TC Res. No. 2002-18RESOLUTION NO. 02-18 SERIES OF 2002 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2002 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES BY FUND AND AMENDING THE 2002 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN' OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 2002, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2002. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the 2002 budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2002; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2002 budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2002; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the following fund is as follows for 2002: Original or Previously Amended 2002 Budget General Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,528,522 Revenues and Other Sources 10,082,989 Expenditures and Other Uses 10,142,043 Current Proposed Amended 2002 Budget $ 3,528,522 9,956,087 10,269,557 Ending Fund Balance 3,469,468 3,215.052 Original or Previously Amended 2002 Budget Water Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,319,929 Revenues and Other Sources 457,500 Expenditures and Other Uses 416,612 Ending Fund Balance 2-;360.817 Current Proposed Amended 2002 Bud et $ 2,319,929 457;500 465,612 2,311.817 Section 2. That the budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 3. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 26"' day of March 2002. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO 161y Yoder, a ash, Town Clerk 2 General Fund #10 Amended Budget #1 AS— mmary Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Budget Budget Amendment Increase 2000 2001 2002 2002 (Decrease) REVENUES Taxes $ 6,497,103 $ 6,528,606 $ 7,084,748 $ 6,891,946 $ (192,802) Licenses and Permits 498,904 291,447 343,500 343,500 - Intergovernmental 562,325 582,504 595,922 611,822 15,900 Charges for Services 1,389,605 1,278,003 1,505,144 1,555,144 50,000 Fines and'Forfeitures 46,873 56,675 58,675 58,675 - Investment Earnings 425,000 375,000 275,000 _ 275,000 - Other Revenue 727,556 318,000 205,000 205,000 - Total Operating Revenues 10,147,366 9,430,235 10,067,989 9,941,087 (126,902) Other Sources 30,141 147,000 15,000 15,000 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 10,177,507 $ 9,577,235 $ 10,082,989 $ 9,956,087 $ (126,902) EXPENDITURES General Government $ 2,257,771 $ 2,059,031 $ 1,994,769 $ 2,044,769 $ 50,000 Community Development 608,175 635,584 564,836 564,836 - Public Safety 1,467,980 1,696,219 1,578,310 1,609,194 30,884 Public Works 2,374,943 2,684,069 2,466,010 2,512,640 46;630 Recreation and Culture 2,056,555 2,255,412 2,204,385 2,204,385 - Total Operating Expenditures 8,765,424 9,330,315 8,808,310 8,935,824 127,514 Other Uses Transfers-Out to Mall Maintenance 35,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - Transfers-Out to Fire Operations 294,333 - - - _ Transfers-Out to Debt Service 399,890 450,000 450,000 450,000 - Transfers-Out to Finance Authority 115,892 135,015 133,733 133,733 - Transfers-Out to Transit 474,232 900,000 600,000 600,000 - Transfers-Out, to Sherwood Meadows 13,725 160,000 125,000 125,000 - Total Other Uses 1,333,072 1,670,015 1,333,733 1,333,733 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,098,496 11,000,330 10,142,043 10,269,557 127,514 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 79,011 (1,423,095) (59,054) (313,470) (254,416) FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 4,872,606 4,951,617 3,528,522 3,528,522 - FUND. BALANCES, End of Year $ 4,951,617 $ 3,528,522 $ '3,469,468 $ 3,215,052 $ (254,416) Page 1 General Fund Amended Budget #1 Revenue Detail 77 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Budget Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 2000 2001 2002 2002 (Decrease) Taxes: 51161 General Property Tax $ 51102 General Property Tax - Delinquent Collections 51.103 General Property Tax - Interest 51201 Specific Ownership Tax 51301 Sales Tax 51302 Utility Tax 51304 Penalties and Interest 51402 Franchise Fees 51000 Total Taxes 1,317,379 $ 1,074,921 $ 1,252,547 $ 1252,547 $ - - 250 250 250 - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 - •205,030 195,000 205,000. 