TC Res. No. 2013-27 Adopting TOA 2013-14 Strategic Plan and 2014 Work PlanTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council agreed to commit to the highest level of fiduciary
responsibility, effectiveness and efficiency in providing government services and an
attentive practice to open and transparent governance to lead the successful
implementation of strategic plans for growth and development of Avon; and
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council has set forth its direction in the attached 2013-14
Strategic Plan and 2014 Work Plan, which establishes priorities and actions, with attention to
be given first to the following topics: Business and Culture of Town Hall, Economic
Development, Village at Avon Partnership, Special Events, 2015 World Alpine Championships,
Water Issues, and Transit Consolidation; and
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council has reviewed this 2014 Work Plan at its regular
Town Council meeting on September 24, 2013 in order to identify updates to the priorities
and to add new initiatives: and, at that meeting provided an opportunity for the public to
comment on these Town priorities and direction for 2014; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council has committed to timely review of the 2013 -14 Strategic
Plan and 2014 Work Plan, and agrees to commit to quarterly reviews of the progress of the
Stratlegic Plan in 2014.
COLORADO, the Avon Town Council adopts the 2013 -14 Strategic Plan and 2014 Work Plan,
attached as Exhibit A, as a critical implementation tool to help guide the Town in achieving a
successful and vibrant vision for the growth and development of Avon.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Avon Town Council 24th day of September 2013.
By: ` Attest:
Rich - Carroll, Mayor
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C O L o R A D 0
Adopted by the Avon Town Council
Resolution 13 -27, Series of 2013
September 24, 2013
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
The Town of Avon, surrounded by natural beauty, is today a strong community that will build on its strengths
to become a nationally and internationally recognized year -round mountain resort community. Committed
to providing a high level of municipal services for our citizens and visitors, and the stewardship of our natural
resources, Avon will expand its cultural, recreational and educational offerings in partnership with our
broader community and regional public and private sector agencies, thereby ensuring sustained economic
vitality and a vibrant community experience.
Recent resort- oriented accommodations projects in Avon are of a higher standard than the Town attracted
at its founding and in its early years. It is this superior level of quality development that Avon believes will be
its comparative advantage in the future, and, therefore, will work to attract and promote these types of
developments by ensuring Town plans and incentives are constructed in a manner which provides the
development community clear and timely information; and by steadfastly maintaining a professional and
solution- oriented municipal business.
The Town will continue to value and support our full -time and part-time resident population by providing an
exceptional level of municipal services and by working to retain existing businesses as the Town seeks to
expand its retail and commercial base, while fostering our sense of community through both our spirit and
the built environment. The importance of vibrancy and activity within the Town will be supported by
attracting an array of new and diverse cultural and recreational events to Avon which are in concert with the
values of our community and serve to nurture a cohesive sense of place and public.
It is the Town of Avon's elected officials and staff commitment to fiduciary responsibility, effectiveness and
efficiency in providing government services and a practiced belief in open and transparent governance that
will lead the successful implementation of this vision for the growth and development of Avon.
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
Strategic Plan
Fiscal Years 2013 - 2014
Tier 1 Priority: Fiscal Year 2013 -2014
1) Develop Business_like_Practices and Culture of Town Hall — Ensure that Town government is operated as
a "competitive" business and in a manner which is client- focused and solution- oriented, meeting the
highest standards of fiduciary responsibility, implementing best practices, and using Town resources
effectively and efficiently in every department.
Tier z Priorities: Fiscal Year 2013 -2014
z) Economic Development — Ensure that the Town of Avon is prepared for new development and re-
development. Evaluate Urban Renewal Authority expansion and other incentives to promote quality
development of a high standard; update the Avon Comprehensive Plan as needed and work closely with
the Planning and Zoning Commission to understand respective roles so that developers have a good
sense of what can and what cannot be negotiated.
3) Village at Avon Partnership — Meet with representatives of the Village at Avon and the Traer Creek
Metropolitan District to develop understandings and trust necessary for the future development of the
Village. This outreach and communication is the responsibility of all elected and appointed officials and
the employees of the Town of Avon.
