LA Packet 05-24-2011TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING FOR TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 t MEETING BEGINS AT 5 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET PRESIDING OFFICIALS CHAIRMAN RICH CARROLL VICE CHAIRMAN KRISTI FERRARO BOARD MEMBERS DAVE DANTAS, CHRIS EVANS, TODD GOULDING AMY PHILLIPS, ALBERT "Buz" REYNOLDS, JR. TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: ERIC HEIL TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY ALL LIQUOR BOARD MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT EXECUTIVE SESSIONS COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP: / /WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND AVON LIBRARY 1. ROLL CALL 2. INQUIRY OF THE PUBLIC FOR COMMENT AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT a. Applicant Name: Eagle Valley Humane Society Event Name: Salute to U.S.A. Event Date: July 3, 2011 Event Manager: Char Quinn Event Location: Harry A. Nottingham Park b. Applicant Name: Eagle Valley Humane Society Event Name: Salute to U.S.A. Event Date: July 3, 2011 Event Manager: Char Quinn Event Location: Harry A. Nottingham Park: Fishing Pier Deck and Entrance Area c. Applicant Name: Team Evergreen Bicycle Club Event Name: Tripe Bypass Bicycle Tour Event Date: July 9, 2011 Event Manager: Jenny Anderson Event Location: Harry A. Nottingham Park 4. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Minutes from May 10, 2011 S. ADJOURNMENT ad. Avon Council Meeting. 11.05.24 Page 2 of 4 MEMO TO: AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY THRU: LARRY BROOKS, TOWN MANAGER CC: FROM: ERIC HEIL, TOWN ATTORNEY DEBBIE HOPPE, COURT CLERK Event Name: PATTY MCKENNY, ATM MANAGEMENT SERVICES DATE: MAY 20, 2011 RE: SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS — PUBLIC HEARINGS SUMMARY: The Town Council serving as the Local Liquor Authority will consider the following special event permit; a public hearing is required before final action is taken on this application. 1. Applicant: Eagle Valley Humane Society Event Name: Salute to U.S.A. July 4th Celebration Event Date: July 3, 2011 Event Manager: Char Quinn Event Location: Harry A. Nottingham Park Type of Permit: Malt, Vinous & Spirituous Liquors 2. Applicant: Event Name: Event Date: Event Manager: Event Location: Type of Permit: Eagle Valley Humane Society Salute to U.S.A. July 4th Celebration July 3, 2011 Char Quinn Harry A. Nottingham Park: Fishing Pier Deck and Entrance Area Malt, Vinous & Spirituous Liquors 3. Applicant: Team Evergreen Bicycle Club Event Name: Triple Bypass Bicycle Tour Event Date: July 9, 2011 Event Manager: Jenny Anderson Event Location: Harry A. Nottingham Park Type of permit: Malt, Vinous & Spirituous Liquors BACKGROUND: Special Events permits are issued by the Liquor Enforcement Division and a Local Authority to allow qualified non - profit entities to sell, serve or distribute alcohol beverages in connection with fund raising events. Because of their temporary nature, needs and desires (reasonable requirements of the neighborhood) are not considered by the licensing authorities as a condition of issuance. Applications are made directly with the local licensing authority having jurisdictions over the place of the event. Article 48 of Title 12 regulates the issuance of special events permits. DISCUSSION: There are three applications for special event permits as reflected above. The applicants have provided all the appropriate materials. A background investigation was conducted on the applicants and the premises have been posted with notice of the public hearing. The event managers will be present to answer questions about the application. It should be noted that there are two applications for the Salute to U.S.A. submitted by Eagle Valley Humane Society. The current plans are to use the new "fishing pier" as a private location for the event sponsors (application No. 2). And then of course the other application (application No. 1) is to use the soccer field area for the general public. Also attached to the background check report is an incident that occurred with an underage person; as the report indicates it was not known whether or not he person was served alcohol at the park. Financial Implications: There is local liquor licensing fees associated with the special event permits. The applicants have submitted the appropriate state & local fees. TOWN MANAGER COMMENTS: SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS ATTACHMENTS: The applicants for the special events permit have submitted the following materials: ✓ Application for a Special Events Permits (State form DR 8439) ✓ Diagram where liquor will be served ✓ Alcohol Management Plans ✓ Certificates of Good Standing ✓ Police Report on Background Checks ✓ Related state & local Fees Page of 2 2 Memo to Local Liquor Authority DR 8439 (06/28)06) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1375 SHERMAN STREET DENVER CO 80261 (303) 205 -2300 APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL Department Use Only EVENTS PERMIT IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR A SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT, YOU MUST BE NONPROFIT AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (See back for details.) ® SOCIAL ❑ ATHLETIC ❑ PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTION ❑ FRATERNAL ❑ CHARTERED BRANCH, LODGE OR CHAPTER ❑ POLITICAL CANDIDATE ❑ PATRIOTIC ❑ OF A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OR SOCIETY ❑ MUNICIPALITY OWNING ARTS ❑ POLITICAL ❑ RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION FACILITIES LIAB TYPE OF SPECIAL EVENT APPLICANT IS APPLYING FOR: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 2110 © MALT, VINOUS AND SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR $25.00 PER DAY LIQUOR PERMIT NUMBER 2170 R FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE (3.2 Beer) $10.00 PER DAY 1. NAME OF APPLICANT ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE State Sales Tax Number (Required) Eagle Valley Humane Society 2. MAILING ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE 3. ADDRESS OF PLACE TO HAVE SPECIAL EVENT (include street, cityAown and ZIP) (include street, city/town and ZIP) P.O. Box 4105 Nottingham Park Pier Eagle, CO 81631 Avon, CO 81620 NAME DATE OF BIRTH HOME ADDRESS (Street, City, State, ZIP) PHONE NUMBER 4. PRES./SEC'Y OF ORG. or POLITICAL CANDIDATE William Loper 1/30/27 784 Potato Patch Vail, CO 81657 970 - 4764482 5. EVENT MANAGER Char Quinn 3/29/73 3985 HWY 131 McCoy, CO 80423 970 - 280 -5738 6. HAS APPLICANT ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE BEEN 7. IS PREMISES NOW LICENSED UNDER STATE LIQUOR OR BEER CODE? ISSUED A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT THIS CALENDAR YEAR? NO Z YES HOW MANY DAYS? 1 © NO ❑ YES TO WHOM? 8. DOES THE APPLICANT HAVE POSSESSION OR WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR THE USE OF THE PREMISES TO BE LICENSED? V] Yes ❑ No LIST BELOW THE EXACT DATE(S) FOR WHICH APPLICATION IS BEING MADE FOR PERMIT Date 7/3/2011 Date Date Date Date Hours From 4p m. Hours From m. Hours From m. Hours From m. Hours From m. To 10:30P m. To m. To m. To m. To m. OATH OF APPLICANT I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that I have read the foregoing application and all attachments thereto, and that all infor ion t erein is true, corr t, and complete to the best of my knowledge. —TITLE SIGNATURE DATE 4' Director 4/7/11 REPORT AND APPROVAL OF LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY (CITY OR COUNTY) The foregoing application has been examined and the premises, business conducted and character of the applicant is satisfactory, and we do report that such permit, if granted, Will comply with the provisions of Title 12, Article 48, C.R.S., as amended. THEREFORE, THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY (CITY OR COUNTY) �g CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER OF CITY /COUNTY CLERK [I COUNTY Q 6 l p — cq4 3 SIGNATURE TITLE DATE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE - FOR DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE USE ONLY LIABILITY INFORMATION License Account Number Liability Date State TOTAL -750(999) (Instructions on Reverse Size) k . ,L t at t t 0 .E L CL O O U Q e-� O CN N 0 4- O LLO� 1"� '— uS $ 3 `1l�tf �7,i -99 z Jjgj Z NOAV d0 NMOI LL OUR III, I O �< 1D31OSd 1N3W3DNVHN3 9 s $ R J @ DNIHSIJ MIVl WVHDNI,110N 4 QZ @ 6 Z LL OUR III, I 3 f 4 22i' lip 81 Z 3 LL 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 61 1. AAI Irrr £I I� EE I I 1 1 1 I I __J I rxwaae�u�awv..wrV �+nrmw M C C Alcohol Management Plan This fundraising event is held for the Avon Business Association and the Eagle Valley Humane Society. This event will be held at Nottingham Lake, Avon. The Areas to include are the VIP area, and the soccer field. This area will be fenced with chain link and orange snow fence. Public entrance /exits will be at the Northeast corner, Northwest corner, and Southeast corner of the park. Vendor entrance /exit will be at the southwest corner of the park near the log cabin. As noted on the map, there will be two beer sales tents and ID check with wrist banding located in the front of each tent. Only individuals with wristbands will be served beer and bands will be checked for each purchase. At 9:15 pm no more patrons will be allowed to get in the beer line. Those who were already in line will be served, but no later than 9:45 pm. At 9:45 pm the remaining beer will be loaded back into the beer truck. Roaming security personnel will be redirected to exit areas to prevent any beer from leaving the park. Entrance /exit will have "no alcohol beyond the point" signs posted. Also, our security team will be conducting bag/cooler checks at each entrance /exit. Security and Volunteers We will have 25 paid security individuals and they will man the following positions: Entrance/Exits: The three main gates will have 5 security individuals. Vendor Entrance/Exit: There will be two security individuals. Beer Sales Tent: Two security individuals will be at each beer tent. General Area: We will have 4 security individuals walking around the perimeter and throughout the crowd. Beer & ID check tent: We will have 25 volunteers, those volunteers serving beer will be TIPS trained and will only serve two beers at a time to one individual. Pier Second liquor permit area of the pier will have one entrance exit with security at all ^! times. Only certain individuals will be allowed in this area. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE I, Scott Gessler, as the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado, hereby certify that, according to the records of this office, EAGLE VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY is a Nonprofit Corporation formed or registered on 06/19/1974 under the law of Colorado, has complied with all applicable requirements of this office, and is in good standing with this office. This entity has been assigned entity identification number 19871274371. This certificate reflects facts established or disclosed by documents delivered to this office on paper through 04/01/2011 that have been posted, and by documents delivered to this office electronically through 04/06/2011 @ 13:25:40. I have affixed hereto the Great Seal of the State of Colorado and duly generated, executed, authenticated, issued, delivered and communicated this official certificate at Denver, Colorado on 04/06/2011 @ 13:25:40 pursuant to and in accordance with applicable law. This certificate is assigned Confirmation Number 7913056. ta .......... . Secretary of State of the State of Colorado * sssssssss sss sss s *• *ssssssssssssss *sss *ss *ssEnd of Certificates*.: ss ssss ssssssssssss ss *ss * * *ssssss *.ssssss Notice: A certificate issued electronically from the Colorado Secretary of State's Web site is frilly and immediately valid e ective, However, as an option, the issuance and validity ofa certificate obtained electronically may be established by visiting the Certificate Confirmation Page of the Secretary of State's Web site, hit lwww.sos.stote co uslb&CertificateSearchCriieria do entering the certificate's confirmation number displayed on the certificate, and following the instructions displayed. Confirming the issuance of a certificate is merely optional and is not necessary to the valid and effective issuance ofa certificate. For more information, visit our Web site, http : //w-ww.sos.siate.co.usl click Business "°Centerwnd selectrequently Asked Questions. " CERT GS D Revised 08/1012008 DR 8439 (06/28/06) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1375 SHERMAN STREET DENVER CO 80261 (303) 205 -2300 APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL Department Use Only EVENTS PERMIT IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR A SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT, YOU MUST BE NONPROFIT AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (See back for details.) © SOCIAL ❑ ATHLETIC ❑ PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTION ❑ FRATERNAL ❑ CHARTERED BRANCH, LODGE OR CHAPTER ❑ POLITICAL CANDIDATE ❑ PATRIOTIC ❑ OF A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OR SOCIETY ❑ MUNICIPALITY OWNING ARTS ❑ POLITICAL ❑ RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION FACILITIES LIAB TYPE OF SPECIAL EVENT APPLICANT IS APPLYING FOR: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 2110 © MALT, VINOUS AND SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR $25.00 PER DAY LIQUOR PERMIT NUMBER 2170 F� FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE (3.2 Beer) $10.00 PER DAY Hours From m. .L 1. NAME OF APPLICANT ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE State Sates Tax Number (Required) Eagle Valley Humane Society To 10:30p m. 2. MAILING ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE 3. ADDRESS OF PLACE TO HAVE SPECIAL EVENT (include street, city/town and ZIP) (include street, city/town and ZIP) P.O. Box 4105 Nottingham Park Eagle, CO 81631 Avon, CO 81620 NAME DATE OF BIRTH HOME ADDRESS (Street, City, State, ZIP) PHONE NUMBER 4. PRES./SEC'Y OF ORG. or POLITICAL CANDIDATE William Loper 1/30/27 784 Potato Patch Vail, CO 81657 970 - 476 -4482 5. EVENT MANAGER Char Quinn 3/29/73 3985 HWY 131 McCoy, CO 80423 970 - 280 -5738 6. HAS APPLICANT ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE BEEN 7. IS PREMISES NOW LICENSED UNDERSTATE LIQUOR OR BEER CODE? ISSUED A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT THIS CALENDAR YEAR? ❑ NO 21 YES HOW MANY DAYS? 1 © NO ❑ YES TO WHOM? 8. DOES THE APPLICANT HAVE POSSESSION OR WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR THE USE OF THE PREMISES TO BE LICENSED? v-I Yes ❑ No LIST BELOW THE EXACT DATE(S) FOR WHICH APPLICATION IS BEING MADE FOR PERMIT Date 7/3/2011 Date Date Date Date Hours From 4p m. Hours From m. Hours From m. Hours From .m. Hours From m. To 10:30p m. To m. To m. To m. To M. OATH OF APPLICANT I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that I have read the foregoing application and all attachments thereto, and that all information therein is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Director 4/7/11 REPORT AND APPROVAL OF LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY (CITY OR COUNTY) The foregoing application has been examined and the premises, business conducted and character of the applicant is satisfactory, and we do report that such permit, if granted, Will comply with the provisions of Title 12, Article 48, C.R.S., as amended. THEREFORE, THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. LUWHL Ulir-1V0Irv13 HU I rtU"l I T (lit I T UN UUUN I Y) CITY TELEPHONE NUMBER OF CITY /COUNTY CLERK taa o f' A %In yl MCOUNTY 71 7 3 5 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE - FOR DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE USE ONLY LIABILITY INFORMATION License Account Number Liability Date I State TOTAL -750 (999) 1 (Instructions on Reverse Size) Alcohol Management