04-08-2009 URA Bond Counsel LtrSherman & Howard L.L.C.
Dee P. Wisor
Direct Dial Number: (303) 299 -8228
E -mail: dwisor @sah.com
Licensed in Colorado
Avon Urban Renewal Authority
P. O. Box 975
Avon, Colorado 81620
Attention: Mr. Scott Wright
Assistant Town Manager
Dear Scott:
TELEPHONE: 303 297 -2900
FAX: 303 298 -0940
April 8, 2009
We are pleased to confirm our engagement as bond counsel to the Avon Urban
Renewal Authority (the "Issuer ") in connection with a loan (the "Loan") pursuant to a Loan
Agreement (the "Loan Agreement ") to be entered into between the Issuer and Vectra Bank
( "Vectra "). In connection with the Loan, Vectra will be represented by Kutak Rock LLP
( "Kutak "). We appreciate your confidence in us and will do our best to continue to merit it.
This letter sets forth the role we propose to serve and the responsibilities we propose to assume
as bond counsel to the Issuer in connection with the Loan.
Personnel. Dee Wisor will be principally responsible for the work performed by
Sherman & Howard L.L.C. on your behalf and he will be assisted by Kim Crawford. Where
appropriate, certain tasks may be performed by other attorneys or paralegals. At all times,
however, Dee Wisor will coordinate, review, and approve all work completed for the Issuer.
Scope of Services. Bond counsel is engaged as a recognized expert whose
primary responsibility is to render an objective legal opinion with respect to the authorization
and issuance of bonds or other obligations like those evidenced by the Loan Agreement. As your
bond counsel, we will: examine applicable law; consult with the parties to the Loan prior to the
funding of the Loan; review customary authorizing and operative documents, including the Loan
Agreement, which may include proceedings relating to: the authorization of the Loan, and
closing certificates; review a certified transcript of proceedings; and undertake such additional
duties as we deem necessary to render our opinions. As counsel to Vectra, Kutak will be
preparing the Loan Agreement and related documents and we will review and comment on such
documents prepared by Kutak. Subject to the completion of proceedings to our satisfaction, we
will render our opinions relating to the validity and enforceability of the Loan Agreement against
the Issuer, and the exclusion of the interest paid on the Loan (subject to certain limitations which
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April 8, 2009
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may be expressed in the opinion) from gross income for federal income tax purposes and for
Colorado income tax purposes.
Our opinions will be addressed to the Issuer and will be executed and delivered by
us in written form on the date the Loan is funded (the "Closing "). The opinions will be based on
facts and law existing as of their date.
Our services as bond counsel are limited to those contracted for explicitly herein;
the Issuer's execution of this letter constitutes an acknowledgment of those limitations.
Specifically, but without implied limitation, our responsibilities do not include any
representation by Sherman & Howard L.L.C. in connection with any IRS audit or any litigation
involving the Issuer or the Loan, or any other matter. Neither do we assume responsibility for
the preparation of any collateral documents (e.g., environmental impact statements) which are to
be filed with any state, federal or other regulatory agency. Nor do our services include financial
advice (including advice about the structure of the Loan) or advice on the investment of funds
related to the Loan. If such services are requested of us, we suggest that we discuss the nature
and extent of those services and an estimate of our fee at the time of the request.
Attorney - Client Relationship. In
Issuer will be our client and an attorney- client
represent the interests of the Issuer rather thaj
members of the Board or the Issuer's employees.
performing our services as bond counsel, the
relationship will exist between us. We will
i its Board of Commissioners the individual
Notice of and Consent to Conflicts of Interest. Our firm currently represents
Vectra in connection with various general commercial matters, commercial real estate and
construction matters, and other public finance and swap matters unrelated to the Loan. Pursuant
to the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct (the "Rules "), it would be a conflict of interest for
our firm to represent one client (the Issuer) directly adverse to another client ( Vectra) even if the
matters are wholly unrelated and even if different lawyers do the work. However, the Rules
permit a law firm to represent clients in such concurrent conflict situations if the firm reasonably
believes it can provide competent and diligent representation to both clients, the representation is
not prohibited by law, the representation does not involve the assertion of a claim by one client
against the other in the same proceeding, and both clients give their informed consent. We
believe that our representations of the Issuer in the Loan and of Vectra in pending and future
unrelated matters would satisfy these conditions.
We have considered a number of issues in assessing this conflict. Among those
are whether we can effectively represent the Issuer on the current Loan despite the conflict and
whether we can protect the confidentiality of both clients' information in their separate matters.
We believe we can do so, and can fully and properly represent both clients. Accordingly, we are
asking the Issuer to agree that it will waive and give its consent to the conflict of interest with
respect to the firm's representation of Vectra on the matters discussed above as well as on
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Avon Urban Renewal Authority
April 8, 2009
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possible future unrelated representations of Vectra. We note that we have obtained a comparable
waiver and consent from Vectra.
