WHEREAS, the Town of Avon approved Resolution 09 -02 on February 24, 2009, adopting the
Recreational Trails Master Plan ( "Trails Plan "); and,
WHEREAS, the Trails Plan is intended as a "living" document to be periodically reviewed and
updated as necessary to meet changing development conditions and community needs; and,
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon values the continued undeveloped open space recreational
opportunities of the West Avon parcel; and,
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon recognizes and affinns the value of protecting both the natural
environment and the abundant recreational experiences that the White River National Forest and
Town of Avon open space properties present; and,
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing
on December 6, 2011 and considered all public comments prior to snaking a recommendation to
the Avon Town Council regarding adoption of the Trails Plan amendments; and,
WHEREAS, this amendment to the Trails Plan has followed the public notice and public
hearing procedures for Comprehensive Plan Amendments as set forth in §7.16.030,
Comprehensive Plan amendment, Avon Development Code; and,
WHEREAS, the Town Council conducted a public hearing on February 14, 2012 and
considered all public comments and materials presented by Town staff prior to taking action to
adopt the attached amendments to the Trails Plan ( "Exhibit A "); and,
WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the Trails Plan amendments will promote the health,
safety and welfare of the Town of Avon residents;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Council hereby approves and adopts
amendments to the Trails Plan on February 14, 2012 as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.
Rich Carroll, Mayor
Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials
Larry Brooks, Town Manager
Matt Pielsticker, Planner II _ew
February 14, 2012
Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan Amendments
The Town Council initiated amendments to the Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan (`Trails Plan') on
September 27, 2011. Amendments to the Town's Comprehensive Planning documents are reviewed
pursuant to Sec. 7.16.030, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Avon Development Code. Public
hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) and Council are required before the
Council takes action to amend the Trails Plan.
The PZC held a public hearing on December 6, 2011 and approved Resolution 11 -11, recommending
approval of amendments to the Trails Plan. The Town Council discussed the PZC recommendation at
their January 10, 2012 meeting and set the public hearing date for February 14, 2012. Staff
recommends approval of Resolution 12 -04 attached hereto as Exhibit A
The Trails Plan was adopted by the Town Council in 2009. As a long range policy document, the
Plan is intended to be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary (or at least every three
years) in order to address changing development conditions, community needs, and on -going
trails program evolution.
During the Land Exchange hearings with the Town Council last summer, interested residents
expressed concern with the Trails Plan improvements planned for the Beaver Creek Point trail.
This trail system is located on the West Avon parcel, which is a 470 acre parcel that may be
conveyed to the Town as part of the anticipated USFS Land Exchange.
Last August, the Community Development Department held an open house meeting at the
Wildridge Fire Station to solicit community input on the planned improvements to the Beaver
Creek Lookout Trail, which includes a parking lot, shade structure, and vaulted toilets. Fourteen
people attended the open house; their comments are summarized below.
After reviewing the public comments, Council agreed to initiate an amendment to the Trails Plan to
consider changes to the Beaver Creek Point trail system and to ensure that the long range vision for
this area is aligned with the goals of the Land Exchange.
Summary of Public Comments
The majority of the discussion and written input (Exhibit B) at the Wildridge open house and the PZC
public hearing revolved around the current and future parking conditions on Beaver Creek Point. The
neighboring property owners on Beaver Creek Point Road are unhappy with the current (interim)
parking conditions for trail users accessing the Beaver Creek Lookout trail, and would like the Town to
create a defined parking plan with the trail improvements.
Additional questions and comments included the following:
Do not decommission any of the trails in this area. The trails planned for
decommissioning are valuable loop options for trail users.
February 14, 2012 Town Council Public Hearing
Is it possible to place parking behind a berm to screen the view from neighboring
The planned toilets at the trailhead are unnecessary, and the shade structure planned
for Beaver Creek Point Trail terminus should be eliminated.
There were no objections to a new trail (Wildridge Community Path) running from O'Neal
Spur to Nottingham Road.
The trail area looks natural today and does not need a parking lot.
The parking area should be located between the two private residences across the street
from the Town open space tract.