Tier z Priorities: Fiscal Years 2013 -2014
4) Special Events — Identify near term opportunities for special events and develop a longer term special
events strategy. In March, hold a work session to establish the duties and membership of a Cultural Arts
and Special Events Commission to lead this effort for the Town. Be spontaneous, when appropriate.
5) 2015 World Alpine Champions Ws —Planning for all three phases of this internationally renowned event
must be initiated: 1) Pre -event promotion and marketing; z) Stellar events and promotion of Avon as a
place to return to need to be produced during the event; and 3) Post -event requires a follow -up
promotional plan to encourage and /or book guest return visits.
Tier 3 Priorities: Fiscal Years 2013- 2014
6) _ er Issues — Identify water issues and develop a timetable and approach for resolution over the next
yearlor two; manage what can be done against higher priorities.
7) Transit Consolidation — Avon should be a leader in working to provide a consolidated transit operation in
the valley. With negotiations for 3rd parties in the new I -7o RTF needed, service availability in Fleet, plus
planning for the 2015 World Cup, begin to build on these opportunities for a longer term cooperative
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
2014 Work Plan
Develop Business -like Practices and
Culture of Town Hall
Tier 1 Priority: Fiscal Years 2013 & 2014
Leader: Mayor Rich Carroll
Staff: Town Manager Virginia Egger
Ensure that Town government is managed and operated as a "competitive" business and in a manner which
is client- focused and solution- oriented, meeting the highest standards of fiduciary responsibility,
implementing best practices, and using Town resources effectively and efficiently in every department.
1st Quarter January_ _March 2o14
1.1 Revise performance evaluations to reflect cultural goals and attributes of high performing employees.
1.2 Implement 2014 budgeted IT improvements; including MuniRev and electronic employee payroll system
to improve efficiencies
1.3 Finalize work plans for all departments for seasonal and 2014 budget operations
1.4 Hold a Council Retreat to review leadership, collaboration and communication
1.5 Review and provide amendments to the Municipal Code in regards to residency and for Council
qualifications such as marital status
1.6 Prioritize a Wildridge seasonal wild land fire program, including summer "hot shot" staffing, land use
regulations for new development to protect homes from wild land fire and community outreach for
current home to amend residential landscaping.
1.7 Draft and finalize internal Town Hall and external community performance surveys to measure Town
services and community desires (include questions in regards to Comprehensive Plan update
1.8 In June, distribute internal and external community surveys
2nd d Quarter April —_June 2Q1_4
2.1 Continue to review all Town departments to assess the necessity of tasks and functions, effectiveness
and efficiency in meeting department responsibilities, staffing levels, and future needs; evaluate
effectiveness of organizational changes implemented in 2013
2.2 Develop the 2014 -15 Strategic Plan, and two year budget to implement the Plan
2.3 Schedule no less than four (4) staff training sessions on "competitive" business practices and fiduciary
2.4 By early June, collect and analyze internal and external community surveys
P Quarter —July= September 2014
3.1 Hold a Council Retreat to review survey results, Council leadership, collaboration and communication;
update Strategic Plan
3.2 Mid -year 2014 budget review and amendment, if needed
_�Q_uarter October — December 2014
4.1 Review and update Strategic Plan
4.2 Budget preparation, hearings and adoption
4.3 Prepare 2015 Work Plans
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
2014 Work Plan
Economic Development
Tier 2 Priority: Fiscal Year 2013 & 2014
Leaders: Economic Development Subcommittee Councilors Todd Goulding and Chris Evans
Staff: Town Manager Virginia Egger, Community Development and Finance Department Staff
Ensure that the Town of Avon is prepared for new development and re- development. Evaluate the retail sale of
marijuana and make a final determination on whether sales should be allowed. Evaluate URA expansion and
other incentives to promote quality development of a high standard; update the Comprehensive Plan as needed
and work closely with the Planning and Zoning Commission to understand respective roles so that developers
have a good sense of public benefit expectations, incentives and minimum development requirements for
critical project elements, such as parking.
