TC Res. No. 2013-13 Appreciation of Chris Green's Yrs of Service as a TOA planning and zoning commissionerTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Resolution No. 13 -13 Series of 2013 A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF CHRIS GREEN'S YEARS OF SERVICE AS A TOWN OF AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Chris Green served the citizens of Avon from 2005 to 2013, in his role as Planning and Zoning Commissioner for four (4) consecutive terms; and WHEREAS, Chris has abided by his oath and has served the Town well through his many hours attending special meetings, subcommittee meetings, and Planning and Zoning Commission meetings; and WHEREAS, Chris has consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve the citizens of Avon, by making every effort to promote the vibrancy and prosperity of the community over a period of eight (8) years; and WHEREAS, Chris's service has been exemplary in his positive leadership role as the Chairperson to the Planning and Zoning Commission, running meetings efficiently, setting the highest standard in public service, and mentoring and guiding fellow Planning and Zoning Commission members; and WHEREAS, Chris's extensive knowledge and talent as an architect have proved invaluable when reviewing design review plans for physical construction in the Town; and WHEREAS, Chris is to be commended and congratulated in his role managing the review of several Master Plan documents including the Comprehensive Plan, the Harry A. Nottingham Park Master Plan, the East Town Center Plan, and the West Town Center Plan; and WHEREAS, Chris Green's presence and contributions to the Planning and Zoning Commission and his input and direction provided on behalf of the citizens of Avon will be missed. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, AS FOLLOWS: The sincere thanks of the Town Council, the residents and the staff of the Town of Avon are extended to Chris Green for his significant role in helping Avon achi75VW ntial as a community where a diversity of people live, work and play. THIS RE SOLUTION IS ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL 2013- TOWN COUNCIL, AVON, COLORADO ATTEST: Rich Carroll, Mayor McK$nny, C . 9G 4 chi;; � • .... • �