TC Res. No. 2000-52RESOLUTION NO. 00-52 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2000 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET .A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES AND AMENDING THE 2000 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY,. 2000, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2000. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the 2000 Capital Projects Fund budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2000 Capital Projects Fund budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the Capital Projects Fund is revised as follows for 2000: Original or Previously Amended 2000 Budget Capital Projects Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,351,242 Revenues and Other Sources 1,844,093 Expenditures and Other Uses _ 3,009,419 Ending Fund Balance $ 2„185,916 Current Proposed Amended 2000 Budget $ 3,351,242 2,436,200 2,730,154 $ 3,057,288 1 Section 2. That the Capital Projects Fund budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized, hereby is approved and adopted as the capital program budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 3. That the Capital Projects Fund budget hereby approved, amended, and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 14' day of November, 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J Yode r ATTEST: Khtten Nash Town Clerk 2 Capital Projects Fund #41 Final Amended Budget Fund~,Summary Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999. 2000 2000 (Decrease) REVENUES Taxes $ 1,950,670 $ 2,253,373 $ 1,050,000 1,600000 $ 550,000 Intergovernmental 607,869 200,000 670,000 620,000 (50,000) Investment Earnings 125,804 137,801 113,093 160,200 47,107 Other Revenue , 73,969 35,183. 11,000 11,000 - Total Operating Revenues 2,758,312 2,626,357 1,844,093 2,391,200 547,167 Other Sources: Transfer.ln from Other Funds 2,059,507 250,836 - 45,000 45,000 Bond Proceeds. 7,085,000 - - - - Capital Lease Proceeds 114,600 225,954 - - - TOTAL REVENUES 12,016,819 3,103,147 1,844,093 2,436,200 .592,107 EXPENDITURES Capital Improvements: Facilities 4,965,193 4,652,394 255,218 236,218 (19,000) Land and Land Improvements 128,966 2,091 227,909 227,909 - Roads and Streets 1,565,150 851,523 2,071,665 1,734,000 (337,665) Recreation - - 185,000 217,400 32,400 Stormwater and Drainage - - - 45,000 45,000 Strategic Planning 44,537 38,085 25,000 25,000 - Communications - 139,939 100,000 106,000 - Other 1,500 2,250 6,000 6,000 - Debt Service: Capital Lease Payments 397,321 80,605 123,416 123,416 - Total 7,102,667 5,766,887 2,994,208 2,714,943 (279,265) Other Uses Bond Issuance Costs 317,621 - - - - Operating Transfer-Out to Debt Service Fund 563,570 - - - - Operating Transfer-Out to Wildridge S.I.D. 17,171 16,191 15,211 15,211 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,001,029 5,783,078. 3,009,419 2,730,154 (279,265) NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 4,015,790 (2,679,931) (1,165,326) (293,954) 871,372 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Year 2,015,383 6,031,173 3,351,242 3,351,242 - FUND BALANCE, End of Year $ 6,031,173 $ 3,351,242 $ 2,185,916 $ 3,057,288 $ 871,372 Page 1 Capital Projects Fund #41 Final Amended Budget ReVkq-y: Delta I Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference, Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number _ Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease). - - - Taxes: 51401 Real Estate Transfer Tax $ 1,950,670 $ 2,253,373 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 550,000 51000 Total Taxes 1,950,670 2,253,373 1,050,000 1,600,000- 550,000 Intergovernmental: State Grants: 53201 CDOT 89,319 - 80,000 80,000 Subtotal: State Grants 89,319 - 80,600 80,000 - Local Government/Other Agency: 53401 Beaver Creek Metro District L 270,004 - - - - 53401 Bachelor Gulch/Smith Creek 213,087 - - - - 53401 Arrowhead 35,459 - - - - 53401 Avon Village - 200,000 390;000 390,000 - 53401 ECO (Tr7ails Grant) - - 200,000 150,000 (50,000) Subtotal: Local Government/Other Agency 518,550 200,000 590,000 