TC Council Packet 03-12-2013TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO
3.2.1 I-70 Regional Transportation Operations Facility at Swift Gulch Update
3.2.2 Review Highway 6 Construction Project for Shoulder Expansion and Request for Funding
3.2.3 Management of West Avon Parcel with completion of the Eagle Valley Land Exchange
a) Resolution No. 13-08, Series of 2013, UERWA Water Service Rate Increase
b) Approval of Performance Evaluation Process and Criteria for Town Manager (Rich Carroll, Mayor)
a) Village at Avon Settlement Implementation Update (Eric Heil)
b) Regional Committee Meeting Updates: Councilors and Mayor
i) UERWA Meeting of February 28, 2013 (Mayor Pro Tem Goulding)
ii) Regional Collaboration Meeting of March 1, 2013 (Mayor Carroll)
a) Future Agenda Items
Town Council Report
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council
From: Justin Hildreth, P.E., Town Engineer
Jane Burden, Transit Superintendent
Memo Date: March 07, 2013
Re: I-70 Regional Transportation Operations Facility Update & Recommendation to Use
Contingency Funds for Mezzanine Construction
The I-70 Transportation Operations Facility Project involves construction of transportation-
related facilities at the Town’s Public Works site located at 500 Swift Gulch Road. The project
includes a 24 stall bus storage building, new bus wash and relocation of public works facilities to
make way for the bus storage building. The Project is currently scheduled to be completed in
October 2013. The project is within budget, and as a result, Staff is requesting a decision
regarding the construction of the mezzanine office space.
Completed project tasks include:
• Site demolition including removal of existing water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, gas,
shallow utilities, the existing fuel island, and the bus wash building from the proposed building
• Relocation of the existing modular office building to the new location approximately 500’
• Installation of new utilities around proposed “bus barn” building and up the access road to
the relocated modular office building
• Completion of the new fuel island
• Placement of five out of six concrete floor slabs
• Steel building arrived on the last week of February and is currently being erected.
Construction has proceeded through the harshest winter weather and winter conditions will no
longer impact the project after the last concrete floor slab is poured around March 15. Final site
work and paving will occur this summer when the weather is more favorable and the asphalt
batch plans open.
This is a major capital project which has been planned since 1995. The purpose of this project is
to replace degrading and under-sized facilities used by the Town and ECO Transit for the
provision of municipal services for transit, road maintenance, trails maintenance, and general
facility and grounds maintenance. The project was awarded several Federal and State grants in
I-70 Regional Transportation Operations Facility
March 7, 2013
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late 2010 because of the regional benefits of the project. These grants will pay the majority of
professional services and construction of the transportation-related elements of the Project.
The I-70 Regional Transportation Operations Facility was originally envisioned as part of the
master plan for public works developed in 2007 and described in the “Facilities Needs
Assessment” (RNL/MDG, 2007) and taken further in the “Swift Gulch Project Preliminary Design
Report” (CDM, 2008). The envisioned project included a 40 stall bus storage building, 14,000 SF
Public Works and Transit administration building, bus wash facility, new fuel island and
significant amount of civil site work to accommodate these facilities on a difficult site. The
project was divided into 7 phases to comply with grant scope and funding guidelines with a total
cost of $25,800,000. The Town of Avon re-scoped the project to prioritize the bus storage
building, minimize project phasing, reduce the size of the facilities and accompanying site work,
thus bringing the project scope to within available funding. Phases 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the project
were re-scoped and consolidated into one phase with a total project budget of $11,600,000.
The project involves site grading, installation of utilities and infrastructure, relocation of the
existing modular office building, and construction of a new bus storage, wash, and maintenance
facility. The Final Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) as agreed upon by the General Contractor,
FCI Constructors, is $9,359,426. Table 1 below shows the project budget fund sources.
Table 1: I-70 RTOF Project Budget
Sources Grant Local Total
FTA 5309 State of Good Repair $7,500,000 $1,875,000 $9,375,000
FTA 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities $367,323 $91,831 $459,154
CDOT FASTER $1,000,000 $370,880 $1,250,000
ARRA $522,000 $ - $523,000
Totals $9,389,323 $2,337,711 $11,670,855
Mezzanine Construction
Construction of the mezzanine is included as a bid alternate to the existing construction contract. A
project contingency of $800,000 was reserved for the project because of concerns about poor soil
conditions and winter construction. Once those two milestones were completed, the remaining
contingency would be spent on build-out of the mezzanine. As of the date of this report, there is
$940,000 available for mezzanine construction due to the project going well leaving the contingency
unspent and additional cost savings obtained from the sub-contracts. The bid alternate for
mezzanine construction is $720,000 and therefore there are adequate funds available to for its
construction. Other options for these funds include solar energy on the roof of the building and
returning the funds to FTA. Staff is recommending that any remaining funds after the construction
of the mezzanine be used for renewable energy systems on the building in 2014, as outlined in the
original grant application.
