained inthe approval ofa special review -use bv the Town and any and all restrictions contained iuthe approval of the The Village Design Review Board. The School shall establish and maintain an outreach poogoin for ^aU-huk` children and shall provide evidence thereof to the Town along with quarterly reports as to the success of that prograrn. Any non-scholastic use of the Prczniaeu shall have the prior approval of the Town staff. In the crcoi the School persists in using the Prcnuiaco for purpose other than school purposes io violation of this lcusror violates the restrictions ax aforesaid, the Town cuo? terminate this lcusa by giving prior written notice of the violation. The School obu|| 1bco cease using 1he Premises for the remainder of the term. 7.2 Right hnCure. Upon rcccip1u[a notice of violation or presumption x[ abandonment. the School shall have the debiio cure such violation within lO days Vf such notice before the Town may terminate the School's leasehold interest for violation or ioi{io1c u civil action in the District Court for Eagle County. Colorado. 73 Purchase uf2mmprorcmnmo1m. When this Louoc is 1cnoinx1ed, the Sobon| shall remove any and all improvements that itrouy have erected on the Premises und restore said premises to csacohuUy1bc aaroc condition vvbicb existed at the inception o{ this leuse,10 the satisfaction of the Town. The School shall provide o restoration bond in the amount ufS25O,O0O, io the 6nrmofcuoh, letter ofcrcdb or other security acceptable to the Town in its oo)c discretion, 10 Quarantee its compliance with this Subparagraph. 8. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. Tothe extent permitted h, law. the School shall iodcninifi and kcep harmless the Town ftool: l)uuT czponac incurred byUhc Tonmio entering into and performing thb [euoc� 2) an),, and all losscs duoia-ea cburaea or claims arising out ofthe operation of school bxibn/ on Town property. including without lHintation from anN, violations ol'The Village Design Review Board and Town approvals, Uze School's Charter nrstate )ax' : 3) ony and all |oyscs, ducno2cy, cbar2eoor claims resulting from personal izgory. death or property doonuges occurring on the Premises- and 4) any costs. attorney's fees. whether ofthe Town Attnroeyor other attorneys, relating to 2) through 4) above. 0'1 The School shall place and maintain u1all times. ai its sole expense, a general \iubiU1y insurance policy with respect iuthe Premises in which the limits of liability shall be not less two million dollars ($2.000.000) for each occurrence and with ao annual aggregate coverage of not less than five million STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of . 2007.. by Ronald C. Wolfe as Mayor and Patty McKenny as Town Clerk of the Town of Avon. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: Notary Public FIRST AMENDMENT TO STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY A lease of property entered into between the TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Town) and STONE CREEK ELEMENTARY (School) on June 13, 2006, as evidenced by the written Lease attached hereto as Exhibit I., is hereby amended with respect to Paragraphs 5,. 6, 7.3 and 10 as follows: Z__ 5. TERM OF LEASE. This Lease shall commence on July I, 2006 and shall continue for a period of one year, ending June 30, 2007. Provided there is no default hereunder, School shall have the option to extend this Lease for three additional one-year year periods, which option shall be exercised by notice given in writing no later than 30 days before the end of the prior lease period. At the inception of this Lease, the Premises were in use by the Town for snow storage and in the future will be a permanent public works site. On or after June 30, 2010, the Town will have a need for the premises which is recognized by the School. This Lease will therefore not be renewed or extended for any reason bevond that date. The School will inform Its teachers, parents and students of this provision and will actively