ist Quarter January — March 2014
1.1 Director of Economic Initiative joins Town staff.
1.2 Establish a Town of Avon Economic Development Council for the purposes of supporting existing businesses
in Avon and attracting new businesses and to support business vitality; develop an action plan.
i.3 Outreach to all Avon businesses to thank each for their commitment to Avon and to ask for their ideas on
business support by the Town
1.4 Through the year, update website data base and revenue software /spreadsheet system to assist with
statistical analysis of key metrics identification in collaboration with Avon businesses and regional economic
development committees; understand the demographic characteristics of visitors to the region.
1.5 Determine whether the Town of Avon should approve the retail sale of marijuana:
i.5.i Collect information from the scientific community on the health benefits and risks of marijuana
1.5.2 Identify possible appropriate locations for retail stores and zoning regulations
1.5.3 Analyze the financial tax estimates from retail sales
1.5.4 Define an education program for youth and adults in regards to legalized marijuana sales
1.6 Review and update the Town's Private - Public Partnership Policy and investment Policy, as needed.
1.7 Implement the Town "brand ".
1.8 With Beaver Creek and other stakeholders, finalize a town -wide Parking and Transportation Plan, including
bicycle, pedestrianization, vehicle and alternate transit modes. The Plan should be developed in concert with
the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) and reviewed by the public prior to Council's adoption action.
This Plan may extend into the 2nd Quarter
1.9 Review East Avon Town Center Plan with PZC and owner of properties in the Plan to identify pro /con of the
plan and to establish the priorities of both developer and Town in East Avon redevelopment. Begin Plan
amendment, if needed.
1.10 Develop the scope, public process, schedule for commencement and completion of the Comprehensive Plan
Update. including development of questions for the Community Survey, (June /August 2014)
1.11 Process Annexation and Zoning applications, including surveying and public notification requirements, for
the 85.99 acre "Village Parcel" deeded to Town trough the Eagle Valley Land Exchange of 2013.
1.12 Negotiate and finalize multi -year Comcast Franchise Agreement
i.i3 Review with the Planning and Zoning Commission the Development Standards for building colors as stated
in the Avon Municipal Code, Section 7.28.o9o(c), Generally Applicable Design Standards, specifically related to
Building Materials and Colors (v) and the standard set at a sixty or less Light Reflective Value" "LRV ".
Ln 2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
(0 September 24, 2014
Economic Development - continued
Tier 2 Priority: Fiscal Year 2013 & 2014
2"d_Quarter April —June 2014
2.1 Compile "Avon Business Summary Report", which provides information about the characteristics of Avon's
various business sectors, including inventory of retail and commercial spaces occupancy and vacancy data,
and leasing rates, to use as basis for partnering with the business community in attracting and expanding
business in Avon.
2.2 Create marketing package for new business development.
2.3 Research and evaluate opportunities and structure for creating an Avon Creative Arts District.
2.4 If requested by the Town Council, evaluate expansion of URA into other qualified areas of Avon; if URA
expansion is desirable, solicit RFQ and identify budgetary needs
2.5 Identify with the Planning and Zoning Commission 2014 Code amendments, including "clean -up" of
definitions, charts, etc. identified through use of the Code over the past year and sections which should be
updated, and sections which should be updated, such as the sign code. Evaluate whether Wildridge should
be "zoned" rather than continuing to have a PUD Zone for the development.
3`d Quarter & 4th Quarter -July — December 2014
3.1 Comprehensive Plan Update; East Avon Plan Update — continuing public meetings and recommended changes.
3.2 Complete Code Clean -up
3.3 Evaluate opportunity for a "sister city/ international city" partnership
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
2014 Work Plan
Village at Avon
Tier 2 Priority - 2014
Leaders: Traer Creek Liaison Appointees Dave Dantas and Jennie Fancher
Staff: Town Manager Virginia Egger, Public Works, Parks,
Community Development and Engineering Staff
Meet with representatives of the Village at Avon and the Traer Creek Metropolitan District to develop
understandings and the trust necessary for the future development of the Village. This outreach and
communication is the responsibility of all elected and appointed officials and the employees of the Town of
✓ Throughout the year, Liaison Appointees and Town Manager will meet with Traer Creek principals to
discuss current issues and opportunities.
✓ Town staff will finalize in the 1" Quarter the collection, consolidation and organization of all Village at
Avon documents, agreements and assignments within Town Hall. This project is considered go%
✓ The Community Development Department will be the primary contact and responsible party for
understanding and managing the Village at Avon settlement agreements, including "user"
summaries of all definite dates and responsibilities of the Town of Avon.
✓ Implement the determined actions by the Avon Town Council in the 4th Quarter of 2013.
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
rF -01
2014 Work Plan
Special Events
Tier 2 Priority — Fiscal Years 2013 -2014
Leaders: Councilors Jake Wolf and Buz Reynolds
Staff: Town Manager Virginia Egger and Parks and Recreation Staff
Identify near term opportunities for special events and develop a longer term special events strategy. In
March, hold a work session to establish the duties and membership of a Cultural Arts and Special Events
Commission to lead this effort for the Town. Be spontaneous, when appropriate.
Beaver Creek Resort, with its recreational and cultural activities, is an important economic driver of the Avon
economy, offering a vast array of amenities which add to the richness of the day -to -day life of Avon
residents, the community and tourists. Avon will work closely to further build the relationship with Beaver
Creek Resort Company and Vail Resorts that supports business brands, the tourist economy and community
offerings, including but not limited meeting the transportation, security and amenity needs of a mature
resort and community.
1St Quarter January_ =March 204
1.1 Establish a Cultural, Arts and Special Events Commission to promote and assist with the production of
recreational, cultural, educational and social events; refine and develop a Special Events Strategic Plan
with the participation of the business community
1.2 Support the WinterWonderGrass Festival under the terms of the approved agreement; analyze ROI &
ROO (return on objectives) within 6o days of the event
1.3 Finalize design and construction bid documents for the Pedestrian Mall improvements
2 "d Quarter April — June 2014
2.1 Implement actions for Summer 2014 Special Events
2.2 For all events; analyze ROI /ROO within 6o days of the event
2.3 Commence construction of Pedestrian Mall; expected completion date is November, 2014
3rd Quarter — July_— September 20
3.1 Implement actions for Fall 2014 new Special Events, analyze ROI within 6o days of the event
3.2 Solicit funding requests for 2015 Special Events: Cultural, Arts and Special Events Commission will
recommend funding levels to Town Council
-4th Quarter October — December 201
- Q - - - -- - - -- - - -- 4
4.1 Implement actions for Winter 2015 Special Events, analyze ROI /ROO within 6o days of the event
4.2 Budget for 2015 Special Events
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
2014 Work Plan
zoo World Alpine Championships - February 115.1_2015
Tier 2 Priority: Fiscal Years 2014 -2014
Leader: Mayor Rich Carroll and Mayor Pro Tern
Staff: Town Manager Virginia Egger, Transportation,
Police and Parks and Recreation Staff
Planning for all three phases of this internationally renowned event must be initiated: 1) Pre -event
promotion and marketing; 2) Production of stellar events and promotion of Avon as a place to return to
need to be produced during the event; and 3) Post -event requires a follow -up promotional plan to
encourage and /or book guest return visits.