Plan This fundraising event is held for the Avon Business Association and the Eagle Valley Humane Society. This event will be held at Nottingham Lake, Avon. The Areas to include are the VIP area, and the soccer field. This area will be fenced with chain link and orange snow fence. Public entrance /exits will be at the Northeast corner, Northwest corner, and Southeast corner of the park. Vendor entrance /exit will be at the southwest corner of the park near the log cabin. As noted on the map, there will be two beer sales tents and ID check with wrist banding located in the front of each tent. Only individuals with wristbands will be served beer and bands will be checked for each purchase. At 9:15 pm no more patrons will be allowed to get in the beer line. Those who were already in line will be served, but no later than 9:45 pm. At 9:45 pm the remaining beer will be loaded back into the beer truck. Roaming security personnel will be redirected to exit areas to prevent any beer from leaving the park. Entrance /exit will have "no alcohol beyond the point" signs posted. Also, our security team will be conducting bag/cooler checks at each entrance /exit. Security and Volunteers We will have 25 paid security individuals and they will man the following positions: Entrance/Exits: The three main gates will have 5 security individuals. Vendor Entrance/Exit: There will be two security individuals. Beer Sales Tent: Two security individuals will be at each beer tent. General Area: We will have 4 security individuals walking around the perimeter and throughout the crowd. Beer & ID check tent: We will have 25 volunteers, those volunteers serving beer will be TIPS trained and will only serve two beers at a time to one individual. Pier Second liquor permit area of the pier will have one entrance exit with security at all times. Only certain individuals will be allowed in this area. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE I, Scott Gessler, as the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado, hereby certify that, according to the records of this office, EAGLE VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY is a Nonprofit Corporation formed or registered on 06/19/1974 under the law of Colorado, has complied with all applicable requirements of this office, and is in good standing with this office. This entity has been assigned entity identification number 19871274371. This certificate reflects facts established or disclosed by documents delivered to this office on paper through 04/01/2011 that have been posted, and by documents delivered to this office electronically through 04/06/2011 @ 13:25:40. I have affixed hereto the Great Seal of the State of Colorado and duly generated, executed, authenticated, issued, delivered and communicated this official certificate at Denver, Colorado on 04/06/2011 @ 13:25:40 pursuant to and in accordance with applicable law. This certificate is assigned Confirmation Number 7913056. ************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *End of Secretary of State of the State of Colorado Notice: A certificate issued electronically from the Colorado Secretary of State's Web site is fully and immediately valid and effective However, as an option, the issuance and validity of a certificate obtained electronically may be established by visiting the Certificate Confirmation Page of the Secretary of State's Web site, httn://www.sos. state. co. us lb&CertificateSearchCriteriado entering the certificate's confirmation number displayed on the certificate, and following the instructions displayed. Confirming the issuance of a certificate is merely optional and is not necessary to the valid and effective issuance ofa certificate. For more information, visit our Web site, http: 1fwww.sos.state.co.us1 click Business Center and select "Frequently Asked Questions. " CERT GS D Revised 08110/2008 Avon Police Department Liquor License Application Individual Name(s): Loper, William Name of Business: Eagle Valley Humane Society Type of License: ❑ Hotel & Restaurant ® Special Event Permit Event Name: Salute to U.S.A 2011 Date of Event: July 3, 2011 Location of Business: Nottingham Park Avon, Colorado 81620 Date Received: May 13, 2011 Photographs /Fingerprints: ❑ On File ® Special Event — N/A Investigation by: ® Detective Sergeant Jonathan Lovins F-1 Detective Aurion Hassinger Date: May 16, 2011 CBI Criminal Investigation (attached): Do not have. Local Criminal Investigation: Nothing of concern Comments: 2010 event there was a 16 year old summoned for minor in possession. It is unknown if this subject was in, and /or served in the licensed area. No citations for serving this subject were issued. Liquor Code Violations in the past calendar year: ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: n/a Smoking violation in the past calendar year: ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: n/a ® Background investigation conducted with no problems and or areas of concern. N.C.I.C. database not accessed on this applicant. Investigation Time: 2 hours. Administration Time: 1 hour. Avon Police Department Liquor License Application Individual Name(s): Quinn, Megan Chartara Name of Business: Eagle Valley Humane Society Type of License: ❑ Hotel & Restaurant ® Special Event Permit Event Name: Salute to U.S.A 2011 Date of Event: July 3, 2011 