205,000 - 4,685,788 4,966,935 5,327,451 5,134,649 (192,802) 70,094 70,000 75,000 75,000 - 10,581 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 208,231 210,000 213,000 213,000 - 6,497,103 6,528,606 7,084,748 6,891,946 (192,802) Licenses and Permits: 52101 Liquor Licenses 4,728 4,500 4,500 4,500 - 52102 Business Licenses 17,761 21,000 21,000 21,000 - 52103 Contractor's Licenses 15,199 17,500 17,500 17,500 - 522Q7 Building Permits 323,179 150,000 225,000 225,000 - 52202 Electrical Permits 47,707 4,947 - - - 52203 Plumbing Permits 33,767 30,000 29,000 29,000 - 52204 Mechanical Permits 39,195 35,000 33,000 33,000 - 52205 Road Cut Permits 4,545 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 52206 Other Licenses and Permits 12,823 25,060 10,000 10,000 - 52000 Total Licenses and Permits '498,904 291,447 343,500 343,500 - Intergovernmental: Federal Grants: 53101 COPS 9,254 - - - - 53103 Federal Drug Forfeiture Funds. - 1,408 - - - 53199 Other Federal Grants - 850 - - - Subtotal: Federal Grants 9,254 2,258 - - - State Grants 53299 Other 10,100 7,500 - 15,900 15,900 Subtotal: State Grants 10,100 7,500 - 15,900 15,900 State/County Shared Revenue: 53301 Conservation Trust 25,316 23,500 24,500 24,500 - 53302 Motor Vehicle Registration 20,764 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 53303 Highway User's Tax 157,005 165,516 167,953 167,953 - 53304 Cigarette Tax 44,872 40,080 45,000 45,000 - 53305 County Sales Tax 190,758 213,650 226,469 226,469 - 53306 Road & Bridge Fund 104,256 110,000 112,000 112,000 - Subtotal: Shared Revenue 542,971 572,746 595,922 595,922 - Page 2 General Fund Amended Budget #1 Revenue Detail Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Budget Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 2000 2001 2002 2002 (Decrease) 53000 Total Intergovernmental 562,325 582,504 595,922 611,822 15,900 Charges for Services: General Government: 54101 Sale of Map and Publications 386 500 500 500 - 54102 Photocopying Charges 1,471 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 54103 License Hearing Fees - 100 100 100 - 54104 Other Fees and Charges 250 250 250 250 - 54201 Plan Check Fees 216,907 110,000 182,000 182,000 - 54202 Subdivision Review Fees 3,580 5,000 55,000 55,000 - 54203 Design Review Fees 17,271 15,000 15,000 15,000 - 54204 Animal Control Fees 1,185 1,100 1,200 1,200 - 54205 Abatement Services - 1,120 1,200 1,200 - 54301 Police Reports 1,002 750 750 750 - 54302 Police Contract Services 6,543 6,500 6,750 6,750 - 54303 Fingerprinting Fees 1,285 1,030 1,250 1,250 - 54304 VIN Inspection Fees 13,122 14,000 14,000 14,000 - 54305 Village at Avon Municipal Services - - - 40,000 40,000 54452 Sherwood Meadows Maintenance Chgs - - - 10,000 10,000 Subtotal: General Govern. 263,002 156,850 279,500 329,500 50,000 Recreation Facility: 54601 Admission Fees 839,741 825,000 931,500 931,500 - 54602 Program Fees 46,347 40,000 45,163 45,163 - 54603 Rentals 5,978 4,430 5,001 5,001 - 54604 Merchandise Sales 15,992 23,000 17,730 17,730 - 54605 Childcare 12,952 12,575 13,875 13,875 - 54606 Rec Center Services 9,184 3,500 4,000 4,000 - 54607 Fitness Program Revenues 12,077 15,000 15,250 15,250 - Other Recreation: - 54651 Adult Program Revenues 18,842 20,000 22,500 22,500 - 54652 Cabin Equipment Rentals 41,129 42,000 43,000 43,000 - 54653 Athletic Field Rentals 5,798 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 54654 