PZC Review
The PZC reviewed the public comments and conducted a site visit to the trail system. The PZC
approved Resolution 11 -11 (Exhibit C), recommending the following amendments to the Trails Plan for
the Beaver Creek Point trail system:
1. Parking
The current (April, 2007) agreement with the USFS includes a parking area for 3 -5 cars to be
constructed and maintained by the Town. A demand for parking adjacent to the Beaver Creek
Point trail system has been demonstrated with increased use in recent years.
PZC recommends that the on -site parking area remain on the Plan. In order to address the
neighboring concerns with the visibility, the location of the parking lot should be moved further
south from the existing location.
The Parking area should not exceed 5 parking spaces; and the parking area should be
located "generally across the street from Tract J (Town owned open space) and located to
minimize impacts to the neighboring privately owned properties."
2. Other Planned Improvements
Remove the shade shelter at trail terminus and vaulted toilets at trail head parking area.
Do not decommission the social trails as illustrated on the "Recommended Trail Closure" Map
— Appendix 3, Trails Plan).
3. New Paved Trail Alignment
One substantial change proposed to the Trails Plan is an amendment that was discussed
during the Land Exchange meetings, and includes the provision for a paved path from
the O'Neal Spur Park down to Nottingham Road. In order to align the Town's long range
vision for connecting the Wildridge Subdivision to the Town Core, and to ensure that
Land Exchange easements are consistent with the vision of the Town, this trail has been
added to the attached draft.
This connector trail, referred to as the "Wildridge Community Path," would likely be a
phased project. The general alignment of this path is illustrated on the Trails map and a
brief trail description is included in the strikethrough of the narrative.
Amendment Review Criteria
Pursuant to Avon Development Code (ADC) Section 7.16.030, Comprehensive Plan
Amendments, the Town Council shall use the following review criteria as the basis for
recommendations and decisions on applications to amend the Avon Comprehensive Plan:
(1) The surrounding area is compatible with the land use proposed in the plan
amendment or the proposed land use provides an essential public benefit and other locations
are not feasible or practical;
February 14, 2012 Town Council Public Headng
Staff Response: The surrounding area is zoned Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage
(OLD) and compatible with trail use. Parking has been moved south on Beaver Creek Point
to an area that is less intrusive to the neighboring single - family residences.
(2) Transportation services and infrastructure have adequate current capacity, or
planned capacity, to serve potential traffic demands of the land use proposed in the plan
Staff Response: The transportation infrastructure is adequate for trail users.
(3) Public services and facilities have adequate current capacity, or planned capacity,
to serve the land use proposed in the plan amendment,
Staff Response: The paved parking area has adequate capacity to serve the demands of the
trail system. The PZC recommended a cap of five (5) parking spaces, which aligns with the
current USFS agreement.
(4) The proposed land use in the plan amendment will result in a better location or form
of development for the Town, even if the current plan designation is still considered
Staff Response: The public has commented on the negative impacts of vaulted toilets and a
shade structure on the Point. By removing these items from the Trails Plan, this amendment
results in a better "form" of development, by limiting above ground improvements in an area of
Town that is valued by residents for its natural setting.
(5) Strict adherence to the current plan would result in a situation neither intended nor
in keeping with other key elements and policies of the plan;
Staff Response: The Trails Plan is based on sustainability principles related to environmental
preservation. The Plan also recognizes that a limited budget exists for the Town's planned
capital projects; removing some of the planned capital improvements should not result in un-
intended consequences.
(6) The proposed plan amendment will promote the purposes stated in the
Development Code; and,
Staff Response: The Development Code promotes the provision of open space, parks,
recreation, and open space opportunities. The Development Code also promotes the
enhancement of pedestrian opportunities, such as trails, for recreation. The amendments are
consistent with these and other purposes stated in the Development Code, including the
Mobility and Connectivity provisions.
(7) The proposed plan amendment will promote the health, safety or welfare of the
Avon Community and will be consistent with the general goals and policies of the Avon
Comprehensive Plan.