Location of Business: Nottingham Park Avon, Colorado 81620 Date Received: May 13, 2011 Photographs /Fingerprints: ❑ On File ® Special Event — N/A Investigation by: ® Detective Sergeant Jonathan Lovins ❑ Detective Aurion Hassinger Date: May 16, 2011 CBI Criminal Investigation (attached): Do not have. Local Criminal Investigation: Nothing of concern Comments: 2010 event there was a 16 year old summoned for minor in possession. It is unknown if this subject was in, and /or served in the licensed area. No citations for serving this subject were issued. Liquor Code Violations in the past calendar year: ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: n/a Smoking violation in the past calendar year: ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: n/a ® Background investigation conducted with no problems and or areas of concern. N.C.I.C. database not accessed on this applicant. Investigation Time: 2 hours. Administration Time: 1 hour. V Incident/Investigation Report Agency: APD Case Number: 2010-000419 Date: 05/16/201109:06:47 Incident Information Date/Time Reported Date/Time Found Date/Time Found Officer 07/03/2010 22:50 07/03/2010 22 07/03/2010 22:50 (505) FLORIO, PHILLIP T Incident Location Nottingham Park, Avon, CO 81620 A. 10, W M Charges P M-10 J Ethnicity Unknown I Name(Last, First, M) SOCIETY Race Charge Type Description Age Statute Home Phone Employer Name/Address Municipal POSSESSION OF LIQUOR BY UNDERAGE PERSON Victim of Crimes 9.12.060 )m Alcohol, Drugs or Computers Used Location Type Premises Entered Forced Entry Weapons ❑ Alcohol ❑ Drugs ❑ Computers I PARK I 1 ❑ Yes 0 No 1. 2. Entry Exit Criminal Activity 3. Bias Motivation Bias Target Bias Circumstances Hate Group -A "W s' Victims;-," 9, ""t� Ai 6eQqT# I Type SOCIETY/ PUBLIC Injuries Residency Status None Ethnicity Unknown I Name(Last, First, M) SOCIETY Race I Se x U DOB Age -J Address Home Phone Employer Name/Address Business Phone Victim of Crimes Report: r-1w1ni.frx Page 1 of 4 05/16/201109:06:47 Incident/Investigation Report Agency: APD Case Number: 2010- 000419 Date: 05/16/201109:06:48 Report: r Iwlni.frx Page 2 of 4 05/16/2011 09:06 :4R Incident/Investigation Report Agency: APD Case Number: 2010- 000419 Date: 05/16/201109:06:48 ` r _A Attachments 4." 36 k 10- 0419.PDF Notes/,Narrative UAJih #: ZU 1 U- 000419 OFFICER: Florio REPORT DATE: 07/03/10 OFFENDER(S): Torey Hanraham VICTIM(S): Society SYNOPSIS This report is in reference to the arrest of Hanraham for MIP. The arrest took place in Nottingham Park, in the Town of Avon, Eagle County, in the State of Colorado. NARRATIVE / INVESTIGATION: On 07/03/10 around 2250 hour I, Officer Florio, was contacted by Sgt. Sheehan in reference to a minor that had been taken into custody by Colorado State Patrol Sgt. that had been working the fire works show. I arrived at the Avon Police Department and took over the arrest. I observed a juvenile white male being escorted out of the police department by a CSP Sgt., I asked them where they were going, the CSP Sgt. responded, I am taking this young man outside to throw up. The party was identified as 16 year old Torey Hanraham. Hanraham appeared to be extremely intoxicated. ' -inraham had bloodshot and watery eyes; I could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from him. Hanraham needed help lking outside to vomit. I was told by the CSP Sgt. that Hanraham agreed to provide a voluntary P.B.T. sample and the result was a.198 Hanraham said he had been drinking in the park during the fire works with some friend and he was having a good time until he was contacted by the police. Hanraham's speech was extremely slurred and he had a hard time completing sentences and thoughts. Report: r_lwlni.frx Page 3 of 4 05/16/2011 09.06.49 Incident/Investigation Report Agency: APD Case Number: 2010- 000419 Date: 05/16/201109:06:50 J Hanraham was summonsed for MIP and released to his mother. IS OFFENDER A LEGAL RESIDENT IN THE US ?: Yes FOREIGN NATIONAL ARREST ADVISEMENT FAXED TO ICE AND COPY ATTACHED TO CASE FILE: X10 PHOTOS TAKEN: N/A FINGERPRINTED Y/N: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Copy of summons 21206 VICTIM RESOURCE / RIGHTS BOOKLET: N/A CASE STATUS / DISPOSITION: Closed RPnnrt• r Iwlni_frx Paar d of d nG/lAMAi i no.nc.en ORI # 2 AGENCY NAME C00190600 Avon P( JIT, FIRST, MIDDLE NAME I M 8 C ©A 9 HOT. 10 WGT. III EYE 12 HAIR 13 SKIN 14 SCARS I2 MARKS ® TATTOOS Q AMPUTATIONS c F S I 5'11 150 -0 HAZ BR0 - 16 PLACE OF BIRTH (CITY, COUNTY, STATE) 16 SSN 117 [ .. 16 20 SID # 21 FINGERPRINT CLASS KEY MAJOR PRIMARY SCDV SUB-SECONDARY FINAL 22 DL # 23 gT J HENRY CLASS 2d FBI # 26 IDENTIFICATION COMMENTS NCIC CLASS 2 RESIDENT 27 HOME ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) 28 RESIDENCE PHONE 29 OCCUPATION (BE SPECIFIC) L7J NON - RESIDENT 85 Creamery Trl Edwards CO 81632 970 926 -2766 Student 30 EMPLOYER (NAME OF COMPANYISCHOOL) 31 BUSINESS ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) 32 BUSINESS PHONE 33 LOCATION OF ARREST (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) 14 SECTOR # 36 ARRESTED FOR YOUR JURISDICTION? 13 YES 13 NO Nottin ham Park Avon Co 81620 IN STATE ® OUT STATE 36 CONDITION OF Q DRUNK ® SOBER 37 RESIST ARREST? 38 INJURIES? Q NONE 39 ARMED? 40 DESCRIPTION OF WEAPON ARRESTEE: Q DRINKING ® DRUGS Q YES Q NO Q OFFICER © ARRESTEE GI Y N 4LVAM OF ARREUT 42 TIME OF ARREST 143 DAY OF ARREST "TYPE ARREST 46 RESTED BEFORE? 07/03 /2010... 22.50 1. AM MIL. 0 0 ®� SUMMONED/.. Q NO 2.PM UNKNOWN 46 CHARGE -1 Q FEL Is MISD 47 UCR CODE b0 STATE CODE/LOCAL ORD. 61 WARRANT # DISPOSITION 62 Possession Of Li uor By... 90G 9.12.060 21206 48 CHARGE -2 ED FEL Q MISD 49 UCR CODE 63 STATE CODE/LOCAL ORD. 64 WARRANT # DISPOSITION 66 DATE ISSUED 7 C66 CHARGE) Q FEL Q MISD b7 UCR CODE 60 STATE CODE/LOCAL ORD. 81 WARRANT # DISPOSITION 62 DATE 1,35UEp 68 CHARGE-4 Q FEL Q MISD 69 UCR CODE 63 STATE CODEJLOCAL ORD. 64 WARRANT # DISPOSITION fib 68 ARRESTED WITH (1) ACCOMPLICE (FULL NAME) -- ARREST DISPOSITION 69 ARRESTED WITH (2) ACCOMPLICE (FULL NAMEI Summons And Released 70 VYR 71 VMA 72 VMO 73 VST 74 VCO TOP 76 TAG # 76 LIS 77 LIY J BOTTOM 78 VIN 79 IMPOUNDED? 80 STORAGE LOCATIONIIMPOUND # j Q YES I2 NO VEHICLE RELATED TO: VEHICLE RELATION: 81 OTHER EVIDENCE SEIZEDIPROPERTY SEIZED ❑ CONTINUED IN NARRATIVE 82 JUVENILE HANDLED AND RELEASED © REF. TO WELFARE AGENCY ® REF. TO ADULT COURT ED TO DISPOSITION: REF. TO JUVENILE COURT ® REF. TO OTHER POLICE AGENCY J J J 84 PARENT OR GUARDIAN (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE NAME) 86 ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) 86 PHONE 7 87 PARENTS EMPLOYER 68 OCCUPATION 89 ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) 90 PHONE 91 PATE ANQ JIM r OF R ELEAS E 1 92 RELEASING OFFICER NAME 83 AGENCY/DNISION 94 ID # � AM © MI P 96 RELEASED TO 96 AGENCY/DIVISION 97 AGENCY ADDRESS 98 PERSONAL PROPERTY RELEASED TO ARRESTEE 99 PROPERTY NOT RELEASED /HELD AT: 100 PROPERTY # 0 YES I2 NO © PARTIAL 101 REMARKS (NOTE ANY INJURIES AT TIME OF RELEASE) J J LOCALUSE GNATURE OF RECEIVING OFFICER 103 SIGNATURE OF RELEASING OFFICER STATE USE AULTIPLE 104 CASE # 106 SFX 106 CASE # 107 SFX 108 CASE # 109 SFX 110 AbmnO'IAL :ASES CASES CLO° :LOSED SAnRAirvE I ARRESTING OFFICER (LAST, FIRST, M.) 112 ID # 113 ARRESTING OFFICER (LAST, FIRST, M.) 114 ID # 116 SUPERVISOR 116 WATCH CMDR. lorio.Phillip T 505 Westenfel..!D# 108 ID# ADDITIONAL ARREST 117 DATE AND TIME OF ARREST Q AM 07/03/2010... 22:50 Ed MM 1188. CASE 8 2010 - 000419 118 SFX 118b.ARREST# NARRATIVE CONTINUED 10000189 ADDITIONAL ARREST INFORMATION DR 8439 (06128/06) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1375 SHERMAN STREET DENVER CO 80261 APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL Department Use Only EVENTS PERMIT (303) 205 -2300 IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR A SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT, YOU MUST BE NONPROFIT AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (See back for details.) ❑ SOCIAL ® ATHLETIC ❑ PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTION ❑ FRATERNAL ❑ CHARTERED BRANCH, LODGE OR CHAPTER ❑ POLITICAL CANDIDATE ❑ PATRIOTIC ❑ OF A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OR SOCIETY ❑ MUNICIPALITY OWNING ARTS ❑ POLITICAL ❑ RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION FACILITIES LIAB TYPE OF SPECIAL EVENT APPLICANT IS APPLYING FOR: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 2110 © MALT, VINOUS AND SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR $25.00 PER DAY LIQUOR PERMIT NUMBER 2170 ❑ FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE (3.2 Beer) $10.00 PER DAY 1. NAME OF APPLICANT ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE State Sales Tax Number (Required) Team Evergreen Bicycle Club 74 2560368 2. MAILING ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE 3. ADDRESS OF PLACE TO HAVE SPECIAL EVENT (include street, cityAown and ZIP) (include street, cityRown and ZIP) PO Box 3804 Lower Soccer Field Evergreen, CO 80437 -3804 Nottingham Lake Park Avnn t n R1R9f) Q NAME DATE OF BIRTH HOME ADDRESS (Street, City, State, ZIP) PHONE NUMBER 4. PRES./SEC'Y OF ORG. or POLITICAL CANDIDATE Victoria Klinger 10/23/57 32652 Buffalo Creek Rd, Evergreen COd 303 670 -6523 5. EVENT MANAGER Jenny Anderson 7/10/63 2053 S Downing Denver CO 80210 303 898 -8900 6. HAS APPLICANT ORGANIZATION OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE BEEN 7. IS PREMISES NOW LICENSED UNDERSTATE LIQUOR OR BEER CODE? ISSUED A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT THIS CALENDAR YEAR? [Z NO 0 YES HOW MANY DAYS? © NO F-] YES TO WHOM? 8. DOES THE APPLICANT HAVE POSSESSION OR WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR THE USE OF THE PREMISES TO BE LICENSED? ❑ Yes ❑ No LIST BELOW THE EXACT DATE(S) FOR WHICH APPLICATION IS BEING MADE FOR PERMIT Date July 9, 2011 Date . Date Date Date Hours From 11 :00 a .m. Hours From m. Hours From m. Hours From M. Hours From m, To 9 :00 p m. To m. To m. To M. To m, OATH OF APPLICANT I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that I have read the foregoing application and all attachments thereto, and that all information therein is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE ITLE DATE Ride Director April 22, 2011 PORT AND APPROVAL OF LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY (CITY OR COUNTY) The foregoing application has been examined and the premises, business conducted and character of the applicant is satisfactory, and we do report that such permit, if granted, will comply with the provisions of Title 12, Article 48, C.R.S., as amended. THEREFORE, THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY (CITY OR COUNTY) CITY