I-70 Regional Transportation Operations Facility
March 7, 2013
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While the primary use of the mezzanine is planned for transit providers, including administration,
there is no known demand at this time for occupying the new space. Staff will work to find transit
providers to lease the space, but until such time, which may be years away, utilization of the
mezzanine will create a cost savings if the Town of Avon Road and Bridge and Building Divisions,
currently located in the modular building, can be relocated to the mezzanine and the modular
building be shut down. The FTA guidelines state that the facilities can be used for other operations
as long as transit is the first and primary use and the other operations do not interfere with transit
operations. Town Staff has discussed our intent with the FTA and preliminary indications are these
uses will be approved. FTA requires an incidental use plan outlining all uses of the building that are
not by Avon Transit or ECO Transit. The incidental use report will be submitted this month for FTA
approval, pending Council’s approval of this plan.
Long-term operation and maintenance costs of the mezzanine are expected to be lower than
the modular due to improved quality of construction and the reduced maintenance costs. The
modular building is over 15-years old and has been moved three times. Large maintenance
expenses are anticipated within five years including membrane roof replacement, paint, and
reconstruction of a portion of the floor. The utility costs of the two facilities are similar. In
2011, the last year of full utilization of the modular the natural gas costs were $4,300 and the
electric costs were $12,760. The anticipated energy costs for the mezzanine are $1,700 for
natural gas costs and $13,000 for electricity.
Lease Negotiations
Staff is currently evaluating lease rates to present a Term Sheet to Council prior to negotiating
IGAs and developing the Inter-governmental agreement with Eagle County for leasing space in
the bus storage building. The goal is to present an IGA in June so that revenue can be included
in the 2014 budget process. Staff will contact other local transit providers, including Beaver
Creek Resort, to lease any remaining spaces not occupied by Avon Transit or ECO Transit.
Council Direction
Staff is requesting direction on whether to authorize the bid alternate for the construction of
the mezzanine in the bus storage building as outlined herein. There are adequate funds
available in the I70 RTOF budget to construct the mezzanine. A decision is required in March
because several items have long lead times and need to be procured in April, including the
elevator and mechanical equipment, as to not delay the completion of the facility.
To: Honorable Mayor Rich Carroll and Avon Town Council
From: Virginia Egger, Town Manager
Date: March 7, 2013
Agenda Topic: Eagle County Commissions Discussion and ECO Transit Presentation
The Eagle County Commissioners will join Council on Tuesday to discuss four important topics. The status for
each topic is as follows:
I. I-70 Regional Transportation Operations Facility at Swift Gulch Update – The Town Council will be
providing direction earlier in Tuesday’s Work Session as to whether the Town should use available
Contingency monies, totaling, $720,00o, to construct the designed office and driver mezzanine. A key
element of the decision is the relocation of the Town’s Roads and Bridges and Buildings’ Division staff
into the mezzanine until such time as additional transit administration and driver demand, which is
currently planned on the main floor, comes to fruition. Use of the mezzanine will remain prioritized for
transit providers.
Town staff is finalizing a Lease Term Sheet for bus storage, other vehicle storage and office use based
upon estimated shared costs for operations and maintenance, asset management and capital
replacement. These costs will be provided to Council for approval prior to lease negotiations with ECO
Transit and other transit providers. Staff will also recommend a price “bundle” for bus storage leases
and FLEET maintenance services. The Term Sheet will be finalized for April Council meetings, with lease
agreements being finalized in early June.
The facility is expected to open in October 2013.
II. Review Highway 6 Construction Project for Shoulder Expansion and Request for Funding Assistance –
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has requested $350,855 from the Eagle County
Commissioners in support of its Overlay Project on US6 from Avon to Edwards. The additional monies
are to expand the shoulders to four-feet, where currently less than that, for safety and to better
accommodate bicyclists. The shoulder widening has been completed as US 6 improvements have been
made from Gypsum to Squaw Creek Road, with funding being provided for the incremental cost
increase from the County.