540,000 (50,000), 53000 Total Intergovernmental 607,869 200,000 670,000 620,000 (5 ,WO) Investment Earnings: 57101 Interest Earnings 125,804 137,801 113,093 160,200 47,107 57000 Total Investment Earnings 125,804 137,801 113,093 160,200 47,107 Other Revenues: 58102 Utility Capital Facility Fees 1,696 733 2,000 2,000 - 58104 Fireplace Fees 4,500 3,000 9,000 9,000 - 58999 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues 67,773 31,450 - - - 58000 Total Other Revenues 73,969 35,183 11,000 11,000 - Other Sources: 59201. Transfer in from Other Funds 2,059,507 250,836 - 45,000 45,000 59301 COP and Bond Proceeds 7,085,000 - - - - 59303 Capital Lease Proceeds 114,000 225,954. - - - 59000 Total Other Sources 9,258,507 476,790 - 45,000 45,000 50000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 12,016,819 $ 3,103,147 $ 1,844,093 $ 2,436,200 $ 592,107 Page 2 Capital Projects Fund #41 Final Amended Budget CIP p c'ects.lnventory Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 1998 1999 2000 2000. (Decrease) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Facilities: 11001 Municipal Building Improvements $ 363,669 $ - $ - $ - $ - 12001 Fire Station Expansion/Remodel - 17,444 187,000 198,000 11,000 13001 Swift Gulch" Facility 4,240,472 4,332,319 68,218 38,218 (30,000) 13002 Pump House and Picnic Shelter 361,052 - - - - 13003 Park Equipment Storage - 302,631 - - - Land and Land Improvements:. Parks: 21001 Pocket Parks 128,966 - - - - 21002 Garton Property - 2,091 227,909 227,909 - Roads and Streets: Streetscape: 31001 Streetscape Planning 41,178 - - - - 31002 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. - 38,979 885,000 835,000 (50,000) 31003 Wildridge Entry Sign - - 104,000 64,000 (40,000) 31004' Nottingham Rd. Imp., 1-70 to Buck Creek - - 195,000 90,000 (105,000) 31005 Nottingham Rd. Imp., Buck Creek to end - - 200,000 180,000 (20,000) Street Improvements: 32001 Paving. ad Improvements 181,308 140,002 90,000 85,000 (5,000) 32002 W. 'Beaver Creek Blvd Railroad Crossing 51,344 - - - - 32003 Chapel Square Reimbursement, - 150,000 50,000 50,000 - 32004 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Improvements - - 90,000 90,000 - Multi-Modal/Alternative Mobility: 34001 Sidewalks - 19,428 - - - 34002 East Avon Access and Circulation - 120,947 110,000 75,000 (35,000) 34003 Roundabout Pedestrian Crosswalk Improvement - 134,914 - - 34004 Eagle River Bikepath - 10 MAW 210,000 (82,665) 34005 Eagle River Bikepath - Beaver Creek Blvd to Can - - 55,000 55,000 - 35001 Roundabouts: 1,155,320 - - - - 36001 Public Art Work 136,000 247,243 Recreation: 51001 Nottingham Park Basketball Court - - 185,000 217,400 32,400 Stormwater and Drainage: Buck Creek / 1-70 to Eagle River - - - 25,000 25,000 Metcalf Rd. Drainage / 1-70 to Eagle River - - - 20,000 20,000 Strategic Planning: 71001 Development Analysis and Review 20,768 34,701 - - - 79001 Planning and Consulting 23,769 3,384 25,000 25,000 - Communications: 81001 800Mhz Radio System - 139,939 100,000 100,000 - Other: 91001 Fireplace Conversions 1,500 2,250 6,000 6,000 - Total Capital Improvement Projects $ 6,705,346 $ 5,686,282 $ 2,870,792 $ 2,591,527 $ (279,265) Page 3 Town of Avon Memo TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager~~- Frofm Scott Wright, Finance Director Dates November 8, 2000 Re: Capital Project Fund Budget Revisions and Adoptions and Acceptance of Long-range Capital Program SUM- ' the final revised Capital Projects Fund budget for 2000 and the final proposed Capital Projects Fund 2001 budget are hereby submitted for adoption by the Avon Town Council'. In addition to the adoption of the above budgets, also submitted for acceptance by the Town Council is the long-range capital program (otherwise referred to as the 5-year plan). Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the revised 2000 and proposed 2001 budgets as presented, and accept the long-range capital program as submitted. Town Mwmner.Carnments: C u v Attachments: A - Resolution 00-52 B - Resolution 00-53 C - Long-range Capital Program (5-year plan) Page 1