TC Res. No. 2000-45RESOLUTION NO. 00-45 Series of 2000 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AVON, COLORADO OPPOSING "TAXCUT 2000" ON THE NOVEMBER, 2000 STATEWIDE BALLOT (Amendment 21) WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, a home-rule municipality, wishes to officially oppose Colorado's "Taxcut 2000" Amendment, which will be before the voters of the state in the November 2000 as Amendment 21; and 5-I ~c-" WHEREAS, the Town of Avon firmly believes in representative democracy and citizen participation in all forms of government; and WHEREAS, the "Taxcut 2000" Amendment is a long and confusing document which will result in chaos in government and years of expensive lawsuits designed to unravel. the misleading and poorly written language of the amendment; and WHEREAS, "Taxcut 2000" would significantly change the ability of the State and local governments to fund the cost of services provided to its citizens, especially those governments which are dependent on property tax or State revenues. By reducing each effected tax bill by $25 per bill, the amendment would essentially eliminate certain local government funding sources over time. In cases where local governments have little diversity in funding, loss or reduction of a significant revenue source could result in that government's inability to provide essential services; and WHEREAS, the Title Board estimates that the fiscal impact on property taxes in the State of Colorado of this tax cut is approximately $1144.4 million for tax bills due in 2002; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact on sales tax from utility charges in Colorado is a decrease of approximately $39.1 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact on sales and use takes from motor vehicle sales in Colorado is a reduction of approximately $38.9 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the Office of State Planning estimates that the fiscal impact on sales tax on food in Colorado to be a reduction of approximately $142.9 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact from reduction in specific ownership taxes in Colorado will be approximately $58.2 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that approximately $72 million of utility occupation and franchise tax in Colorado will be lost in 2001 as a result,of "Taxcut 2000"; and WHEAEAS, the Town of Avon estimates a loss of revenue of approximately $225,000 in 2001,'.$225,000 in 2002, and $400,000 in 2003 from local sources if "Taxcut 2000" is approved; THEREFORE;-be it resolved that-the=Town Council-of the Town of-Avon encourages the citizens of Avon to oppose the amendment known as "Taxcut 2000" Dated this 1.0 Day of October , 2000 J. Yode or I, Kristen Nash, duly appointed and Town Clerk do c fy-that the,foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that resolution adopted by the To Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, at a meeting held oc oh r 10, 70.00 A ash, Town To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Scott Wright, Finance Director Date: October 4, 2000 Re: Resolution Opposing "TAXCUT 2000" Attached for your review is a resolution opposing "TAXCUT 2000". This measure will appear on the November ballot as a statewide issue. The Colorado Municipal League and the Governor of Colorado have . also opposed this issue as well as the majority of municipalities in Colorado.