TC Res. No. 2002-32aV io - TOWN OF AVON. RESOLUTION NO.02-32 SERIES OF 2002 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MASTER.DEED RESTRICTION AGREEMENT FOR LOT C PUD ("Mountain Vista Resort AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION., TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, the Lot C PUD.Zoning and Development Plan for Mountain Vista Resort, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision (hereinafter referred to as" Mountain Vista") approved by Ordinance 98-21 and Ordinance 00-02 included a requirements for 20 employee deed restricted housing units provided by the property owner, Points of Colorado, Inc; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has already adopted and entered into a master deed restriction for the Lot C project on April 24, 2001 through Resolution 01708 as, required that includes provisions for selling and leasing the 20 employee housing units, and that constitute covenants running with the real property and are specifically enforceable by the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon may amend the Deed Restriction Agreement to allow Mountain Valley Developmental Services, Inc., a Colorado non-profit, corporation, to purchase several of these units for the benefit of persons with developmental disabilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF AVON, that the Deed Restriction Agreement for The Occupancy, Rental, And Resale of Units by the Town of Avon and Points of Colorado, Inc. is hereby amended with the following provision: Article 2 entitled Sale and Transfer of Units 2.1 Declarant and all subsequent owners shall restrict the sale and transfer of the Units to "Qualified Buyers," as defined as follows: Add subsection (f): L Mountain Valley Developmental Services, Inc., a Colorado non=profit corporation and a designated Community Centered Board which assists developmentally disabled persons in obtaining normal residential surroundings in furtherance of the policy of the. State of 799409 Page: 1 of 2 06/21/2002 01:50P, Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 10.00 D 0.00 799409 Page: 2 of 2 06/21/2002 01:50P, Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 10.00 D 0.00 J Colorado as set forth in C.R.S. 30-28-115 (2)(a), is considered. a qualified buyer by the Town of Avon with the following stipulations: i. So long as Mountain Valley owns a unit, each unit shall be used and occupied by developmentally disabled persons receiving services from Mountain Valley, and/or by one person then employed by Mountain Valley and providing assisted living services to the developmentally disabled residents. Whenever possible, such clients shall be employed in Eagle County, and shall work at least 30 hours per week on an average annual basis. Clients utilizing these units shall also meet the income qualifications as stated in Article 2, subsection (c). ADOPTED THIS 11 TH. DAY OF JUNE 2002. TOWN COUNCIL . TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J Yode , )az M or ATTE T: Pa enny, Town ler TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 02-32 SERIES OF 2002 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MASTER DEED RESTRICTION AGREEMENT FOR LOT C PUD ("Mountain Vista Resort AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREED SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, the Lot C PUD Zoning and Development Plan for Mountain Vista Resort, ,Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision,.(hereinafter referred to as "Mountain Vista") approved by Ordinance 98-21 and.Ordinance 00-02 included a requirements for 20 employee deed, restricted housing units provided by the property owner, Points of Colorado, Inc; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has already adopted and entered into,a master deed. restriction for the Lot C'project on April 24, 2001 through Resolution 01-08 as required that includes provisions for selling and leasing the 20 employee, housing units, and.that constitute covenants running with the real property and are specifically enforceable by the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avonmay amend the Deed'Restriction Agreement to allow Mountain Valley Developmental Services, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation, to purchase several of these units for the benefit of persons with developmental disabilities. N OW,.THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF AVON, that the Deed Restriction. Agreement For The Occupancy, Rental, And Resale of Units by.the Town of Avon and Points of Colorado, Inc. is hereby amended with the following provision: Article 2 entitled Sale and Transfer of Units 2.1 Declarant and all subsequent owners shall restrict the sale and transfer of the Units to "Qualified Buyers," as defined as follows: Add subsection (f): L Mountain Valley Developmental Services, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation and a designated Community Centered Board which assists developmentally disabled persons in obtaining normal residential surroundings in furtherance of the policy of the State of Colorado as set forth in C.R.S. 30-28-115 (2)(a), is considered a qualified buyer by the Town of Avon with the following stipulations: i. So long as Mountain Valley owns a unit, each unit shall be used and occupied by developmentally disabled persons receiving services from Mountain Valley, and/or by one person then employed by Mountain Valley and providing assisted living services to the developmentally disabled residents. Whenever possible, such clients shall be employed in Eagle County, and shall work at least 30 hours per week on an average annual basis. Clients utilizing these units shall also meet the income qualifications as stated in Article 2, subsection (c). ADOPTED THIS 11 TH DAY OF JUNE 2002. .n.