TC Res. No. 2010-08 no motionEXHIBIT A • TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 10 -08 Series of 2010 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDOMINIUM MAP OF AVON MINI STORAGE CONDOMINIUMS, LOT 12, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, Dan Sunday, owner of Avon Mini Storage, a Colorado limited liability company, submitted a Condominium Map for A Resubdivision of Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, located at 431 Metcalf Road; and WHEREAS, the Condominium Map has been reviewed by the Town Staff; and WHEREAS, the Condominium Map was found to be in conformance with all applicable sections of Title 16, Subdivision, of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed resubdivision complies with the requirements for consideration as a Condominium Map. • NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that the Condominium Map of Avon Mini Storage Condominiums, Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to the completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF ATTEST: Patty McKenny Town Clerk , 2010. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager Legal Review: Eric Heil, Town Attorney Approved by: Sally Vecchio, Assistant Town Manager /Director of Community Development From: Justin Hildreth, P.E., Town Engineer 4PY Shane Pegram, P.E., Engineer II 5e Date: March 18, 2010 Re: Resolution No. 10 -08, Approving the Condominium Map of Avon Mini Storage Condominiums, Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (431 Metcalf Road) Summary: The applicant and owner, Dan Sunday, has submitted a condominium subdivision application to create two legally defined condominium units ( "Unit A" and "Unit B "). In addition to the condominium units, the subdivision will define a Common Element ( "C.E. ") parcel, which includes all areas of the property outside of the building footprint. Please find Resolution 10 -08, a Resolution approving this application, attached as Exhibit A to this Memorandum. The Condominium Map is attached as Exhibit B. •Property Description: The property is located on the west side of Metcalf Road, halfway between Nottingham Road and West Wildwood Road. The property is approximately .688 acres (or 29,970 square feet) and has been improved with a two story steel frame warehouse with surface parking. Access to the property from Metcalf Road is provided via a platted access easement through a portion of Lot 11, the property immediately to the north. This shared driveway also provides access to Lot 13 to the south through a drive isle bordering the parking spaces on the east side of the property. There are twenty -nine (29) parking spaces on this property. The entire driveway and parking portions of the property are constructed with concrete. There is a Utility and Drainage Easement reserved along the rear lot line, as well as a Utility and Drainage Easement along each side yard. A Colorado Ute Easement runs parallel with the front property line. The property is bordered: to the east by Metcalf Road; to the north by Lot 11, owned and operated by the Qwest Corporation; to the west by Tract A, an Open Space zoned property; and to the south by Maximum Comfort pool and spa. Planning Analysis: The subject property is located in the Industrial Commercial (IC) zone district. Allowed uses for this zone district include: warehouses, laboratories, electrical substations, light manufacturing plants, wholesale sales outlets, showrooms, industrial and construction offices, and self storage. •The building owner obtained a Special Review Use (SRU) permit in 2007 to construct two (2) employee housing units on the property. The approval was premised on the condition that the units •are exclusively for the housing of employees of businesses operating on the same property, and that the units may not be sold separately. The