I TELEPHONE NUMBER OF CITY /COUNTY CLERK lbw p COUNTY Q74D SIGNATURE TITLE ATE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE - FOR DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE USE ONLY LIABILITY INFORMATION License Account Number Liability Date State TOTAL -750(999) (Instructions on Reverse Size) S s � w � � s s L s 7 A 9 .t �a ci� p Q io 19 -�72a -40 A-,V"bxd S Q4�45St. ZT 14� l S s 0000 EVERGREEN TRIPLE BYPASS BICYCLE TOUR ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT PLAN Saturday, July 9, 2011 This event is Team Evergreen Bicycle Club's signature event. Following the 122 -mile ride, riders may enjoy a BBQ (which is included in the registration fee) and purchase beer. The finish line is on the lower soccer field at Nottingham Lake in Avon, Colorado. There will be three access points onto the field, which will be fenced off by Town of Avon employees (please see attached map). Staff will include approximately 30 individuals, comprised of volunteers from PEO (Philanthropic Educational Organization) and other Team Evergreen Bicycle Club volunteers. Approximately 3 — 9 people will be serving beer, including two employees from the Beer Distributer. All beer patrons will be carded. Two volunteers shall continually staff each access point to ensure that no alcohol leaves the fenced perimeter. Town of Avon Police shall supplement volunteers as needed. Town of Avon Police will be on -site during the event. The remainder of the infield shall be staffed by PEO and Team Evergreen Bicycle Club volunteers to monitor participants. Access points shall have "NO ALCOHOL BEYOND THIS POINT" signs affixed and the beer service table shall be posted with "NO ONE UNDER 21 MAY PURCHASE BEER." Security shall not allow any alcohol in or out of the fenced perimeter. Team Evergreen Bicycle Club Triple Bypass P. O. Box 3804 c/o Alem International Evergreen. Colorado 80437 624 South Arthur Ave Louisville, CO 80027 Office. 303.473 1998 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO CER'T`IFICATE I, Scott Gessler, as the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado, hereby certify that, according to the records of this office, TEAM EVERGREEN BICYCLE CLUB INC. is a Nonprofit Corporation formed or registered on 01/09/1989 under the law of Colorado, has complied with all applicable requirements of this office, and is in good standing with this office. This entity has been assigned entity identification number 19891001552. This certificate reflects facts established or disclosed by documents delivered to this office on paper through 04/20/2011 that have been posted, and by documents delivered to this office electronically through 04/22/2011 @ 15:43:49. I have affixed hereto the Great Seal of the State of Colorado and duly generated, executed, authenticated, issued, delivered and communicated this official certificate at Denver, Colorado on 04/22/2011 @ 15:43:49 pursuant to and in accordance with applicable law. This certificate is assigned Confirmation Number 7928197. ************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *End of Secretary of State of the State of Colorado Notice: A certificate issued electronically from the Colorado Secretary of State's Web site is fully and immediately valid and effective. However, as an option, the issuance and validity of a certificate obtained electronically may be established by visiting the Certificate Confirmation Page of the Secretary of State's Web site, hji -: Vsrsr- sos.xrnig a.3rrbr. C,I u it4rrr5carch 'rrr r a entering the certificate's confirmation number displayed on the certificate, and following the instructions displayed. Confirming the issuance of a certificate is merely optional and is not necessary to the valid and effective issuance ofa certificate. For more information, visit our Web site, hnpr mwt,sossiafecous click Business Center and select "Frequently Asked Questions. " CERT GS D Revised 0812012008 Avon Police Department Liquor License Application Individual Name(s): Klinger, Victoria Name of Business: Team Evergreen Bicycle Club Type of License: ❑ Hotel & Restaurant ® Special Event Permit Event Name: Triple Bypass Bicycle Tour Date of Event: July 9, 2011 Location of Business: Nottingham Park Avon, Colorado 81620 Date Received: May 13, 2011 Photographs /Fingerprints: ❑ On File ® Special Event — N/A Investigation by: ® Detective Sergeant Jonathan Lovins ❑Detective Aurion Hassinger Date: May 16, 2011 CBI Criminal Investigation (attached): Do not have. Local Criminal Investigation: Nothing of concern Comments: n/a Liquor Code Violations in the past calendar year: ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: n/a Smoking violation in the past calendar year: ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: n/a ® Background investigation conducted with no problems and or areas of concern. N.C.I.C. database not accessed on this applicant. Investigation Time: 2 hours. Administration Time: 1 hour. , � b Avon Police Department Liquor License Application Individual Name(s): Anderson, Jenny Name of Business: Team Evergreen Bicycle Club Type of License: ❑ Hotel & Restaurant ® Special Event Permit Event Name: Triple Bypass Bicycle Tour Date of Event: July 9, 2011 Location of Business: Nottingham Park Avon, Colorado 81620 Date Received: May 13, 2011 Photographs /Fingerprints: ❑ On File ® Special Event — N/A Investigation by: ® Detective Sergeant Jonathan Lovins ❑ Detective Aurion Hassinger Date: May 16, 2011 CBI Criminal Investigation (attached): Do not have. Local Criminal Investigation: Nothing of concern Comments: n/a Liquor Code Violations in the past calendar year: ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: n/a Smoking violation in the past calendar year: ❑ Yes ® No If yes, explain: n/a ® Background investigation conducted with no problems and or areas of concern. N.C.I.C. database not accessed on this applicant. Investigation Time: 2 hours. Administration Time: 1 hour. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES OF THE LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING HELD MAY 10, 2011 The Avon Town Council acting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority for the Town of Avon, Colorado convened at 5:10 PM at the Avon Town Hall, One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado. A roll call was taken and Board members of the Authority present were Rich Carroll as Chairperson, and Board members Dave Dantas, Chris Evans, Kristi Ferraro, Todd Goulding, Amy Phillips, and Buz Reynolds. REVIEW OF LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATION AND ACTION ON WHETHER OR NOT TO ISSUE A NOTICE OF HEARING AND ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE a. Avon Police Incident Report Case No. 2011 - 000289 (Bob Ticer, Police Chief) Establishment Name: Finnegan's Wake Irish Pub, Inc. d /b /a Finnegan's Wake Address: 82 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Manager: Maggie Parker Date Reported: 03/17/11 Proposed Action: Resolution No. 11 -01, Series of 2011, Resolution Finding Probable Cause To Believe That Finnegan's Wake Irish Pub, Inc. d /b /a Finnegan's Wake Has Violated A Law, Rule Or Regulation With Respect To The Operation Of Its Licensed Premises; Setting A Hearing With Respect Thereto; And Directing The Issuance And Service Of A Notice Of Hearing And Order To Show Cause As To Why The Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License Of Such Licensee Should Not Be Suspended Or Revoked or Renewed (Eric Heil, Town Attorney) Possible action by Liquor Board related to Finnegan's Wake Violation & Case Report No. 2011 - 000289 Chief Ticer presented the violation that occurred at 82 E. Beaver Creek Blvd, Finnegan's Wake Irish Pub on the late evening of March 17, 2011 early morning of March 18, 2011. After some discussion, Board member Phillips moved to approve Resolution No. 11 -01, Series of 2011, Resolution Finding Probable Cause To Believe That Finnegan's Wake Irish Pub, Inc. d /b /a Finnegan's Wake Has Violated A Law, Rule Or Regulation With Respect To The Operation Of Its Licensed Premises; Setting A Hearing With Respect Thereto; And Directing The Issuance And Service Of A Notice Of Hearing And Order To Show Cause As To Why The Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License Of Such Licensee Should Not Be Suspended Or Revoked or Renewed, hearing to be held on June 14, 2011. Board member Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. RENEWAL LIQUOR LICENSES a. Applicant: Finnegan's Wake Irish Pub, Inc. d /b /a Finnegan's Wake Address: 82 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Manager: Maggie Parker Type: Hotel and Restaurant License It was suggested to the liquor board that in light of the recent violation at Finnegan's, the consideration of their renewal application be made in conjunction with the show cause hearing on the violation on June 14, 2011. Owner Maggie Parker state that she would be at the liquor board meeting on the hearing date. Board member Ferraro moved to set a hearing on the renewal application for Finnegan's Wake Irish Pub; Board member Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. RENEWAL LIQUOR LICENSES - CONTINUED b. Applicant: Benchmark Liquors, Inc. d /b /a Beaver Liquors Address: 110 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Manager: David Courtney Type: Retail Liquor Store License Town Clerk Patty McKenny noted that the application materials were in order. Board member Phillips moved to approve the renewal of the retail liquor store license for Benchmark Liquors, Inc. d /b /a Beaver Liquors. Board member Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT a. Applicant Name: Beaver Creek Resort Company Event Name: 2011 Beaver Creek Rodeo Series Event Date: June 30, 2011 / July 7, 14, 21, 2011 / August 4, 11, 18, 2011; 4 pm —10 pm Event Manager: Jean Dennison Event Location: Traer Creek Lot 1 Jean Dennison, representing Beaver Creek Resort Company, addressed the liquor board about the Beaver Creek Rodeo Series, noting the times the event began and ended. Board member Phillips moved to approve the special event permit for Beaver Creek Resort Company for the Beaver Creek Rodeo Series. Board member Evans seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Board member Reynolds moved to approve the Consent Agenda; Board member Goulding seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. a. Minutes from April 26, 2011 There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 5:25 PM. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty McKenny, Secretary APPROVED: Rich Carroll Dave Dantas Chris Evans Kristi Ferraro Todd Goulding Amy Phillips Albert "Buz" Reynolds ALB 11.05.10 Page 2 of 2