discourage them from any efforts, whether before the Town's council or in the press, seeking extension or renewal of this Lease. The School will provide the Town with quarterly written reports describing its efforts at locating a permanent site. 6. RENT. The School shall pay rent of TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Dollars ($21,200) per year. Payment of the rent for the first one- year period is ack,n 01,vIedged. In the event any option to extend the lease is exercised, payment for the additional one-year period shall accompany the notice of exercise of the option. The School shall also pay any real property taxes assessed against the Premises and any additional insurance costs incurred by the Town. 7.3 Removal of Improvements. When this Lease is terminated, the School shall remove any and all improvements that it may have erected on the Premises and restore said premises to essentially the same condition which existed at the inception of this Lease, to the satisfaction of the Town. The School shall provide a restoration bond in the amount of $150,000, in the form of cash, letter of credit or other security acceptable to the Town in Its sole discretion, to guarantee its compliance with this Subparagraph. 10. UTILITIES. The School shall be responsible for payment of all service charges for all utilities. The Town shall pay all water and sewer tap fees assessed against the Premises on the agreement and understanding that all rights and privileges purchased by payment of the fees will belong solely to the Town as owner of the property to be used for any purpose whatsoever as the Town sees fit at the m 1 n_ 1� n� I, �G ®�; . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ® g ry� I� -Ing Sa R v n m R n rvry E K n t it Sl, Eg S .1 9 .1 P. .1 g m e1 E-1 n 9 "1 n -1 w _o�� g rw Ij s- I B, Z� So E-- vi rr `^, nl .- rvry 's. n v' .. nl:� ry � rvrv$ ' .-.- n F. 88E 1-1, -1 81 51 -V 2- 1- BE Q m -s �g s B 9 9 11 2 -B .6 p -i 4 5 916 2.6128. SEE �� g 2 E s, 6.1 -1 rvNYm I� ry P �rr�, rv� n C �� rv_ 1 n P � p g g i g ry q� N r r lat c� ry � � vn'i � n m _ E I SEES SEE SEE 9 cg 6,6 m SEEMS ng 6 g p B--- m Sa E E t K t it IJ Ic 7i g m Stone Creek School Cash Needs Amount Due to Vendors Amount Due ho Wells Fargo ' Good Faith Pymt Amount Due bNortex PERA Funding . Flex Funding ` ' Payroll Obligations: Feb Mar Apr ' May Jun Loan Payments: Mar Apr May Jun Estimated Monthly Operating Expenses: Feb Mar ` Apr May Jun Cash Needed: State o[Colorado: Feb xxor Apr May Jun Capital Construction Revenue Kindergarten Revenue: Feb Mar Apr May Jun Cash Available: SHORTFALL 322,00 120,000 130,000 40,000 lot 25,000 25,000 25,000 I set 39,055 39,055 39,055 39,055 79,319 70,000 EST oil I I . �CL \ I/ 9:55 Ann Stone Creek School 02/08/07 Balance Sheet Accrual Basis AS of February 8, 2007 Feb 8, 07 Long Term Liabilities 1300 • Wells Fargo Total Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 1,201,053.72 1,201,053.72 1,884,389.68 - 213,583.42 - 213,583.42 1,670,806.26 Page 2 9:55 AM Stone Creek School 02/08/07 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis July 1, 2006 through February 8, 2007 Ordinary Income /Expense Income 1101 • Miscellaneous 1101A Book Fair 1101 B • Costs 1101A • Book Fair-Other Total 1101A • Book Fair 1101C • Holiday Fair 1101D • Costs 1101C • Holiday Fair - Other Total 1101C • Holiday Fair 1101E • Ski Program 1101F Costs 1101E Ski Program - Other Total 1101E • Ski Program 1101 • Miscellaneous - Other Total 1101 • Miscellaneous 1102 • Kindergarten Tuition 1103 - Reimbursements 1104 • State of Colorado Total Income Expense 0201 • Health /Dental Benefits 0205 • Flex Account 0206 • Life ADBD 0301 Disposal Services 0302 Repair and Maintenance Services 0303 Lease /Land Building 0305 • Water /Sewer 0307 • Electricity 0308 • Alarm Monitoring 0402 • Professional Development 0403 • Special Education Services 0404 • Postage 0405 Advertising 0409 Telephone 0410 • Liability Insurance 0501 • Supplies - Classroom 0502 • Supplies -Office 0503 - Supplies- Maintenance 