Staff Response: The proposed amendments will promote the health, safety and welfare of the
Avon Community, consistent with the general goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
February 14, 2012 Town Council Public Hearing
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends conducting a Public Hearing, and approval of Resolution 2012 -04 (Exhibit A);
thereby approving certain Amendments (Exhibit A to Resolution 12 -04) to the Avon Recreational
Trails Master Plan.
Town Manager Comments
A — Resolution 2012 -04 (Draft) — Includes Strikethrough of Trails Plan
B — Written Public Comment
C — PZC Resolution 11 -11
February 14, 2012 Town Council Public Hearing
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
'\Non Recreational iruls NILI tkl Pl:n
Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Project
Current Status: Existing Trails; Proposed New Trailhead
Trailhead/Access Point: There are three access points for this existing trail located in Wildridge
Subdivision off Beaver Creek Point. The Saddle Ridge access point also
provides indirect entry to the trail.
Trail Surface: Natural
Tread Width: Varies from single -track to double track (18 to 56 inches)
Length: 0.5 miles
Existing Conditions
The Beaver Creek Lookout Trail primarily runs north and south and has an undefined connecting trail to
the Saddle Ridge Trail. Much of the trail appears to be aligned on an old service road. Several social
trails connect this trail and-to surrounding points of interest and other trails in the area. "'teach
Tthe trail currently has three informal
access points off Beaver Creek Point. The trail is also accessible from the Saddle Ridge Trail access
point off Saddle Ridge Loop in the Wildridge Subdivision. The Saddle Ridge Loon access point was
improved with stairs in the summer of 2011. The Beaver Creek Overlook Trail is open to pedestrian,
equestrian, and mountain bicycle users year around. Dogs must be on a leash between December 15 and
April 14 to protect deer and elk from harassment while on their winter range. Overall the trail is in good
to fair condition with a couple of small sections of marginally sustainable trail.
Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Photos
Looking south at northern current Beaver Creek Lookout Trail access point and proposed new tfeillies
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
0 M,
Avon Recreational Nails master Pla
Looking southwest at+niddlethe - annroximate location of the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail aeeess
PeietHead, and trail in the background
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
f1l", I
Aron Rccreational frail% Alastcr 111ji
Lookin�sou�tRwest at southern Beaver Creek Lookout Trail access point off Beaver Creek Point
Looking south along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail from northern access point - middle access point
seen adjacent to the road
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
Avon Recreational I rails Master Plan
Looking north along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail and at access points off Beaver Creek Point
The current improvements stairway improvements constructed by the Town at the Saddle Ridee Trail
Access Point on Saddle Ridee Loop
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
Aeon Recreatumal frail,, Blaster Plar,
Looking south along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail at its terminus on the point in the middle of the
Looking southeast from the Saddle Ridge Trail highpoint at Beaver Creek Lookout Trail on the ridge line.
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
'%N ovi lkc reational Trails Master Plme
1. Plin&edreconstructien to define the terminus and connector to the Saddle Ridge Tfail -Trail
using the specifications and principles for sustainable shared -use trail construction and
maintenance and the minimum criteria for designated trails.'
2. Construct ° ' -° «'°«° °°" _ °° °F °a new trailhead °« Fsrest 9 epOiee lands at the
midway point of Beaver Creek Point_ an thewest side e fthe read. The t«° :,h° °a is to h°
eonstmeted fe Include a parking area for three to five cars, surfaced, and signed for no overnight
3. Maintain the trails and surrounding lands in a natural state with no improvements. Genstmetien
inAppendix T
I. At minimufn, When r88Bnstnieting the t ° :'mzrmiv issa : s and eanneeter and to the Saddle Ridg
is and pr-ifteiples fer sustainable shared use trail eenstruetien and maintenaflee
° r _ designated trails should be implemented Consider reconstructing a
portion of the trail A future eensideration &F th:., t' °n • ald be to reeenstruet it for accessible
use by mobility- impaired users aeeerding4ein accordance with the American Disabilities Act
Accessibility Guidelines. T5Tie .11., this : .elves suff, sits the t ail • ith e • ° " °- fines, asphalt ,._
eeneFete and ° g the trailhead meets A D A ..uidel:«°..