Please find attached the CDOT Project Scope and area for shoulder improvement.
The request comes outside of both the County’s and Town’s regular budget cycle. The opportunity to
see the shoulder improved is matched with tight budgets by all entities. The Commissioners have
suggested partnership funding from Avon, Edwards’ entities, Eagle County and Vail; with Avon being
asked to contribute toward the $114,521 for highway segments listed in the table below.
Edwards Community Authority has agreed to contribute $10,000. Edwards Metro District is considering
a contribution of $50,000. A pending request has also been made to Vail Resorts. After determining
what each entity is able to contribute, the Commissioners will then discuss the County’s contribution.
The US 6 improvements are not within Avon’s incorporated limits. Should the Council wish to provide
funding, current unencumbered funds, which do not have specific use limitations, include the following. It
must be noted that staff is currently updating the demands on reserves, including but not limited to
Page 2
expected cost increases for the lake liner, Lettuce Shed Lane improvements, potential Main Street and Mall
improvements; 2015 World Championship gateway, signage and events funding; Special Event support for
economic development; a multi-year bridge, streets, road and path prevention and construction program,
and completion of the US 6 Trail.
Capital Projects Fund: $2,200,000 (Includes $1.5 M contingency. Source: Real estate transfer taxes)
General Fund: $3,470,000 (Equals Town’s 35% contingency. Source: Diversity of revenues)
One funding approach might be funding US 6 Sections 582 ($14,841) & 639 ($16,249), which abut and are
closest to Avon’s eastern boundary. These sections total $31,135.50 for the shoulder improvement. Funds
would not be due until after the project is completed in the summer of 2014. Section Costs are as follows:
III. Management of West Avon Parcel with completion of the Eagle Valley Land Exchange – The Town’s
Recreation Department, Parks Division, will be responsible for annual maintenance and for
recommending to Council during the annual budget process improvements on the West Avon Parcel as
delineated in the West Avon Open Space Management Plan, dated December 2012. Town Parks currently
empty’s trash, dog station waste and shovels the Beaver Point trailhead steps.
Working collaboratively with County representatives and the Eagle Valley Land Trust, the first step to
further implement the Management Plan will be to identify improvement priorities. Some elements,
such as signage, may be possible this summer, while others will need to be budgeted and staged over
In addition, Town of Avon staff will work with CDOT to obtain the needed Special Use Permit for
connection from the Nottingham Road cul-de-sac to the trailhead.
IV. Eagle County Presentation – ECO Transit Spine Feeder and Circulator Bus System – Please find
following this memo the Power Point presentation for the ECO Transits presentation.
CDOT's Proposed Scope for Optimizing Shoulders and Streamlining Bike Mobility- Scope proposed to
include reduction of lane width from 12' wide to 11' wide to optimize existing shoulders and utilize existing
pavement in areas with less than a 4' shoulder width. Scope also includes proposed striping of bike lanes
through intersections other than roundabouts.
Potential Partnering Opportunity - CDOT is looking for a funding partner for shoulder widening in areas with
less than a 4' shoulder after the reduction in lane width. Preliminary design estimate for shoulder widening -
Project Scope
Improvements on US 6 between MP 163.1 (Squaw Creek Road) to MP 170.1 (Avon Road) including
resurfacing and potentially guardrail, ADA, drainage improvements, paved bus pull outs and shoulder
(970) 328-9934
Office: (970) 328-6385 Fax: (970) 328-2368
Project Manager: Karen Berdoulay Resident Engineer: Martha Miller
(970) 343-2903
Construction: Fall 2013
FIR Date: December 2012
FOR Date: March 2013
AD Date: late Spring 2013
Total Project - $ 5 M
Spine Service
March 12, 2013
Avon Town Council
Key Questions
•Is a spine /circulator transit network feasible
for ECO Transit?
•Is such a network desirable?
•How would it be implemented?
In phases
Study Process
•Working group including Jared Barnes
•Analysis of existing services and travel
•Demand for transit
•Overall and by community
•Analysis of service options
Does the option make good use of bus time?
Does the option result in effective service for riders?
- Are travel and transfer times direct, effective?
