TC Res. No. 2010-30 Reappointing C.G allen III Muni judgeTOWN OF AVON, COLORAOD RESOLUTION 10 -30 SERIES OF 2010 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING C.G. ALLEN, III MUNICIPAL JUDGE WHEREAS, C.G. ( "Buck ") Allen, III was heretofore appointed Municipal Judge of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid C.G. Allen, III has served as judge to the satisfaction of the Town Council, and it is the desire of the Council that he be reappointed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that C.G. ( "Buck ") Allen, III is hereby reappointed to serve as Municipal Judge of the Town of Avon for a term expiring on the date of the organizational meeting of the Town Council after the general election to be held in 2012. ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon the 23rd day of November 2010. ATTEST: F AVON, C040RADO Mayor;,1/ �oWN OF q ��ti SEAL. ��'CORAD� • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Patty McKenny, Assistant Town Manager Management Services Date: November 16, 2010 Re: Resolution No. 10 -30 Reappointing Municipal Judge C.G. ('Buck ") Allen, III Summary: The Resolution appointing the Municipal Judge complies with the Avon Charter, Chapter 10 Section 2. — "The Council may reappoint the municipal judge for a subsequent term of office which expires on the date of the organizational meeting of the Council after the next general election." The Charter reads that the appointment by the Council is for a specified term of not less than two years. The Town Council is asked to consider this reappointment at this meeting. • • TOWN OF AVON, COLORAOD RESOLUTION 10 -30 SERIES OF 2010 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING C.G. ALLEN, III MUNICIPAL JUDGE WHEREAS, C.G. ( "Buck ") Allen, III was heretofore appointed Municipal Judge of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid C.G. Allen, III has served as judge to the satisfaction of the Town Council, and it is the desire of the Council that he be reappointed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that C.G. ( "Buck ") Allen, III is hereby reappointed to serve as Municipal Judge of the Town of Avon for a term expiring on the date of the organizational meeting of the Town Council after the general election to be held in 2012. F- -I L J ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon the 23rd day of • November 2010. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk