TC Res. No. 2006-15 OPPOSING PUBLIC AUCTION OF U.S. FOREST SERVICE LANDSTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 06-15 Series of 2006 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING PUBLIC AUCTION OF U.S. FOREST SERVICE LANDS IN EAGLE COUNTY TO FUND FEDERAL PROGRAMS WHEREAS, the US Presidents FY 2007 Budget Proposal for the Forest Service includes provisions for funding renewal of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000 (the "Act") by sale to the highest bidder of designated parcels of land owned by the U3. Forest Service; and WHEREAS, the Act's specific findings and purposes are limited to 72 counties in Oregon, Washington and northern California in which Federal timber sales have been restricted and the Federal government desires to share lost timber revenues from affected Federal lands in these specific areas back to the same counties; and WHEREAS, the current proposal for providing this funding relies solely on the sale of lands throughout the U.S. Forest Service system, including two parcels of land adjacent to the unincorporated Edwards area of Eagle County; and WHEREAS, there is no rational nexus between the sale and disposal of public lands in the White River National Forest System, including the two parcels of land proposed for auction, or any other parcel of existing forest service land in Eagle County including all federal lands adjacent to the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the one time auction of any existing federally protected public forest lands in the White River National Forest system will create a precedent that is considered a legitimate threat to Avon, Eagle County, and the State of Colorado's quality of life and economy that is heavily reliant on the forest service public lands system for recreation, wildlife, water quality, and eco- tourism; and WHEREAS, the random disposal and sale of existing federal public lands in Eagle County is a serious and devastating threat to the ability of local governments to control and plan for orderly growth and public infrastructure necessary to serve growth which is contrary to the intent and - stated findings of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 that this proposal intends to address in Oregon, Washington and California only; and WHEREAS, the proposal to sell federal lands to the highest bidder does not protect the right of local governments to control growth and impacts to public infrastructure, nor does it propose or include a right of first refusal to local governments in order to prevent unplanned growth or unnecessary impacts to already burdened public infrastructure, in the event that this proposal is passed; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon opposes the proposal and any similar federal action that would result in the loss of open space, critical wildlife habitat, watershed recharge areas, scenic vistas, and existing White River Forest system public lands that are critical to our local economy and quality of life; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon will vigorously challenge this proposal and hereby resolves to take all available actions as to prevent the sale of public forest service lands in Eagle County, including future proposals, that may be adjacent to the Town and our neighboring communities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado hereby states it opposition to this preposterous and dangerous proposal and urges the Colorado Municipal League and Town citizens to submit comments against this action and that the Colorado's U.S. Senators and our U.S. District Congressional Representative oppose these sales. Adopted this 14th day of March, 2006 WN OF AVON. COLORADO OF AY, Ronald C Wolfe, Mayor Resolution No. 06-15 USFS Land Sale Opposition Page 2 of 2 r s y AVON C O L O R A D O Avon... a smoke free community Post Office Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 Fax Relay recognized www.avon.org March 20, 2006 Mr. Sam Mamet Colorado Municipal League 1144 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203-2207 Dear Sam: Please find attached a Resolution adopted by the Town Council of Avon, Colorado opposing the planned sale of two U.S.F.S. parcels close to the town limits. The Avon Town Council asks the Colorado Municipal League to support our efforts with this topic. Attached are copies of the correspondence which will be forwarded to our congressional leaders in Washington DC as well as the USDA Forest Service. The Town has provided the rational behind our opposition on these land sales in these letters and asks for their support. Sam, if you would like any other information at this time, please feel free to contact me or the Town Manager, Larry Brooks, at 970-748-4005. Re ectfu ly, Ronald C. Wolfe Mayor, Town of Avon • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Tambi Katieb, Community Development Directo Date: March 8, 2006 Re: Resolution 06-15, A Resolution Opposing Public Auction of U.S. Forest Service Lands in Eagle County to fund Federal Programs in Oregon, Washington and northern California Summary: As requested by the Town Manager, staff has prepared Resolution 06-15 opposing the U.S. President's FY 2007 Budget Proposal for the U.S. Forest Service proposal to include a funding renewal of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 by sale to the highest bidder of parcels of land owned by the U.S. Forest Service. While only two parcels in Eagle County are targeted for this auction, the precedent this type of disposal creates represents a dangerous threat to the entire White River National Forest system and specifically to forest system lands that border the Town of Avon and are considered federally protected public lands. There is no rationale or methodology presented with the selection process, nor is there any nexus to the sale of forest service lands in Colorado to the theoretical need for revenue sharing proceeds from this sale to go only to 72 counties in Oregon, Washington and northern California. Attached to this memo is the press release of the U.S. Forest Service, the 2000 Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, and an overview map showing the selected auction parcels in Eagle County. The resolution specifically recommends that the Colorado Municipal League and Town citizens submit comments in opposition of this funding proposal by the March 30, 2006 public comment deadline. E BCamciFMEM0S\2"JZm 06-15 USM Auction opposition.Doc Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 06-15, a resolution opposing public • auction of U.S. Forest Service Lands in Eagle County to fund Federal Programs in Oregon, Washington and northern California Proposed Motion: I move to approve Resolution No. 06-15, a resolution opposing public auction of U.S. Forest Service Lands in Eagle County to fimd Federal Programs in Oregon, Washington, and northern California ' Town Manager Comments: "Oil '0~ G% Attachments: Exhibit A: Resolution 06-15 Exlnbit:B: USDA Forest Service Press Release dated February 28, 2006 --Exhibit C: Secure Rural-Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000 Exhibit D: Overview Map of proposed Eagle County auction parcels FAComciRMEMOSOMPta OCr 15 USFS Auction Oppw tiaLdm