TC Res. No. 2004-04 RELATING TO THE EXTENSION OF THETOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 04-04 SERIES OF 2004 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE EXTENSION OF THE LOT 61 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FOR LOT 61, BLOCK 2, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, IDG3 LLC has worked diligently with Town staff on a revised Planned Unit Development ("PUD") for Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, after a second extension of time for the Lot 61 PUD expiration deadline from February 3, 2003 to February 3, 2004, for the purpose of exploring development opportunities related to the recently adopted Town Center Plan; and WHEREAS, the second PUD extension granted in 2003 through Ordinance 03-01, extending existing development rights for the Lot 61 PUD, shall expire on February 3, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon is currently reviewing a new Lot 61 PUD Development Plan and development agreement (pending Ordinance 04-01), which requires more time to establish whether approval of the application is in the best interest of the Town; and WHEREAS, realizing that the Lot 61 PUD (Ordinance 03-01) requires the underlying Town Center zoning to revert on February 3, 2004 and may not represent the highest and best use of this property; and WHEREAS, the public hearing review by the Town of the proposed Lot 61 PUD Development Plan (Ordinance 04-01) may extend beyond the expiration date of Ordinance 03-01 causing the existing development rights to lapse and the property to revert to Town Center zoning; and CADocuments and Settings\pmckenny\Local Settingffemporary Intemet Files\OLKB\Res 04-04 Lot 61 B2 BMBC Ext. Intent.doc WHEREAS, based upon the evidence, testimony, and exhibits, and a review of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Avon and the Town Center Implementation Plan , Town Council of the Town of Avon finds as follows: 1. In the interest of preserving the existing development rights on the Lot 61 PUD (Ordinance 03-01), the Planning & Zoning Commission shall entertain review and recommendation of extending the current Lot 61 PUD in order to allow Council adequate time to review and evaluate the pending Lot 61 PUD Development Plan (Ordinance 04-01). 2. The Planning & Zoning Commission shall review the extension of Ordinance 03- 01 based upon the criteria established in Section 17.20.110. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO that the Town Council hereby endorses the review and consideration of extending the Lot 61 Planned Unit Development (Ordinance 03-01) by the public process set forth in the Avon Municipal Code, Section 17.20.110 in order to preserve the existing development rights while continuing to review the pending application for Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Ordinance 04-01). ADOPTED THIS 37 ~j1t OF 4 ~ ^s r ATTEST: Town Clerk DAY OF J( , 2004. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Mayor CADocuments and Settings\pmckenny\Local Settingffemporary Intemet Files\OLKB\Res 04-04 Lot 61 B2 BMBC Ext. Intent.doc I *Memo Ta Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thar. Lary Brooks, Town Manager From: Tambi K tale Norm Wood Date January 22, 2004 fie: Resolution 04-04 Relating to the Extension of the Lot 61 PUD Summary On January 13"', 2004, Town Council recommended staff address the potential lapsing of the development rights for Lot 61 PUD (Ordinance 03-10) while the review process of the pending Ordinance 04-01 for the Lot 61 PUD Development Plan and development agreement occurs. Attached is proposed Resolution 04-04, which recommends Planning & Zoning review the extension of Lot 61 PUD while the public review process of the pending application • (Ordinance 04-01) is evaluated. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: Resolution 04-04 E Comprehensive Plan Consultant Interviews Page 1 of 1 January 13, 2004 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. .04-04 SERIES OF 2004 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE EXTENSION OF THE LOT 61 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FOR LOT 61, BLOCK 29 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, IDG3 LLC has worked diligently with Town staff on a revised Planned Unit Development (""").for Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark-of Beaver Creek, after a. second extension of time for the Lot 61 PUD expiration deadline from February 3, 2003 to February. _3,,, 2004, for the Purpose of exploring development opportunities related to, the recently adopted Town Center Plan; and WHEREAS, the second PUD extension granted in 2003 through Ordinance 03-01, extending existing development rights for the Lot 61 PUD, shall expire on February 3, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon is currently reviewing a new Lot 61 PUD Development Plan and development agreement (pending Ordinance 04-01), which requires more time to establish whether approval of the application is in the best interest of the Town; and WHEREAS, realizing that the Lot 61 PUD (Ordinance 03-01) requires the underlying Town Center zoning to revert on February 3, 2004 and may not represent the highest and best use of this property; and WHEREAS, the public hearing review by the Town of the proposed Lot 61 PUD Development Plan (Ordinance 04-01) may extend beyond the expiration date of Ordinance 03-01 causing the existing development rights to lapse and the property to revert to Town Center zoning; and • F:\Counci1\Res01uti0ns\2004\Res 04-04 Lot 61 B2 BMBC Ext. Intent.doc WHEREAS, based upon the evidence, testimony, and exhibits, and a review of the • Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Avon and the Town Center Implementation Plan, Town Council of the Town of Avon finds as follows: 1. In the interest of preserving the existing development rights on the Lot 61 PUD (Ordinance 03-01), the Planning & Zoning Commission shall entertain review and recommendation of extending the current Lot 61 PUD in order to allow Council adequate time to review and evaluate the pending Lot 61 PUD Development Plan (Ordinance 04-01). 2. The Planning & Zoning Commission shall review the extension of Ordinance 03- 01 based upon the criteria established in Section 17.20.110. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO that the Town Council hereby endorses the review and consideration of extending the Lot 61 Planned Unit Development (Ordinance 03-01) by the public process set forth in the Avon Municipal Code, Section 17.20.110 in order to preserve the existing development rights while continuing to review the pending application for Lot 61, Block • 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (Ordinance 04-01). ADOPTED THIS DAY OF 72004. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk • FACounci1lReso1utions\2004\Res 04-04 Lot 61 B2 BMBC Ext. Intent.doc