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
lean Recreational Trails AlaskI Plan
2-4. Table 5 — Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Capital Improvement Project Cost Estimate
Trail Name: Beaver Creek Lookout Trail
Project Type: T-Fail 'e -gure Reel.,matie ° New Trailhead end Overlook
Project Description: Construct new trailhead and- saFmin-0; ever4eelbfelese an
Approximate Length: 0.50 miles
Trailheads /Access Points: Construct new trailhead off Beaver Creek Point
Rem Total -East Quanta Unk --E ast U*k
$444 LifieaF Fee
!`t.,......., w;d Reel. fnatien (by hand) $5,676.00 � '�-.fv a LiineaF-CF6'.o
Revegetation $8,500.00 1 8
Mobilization (P -%) $2,049.12
Administr-ation (39;)
-Estimated T-GW sc>I n ern nn
Item Tota� Qmm4it3 iUak C-ost U3nit
$10,580.09 4 S4 9;500:90 Lump Sum
GOR-144quRt G e -Rad- $32,¢00;00- 4-,� $27.09 Square -Feet
C-AR .t.....t 5;hg l„ el t. _ $36,990.99 ,1, $36,008.08 Lump Sam
Werpretiye r,,•sp4 $$390:80 •1 $8,500.09 LxFHP Sum
n..,..le8l. e..,eniti s (pieni $4380.00 -1 $4,590:99 Lump Sum
iameAbxrs, cca.4
Subtotal $93 ie�9e
Mobilization (Q-%) $11 u
e rehit, ePar.. and Engineering (15%) $13,785.00 r nn
Prejeet Management (10%) >9"O
New Trailhead Construction - Beaver Creek Point
Total Cost
Unit Cost
Dl....../ a.,,.
Erosion Control BMPs
Lump Sum
Base /Subgrade Preparation
Lump Sum
Curb and Gutter
Linear Foot
Asphalt Paving
Drainage Construction
Lump Sum
New Trailhead Amenities (signs, curb
Lump Sum
stops, etc.)
$4 58880
cg4�- s90."0
Lump SH111
Mobilization (12 %)
Architecture and Engineering
(4510 %)
PFejeet Management (10%
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
'�%on iteorcatu,nal 1 raik Master Plan
Estimated Total $106,065.40
PROJECT ESTIMATE SUBTOTAL $237,:763-.360,292.40 �60,292.40
CONTINGENCY (10 %) Q' �.6T5�36,029.24
Construct one (1) 50'x .r nn' asphalt trailhead/parking area (3-5 car maximum)
Parking Area is to be located across from Tract J. centered between the neighboring properties
improvements, to minimize the impact on the neighboring owners.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan preparation
Base/Subgrade preparation includes clearing and grubbing
Gons.f.e. e (1) twe hole eanerete vaulted toilet (fie water-
not include any utility relocations
Genst uet one ..le..l. /..1 ado StFUGtHFe (.. a
No water or utilities anticipated
'Exhibit A' to Resolution 12 -04
,Avon Recreational I rails Nbstcr Plan
Addridre Community Path-
Formatted: Font: 11 pt
Current Status: Proposed New Trail - West Avon Parcel
Trailhead/Access Point: Trailhead to be located at O'Neal Spur Park
Trail Surface: Paved
Formatted: Justified
Trail Width: TBD - Two -Way Travel
Formatted: Font: Bold
Len h: 2.25 miles (approximate)
Formatted: Justified
Formatted: Normal, Justified, Indent: Left: 0"
-- - - - -- - - -- ---- - - - - -- -- --- - - - - --
Existing Condidons
Formatted: Font: Not Bold
The 470 -acre L- shaped parcel of US Forest Service land known as the West Avon Parcel s- flanked by- - -
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
the Wildridge subdivision to the north, Metcalf Rd development to the East. Interstate 70 to the South.
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
and the Sinsletree residential subdivision (in Eagle County) to the West. The parcel is characterized by
very rugged and mountainous terrain with slopes in excess of 40 percent. The exception is an upper bench
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
near Beaver Creek Point in Wildridge and a lower bench iust north of Interstate 70. The Beaver Point
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
trails are located on West Avon Parcel and accessible from several points in the Wildridge Subdivision
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
(see: Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Proiect). The parcel is zoned "Open Space, Landscaping and Drainage"
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman
(OLD), which is intended to protect and preserve land areas of special or unusual geological or
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Font color: Auto
geographic interest.
