URA Agenda & Minutes 03-25-2008TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO , URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY MEETING FOR TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2008 AVON 'MEETING BEGINS AT 4:30 PM c o „ -R 6 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS CHAIRMAN. RON WOLFE VICE CHAIRMAN BRIAN SIPES COMMISSIONERS RICHARD CARROLL, DAVE DANTAS, KRISTI FERRARO, AMY PHILLIPS, TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR / SECRETARY: LARRY BROOKS TREASURER: SCOTT WRIGHT AUTHORITY CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY ALL URBAN RENEWAL MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT EXECUTIVE SESSIONS COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND AVON LIBRARY 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Main Street Public Improvements Award Design Contract to Britina Design Group (Justin Hildreth, Project Engineer) Review of design contract award for Main Street 4. RESOLUTIONS 5. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes from March 11, 2008 b. Lake Street Public Improvements - Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc Quality Assurance Materials Testing Services Awards (Jeff Schneider, Project Manager) The Lake Street project consists of constructing a new road and material testing for quality control is required by the Contractor per the construction contract c. Recreation Center ADA doors construction contract award - Award McBoyd Construction the contract for installation of new ADA doors on the north side of the Town of Avon Recreation Center (Shane Pegram, Engineer II) 6. ADJOURNMENT AT 5:00 PM Avon Council Meeting. 08.03.25 Page 2 of 5 MINUTES OF THE AVON URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY HELD MARCH 25, 2008 The Avon Urban Renewal Authority meeting was held at the Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Chairman Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. A roll call was taken and Commissioners present were Rich Carroll, Dave Dantas, Kristi Ferraro, Amy Phillips, and Tamra Nottingham Underwood. Brian Sipes was absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Larry Brooks, Catherine Haynes, Deputy Town Clerk, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Assistant Town Manager Finance Scott Wright, Assistant Town Manager Community Development Eric Heidemann, Public Works and Transportation Director Jenny Strehler, and Community Relations Officer Becky Lawlor, as well as members of the press and public. Justin Hildreth, Project Engineer discussed the Main Street Public Improvements Design Contract and male the recommendation to award the contract to the Britina Design Group. He noted that there were 6 qualified responses, 3 finalists were interviewed and the review team made a unanimous decision in support of Britina. Kristin Sifer, Director of Business Development, for Britina presented a power point presentation outlining their background in this type of design work. It was agreed that Lettuce Shed Lane would not be included in the work at this time, but may be added in at a later date. Commissioner Carroll moved to approve the award of the Design contract for Main Street to Britina Design Group; Commissioner Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Staff was asked to look at a change order for design of Lettuce Shed Lane. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Wolfe asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Underwood moved to approve the consent agenda, Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Sipes abstain) a. Minutes from March 11, 2008 b. Lake Street Public Improvements - Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc Quality Assurance Materials Testing Services Awards c. Recreation Center ADA doors construction contract award - Award McBoyd Construction the contract for installation of new ADA doors on the north side of the Town of Avon Recreation Center There being no further business to come before the Authority, the meeting adjourned at 5 PM. APPROVED: Rich Carroll Dave Dantas Kristi Ferraro Amy Phillips Brian Sipes Tamra Underwood Ron Wolfe RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: 7a, cJ /~C Patty McWny Authority Clerk