TC Agenda 12-17-2002Town of Avon
Council and Staff Retreat
December 17, 2002
Location: Beaver Creek Metropolitan District Meeting Room
63 Avondale Lane, Suite C4
Use Entrance to Forbes Real Estate Group Office
Time: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
The goal of this meeting is two -fold:
Determine Council Committee Appointments. Give Council Members a chance to voice their
opinions and determine if subcommittees are necessary in addition to the regular committees.
Staff requires direction on where we are headed as a town and determine priorities for a 6 -month
action plan.
I. Introduction (Buz & Larry)
A. Rules of Engagement
IL Council/Staff Communication Protocol (John Dunn)
A. Council Process
Ideas for discussion: Methods of communication and the importance of sharing
information, community participation
III. Informational Items (from Staff)
A. 2003 Budget Review (Scott Wright)
B. Capital Projects (Norm Wood)
C. Revenue Sources and Allocation of Funds (Larry Brooks)
D. Tax rebates on Development (Larry Brooks)
E. Community Development (Ruth Borne and Norman Wood Opening Comments)
Ideas for discussion: Develop a more sophisticated understanding of land
development goals and objectives for the community. Update master plan and
zoning codes. In particular, update our "toolbox" so that we are adequately
prepared for the redevelopment opportunities facing the Town. Commit to
creating policy and procedures so that future land use decision - making and
community development's role is both informed and constructive.
i. Environmental and land use issues
Ideas for discussion: Drip irrigation, mandatory drought resistant
plants, roundabouts, Community Development land use issues
ii. Role of Planning and Zoning Commission
Ideas for discussion: Staff review of minor projects, Evaluating
projects against Avon's code, Revamping Avon's design review
iii. Building Permits and Fees
Ideas for discussion: P &L statement including overhead, debt
service, etc.., Fees should cover all costs
iv. New Revenue Sources and Cost of Growth
Ideas for discussion: Reintroduce materials Use Tax after bus
funding is solved, impact fees structure vs. exaction strategy
through agreement or PUD
IV. Discussion Topics Moderated by Gary Severson
A. Confirmation of Council Committee Appointments
B. Recreation Center
Ideas for discussion: P &L statements, Taxpayer subsidy, Resident /nonresident
fees, Profit Center and bonus structures, Consolidation of Rec and Parks
C. Traffic /Transit Related Issues
Ideas for discussion: Stronger enforcement (speeding, stop signs, etc..), Mail
delivery to cluster boxes, Prohibit left turns to and from Hurd Lane, Entire transit
system review (ECO, funding routes, beneficiaries, etc.), Reexamine Nottingham
Road /Forest Service property exchange
D. Economic Development
Ideas for discussion: Viable tenants for Chapel Square, Main Street discussion,
Confluence discussion, Review Oct. 3 meeting results, Where do BC marketing,
VVF, OVC, VVCTB, Bravo, Vilar, Airline Funding etc., fall in priority of
economic development, vacancy indemnification strategies
E. Eagle County support of Avon /level tax field /Edwards
F. Outreach Efforts
Ideas for discussion: Initiate regular series of meetings (mayor fireside chats)
V. Other Discussion Items
VI. Action Items - priorities, committee designations,
VII. Adjourn