Findings: Standards
•ECO Transit will benefit from using transit
industry standards
•How information is presented to customers
•How services are measured
•Easier for customers to understand network
•Improved decision-making
Findings: Network
•Spine service needs to be supported by local
transit services
•Travel patterns dictate that most support
service will need to be local service on
Highway 6
•Circulator services within communities are
appropriate for:
•Considered options for Spine services
•Limited stops on Hwy 6 vs. service on I-70
•Terminating in Edwards vs. Eagle
•Considered options for local services
•“Short” local services (Lake Creek to Dowd Trail)
•“Long” local services (Lake Creek to Vail)
•“Combination” service, with local and express
routes changing in Avon
Spine Service
•Can serve broad trip needs with minimum of
•Easy to understand
•Positions region for development of transit in
I-70 corridor
•Eagle terminus is most efficient
•Need transit facility in Edwards
•Results in high level of transfers
Local / Express Service
Short Local Option
Long Local Option
Local / Express Combination Option
Comparison – Local Options
Category Short Long Combo
Support of
Good Moderate Moderate
Frequency w/
3 buses
30 minutes 30-minutes 60 minutes
Number of
High Moderate Low
Moderate Moderate Poor for thru
local service
Running Time Tight Moderate Loose
Good Moderate Moderate
Local/Express Combo
•Serves existing travelers well in Edwards to
Vail corridor
•Few transfers and good travel times
•Will smooth the transition to a spine network
•Requires 6 buses for 30-minute local frequencies
•Does not effectively support a spine/local network
•Develop a spine network on I-70, supported
by a combination of local service types
•Each local service type has specific benefits
and should be used accordingly
Phased Implementation
Year Spine Combo Short Other
2013 Hourly Hourly Hourly Operate Gypsum route to
Eagle – 12 hours
Add Vail-Beaver Creek
2014 Hourly Hourly Hourly Maintain above
2015 Add 30-
minute peak
Hourly 30-minute
service all
Maintain above
Beyond 30-minute
service all
Hourly 30-minute
service all
Expand operating day for
Gypsum service
Impacts on Avon
•Improved services both east to Vail and west
to Gypsum
•Spine frequencies and travel times improve
•Vail/Beaver Creek Express will provide another
travel option to Vail
•Local service on ECO’s Highway 6 route will
maintain frequencies at Wal-Mart
•Avon Station is a key transfer point
•No parking is available at this site
Next Steps
•Meeting with Towns and Metro Districts to
present initial findings
•Your feedback prior to completing
Operational Plan
•Refine service plan based on run cuts and
public involvement
•Determine facilities needed at each hub;
•Hub and Park and Ride Study funded and will be
procured March 2013
Early Action Items
•Planning for Edwards location and
expansion of Eagle Chambers Park and
•Transition to industry standards for run-
cutting, data, and customer schedule
•Implemented Scheduling Software and working
toward real-time passenger information
•Revise system schedules, providing maps
•Completed Winter 2012/2013
WHEREAS, Town of Avon (“Town”) is a Participating Member in the Upper Eagle Regional Water
Authority (“Water Authority”), via the Establishing Agreement, dated September 18, 1984, and the
Amended and Restated Master Service Contract (“Service Contract”), dated January 1, 1998; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Water Authority have proposed a Base Rate Increase to
accommodate the payment of Debt Service on the proposed Series 2013 Revenue Bonds in the
anticipated amount of $12,700,000 (the “Bonds”); and
WHEREAS, the intent of the Debt Service Base Rate is to appropriately distribute the cost of needed
improvements among the customers benefitting from these improvements, and to allow a reliable
and readily calculable revenue source as security for the Bonds, thus lowering the risk contained
within the Bonds and lowering the interest rate cost of the Bonds; and
WHEREAS, a Resolution of the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority to Establish Debt Service Rate –
2013 Bonds was approved by the Water Authority Board for this purpose and is attached.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Town Council of the Town of Avon does herby consent to the proposed Base
Rate Increase as intended for implementation as of January 1, 2014; and as may be required to be
adjusted in future years subject to the following conditions:
1. The proceeds from the Debt Service Base Rate shall be used solely for debt service
payments for the bonds.
2. Water Authority staff, in preparing each annual budget, shall determine the Debt Service
Base Rate attributable to the Bonds for the subsequent calendar and budget year by
dividing the subsequent years’ debt service by the current number of Single Family
Equivalent Units (“SFEs”) being actively billed by the Water Authority; further divided by
12 months, to establish the amount of the monthly Debt Service Base Rate per SFE to be
effective the following year.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Avon Town Council 12th day of March, 2013.