Formatted: List Paragraph
.This Federal parcel has been previously approved for affordable housing on the lower portion of parcel
Formatted: Font: Bold
near Nottingham Rd. It has also been considered by other interested private parties for residential
Formatted: Justified
develonment on the upper ridge adiacent to the Wildridge subdivision. Today. the area is�enioyed by both
Formatted: Justified, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
Avon and Sinsletree residents as passive recreational open snace and the Town is eager to have this
Aligned at: 0.25' + Indent at: 0.5
parcel preserved from future development so that it can remain A significant recreational amenity for the -
Formatted: Font: 10 pt
Formatted: Justified
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Formatted: Justified, Bulleted + Level: l +
,Recommendations - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _
Aligned at: 0.25' + Indent at: 0.5'
• The Town should protect and preserve the West Avon Parcel for publicly accessible open space
Formatted: Font color: Custom
and recreation.
- - - -
Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Font color: Red
• Constructa_Wildridge Community. Trail that would run north to south connecting the Wildridge
Subdivision to the ECO -path on Nottingham Rd. A conceptual trail alignment is shown on Map
#1- Appendix A.
Formatted: Font color: Red
Formatted: Justified, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
• Construct a trailhead at the O'Neal_ Spur pocket park, locates hw—MW at the intersection of* "
Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5'
O'Neal Spur and Old Trail Roads. :
Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Font color: Red
Formatted: Justified
• -AT#g two -way trail is recommended with varying widths depending on the a isti� grades and4 - -
Formatted: Justified, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
topographic constraints.
Aligned at: 0.25' + Indent at: 0.5"
Formatted: Font color: Red
• .This trail should be open to pedestrians and bicycle users year round.- Dogs should be required to
15!h -and 4. rh
be on a leash between December 15 nd April 1, to protect wildlife from harassment while on
Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Font color: Red
their winter range. Temporary seasonal closures wettld -may be needed pessi Riven the
Formatted: Justified
wildlife habitat in the area.
Formatted: Font color: Red
Formatted: Font color: Red, Superscript
Formatted: Font color: Red
Formatted: Font color: Red, Superscript
Formatted: Font color: Red
Exhibit B
Matt Pielsticker
Peter Sherowski
Monday, August 08, 20117:3 8 AM
Matt Pielsticker
Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Improvements
I am very disappointed to see you still are planning to close the two most used sections of the existing trail system.
Presently 99% of the usage out there is Wildridge property owners with dogs and it works just fine. Short loops are
important because most people do not have the time for longer hikes and it will stay that way in the future. At least 80%
of the people using the trails, use the existing trails you are closing. You may have not heard from more people because
most people I have talked too have not picked up on the closing. The loop we will have to use rarely gets used because
of the steep section from the high point down.
There are many places in the state using short looped systems like the system developed a couple of years ago near the
golf course in Grand Lake and the Soda Lakes system in Denver. I hope you will reconsider you plan because you will do
all of us taxpayers here in Wildridge a great disservice.
Sent from my iPad
Exhibit B
Matt Pielsticker
Gardner, John M. <
Tuesday, August 09, 201111:31 AM
Matt Pielsticker
Town Council Members; Larry Brooks; 'Vailmtneer'
Beaver Creek Point Trail Meeting
Matt - - Unfortunately, my wife and I can't make this week's meeting to discuss current plans
for the development of Beaver Creek Point trail. We hope that there is opportunity to cancel,
or at least defer, the so- called "improvements" proposed in the Trail Master Plan, as they
seem unnecessary and much too expensive.
We have lived full -time in Wildridge for 11 years, and have owned property here since
1992. Beaver Creek Point has always been the "essence" of Wildridge for us - - free and open,
natural and accessible. The "social" trails that the Master Plan would close encourage use of
this area, and closing them would discourage that use by restricting access and routes on The
Point Trail. The entire area, in fact, is more social than merely recreational. Furthermore, the
proposed shelter at at the end of the Trail is silly - - an "improvement" that is unwanted,
unnecessary and an expenditure that the Town can ill afford. Parking now is OK, and any
further improvements also seem unnecessary.
