TC Res. No. 2010-06 Approving a lease form for the avon recreation centerTOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 10 -06 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE FORM FOR THE AVON RECREATION CENTER WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that renting a portion of the Avon Recreation Center to a physical therapy service provider will enhance the community benefits of the Avon Recreation Center and will generate rent revenues to help financially support the Avon Recreation Center; and, WHEREAS, section 2.1(a) of the Town of Avon Home Rule Charter provides that the Town may hold and enjoy real property, and §31- 15- 713(1)(c) provides that a municipality may lease property for a period of one year or less by resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON that the attached Avon Recreation Center Lease Form is hereby approved and that the Town Council further resolves to authorize the Town Manager to execute the attached Avon Recreation .Center Lease Form with a physical therapy service provider for a lease term not to exceed one year. ACCEPTED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on February 23, 2010. AVON TOWN COUNCIL By. nan Sipes, Mayor Pro Tern [Se ] Attest: (< L cIfenny, w Jerk