owner is in compliance with these conditions of the SRU permit. These residential units are contained within Unit A of this subdivision. • Findings: This application is in conformance with Chapter 16.48, and all applicable sections of Title 16, Subdivisions, Avon Municipal Code. Proposed Motion: "I move to approve Resolution No. 10 -08, Series of 2010, A Resolution Approving the Condominium Map of Avon Mini Storage Condominiums, Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, subject to completion of technical corrections identified by staff." Town Manager Comments: Attachments: Exhibit A Resolution 10 -08, Series of 2010 Exhibit B Condominium Map of Avon Mini Storage Condominiums, Lot 12, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado • Page 2 :7 C • �g4 p$f 8 TOWN CER nnCAIE& Tnb pbt b approved by the Tom CounoO d the Town of Ar Canty of m m ail tln Oertdand RelCar of a o r of Eon AP:IV " plat by me Td.n b o combet may and b rot te be emetrwd m m opPevai of tia tedmw vrectneae of this plot or my aowmenWtice rWImUI g thereto. MINESS YY HAND AND SEAL OF THE TOWN OF AVON TON/ COUNLL OF THE TOM OF AVON By: MaYe, ATTEST: To.n Clerk �FRN ANO REC^ODER'S CERTIFlCATE_ fhb plat ear filed for record in tM office of the Clerk -d Rawder at 'dodgy_. m orb_ day of A.D. 2014 era b dWy recorded —der Receptkm Member Clerk and Render By: Duty nn F L:ERTIFlCATE: dam harmer «rob that W —a azornired the t6b to as Imam elan m orb Pbt and that UUe ta eadr Wed. Is II.Adh me alt Utte to er,dr Imde in free me dear of me Gem. an—rd — tam are omeeem -te. wept ae foaoee: Dated this ^^y of AD.. 2010. SURVEYORS CERTIRME L Dame D. Folaiww. eo hereby aerU1, tbot I am a Regbt -KI lord Sawror Dcer+md mder On =4!;:,S M tate of Colorado, Dad Doe OM b a true. aarreCL and t of IM CaMarradan flop of wer Y IN .,=CV=— 2 , FoMuo2 Bbd ,. Beranek m Canty Coloraeq m Hid opt pkftte4 dadfmfad aM tlpan Mean. that eurdr Pbt em rtro0e h'm, anomapt...wy er .era pregerty by rtn era anew my .merwlm d mr t etraee tM f-= era mrlerWara of tM IeLe, ea>anenb one Weete o! cold -Ith WP W N tM amr an et-d upwl LM ymmA H omgdlarm eNh —eat tb r..ga tan gthe me &"Wsb1 of ,, N rt Ur anmb an eat m ra¢d'e0 by Un SaArtda+ Rap6lbu a! 6n Tma of Aron a, abm et mof 1 ham eat my horrd me oral orb day d A.D. 2010. Re�stered Lord Surverar No, ZU20 �•1 LQ y NOTES', 1) THE PURPOSE OF TICS 00ND01DdW MAP IS TO CREATE UIOT A AND UNH B. 2) BASS OF BEARING& SSVWV'E MOOG THE SOUM LOT RILE BETWEEN FOILING, PROPERTY PNS AS INDWATED. 3) DATE OF SAIVEY: UNWARY 11. 2010L ♦) BFILOOIARIC MANHOLE B-10 EAST OF PROPERTY. Lml E1- 7621.40 (NOT SHOIMI)_ 5) EASEUENM ROSERVATIdS AND RESTWnONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE FlNAL SL=rA%M RAT- ALENOUENT NO, ♦ BENCHMARK AT BEAVER GREEK. BLOCK 1. TOM OF AVON. EAGLE COIMn. COLORADO. 6) NOTICE: ACCORD= TO COLORADO UV YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEM Arndt BASED UPON ANY OEF= N MIS SLIvEY' Wno THREE YEARS WEER YGLI FUM DISCOVER SA7i DEFECT N NO EVENT, WY ANY ACTIW BASm I1P01 AMT fFiFLT N iH6 SURVEI' BE COMMENCED YORE THAN iDl YFAIfS i1i01 THE DAIS 6 CEFT7r 71011 9101N HEIEOaI EAGLE COUNTY RUNG YO CONI NUNIUM MAP OF AVON UM ff ORAGE CONDO LOT I2, BLOCK 1 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO CQ2TIFlCA IE� OF OmIGATON AND OWNERSHIP. DIOW ALL IlF/l BY nESE PRLSO /75 MAT. me -d— grid.: ad. caner 1n ma elmple. of an that reel property ib.W b Edge Canty, Colorado, deeor0ad ea fdloaer Lat 12 1EWaak 1. Bmdrnwrk at Bearer peel, Tmn of Avon. Eagle CmmtY. Cdoraea has by Late -al E3.