Thanks for your consideration of our views.
Jack and Greer Gardner
5723 Wildridge Road East
970- 949 -0949
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Exhibit B
Matt Pielsticker
Michael Sanner <
Wednesday, August 10, 201110:18 AM
Matt Pielsticker
Wildridge Lookout Trail
Hi Matt,
I don't think I will be able to go to the meeting unless my 4:30 meeting gets out early. So....
Just a few comments on the Proposed Trail. We use the trail on an almost daily basis so I am quite familiar with
the area.
First we are supporting the land swap. What I would like to see tweaked are the details.
1. The proposed trailhead and parking area might be better placed further south so it is Just below where you
show it. It could be in the area that is opposite the open space that is on the other side of the road. This is area
just south of Laurie Baker's house and before you get to her neighbor's house. This seems a better location to
protect Laurie's privacy and prevent usage of her driveway as a turnaround.
2. I am not keen on closing the trail that goes off of the trailhead parking area that heads west, at least not the
part that creates a loop for the lower loop. Along with that the small part that connects the southern part of the
lower loop should be retained. The rest of that southeast trail that goes to the cul -de -sac could be closed as well
as the steep descent from the upper loop. The lower loop is quite popular and gives a shorter route when you
don't have time to venture out on the bigger loops.
3. I am not so sure a covered shelter is appropriate for this area. l rather like it less developed since man -made
structures detract from the natural surroundings. Plus given the wind at the far southern point the shelter would
not work too well.
Michael Sanner and Shelley Gile
Exhibit B
Matt Pielsticker
Matt Pielsticker <
Tuesday, December 06, 20114:49 PM
Matt Pielsticker
Fwd: HI -
---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
From: Laurie Baker <:' ri>
Date: Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 4:27 PM
Subject: HI
Hi Matt,
I am still very concerned with the parking on Beaver Creek Point. It is still vague. 3 -5 paved
parking? Midway? Is the existing parking eliminated? The extra pavement and parking will only create a very
unattractive situation whereas leaving the white line would work just great. People who walk Beaver Creek
Point would like to see the natural setting stay natural.
I am also concerned with some comments which neighbors have included my name and I have not even spoken
with them I am not necessarily in agreement with these comments.
I am very concerned with the lack of privacy and comfort of living in my home with the current parking
situation. Just Saturday a car parked directly across from my drive had a dog that came bounding into my drive.
The dog would have knocked over my friends 18 month old had we not raced to pick her up. The driver then
proceeded to turn around in my drive. While we were standing there. It is not a good situation.
I am still extremely concerned re the parking situation.
Please feel free to call or email me anytiune,
Thank You,
Laurie Baker
Exhibit C
WHEREAS, the Town Council initiated an amendment to the text of the Avon Recreational
Trails Master Plan ( "Trails Plan") in accordance with Section 7.16.030, Comprehensive Plan
Amendments, Avon Development Code; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon held a public
hearing on December 6, 2011 after posting notice of such hearing in accordance with the
requirements of the Avon Municipal Code, and considered all comments provided before taking
action to make a recommendation to the Town Council; and
WHEREAS, it is the Planning and Zoning Commission's opinion that the health, safety and
welfare of the citizens of the Town of Avon would be enhanced and promoted by the adoption of
these amendments to the Trails Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the changes to the Trails Plan
text and map comply with the criteria set forth in Section 7.16.030(c) of the Avon Development
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission
hereby recommends that the Town Council of the Town of Avon approve the attached
amendments ( "Exhibit A to Resolution 11 -11 ") to the Trails Plan, citing the following Findings
of Fact:
(1) The modifications to the Beaver Point Trial Plan and the addition of the connector
trail through the Avon West Parcel, are appropriate and compatible with the surrounding
community and provide an essential public benefit;
(2) The public services, infrastructure and traffic demands are adequate to serve the
Beaver Point Trail system and the connector trail;
(3) The re- location of the parking lot, removal of the planned improvements, and
addition of a paved path, will reduce the impacts of the parking lot on surrounding properties
and will result in a better recreation opportunity for the community;
(4) Strict adherence to the current plan would result in a situation neither intended nor
in keeping with other key elements of the Beaver Point Trail plan;
(5) The proposed plan amendment will promote the purposes stated in the
Development Code; and,
Exhibit C
(6) The proposed plan amendment will promote the health, safety or welfare of the
Avon Community and will be consistent with the general goals and policies of the Avon
Comprehensive Plan.