`' ATTEST: Li Pa envy, Town ler TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J y Yode , M or Memo TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager V- From: Ruth Borne, Community Development Director Tambi Katieb, Planner II ,Oe Data June 5, 2002 Re: Amendment to the Lot C PUD Employee Housing Deed Restriction Summary Mountain Valley Developmental Services, Inc ("Mountain Valley") is a Colorado non-profit corporation and a designated Community Services Board providing services for developmentally disabled persons of all ages pursuant to the provisions of Article 10.5 of Title 27 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Currently, the Lot C Deed Restriction Agreement ("Agreement") for the 20 units located at Sheraton Mountain Vista does not-allow for Mountain Valley to be considered as a qualified buyer. Therefore, we are proposing an amendment to the Agreement to allow Mountain Valley to purchase these units for the benefit of persons with developmental disabilities. Jim McKnight of Points of Colorado has consented to this change as evidenced by the attached correspondence. Mountain Valley is interested in purchasing (3) studio units. The revision to the Agreement will allow the Town to facilitate providing housing for developmentally disabled persons. Recommendation Staff recommends that you approve Resolution 02-32, amending the Lot C Deed Restriction Agreement to allow Mountain Valley Developmental Services to purchase several units for the benefit of program clients. Town Manager Comments T cane- ✓ - 5 s S ° Attachments: A - Resolution 02-32 B -Letter from Jim McKnight C - Overview of Mountain Valley Developmental Services Memo to Town Counc U, June 11, 2002 Page 1 of 1 Re: Resolution 02 -32, An Amendment W the Master Deed Restriction Agreement for the Lot C PUD TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 02-32 SERIES OF 2002 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MASTER DEED RESTRICTION AGREEMENT FOR LOT C. PUD ("Mountain Vista Resort AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREEK' SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE C.OUNTY,COLORADO WHEREAS, the Lot C PUD Zoning and Development Plan for Mountain Vista Resort, Avon Center at-Beaver Creek Subdivision (hereinafter referred to as `Mountain Vista's approved by Ordinance 98-21 and Ordinance 00-02 included a requirements for 20 employee deed restricted housing units provided by the property owner, Points of Colorado, Inc; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has already adopted and entered into a master deed. restriction for the Lot C project on April 24, 2001 through Resolution 01-08 as required that includes provisions for selling and leasing the 20 employee housing units, and -that constitute covenants running with the real property and are specifically enforceable by the Town; and WHEREAS, the. Town of Avon may amend the Deed Restriction Agreement to allow Mountain Valley Developmental. Services, Inc.; a Colorado non-profit corporati on, to purchase several of these units for the benefit of.persons with developmental disabilities. NOW, TI3EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF AVON, that the Deed Restriction Agreement for The Occupancy, Rental, And Resale of Units by the Town of Avon and Points of Colorado, Inc. is hereby amended with the following provision: Article 2 entitled Sale and Transfer of Units 2.1 Declarant and all subsequent owners shall restrict the sale and transfer of the Units to "Qualified Buyers," as defined as follows: Add subsection (f): L Mountain Valley Developmental Services, Inc., a Colorado non-profit corporation and a designated Community Centered Board which assists developmentally disabled persons Y 4 in obtaining normal residential surroundings in furtherance of the policy of the State of Colorado as. set forth in C.R.S. 30-28-115 (2)(a), is considered a qualified buyer by the Town of Avon with the following stipulations: i. So long as Mountain Valley owns a unit, each unit shall be used and occupied by developmentally disabled persons receiving services from Mountain Valley, and/or by one person then employed by Mountain; Valley and providing assisted living services to the. developmentally disabled residents. Whenever possible, such clients shall be employed in Eagle County, and shall work at least 30 hours per week on an average annual basis. Clients utilizing these units shall also meet the income qualifications as stated in Article 2, subsection (c). ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF JUNE 2002. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk 08/05/02 17:28 _FAX 4072593158 Jun-05-Z00Z 18:60 FrwTOWN OF AVON CO1100JNITY DEVELOPNENT 6709495749 Town of Avon Community Development PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Volce 970.748.4030 Fax, - 970.9.49.6149, FM T-51T P.001/008 F-055 f VON C 0 L 0 R A D o To: C t111~~ Froms Fa= PagOW Includes Cover Sheet. 640~ Phoney Dat®e (D C7 Re: C6l D Urgent Q For Review D Please Comment O Please Reply 0 As R6qWested • CoROment®: ~ 41 Tb~ ~ t>~'~1,C~1-1 D O 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ S VIA Ri4ac 9To • 949.5Z4°.f . RECEIVED JUN 0 5 2002 J. McKNIGHT k OVERvTF,W ON PROGRAM Mountain Valley Developmental Services was formed in 1973 by a group of parents and volunteers, and was incorporated as a non-profit in 1975 and designated as a Community Center Board for the state of Colorado. Mountain Valley has since grown into a comprehensive organization, which provides a broad array of services to children and adults with developmental disabilities. Mountain Valley currently provides services within the following program areas. within Eagle` County: Case Management and Support services: eligibility determination under the provisions of CRS 27-.1A.5;.evaluation; the development of the Individualized Plan, case coordination, and monitoring of.services; transportation services or coordination; coordination and monitoring of medical and dental needs and care specialized therapies including physical. therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy; resource coordination to assist,persgns served and.families in accessing other services to which they may be entitled; assistance with the preservation of legal rights. Family Support semicrs:.assistanc a in accessing entitlements and resource coordination; direct financial assistance far fbod,:shelter, and medical care; purchase of respite, after school and day care; an array of supportive services specifically dcsi,gned to prcvcni out of home placement of children identified to be at risk of placement. Early Intervention services: assist families through the mitigation of an array of effects which could potentially occur as a result of a child's developmental delays; reduce costs to school districts. Adult Vocational and Day Activity services: provide persons with disabilities with opportunities to became productive wage earners; provide persons served with. opportunities for inclusion. within recreation, social, and civic activities within their home community; assist persons with disabilities in accessing the full array of supports to which they may be entitled; assist with, the preservation of legal rights. Adult Residential services: provide persons with disabilities with skills and supports which result in opportunities for independent living within their home community and promote inclusion within the array of life activities available within the community; provide housing to persons with developmental disabilities within an array of community integrated residential sites including group homes, host homes, supported living, and personal crape alternatives; monitor and coordinate the nutritional, medical, and dental needs of persons served. Supported Employment: provides the opportunity to work in a variety of integrated settings, which arc located throughout the community. Individuals served receive training related to job development of specific skills tieecssary.to fulfill the requirements of the job. 'ncc job' also provides assistance with the development of appropriate interpersonal relationships with co-workers, the use of community support systems, the use of public transportation and/or car pools, and access to recreation and social activities. _ _ . ...T -rn i-n Unr Aat,Q-ctiA-n)f;iai SAS AN A311UA N1W ~1. Individualized placements in community settings are obtained and maintained through intensive on-the-job training and necessary ongoing support services are provided with the assistance of job coaches. NEED FOR HOUSING: It is a high-priority to expand our residential services in the Avon and. Eagle areas. We would like to purchase additional housing units to Facilitate supported living for more People. We want to expand services for assistance wiih independent living, leisure and recreation activities. We are currently sceving seven individuals in our residential: program. Mountain Valley has approximately 1.0 people on our waiting list for services that will need housing over. the next 5 years. Employee housing is a continuing concern for all employers in the valley. One.of our increasing concerns with expansion of services . in the liaglc area is making sure we have the work force to support the program. Housing far employe es.as,well as the indi-viduals'we serve would be crybetiefccial to our success. We are hoping that your project will give 'us the opportunity. Another issue that our agency is facing is a lawsuit that is ctccrcritly pending. Several people. on the waiting list arc suing the Statc of Colorado. for services: if the State loses this lawsuit our agency will be mandated to serve the waiting list individuals in a very . short period of time.. similar lawsuits have been filed in several other states. Two of those: have been settled in ravor of the plaintiff. _ - _ . 1.1^41 A abQ-ctA-n) h: aT SMS AN A311dh N1W