TC Res. No. 2002-26I_ ~'34 11111111 1111111,1111 11~1 Jill 11111 1~11111 i .59,2,r2/121,.2 1 .53P ( Page : 1 of 4 . Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO - 370 R 20.00 D 0.00 A' RESOLUTION AMENDING EXHIBIT B OF THE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR'THE VILLAGE (at AVON) FILING 2, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Buffalo Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation, a Colorado nonprofit corporation, Buffalo Ridge II LLLP and Traer Creek LLC, the owner of the applicable portion of The Village (at*Avon) has filed a Final Plat and Subdivision Improvements Agreement for'The Village (at Avon) Filing 2, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado for approval in accordance _ with Chapter 16.20 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Council approved these documents through action taken by Resolution 02-20 on April 23, 2002; and WHEREAS, the cost. of public'improvements related to the project has been reduced as the result of actual' bids received for the project; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon desires to receive only the, amount needed to provide the necessary security for the public improvements WHEREAS, the attached Exhibit B to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement provides security for the construction of the public improvements required for development of The Village (at Avon) Filing 2 Subdivision as required by Section 16.24.100 of the Avon Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the Town hereby finds and determines that the attached Exhibit B is approved and shall be substituted for the Exhibit B previously approved through resolution 02- 20 as part of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement, for The Village (at Avon) Filing 2. ADOPTED THIST DAY OF'May 2002. . y ATTES 4~ a M Kenn Clerk TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 02-26 Series of 2002 TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J . y Yoder M r . Y _ M [t CO O `o W in im iii N CL m m ~ N ®®e _o r®o ~ U ~W ~W ~ L ~m ~v N - LL - L Village (at Avon) Filing 2 Subdivision Improvements Agreement - Exhibit B Wintergreen Homes 2:49 PM 5/24/2002 SIA budget / Sheet2 Unit Item Description Quantity Unit Cost Extension Subtotal 1 General 1.1 Mobilization 1 LS 14,000.00 $14,000 subtotal $14,000 2 Demolition 2.1 Fence & barricade removal 1 LS 4,753.00 $4,753 subtotal $4,753 3 Earthwork 3.1 Clear & Grub 11150 CY 1.47 $16,391 3.2 Topsoil - replace 2000 CY 7.50 $15,000 3.3 Excavation 58548 CY 0.74 $43,033 3.4 Embankment 72254 CY 0.56 $40,180 subtotal $114,604 4 Road Construction 4.1 Subgrade prep. 13430 SY 1.30 $17,459 4.2 Bike path subgrade prep. 4205 SY 1.30 $5,467 4.3 Class 6 road base a 10" 8047 Tons 13.09 $105,300 d Bike path 1245 Tons 16.06 $20,000 4.4 Asphaltic concrete a 4" 3428 Tons 36.07 $123,653 c 3" bike path 520 Tons 45.38 $23,598 4.5 Guardrail 2171 LF 13.35 $28,987 4.6 Guardrail anchorage 8 EA 1,000.00 $8,000 4.7 Trailhead parking (included in asphalt 0 LS 0.00 $0 4.8 Striping 1 LS 17,000.00 $17,000 4.9 Signs 11 EA 1,200.00 $13,200 4.11 Sidewalk (ind prep) 10026 SF 6.98 $70,000 4.12 Bus stop concrete paving 5452 SF 6.60 $35,965 subtotal $468,629 I 5 Drainage & Debris Mitigation 5.1 Pond excavation 32942 CY 0.91 $30,000 5.2 Pond embankment 5504 CY 1.79 $9,860 5.3 18" HDPE 1233 LF 29.44 $36,301 5.4 18" RCP 94 LF 115.17 $10,826 5.5 30" HDPE 689 LF 69.45 $47,851 5.6 48" HDPE 379 LF 45.56 $17,268 5.7 60" HDPE 304 LF 101.28 $30,789 5.8 18" HDPE end section 31 EA 343.16 $10,638 5.9 30" HDPE end section 1 EA 350.00 $350 Village (at Avon) Filing 2 Subdivision Improvements Agreement - Exhibit B LO e [°'y 00 ~yq e m 0 0 M N r^ C O iii CO rR; ~ N d a N ~o ®o i U m ~W L e m s = Wintergreen Homes 2:49 PM 5/24/2002 SIA budget / Sheet2 Unit Item Description Quantity Unit Cost Extension Subtotal 5.10 48" HDPE end section 2 EA 842.00 $1,684 5.11 Storm manholes 5 EA 3,060.60 $15,303 5.12 Inlets 6 EA 2,909.33 $17,456 5.13 Riprap 4688 Tons 9.48 $44,427 5.14 Concrete headwalls 2 EA 5,844.50 $11,689 5.15 Nottingham - Puder ditch a 