By:_________________________________ Attest:____________________________
Rich Carroll, Mayor Patty McKenny, Town Clerk
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Town of Avon
Memorandum of Understanding
Town Manager Performance Evaluation Criteria
TO: Virginia Egger, Town Manager
FROM: Rich Carroll, Mayor
Date: March 12, 2013
Re: Evaluation Criteria & Review Procedure
The Avon Town Council has asked me to outline the general procedure for your performance evaluation,
scheduled for the first week of October, 2013, and to inform you of the criteria that will be used for that review.
The information is as follows:
Review Procedure:
Step 1. Town Council shall appoint an ad hoc committee from its membership, at its first meeting in September,
2013, to conduct the performance evaluation.
Step 2. The ad hoc committee shall oversee the solicitation and completion of written:
1. Self-Evaluation completed by you based upon the criteria listed below;
2. Peer Evaluations – These confidential evaluations will be completed by a selected group of staff who work
for the Town of Avon using the criteria listed below. Peers shall be selected by the Town Council and
shall not be disclosed to you. Council will request your input in regards to any staff who you may wish be
included in the Peer group;
3. Council Evaluations completed by all Councilors and the Mayor based upon the criteria listed below; and
4. Community Evaluations – These confidential evaluations will be completed by a selected group of
community members who you have worked with during your review term, including but not limited to
the media, nonprofits and other political jurisdictions. These community members shall be selected by
the Town Council and shall not be disclosed to you. Council will request your input in regards to any
community member who you may wish to be included in the Community group.
Step 3. The ad hoc Committee shall meet with the Council in Executive Session and prepare from the evaluations a
written performance evaluation and provide the evaluation to you not less than three (3) days before meeting
with you to review your performance.
Step 4. The Council shall meet with you in Executive Session and review your performance during the first week of
October, 2013.
Criteria shall be used in your Self-Evaluation, Peer Evaluations and the Mayor and Councilors written evaluations.
Where applicable, application of the Evaluation Criteria will include specific and measureable metrics. For
example, are the quarterly tasks adopted in Council’s Strategic Plan completed on time; are deadlines for day-to-
day and unforeseen work consistently met; is the budget managed in a manner which increases efficiency
measured by reduced operational costs; is staff morale improved when viewed by reduced sick time and low
employee turnover. These criteria shall be provided in an evaluation form, which will include other pertinent and
common information used in evaluation forms, such as name, period of review, etc.
2 | P age
LEADERSHIP – The ability of the Town Manager to lead, direct, and supervise employees to effectively achieve the
Council’s Strategic Plan, other initiatives, Department work plans and day-to-day responsibilities.
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Effectively communicates to staff and the public Council’s expectations, actions and direction
2. Demonstrates ability to effectively build consensus, coach, mentor, motivate, and reward staff
3. Empowers staff to make good decisions through appropriate delegation, and effective training and
feedback on work performance, with an expected outcome of work which exceeds expectations
4. Consistently shows initiative in meeting the day-to-day needs of the Town and in identifying with staff
methods to improve productivity and implement best practices
5. Exhibits inclusive, collaborative, rigorous and comprehensive decision-making
6. Builds a cohesive and motivated team of employees who understand and actively advance the core
values, spirit and culture of Town Hall
7. Has encouraged the professional and personal growth of staff through mentoring and example.
8. Maintained a high level of integrity and ethics throughout all aspects of Town management, and has set
the same expectation for Staff, Council and P&Z.
MANAGEMENT - The ability of the Town Manager to plan, organize, and manage Town departments to ensure the
implementation of programs and services and achievement of Town Council’s Strategic Plan and other directives.
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Assists the Town Council in formulating policies and strategic plans, and in identifying and planning other
work of the Town to effectively carry-out the near and long term projects and activities desired under
Council leadership
2. Made significant progress in the cultural shift of the Town as outlined in the 2013/2014 Strategic Plan.
3. Develops, organizes, evaluates, and modifies programs, plans, activities and services to meet the needs of
the Town
4. Effectively manages the Town’s finances through preparing budgets which meet the special project and
day-to-day municipal services, provides accurate and realist budget forecasts and actual budget
information, allocates resources strategically, and contributes recommendations for cost reduction and/or
revenue generation
5. Holds the highest standards for fiduciary responsibility and fiscal accountability
6. Effective in managing personnel and the allocation of resources for employee’s to be successful; is fair and
ensures that employees are recognized for good work and are informed appropriately and consistently
when performance requires improvement
7. Is an effective problem solver by anticipating, defining and bringing the sound solutions to problems in
collaboration with the right people and utilizing efficiently the resources of the Town
8. Is a good communicator who listens, exhibits tact and consideration in verbal and written communication;
and, is clear, understandable and professional in the presentation or exchange of information
9. Is a good decision-maker, including timeliness of action and utilizing appropriate methods and processes
for reaching decisions, and in conveying decisions in a professional and supportive manner
10. An effective mediator, who is takes the responsibility for solving conflicts in an appropriate and timely
manner achieving solutions which are fair and informed
RELATIONSHIPS – Builds and maintains strong, positive and progressive working relationships with the Town Council
and employees, the Avon community, other governmental jurisdictions, development and resort stakeholders and
other agencies, which advance mutual interests and interactions and represent the Town as a partner and
solution-oriented organization.