Cabin Concessions 7,823 7,880 8,000 8,000 - 54655 Youth Program Revenues 65,897 77,500 77,500 77,500 - 54676 Sponsorships 24,645 24,000 20,750 20,750 - 54677 Advertisements 3,730 3,600 3,600 3,600 - 54678 Event Fees 16,468 18,668 13,775 13,775 - Subtotal: Recreation 1,126,603 1,121,153 1,225,644 1,225,644 - 54000 Total Charges for Services 1,389,605 1,278,003 1,505,144 1,555,144 50,000 Page 3 General Fund Amended Budget #1 77, Reirbituabiatall Original or Current Prev: Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Budget Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 2000 2001 2002 2002 (Decrease) Fines and Forfeitures: 55101 Court Fines - Traffic 12,183 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 55102 Court Fines - Criminal 26,093 . 28,000 30,000 30,000 - 55103 Court Fines - Parking 5,039 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 55104 Court Fines - General 392 250 250 250 - 55105 Court Costs 2,991 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 55106 Jury Fees 175 200 200 200 - 55107 Bond Forfeitures - 200 200 200 - 55108 Miscellaneous Court Revenues - 25 25 25 - 55000 Total Fines and Forfeitures 46,873 56,675 58,675 58,675 - Investment. Earnings: 57101 Interest 425,000 375,000 275,000 275,000 - 57000 Total Investment Earnings 425,000 375,000 275,000 275,000 - Other Revenues: 58101 Recreational Amenity Fees 162,287 160,000 80,000 80,000 - 58201 Lease of Town-Owned Property 123,355 33,000 - - - 5$999 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues 441,914 125,000 125,000 125,000 58000 Total Other Revenues 727,556 318,000 205,000 205,000 - Other Sources: 59101 Sales of Fixed Assets 4,046 20,000 15,000 15,000 - 59201 Transfer-In From Capital Projects Fund - 100,000 - - - 59303 Capital Lease Proceeds 26,095 27,000 - - - 59000 Total Other Sources 30,141 147,000 15,000 15,000 50000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 10,177,507 $ 9,577,235 $ 10,082,989 $ 9,956,087 $ _ _ (126,902) Page 4 General Fund Amended Budget #1 epa, _ men pen i i e ummanes ; Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Dept./Div: Actual Budget Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 2000 2001 2002 2002 (Decrease) General Government: Legislative: 111 Mayor and Town Council $ 97,271 $ 90,868 $ 101,138 $ 101,138 $ - 112 Boards and Commissions 11,534 21,092 16,695 16,695 - 113 Town Attorney 107,701 121,061 124,397 124,397 - 114 Public Relations 611,087 270,150 228,500 278,500 50,000 115 Town Clerk 66,601 69,592 85,691 85,691 - Total Legislative 894,194 572,763 556,421 606,421 50,000 Judicial: 121 Municipal Court 48,195 52,159 54,403 54,403 - Executive: 131 Town Manager 245,927 288,766 311,140 311,140 - 132 Human Resources 157,481 140,272 155,765 155,765 - Total Executive 403,408 429,038 466,905 466,905 Finance Department: 141 Finance 372,154 570,303 462,555 462,555 - 142 Information Systems 152,788 152,253 165,979 165,979 - 149 Nondepartmental 387,032 282,515 288,506 288,506 - Total Financial Administration 911,974 1,005,071 917,040 917,040 - Total General Government 2,257,771 2,059,031 1,994,769 2,044;769 50,000 Community Development: 211 Administration 237,012 221,383 160,022 160,022 - 212 Planning 116,401 122,086 129,410 129,410 - 213 Building Inspection 254,762 292,115 275,404 275,404 - Total Community Development 608,175 635,584 564,836 564,836 - Police Department: 311 Administration 321,702 342,507 330,179 330,179 - 312 Patrol 955,606 1,188,000 1,092,746 1,118,630 25,884 313 Investigations 63,939 84,502 73,853 78,853 5,000 314 Community Policing 57,382 - - - - 315 Neighborhood Services 69,351 81,210 81,532 81,532 - Total Police 1,467,980 1,696,219 1,578,310 1,609,194 30,884 Page 5 General Fund Amended Budget #1 Department Expenditure Sumrnanes Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Dept./Div. Actual