A request for consent to a conflict of interest implicates legal issues for you,
including issues as to the nature and scope of the waiver and its potential significance for the
Issuer. Our firm is not disinterested as to such issues, and therefore cannot advise you on them.
We recommend that you consult with the Town Attorney, or seek the advice of other
independent counsel, on this matter.
We appreciate your consideration of these issues and are available to discuss any
of these issues with you. Assuming you consent to the representation on the terms outlined here,
we ask that you execute this letter to signify the Issuer's consent to the firm's current and
possible future adverse representations of Vectra in matters unrelated to this Loan while we are
serving as the Issuer's counsel in this Loan.
Fee Arrangement. Based upon: (i) our current understanding of the terms,
structure, size and schedule of the financing, (ii) the responsibilities we will undertake pursuant
to this letter, (iii) the time we anticipate devoting to the financing, and (iv) the skill and
experience required to complete the services properly, we estimate that our fee as bond counsel
will be in the range of $30,000 to $40,000 Such fee may vary: (i) if the principal amount of the
Loan actually issued differs significantly from the amount stated above, (ii) if material changes
in the structure of the financing occur, or (iii) if unusual or unforeseen circumstances arise which
require a significant increase in our time or our responsibilities. Specifically, if the Loan is not
delivered at Closing on or before September 1, 2009, it will be necessary for us to repeat and
update much of our work and a commensurate increase in our fees will result. If, at any time, we
believe that circumstances require an adjustment of our original fee estimate, we will consult
with you.
In addition, this letter authorizes us to make disbursements on your behalf, which
we estimate will not exceed $2,000. The Issuer agrees to reimburse us for such disbursements,
including travel costs, photocopying, deliveries, filing fees, computer assisted research, and other
necessary office expenses.
We understand and agree that our contingent fees will be paid at Closing out of
Loan proceeds. If the financing is not consummated, we understand and agree that we will not
be paid.
Compliance with Article XXVIII of the Colorado Constitution. If and only to the
extent this letter constitutes a "sole source government contract" within the meaning of Article
XXVIII of the Colorado Constitution ( "Article XXVIII"), then the provisions of Sections 15
through 17 of Article XXVIII ( "Amendment 54 ") are hereby incorporated into this letter and
Sherman & Howard L.L.C. shall comply with the provisions of Amendment 54. In such a case,
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for purposes of this letter, Sherman & Howard L.L.C. shall constitute a "contract holder" for
purposes of Amendment 54, as shall any additional persons, officers, directors or trustees related
to Sherman & Howard L.L.C. who qualify as "contract holders" pursuant to the definition set
forth in Article XXVIII. In addition, if and only to the extent this letter constitutes a "sole source
government contract," the Sherman & Howard L.L.C. hereby certifies that it is not ineligible to
hold any "sole source government contract" pursuant to Amendment 54 or any contract
thereunder, and the Sherman & Howard L.L.C. hereby agrees to notify the Issuer immediately if,
at any point during the term of this letter, the Sherman & Howard L.L.C. shall become ineligible
to hold any "sole source government contract" pursuant to Amendment 54 or any contract
thereunder. If any provision or provisions of Amendment 54 are held to be unconstitutional or
otherwise invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction in a non - appealable action, have been
repealed retroactively or otherwise do not apply to this letter, such provision or provisions shall
no longer be incorporated into this letter and the parties hereto shall have no obligations under
such provision or provisions.
Document Retention. At or within a reasonable period after Closing, we will
review the file to determine what materials should be retained as a record of our representation
and those that are no longer needed. We will provide you with a copy of the customary
transcript of documents after Closing and will return any original documents obtained from you
(if a copy is not included in the transcript). We will retain for several years a copy of the
transcript and such other materials as correspondence, final substantive work product, documents
obtained from you, and documents obtained from third parties. We will not retain such materials
as duplicates of the above - described material, or drafts and notes that do not appear needed any
Ordinarily the firm will keep the retained materials until seven years after the
final maturity of the Loan. At the end of that time, unless you advise us in writing to the
contrary, we will destroy the bulk of the file. If the file is especially voluminous, we may
destroy all or portions of it earlier, as our storage facilities are limited. If you prefer other
arrangements for retention or disposition of our files in this matter, please advise us in writing.
Termination of Engagement. Upon delivery of our approving opinions, our
responsibilities as bond counsel will terminate with respect to the Loan, and our representation of
the Issuer and the attorney - client relationship created by this engagement letter will be
concluded. Should the Issuer seek the advice of bond counsel on a post - closing matter or seek
other, additional legal services, we would be happy to discuss the nature and extent of our
separate engagement at that time.
Approval. If the foregoing terms of this engagement are acceptable to you, please
so indicate by returning the duplicate original of this letter signed by the officer so authorized,
retaining the other original for your files.
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Avon Urban Renewal Authority
April 8, 2009
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We are pleased to have the opportunity to serve as your bond counsel and look
forward to a mutually satisfactory and beneficial relationship. If at any time you have questions
concerning our work or our fees, we hope that you will contact us immediately.
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