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Establishes and maintains positive and effective working relationships
2. Exhibits objectivity and openness to the viewpoint of others
3. Works cooperatively in group situations by showing respect and using problem solving approach
4. Works actively to resolve conflicts by giving and accepting constructive feedback
5. Recognizes the contributions of others
3 | P age
WORK PRODUCT – Meets a high standard in terms of the quality and thoroughness of Town documents, the volume
of work done and accuracy.
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Delivers an accurate and thorough work product, free of mistakes and complete in detail
2. Able to prioritize workload, multi-tasks job assignments, and stay focused under pressure
3. Meets deadlines
COMMUNITY EVALUATIONS: The following Evaluation Criteria shall be used in Community written evaluations.
These criteria shall be provided in an evaluation form, which will include other pertinent and common information
used in evaluation forms, such as name, period of review, etc.
RELATIONSHIPS – Builds and maintains strong, positive and progressive working relationships with the Avon
community, other governmental jurisdictions, development and resort stakeholders and other agencies, which
advance mutual interests and interactions and represent the Town as a partner and solution-oriented
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Is available, accessible and responsive to requests
2. Effectively and appropriately represents the Town and Town Council
3. Establishes and maintains positive and effective working relationships
4. Exhibits objectivity and openness to the viewpoint of others
5. Works cooperatively in group situations by showing respect and using problem solving approach
6. Works actively to resolve conflicts by giving and accepting constructive feedback
9. Recognizes the contributions of others
10. Effectively communicates to the public Council’s expectations, actions and direction
1 | P age
Town of Avon
Memorandum of Understanding
Town Manager Performance Evaluation Criteria
TO: Virginia Egger, Town Manager
FROM: Rich Carroll, Mayor
Date: March 12, 2013
Re: Evaluation Criteria & Review Procedure
The Avon Town Council has asked me to outline the general procedure for your performance evaluation,
scheduled for the first week of October, 2013, and to inform you of the criteria that will be used for that review.
The information is as follows:
Review Procedure:
Step 1. Town Council shall appoint an ad hoc committee from its membership, at its first meeting in
JuneSeptember, 2013, to conduct the performance evaluation.
Step 2. The ad hoc committee shall oversee the solicitation and completion of written:
1. Self-Evaluation completed by you based upon the criteria listed below;
2. Peer Evaluations – These confidential evaluations will be completed by a selected group of staff who work
for the Town of Avon using the criteria listed below. Peers shall be selected by the Town Council and
shall not be disclosed to you. Council will request your input in regards to any staff who you may wish be
included in the Peer group;
3. Council Evaluations completed by all Councilors and the Mayor based upon the criteria listed below; and
4. Community Evaluations – These confidential evaluations will be completed by a selected group of
community members who you have worked with during your review term, including but not limited to
the media, nonprofits and other political jurisdictions. These community members shall be selected by
the Town Council and shall not be disclosed to you. Council will request your input in regards to any
community member who you may wish to be included in the Community group.
Step 3. The ad hoc Committee shall meet with the Council in Executive Session and prepare from the evaluations a
written performance evaluation and provide the evaluation to you not less than three (3) days before meeting
with you to review your performance.
Step 4. The Council shall meet with you in Executive Session and review your performance during the first week of
July 8, 2013. October, 2013.
Criteria shall be used in your Self-Evaluation, Peer Evaluations and the Mayor and Councilors written evaluations.
Where applicable, application of the Evaluation Criteria will include specific and measureable metrics. For
example, are the quarterly tasks adopted in Council’s Strategic Plan completed on time; are deadlines for day-to-
day and unforeseen work consistently met; is the budget managed in a manner which increases efficiency
measured by reduced operational costs; is staff morale improved when viewed by reduced sick time and low
employee turnover. These criteria shall be provided in an evaluation form, which will include other pertinent and
common information used in evaluation forms, such as name, period of review, etc.