Budget Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 2000 2001 2002 2002.. (Decrease)_ _ Public Works: 411 Administration 191,608 160,056 151,164 151,164 - 412 Engineering 166,235 185,962 243,231 243,231 - 413 Roads and Streets 840,654 1,026,732 830,634 830,634 - 414 Facilities Maintenance 303,634 387,810 418,179 464,809 46,630 415. Parks 872,812 923,509 822,802 822,802 - Total Public Works 2,374,943 2,684,069 2,466,010 2,512,640 46,630 Recreation and Culture: 513 Special Events 251,546 280,609 231,199 231,199 - 514 Administration 354,609 366,920 350,635 350,635 - 5115 Adult Programs 104,715 127,615 130,432 130,432 - 516 Aquatics 339,494 375,546 396,240 396,240 - 517 Childcare 61,720 72,390 74,233 74,233 - 518 Fitness 120,408 149,833 148,597 148,597 - 519 Front Desk 227,710 247,572 252,267 252,267 - 520 Maintenance 505,482 538,010 520,688 520,688 - 521 Youth Programs 90,871 96,917 100,094 100,094 - Total Recreation and Culture 2,056,555 2,255,412 2,204,385 2,204,385 - TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 8,765,424 $ 9,330,315 $ 8,808,310 $ 8,935,824 $ 127,514 Page 6 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: General Government/Legislative #110 Department: WA Program: Public Relations #114 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Budget Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 2000 2001 2002 2002 (Decrease) Commodities: 62905 Books and Periodicals $ $ 350 $ 350 $ 350 $ - 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 39 300 535 535 - Total Commodities 39 650 885 885 - Services: 63203 Printing and Reproduction Services 4,515 6,000 2,500 2,500 - 63000 Total Services 4,515 6,000 2,500 2,500 - Other Operating Costs: 64301 Postage and Delivery 3,208 5,500 2,115 2,115 - 64902 Financial Support, Donations, and Contributions 592,138 245,000 210,000 260,000 50,000 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments, and Charges 11,187 13,000 13,000 13,000 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 606,533 263,500 225,115 275,115 _ 50,000 60000 Total Expenditures $ 611,087 $ 270,150 $ 228,500 $ 278,500 $ 50,000 Page 7 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Police #310 Program: Patrol #312 Account Number ccount Description Actual 2000 Budget 2001 Original or Prev. Amend. Budget 2002 Current Proposed Amendment 2002 Difference Increase (Decrease) Personnel: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 442,535 $ 562,242 $ 575,225 $ 583,152 $ 7,927 61151 Overtime Wages 49,570 49,770 38,000 50,000 12,000 61205 Uniform and Cleaning Allowance - 1,000 1,690 1,690 - 61301 FT Pension 48,440 61,847 63,278 64,150 872 61303 Wellness 3,485 2,400 3,550 3,550 - 61304 Employee Assistance Program 262. 312 312 312 - 61401 FICA/Medicare 7,118 8,805 8,921 9,036 115 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 65,310 79,678 75,373 75,373 61,505 Long-term Disability Insurance 10,122 13,861 16,206 16,452 246 61507 Dental Insurance 7,233 4,827 5,280 5,280 - 61509 Worker's Compensation 15,652 18,512 19,434 19,434 - 61510 Unemployment Insurance .1,492 1,822 1,846 1,870 24 61000 Total Personnel 651,219 805,076 809,115 830,299 21,184 Commodities: 62101 Police Operating and Field Supplies 5,705 8,200 6,000 9;900 3,900 62102 Firearms and Weapons Supplies 7,537 9,910 7,500 7,500 - 62401 Gasoline 15,727 13,000 19,149 19,949 800 62802 Food and Beverage 554 500 500 500 - 62804 Training Supplies 246 500 500 500 - 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 13,606 11,060 12,500 12,500 - 62806 Safety Materials and Supplies 116, 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 62807 Consumable or Small Equipment Items 1,653 2,000 1,500 1,500 - 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Aid 48 360 400 400 - 62902 AudioNisual Supplies - 89 1,100 1,100 - 62000 Total Commodities 45,192 46,999 50,649 55,349 4,700 Services: 63199 Other Professional Services 63203 Printing and, Reproduction 63505 R&M - Vehicles 63506 R&M - Radios and Communications Equipment 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Equipment 147 - - - - 203 - - - - 565 - - - - 615 - - - - 404 500 500 500 - 63000 Total Services 1,934 500 500 . 