1. Parking area on Beaver Creek Point is not to exceed five (5) parking spaces.
2. Trailhead portal will be moved to the new parking lot when it is constructed.
3. Parking area on Beaver Creek Point will be generally across the street from Tract P
(Town owner Open Space) and located to minimize impacts to the neighboring privately
owned properties.
Chris Green, Chair
Scott Prince, Secretary
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials
Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager
From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner II ";�Er
Date: February 14, 2012
Re: Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan Amendments
The Town Council initiated amendments to the Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan (Trails Plan') on
September 27, 2011. Amendments to the Town's Comprehensive Planning documents are reviewed
pursuant to Sec. 7.16.030, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Avon Development Code. Public
hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) and Council are required before the
Council takes action to amend the Trails Plan.
The PZC held a public hearing on December 6, 2011 and approved Resolution 11 -11, recommending
approval of amendments to the Trails Plan. The Town Council discussed the PZC recommendation at
their January 10, 2012 meeting and set the public hearing date for February 14, 2012. Staff
recommends approval of Resolution 12 -04 attached hereto as Exhibit A
The Trails Plan was adopted by the Town Council in 2009. As a long range policy document, the
Plan is intended to be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary (or at least every three
years) in order to address changing development conditions, community needs, and on -going
trails program evolution.
During the Land Exchange hearings with the Town Council last summer, interested residents
expressed concern with the Trails Plan improvements planned for the Beaver Creek Point trail.
This trail system is located on the West Avon parcel, which is a 470 acre parcel that may be
conveyed to the Town as part of the anticipated USFS Land Exchange.
Last August, the Community Development Department held an open house meeting at the
Wildridge Fire Station to solicit community input on the planned improvements to the Beaver
Creek Lookout Trail, which includes a parking lot, shade structure, and vaulted toilets. Fourteen
people attended the open house; their comments are summarized below.
After reviewing the public comments, Council agreed to initiate an amendment to the Trails Plan to
consider changes to the Beaver Creek Point trail system and to ensure that the long range vision for
this area is aligned with the goals of the Land Exchange.
Summary of Public Comments
The majority of the discussion and written input (Exhibit B) at the Wildridge open house and the PZC
public hearing revolved around the current and future parking conditions on Beaver Creek Point. The
neighboring property owners on Beaver Creek Point Road are unhappy with the current (interim)
parking conditions for trail users accessing the Beaver Creek Lookout trail, and would like the Town to
create a defined parking plan with the trail improvements.
Additional questions and comments included the following:
Do not decommission any of the trails in this area. The trails planned for
decommissioning are valuable loop options for trail users.
February 14, 2012 Town Council Public Hearing
Is it possible to place parking behind a berm to screen the view from neighboring
The planned toilets at the trailhead are unnecessary, and the shade structure planned
for Beaver Creek Point Trail terminus should be eliminated.
There were no objections to a new trail (Wildridge Community Path) running from O'Neal
Spur to Nottingham Road.
The trail area looks natural today and does not need a parking lot.
The parking area should be located between the two private residences across the street
from the Town open space tract.
PZC Review
The PZC reviewed the public comments and conducted a site visit to the trail system. The PZC
approved Resolution 11 -11 (Exhibit C), recommending the following amendments to the Trails Plan for
the Beaver Creek Point trail system:
1. Parking
The current (April, 2007) agreement with the USFS includes a parking area for 3 -5 cars to be
constructed and maintained by the Town. A demand for parking adjacent to the Beaver Creek
Point trail system has been demonstrated with increased use in recent years.