2 | P age
LEADERSHIP – The ability of the Town Manager to lead, direct, and supervise employees to effectively achieve the
Council’s Strategic Plan, other initiatives, Department work plans and day-to-day responsibilities.
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Effectively communicates to staff and the public Council’s expectations, actions and direction
2. Demonstrates ability to effectively build consensus, coach, mentor, motivate, and reward staff
3. Empowers staff to make good decisions through appropriate delegation, and effective training and
feedback on work performance, with an expected outcome of work which exceeds expectations
4. Consistently shows initiative in meeting the day-to-day needs of the Town and in identifying with staff
methods to improve productivity and implement best practices
5. Exhibits inclusive, collaborative, rigorous and comprehensive decision-making
6. Builds a cohesive and motivated team of employees who understand and actively advance the core
values, spirit and culture of Town Hall
7. Has encouraged the professional and personal growth of staff through mentoring and example.
6.8. Maintained a high level of integrity and ethics throughout all aspects of Town management, and has set
the same expectation for Staff, Council and P&Z.
MANAGEMENT - The ability of the Town Manager to plan, organize, and manage Town departments to ensure the
implementation of programs and services and achievement of Town Council’s Strategic Plan and other directives.
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Assists the Town Council in formulating policies and strategic plans, and in identifying and planning other
work of the Town to effectively carry-out the near and long term projects and activities desired under
Council leadership
2. Made significant progress in the cultural shift of the Town as outlined in the 2013/2014 Strategic Plan.
2.3. Develops, organizes, evaluates, and modifies programs, plans, activities and services to meet the needs of
the Town
3.4. Effectively manages the Town’s revenues finances through preparing budgets which meet the special
project and day-to-day municipal services, provides accurate and realist budget forecasts and actual
budget information, allocates resources strategically, and contributes recommendations for cost
reduction and/or revenue generation
4.5. Holds the highest standards for fiduciary responsibility and fiscal accountability
5.6. Effective in managing personnel and the allocation of resources for employee’s to be successful; is fair and
ensures that employees are recognized for good work and are informed appropriately and consistently
when performance requires improvement
6.7. Is an effective problem solver by anticipating, defining and bringing the sound solutions to problems in
collaboration with the right people and utilizing efficiently the resources of the Town
7.8. Is a good communicator who listens, exhibits tact and consideration in verbal and written communication;
and, is clear, understandable and professional in the presentation or exchange of information
8.9. Is a good decision-maker, including timeliness of action and utilizing appropriate methods and processes
for reaching decisions, and in conveying decisions in a professional and supportive manner
9.10. An effective mediator, who is takes the responsibility for solving conflicts in an appropriate and
timely manner achieving solutions which are fair and informed
RELATIONSHIPS – Builds and maintains strong, positive and progressive working relationships with the Town Council
and employees, the Avon community, other governmental jurisdictions, development and resort stakeholders and
other agencies, which advance mutual interests and interactions and represent the Town as a partner and
solution-oriented organization.
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Establishes and maintains positive and effective working relationships
2. Exhibits objectivity and openness to the viewpoint of others
3. Works cooperatively in group situations by showing respect and using problem solving approach
4. Works actively to resolve conflicts by giving and accepting constructive feedback
5. Recognizes the contributions of others
3 | P age
WORK PRODUCT – Meets a high standard in terms of the quality and thoroughness of Town documents, the volume
of work done and accuracy.
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Delivers an accurate and thorough work product, free of mistakes and complete in detail
2. Able to prioritize workload, multi-tasks job assignments, and stay focused under pressure
3. Meets deadlines
COMMUNITY EVALUATIONS: The following Evaluation Criteria shall be used in Community written evaluations.
These criteria shall be provided in an evaluation form, which will include other pertinent and common information
used in evaluation forms, such as name, period of review, etc.