500 - Page 8 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Police N10 Program: Patrol #312 Account Number Account Description Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference 64102 Dues, Licenses, and Memberships 64103 Mileage Reimbursement 64105 Training 64201 Telephone 64206 Cellular 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges 64403 Washbay Charges 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments and Charges 64906 Insurance Deductibles 64000 Total Other Operating Costs Capital Outlay: 66402 Computers and Peripherals 66403 Audio and Visual Equipment 66405 Radio and Communications Equipment l Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Budget Budget Amendment. Increase 2000 2001, 2002 2002 (Decrease) 7,809 6,500 405 4,875 - 135 - - - - 69 400 400 400 - 9,380 10,000 8,250 8,250 - 98 - - - - 8,588 6,000 6,000 6,000 - 51,381 66;228 45,985 45,985 - 63,159 124,477 - - - 923 3,120 4,290 4,290 - 114,844 110,000 162,682 162,682 - 875 - - - 257,261 326,725 232,482 232,482 - 2,000 - - - 6,500 - - - 200 - - - 66000 Total Capital Outlay - 8,700 - - 60000 Total Expenditures $ 955,606 $ 1,188,000 $ 1,092,746 $ 1,118,630 $ 25,884 Page 9 . Town of_Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Police #310 Program: Investigations #313 Account Number Account Description. Personnel: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 61151 Overtime Wages 61153 On Call 61205 Uniform and Cleaning Allowance 61301 FT Pension 61303 Wellness 61304 Employee Assistance Program 61401 FICA/Medicare 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 61507 Dental Insurance 61509 Worker's Compensation .61510 Unemployment Insurance 61000 Total Personnel Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Budget Budget Amendment Increase 2000 2001 2002 2002 (Decrease) $ 32,244 $ 41,688 $ 43,787 $ 43,787 $ - 4,846 10,000 6,000 6,000 - - - - 5,000 5,000 - 100 130 130 - 3,489 4,586 _ 4,817 4,817 - - 350 500 500 - 18 24 24 24 - 525 695 740 740 - 5,473. 6,880 7,347 7,347 920 334 350 350 - 649 435 480 480 - 1,598 1,373 1,479 1,479 - 107 144 152 152 49,869 66,609 65,806 70,806 5,000 Commodities: 62101 Police Operating and Field Supplies 62401 Gasoline 62802 Food and Beverages 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 62806 Safety Materials 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment 62902 Audio/Visual Supplies 62904 Software 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 62000 Total Commodities Services: 63203 Printing and Reproduction Services 63302 Laboratory Services 63303 Photography Services 63504 R&M - Office Equipment 63505 R&M - Vehicles 63609 Rentals - Vehicles 63000 Total Services 1,273 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,600 1,200 610 610 130 - - - 399 350 200 200 220 200 200 200 1,088 1,250 250 250 216 100 300 300 331 - - - - 5,257 4,300 2,560 2,560 - 108 50 - - - - 100 - - - 220 500 400 400 - - - 300 300 - 212 - - - 366 - - - - 906 650• 700 700 - Page 10 Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Police #310 Program: Investigations #313 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Budget Budget Amendment increase 2000 2001 2002 2002 (Decrease) Account, Number Account Description Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships 64105 Training 64206 Cellular and Paging 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges 64403 Washbay Charges 64000' Total Other Operating Costs Capital Outlay: , 66403 AudioNisual Equipment 66000 Total Capital Outlay 60006 Total Expenditures 870 - 525 525 - 25 - 100 100 - 135 600 750 750 - 51 - - - 3,692 5,600 3,022 3,022 - 3,066 5,963 - - - 68 780. 