36" HDPE 843 LF 71.31 $60,114 b 6' manholes 5 EA 3,664.00 $18,320 c Slide gate 1 EA 1,000.00 $1,000 d R/R existing 36"end sections 2 EA 1,000.00 $2,000 e Tie to existing 24" RCP 1 EA 1,000.00 $1,000 5.21 Detention pond outlet structure 6 EA 5,407.67 $32,446 subtotal $399,322 6 Revegetation & Erosion Control 6.1 Erosion control 1 LS 2,671.00 $2,671 6.5 Silt fence 1 LS 9,562.00 $9,562 6.6 Seed & mulch 5 Acre 3,660.00 $18,300 subtotal $30,533 7Uiffles 7.1 Water Main a 12" DIP 4096 LF 35.75 $146,432 b 12" bends 11 EA 7.45 $82 c Fire hydrant assembly 5 EA 3,815.80 $19,079 d 4" water service line 15 EA 2,031.93 $30,479 e Air vac/prv manhole 1 EA 3,650.00 $3,650 7.2 Sanitary Sewer Main a 8" PVC 5200 LF 20.15 $104,762 b Manholes 18 EA 2,096.67 $37,740 c Sanitary service lines 15 EA 964.73 $14,471 subtotal $356,695 8 Retaining Walls 8.1 MSE walls 6289 SF 56.44 $354,935 8.2 Wall Excavation 4100 CY 10.03 $41,107 8.3 Wall backfill 2500 CY 8.22 $20,554 8.4 Boulder retaining wall 6289 SF 16.38 $103,034 subtotal $519,630 9 Booster Pump Station 9.1 Package (above ground from EFI) 1 EA 100,000.00 $100,000 9.2 Site electrical & concrete 1 EA 25,000.00 $25,000 Village t Avon) Filing 2 Subdivision Improvements Agreement - Exhibit B Wintergreen Homes 2:49 PM 5/24/2002 SIA budget / Sheet2 Item Description; Unit Quantify Unit Cost Extension. Subtotal subtotal, 10 Construction Management 10.1 Insurance, bond & fee $125,000 1 EA 9.00% $182,985 subtotal $182,985 ,Total; 51; 34 III Jill Ili ~ 111111111111 7961, ~iGage: 4 of 4 f ~5.28;2002 01 53? ~ Sara J Fisher Eagle, CO 370 R 20.00 0 0.00 G TOAnafAwn E//! P:a X975 400 B31dr13 cRmd VO'N' A%KnG±rdb81620 X748.4005 C O L O R A D 0' Office of the Assistant Town Manager To., Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manage. From: Larry Brooks, Assistant Town. Manage Date: May 9, 2002 Re: The Village (at Avon) Filing 2 ,Subdivision Improvements Agreement (Buffalo Ridge Affordable Housing Project). Summary: The Town Council, recently approved the Final Plat and Subdivision Improvements Agreement by.passage of Resolution 02-20. The .:amount of. the. security for the public improvements related to this project was set at $2,440,635.00, based on. engineers estimates at the time. Since that action was taken, the actual ,bid has been received for the work that is. lower than was estimated by $224,484.00. The actual bid is $2,216,151'.00. The Town is being asked to lower the required security for the project to match the actual bid submitted to, complete the work.. In an age of ever increasing costs, it is rare that we have the opportunity to actually reduce development costs, We have reviewed the bids and believe it appropriate to reduce the required security commensurately. 'Recommendations: Approve Resolution 02-26, Series of 2002, A resolution' Amending Exhibit B of. the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for The-Village (at Avon), Filing 2, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Town Manager Comments: TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 02-26 Series. of 2002 A RESOLUTION AMENDING EXHIBIT B OF THE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR THE VILLAGE (at AVON) FILING 2, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Buffalo Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation, a Colorado nonprofit corporation, Buffalo Ridge II LLLP and-Traer Creek LLC, the owner of the applicable portion of The Village (at Avon) has filed a Final Plat and Subdivision Improvements Agreement for The Village (at Avon) Filing 2, Town ofAvon, Eagle County, Colorado for approval in accordance with Chapter 16.20 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Council approved these documents through action taken by Resolution 02-20 on April 23, 2002; and WHEREAS, the cost of public improvements related.to the project has been reduced as the result of actual bids received for the project; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon desires to receive only the amount needed to provide the necessary security for the public improvements WHEREAS, the attached Exhibit B to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement provides security for the construction'of the public improvements required for development of The Village (at Avon) Filing 2 Subdivision as required by Section 16.24.100 of the Avon Municipal .Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the Town hereby finds and determines that the attached Exhibit B is approved and shall be substituted for the Exhibit B previously approved through resolution 02-20 aspart of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for The Village (at Avon) Filing 2. - ADOPTED THIS DAY OF May 2002. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Patty McKenny Town Clerk Village (at Avon) Filing 2 Subdivision Improvements Agreement - Exhibit B Wintergreen Homes 11:48 AM 5/9/2002 SIA budget / Sheet2 Unit. !tern. Qe#ription Quantity' x Unit... Cost Exteh6di : Subtotal 1 General 1.1 Mobilization 1 LS 14,000.00 $14,000 subtotal $14,000 2 Demolition 2.1 Fence & barricade removal 1 LS 4,753.00 $4,753 subtotal $4,753 3 Earthwork 3.1 Clear & Grub 11150 CY 1.47 $16,391 3.2 Topsoil - replace 2000 CY 7.50 $15,000 3.3 Excavation 58548 CY 0.74 $43,033 3.4 Embankment 72254 CY 0.56 $40,180 subtotal $114,604 4 Road Construction 4.1 Subgrade prep. 13430 SY 1.30 $1-7,459 4.2 Bike path subgrade prep. 4205 SY 1.30 $5,467 4.3 Class 6 road base a 10" 8047 Tons 13.09 $105,300 d Bike path 1245 Tons 16.06 $20,000 4.4 Asphaltic concrete a 4" 3428 Tons 36.07 $123,653 c 3" bike path 520 Tons 45.38 $23,598 4.5 Guardrail 2171 LF 13.35 $28,987 4.6 Guardrail anchorage 8 EA 1,000.00 $8,000 4.7 Trailhead parking (included in asphalt 0 LS 0.00 $0 4.8 Striping 1 LS 17,000.00 $17,000 4.9 Signs 11 EA 1,200.00 $13,200 4.11 Sidewalk (incl prep) 10026 SF 6.98 $70,000 4.12 Bus stop concrete paving 5452 SF 6.60 $35,965 subtotal $468,629 5 Drainage & Debris Mitigation 5.1 Pond excavation 32942 CY 0.91 $30,000 5.2 Pond embankment 5504 CY 1.79 $9,860 5.3 18" HDPE 1233 LF 29.44 $36,301 5.4 18" RCP 94 LF 115.17 $10,826 5.5 30" HDPE 689 LF 69.45 $47,851 5.6 48" HDPE 379 LF 45.56 $17,268 5.7 60" HDPE 304 LF 101.28 $30,789 5.8 18" HDPE end section 31 EA 343.16 $10,638 5.9 30" HDPE end section 1 EA 350.00 $350 Village (at Avon) Filing 2 Subdivision Improvements Agreement- Exhibit B Wintergreen Homes 11:48 AM 5/9/2002 SIA budget / Sheet2 - - ` [~iiif - - -Item Description 'Quantity Unit Cost' E-xten C Subota/M 5.10 48" HDPE end section .2 EA 842.00 $1,684 5.11 Storm manholes 5 EA 3,060.60 $15;303 5.12 Inlets 6 EA 2,909.33 $17,456 5.13 Riprap 4688 Tons 9.48 $44,427 5.14 Concrete headwalls 2 EA 5,844.50 $11,689 5.15 Nottingham - Puder ditch a 36" HDPE 843 LF 71.31 $60,114 b 6' manholes 5 EA 3,664.00 $18,320 c Slide gate-- 1 EA 1,000.00 $1,000 d R/R existing 36"end sections 2 EA 1,000.00 $2,000 e Tie to existing 24" RCP 1 EA 1,000.00 $1,000 5.21 Detention pond outlet structure 6 EA 5,407.67 $32,446 subtotal $399,322 6 Revegetation & Erosion Control 6.1 Erosion control 1 LS 2,671.00 $2,671 6.5 Silt fence 1LS 9,562.00. $9,562 6.6 Seed & mulch 5 Acre 3,660.00 $18,300 subtotal $30,533 7 Utilities 7.1 Water Main a 12" DIP 4096 LF 35.75 $146,432 b 12" bends 11 EA 7.45 $82 c Fire hydrant assembly 5 EA 3,815.80 $19,079 d 4" water service line 15 EA 2,031.93 $30,479 e Air vac/prv manhole 1 EA 3,650.00 $3,650. 7.2 Sanitary Sewer Main a 8" PVC 5200 LF 20.15 $104,762 b Manholes 18 EA 2,096.67 $37,740 c Sanitary service lines 15 EA 964.73 $14,471 subtotal - $356,695 8 Retaining Walls 8.1 MSE walls 6289 SF 56.44 $354,935 8.2 Wall Excavation 4100 CY 1.0.03 $41;107 8.3 Wall backfill 2500 CY 8.22 $20,554 8.4 Boulder retaining wall 6289 SF 16.38 $103,034 subtotal $519 f630 9 Booster Pump Station 9.1 Package (above ground from EFI) 1 EA 100,000.00 $100,000 9.2 Site electrical & concrete 1 EA 25,000.00 $25,000 fr Viilige (at Avon) Filing 2 Wintergreen Homes Subdivision Improvements Agreement - Exhibit B 11:48 AM 5/9/2002 ' SIA budget / Sheet2 Item Description nitTM Quantity Unit Cost Extension, Subtotal subtotal -10 Construction Management 10.1 Insurance, bond & fee $125,000 1 EA 9.00%$182,985 subtotal $182;985 Total $2,216:151 ga