RELATIONSHIPS – Builds and maintains strong, positive and progressive working relationships with the Avon
community, other governmental jurisdictions, development and resort stakeholders and other agencies, which
advance mutual interests and interactions and represent the Town as a partner and solution-oriented
Consider the following in your evaluation:
1. Is available, accessible and responsive to requests
2. Effectively and appropriately represents the Town and Town Council
3. Establishes and maintains positive and effective working relationships
4. Exhibits objectivity and openness to the viewpoint of others
5. Works cooperatively in group situations by showing respect and using problem solving approach
6. Works actively to resolve conflicts by giving and accepting constructive feedback
7.9. Recognizes the contributions of others
8.10. Effectively communicates to the public Council’s expectations, actions and direction
Heil Law & Planning, LLC Office: 303.975.6120
2696 South Colorado Blvd., Suite 550 Fax: 720.836.3337
Denver, CO 80222 E-Mail: e-mail:
TO: Honorable Mayor Carroll and Town Council Members
FROM: Eric J. Heil, Town Attorney
RE: Village (at Avon) Settlement Implementation Update
DATE: March 7, 2013
Summary: This memorandum provides an update on the settlement implementation for the Village (at
Avon) litigation. Overall, although progress is occurring, the goal dates of presenting documents for Town
Council review at the March 12, 2013 has slipped to March 26, 2013 for most documents and probably
April 9, 2013 for review of the Lot 2 and Lot 3 conveyance to the Town.
Council Presentation: Town Staff is working on a comprehensive presentation of the structure of the
Village (at Avon) documents along with presentation of the remaining documents which will require Council
review and approval. This effort will be critical to developing an institutional knowledge of the documents
related to the Village (at Avon). This presentation will be ready for the March 26, 2013 Council meeting.
Water Tank Project: Traer Creek Metropolitan District has advanced sufficient funds to allow the Upper
Eagle River Water Authority to continue finalizing construction drawings for the Water Storage Tank.
Additional revisions to documents related to the Water Storage Tank were proposed by Traer Creek LLC
and are near finalization. The Upper Eagle River Water Authority has indicated that early May, 2013
appears to be the earliest schedule that the Authority may be able to complete the Water Storage Tank bid
process and be ready to close on bond financing to construct the Water Storage Tank. Representatives of
the Authority have expressed concern and reluctance to proceed with the bidding process in early April if
other settlement related documents have not been finalized and if releases of deeds of trust on properties
to be transferred have not been obtained. This concern has been expressed to Traer Creek LLC with
encouragement to use best efforts to complete documents in March in order to avoid additional delay in
settlement implementation.
Amendments to the Traer Creek Metropolitan District and The Village Metropolitan District Service
Plans: A public hearing and review of proposed amendments to the Traer Creek Metropolitan District and
The Village Metropolitan District Service Plans was continued to March 26, 2013. Town has received
additional revisions to the Service Plan Amendments to incorporate comments from Traer Creek LLC.
The Add-On Retail Sales Fee Collection Services Agreement: Traer Creek and TCMD have provided
revisions to the Add-On Retail Sales Fee Collection Services Agreement which we are reviewing. We
anticipate that this document will be ready to present to Council at the March 26, 2013 Council meeting.
Amendments to the Mixed-Use and Commercial Declarations: We have provided proposed revisions
to the Mixed-Use and Commercial Declarations regarding the Town’s right to enforce the Add-On Retail
Sales Fee. We anticipate that document will be ready to present to Council at the March 26, 2013 Council
Various Conveyance Documents: We are continuing to review additional revisions to the conveyance
documents transferring land and assets to TOA as well as reviewing title exceptions. We anticipate that the
Avon Town Council
Village (at Avon) Litigation Settlement Update
March 7, 2013
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Nottingham Dam Easement Agreement will be ready for to present to Council at the March 26, 2013
meeting. The final versions of deeds with title exceptions and title insurance policies for Lot 2 and Lot 3 to
be conveyed to the Town land may be ready to present to Council at the April 9, 2013 Council meeting.
Receipt and Closing Escrow Agreement: Council previously approved the form of the Receipt and
Closing Escrow Agreement on November 7, 2012; however, additional revisions and refinements to
accurately reference all the documents required for complete settlement was acknowledged in Ord. No. 12-
10 approving this agreement along with the Annexation and Development Agreement and other
documents. Other parties have provided comments and updates to the Receipt and Closing Escrow
Agreement which we are reviewing. We anticipate that a final version of the Receipt and Closing Escrow
Agreement will be ready to present to Council at the March 26, 2013 Council meeting.
Review of Bond Documents: We do not have a definitive schedule for the production of draft bond
documents by Traer Creek Metropolitan District and the Upper Eagle River Water Authority at this time
although we understand that both parties have commenced bond document preparation. Once a draft set
is produced, we will review to verify compliance with the Annexation and Development Agreement and
present such documents to Council.
Status Conference with Court: The next status conference call with the court is scheduled for March 21,
2013 at 1:00 p.m.
Requested Action: No Council action is requested at this time.
Thank you, Eric