390 390_ 7,907 12,943 4,787 4,787 $ 63,939 84,502 $ 73,853 $ 78,853 $ 5,000 Page 11 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Works #400 Department: Public Works Department #410 Program: Facility Maintenance #414 Account Number ccount Description Actual 2000 Budget 2001 Original or Prev. Amend. Budget 2002 Current Proposed Amendment 2002 Difference Increase (Decrease) Personnel: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 67,875 $ 102,058 $ 141,267 $ 172,616 $ 31,349 61121 Seasonal/Temporary Wages - 9,800 - - 61.151 Overtime Wages 7,061 3,000 71600 9,500 1,900 61153 On Call - 7,475 - - - 61301 FT Pension 7,108 11,226 15,539 18,988 3,449 61302 PTS Pension - 423 - - - 61303 Wellness 200 700 1,000. 1,000 - 61304 Employee Assistance Program 51 96 96 120 24 61401 FICA/Medicare 1,082 1,780 2,234 2,641 407 615,01 Group Health and Life Insurance 15,505 20,486 22,075 29,380 7,305 61502 PTS Group Health Insurance - 972 - - 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 514 816 1,130 1,381 251 61507 Dental Insurance 1,851 1,305 1,440 1,920 480 61509 Worker's Compensation 2,815 4,378 6,223 7,604 1',381 61510 Unemployment Insurance 219 367 462 546 84 61000 Total Personnel 104,281 164,882 199,066 245,696 46,630 Commodities. 62205 Plumbing and Electrical Supplies and Materials 9,550 15,000 15,000 15,000 - 62401 Gasoline 300 1,300 1,300 - 62402 Diesel - 300 - - - 62803 Janitorial, Custodial and Cleaning Supplies 7,373 7,700 8,000 8,000 - 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 371 825 1,100 1,100 - 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment 1,270 6,600 6,600 6,600 - 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies 2,845 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 62000 Total Commodities 21,409 32,225 33,500 33,500 - Services: 63501 R&M - Buildings and Facilities 48,734 57,280 78,700 78,700 - 63552 Janitorial and Custodial Services 21,087 32,800 - - - 63599 Other Maintenance Services 5,926 10,830 11,962 11,962 - 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services 3,566 5,600 - - - 63000 Total Services 79,313 105,910 90,662 90,662 - Page 12 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Works #400 Department: Public Works Department #410 Program: Facility Maintenance #414 Account Number Account Description Actual 2000 Budget 2001. Original or Prev. Amend. Budget 2002 Current Proposed Difference Amendment Increase 2002 (Decrease) Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference 499 825 620 620 - 64201 Telephone - - - - - 64202 Gas 11,666 11,780 21,480 21,480 - 64203 Electric 31,715 24,125 26,500 26,500 - 64204 Water and Sanitation 18,430 14,250 19,250 19,250 - 64205 Trash and Recycling 13,544 9,333 11,000 11,000 - 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges - 6,300 7,821 7,821 - 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges - 2,400 - - - 64403 Washbay Charges - 780 780 780 - 64907 Paid Claims - - - - 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 75,854 69,793 87,451 87,451 - Capital Outlay: 66202 Building Improvements 14,416 15,000 7,500 7,500 - 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 8,361 - - - - - 66000 Total Capital Outlay 22,777 15,000 7,500 7,500 - 60000 Total Expenditures $ 303,634 $ 387,810 $ 418,179 _ 464,809 $ _ 46,630 Page 13 Water Fund #24 Amendment #1 Fund MSUrnmary Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Budget. Budget Amendment Increase 2000 2001 2002' 2002 (Decrease) REVENUES Charges for Services $ 351,027 $ 529,000 $ 393,000 $ 393,000 $ - Investment Earnings 76,176 100,000 60,000 60,000 - Other Revenues 1,160 4,500 4,500. 