0504 • Supplies- Nursing 0701 • Dues and Fees 0702 • Lodging Expenses 0703 • Teacher Reimbursements 0704 • Faculty Passes 0705 Bank Charges 0801 Textbooks 0802 • Specials 0900 • Misc Exp 6560 • Payroll Expenses 7200 • Salaries 8: related expenses 7220 • Salaries & wages - other 7230 • PERA contributions 7240 • Workers Compensation Insurance 7250 • Payroll taxes 7255 • Payroll Fees Total 7200 • Salaries & related expenses Jul 1, '06 - Feb 8, 07 3,467.87 3 4R7 87 0.00 1,577.28 2,325.31 748.03 - 14,212.00 1 r 117 nn 1,125.00 7,061.90 8,934.93 23,360.00 468.22 515,186.29 547,949.44 38,807.65 435.00 53.85 2,083.86 3,248.10 21,200.00 2,689.24 5,160.87 128.85 416.00 1,040.07 108.30 6,595.73 2,018.91 15,180.08 3,515.67 2,506.05 98.94 136,09 1,595.00 529.98 3,656.90 5,685.00 342.38 50,833.27 4,217.16 3,540.09 843.21 426,707.17 11,697.46 4,462.00 17,649.24 1,240.30 461.756.17 Page 1 l� Page 1 of ] Scott Wright From: Stephanie Novosad [stephanie @nla- cpas.com] Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 10:09 AM To: Scott Wright Attachments: Stone Creek Financial Package.pdf Hi Scott, Attached is an updated financial package for Stone Creek School with information available to date. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further information. Thank you, Stephanie Novosad, C.P.A. Novosad, Lyle & Associates, P.C. (9 70) 845 -8000 ext. 111 (970) 845 -8108 FAX P.O. Box 5910, Avon, CO 81620 stephanie@nla-cpas.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE - This e -mail is directed in confidence solely to the person named above, and maV not otherivise be distributed, copied, or disclosed. The contents of this e -mail may also be subject to accountant - client privilege a71d all rights to that privilege are eapressljr claimed and not ivaived. If this e -mail has been received in error, please notify us immediately by telepho77e (970) 845 -8000, and destroy the original transmission without making a copy. IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance Nvitb requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or any applicable state or local tax lave or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter that is contained in this communication. Third parties should seek their ovvn advice based on their particular facts and circumstances from an independent tax advisor. 2/8/2007 �,- rZ 0 O O is U) co E 0 -Z C) C) Ln N W C: < E 0 W O O LL En ID O ui E 8 LL L) W Ir a) 0) q r a) E V) o. 2 IL a) ED (D E 0 x E 0 + x E (D E 0 p E C, ED 0 CL 0 CL � U N — (D 0 E .0 E CL CL co 'n CL a0 U) E vu3LO au E E E s x E a) 2 C) 0 S > — -- c c L E E E Q) 0 0 0) U cF, (D E .2 o E m C, E 3 V, 2 0 0- cli LO U) U) < LL — " M "zr � Iq r- CN CV cli cli C11 N N O a) (D -2 -2 0 0 cc m E E x x N Vi o QS C r_ (D a) E E 0 0 (D U U a) 2 2 0- 2 2 CL 0- IL E E Cc > > cc E 0 0 0 -5 E E 5 C W co 65 E E E E o o o o cn o) 01 0) s E o :D D :D :D U) 0 ,7 " m ,q to (c M Cl) co co co CS M m elrlvle��l 7- 2- NOR TEX AMD ULAR SPACE 17301 W Coffia-rAlyenue Suite 411 Golden CO 80401 August 24, 2006 Mr. Bill Hammer Stonecreek Elementary PO Box 208 Vail CO 81658-0208 RE: Letter of Credit For Removal Charges Dear Bill: Please use this letter as evidence of Nortex Modular Space's commitment to extend credit to vou and Stonecreek Elementary for the removal of the modular educational building from the present location at 375 Yoder Avenue in Avon Colorado. Approximate charges of $100,000.00 - $125,000.00 for the removal and transport of the building to another location in Avon are to be expected. This includes disconnecting the interior joints of the fire sprinkler system. tear down of the building and transport to the new site. This does not include charges for electrical. plumbing, HVAC and other disconnection services. Bill, if you should require any additional information, please let me know. Thank you. Respectfully.. NO EX MODU AR SPACE Daniel V. Rasmussen NW Regional Manager 3031985-1966 3031985-4660fiax tlaii,i-asiiius .seiiLa),,tortexniodtilat-.coiii wwjv. noricxinodular. coin I