*. m Noes nsam aM des'gnat. the — cane Fto C domhrim Yap of Awn Yid Stmaga Cm Mbens. Lot 17. Bieck 1. Em Nnak at Beaver Crgel. Torn of Ave E"Is Canty. Cdaadot erne dedwta for publk um the streets elm Doing vverum dm— beew —de. I— courts and Blew to the Tom of Arm: and utility era awing. soeernenb ehe.m b— for uWty as dra e PaPmm adyt and eo tmtna .taft met this autalriMm enm be .ajar to the Pratactire Coverrante. fled a l —,ded for orb SadMFIm h the Office of tM Oak ma Recorder of EoVe Canty. Colorado. as DoaAnmt thffl Emeutad thb_aay of—A.D. 2010 Arm MW Storage LLC P.O. Bm 5160 Awn. 00 51620 y. r STATE OF COLORADO J )) 4 oGLNn of uLAE TM faegoilq Gr1l6eats of Dadmtbn and Own —hip .w admMedmd be/ore me orb —day of AD., 2180, by S ,doy of Aron Mini Storage LLC. My camMmbn a Ire M m tnae, my hd errs OMM eeaL Notary �Ilc Addreae QQNSENT OF TRUST DFFD RENEFTCIARY The utaenkpnd holeere of OeeN of trust upon tM ,Pmertr eoreraa 1orb D.daratlm nermy eW,adinoe. iMtr titereeb m error pravertr m. vraridan or tw D.derallm.emPt m b my Gen ror mvnanb enkn Iin mea'J M 4delbr and eraardinala ta Alpine dr\ Cecile of True) arM me Gem orated mermen. A*b. Bork 10 West Beaty Creee Badevmd Ara, Cdwodo 61620 BY STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) iha feregovp kaM —sect . aakm.�ped haLae nO Dde —dal' of AD.. 2 1014 by of AM- Rare, rtm�my�irma amend ofrcw ..d. Notary PLw. CERTmCATE OF 7AWES PAID- L the arMSgnd. do ermey mrtOy tlt tM eat- min at tam ma aaa—, d,e ma pvydNe m at open .1 parcW at red edob deearbad an Ode plat me Pdd F fd. Opted orb _ day of . AD. O, T— or Eagle r-arty Z� �9 �B g V� iaf` g 'K U o EIS W In <k 6 S � f j 'K s e a S ! W a �g in q � $bE586 z CL w a o C U LL Q ono c Iz i J 2 L< U Z m z C O U [] "G, JWJ N (1 U Q mW O J s� R 06 me 2 -2 }10 1 m m x W ri 0 • 1 1 5ar �r umArr AAD aPAAVALfL FA.tamvr 1 1 1 11 �6 •� LOT 11 N61 P4 21 W - -- -------------- - - - - -- 1 , /744'6 S /TISRY �OMMi, / 11 -, / • / . ' / //, /METAL ME UILDING TRACT A ,a, . i O O EAGLE COUNTY FLING Na CONDOM NIUM MAP OF AVON MM STORAGE CONDO LOT 12, BLOCK 1 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO - - 196.51' \ \ 1 - \-- - - - - - - - - - - - - \ \ \ \ \ 7' 0 M2 F"" 5IIX1 P1PE \ o(r,p) \ \ \ \ O O LOT 12 29.970 SF. a6W AG Z f?. RAMP 3 SPACES com ,4Aik . =_- \ -. - - - _ NOW &TAP9M. WALL -J' "\ S61 t74 21- 11 ND PFMPEBN vE (GE) co mom ELEWW Fp1D 'f REBAR 1F/ &m w Es 7$06 O Fold® T FuEm W/ F AS CAP lS 5447 LOT 13 (GE.) ASPHALT PA NNG \ \ orb 9 SPACES \\ \ \ 717 \ / \ \ \\ 5 SPACES �O \ = 437547' ASPHALT R = 290.57' PA NNG \ L = 172.72' \ EDGE a' AS1UL r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 3 SPACES \\ - - - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - - \ - - - - - --- -- 7rvnA7rAAOaewAttEA.vmvr -- ----- -\ 265.59' - j - - \ \ \ (BAS75 OF BEARINGS) - - - GRAPHIC SCALE ( to eaF ) 1 bsb - to R .0 V a. W . fill §=i J 5g K 5; o ? 0 < @!.€ Z ILY a o Lr O O ix Z J 3 O mp U < Z K O U m w N Z F W m p J SR R � ° z Brio 1 !A e • I SUM • t a i a D 3 A 40 R-00R 3 8 BASBVIT FLOOR J L EAGLE OOUNIY RUNG NO. CONDObIINIUM MAP OF AVON hM SPORAGE CONDONWIUNES IAT A BLOCK 1 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK —� TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO J E no - QVAi)r fW a, TA&F FAQ 1 IAUTA wro FIRST FLMP -O°FNF 729 .AO TIfKIR- IAV(Ril2FD t NQ' /58N- O MTK TAL 11.6 6E5 350 • AA£A Of a4E1R71T -OLMLO G YAMMANIE GCWNOV DzkogvT d WW ST. 3 A GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN Pte[ ) I t-h- IO R 3 8 J 0 • 9 SECTION A (NEW TO THE NOR TN) ELEV. 7660.r sEcaw noae Wmar A 27.J 119' TW3T nax aEV. 76JL9' SECTION C (KEW TO 7HE PEST) SMAW BASF UWE SPACE WT A 1 WT B TRS7 RLOP�9T•LT — Z. SEa7�0 TloC>'I�.NNA ®t M1�T 4my o LAC 166 — • A/3A 0l BAsm✓T -AUE WC MAO", EAGLE COUNTY FLING No. CONDOM NWM MAP OF AVON NM SMRAGE CONDOMINIUMS LOT 1Z, BLOCK 1 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO SECTM B (NEW TO IN£ NORTH) 0"E 766ar Ii lld R". 762J5 . I C�A .r GRAPHIC SCALE o s (0 I= ) th b -to fL SECTION D (WEW 7O THE NEST) sE00k0 n00P o. r WLd 27.J' fwsT now 119' J71 ar I EIEV. 7611.9' Ii lld R". 762J5 . 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