4,500 - Total Operating Revenues 428,363 633,500 457,500 457,500 - Other Sources 40,500 - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 468,863 633,500 457,500 457,500 - EXPENDITURES Water Utilities 124,226 69,246 61,612 110,612 49,000 Total Operating Expenditures 124,226 69,246 61,612 110,612 49,000 Other Uses Transfers-Out To Capital Projects 45,000 280,000 355,000 355,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 169,226 349,246 416,612 465,612 49,000 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 299,637 284,254 40,888 (8,1,12) (49,000) FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 1,736,038 2,035,675 2,319,929 2,319,929 - FUND BALANCES, End of Year $ 2,035,675 $ 2,319,929 $ 2,360,817 $ 2,311,817 $ (49,000) Page 1 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Utilities Department: Public Works Program: Water Utilities #424 Account Actual Budget Number Account.Description 2000 2001 Personnel: Original or . Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Budget Amendment Increase 2002 2002 (Decrease)' 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 15,487 $ 12,464 $ 12,805 $ 12,805 $ - 61122 Overtime. 645 - - - - 61201 Automobile Allowance 192 126 252 252 - 61203 Housing Allowance 120 - - - - 61301 FT Pension 1,688 1,371 1,409 1,409 - 61302 PTS Pension - 110 - - - 61303 Wellness 133 - 132 132 - 61304 Employee Assistance Program 7 5 5 5 - 61401 FICA/Medicare 110 183 189 189 - 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 2,217 1,536 1,627 1,627 - 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 106 100 102 102 - 61507 Dental Insurance 259 96 106 106 - 61509 Worker's Compensation 117 3.91. 805 805 - 61510 Unemployment Insurance 49 38 39 39 - 61000 Total Personnel 21,130 16,420 17,471 17,471 - Commodities: 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies 62000 Total Commodities Services: 63102 Audit and Accounting Services 63104 Engineering Services 63999 Other Contracted Services 63000 Total Services Other Operating Costs: 64399 Other Administrative Fees 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 64905 Insurance Premiums 64000 Total Other Operating Costs Capital Outlay 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment 66601 Mtn Star Tap Fee Reimbursement 66602 Brookside Tap Fee Reimbursement 66701 Water Rights and Augmentation 66000 Total Capital Outlay 60000 Total Water Utilities - 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 447 1,500 1,500 J 1,500 - 2,195 12,500 12,500 61,500 49,000 2,642 15,500 15,500 64,500 49,000 - 250 250 250 - - 1,500 - - - - 250 250 250 - 248 326 141 141 - 248 2,326 641 641 - 23,225 - - - - 45,475 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 16,000 - - 15,506 15,000 8,000 8,000 - 100,206 35,000 28,000 28,060 - $ 124,226 $ 69,246 $ 61,612 $ 110,612 $ 49,000 Page 2 Memo TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: March 20, 2002 Re: Nottingham Lake Drain Valve Replacement - Proposal Summary: The drain valve for Nottingham Lake has deteriorated to the extent that there is a possibility that if it is opened that it will not be possible to re-close the valve. This is a serious problem from both an operational and a safety. standpoint and must be rectified as quickly as possible. Ideally these repairs should be completed prior to spring runoff to enable the lake to be refilled prior to irrigation season. We received the two attached proposals for these repairs. The first proposal was submitted by B & B Excavating with a total cost not to exceed $64,701.73. Site Resources Management, Inc. submitted the second proposal with a guaranteed maximum price of $23,500.00 and an estimated cost of $11,832.00 for repair of expected damage to the bikepath for