PZC recommends that the on -site parking area remain on the Plan. In order to address the
neighboring concerns with the visibility, the location of the parking lot should be moved further
south from the existing location.
The Parking area should not exceed 5 parking spaces; and the parking area should be
located "generally across the street from Tract J (Town owned open space) and located to
minimize impacts to the neighboring privately owned properties."
2. Other Planned Improvements
Remove the shade shelter at trail terminus and vaulted toilets at trail head parking area.
Do not decommission the social trails as illustrated on the "Recommended Trail Closure" Map
— Appendix 3, Trails Plan).
3. New Paved Trail Alignment
One substantial change proposed to the Trails Plan is an amendment that was discussed
during the Land Exchange meetings, and includes the provision for a paved path from
the O'Neal Spur Park down to Nottingham Road. In order to align the Town's long range
vision for connecting the Wildridge Subdivision to the Town Core, and to ensure that
Land Exchange easements are consistent with the vision of the Town, this trail has been
added to the attached draft.
This connector trail, referred to as the "Wildridge Community Path," would likely be a
phased project. The general alignment of this path is illustrated on the Trails map and a
brief trail description is included in the strikethrough of the narrative.
Amendment Review Criteria
Pursuant to Avon Development Code (ADC) Section 7.16.030, Comprehensive Plan
Amendments, the Town Council shall use the following review criteria as the basis for
recommendations and decisions on applications to amend the Avon Comprehensive Plan:
(1) The surrounding area is compatible with the land use proposed in the plan
amendment or the proposed land use provides an essential public benefit and other locations
are not feasible or practical;
February 14, 2012 Town Council Public Hearing
Staff Response: The surrounding area is zoned Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage
(OLD) and compatible with trail use. Parking has been moved south on Beaver Creek Point
to an area that is less intrusive to the neighboring single - family residences.
(2) Transportation services and infrastructure have adequate current capacity, or
planned capacity, to serve potential traffic demands of the land use proposed in the plan
Staff Response: The transportation infrastructure is adequate for trail users.
(3) Public services and facilities have adequate current capacity, or planned capacity,
to serve the land use proposed in the plan amendment,
Staff Response: The paved parking area has adequate capacity to serve the demands of the
trail system. The PZC recommended a cap of five (5) parking spaces, which aligns with the
current USFS agreement.
(4) The proposed land use in the plan amendment will result in a better location or form
of development for the Town, even if the current plan designation is still considered
Staff Response: The public has commented on the negative impacts of vaulted toilets and a
shade structure on the Point. By removing these items from the Trails Plan, this amendment
results in a better "form" of development, by limiting above ground improvements in an area of
Town that is valued by residents for its natural setting.
(5) Strict adherence to the current plan would result in a situation neither intended nor
in keeping with other key elements and policies of the plan;
Staff Response: The Trails Plan is based on sustainability principles related to environmental
preservation. The Plan also recognizes that a limited budget exists for the Town's planned
capital projects; removing some of the planned capital improvements should not result in un-
intended consequences.
(6) The proposed plan amendment will promote the purposes stated in the
Development Code; and,
Staff Response: The Development Code promotes the provision of open space, parks,
recreation, and open space opportunities. The Development Code also promotes the
enhancement of pedestrian opportunities, such as trails, for recreation. The amendments are
consistent with these and other purposes stated in the Development Code, including the
Mobility and Connectivity provisions.
(7) The proposed plan amendment will promote the health, safety or welfare of the
Avon Community and will be consistent with the general goals and policies of the Avon
Comprehensive Plan.
Staff Response: The proposed amendments will promote the health, safety and welfare of the
Avon Community, consistent with the general goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
February 14, 2012 Town Council Public Hearing
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends conducting a Public Hearing, and approval of Resolution 2012 -04 (Exhibit A);
thereby approving certain Amendments (Exhibit A to Resolution 12-04) to the Avon Recreational
Trails Master Plan.
Town Manager Comments
A — Resolution 2012 -04 (Draft) — Includes Strikethrough of Trails Plan
B — Written Public Comment
C — PZC Resolution 11 -11
February 14, 2012 Town Council Public Hearing