1st Quarter January — March _2014
1.1 Identify Town staff participation to date and current participation activities
1.2 Advance Apres Avon program with Vail Valley Foundation Ceil Folz
1.3 Commence design and bids for 2015 capital projects: Avon Road paving and divider improvements; Rec
Center improvements and monument sign
1.4 Meet with representatives of Avon lodging community to discuss opportunities for 2015
1.5 Finalize comprehensive action plan for special events, marketing, logistics, security, sponsorship,
2nd Quart er &_3rd Quarter — April_ September zoo
2.1 Commence implementation; including final funding and logistics
2.2 Evaluate value of promotional video and social media in marketing Avon
to uar er October — December 201
4 - -_Q 4
4.1 Continue implementation of plan
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
2014 Work Plan
Water Issues
Tier 3 Priority: Fiscal Years 2014 -2014
Leaders: Mayor Rich Carroll and Councilor Todd Goulding
Staff: Town Manager Virginia Egger,
Engineering Staff and Special Water Counsel
Identify and Water issues and develop a timetable and approach for resolution over the next two years; manage what
can be done against higher priorities.
15Y Quarter Janua_ry_— March_zo14
1.1 Review and update the Upper Eagle River Water Authority and Town of Avon 2013 Work Program. Seek to resolve
all issues by November 1, 2014.
1.2 Organize water and wastewater documents and files at Town Hall; institutionalize knowledge. This project is 95%
1.3 Continue with the Water Authority, Avon representatives and Mountain Star residents to reach resolution of the
Mountain Star water tank, fire flow, irrigation and system delivery issues.
1.4 Schedule with Council and Water Authority representatives a program to develop and adopt solutions for needed
amendments to the Master Water Agreement; plan to adopt changes no later than November 2014. These changes
include the use of unallocated water held by the Authority and water conservation planning. With the Water
Authority, develop an understanding of how water rights and water use are accounted for and develop a process
for future transactions.
1.5 Resolve Avon Drinking Water Facility fenced area for ownership and /or lease to the Water Authority. Evaluate and
remediate liability concerns, if any, for Avon Drinking Water Facility fenced area with the Water Authority. Deadline
for resolution: September, 2014.
2nd Quarter April - Jun_e_2014
2.1 Participate as a member of the Urban Run -off Group and request that Avon is granted an Executive Committee
appointment. Participate with the Group to understand activities and possible 2014 funding request for a Gore
Creek Water Quality Improvement Plan.
3rd Quarter - July — Sept_e_m_ ber 2014
3.1 Draft and execute an agreement with the ERWSD for long term cost sharing and O &M responsibilities of the Heat
Recovery System.
3.2 Review the basis for the Avon's water fees, which are assessed in addition to those tap fees and operational fees
assessed by the Water Authority.
4th Quarter October — December 2014
4.1 Schedule 1) ERWSD presentation of its 20 -year wastewater infrastructure master plan, including possible rate
increase needs and Town's 1041 requirements; and 2) Water Authority and ERWSD presentation on Eagle Mine's
metal loading issues on the Eagle River.
O 2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014
2014 Work Plan
Transit Consolidation
Tier 3 Priority — Fiscal Years 2014 -2014
Leaders: Councilors Buz Reynolds and Jake Wolf
Staff: Town Manager Virginia Egger,
Public Works Director and Transit Division Staff
Avon should be a leader in working to provide a consolidated transit operation in the valley. With
negotiations for 3rd parties in the new I -7o RTF needed, service availability in Fleet, plus planning for the 2015
World Cup, begin to build on these opportunities for a longer term cooperative partnership.
1st Quarter January — March 2014
1.1 Continue to advocate for an AGS station in Avon
1.2 Throughout the year, fully participate in regional transportation and parking forums and in CDOT 1 -70
corridor planning
2 "d Quarter April — June 2o-14
2.1 Market to other potential clients for bus /vehicle storage and Fleet Services
2.2 Evaluate transit services for FY 2015 and opportunities for regional efficiencies
2.3 As appropriate, participate in Regional Collaboration efforts on transit
P Quarter— July_— September 2014
3.1 Finalize I -7o RTF lease agreements for l00% year -round occupancy
3.2 Assess demographic characteristics of bus riders and how best to disseminate information about transit
service and about the Town
3.3 Develop consolidation plan as deemed feasible with ECO
_Quarter October — December 2014
2013 -2014 STRATEGIC PLAN & 2014 WORK PLAN
September 24, 2014