a total estimated cost of $35,332.00. Both proposals are based on the assumption that the lake level will be lowered six feet and that material removed from the dam will be suitable for backfill of the excavation. The B & B Excavating Proposal includes a better breakdown of the projected costs but these costs are nearly double the costs in the Proposal submitted by Site Resources Management. Both proposals include essentially the same exclusions from the cost of the work. Subsequently we recommend acceptance of the proposal for the drain valve replacement at Nottingham Lake, as submitted by Site Resource Management, Inc. with cost of the defined.work not to exceed $35,332.00 with the acceptance subject to negotiation of satisfactory details and specifications governing the work. C:\Documents And Settings\Swright.TOA\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK12\Lake Drain Replace Memo-1.Doc Financial Implications: This problem was not known to 'exist at budget time and the cost of repairs is substantially more than the $12,500.00 budgeted for lake and ditch maintenance and repairs. We recommend that the following be adopted as a budget for this project and that the Water Fund Budget be amended accordingly: Construction (Base Contract) $ 35,332 Testing & Inspection Services 5,000 Contract Administration 500 Contingencies @ 20% 8,168 Total Estimated Cost (Project Budget) $ 49,000 These funds are available in the Water Fund and will have no impact on the General Operating Funds of the Town. A Resolution including this amendment to the Budget is presented as separate item on this Agenda. Recommendations: Approve proposal for the'drain valve replacement at Nottingham Lake, as submitted by Site Resource Management, Inc. with cost of the defined work not to exceed $35,332.00 with the acceptance subject to negotiation of satisfactory details and specifications governing the work. Town Manager Comments: CADocuments And Settings\Swright.TOA\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK12\Lake Drain Replace Memo-1.Doc 2 `r Town of Avon memo. To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager-O~ Frorm Scott Wright, Finance Director" Data March 21, 2002 Re: Resolution 02-18, Budget Amendment Summary: A budget amendment is proposed to the following funds: General Fund. A budget amendment is proposed to the 2002 General Fund Budget for various items as identified below. ■ $50,000 additional appropriation for Bravo. ■ $12,000 for patrol overtime. This appropriation is offset by the $12;000 LEAF Grant award. ■ $3,900 for PDAs and digital cameras for patrol. This appropriation is offset by the Colorado Rural Law Enforcement Grant award. ■ $5,000 for Police Investigator On Call pay. ■ $9,984 for reclassification of one Patrol Officer to Sergeant. Y $46,630 for a Maintenance Worker II position for Facilities Maintenance. This position should have been included in the original 2002 budget ■ $196,802 decrease in sales tax revenues. The 2001 sales tax revenues upon which the 2002 revenues were based came in 1.64% under projections, prompting' an adjustment of 2002 estimated revenues. In addition, based upon the Town's sales tax growth over the past 4 years, the 6% growth projection over 2001 has been revised to reflect a 5% increase. ■ $50,000 increase in revenues for charges for services for maintenance at Sherwood Meadows and municipal services performed at the Vllage. Water Fund. A budget amendment is proposed to the 2002 Water Fund in the amount of $49,000. Attached is a memorandum from Norm Wood explaining the changes to the original budget Page 1 Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the resolution discussed above as presented: Town Manaaer Comments: . Attachments: A - Resolution 02-18 B - Memo from Norm Wood 0 Page 2